Hound dog: types of hunting breeds of different colors

Hound dogs in history

The breed became widespread during the Middle Ages. The hound dog is very dexterous and will happily help its owner find prey. When the prey is about to leave, the dog quickly corners it. The speed of reaction made hounds so popular. In Rus', these dogs were called vyzhlovki and vyzhlovki. They followed the trail without hindrance and led the owner. The dogs were also called yappers: when they followed the trail, you could hear a loud bark, and when they lost the trail, they fell silent. Hounds help with hunting. They literally lead the owner to the game.

English coonhound

The English Coonhound or Redtick Coonhound is a dog breed that originated and is commonly bred in the southern United States. It is descended from hunting hounds, especially foxhounds, brought to America by settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The English Coonhound has a high prey drive and although it is commonly used in "coon hunting", it is equally capable of pursuing virtually any species of game found in North America, from rabbits to cougars. This breed has only recently been recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), but is actually one of the most common purebred dogs in America and regularly ranks in the top 5 breeds in terms of United Kennel Club (UKC) registration.

History of the breed

Since the English Coonhound was bred before there was written evidence of dog breeding and mainly in working-class areas, very little can be said about its origins. However, the general features of the origin of the breed are known.

The English Coonhound can trace its ancestry directly back to the European hounds. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, hunting with packs of bloodhounds has been one of the main entertainments of the European nobility. Hunting over time developed into a highly ritualized event, becoming much more important than just a sport.

During the course of the hunt, countless personal, political, and dynastic alliances were formed, and decisions were made that would affect the lives of millions of people. Because hunting was so prestigious, quality hunting dogs became both financially valuable and prestigious.

Dozens of different hound breeds were developed throughout Europe, many of which were localized to their region of origin. Although hunting was very important throughout Europe, it was probably most popular and prestigious in France and England, long considered the epicenters of European hound breeding.

Throughout Europe, the preferred game species were large, potentially dangerous species such as wild boar, deer and wolves. This was the case in England until the 1600s, when major cultural, political and environmental changes began.

The rapidly growing British population meant that there was less and less wild space left, and hunting pressure began to increase. Large game species either became very rare or disappeared completely.

The British nobility increasingly turned to fox hunting to make up for the loss of their favorite prey, which until this time had been considered the exclusive property of the peasantry. A completely new breed was developed for fox hunting: the Foxhound. Fox hunting quickly became extremely popular among the British nobility, and was probably the most important sport among the British upper classes until the 20th century.

Around the same time that fox hunting was gaining popularity in Britain, the first British colonies were founded on the east coast of North America. A very high percentage of the colonists were the second sons of noble and wealthy families who were looking for an opportunity to earn wealth that would have been denied to them under English rules of inheritance.

Many of these people grew up as fox hunters and were eager to continue their favorite pastime in the New World. To do this, they took their beloved foxhounds with them. The British brought with them not only foxhounds, but also a number of other breeds, including bloodhounds and greyhounds.

Settlers in the New World quickly discovered that their European dogs were ill-adapted to their new environment. Firstly, even in the northernmost parts of the American South it is much hotter than in Britain. Dogs, accustomed to working in cool England, quickly fell from exhaustion and even died. Warmer temperatures meant there was a significant increase in the number and frequency of canine infectious diseases and parasites in America, many of which proved fatal to dogs.

When compared with England, the terrain is also much more varied and complex, which to this day has vast areas of marshes, mountains and completely untouched forests. Most importantly, America's wildlife was often very different from Britain's. While most dangerous creatures were exterminated from England long before the colonization of America, the New World was at that time home to large populations of wolves, bears, cougars, alligators, lynxes, wild pigs, venomous snakes, porcupines and other creatures. Even those creatures that were less dangerous often had very different habits, the most important of which was how they escaped from their attackers.

In England, most creatures run into a hole to avoid persecution, but in America they climb trees. American hunting dogs had to be able to work long hours in extremely hot temperatures, be resistant to all types of disease and parasites, tough enough to work in difficult and varied terrain, and ferocious enough to take down dangerous prey.

Initially, natural selection strongly influenced British dogs, and many of them died. This resulted in the dogs being adapted to work in America, but also in being somewhat different than in England.

These differences were exacerbated by the small number of dogs brought to America. Because importing dogs from Europe was so expensive and the journey was often fatal, few dogs made it to America. Because of this, imported dogs often crossed with each other. By the 1700s, the hounds of the American south were considered a distinct breed from their British counterparts and were known as Virginia hounds.

One of the most prominent breeders of these dogs was none other than George Washington, an avid fox hunter. After the American Revolution, George Washington received several pairs of different French hounds from his friend and ally the Marquis de Lafayette, which had a profound impact on his breeding programs.

American settlers continually moved west and south from Virginia, bringing their hunting dogs with them. The dogs of Virginia and Maryland, where fox hunting remained popular, eventually evolved into the American Foxhound, Virginia Foxhound, and Virginia Black and Tan Foxhound. Those that spread elsewhere began to specialize in raccoons as well as foxes, and became known as coonhounds or coonhounds.

In Europe, hunting with hounds was limited exclusively to the nobility and upper classes. This did not happen in America, which has long despised such rules. American hunters came from all social classes, and in many rural areas a very large percentage of the population were active hunters.

