All about the Jack Russell Terrier - a small bundle with enormous energy

If you are looking for a companion dog and have a lot of free time, then the Jack Russell Terrier is for you. This dog was bred in England to hunt burrowing animals.

The initial goal of breeding this breed was productive hunting, so the dog looked unsightly in appearance. As the breed spread and was presented at exhibitions, its appearance began to change in a positive direction.

And today representatives of the breed are harmonious, beautiful dogs.

Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Popularity 140th place among 263 dog breeds


13-15 years old


25-30 cm

Country of origin:

Great Britain

Average price:

15-25 thousand rubles


5-7 kg
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Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Key facts

The Jack Russell Terrier, despite its hunting nature, became an inhabitant of city apartments. The characteristics of the Jack Russell Terrier breed claim that the dog is energetic, cheerful, active, and this is true. With such a faithful friend you will never be bored, and Instagram will be filled with funny pictures and videos.

Russell is a hunting dog, but more and more often dogs are noticed in the company of families with children. She is peaceful, affectionate, flexible, and quickly becomes attached to people. However, this animal is too noisy. An ill-trained dog is aggressive, angry, and conflict-provoking, so training must be done from childhood. The dog absorbs information like a sponge - developed intelligence is defined as the second most important advantage of this breed.

It seems that the dog, which only an energetic person can walk, lives at a frantic pace. A dog of this breed requires daily physical activity so that it does not develop problems with its well-being. But at the same time, Jackie sometimes likes to lazily lie around with his owner (especially in bad weather).

The dog's health is excellent, as is the number of future years. The life expectancy of a Jack Russell Terrier reaches 15 years and can even cross this line.

The Jack Russell Terrier is small in size. The growth (height at the withers) of an adult stops at the age of twelve months and usually reaches 23-26 cm in a female, 25-30 cm in a male. Normally, females weigh 5 kg, males 6 kg. The description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed also includes the approximate price at which nurseries sell puppies: it averages 20,000 rubles.


Both varieties can boast of good health; they live on average about 12 years. However, their immune system has its own shortcomings, expressed in a predisposition to certain genetic diseases:

  • Cataract,
  • Hepatitis,
  • Enteritu,
  • Leptospirosis.

They appear quite rarely, but are serious diseases. Under no circumstances should you try to cure them yourself. The sooner you contact a specialist, the easier and cheaper the treatment will be. To avoid these diseases in your pet, when purchasing a puppy, be sure to read the medical record of its parents. Healthy parents are more likely to have healthy children.

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History of the origin of the Jack Russell Terrier

According to one version, the Jack Russell Terrier breed appeared thanks to the enthusiastic breeder John “Jack” Russell. The man loved parfors hunting (when the prey animal is driven to exhaustion), but was not satisfied with the dogs accompanying this action. Some seemed not compact enough, others barked quietly, others lacked excitement and fearlessness.

Therefore, having noticed a farm dog with all these features, John Russell bought the Russell's ancestor from the milkman. From that moment on, the man was engaged in selection. Scottish Cairns, Borders, Lakelands, Irish, White English Terriers - whoever was among the ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier.

The four-legged friends of our time bear little resemblance to their ancestor - only in color (brown spots on the ears, around the eyes) and a hook-shaped tail. The shape of the skull, muzzle, and the volume of bone mass have changed. The Jack Russell breeder could not tolerate violence, so the terriers did not have powerful jaws, but they developed high speed.

In 1873, with the participation of Jack Russell, the Kennel Club was created, which remains one of the largest kennel clubs of our time. After John's death, his close friend, Arthur Hayman, began to monitor the dogs, and he compiled the first list of the breed's characteristics. In the middle of the twentieth century, dogs began to be crossed with dachshunds and Welsh Corgis, which divided the Jack Russell Terriers into long-legged and short-legged.

Australians fell in love with short-legged dogs for their intelligence coupled with their energy - the breed began to be developed on the Green Continent. Long-legged dogs with a square body remained revered in their homeland. In 2001, Australian dogs were given the name Jack Russell Terriers, and English dogs were given the name Parson Russell Terriers. A separate standard was formed for each breed.

There is a version that claims that the ancestors of dogs lived in Great Britain back in the sixth century. Then they lived at court and “guarded” food supplies in rich houses, exterminating mice. In addition, the ancestors of the breed guarded poultry farms in order to repel foxes in emergency situations.

