A cross between a corgi and a husky - a cheerful, good-natured dog with an unusual appearance

Corgis and huskies are popular and sought-after dogs. But not everyone is familiar with the crossbreeds of these breeds. Mestizos are distinguished by their interesting appearance, easy-going disposition and special attitude towards their owner.

Like all hybrid individuals, a cross between a corgi and a husky has excellent health, but requires proper maintenance, proper feeding, education, and training.

What did the hybrid take from its parents?

It was no coincidence that breeders came up with the idea of ​​crossing corgis and huskies. This is an attempt to combine the positive characteristics of two popular breeds.

From Corgi

The hybrid got its body shape, short legs, head size, and short stature from a corgi. A parent from England passed on to his descendant a funny, slightly sly expression on his face. The qualities of the Corgi mini shepherd - obedience and good communication with the owner - are clearly expressed in the crossbreed.

From a husky

From his Siberian parent, the half-breed inherited triangular erect ears, eye shape, saber-shaped tail, and interesting head color. The horgi also received the structure and type of coat, strength, endurance, and the ability to perform monotonous actions from a noble husky.

Hybridization results

“What happens if you cross a Husky and a German Shepherd?” - thought the newly minted US breeders and mixed the two breeds into a single hybrid.

The resulting mestizo pleased with his appearance, beauty and stature, lively mind and ability to sleep for a short time in the snow in a blizzard.

It turned out that in an attempt to improve, many of the working qualities of two separately superior breeds were lost - the German Shepherd and the Siberian Husky.

The resulting mixed “breed” did not acquire the endurance over long runs typical of sled dogs – once again.

The unconditional obedience and desire to please the owner, developed in the German Shepherd through long decades of selective selection, was lost - two.

The cute bastard (two+ blood - “double blood” in English) disappointed the creators with instability of behavior and inability to pass on the best external and working qualities to his descendants - three.

A cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky, it turned out to be good only as a large decorative dog, which became popular in Canada and the States.

Smart, agile, affectionate, mischievous and devoid of any manifestations of aggression (maximum - hoarse, angry barking with an imitation of an attack), the Gerberian Shepski was recommended as a “therapeutic” dog in canistherapy and for keeping a pet at home.

Characteristics and appearance

A cross between a corgi and a husky has a special appearance:

  • the strong body is slightly elongated - a third more than the height of the animal at the withers;
  • head with an elongated, narrow muzzle;
  • ears are erect, with sharp tips;
  • muscular straight back;
  • strong neck;
  • the animal's paws are rather short than long;
  • beautiful fluffy tail.

The weight of an adult crossbreed is from 15 to 18 kg, height is up to 40 cm. A mixed-breed puppy is covered with thick fur, under which there is a dense undercoat. The length of the coat is medium, but the hips and lower part of the tail are characterized by longer feathering.

The color of the crossbreed can be one-color, two- or three-color. Possible color combinations of white, red, gray, black tones, including spotting and speckling. There are mixed-breed corgis and huskies with a light muzzle, belly, and paws with a dark body color.

The eyes of hybrids can be all shades of brown or blue. Sometimes puppies are born with different colored eyes (one blue, one brown).

Welsh Corgi - a small fox from the world of elves

If you want to get a small dog that looks like a fox, pay attention to the world's smallest shepherd dog. The similarity is not absolute: the ears are too large and the paws are too short.

There is a beautiful legend about their origin, which tells that these wonderful dogs were once riding animals for elves. One day the elves decided to give the little shepherdesses a pair of puppies, and from then on they began to live with people. They have markings on their backs that were the saddles of the fairy folk.

There is a more realistic version of their appearance.
According to archaeological data, the first Welsh Corgis were bred in England in the 9th century. Initially used as herders, the range of corgi occupations has expanded. These pocket dogs have an amazing sense of smell, which is why they are trained as bloodhounds: they successfully help the English police search for drugs.
The Welsh Corgi is a small fox-like dog with thick fur and undercoat. There are both almost black and red ones.

Their character is good-natured and cheerful. They are active, playful, inquisitive. Despite their small size, they have a huge sense of self-esteem and do not tolerate humiliation from their owners. They invariably treat “their own” kindly and friendly.

Character and habits

The Corgi-Husky mix is ​​a friendly, perky, cheerful dog, distinguished by courage and endurance. Thanks to his energetic temperament, he is ready to play all the time. Horgi loves traveling and walking, and shows interest in everything around him.

Metis are well trained, demonstrating intelligence and obedience, but require mandatory education and appropriate training. Horgi does not like to be alone. The owner, leaving the pet alone for a long time, risks finding a destroyed apartment.

For all its openness and sociability, the Hårgi is wary and reserved towards strangers. But there is no aggression in him. Due to its soft nature, a cross between a husky and a corgi does not have protective qualities.