Hunting became a major sport in the American South and Midwest, and raccoon hunting was one of the most popular forms of hunting. Due to the popularity of this sport, quality hunting dogs have become highly prized. To test their dogs, raccoon hunting competitions began to be held. Initially these were local meetings, but quickly grew into regional, statewide and even national events.

While traditional dog shows judged dogs based on how well they met a standard, coonhound trials judged a dog on the speed and manner with which it performed various aspects of the hunt, as well as the number of animals it could help catch. Eventually, the dogs began to receive very significant cash prizes as well as prestigious awards.

Because high quality dogs were so valuable, many breeders kept their lines fairly pure, although not quite in the modern sense.

At first, Coonhound breeders showed very little interest in putting their dog in the show ring. They cared almost exclusively about the performance of their dogs, and not about their appearance. The UKC began running its own Coondog trials, which became known as some of the most prestigious and important in the sport. At the same time, the UKC became the main and most prestigious Coonhound registry in the world. In 1905, the UKC fully recognized the breed under the name American English Coonhound.

All coonhounds are regularly tasked with hunting all kinds of prey, most commonly used to hunt foxes, possums, and cougars. The English Coonhound remains almost exclusively a working dog, and the vast majority of the breed are either active or retired hunters.

Because of this, the breed is rarely found in urban or suburban areas where hunting is not commonly practiced. This does not mean that this is a rare breed, far from it. The English Coonhound is actually one of the most common purebred dogs in terms of population size in the United States.

For most of the 20th century, the breed was one of the top 10 breeds in terms of UKC registrations. In rural areas of the South, Midwest and Mountain West, the dog is well known and common. Despite its great popularity among American hunters, the breed is practically unknown outside its homeland and neighboring Canada.

Very few of these dogs were exported to foreign countries, although several hunters around the world experimented with this breed. Many of those dogs that were exported turned out to be very good hunters, with strong instincts, excellent temperament, stamina and the ability to hunt many different species in a variety of conditions. Thanks to the success of these dogs, it is quite possible that this breed will gain popularity abroad.


This is a large breed, but certainly not gigantic. Males usually reach 61–66 cm at the withers and weigh from 20 to 29 kg. Females are usually 58 to 63.5 cm at the withers and weigh 20 to 25 kg. This is a working dog and should always look like one. The breed should be highly muscular and incredibly fit, as befits one of the world's greatest hunters.

The English Coonhound's head and muzzle are very similar to those of other coon dog breeds. This dog's head is slightly domed and proportional to the size of the body. They merge relatively smoothly with each other, but remain distinct.

The muzzle itself is very long and quite wide, which gives the dog maximum area for olfactory receptors and the strong bite needed to grab prey. The lips are somewhat droopy, giving its muzzle a square appearance. The nose is quite large and usually black. The ears are very long and very wide.

They usually hang down parallel to the head, but may point slightly forward. The eyes are large and dark brown in color.

The coat of this breed is coarse, short or medium-short in length. The English Coonhound is the most variable of all the Coonhound breeds in terms of coat color, as the breed standard allows for a variety of colors, unlike other Coonhound breeds.

Some believe that this lack of emphasis on a specific coloration allowed breeders to focus breeding programs on traits such as intelligence and hunting ability rather than appearance and coat standards.

The predominant color is with reddish spots, called “Redtick”. "Redticks" are very small spots of color that cover a dog's fur, making it look like a dog is covered in ticks.


The dog has exactly the temperament one would expect from a working hound. This breed is generally very loving and devoted to its family. They form very close bonds with their owners, and are also very affectionate with them, usually in an ingratiating way. This is not a one-owner dog and will form equally strong bonds with all family members.

With proper socialization, she usually gets along very well with children, with whom she is very gentle and tolerant. Many English Coonhounds enjoy the company of children (especially those who give them food) and become close friends with them.

Aggression towards humans is considered completely unacceptable by most American breeders. When properly socialized, most of the breed are very polite, quite friendly, and actively seek human companionship.

Inappropriate greetings can be a problem with this breed, and without training, these dogs may excitedly jump up on guests and lick their faces. Their barking sounds much louder than the dog actually is, and may seem intimidating due to a closed door. However, these dogs are very poor watchdogs, as they would rather lick a stranger than bite.

Bred to work in packs of 2 to 50 dogs, the English Coonhound typically exhibits low levels of canine aggression. With proper training and socialization, most breeds are very good with even unfamiliar dogs, and most dogs would prefer to share their lives with at least one (and preferably several) canine housemates.

Some members of the breed, especially males, will be somewhat pushy and dominant when pack hierarchy is being decided, so caution should always be exercised when introducing new dogs. Potential problems may arise with very small dogs, which the dog may mistake for prey being hunted.

The breed continues to be bred almost exclusively as a working hunting dog. As a result, this breed exhibits very high levels of aggression towards other animals. Most of the breed will chase, attempt to attack and even kill almost any animal they encounter. One of these dogs, left alone in a yard for any length of time, will almost certainly bring “gifts” of dead animals to its owner.