Main varieties

There are three main types of brockens:

  • Light . This dog has a slight crease in the coat, so that visually it looks almost smooth, except that some of the guard hairs may bristle. Broken Lights usually have no beard or eyebrows.
  • Brocken . It looks almost like the wire-haired variety, but its coat is shorter and there is one crease on each hair. The coat does not bristle, but does not lie too tightly to the body.
  • Raf . These dogs have not one, but many creases on their rather coarse and hard coat, and the length of the hair itself is much longer, which is why the dog looks disheveled and shaggy (shown in the photo).

After proper trimming, all these dogs become visually similar to smooth-haired Jack Russells.

Appearance of the Jack Russell Terrier

General impression

What does a Jack Russell Terrier look like? A compact body, small height (from 25 to 30 cm), average weight, short legs relative to the body are characteristic of this breed. A well-built individual has a kilogram of weight for every five centimeters of height at the withers. Both boys and girls look proportional, this is noticeable from the photos of the Jack Russell Terrier, of which there are an incredible number on the Internet.


The head is proportional, wedge-shaped: a rounded wide skull tapers to an elongated muzzle.
The stop is clearly pronounced. Drop ears are mobile. The color of almond eyes is a mixture of different shades of brown and black. The eyelid fits tightly to the eyeball. The nose is symmetrical, black. The nostrils are open and developed. The jaws are distinguished by strength and power that is invisible to the eye. Dark lips fit to the jaws. Scissor bite.


The muscular neck is neither short nor long. The dog holds its head proudly.


The body is muscular, rectangular. The back is straight. Chest moderately let down. The approximate coverage will be 40 cm.


The shoulders are angular, the elbow joints are well fixed. The muscles on the shoulder blades are strong, the bone bends back. They are located under the body with a pronounced tilt back.

Hind limbs

The power of the hind legs is great due to the developed muscles, which makes it possible to make active pushes when running. The hock joint is low, the metatarsals are parallel to each other. The paws are round, the pads are dense and hard. The fingers are normally rounded.


A high-set tail either hangs down (a relaxed state) or rises up (a moment when the dog is excited). Tapers from base to tip.


The movements of the four-legged friend are spontaneous and free. When walking, the dog “springs.” When running, it pushes off powerfully with its hind legs.


Jack Russell Terriers come in smooth coat (the coat lies close to the body), longhair (the coat is voluminous, the hair is coarse) and brocken (an intermediate type).
The wool is pleasant to the touch. The undercoat is hard. The puppy is covered with soft fluff, which is replaced by light hair at three months. The hair of an adult dog is denser and coarser.


What colors predominate in the Jack Russell Terrier? There are two types of colors: white with tan or white with black splashes. The color of the tan marks varies from light caramel to dark chocolate.


Jack is a medium-sized dog with a proportional body. The female Jack Russell Terrier is approximately 23-26 cm tall and weighs 5 kg. Males reach 25-30 cm in height at the withers, the optimal weight for them is up to 6 kg. The weight of the Jack Russell Terrier must be strictly controlled by the owner to prevent obesity. Despite the small size of the Jack Russell Terrier, the dog is capable of much. His small stature is more than made up for by his irrepressible energy.

How to choose a puppy?

As with many breeds, the Jack Russell has certain standards that you need to familiarize yourself with so as not to be deceived.

You also need to pay attention to the following:

  • the puppy should be active and mobile, look cheerful. Avoid shy and indifferent dogs;
  • length and height should be proportional. The puppy's structure should be proportional;
  • According to the standard, the dog's head should be of medium width and taper towards the eyes and ears. The nose should be black, the eyes should be black almond-shaped, and the jaw should be strong. The ears should be V-shaped and close-fitting;
  • check the dog's appearance and proportions. Are there any external defects? The puppy must have an athletic appearance;
  • from the rear, even a puppy should look strong and muscular. The tail should be set high. A healthy puppy always wags him happily;
  • pay attention to the wool. If the puppy is smooth-haired, check for fine spots. A long-haired puppy or brocken should not look fluffy. 51% or more of the color must be white. Acceptable colors are red, black and brown shades;
  • The puppy's gait should be lively and even.

Character of the Jack Russell Terrier

These dogs were created for constant movement, so sitting in one place does not suit them at all. Therefore, the breed is suitable for active people. If you get a Russell, be prepared to spend most of your day outside rather than in your apartment.

At home, in the absence of other animals or children nearby, the pet will be very bored. Speaking of socialization, if you have a child or other furry friend, it is important to accustom your Jackie puppy to their presence in your life; then the adult dog will treat others adequately. The Jack Russell Terrier's proximity to rodents is not recommended due to their genetic predisposition to hunting such animals.

