Dog cage for apartment: metal and soft

A dog crate sometimes causes unpleasant associations – restriction of the animal’s freedom. But it is necessary when transporting a show dog, for example, by car. In the apartment, it plays the role of a pet's booth and is its territory where it sleeps and eats. The article talks about the types of cages, gives recommendations on how to accustom a dog to a cage, and how to make a cage with your own hands.

Why does a dog need a crate?

Before talking about dog crates, you should understand why your pet needs one. There are many reasons for this. If the dog lives in the yard, then he needs an enclosure. Sometimes there is not enough space on the site for its installation, and sometimes it is unprofitable from a financial point of view. Especially if it is a dacha where the owners live only in the summer. A large dog crate can replace an enclosure, and if it folds, it can be put away for the winter until the next season.

When keeping a serious guard or hunting dog in an apartment, there is a need to limit its freedom for safety reasons. Such four-legged dogs are trained in professional skills: a guard dog to protect a home, a hunting dog to hunt for game. If strangers come into the house, the dog may rush at them, perceiving him as a threat. In this case, it is most convenient to lock the pet in a cage.

If there is a child in the house, then his relationship with the dog is not always good, especially if it is a serious breed. There are breeds that do not like children messing with them. It is difficult to teach a child not to touch a dog. For him she is a big, fluffy and soft toy. Likewise, a dog may react inappropriately to a child if he starts touching him. A dog crate can protect communication between these two family members. You just need to choose one so that the child cannot put an arm or leg inside.

Dog crates are indispensable when transporting an animal from one place to another. This is especially true for show dogs, since they constantly need to be transported to various exhibitions and competitions, where show animals sometimes have to stay for several days. In this case, the carriers play the role of a home for the animal. Often a comfortable dog bed comes with the carrier.

It is convenient to have a carry-on for going out into nature. You can purchase a cover or make your own to cover the cage. In this case, the pet will receive a ready-made booth where he can rest. In addition, the cover will protect from heat and bad weather.

For a dog, a crate is his personal space—a territory in which he can feel safe. Safety is especially important for show dogs. Therefore, you need to accustom your dog to it from an early age. To prevent this from becoming stressful for your puppy, you need to know how to train a dog to crate. Having bought a puppy, you should immediately accustom it to a new home, where it will sleep and stay in the absence of its owners. This way, you can protect yourself from puppy pranks and surprises when no one is home.

The presence of a cage solves the issue of raising a pet. Many pets react very violently to the arrival of guests. Some limit themselves to barking, while others like to jump on people. In an open carrier, the dog will be able to observe what is happening, and at the same time will not disturb the guests. Later, the pet can be released; the guests will no longer attract much of its attention, as it will get used to their presence.

The benefits of cells are as follows:

There are many types of carriers. They differ in material of manufacture, purpose and size. You can purchase a ready-made carrier, or you can make it yourself.


In order for the dog to be comfortable in the carrier, you need to choose the right size and type, which is determined by the purposes for which it will serve.

For transportation, the carrier must be small in size, but it must be spacious enough for the animal.

If the pet will be placed in a cage while the owners are away, then its dimensions should allow it to:

If we talk about specific sizes, they depend on the size of the animal. The dimensions of the pet's home should correspond to its size: the smaller it is, the less space it needs.

Based on the material used, carriers can be divided into:

It is possible to have a cage for dogs made of durable fabric with a mesh sewn inside, but such a device is only suitable for an animal that can easily tolerate a confined space.

Metal wire cages are the most convenient for transporting animals, although they are quite heavy. These are universal carriers that can be disassembled if necessary. They are suitable for keeping animals at home and for transportation by car. They usually consist of a metal cage and a plastic tray that serves as a floor for the animal. The kit may include a bed for the animal.

The carrying wire must be strong and reliable so that the pet cannot chew it or damage its claws or teeth. Usually it can withstand even the pressure of a large breed dog. For large breeds, larger devices are available, equipped with two doors.

One of the advantages of a metal cage is its cost; usually these are inexpensive products. It is better to have metal structures with a plastic tray, since metal is noisy and cold in cool weather.

For show dogs, a folding tent-type dog crate is more convenient. It is convenient not only to transport an animal by car, it will protect the pet from bad weather, help maintain its ideal appearance and will serve as a house during an exhibition or competition. The advantage of these carriers is that they disassemble quickly and easily, which is very convenient for traveling by car. True, they are more expensive, but because of their convenience, they are indispensable for show dogs, since they sometimes have to stay at shows for several days.