Training and socialization will make most representatives of the breed capable of living peacefully with family pets. However, many of these dogs never fully trust them, and even those breeds that coexist peacefully with cats they have known for years can still attack and kill a cat they are unfamiliar with.

As with most hounds, English Coonhounds can be very difficult to train. Although this breed is very affectionate, they are also usually incredibly stubborn. When one of these dogs decides that they are not going to do something, it is very difficult to get them to do it.

This breed in particular is almost impossible to bring back. When a dog picks up a trail, it follows it purposefully, not paying attention to any calls to return. For this reason, this dog should be kept on a leash at all times when not in a safe, enclosed area unless it has been thoroughly trained to hunt.

This breed is capable of hunting in very difficult terrain for many hours. As a result, she has high physical demands. The dog should receive at least 45 minutes of vigorous physical activity every day, preferably much more. This dog makes an excellent jogging companion, but prefers the opportunity to run off-leash in a safe, enclosed area.

In general, these dogs live much better in rural areas, and most adapt very poorly to apartment life. Without proper exercise, this breed will almost certainly develop behavioral problems such as destructiveness, excessive barking, nervousness and hyperactivity.

However, once this dog gets the exercise it needs, most are very calm and reserved in the house, and will spend countless hours lying quietly.

Since they work primarily at night, breeders selected dogs with the sweetest barks and loudest bays so that hunters could easily follow them on foot. The sounds this breed makes are extremely frequent and incredibly loud (many of them can be clearly heard from miles away), and if left unchecked, these dogs can bark for hours on end.

Training and exercise can greatly reduce barking, but it certainly won't eliminate it. When kept in close quarters, these dogs are likely to result in noise complaints.


A breed with very low maintenance costs. These dogs should never need professional grooming; All that is needed is regular brushing. Owners should clean their ears regularly to prevent irritation and infections.

Coonhounds shed, and many of them shed very, very heavily. They completely cover furniture, clothing, and carpets with hair, and this breed would be a poor choice for an allergy sufferer or simply someone who hates the thought of dog hair.


The Red Spotted Coonhound is generally considered a very healthy breed. This dog continues to be bred almost exclusively as a working hunting dog. Any genetic defects impair the dog's ability to do its job and are therefore eliminated from working lines as quickly as they are discovered.

This breed also has a very large genetic pool. This does not mean that the dog is immune to genetically inherited diseases. But she suffers from fewer of them and usually at a lower frequency.

The average lifespan is 11 to 12 years, which is about average for a breed of its size.

Hip dysplasia is a known problem in this breed, as well as in most purebred dogs. Hip dysplasia is caused by a malformation of the joint that prevents the leg bone from connecting properly to the hip.

As a dog ages, it can lead to discomfort, pain, arthritis, difficulty moving, and in severe cases, even lameness. Although hip dysplasia is inherited genetically, the timing and severity of its onset can be influenced by environmental factors.

Although there are no generally accepted treatments for hip dysplasia, there are a number of treatments for its symptoms, most of which are long-term and expensive.

Buying a puppy

To get an Irish Terrier puppy, do some research on the breed first. Find out the features of keeping and raising dogs. Choose a kennel club and attend exhibitions with representatives of the breed. Talk to terrier owners and breeders.

From the age of one and a half months, puppies are ready for sale. Examine the parents and their pedigrees. Check with the breeder for the availability of diplomas and exhibition certificates. The proud owner will be happy to show them off.

Evaluate the appearance and character of the puppies. If you need to get a decent terrier, promising for a show career, involve a breed specialist to evaluate the exterior.

general description

Since Foxhounds are hunting dogs, the best habitat is in a pack. In such conditions it is easier to raise a dog. Single foxes are more difficult to train and train, but are excellent companions for their owners. The owner's character must be persistent and strong, and the dog's training must be strict but calm.

Dogs raised in a pack love their owners and are distrustful of strangers, but do not show aggression for no apparent reason. A domestic dog with a high level of socialization, it behaves friendly, especially towards familiar people and animals. Fox quickly finds a common language with children, which is why he is often called a “nanny.” Other pets will also be surrounded by the care of the Foxhound. Universal love and affection make the foxhunter an affectionate and gentle friend of the family.

Foxes are balanced, but they require long and intense training. Living in an apartment will not be to his liking, and the dog may become depressed. The passion for hunting and a lot of energy require long walks or runs. The Fox needs to walk for several hours at a time. Dogs love to hunt and follow a scent, which allows them to realize their potential. This is vital for the Foxhound. Instead of hunting, you can take long bike rides or hikes.

The dog's sense of smell is poorly developed, but its vision is sharp, which allows Foxhounds to track prey without losing sight of it. Thanks to its vigilance, the foxgon will vigilantly monitor the home, preventing even small rodents from entering. But a Fox will not make a guard dog, since the dog’s character is quite soft and friendly. To raise a foxhound as a protector and guardian of a person, it is necessary to use special training methods.

Features of behavior and education of hounds

Today people also breed hounds, they are needed for various purposes, not necessarily for hunting. The breed has many characteristic features, and the owner must clearly know why he is breeding such dogs. You should pay attention to your pet. He needs long walks, but it is better not to walk him near the road.

The dog must always be on a leash, otherwise it may simply run away.

