Compare and choose shampoos for Spitz: top 3 with reviews

A Spitz's coat is a source of pride. It is thanks to the fur coat that doggies have a characteristic difference in appearance and resemble a plush, fluffy ball.

In order for the coat to be thick, healthy and look amazing, it requires some care, and its main component is cleansing. A high-quality shampoo will ensure the safety of your pet and guarantee it a chic appearance.

Which is the best budget one?

The range of care and cleansing cosmetics for Pomeranians is incredibly huge and the prices of the products also vary. More budget-friendly but no less effective means are very popular.

Shampoo MR.BRUNO “Fluffy Cloud” for dogs with thick and fluffy hair.


  • able to wash even heavily soiled wool;
  • maintains volume for a long time;
  • does not destroy the natural balance of the skin;
  • cares for the coat and makes combing easier.

The only downside that can be highlighted is that some animals (sensitive to the components of the drug) may experience an allergic reaction.

The cost for 355 milliliters is about 300 rubles.

Beaphar “ProVitamin Anti Tangle” shampoo for dogs with thick, long hair.


  • prevents the appearance of tangles;
  • can be used for dogs with sensitive skin;
  • contains vitamins;
  • cares for the coat, making it shiny and silky.

The product has no downsides.

The price for 250 milliliters is about 500 rubles.

Bio-Groom “Extra Body Texturizing Shampoo” for dogs with double coat to increase its volume.


  • does not irritate or sting the eyes;
  • washes off easily and washes the coat well;
  • perfectly structures the coat;
  • promotes easy combing;
  • provides long lasting effect.

Reference! There were no downsides to the product, but the shampoo is recommended only for exhibition purposes.
The average cost for 355 milliliters is 1,380 rubles.

Espree 502ml Argan Oil Shampoo Moisturizing shampoo with argan oil for dogs Art.ESP01784


Concentrated shampoo with argan oil. Ideal for washing animals with short hair. Due to argan oil, the skin becomes moisturized and the coat is shiny. Panthenol and jojoba oil promote healing of damage to the dermis and coat. When used on long-haired breeds, combing and styling become more comfortable. Volume: 500ml.

Espree 502ml Argan Oil Shampoo Moisturizing shampoo with argan oil for dogs Art.ESP01784


  • concentrated, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8
  • not fat
  • creates protection from UV exposure and other climatic influences
  • contains a detergent base of organic origin
  • foams well
  • mostly natural ingredients


  • Expensive
  • contains flavoring

Good for puppies

Attention! The skin and fur of puppies is much softer and thinner than that of adult dogs. That is why they need their own personal gentle shampoo.

Only mild products will be harmless to babies and will not irritate mucous membranes and skin. So, puppy shampoos have a number of positive qualities:

  • safe;
  • prepare the baby for water procedures;
  • improve the condition of the coat and its color;
  • eliminate itching and dandruff;
  • fight irritation.

The following manufacturers offer a range of the best products for puppies:

  • MR.BRUNO (hypoallergenic for puppies);
  • Ecoprom CLINY (gentle skin and hair care);
  • Espree (soft, hypoallergenic);
  • Kw puppy (delicate care for the delicate fur of puppies).

Criterias of choice

Before deciding which shampoo is best for your pet, pay attention to the following features:

  • coat length and color;
  • tendency to form mats;
  • skin type (dry, oily, allergy-prone).

Based on these criteria, you can select suitable Spitz cosmetics for water procedures.


Reference! To cleanse heavy stains, a full bath and regular shampoo are necessary. In other cases, you can use dry powder.

Dry shampoo is an ideal hair cleanser that does not require rinsing. In addition, such compositions have many advantages: they promote coat regeneration, remove skin irritations, deeply nourish and add volume.


  • Dry shampoo Mr. Bruno VIP “Freshness and volume”;
  • Beaphar Grooming Powder;
  • dry cleaning Cliffi.

Shampoo Goodman Doctor with birch tar for dogs 200 ml


The shampoo promotes cell regeneration and strengthens hair follicles. The coat acquires a lively shine, is easier to comb, does not form tangles, and the shedding period is significantly reduced. The gel whips well into foam and is consumed slowly. The product of the domestic brand has an antimicrobial effect, suppressing the vital activity of staphylococci, yeast-like fungi and other pathogens of dermatological diseases. In addition, it enhances the effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs.

Shampoo Goodman Doctor with birch tar for dogs 200 ml


  • insecticidal prophylaxis
  • high antipruritic effect
  • visible improvements in coat condition
  • elimination of odors and their causes


  • not detected

Do Pomeranians and Germans need air conditioning?

Spitz dogs have a luxurious coat and thick undercoat. That is why, to care for such a breed, it is imperative to use conditioner or to give preference to dual-action products.