The character of the Jack Russell Terrier is not very flexible. Even in relations with the owner, the dog will try to dominate, and it will behave the same way with dogs of small breeds.

What kind of leisure does a Jack Russell Terrier need so that all the objects in the house are not arranged chaotically? The dog loves active walks and games with frisbees (especially outside in winter!). Even workouts to release the energy accumulated during the day. Jack Russell Terriers love to explore the world.

The breed gets along well with children 9 years and older. The child and the dog become best friends: they play together, go for walks, beg their parents for toys and treats. To ensure that your son or daughter can take your Jack Russell for a walk, make sure that the pet is obedient to your child's commands. This can be achieved through joint training.

At the same time, you don’t need to think that Jack Russells are such uncontrollable and unbalanced animals. On the contrary: their energy, directed in the right direction, will turn the dog into the dream of all people and children. The charm that comes from Jackie is so strong that it is impossible to resist it.

Jack Russells captivate not only with their cuteness, but also with their lively mind. The owners of these dogs note their pets' extreme intelligence and even a penchant for cunning. The latter should not be openly encouraged, but in some cases it looks hilarious.

Russell Terriers love to travel. A car, a train, a plane - your pet will perceive everything with interest. But the main thing is to let the dog stretch its paws at all stops along the way.

Socialized and well-mannered Russells are very friendly, they easily make new acquaintances with children and people. Moreover, they immediately begin to check their new friend: will he treat him to something tasty? Will he play catch-up with him? After all, the evil owners do not feed the poor dog and do not pay him any attention... Do not fall for such tricks - this is another trick of the dog.

Character traits

Mini Jacks, like all species of this breed, have their own special qualities and character.

Dog character:

  • lively - always ready for new exploits;
  • charismatic - every dog ​​has an exceptional quality that can’t help but make you fall in love with it;
  • meek - knows how and when to behave correctly;
  • cheerful - never misses a chance to play;
  • inquisitive - will not sit still if something interesting is happening nearby.

Positive qualities include:

  • courage - the dog will bravely rush into battle if the owner is threatened by something;
  • agility - thanks to its small stature, the dog can easily get into hard-to-reach places;
  • loving - will happily share his warmth and mood with others.


Many of these qualities and personalities make the Miniature Jack Russell easy to train. For best results, you need to train regularly, paying special attention to strength training.

Education and training

A miniature pet wagging its tail hardly gives the impression of a loud-voiced bully, because of which all the slippers in the apartment were damaged (dogs really like to chew shoes). But the problem of raising and training the Jack Russell Terrier is urgent because of its typical waywardness, deceit, stubbornness, and excessive energy. All you have to do is let your guard down, and Jackie will become the master of the house.

Socialization is an important point in raising a Jack Russell Terrier. The authority of the owner must be inviolable, otherwise the dog will begin to show negative qualities of its character. No amount of training will help if the dog barks at every person or animal it meets.

Teaching basic commands (for example, “sit!”) can begin at the age of three months; more complex commands are introduced later. After completing the exercise, reward your Russell with a treat. Thus, the training will be comfortable for the owner and his faithful friend.

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Hunting qualities

Like many other members of the terrier group, Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt small, burrow-dwelling game. Of course, terriers do not have enough speed and power for tracking and pursuit, but English foxhounds or other hounds did an excellent job with this task, but in penetrating an underground shelter and in a fight forcing the “fugitive” to leave it, the persistent and compact hounds have no equal strong guys.

Jack Russell exploring the hole

It was already mentioned above that Jack Russell Terriers gained their reputation as excellent burrow dogs not for their ferocity, but for their clear voice and high intelligence. They not only understood the hunters’ strategy in a given situation, focusing on various horn signals, but also made their own decisions, which helped save energy without sacrificing efficiency.

Since their introduction, "jacks" have been an integral part of rural life in Great Britain. However, since 2002 in Scotland, and since 2005 in England and Wales, fox hunting has been officially banned, although for many it was part of the country's cultural heritage. Badgers are also now protected by conservation organizations. In southern Spain there is still a hunting area where it is possible to pursue game on horseback, but in most European countries the tradition is fading into history due to the lack of uninhabited areas with suitable landscape.

But innate instincts cannot be canceled as easily as centuries-old rituals, so four-legged “city dwellers” do not miss the opportunity during a walk to chase a passing cat or dig an impressive hole in the roots of trees from the nearest park.