The name “hounds” comes from the word “drive”, it speaks for itself: initially people got dogs for the purpose of hunting hare, wild boar, fox

The pet needs to be controlled and raised very well. He can be trained to different commands. You need to show persistence, courage and rigor in raising these animals. They have an innate instinct to intimidate and corner their prey. Puppies and adult males run fast - this is another distinctive feature. If necessary, an adult dog can run 7 km unhindered, while maintaining the pace. The hound has developed limbs - this allows it to run for a long time and not stop.

If you are a hunter, a hound will help you in a difficult task. But to hunt on Russian territory, you need to go to a special reserve. Dogs help in hunting hare, wild boar, fox, even bear. For hunting, you can use not one dog (bitch), but two.

It is important to know: the hound loves a pack lifestyle, but you can get one individual by teaching it all the necessary commands. Experts recommend taking kids, and they should learn from adults. If you want to take not one, but 2 dogs, you need to make sure that one is the leader and the other is the follower.

Diseases of the English Foxhound

English Foxhounds are considered fairly healthy dogs, with an average lifespan of 10–13 years. Common genetic diseases are:

  • Hypothyroidism is decreased function of the thyroid gland. The disease can manifest itself as disturbances in any system, as the body suffers from a lack of a number of hormones. Typically, owners complain about the animal being overweight, weakness, apathy, deterioration of skin condition, and partial baldness. If hypothyroidism is diagnosed, the dog will be prescribed lifelong administration of the hormone thyroxine (replacement therapy).
  • Deafness. The problems are associated with the dominance of the merle gene in foxhounds, which is responsible for the color of the coat with the presence of lighter and darker areas on it. When crossing two marbled animals, there is a high probability of genetic abnormalities, in particular deafness. A dog with such a problem cannot be cured, and its maintenance will require an exceptionally experienced owner.
  • Cardiomyopathy is damage to the walls of the ventricles and atria due to degenerative processes in the muscles. The organ begins to contract weakly, which entails a drop in pressure, weakness, coughing with minimal exertion, decreased muscle mass and pallor of the mucous membranes. The disease is life-threatening for the dog, so the veterinarian must prescribe medications to prevent the death of heart tissue and improve its functioning. Treatment will be lifelong.

The English Foxhound is a hound dog that has a strong hunting instinct. She gets along well with people and relatives, but often treats small pets as prey. In a metropolis it may be difficult to keep such an animal, but in a country house it will be as comfortable as possible.


The Irish Terrier is energetic and friendly - it jumps high and runs at speeds of up to 40 km/h. The dog is so devoted to his owner that he is ready to give his life for him. He perceives family members as a flock that needs to be protected and protected. He is wary of strangers in the house, vigilantly observing their behavior.

A terrier can get along with a cat if he lives with her from puppyhood. In other cases, you should not have other animals together with the terrier. It is especially dangerous for rodents and birds - the hunter's instinct makes itself felt.

Bravery is the hallmark of the “red devil.” Without knowing fear, he can attack even an opponent much larger in size. Irish fights often end sadly for them - especially if the owners make no attempt to separate the pets.

The Irish Terrier's energy can be used for hunting or sports such as agility or Frisbee. He is very focused and persistent in achieving his goals.

The terrier's temperament wins the hearts of children and adults. The dog is artistic and capable of performing incredible tricks. His intelligence allows him to perform complex exercises, and his independence adds zest to the performance.

Irish Terrier: photo and description of the breed

Character of American Foxhounds

The American Foxhound has a reserved, balanced character. This is a hunting dog, hardy and efficient. But she is very independent, so in order to achieve obedience, the owner needs to raise her correctly.

The breed was bred for gun hunting, mainly in packs. Therefore, Foxhounds get along well with other dogs. They are used to living in a pack, obeying the leader. The owner will be obeyed if he gains authority. Only active, strong-willed people with a strong character should get such a dog.

Foxhounds love children, treat them with tenderness, and protect them. This dog will never hurt a child, but it is not recommended to leave it alone with children. He generally treats strangers with indifference.

These dogs have the following character traits:

  • lack of aggression towards humans;
  • devotion;
  • love for children;
  • endurance;
  • goodwill;
  • unpretentiousness.

Features of training

The American Foxhound was bred to work in a pack. The dogs were kept in enclosures, so they are independent and self-sufficient. They are difficult to train, although representatives of the breed are smart. But often the hunting instincts take over, and the dog ignores the owner’s commands. A novice dog breeder will not be able to cope with raising such a dog. But even an experienced owner is recommended to contact a dog trainer for special training.

The puppy needs to be socialized from an early age. In addition to the usual training for all dogs to noise, cars, and strangers, American hounds require special training. They have very strong hunting instincts. Therefore, when walking, they often run after birds and cats. You need to immediately teach the dog not to react to small animals.

For proper home education, the owner must show patience and perseverance. The American Foxhound will listen only to those who can gain authority. Therefore, commands must be given firmly, in a stern voice, but not shouted. It is imperative to ensure that the order is carried out; relaxation must not be allowed. The dog is smart, she will immediately notice this and will use it in the future. For pranks and wrongdoings, the dog must be severely scolded; it can be punished, only without physical violence.