They will help prevent tangling of the fur and the formation of tangles, make combing easier and have a caring effect on the dog’s fur coat.

Drugs against parasites

Insects cause incredible suffering to animals

These products not only rid the animal’s coat of dirt, but also destroy insect pests. They eliminate fungal processes and have a powerful antibacterial effect. The composition includes both strong chemical components and natural ingredients.

“RolfClub” for fleas 400 ml – 260 RUR

RolfClub for fleas

13. “RolfClub” for fleas 400 ml – 260 RUR A productive insecticidal substance that quickly rids the dog of parasites of all types. Low toxicity, therefore not dangerous for people and animals. The active ingredient is permethrin.


  • High efficiency and instant action after a single use
  • Nice smell
  • Large bottle volume


  • Do not wash a pet with an infectious disease
  • Contraindicated in puppies under 3 months of age and lactating females.
  • Not recommended after prolonged illness

“Doctor ZOO” 250 ml – 135 RUR

Doctor ZOO

14. “Doctor ZOO” 250 ml – 135 RUR The composition of the shampoo is partially natural based on natural repellents from essential oils. After washing, it forms a natural barrier on the fur that protects against new parasites.


  • Foams great
  • Safe for puppies from the 14th day of life, for pregnant and lactating females
  • Smells nice
  • Consists of ecological components
  • Low price
  • Does not irritate the skin of human hands, so you can bathe your four-legged friend without gloves


  • Tangles long hair

“Espree Knock Out (E00175)” 355 ml – 800 RUR

Espree Knock Out

15. “Espree Knock Out (E00175)” 355 ml – 800 RUR The medicinal spray does not include chemical compounds or alcohol-containing additives. Contains natural antioxidants - essential oils of cinnamon and orange.


  • Approved for newborn babies, nursing and pregnant females
  • Provides UV protection
  • Reliably fights ticks, fleas, flies


  • High price
  • Does not replace a full wash of dirt

Professional premium compositions

For each dog, shampoo is selected individually based on personal preferences, purpose, desired effect and price category. Some premium shampoo manufacturers present a series of products designed specifically for Spitz dogs, but there are also products designed for all breeds with lush, thick hair.

Iv San Bernard Traditional Line “Green Apple”.


  • gently removes dirt;
  • treats split ends;
  • softens wool and gives it shine;
  • simplifies combing;
  • saturates the wool with a subtle aroma of apples.

The price for 500 milliliters is only 828 rubles.

“Keratin Volume Shampoo”.


  • removes dirt well;
  • helps add volume;
  • preserves the texture of the coat and strengthens it;
  • does not contain sulfates and parabens.

The cost for 473 milliliters is approximately 1,500 rubles.

No. 20 “Royal Jelly” (No. 20 Royal Jelly Shampoo).


  • unique composition containing natural fats and pure proteins;
  • increases the volume of wool and enhances the brightness of color;
  • products are presented in different volumes;
  • With regular use, hair growth is stimulated.

The cost for 250 milliliters is 2650 rubles.

Shampoo 8 In 1 Tea Tree Oil Shampoo for dogs 250 ml


Tea tree oil is a well-known moisturizer that nourishes, relieves inflammation and softens the skin. A shampoo based on it is suitable for animals suffering from itching and other coat problems. Makes wool soft, shiny, eliminates unpleasant odors well, leaving a light, unobtrusive aroma. For the best effect, after applying shampoo, wait a few minutes before rinsing.

Shampoo 8 In 1 Tea Tree Oil Shampoo for dogs 250 ml


  • attractive price
  • hypoallergenic
  • moisturizes and softens the coat well


  • not detected


Most reviews are extremely positive. The compositions gently cleanse, remove dirt well and care for the coat. At the same time, many products act as a conditioner and after using them, combing your pet is a pleasure.

Negative reviews are based only on personal intolerance to the components of the shampoo, which in some cases have caused allergic reactions. However, many shampoos for Spitz are hypoallergenic and do not pose any danger.

Anju Beaute shampoo Noble black color, 1:5


Professional dog shampoo returns the shine to the black color, eliminating chestnut shades. Aloe vera extract moisturizes the skin, and UV filters prevent hair from fading in the sun. Before use, it is recommended to dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1:5. On severely burnt areas, you can use undiluted shampoo and leave it on for as long as possible after application. Contains vitamins and minerals to strengthen hair.

Anju Beaute shampoo Noble black color, 1:5


  • returns black color
  • fights wool fading


  • high price

Enjoy the shopping!

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How to dry your Spitz after washing

Drying your Pomeranian or other type of Spitz is a responsible and mandatory activity after bathing. It is not enough to simply dry your dog with a towel. It is necessary to dry it with a hair dryer without using hot air.