The animal becomes very attached to its owners and does not let anyone around get bored. Until the end of his days, the friendly pet maintains a good-natured attitude towards all household members, including other animals.

Today is the day for Gerber Shepsi

Today, the husky-shepherd mix is ​​being actively promoted as a new breed by unscrupulous breeders, who are commonly called “breeders” or “breeders.” The blue eyed puppies they offer may not even be Gerberian Shepskys!

Shepsky can only be called a cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky in the first generation - an F1 hybrid - 50% of the blood of a purebred Husky mother and 50% of the blood of a purebred German Shepherd father. And never vice versa!

Hybrids of the second, third and subsequent generations as Gerberian Shepski are not even considered.

Crosses obtained by crossing an East European Shepherd and a Husky are also not considered, although in appearance they are very reminiscent of a large Siberian Shepherd.

Features of maintenance and care

The offspring of high-priced parents crossed are not a separate recognized breed. But it also needs proper maintenance and care. A mixed-breed corgi and husky should be taught regular hygiene procedures from childhood:

  1. Brushing the coat 2 times a week. During the molting period, thick fur requires daily attention.
  2. The animal's eyes and ears are examined regularly and wiped at least once a week with a special lotion.
  3. You should brush your teeth once a week.
  4. Once a month you need to trim your nails. Otherwise, they will prevent the dog from placing his paws correctly, which can cause the development of arthritis.
  5. It is enough to bathe your Horgi once a month with a special moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. In wet weather, paws and belly should be washed after each walk.

Attention! After bathing procedures, the animal must be completely dried with a hairdryer. Wet wool can irritate the skin and lead to dermatitis or eczema.

You should not neglect hygiene measures. They will help maintain the natural health of the mestizo.

Feeding the dog

A husky-corgi hybrid needs a balanced diet no less than its purebred ancestors. If you feed your animal natural food, you need to ensure that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.

The horga menu should consist of the following products:

  • meat - lean pork, chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice;
  • dairy products - kefir, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • fruits, vegetables - carrots, zucchini, pears, apples, pumpkin;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Dry food must be of high quality. It is advisable to use premium products: they contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

The daily allowance is calculated based on the dog's weight. For puppies and growing pets, the recommended portion is 5-7% of body weight, and for an adult - 3-5%.

It is highly undesirable to overfeed Horgi. This crossbreed has an enviable appetite, which means it is prone to obesity. An overweight pet can lead to health problems.

It is important to know! Smoked, fatty, fried, salty foods are categorically unacceptable for any dog.

Clean, fresh water for drinking should always be freely available.

Physical activity and training

Horghi dogs are quite active. They need long, regular walks with mandatory physical activity. Possessing a sharp mind and quick wit, the mestizo is easy to train and gladly carries out the required commands.

Training a horgi should begin from the first day it arrives in the house. The baby quickly learns his name, gets used to the orders: “Place!”, “Eat!”, “Walk!”. To teach your puppy to use the toilet outside, you should walk him often and for a long time.

You can train a dog and teach basic commands (“Lie down!”, “Sit!”, “Come to me!”, “Near!”) as early as 2–3 months. But it’s worth remembering that Horgs love to run around and fool around. Therefore, it is better to combine training with breaks for carefree entertainment and games. Then following commands will not be a burden for the pet and the owner, but a pleasure.

Popular nicknames

Choosing a name for a dog is very important for its owner. Dogs are often given names from cartoons, films, TV series and books - Astra, Beethoven, White Fang, Bruiser, Droopy, Eddie, Goofy, Lucky, Hooch, HuckelbErry, Fan, Lampo, Lassie, Madison, Odie, Pankracy, Lightning, Pluto, Rex, Ren, Rin, Tin, Saba, Scooby Doo, Snoopy, Football, Bib, Toto, Tramp.

Chihuahuas are often given nicknames such as: Fafik, Bubble, Bambi, Amor, Bucks, Coco, Mick, Buba, Posy, Timon, Pimpek, Rocky Nurja, Mickey, Ada, Gloria, Linda, Silva, Elsa, Tina Posy.

For girl puppies, the following nicknames are taken: Punya, Bella, Belle, Blueberry, Snowflake, Luna, Selena, Pusya, Fiona, Star, Violuna, Nika, Fredzya, Juli, Tuptusia, Nana, Reika, Sweet, Junya, Amy, Mika, Bobusia , Lola, Kitka, Sue, Sarah.

For boy puppies - Rocky, Mel, Nor, Fresh, Megan, Jean, Kesha, Britt, Brut, Gab, Sab, Busya, Funia, Rusiy, Savaliy, Jess, Bert and others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all pets, the husky and corgi mix has its advantages and disadvantages. You should check them out so you know what to expect from a mixed breed dog.