You need to find an approach to your pet. Despite the presence of instincts and the same character traits, all dogs are different. Strictness will work better on one, and affection on the other.

The photographs show the behavioral features of these dogs:

Appearance of the hounds

The dogs are not too tall, their height is slightly above average. Adults reach 65 cm in length. The body has a clear outline. Some dogs have slightly protruding ribs. Males and females have long powerful legs and a short tail. The hounds' muzzle is elongated and their ears droop. They have a beautiful neck and straight-set eyes. The look is clear and lively.

The pet needs to be controlled and raised very well

Hounds are quite active. Their fur is not very long. The Hanoverian breed has a long-haired coat. There are several regions in Russia where dogs of this breed are bred. As for the coloration, hounds have a variety of colors: there are tricolor speckled and crimson. The paws are powerful, the muscles are strong. The dog has large paw pads, a straight tail raised up. This breed has its own unique characteristics. Puppies are not cheap. Before adopting a baby, it is recommended to look at the pedigree and verify the authenticity of the documents.

General characteristics of the American Foxhound breed

The American Foxhound is not a lap dog. This is an energetic, strong, hardy working dog. Suitable only for active owners who can provide him with plenty of space and time for physical exercise.

Now these dogs are used for hunting ducks and small animals. Thanks to their endurance and dexterity, they successfully participate in agility, sports competitions, and races. And their keen sense of smell helps them quickly pick up the trail. Therefore, you can use them in search work.

breed nameAmerican Foxhound
country of originUSA
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationhounds
working qualitieshunting dog, watchman
life expectancy11-13 years old
heightmales 56-63, females 53-61
weightmales 29-32, females 27-29


American Foxhounds are active dogs, non-aggressive and cheerful. With proper maintenance and upbringing, such a dog will become your best friend. It has several advantages:

  • easy to care for;
  • has developed hunting and guard qualities;
  • loves children;
  • active, resilient, easily performs various tricks;
  • by nature good-natured, friendly, sociable, loyal;
  • has good health.


American Foxhounds are a breed that is not advisable to keep in an apartment. They require special education, a lot of space and high physical activity. Without this, they can cause destruction in the apartment. These are energetic, hardy dogs. Suitable for active sports wearers only. They have a few more disadvantages:

  • shed heavily;
  • do not get along with cats;
  • bark loudly, this is how they express their emotions or boredom;
  • difficult to train, as they are stubborn and independent;
  • You can't let him off the leash on the street - they might run away.


The breeding of dogs of this breed was carried out in four directions. Outwardly they do not differ, but there are differences in character and working qualities.

  • Field test hound. These dogs are agile, fast, and hardy.
  • For fox hunting. The character is restrained, loud barking.
  • For search work. Requires a sensitive sense of smell and hearing, speed, and endurance.
  • Teamwork requires teamwork qualities.

Possible health problems

Deerhounds are traditionally susceptible to cardiomyopathy , as well as osteogenic sarcoma . It is recommended to conduct a full examination of the dog once a year and observation by a veterinarian at the first signs of the above diseases.

However, with proper and balanced nutrition, as well as a healthy lifestyle, the deerhound will live the entire allotted period without any special health problems. Also see useful information in the article Worms in dogs: symptoms and treatment.

Origin story

The history of the origin of the English fox hound begins in the 16th century. But only by the middle of the nineteenth century were the appearance and breed qualities brought to the desired perfection.

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The hounds of the Middle Ages were known as slow and massive. In those days they hunted deer with dogs, using them to search for animals. When the prey was found and raised from the rookery, light and fast greyhounds caught it.

Over time, the area of ​​dense forests in Britain decreased, and the deer also disappeared. Then foxes and other small game became the object of hunting. Exciting and exciting horse baiting of foxes took place at speed. The hounds of those times, due to their slowness, were not very suitable for this activity, and they began to cross them with greyhounds in order to combine endurance and agility in the new breed. The result of selection was the English Foxhound or English Parataya Hound - strong, hardy and incredibly fast.

When breeding a new breed, the British did not care much about the external characteristics of the dogs, which turned out to be of different colors with specks and spots in color. The formation of the chest and the foxhound's flair also remained on the sidelines.

But serious attention was paid to endurance, high speed and the pack instinct. The English foxcat had to be able to work in a pack, and for this purpose the dogs were selected taking into account psychological compatibility

The appearance of representatives of the English fox hound breed varied depending on the province in which they were bred. For example, Staffordshire foxhounds are slow and massive, while Yorkshire dogs are fast and light.

Rare breeds were as hardy and fast as modern representatives of the English paratha hound. The physical qualities of these dogs are so impressive that a number of countries have used them to develop local hunting breeds.

Gallery: hound dogs (25 photos)

How to walk a foxhound?

The American Foxhound requires regular exercise and long runs at high speed. The best pastime for them is jogging through the forest; in extreme cases, you can provide them with free walks during the day. But these active athletes will definitely not have enough quiet 20-minute walks in the morning, which owners organize for less active dogs.

Proper calculation of daily physical activity allows you to keep your pet in shape.

Because of their long legs, Foxhounds can easily overcome obstacles and run very quickly. But if the dog doesn’t get enough physical activity, he will quickly get fat and begin to have difficulty moving.