How to make an enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

The most popular enclosures are created on the basis of a metal mesh. Their shape can vary, as can the number of doors. The roof is not a mandatory element and is provided at the request of the animal owner. Most of the parameters of the future design depend on the purpose of the enclosure.

You can make an enclosure yourself using mesh, wooden boards and a minimal set of tools.

In this case, to make your own enclosure you will need a metal mesh. Experts do not recommend using chain-link for these purposes. This type of material has moving cells that can harm the animal. The best option would be a construction mesh made of metal rods. It is much stronger and safer than chain-link.

The height of the future structure is selected taking into account the size of the animal. If the enclosure is intended for a puppy, then a mesh of 40-50 cm will be sufficient for work. The minimum permissible wall height for small dogs is 50-60 cm. It is not recommended to make the enclosure lower. To keep a large dog you will need a fence at least 1 m high.

In addition, to make a dog enclosure for your apartment with your own hands you will need:

  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • door canopies;
  • several locks or latches;
  • material for making the frame.

To make the frame of the enclosure with your own hands, you can use an old table

To create a supporting part, both metal rods and wooden blocks are suitable.

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Instructions for making a metal cage for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

The usual version of a mesh structure has a door, a roof and a floor with walls. First, the supporting part of the structure is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. To do this, you need to knock together the bars so that you get the indicated figure. If metal rods are used for supports, they can be connected to each other using wire. The parts that will later become the roof, floor and walls are measured and cut from the mesh.

Helpful advice! If you connect metal elements by welding, the structure will be more durable and reliable.

In addition to a metal enclosure made with your own hands, you can sew textile filling - a lid, a backing and a bed

Next, the process of making an enclosure for a puppy with your own hands in an apartment looks like this:

  1. All segments are attached to the supporting part and fixed, except for the area where the door will be.
  2. One of the edges of the door is attached to the enclosure in the appropriate place using canopies and wire.
  3. Locking mechanisms are installed on the opposite side of the door, and hinges for closing are installed on the wall.
  4. A plywood sheet of appropriate size is laid on the floor.

The structure is completely ready for use and can be used not only for temporary housing of an animal, but also as a mobile cage for exhibitions. Do not place your dog on bare plywood. To provide the animal with comfortable conditions, you need to lay a dense fabric on the floor, but not hard, but soft.

Making a homemade dog enclosure from wood with your own hands

Many dog ​​owners will find wood a simpler and more familiar material than metal. The dimensions are selected in exactly the same way as in the case of a metal cage.

The process of making a dog enclosure from improvised materials

The enclosure layout should take into account the following points:

  • dog size;
  • purpose of using the enclosure;
  • age of the animal.

To make a wooden enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • wooden bars;
  • door locking mechanisms and awnings;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • saw and narrow boards;
  • plywood.

When making an enclosure for a dog, it is necessary to monitor the quality of screwing in the fasteners so that the sharp parts do not protrude

At the first stage of creating a structure, a frame part is made based on wooden blocks. Self-tapping screws and small corners should be used as fixing elements. Narrow boards are sawn to the required length. They will be used to make walls.

Making a wooden enclosure for a puppy in an apartment with your own hands is done as follows:

  1. Narrow boards are screwed to the frame using screws at regular intervals. The walls should look like a small wooden fence.
  2. The door is made separately in a similar way.
  3. Canopies are used to secure the door to the enclosure.
  4. Loops are attached to the cage for locking.
  5. Locks are installed on the door.

The floor is made of plywood or created as a continuous covering of boards and covered with soft fabric. The process of cutting wood produces a large amount of sawdust, so it is recommended to work outside or at least remove the carpet from the room. To simplify and speed up the work, you can make one of the walls from a plywood sheet.

By making a comfortable enclosure, you can create a beautiful personal place for your animal.

Important! In a wooden enclosure, it is imperative to provide mounts for bowls. During play, the dog may turn over a bowl filled with water. Moisture on wood is critical for this material, as a result of which the fence will quickly deteriorate.