Attention ! If the fur is not completely dried, eczema and other diseases will form on the skin.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Start drying from the paws, go to the tail and then along the back to the head.
  2. Constantly comb the fur with a wide-toothed comb, separating each strand from each other.
  3. Once dry, you can use a brush.
  4. Remove the cotton swabs from the ears when the procedure is complete.

If simple care is performed correctly, the fur will remain beautiful and impressive, and the dog will look well-groomed.



Dogs with low skin pigmentation are predisposed to secondary seborrhea. Depending on the underlying pathology, dandruff occurs in combination with additional symptoms.

Dandruff and hair loss

The combination of dandruff with hair loss indicates the following pathological conditions:

  1. Low air humidity in the apartment during the heating season.
  2. Water from puddles or questionable bodies of water. Some dogs do not tolerate tap water well.
  3. Unbalanced diet. Dandruff appears when feeding natural food poor in vitamins, as well as ready-made economy-class food. Even premium food can cause skin metabolism disorders if it is not intended for this age group of pets.
  4. Dandruff during shedding is not dangerous if it is associated with a physiological condition - pregnancy, lactation, change from puppy to adult hair.
  5. Stressful situations - change of owner or food, moving, participation in an expert exhibition.
  6. Post-wash dandruff occurs when your pet is bathed with shampoos more than once every 4 weeks. The fat-like substances of the sebaceous glands, as well as the protective compounds of wool keratins, dissolve. Pathology can also occur with a single use if the shampoo is not suitable for your dog. Never bathe your pet with a cosmetic product that you use yourself. The acidity of human and dog skin is not the same.
  7. Hormonal imbalances. They develop with hyperfunction of the adrenal glands and pathologies of the reproductive organs. The disease is promoted by suppression of the sexual cycle with the help of contraceptives.
  8. Inadequate coat care. If you rarely comb out dead hair during shedding, tangles form, within which favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of ectoparasites. Pathogenic fungi actively develop under crumpled hair.

Dandruff and itching

The combination of these signs indicates the following pathologies:

  1. Food allergies. Occurs on food components. Most often, owners are to blame for treating their pets with chocolate and foods containing sugar. However, dandruff in combination with itching often manifests itself in food components. Dandruff in a puppy occurs when switching from mother's milk to solid food.
  2. Drug allergies are caused by antibiotics, sulfonamides, vaccines, analgesics, and dietary supplements.
  3. Atopic dermatitis. It develops from odors, plant pollen, street dust, and other irritants. The pathology worsens in the warmer months.
  4. External form of microsporia (ringworm).
  5. Cheyletiosis or wandering seborrhea. The culprit of the pathology is a microscopic skin mite. Dandruff most often appears on the back. They disappear and appear in new places where the arthropod moves.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Chronic renal failure.

Dandruff and skin sores

The combination of signs indicates the following pathologies:

  1. Flea dermatitis. The skin is itchy. The dog is brushing her. Scratches and sores appear, which become infected with a bacterial or fungal infection. In addition to white dandruff, black dandruff is found - digested red blood cells.
  2. Pediculosis. Lice settle on the edges of wounds and scratches.
  3. Advanced form of microsporia.
  4. Demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, which are caused by intradermal microscopic mites.
  5. Dry eczema. The dog itches and hair falls out

Fungal skin infection

Dandruff and odor

Most often, the symptoms are combined in hot, humid weather.

The Malassezia fungus develops on the secretion of the sebaceous glands - a permanent inhabitant of the outer integument of the dog. Micromycete waste products give the skin a dog smell. The skin smells unpleasant when it is infected with microscopic mites, as well as staphylococci.

General instructions for use

Flea remedies contain substances that have a depressing effect on parasites, so they die already during bathing. Insecticides block the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to complete paralysis of the insect.

The pet is washed in the following way:

  1. The dog is placed in a bath or shower.
  2. The wool is moistened with warm water, and care must be taken to get it wet all the way to the skin.
  3. The gel is applied in a thin line along the entire ridge and then foamed well. The foam should cover the entire body of the pet.
  4. The drug is left on the animal for at least 5 minutes. During this time, the fleas will die.
  5. After time, the wool is washed well to remove any remaining foam.
  6. The pet is wiped with a towel; if necessary, you can dry it with a hairdryer.
  7. It is recommended to comb the entire coat with a fine-tooth comb to remove any remaining parasites.

If your dog does not like to bathe in the shower, you can wash him in another way:

  • Warm water is filled into the bath in such a volume that it completely hides the pet’s back.
  • Add the required amount of insecticidal shampoo to the water and whip up the foam.
  • The dog is placed in the bath, the fur is well soaked with water.
  • After 10-15 minutes, the water with foam and dead insects is drained, and the animal’s fur is washed well with running water.

ATTENTION! During the washing process, you must ensure that neither foam nor water gets into your pet’s eyes, ears and nose, as some drugs can cause severe irritation.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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