14 Dog Breeds That Are Perfect for Lazy People

A person who is a bundle of energy is constantly in a hurry somewhere, looking for adventure and involved in various social processes. However, there is another type of people, those who almost never stick their nose out into the street, preferring to while away the evenings in a cozy armchair. Fortunately, there are quite a few breeds of dogs for them that will not drag their owner out into the street. Instead, pets will curl up next to their owner and snore carefree. If you are a lazy person, then you need a smart dog.


Another name for this breed is the Havanese Bichon. The weight of an adult does not exceed seven kilograms. They're pretty good to travel with (in case you decide to do more than walk from the couch to the refrigerator). And at the same time, the Havanese is extremely smart. He is the perfect human companion and will be happy to sit on his owner's lap all day.

Dogs that do well in apartment conditions

Contrary to popular belief, hounds and greyhounds are ideal pets for apartments. You don't have to run with them every day. To release energy, hunting breeds only need rare but high-quality walks with the possibility of free running and jumping. This option is suitable for busy owners and those who are not ready to go outside in bad weather for too long.


Greyhounds are ready to snore for hours in a cozy bed and enjoy the world of dreams. Only their favorite hunt can unbalance them, so it is better not to keep small animals with these dogs.

Greyhounds are not very dependent on the street. Standard walks of an hour are enough for them, and as a change - running behind a bicycle.

“ More about the Greyhound

Russian greyhound

Unstoppable and passionate greyhounds are real angels in everyday life. They are modest, quiet and melancholic. Russian greyhounds spend most of their free time on the sofa or at the feet of their owner.

To maintain good physical shape, these animals need periodic exercise. If hunting together is not possible, then be sure to sign up your pet for coursing or regularly play frisbee with him.

“Greyhounds lack aggression towards humans and are completely unsuitable for protection.


The Whippet is a close relative of the Greyhound, characterized by greater affection for humans and less tolerance for children. The worst nightmare for this dog is loneliness and lack of attention from the owner.

The whippet gets enough fresh air for about 40 minutes, but you will have to get used to the fact that he will constantly drag you along with him, pulling on the leash. Because of this, it is better to entrust walking to an adult, not a child.

“ More about Whippet

Basset Hound

Of the four, the Basset is the most controversial representative. Because of his love for comfort, he may seem to be as lazy a couch potato as an English bulldog, but this is far from the case. The big-eared quadruped with eternally sad eyes is a typical hound.

Outside the apartment, the couch potato transforms into a restless tracker, so it is better to keep him strictly on a leash. The basset hound does not need marathon runs, but he enjoys playing with a ball or playing tag.

“ More about the Basset Hound


These cute puppies with their squashed faces and piggy tails have taken the world by storm. They are charming and smart and always know what they want. The dog will spend 99% of the time alone.

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Due to their short legs, you need to carefully select the level of physical activity for dachshunds: in their case, it is advisable to avoid even stairs. In addition, most representatives of the breed have short hair, which requires minimal grooming. Exotic lovers can choose a long-haired puppy. The only negative is the animal's high social needs. Dachshunds get bored if they don't get enough attention, which can lead to destructive behavior.

Dachshunds are very capricious, so you will have to come to terms with some of the character traits of your ward


A huge dog can weigh up to fifty kilograms. Perhaps due to its impressive dimensions, the Bloodhound exists in energy saving mode. His short, smooth coat does not require much grooming. These talented pups are known for their keen senses and passion for tracking. But they may well limit themselves to searching for a piece of cheese that accidentally fell from the master’s table.

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Dog breeds that do not require active walking

The last group includes all other dogs that do not need to be walked actively. Such pets are suitable not only for lazy owners, but also for people with poor health.

French Bulldog

Playful and friendly, the French are very different from the English. They are much more playful and temperamental, but they can also do without long walks. Thanks to their gentle disposition, these pets are suitable for novice dog owners and retirees.

In a spacious apartment, the “Frenchie” easily fulfills its activity norm, which greatly simplifies its maintenance in urban conditions. Despite this, we must not forget about the innate tendency to be overweight. Sitting at home for too long can affect your four-legged figure.

“ More about the French Bulldog

Boston Terrier

This four-legged dog is loyal even to strangers and loves to play pranks with children. Like all terriers, he is not at all averse to being active, but his mood is highly dependent on weather conditions. In hot weather and snowstorms, the Boston Terrier will go for walks with the same “enthusiasm” as you.

The easiest way to entertain your pet is with a ball. In this case, you won’t have to move much, because the dog will bring the toy directly into your hands.

“ More about the Boston Terrier

Golden retriever

Golden retrievers do not require constant exercise and are quite content with a standard walk around the house. If there is a park near your home, then try to overcome your laziness to pamper your pet with a visit.