Teaching your foxhound that food doesn't last forever will help keep his digestion normal.

Hunting with a Foxhound

During the hunting process, the American Foxhound is used in four different ways, which require different levels of training and skills:

  1. Field trials where Foxhounds compete as hounds against other hounds. Here their reaction speed and efficiency are tested.
  2. “Gun” pursuit of foxes, in which the dog drives the prey, preparing it for a meeting with the shooter. The hound is required to run slowly and have a loud bark in order to chase the fox.
  3. Track hunting, where foxhounds appear as fast hounds. The dog simply tracks the game, using its speed and ability to carry out long-term exercise.
  4. Hunting hounds in a team. From 15 to 20 dogs participate. As a rule, a whole community of breeders or an association of foxhound lovers participates in such mass hunts.

Gradually, the foxhound moves from the status of a hunter to the role of a companion and guardian of the family.

Today, the American Foxhound is gradually losing its narrow specialization as an assistant in hunting. It is increasingly being domesticated due to its close coexistence with humans, which was initially unusual for the dog’s nature. Now the Foxhound is perceived as an energetic pet that everyone in the family, including small children, goes crazy for.

English Foxhound breed

Foxhound is an English hound. This is one of the most popular breeds. This dog has the blood of ancient hounds, terriers and greyhounds. Males have a strong build and thick, high paws. They began to be bred in England more than 200 years ago. The Foxhound is considered a national breed and is suitable for bird hunting.

The British bred not only foxhounds, but also larger types of dogs, their breed was called deer hounds. Today this breed has not survived. The Foxhound helped to hunt not only birds, but also foxes: the name of the breed literally translates as “Fox Race”. Males and females can easily withstand racing; they are hardy, agile and very fast. A dog can run 20 km without stopping.

Unlike other hounds, her senses are slightly weakened. Today, hunting with foxhounds is of sporting interest. X owners love to set their pets off on the wrong trail, but the agile foxhounds still run forward. This breed was often exported to America and European countries. In Russia, on their basis, the Russian piebald hound was created. The Americans created their own hound for hunting raccoons.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

American Foxhound
Activityin the house3
on the street5
Dominationin family1
over dogs3
Defending your territoryfrom people3
from dogs5
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers3
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers3
with dogs3
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers2
to the dogs3
to cats3
Family behaviorcalmness5
demand for affection5
excessive barking3
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years5
over 4 years old5
Institutional usewatchman5

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Beagle, Doberman (Doberman Pinscher), German Boxer, Norwegian Elkhound (Norwegian Elkhound), Mittelschnauzer (Standard Schnauzer).

The photo shows what American Foxhounds look like:

Deerhound training

The Scottish Deerhound is highly trainable and remembers commands almost instantly, so you should not tire your dog out by repeating what has already been learned. It is much better to come up with a new activity for each walk: for example, coursing or cycling.

Please pay special attention to the fact that the deerhound, due to its hunting instinct, may begin to chase squirrels in the park, cats or small dogs: stop this behavior immediately. For a professional approach to such exercises, see the article Training a dog on your own: an obedience course.

Choosing a puppy

It is best to purchase an English Foxhound puppy between the ages of 1.5 and 3 months. When choosing a baby, you should definitely pay attention to the following points:

  • appearance (the puppy must be visually healthy, well-fed, not too thin or small, with the main characteristics of the breed - hanging ears and an angular muzzle);
  • behavior (small fox dogs are very active and inquisitive, they should not be intimidated or slow);
  • health and pedigree of the puppy’s parents;
  • presence of an official document confirming belonging to the breed - pedigree.

The price varies depending on the class of the animal and the merits of its ancestors, but usually ranges from 10 to 30 thousand.

An English Foxhound puppy should have an angular muzzle and floppy ears.

Beagle is another breed of hound

The Beagle is another breed that originated in England. In the old days, beagles hunted hares. They often interacted with foxhounds. These dogs have a well-developed sense of smell, they are fast and strong. Among the external features, it is worth noting the beautiful color. Individuals, in comparison with others, were considered small hounds; they were not so often involved in hunting.

Beagles were created by merging two breeds, but they are said to have greyhound blood in them, which is why they run fast. In 1891, a large-scale dog exhibition took place in England, where beagles were presented as a separate breed. Over time they changed. Individuals differ in their fur: some have shorter hair, others have longer hair. European hounds were formed with the participation of these dogs.

Today beagles are not used for hunting. Among all the variety of breeds, they are considered not the best hounds.

Beagles are mainly found in England, but are also found in France. The 19th century was marked by the fact that representatives of this breed were brought to America, where they were used for hunting rabbits. The Beagle is more of a cute pet than a hound dog. It is also important to note that the individual is small in size.

Beagles can feed dead birds. In general, the dog is obedient and has a cheerful disposition. Its average height is 37 cm. It has beautiful expressive eyes and large round ears. The neck is not too long, the loin is level. The chest is well developed, the limbs are not long - everything looks harmonious. The paws of these dogs are somewhat reminiscent of a cat's. Their fur is not long, but smooth. There are dogs that are white, but speckled can be black with a red color.