Where to install a home-made enclosure for puppies in an apartment

It is advisable to install an animal enclosure in a free corner, where the structure will not interfere with other residents and will not spoil the interior of the room. If products with a roof can be disguised as a cabinet or table, then mesh options are not so easy to hide. It is better if the structure is prefabricated. In this case, the enclosure can be folded and removed as unnecessary.

It is very important to install a home-made enclosure for a puppy so that the animal feels comfortable. To do this, just follow the basic recommendations. It is advisable to select a point from which most of the apartment is visible, so that the dog can observe its surroundings from the enclosure. Be sure to avoid places where there are drafts or direct sunlight. The ideal option would be a dark corner in a large room.

An enclosure for a small breed dog, made in the form of a bedside table

It is not allowed to install the enclosure near household appliances or near a battery. The design should be as practical as possible so that it can be transported or removed at any time.

Ways to train your pet to a crate

In order for a dog to feel comfortable in a crate, it must be taught to be in a confined space from puppyhood. You cannot force your pet into a cage; this will scare him and he will experience stress while being in a confined space.

To train a dog to a crate, the following rules must be followed:

Accustoming a dog to its “den” consists of performing the following actions:

You should not put your pet in a carrier to punish him, as this will cause him to stop trusting you.

Bowls should be removed after eating so that they do not interfere with the dog’s rest and movement. Teach your dog that the carrier is its den, place food bowls, a bowl of water and try to feed the pet only in it. If a dog drags something into its “den”, do not immediately scold the pet and take the stolen item. This manifests its hunting instinct and indicates that the dog perceives the cage as its home.

How to crate train a dog

It is recommended to start accustoming an animal to an enclosure from puppyhood. However, this cannot be done by force. A puppy's crate should not become a place where he will experience stress.

Basic rules of training:

  • lure your pet into the enclosure with a treat or favorite toy;
  • do not close the door when the animal is in the cage, but praise it;
  • allow the pet to leave the enclosure;
  • leave the enclosure open for a while. Gradually, the pet will go in and out on its own when it wants;
  • after he gets used to it a little, close him inside the enclosure and leave him alone. After a little time, return, release the animal and reward it.

Important! At first, you should not leave the animal in the enclosure for more than 2-3 hours. The period of stay in the cage should be increased as the pet adapts.

You need to be accustomed to your place from puppyhood.

Thus, setting up a safe rest area for your pet in your apartment is easy and simple. You can buy a ready-made enclosure or make it yourself. The main thing is not to keep your pet in it by force, otherwise it will not lead to anything good.

*Prices in the article are for January 2022.

Manufacturing Guide

If standard carriers are not suitable for your pet or you have the materials and the desire to make it yourself, you need to come up with your own drawing or find a ready-made drawing, prepare the necessary tools and materials, and you can start making the product.

Tools and materials

To make a cage with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

If you have some old boards or a bed net, you can use it to make a home for your pet with your own hands. The amount of materials needed depends on the size of the dog.


The entire cell manufacturing process will consist of the following steps:

To protect the animal, it is better to buy a special net. It has a plastic coating on top, which prevents injury to your pet.

You can make a completely metal mesh with your own hands, similar to the factory one. To do this, you will need steel rods, and a welding machine to connect them. If you make a cage without using a welding machine, it will not be as strong, and some parts will be movable, which is dangerous for the pet. You can make an exclusive carrier with your own hands for a show dog.

How to make a dog crate with your own hands

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  1. Measure the dimensions of your dog and, based on them, make a drawing for the future design.
  2. Proceed to the manufacturing process according to the drawing. Twist or weld metal beams with wire or nail together wooden beams. Ultimately, a parallelepiped should emerge. You will need 4 similar blanks for the walls, 1 for the floor and 1 roof.
  3. Stretch the mesh, securing it to the structure with a construction stapler. Cover the edge of the mesh with a plastic edge. One side should be left without a grid. It will be a place under the door.
  4. Connect the finished frames together.
  5. Secure the door using hinges.
  6. Place pet bedding, water bowl and feeder, as well as toys inside. After this, you can let the dog into its new home.

Note! The floor of the enclosure should be covered with plywood and covered with soft cloth. This will create comfort and warmth for your pet.