Golden retrievers attract people with their friendliness, phenomenal memory and unusually calm nature. Thanks to these qualities, they are often attracted to canistherapy and used as guide dogs.

“ More about the Golden Retriever

Shar Pei

Shar Peis are smart, but very wayward pets. They love to dominate and demonstrate their authority, so they are completely unsuitable for beginners.


Translated from Chinese, the name of the breed means “sand skin.” The quadruped received this nickname due to its folds, which protected it from bites in the era of dog fighting.

Due to the brachycephalic structure of the skull, jogging and other vigorous activities are contraindicated for Shar Peis. They are walked strictly at a calm pace.

“ More about Shar Pei

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Unlike the Cardigan, the Pembroke is a classic companion dog. He loves to run and frolic, but with the same pleasure he can lie in bed with his owners.

If it is impossible to realize their herding functions, corgis are prone to obesity. If they are completely deprived of activity, then first of all problems will arise with the spine.

Despite this, the owner does not need to run with them. It’s enough just to find a decent four-legged company in the park, because the friendly furry “loaves” make new friends very quickly.

“ More about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound breed is famous for its non-conflict and stupidity. Their short legs and large ears delight children. They love to communicate with other animals.

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The Poogle is one of the more recently developed breeds and is a cross between a Pug and a Beagle. This is the so-called “designer breed”. Puggles are small dogs, which makes them excellent pets. They need:

Space is minimal.

Poogles are very small dogs that are ideal for apartment living.

Training is a low need.

Poogles are very cheerful and laid-back, they are reliable, playful and affectionate. These dogs get along with everyone, including children and other pets. In addition, they are very loyal and often please their owners.

Walking is a low need.

These dogs really don't have much energy to go on long walks, so casual walks or playing in the yard are the way to go. On the other hand, they get tired quickly. In addition, due to their short nasal cavity (inherited from the pug), long and strenuous walks are contraindicated for them, as they may develop breathing problems.

Care is low to moderate.

They do not require much attention in terms of care, however, in the spring they shed a lot. They may also need wrinkle cleaning, depending on how many pug genes they have inherited.


– Due to the short nasal cavity, Puggles are sensitive to heat stroke.

Irish Wolfhound

These stately greyhounds, bred in Ireland, proudly hold the title of the tallest dog breed. Despite their solid appearance, puppies love to play with children, are graceful and patient.

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Miniature pets that only need a tray or diaper

Dog breeds that you don't have to walk with include the smallest representatives. Their size rarely exceeds that of a cat, so such animals are easily accustomed to a tray or diapers.


According to the standard, the minimum weight of a Chihuahua is only 1.5 kg. Owners often carry them in a purse or in their bosom.

Bug-eyed babies easily adapt to their owners. If necessary, they can stay at home for several days, but too frequent lack of fresh air can weaken their already low immunity.

“ More about Chihuahuas

Yorkshire Terrier

This little guy is very resilient and energetic. Thanks to his friendly disposition, he easily gets along with other animals. Aggression on the part of the Yorkie is explained by the hunting instinct towards smaller animals, perceived as game, and the lack of timely socialization.

If you don’t have free time or desire to go for another walk, make sure you have a clean litter tray. For boys, a special toilet with a column in the middle is suitable.

“ More about the Yorkshire Terrier


Despite their funny appearance, Pekingese are independent and even a little arrogant. They do not tolerate too close contacts and do not make exceptions even in relation to children.

Due to their innate passivity, Pekingese only need 5-20 minutes to walk around. Basically, the duration depends on the weather, since all brachycephalics have great difficulty withstanding high temperatures.

“ More about the Pekingese

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are attractive not only for their satiny coat, but also for their unusually cheerful disposition. They do not pick out “favorites” among their owners and adore everyone without exception.

Despite their rather playful nature, Shih Tzus are not hyperactive and have no problem adapting to their owners. If you like to lie on the couch, then this four-legged dog will happily keep you company.

“ More about Shih Tzu


The Papillon is a completely unpretentious decorative breed, suitable for small apartments. This smiling baby also ranks 8th among the smartest four-legged animals, which makes him much easier to train.


Papillons are the closest relatives of spaniels, resulting from breeding the smallest representatives.

The irrepressible energy of the Papillon requires mandatory discharge. Temporary refusal of walks in favor of a tray is allowed only if you live in a spacious apartment or private house.

“ More about Papillon

Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal Terrier is a working dog from Ireland bred to hunt vermin, badgers and foxes. Their needs:

The space requirement is rather small. These terriers weigh up to 16 kg, about the same as a two-year-old child) and grow up to 35 cm. They are perfect for keeping in an apartment or house with a small yard.