Purpose of the breed

The Foxdog breed was originally bred for hunting; for several centuries this activity was the main and only purpose of these dogs. Animals were kept exclusively in packs, which together took an active part in baiting foxes. Sometimes English Foxhounds were used when hunting larger animals.

Over time, hunting dogs migrated from the forests to dog shows and sports rings, from pack animals they turned into domestic companions and pets. However, there are still connoisseurs of the hunting qualities of these individuals in the world, and some dogs still perform their original functions with great pleasure.


The Irish Terrier is a universal dog, a family favorite, a guard and an indispensable assistant to the owner. Can be a hunter and gun dog. Belongs to the terrier group, does not pass working tests.

FCI breed standard: No. 139

An active and lively dog ​​is proportional and does not show clumsiness when moving. It has a long head with a flat, rather narrow skull and a barely noticeable stop. The muzzle is moderately wide, without narrowing. The nose is black, fully pigmented.

The Irishman's cheekbones are moderate, but his jaws are quite long and strong, providing a good grip. The teeth are straight - the upper ones are slightly pushed forward, overlapping the lower ones. Dry lips adhere tightly to the teeth line.

The eyes are small and dark in color – light or yellow are undesirable. You can read curiosity, fire and interest in life in your gaze. The infraorbital areas protrude barely noticeably. Small ears are set high on the skull, the tips hang forward, reaching to the temporal region.

The neck is dense and long, set almost vertically, there is no dewlap. The neck widens towards the shoulders, turning into strong shoulders. The back line is straight, the loin protrudes slightly, the croup is completed by a saber-shaped tail set vertically, covered with coarse hair without fringes. Some dogs have their tails docked.

The terrier's chest is dense, but not too wide, and the ribs are long. The limbs are set parallel, the hips are powerful. The hock joints of the hind legs are set low.

Breed faults:

  • cowardice;
  • aggression;
  • under/undershot;
  • depigmentation of the lobe; any shade except black;
  • color deviation from those specified by the standard;
  • cracks on the paw pads.

Obvious physiological or psychological deviations from the standard. Any defect leads to the exclusion of the dog from breeding.

Irish Terrier – dog photo, character description

Dimensions, weight and height of the breed

The height of the Irish Terrier is 45.5 cm, according to the standard. Minimal deviations are acceptable. Males weigh more than females - about 12.2 kg, the latter's weight is 11.4 kg.

Possible colors

The Irishman's coat is short and broken, reminiscent of twisted wire in structure. It fits so tightly to the body that even if you pull the skin apart with your hands, you won’t see the skin. The head and limbs are covered with shorter hairs, straight and smooth. There should be no curls in the coat. The maximum length of hair is on the beard and mustache of a terrier.

Color options:

  • wheat with red rye;
  • bright red;
  • golden with a red tint.

Any color may have small white spots on the sternum.

Puppy weight by month

Irish Terrier puppies are born weighing about 225 g. They actively gain weight at the very beginning of life.

Approximate age to weight ratio:

  • 1 month – 1.1 kg;
  • 2 months – 2.5 kg;
  • 5 months – 6 kg;
  • 8 months – 9 kg;
  • 11 months – 9-11 kg.

The given parameters are approximate, the weight depends on the genetics of the puppy and the number of babies in one litter.


The life expectancy of the Irish Terrier is encouraging - on average, a representative of the breed lives 13 years with good quality, but often breeders note cases of longevity - up to 17 years. In old age, the dog becomes a little grumpy, but does not lose his vigor.


The Irishman's shedding is weakly expressed - the separation of the epithelium of the skin and undercoat is insignificant. This means that the breed is less likely than others to cause allergies. However, there are no completely hypoallergenic dogs, so before buying a puppy it is better to get tested and closely interact with the terriers of other owners.

Irish Terrier description of dog breed, characteristics

Description of the breed

According to the ICF classification, the Foxhound belongs to the 6th breed group “Hounds and related breeds”, 1st section “Hounds”, subsection 1.1 “Large hounds”. The dog is positioned as an animal that works in a pack as part of a mounted hunt. The current standard describes in detail the appearance of a purebred representative:

  • the head is proportional to the body, with a not too pronounced transition from the forehead to the nose (stop);
  • the skull is flat, of medium width;
  • nose with well-opened, large nostrils;
  • the muzzle is long and angular;
  • the jaws are strong, the bite should be scissor-shaped (with intersecting fangs) and correct (the upper row of teeth completely overlaps the lower);
  • eyes are medium in size, necessarily either brown or rich brown;
  • the ears are set high, the shell hangs down on the sides of the head and is adjacent to it along the inner line;
  • the neck is long and muscular, but does not look rough;
  • the back is wide and straight, but there is a slight elevation in the lumbar region;
  • chest deep;
  • the tail is set high, held approximately at the level of the back, but never thrown over it;
  • The limbs are well built, muscular, with tightly gathered paws of a rounded shape.

The standard clearly states the requirements for the appearance of a representative of the breed.

Overall the dog is powerful and well balanced. The recommended height at the withers is from 58 to 64 cm, and the weight is 27–34 kg . There are no obvious differences in size between females and males in this breed. When moving, the representatives look free, they have a wide, even stride, and if necessary, the animal switches to a fast run without much difficulty.