Health and disease of the Jack Russell Terrier

Possible diseases

Jack Russell Terriers are not deprived of good health, but, like any other animal, they are prone to certain diseases. These small terriers belong to the category of long-livers - the life of Jack Russells ends at fourteen or sixteen years. Dogs often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but are not susceptible to obesity due to their hyperactivity. Diseases to be wary of:

  • hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease;
  • congenital deafness, which may not be noticeable at first because Jackies rely on their nose;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head - the dog begins to limp on one leg;
  • anomaly of the eyes, most often the sclera, retina, choroid are affected;
  • diabetes mellitus - manifests itself at the age of eight years and older;
  • arthritis;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart diseases.

In addition, Russells, especially light-haired individuals, are susceptible to allergies. This may be a reaction to food (feed component, vegetables, fruits), vaccinations, medications, external irritants (insects, flowering plants).

Reproductive health

Jack Russell Terriers are a popular dog breed, so many owners try to have offspring.
The first heat in female dogs occurs at the age of 10-12 months. It is believed that the most favorable age for planning pregnancy is from two to eight years. During this period of time, the female is still energetic, she is even ready for a difficult birth. The birth of puppies will bring pleasure to the female. If pregnancy is not planned, then it is better to sterilize the dog. This way she will remain healthy and will not cause unnecessary trouble to her owners.


The dog loves to eat tasty and satisfying food, for this reason, when planning the diet, the main concern of the owner will be to prevent the pet from gaining excess weight. Excess weight in dogs negatively affects the cardiovascular system, which interferes with a healthy lifestyle and mobility. The way out in this situation is very simple - feed your four-legged friend natural food, which is very easy to prepare. The ideal diet is boiled meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and cereals.

Regular use of vitamin complexes and mineral supplements will provide the animal’s body with all the components for proper formation and full functioning. Puppies and adults are strictly prohibited from eating flour, spicy, salty, or sweet foods. Overfeeding is also dangerous because it leads to intensive growth, while the musculoskeletal system may not have time to develop.

Features of feeding and diet

What to feed your active friend? The Jack Russell Terrier's diet should be well balanced and selected by a veterinarian. The quality of food also comes first. Feeding food is the best option, since it is already balanced in nutritional value and calorie content, while the diet of a dog on a natural diet is carefully thought out by the owner.

Is it possible to give a terrier on a natural diet vitamins? Veterinarians say that the danger of a lack of trace elements is not noticeable without tests; Vitamins should be given only as prescribed by a doctor.

Natural nutrition includes cereals, fresh vegetables and unsweetened fruits, dairy and meat products. The protein a dog gets must be at least 75% animal. If the jack is accustomed to drying, then the food should be premium; it is selected based on the age of the animal and its level of physical activity.

The breeder informs you how many times to feed the puppy (usually the first months of a dog’s life eat five to seven meals a day). You also need to find out what food to feed your puppy from the owner of the kennel, because changing food can be difficult for a young body. An adult Jack Russell Terrier should receive two or three servings of food per day.

How to feed?

The Jack Russell should eat from a bowl on a special stand that can be adjusted as the puppy grows.

Don't feed him from the table, even if he asks. Accustom your dog to a routine - to eat in a certain place at a certain time.

If you decide to feed your puppy natural food, make sure that he receives all the necessary substances and that the diet is balanced.


Do not give your puppy sweet, pickled, smoked, fatty or salty foods. This will lead to health problems.

Food should be at room temperature.

From 4 months, you need to feed your puppy six times a day, reducing the number of feedings every month. After 9 months, the dog should eat 2 times a day.

Make sure your dog always has fresh water at room temperature.

Care and maintenance

The Terrier's toilet routine consists of weekly brushing, monthly trimming for wire-haired individuals, and washing as needed. It doesn’t matter what season it is - winter, summer, spring, autumn - the condition of the coat must be constantly monitored.

How to care for a Russell? The Jack Russell Terrier is unpretentious in care and maintenance, as it is not a long-haired breed. Weak molting accompanies urban animals throughout the year; village dogs shed once or twice a year, but much more heavily. Daily combing and washing are unnecessary. This will only harm the terrier.

But examination of the oral cavity, cleaning of teeth and ears should be performed every day. Grooming (a set of dog care services, including trimming hair and claws) is required only for dogs participating in exhibitions.

Dogs of this breed are hyperactive, so keeping them in an apartment brings a lot of problems. Lack of activity (walking, playing outdoors or at home) results in chaos reigning in the apartment. The best option for keeping a Russell Terrier is a house with a fenced area.