Training needs are low to moderate. Intelligent and easy to train dogs, Glen of Imaal Terriers get along well with children and adults, but can be greedy with other dogs. Additionally, if they are poorly socialized, this breed may view other animals in the house as prey and attack them.

The need for physical activity is rather low. These dogs have relatively short legs, so jogging is not suitable for them, as is jumping and other vigorous physical activity. Short walks along the street will be a good option, and there is no need to do them every day. What's more, Glen of Imaal Terriers are said to be excellent self-trainers, so if you have your own yard, they'll love it (but you'll need a good fence because these dogs love to dig).

Grooming requirements are low to moderate. Without proper care, the coat of these dogs can grow up to 10 cm long and become dull, but Glen of Imaal Terriers hardly shed.

German dog

Most dog breeds were bred as working dogs for hunting and guarding; The Great Dane is one of those breeds. Today's Great Danes have lost their ferocity as hunters and guards, but they have not lost their courage and determination to protect the human family. The large size and loud barking of the dog will, if not frighten, then stop intruders.

Families may ask for a more adorable pet that is very affectionate. But in fact, the dog has a peaceful, playful disposition and is gentle with children. Obedience will further improve your attitude towards your Great Dane.

Remember that despite the "lazy" behavior of these dogs, they still need a little exercise to maintain good health and a healthy life. All the dog breeds mentioned above will easily fit into a home whose owners don't want a lot of fuss. You couldn't ask for a more easy-going, calm dog breed that is determined to be on your side.


Even though it is a good-natured type of dog, the Bullmastiff is good at being a guardian for its family. Outwardly, it is clear that the Bullmastiff has a large build and is a large dog that can be an impressive obstacle to thieves and robbers. Despite being a guard dog, the Bullmastiff can be a family-loving pet that is noble, trustworthy and reassuring.

The dog's short coat makes it easier to groom, although he may drool. In addition, the wool does not shed much, so it is easy to clean. The Bullmastiff is not a very energetic dog, although he has a lot of energy when young. For training, simply take your pet for outdoor play or short walks to keep him fit and healthy. When training your Bullmastiff at an early age, make sure he understands that you are the head of the family to make later training easier, as well as curb his independence.

French Bulldog

French bulldogs themselves are lazy and do not like exercise. Often, owners have to force their charges to go for a walk. Caring for representatives of the breed is relatively simple: a minimum of hygiene procedures, choosing a healthy diet and monitoring the well-being of the companion. The only drawback of bulldogs is their tendency to drool. Owners will have to clean more often.

A flattened muzzle puts dogs at increased risk for heart, lung and eye problems.

Shih Tzu

A drop of lion, add a couple of teaspoons of rabbit, two ounces of a domestic cat, one jester, a little ballerina, a pinch of old man, a little beggar, a tablespoon of monkey, mix one part of baby seal, a drop of teddy bear mixed with Chinese and Tibetan dog.
This long description is how American composer and teacher James Mumsford describes the Shih Tzu dog. The Shih Tzu is wonderful, friendly, loyal and lively for his family. The dog's cute little size and adorable demeanor make it a favorite pet for many people. The dog feels great both in an apartment and in a large country house. Children and other animals are not a problem for the Shih Tzu, although you will need to supervise children who play with the dog.

Features of caring for low-shedding dogs

Some low-shedding pets require special care, especially if they have long coats. Dogs with luxurious hair need daily brushing, bathing, conditioning and treatment. Additionally, styling, pinning, and a monthly trip to the hairdresser may be required.

There is no need to wash dogs with curly, coarse hair every day. It is enough to comb them 2 times a week, trim them, trim the coat in the necessary places (eyes, mouth, genitals, legs).

Smooth-haired dogs are bathed a maximum of 6 times a year. As they become dirty, their body is wiped with a damp, soft cloth with an antimicrobial agent, and their paws and face are washed daily after walking and eating. Comb and remove dead hairs 2 times a week.

Any four-legged friend needs care, proper care and love from his owner. The character of an adult pet does not depend on a specific breed; it is brought up along with the attitude of the people around it. After all, any pet is like plasticine in human hands.

Bichon Frize

Photo: Akbudak / Depositphotos

  • Height at withers: up to 30 cm.
  • Weight: up to 5 kg.
  • Average life expectancy: up to 13 years.

Curly lap dogs (this is how the name of the breed is translated) have thick, long and curly white hair and expressive dark eyes.
These dogs are active and playful. They rarely show aggression and are friendly to people and other dogs.

Bichon Frize are quite obedient and easy to train. They can even be litter trained. But this does not mean that they do not need regular walks. It is advisable to take your dog outside every day to give him an outlet for energy.


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