Recommendations from dog breeders

Any pet you have reacts very sensitively to a positive attitude. In order for the dog to quickly get used to living in his new home, it is not recommended to close the cage at first. This should be done 2-3 weeks after the dog has adapted to the new place. If the animal enters the cage without any problems and stays there, then you should not try to remove it from there. Show care and try to praise your four-legged friend for every correct action. By doing this, you will help your dog feel comfortable and comfortable.

Use restraint when dealing with small puppies. Teach them to go to the toilet in a certain corner of the cage by preparing diapers or absorbent fabrics for this purpose. After being cooped up for a long time, the dog needs to increase the walking time as compensation. Remember that any animal will not become organized and obedient on its own. From a young age, teach your pet to maintain discipline, educate him.

To learn how to choose the right cage size for your dog, watch the following video.

Operating an enclosure for puppies in an apartment: how to train an animal

Having installed the enclosure, you need to make sure that the animal gets used to this structure. Otherwise, your pet will be stressed. To begin with, the finished cage needs to be left for some time in a room with the door open. This is necessary so that the dog understands that the structure is not dangerous for it.

After some time, you need to put a toy that the animal likes most, or a favorite treat, into the puppy’s enclosure in the apartment. Perhaps not immediately, but the dog will go into the cage for this item. At this moment, she definitely needs to be praised. After some time, during games, you periodically need to throw a toy into the enclosure so that the puppy brings it.

When the animal gets used to it a little, you should bring it into a cage and keep it in an open enclosure for several minutes. If the animal is able to stay behind the fence for 5 minutes, you can close the door briefly. After this, the animal should be released and be sure to be praised and treated.

To ensure that being in an enclosure does not bring distress to the animal, it is necessary to accustom the dog gradually

With the help of such simple actions, you can accustom your dog to a longer stay in a homemade enclosure without traumatizing its psyche. If you don’t want to make a playpen yourself, you can always buy it in a store.

How to care?

The animal must be kept clean. You can have two beddings. If you wash one of them, the dog will not feel discomfort, since inside the cage it will be on a comfortable, removable bed. You need to make sure that the water from the drinking bowl does not spill and the dog does not end up in a puddle. After your pet has eaten, food bowls should be removed from the cage.

Your favorite toys should be inside. You cannot punish an animal that is in such a house if it has hidden any of your things there. We need to calmly pick her up. If the dog is punished, then placing your pet back in the cage will be very problematic.


In the wild, dogs live in burrows they make themselves. These animals instinctively feel the need for privacy in different life circumstances. Domestic dogs also prefer their own dedicated space. From a young age, they get used to being in a cage or house, which you can place in your apartment in a place convenient for you, and also provide the animal with a comfortable bed for resting and waking.

Modern designers have developed a large number of models of apartment enclosures for dogs. If you have minimal knowledge in the field of carpentry and plumbing, then you can make a home for your four-legged friend yourself. A purchased or home-made home for an animal will give it the opportunity to feel safe. The pet will be able to move freely in it. If your dog has puppies, then there is no better place than a cage-house for their birth and feeding.

When you purchase more than one puppy, but more than two, it is best to keep them in a specially prepared medium- or large-sized enclosure. There they will not be constrained in their movements and will be able to actively grow and develop. All cages are made of materials such as compacted fabric, plastic and metal. Depending on the size and breed of your dog, the dimensions of your home enclosure are selected individually. The cage should have partitions that are removed as the dog grows.

How to do it?

If you couldn’t find a crate suitable for your dog in the store, you can make one yourself. To do this, you need to know the height, weight and length of your pet. You can assemble an enclosure house according to the drawings provided on various sites on the Internet, or build it based on your personal preferences. For reliability, the cage can be easily welded using a welding machine if you have knowledge in this area.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:

Video “Crate for a dog”

Next, from the video you can find out what the process of building a dog cage with your own hands looks like.

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Advantages and disadvantages

There are a number of positive aspects in purchasing such a unique home for your beloved pet.

The main disadvantage of an apartment enclosure for dogs is the fact that an animal such as a dog is quite mobile; being in a cage for a long time, it can become depressed. A growing pet needs constant movement for good development of skeletal muscles. Placing a puppy in a crate for 10-15 hours is out of the question.

What types of cells are there?

Having asked themselves this question, many people will probably think about a huge box that stands in the house and takes up a lot of space. However, this opinion is wrong, because there are many types of such structures. There are cages that are designed for keeping animals at home; yes, they are huge in size. But there are transportations that are designed to make the owner’s life easier while traveling. If you are the owner of large breeds, such carriages can be equipped with special wheels so that you can safely roll your dog to the car.