The positive and negative aspects of a Corgi-Husky cross are shown in the table:

Cleanliness, no smell, no droolingRegular brushing is required during shedding.
Warm thick fur protects the horgi from any cold weather.Prone to overeating, do not overfeed
Kind, sociable pet of the whole familyNeeds physical activity, long walks, outdoor games
Agile, resilient, smartOverly active
Easy to train due to high intelligenceSusceptible to spinal diseases due to his elongated body
The small size of the animal allows it to be kept in a small apartmentSometimes annoying, demanding too much attention

Such an active companion will not be suitable for a stay-at-home owner, but it will appeal to the owner who leads a sporty lifestyle. In order not to have problems with your Horgi, you need to correlate your everyday habits with its behavioral characteristics.

What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;
  • Corgi Dalmatian.

The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like. However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigree pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention.

About pet health

Representatives of the Horgi breed have enviable health. With proper care, the average lifespan of such dogs is approximately 12-15 years.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for animals:

  • eyes;
  • skin;
  • spine;
  • wool

These dogs are especially susceptible to gaining extra pounds. However, they have increased immunity and reduced allergic reactions.

Vaccination against helminths is an essential element of caring for a horgi.

However, to prevent illness or vice versa, if symptoms of well-known ailments appear, you should definitely contact a veterinarian.

Important vaccinations

To keep your Cardigan Welsh Corgi healthy, he will need a number of vaccinations:

  • at 1 month (done by the breeder) - Nobivac Puppy DP (against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis);
  • at 2 months - Nobivac DHPPi (against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and parainfluenza) + Nobivac Lepto (against leptospirosis);
  • at 3 months - Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies (against animal rabies);
  • then annually - Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies.

Important : after the first vaccinations, a 2-week quarantine is required, during which immunity develops. Before each vaccination, treatment against worms is carried out.

Who are mixed-breed dogs?

Mixed breeds are dogs that are the result of crossing two different breeds of animals. The name itself denotes a mixed breed. It is not possible to find out the pedigree of such pets and the identity of their genes.

Often the parents of mixed-breed puppies are representatives of certain breeds with a pure pedigree. They can be winners and champions of dog shows and shows. But mixed-species dogs are not even allowed at such events. However, hybrid puppies have their advantages:

  • They are relatively inexpensive, and some mixed-breed babies are simply given into good hands.
  • Mixed breed dogs get sick much less often. Genetic pathologies are transmitted to such animals in very rare cases.
  • Metis borrows only positive qualities from his mixed-breed ancestors and is considered their improved version. Maybe this is why mestizos are very common today and are sometimes valued more than their purebred parents.

Price: how much does it cost in rubles?

The cost of a puppy is primarily influenced by pedigree and compliance with breed standards. Also, the price varies depending on the popularity of the breeders or nursery and the region of sale - in large cities it will be higher.

The cost of a Welsh Corgi Cardigan puppy can reach up to 75,000 rubles. If the puppy has all the documents, buy it for less than 35 thousand rubles. will not work.

If you take a dog as a companion, without documents, then you can invest 10-20 thousand rubles.

“Can’t you be quieter?”

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the pros and cons of the Welsh Corgi dog breed:

The Welsh Corgi breed seems to exist only to give animal lovers fits of joy. A small fluffy pet is a complete delight with short legs. But today the Corgi mestizo has become even more famous.

Such an unusual animal can melt the heart of even the most inveterate cynic. However, not all gene mixing options result in an outwardly ideal breed. There are dogs with which it is undesirable to cross corgis for aesthetic reasons.

Where is the best place to buy a puppy: the most famous nurseries

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is not a “fashionable” breed, which partly protects those wishing to purchase a puppy from unscrupulous breeders, and the babies from genetic diseases. However, it’s still not worth purchasing a cardigan “from hand” at the poultry market. The most famous nurseries in Russia are:

  1. " Andevol ", Kursk. The nursery has a website: https://www.andvol.ru, where you can look at the puppies, choose the one you like, or sign up in line for the baby. Corgis from this kennel have repeatedly won prizes at exhibitions - both in Russia and abroad.
  2. " Vision Style ", Moscow. Website: https://www.corgy.ru. The kennel has been operating since 2009, the dogs from it consistently become prize-winners at exhibitions in Russia, Hungary, and Belarus.
  3. From the House of Hungre ”, Moscow. Website: https://corgi-iz-doma-vengre.com. The dogs are champions of Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, and Romania. Prize-winners of the Smiling Corgi competitions.
  4. " Highlight-s ", Serpukhov, Moscow region. Website: https://www/pastoralia.ru.
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