Canned food "Zoogourman" for dogs: advantages, description, reviews

“Zoogurman” is a Russian brand under which food products and accessories for cats and dogs are manufactured. In this article we talk about the Zoogurman brand, and the composition of the food and its pros/cons can be found by clicking on the desired name of the diet in our database.

According to information from the official website, this company has been operating in the pet products market for more than 10 years. It also states that Zoogurman diets do not contain GMOs, artificial preservatives and flavors, soy and are made only from domestic raw materials, using patented technologies and recipes.

In addition to wet and dry food, Zoogurman Company LLC also produces treats and a number of accessories: houses, beds and carriers for cats and dogs.


The brand appeared on the Russian market a little over 14 years ago. And it is produced, oddly enough, in the vast expanses of our vast Motherland. The products first appeared in 2005, then it was instant porridge for dogs. Two years later, the “Four Paws” chain of pet stores began selling “Four-Legged Gourmet” dog food. Currently, the manufacturer focuses on producing canned meat for dogs, cats and ferrets.

Rating and review of food

To read a review of Zoogourman food, just click on its name. Also on our website you can compare the composition and rating of Zoogurman food with food from another manufacturer or food of the same brand.

We involve veterinarians in writing reviews of food, and reviews of Zoogourman food and the personal opinions of resource users are published at the very end, if you scroll down the food page. Also send requests for a review of food that is not yet in our database - we will gradually add everything.


The company characterizes its product as super premium. If you believe the manufacturer, then the first place for him is high-quality and natural ingredients that make up the food. On the official website this composition is described as very “tasty”, it makes you want to buy a jar for your beloved dog to try. And when you open the jar, you catch a delicate meat aroma. The contents look quite attractive: pieces of meat under a thin layer of jelly. And the composition of canned food (food) for dogs “Gourmet” pleases the owner’s eye. Just read what is in a jar of lamb food for adult dogs:

  • In first place is lamb (lamb), as the manufacturer reports on the packaging.
  • The second is a gelling additive.
  • Salt is on the third line, and water is on the last line.

There are only four ingredients in the composition that delight the owners. But is it really worth praising Gourmet dog food so much?

Lamb is very healthy, it is healthy and low in calories. In addition, it does not cause allergic reactions, but meat does. What is hidden behind the vague word “lamb”, in what quantities? The answer to the question asked remains on the conscience of the manufacturer. The thing is that it can mean natural meat, offal, and industrial waste such as leather, wool and bones.

Now about a certain mysterious gelling additive. Why is its specific composition not indicated, what is hidden under this phrase? And again, what is the percentage of the declared additive? We don’t know; the manufacturer chose to remain silent when describing the composition of its product.

The most common complaint is the salt in the Gourmet dog food. Experienced dog owners know that this supplement is not at all beneficial for pets. Moreover, you should not regularly give salty food, this leads to serious health problems for dogs.

Water is a harmless product, but how much of it is in our food is unclear. We will not dwell on the water; from the above it becomes clear how honest the manufacturer is with customers.

By the way, “Gourmet” dry dog ​​food is also produced. There are a lot of incomprehensible things in its composition, but for such a price you can buy a better quality product.

Short description

Canned food for dogs “Zoogurman” is created in Russia. They contain a complex of nutrients that animals need. It contains a large amount of your pet’s favorite product – fresh, aromatic and juicy meat. The animal quickly becomes satiated and receives the necessary energy supply for the whole day. This is an absolutely natural product that does not contain any toxic additives that can negatively affect the health of your pet.


The manufacturer's choice is quite extensive. The buyer is offered food for puppies and dogs in the form of canned food, noodles and instant porridge, and dry food. The most common are canned foods, so we will indicate here what they are:

  • With chicken and rabbit for feeding puppies.
  • Children are also offered to try canned beef and chicken.
  • You can pamper your little ones with a jar of food with chicken and giblets.
  • Adult dogs will appreciate horse meat food.
  • For them, a product is produced that contains rabbit.
  • If your dog is too picky about food, you can offer him a jar of lamb food.
  • The most inexpensive would be chicken food.
  • Beef is a must-have product for a dog's diet.
  • And finally, turkey, already known to the reader, is one of the most popular ingredients in Gourmet dog food.

Assortment of food "Zoogourman" for cats

Cat food from Zoogurman are canned products in different packages. Among them:

  • “Assorted meats” is a complete canned food in different flavor variations. Available in cans of 100 and 250 g;
  • “Menu from Zoogurman” - complete canned food, available in three different volumes: lamisters of 125 g and cans of 250 and 410 g;
  • Murr Kiss is a complete wet food in five flavors. Type of packaging - 100 gram lamister;
  • “Meat soufflé” is food in the form of a pate, packaged in 100 g lamisters.

Positive reviews

By tradition, we start with positive reviews of the “Four-Legged Gourmet” dog food. Here's what owners whose pets eat it say:

  • The appearance is pleasing. The pieces of meat are cut coarsely, but neatly, you can see them under the layer of jelly.
  • As soon as you open the jar, a hungry person begins to drool, this food smells so delicious.
  • The dog eats it with great pleasure.
  • The owners note the high-quality composition; many people like it.
  • The price category, according to most, is quite worthy for super-premium food.

Several main advantages

Most livestock breeders make their choice in favor of Zoogurman dog food. Canned food has a number of advantages:

  • Quite a large selection of assortments. You can purchase treats that are suitable for pets of various breeds. Food has also been developed for small puppies, sick or old individuals.
  • A very attractive price for such a high quality product.
  • Canned food is sold in very convenient packaging. It opens easily. You can also take it with you on a long journey.