Walking with your Jack Russell Terrier tends to turn into a bit of a chase. Walking with a leash will save your nerves and strength. The dog loves active games with a ball.

It is important to show the puppy a place where he can rest. This can be a large bed in a warm but ventilated place. Everything that can brighten up a Jack Russell Terrier's leisure time should be nearby.

Hard coat type

Of course, the wire-haired terrier looks very attractive and cute. The coat is not very long and is quite hard and dense. There is an opinion that terriers with rough hair can shed a lot. But when you do the trimming procedure at the right time, this can be avoided. Trimming involves removing hair that is ready to fall out. This procedure is not easy and requires a lot of effort, so it is best done in a special salon. During this procedure, dead skin particles, which very often cause allergies, are removed along with the hair. So, the wire-haired terrier of this breed is more suitable for allergy sufferers.

Tips for choosing a puppy

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is “promoted”. Almost every owner of a dog of this breed wants to make money by selling puppies. This situation makes it possible to purchase a puppy with defects in appearance or character as one of the possible scenarios. Instead of a faithful and active hunter, you can buy an inadequate sleeper.

How to choose a terrier puppy? Before purchasing, make sure that the place where the pet is purchased has a good reputation - that is, it is a trusted nursery. After meeting the breeder and the puppy’s parents, if the future owner is satisfied with everything, the young dog’s documents are checked and a purchase agreement is concluded.

If the goal is to acquire a future show winner, then it is better to postpone choosing a puppy until the age of six to eight months. By this time, the dog’s teeth will change, the “baby fuzz” will come off, and its virtues and vices will appear. You can also purchase a puppy of this level in the company of a dog handler or an experienced breeder. The price of show-category Jack Russell Terrier puppies is usually higher than average.

When buying a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, make sure you have the following documents: RKF puppy certificate, veterinary passport with vaccination records. The cost of dogs sold without these documents is lower, but no one can guarantee that in the future this dog will not turn out to be a crossbreed.

Can a dog change as it ages?

If we talk about external changes in Jack Russells with age, then there are practically none . If you compare a teenage puppy and an adult dog of this breed, the difference is barely noticeable; the height changes somewhat upward.

But there may be changes in character, but most often this is due to the owner’s behavior towards the pet.

If an animal is treated like a child, then it may begin to do dirty tricks for fun, knowing that nothing will happen for it. The complete absence of any training gives the same effect.

Representatives of this breed need to be carefully handled.

Cruel treatment of a dog can make it aggressive and this is typical not only for Jack Russells, but also for any other breeds.

Very rarely, a surge of aggression can occur for no apparent reason; this most often happens to males aged 5-7 years and goes away on its own.

How much does a Jack Russell Terrier cost?

Kennels offer three categories of puppies: pet, standard, show. Dogs are divided according to the principle of compliance with the breed and the possibility of admission to breeding.

  • The pet dog will become a loyal friend, but will not be able to participate in exhibitions due to serious defects in appearance or character (the seller must warn about this). Not allowed for breeding. Often retains the iconic qualities of the breed. The price of a pet class Jack Russell Terrier is below average - 15,000 rubles.
  • A standard puppy can participate in exhibitions and is allowed for breeding. The appearance and character of such pets are without flaws. The cost depends on the region where the nursery is located and the living conditions of the parents and the puppy; is 25,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Show dogs attend exhibitions with enviable regularity and become winners. Their appearance and character are ideal. Puppies of this class are considered elite and are sold for 50,000-60,000 rubles. The price for a good specimen can reach 100,000 rubles.

The more a dog meets the breed standard, the higher its value.
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Who is better?

It is very difficult to answer this question. In general, these are almost identical animals, having the same character and appearance.

In England, both varieties are equally popular, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish one breed from another by eye. If you want to get yourself a smaller dog, then choose a Jack Russell. But despite its smaller dimensions, it has no less energy.

The second significant factor in choosing a pet is its cost. These furry human friends cannot be called too dear. Jack Russells are a little cheaper; a puppy of this breed without a pedigree can be purchased for 13–20 thousand rubles. Whereas the price for Parsons starts from 20 thousand.

Pros and cons of dogs


  • Convenient small size.
  • Cheerful and cheerful: they willingly and play a lot with their owners.
  • Loyal and loving.
  • They are smart, quick-witted and well trained.
  • They make wonderful companions for children.
  • They don't shed.
  • Their fur itself cleans itself of dirt and dust.
  • They are easy to care for.
  • Brocken may well accompany its owner on a trip.