You can also find an exhibition cage tent - an ideal device for traveling by car to nature or competitions. Such an exhibition cage-tent can serve not only as a home for a pet, but also protects it from heat or rain. Such an exhibition device is more expensive than other types of cages, however, the price in this case is completely justified.

We make the cage ourselves

You can make a cage with your own hands. Surely there is an old fence mesh or shell bed on the farm in order to make a home for your favorite animal with your own hands. Moreover, cages can be expensive, so making your own pet cage is a good option to save money.

First, you should take into account the size of your pet, so you can use the following recommendations:

Tools and materials

The amount of all materials will depend on the size of your pet.

Step-by-step instruction

Why does a dog need a crate?

A cage for a dog is necessary, firstly, because in many ways such an animal is a predator, and they simply need a den. You've probably noticed more than once how your dog is looking for a secluded place under a sofa or closet. Secondly, even if the favorite is large, he is strong and formidable, but in many ways he is a child. The animal needs a personal space where it will not be disturbed.

Therefore, dog cages are an appropriate thing both in apartments and in yards. Moreover, many veterinarians believe that such a device can help with mutual understanding between the owner and the animal itself. This way you can strengthen friendship, because who, if not the owner, lets his pet out of the cage? Who then feeds him delicious food? He is the owner.

Naturally, with such maintenance a measure is necessary: ​​you should not keep the animal in a cage all the time. But in the case where you have a little crazy person living with you who can do some mischief at night, why not lock him up. A crate is also necessary if the pet lives with a family where there is a small child.

Agree, protecting each other from extreme attention is very important

Cages are also required for transportation. Transporting a dog is a delicate thing, and a crate will allow you not to worry about the dog staining the entire car with its saliva or biting someone. There are many reasons where such a means of transportation would be appropriate, for example, transporting a pet to exhibitions and competitions. And at the event itself, the exhibition cage will come in handy.

A dog enclosure in an apartment and features of its use

The appearance of an animal in the house entails responsibility. Most often, dogs make their own adjustments to the interior of the premises. Moreover, such changes are not always positive.

Experienced breeders recommend providing protection for wallpaper and furniture in the house in advance. To do this, you can inexpensively buy a dog enclosure for your apartment. This device will protect furnishings while the owner is away without harming the animal.

When do experts recommend buying a dog enclosure?

An aviary installed in an apartment is suitable for dogs of any age. Such designs are used for puppies or adult animals of small breeds. They create a safe space for your pet, but only if the design is selected and installed correctly.

In what cases do breeders recommend buying a home enclosure for a dog:

When a puppy arrives at a new home, it is subject to stress due to the absence of its mother and the change of place of residence. Often kids hide in the farthest corner and do not want to contact their new owners. In this case, the owner can buy an enclosure for the puppy in the apartment to ensure gradual adaptation to the new environment.

It is advisable to buy a puppy enclosure for your apartment in advance, even before the dog gets into the house. In a stressful situation, children often go to the toilet in the corners of the room, and the presence of a fence can prevent this.

The possibilities of such designs are also useful in cases where a pregnant or nursing dog lives in the house. Being in this position, the animal especially needs peace. The enclosure will provide your pet with personal space.

Designs like these help isolate a sick dog. With the help of an enclosure, a comfortable and convenient area is created for the pet, where it will recuperate. In addition, the possibility of contact of a sick dog with family members and animals that are healthy is eliminated.

If your dog has a habit of chewing the legs of wooden furniture, ruining shoes and tearing wallpaper, you can simply put him in an enclosure before leaving home for a long time. The fence will not allow the animal to wander around the apartment unattended.

Small home structures will also come in handy when traveling. Modern stores have a wide range of products that allow you to inexpensively buy an enclosure for a dog, which can be used in the country or in nature, so that the animal does not get lost in an unfamiliar place.

Why do you need a dog crate for an apartment?

Despite the long-standing stereotype that a crate is a forced confinement of a pet, affecting its emotional and psychological state, it is becoming increasingly popular among dog breeders.

Dog keeping option

For your information! In the wild, animals find refuge for themselves, where they rest and hide from others. Domestic dogs also need a quiet and peaceful den to sleep, eat and breed.