Each dog has its own tastes and preferences. Fortunately, you can choose several foods for him and determine which one he likes best. There are canned food for dogs “Zoogourman” with the taste of chicken, carrots, fish, rice, as well as a special complex with giblets.

Negative opinions

Not all owners share the enthusiasm for this food. There were a few who were puzzled by the composition. And not only this makes dog owners think:

  • The quality of Gourmet dog food leaves much to be desired. The experienced owners, as noted above, are puzzled by its composition.
  • The price category does not suit everyone. Others consider the food too expensive.
  • Not suitable for feeding large dogs, at least in canned form. Because the volume of the cans is too small, you will go broke on food alone.
  • For representatives of small breeds, one jar is enough for 2-2.5 times.
  • Other owners note a change in the color of their pets' excrement. And their number increased after the animal was switched to canned Gourmet.
  • Some dogs, much to the chagrin of their owners, refuse to even try the food offered.

Dry food, cereals and canned food for dogs

The range of Zoogourman dog food is truly huge and is represented by the following lines:

  • dry food "Zoogourman" for dogs "Meat diet" for adult pets of different breeds, ages, and activity levels. Packed in bags of 18–20 kg;
  • “Zoogourman” - instant porridge with different flavors, 0.4 kg per package;
  • canned food “Zoogourman Meatballs in broth” - additional nutrition in cans of 410 and 850 g;
  • canned food for dogs “Assorted meats” - complete food, packaged in 100, 300, 350 and 750 g;
  • “Meat stew” - complete canned food weighing 350 g;
  • “Meat ration” - canned food, which is produced in lamisters of 100 g and cans of 350 and 750 g;
  • Smally Dog - special products for small breed dogs. Available in lamisters with a volume of 100 g;
  • Big Dog - canned food for animals of medium and large breeds, packaging - 850 g cans;
  • “Big Bowl” is a series of wet food for dogs of all sizes and breeds, in cans of 340 and 970 g;
  • “Tasty giblets” - canned food for all breeds, packaged in 350 and 750 g;
  • “Special meat delicacy” - complete canned food for dogs of all breeds in 250 g cans;
  • “Menu from Zoogurman” - wet dog food in 125 g lamisters and slightly larger cans, 410 and 750 g;
  • “Sausages” for dogs in 350 g cans;
  • “Zoogourman Special Meat” - complete dog food in lamisters of 300 g;
  • “Meat soufflé Zoogurman” is an everyday food in lamisters weighing 100 g.

And also - Zoogurman farm treats for dogs.

Negative reviews

For residents of many cities, finding such canned food is quite problematic. You have to order them online and wait several weeks. Mostly negative reviews are associated with this factor. I also don’t like the fairly high price, but almost all owners are willing to overpay for a natural product. Many buyers do not like the quality of the meat and believe that it is of too low a grade.

Today, Zoogurman canned food for dogs is the leader in sales among food products for animals. Pets happily consume this product again and again. And the owners cannot get enough of seeing their pets beaming with happiness.

Pros and cons of products

Canned food for dogs and puppies: what are they?

Products of the “Four-Legged Gourmet” brand for dogs are represented by both premium and super premium food. Considering the low cost, there are several advantages of such nutrition:

  • high content of natural meat;
  • the presence of lines with different compositions;
  • no harmful chemical additives.

To a greater extent, wet food has these advantages, especially the Platinum series. The presence of various additives in dry food puts this product a step lower.

Dry food of the “Four-Legged Gourmet” brand is inferior in composition to canned food produced by the same name

The disadvantages include several points:

  • presence of meat and wheat flour;
  • a large amount of jelly;
  • vegetable and animal fat in the composition;
  • lack of indication of the percentage of components;
  • consistency too thick.

Important! On its official website, the manufacturer also does not provide detailed information about the composition of the products indicating their percentage.

Products from the “Four-Legged Gourmet” brand include canned dog food and dry food, which have a number of disadvantages. But their cost is very affordable, so you shouldn’t make excessive demands on it. It is perfect for healthy adult dogs who are not prone to eating disorders and allergies. Owners of pets of elite breeds or with gastrointestinal problems should consult a veterinarian before introducing this product into their diet.

Cat food “Four-legged gourmet” - reviews

Canned food “Four-Legged Gourmet” is quite common and enjoys considerable popularity, so there are many reviews about them on the Internet. Below we have collected a few of the ones we found.

Reviews from veterinarians

It was not possible to find direct reviews from veterinarians about this brand of food. If we come across any of these in the future, we’ll add them to this review.

Customer Reviews

Yana writes:

Four-legged gourmet Golden line chicken in jelly. The canned food is not even bad, although it does contain salt, but you can’t taste it at all. We use Berkley base, but sometimes I give these, my beauty loves them) I take chicken or turkey. I didn’t like the one with veal, just fat.

Natalya writes:

Four-legged Gourmet golden line for kittens. Looks very decent! The jar is very tightly packed with meat, without any pieces of fat. Moreover, it is meat, not minced meat (maybe a mixture). The kitten ate it for the first time. And the next time I didn’t finish eating

Alice writes:

I consider Four-Legged Gourmet canned food to be of high quality and suitable for my cats (I have two Siamese blue-eyed beauties, I buy them a regular selection of cold cuts). They love these canned foods, they always eat them with gusto, the appearance of the cats shows that the food suits them, the fur is shiny and silky to the touch. Eats and silky to the touch.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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