  • Hyperactive.
  • Without proper upbringing, he can start gnawing on everything and peeling off the wallpaper in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time walking, training and playing with your pet.
  • The hunting instinct is highly developed.
  • Has a tendency to dig.
  • Cunning and quite mischievous.
  • Need regular trimming.

The main positive quality of the Brocken is that this dog is able to save its owner from any blues and boredom and that they make excellent companions.

Triming as the main part of grooming

Trimming your Jack Russell Terrier is a key aspect of grooming. It is not needed for the smooth-haired type, but is required for Brokens and Roofs.

Trimming refers to the grooming procedure of removing dead and matted fur - manually or with special tools. Essentially, this is plucking out old hairs. The procedure is necessary for all wire-haired dog breeds, because... they do not shed their coats themselves. Moulting for “jacks” is replaced by manipulation.

Without trimming, your pet's fur will grow long, become matted, yellow and dirty - in the photo, “Jacks” with unplucked hair look like mongrels. Hair renewal and blood circulation are also disrupted, and skin diseases are possible due to the accumulation of fat, dirt and impaired ventilation.

Trimming is carried out manually or with a special tool - a trimming knife or stripper. Because It is difficult to pull out hairs; rubber tips are placed on the fingers to prevent injury.

Trimming is painless, but uncomfortable for the dog. Therefore, she may whine and struggle.

The trimming technique is the same for both types of breed. However, the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier needs it once every six months, and the Roof needs it every 3 months. Show dogs have their fur trimmed every 1 – 1.5 months.

General rules

It is better to have it trimmed at a pet salon. But, if you get the hang of it, you can do it yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Jack Russell Terrier dogs are placed on the table. It should be up to the owner’s waist for comfortable work.
  2. Fix the pet. A leash is placed around the dog’s neck and the latter is tied to a hook or holder located on top of the table. If the Jack is prone to biting, a muzzle is required.
  3. They begin trimming from the body - from the withers to the tail. Then they pluck half of the head on the right or left, the front and back paws on the same side. After the second part of the body on the other side.
  4. The last thing they do is the face. First, the hair is removed from the back of the nose, then a beard and mustache are formed. They are plucked out completely, except for the whiskers. The head is plucked by hand so as not to scratch the dog with the stripper.
  5. The fur inside the ears, on the stomach and near the anus is not plucked, but trimmed with a clipper with a fine attachment.
  6. Pluck the fur coat evenly, avoiding bald spots.

Only a few hairs are captured at a time. Otherwise, they will be plucked unevenly and painfully.

The wirehaired Jack before and after trimming is radically different. The procedure lasts from 1 to 4 hours. This is a long time, but the manipulation must be completed at once, otherwise the fur coat will have time to grow before the next time and will look uneven.

Also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before the procedure, do not bathe the “jack” - dirty fur is easy to grab with your fingers, while clean wool slides;
  • after the manipulation, the dog is dressed in overalls so that he gets used to the ambient temperature without a thick fur coat;
  • Upon arrival home, wash the dog with warm water from the shower to wash off the hairs.

For several days after grooming, your pet may itch or shake its head. If there are no rashes or irritations on the skin, and the ears are clean, this is simply a reaction to the procedure, which will soon pass.

First time

The first trimming for puppies is carried out on average at 4 months, when the baby fluff is replaced by an adult coat. But each Jack Russell Terrier dog grows and develops individually, so the dates are shifted by 4 weeks forward or back.

To determine that a puppy needs coat grooming, run your hand along the back; if you feel the guard hairs tingling, it’s time for your pet to go to a pet salon.

The first time is important. They trust the “jack” to a trusted specialist - he will calm the baby and perform the procedure painlessly. If you scare the dog or hurt him, in the future the pet will be afraid and resist with all four paws.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Dog lovers will certainly find few disadvantages in such a positive terrier. But they still exist:

  • Difficulty in communicating with other animals.
  • The need for long and active walks in any weather to provide maximum exercise and provide an outlet for activity.
  • The need to organize a balanced and high-quality diet for your pet.
  • It is not advisable to leave this dog alone for a long time.

They have many advantages, and almost all of them consist of character traits - energy, friendly attitude towards people, intelligence and intelligence. Separately, it is worth highlighting the compactness of individuals, which allows them to be kept in a small apartment. The owners must have enough energy and time to walk their pet.

A small dog is always a puppy

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