Other advantages of a dog crate in an apartment:

  • security;
  • guarantee of good behavior;
  • training your pet to walk;
  • protecting a guest with allergies from contact with animals;
  • maintaining cleanliness.

A crate for a puppy in an apartment will be useful so that he does not harm himself when there is no way to look after him. She will restrict his movements. A pet trained to an enclosure will not spoil things during the owner’s absence and will avoid punishment. A dirty animal can be brought into the enclosure after a walk before bathing, maintaining cleanliness in the house. It is unusual for a dog to shit in its shelter, so it will patiently wait for its owner to come walk it. This applies to dogs that are 5-6 months old. They are able to endure the whole day. Puppies must go to the toilet once every 3-4 hours. They are not left in the crate for a long time.

Note! Husky is a beautiful northern dog that can also be kept at home. A husky cage in the apartment will help with this.

How to make an enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

The most popular enclosures are created on the basis of a metal mesh. Their shape can vary, as can the number of doors. The roof is not a mandatory element and is provided at the request of the animal owner. Most of the parameters of the future design depend on the purpose of the enclosure.

In this case, to make your own enclosure you will need a metal mesh. Experts do not recommend using chain-link for these purposes. This type of material has moving cells that can harm the animal. The best option would be a construction mesh made of metal rods. It is much stronger and safer than chain-link.

The height of the future structure is selected taking into account the size of the animal. If the enclosure is intended for a puppy, then a mesh of 40-50 cm will be sufficient for work. The minimum permissible wall height for small dogs is 50-60 cm. It is not recommended to make the enclosure lower. To keep a large dog you will need a fence at least 1 m high.

In addition, to make a dog enclosure for your apartment with your own hands you will need:

Instructions for making a metal cage for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

The usual version of a mesh structure has a door, a roof and a floor with walls. First, the supporting part of the structure is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. To do this, you need to knock together the bars so that you get the indicated figure.

If metal rods are used for supports, they can be connected to each other using wire. The parts that will later become the roof, floor and walls are measured and cut from the mesh.

If you connect metal elements by welding, the structure will be more durable and reliable.

Next, the process of making an enclosure for a puppy with your own hands in an apartment looks like this:

Making a homemade dog enclosure from wood with your own hands

Many dog ​​owners will find wood a simpler and more familiar material than metal. The dimensions are selected in exactly the same way as in the case of a metal cage.

The enclosure layout should take into account the following points:

To make a wooden enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands, you will need the following materials and equipment:

At the first stage of creating a structure, a frame part is made based on wooden blocks. Self-tapping screws and small corners should be used as fixing elements. Narrow boards are sawn to the required length. They will be used to make walls.

Making a wooden enclosure for a puppy in an apartment with your own hands is done as follows:

The floor is made of plywood or created as a continuous covering of boards and covered with soft fabric. The process of cutting wood produces a large amount of sawdust, so it is recommended to work outside or at least remove the carpet from the room. To simplify and speed up the work, you can make one of the walls from a plywood sheet.

In a wooden enclosure, it is imperative to provide mounts for bowls. During play, the dog may turn over a bowl filled with water. Moisture on wood is critical for this material, as a result of which the fence will quickly deteriorate.

Where to install a home-made enclosure for puppies in an apartment

It is advisable to install an animal enclosure in a free corner, where the structure will not interfere with other residents and will not spoil the interior of the room. If products with a roof can be disguised as a cabinet or table, then mesh options are not so easy to hide. It is better if the structure is prefabricated. In this case, the enclosure can be folded and removed as unnecessary.

It is very important to install a home-made enclosure for a puppy so that the animal feels comfortable. To do this, just follow the basic recommendations.

It is advisable to select a point from which most of the apartment is visible, so that the dog can observe its surroundings from the enclosure. Be sure to avoid places where there are drafts or direct sunlight. The ideal option would be a dark corner in a large room.


Tools and materials for making a dog cage

A dog house for an apartment: tips for choosing

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made design, you can make it yourself. Before the creation process, you need to prepare the following:

  • metal or wooden beams for the frame;
  • wire;
  • metal mesh;
  • hinges;
  • plastic side;
  • construction stapler.

Important! If the dog is small, then you need to take a net with small cells. For large animals you need to stock up on a net with large cells.

Mesh with large cells

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