The average speed that an English fox hound develops on rough terrain is 20–25 km/h.

The body of the fox hound is covered with short and thick hair, which allows the animal to feel great in any weather. There are no restrictions on coat color - all possible hound colors are recognized as the standard (black, red-yellow, wolf, piebald, merle). The most common combination is a white base with black spots and a bright red edging.

Character and psyche of the breed

The English fox dog is distinguished by its endurance and innate hunting instinct. In everyday life, representatives of the breed are absolutely non-aggressive and friendly. Considering that foxhounds are designed to work in a pack, they get along well with their relatives, but problems may arise with cats and small pets due to the dog’s hunting nature.

Foxhounds are usually used in packs and get along well with their peers.

Representatives of the breed are not particularly good as a guard; they are changeable in their attitude towards strangers and are usually not aggressive. So, a fox hound will either be wary when a new person appears, or will immediately warm up to him. These dogs get along well with children, which is why they are often found in families. As for the owner, only a strong and confident person can control a Foxhound. This is a very intelligent and quick-witted breed, it does not tolerate abuse, yelling, or unclear instructions. Given the high need for physical activity, the pet will only get along in an active family.

In training, it is important to win the dog’s respect, to act clearly and systematically . The breed is characterized by stubbornness and willfulness, so training can be difficult. The key to success is the right tactics, persistence and firmness in your demands.

Disadvantages and disqualifications

The official document does not indicate specific shortcomings; there is only a standard postscript, which states that any deviation from the requirements of the standard is a disadvantage for a representative of the breed. The significance of a particular nonconformity is determined by the judge and is proportional to the degree of impact of the deficiency on the appearance and health of the particular animal.

Reasons to disqualify a dog from participating in an exhibition, competition or breeding work may include:

  • unjustified aggression;
  • excessive shyness and timidity.

Only completely clinically and functionally healthy animals may be allowed for breeding.

Russian piebald hound

From the moment of its appearance, the Russian piebald hound immediately fell in love with hunters. The breed was developed in the middle of the 19th century. To this day it remains popular and in demand. The dogs are friendly and hardy. The Russian piebald hound is quite amenable to training; it has a developed inner sense and sense of smell. When raising a dog, you need to show persistence, then you will raise a friend and faithful assistant.

The Russian piebald hound was popular during Tsarist Russia, when it was customary for aristocrats to keep hunting dogs. Landowners got several dogs, the price of each animal was higher than the price for a serf. Greyhounds were common. Over time, new hunting breeds were developed. The first half of the 19th century was marked by the crossing of different breeds, including hunting ones, to obtain more powerful and active individuals. The experiments were not in vain. At the beginning of the 20th century, other hunting breeds were born. The Russian piebald hound was one of the best and most expensive dogs.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Great hunterStubborn and independent
FriendlyNot suitable for living in a city apartment
Easy careBarks a lot and loudly
Loves childrenLong walks required

The dog is definitely not suitable for passive and calm people.

Where to buy and price

It is better to buy a pet from a nursery. and not by hand. In this case, you can obtain all the necessary documents and meet the puppy’s parents. There is a BLACK & BRIGHT nursery in Ukraine. There are no officially registered ones in Russia. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the subspecies of the breed.

The baby should be active, bark loudly, clean, and moderately well-fed. The price is individual, depending on performance, gender, exterior and other indicators. A puppy can cost from 19,000 to 30,000 rubles. The English hound is distributed mainly in America. Six types of Coonhounds have been bred from this breed. In addition to hunting, dogs take part in show programs and competitions.


It is better to buy a Gascony hound from a kennel. The breeder provides you with a passport for the puppy, which indicates: the animal’s pedigree, its color, gender, vaccinations, etc. The cost of an animal from a nursery will be more expensive than purchasing it through an advertisement.

The price for dogs varies:

  • If the animal is from a nursery, then a large breed will cost from 20 thousand rubles, a small one - from 15 thousand rubles.
  • If the animal is purchased through an advertisement, then the cost of a large dog will be from 15 thousand rubles, a small one - from 10 thousand rubles.

How to buy a puppy

To buy a good dog for hunting, you need to choose a puppy at 5-6 months. At this age, breed characteristics already appear. But usually puppies are sold at 1-2 months. In this case, you need to focus on the parents: their appearance, working qualities. It is recommended to purchase a puppy from a pair with high scores at shows and working tests.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to an active, non-cowardly and non-aggressive baby. He must have the correct bite, dark nose and eyes. A healthy puppy is playful and curious. The eyes and ears are free of discharge, the coat is smooth, without bald spots.

In Russia now hounds are not very popular, so it is difficult to buy an American Foxhound. You need to find a good kennel that specializes in this breed. Then there will be a guarantee of purchasing a healthy puppy with good working qualities.

Such a dog is quite expensive - from 45 thousand rubles. If a puppy is offered cheaper, it may not be purebred or have hereditary diseases. In America, the American Foxhound is cheaper. But this dog is a national treasure, it is difficult to take a puppy out of the country, you need to obtain special permission.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

An interesting video will help you get an impression of dogs of this breed:

Video: American Foxhound - description of the hound dog breed

American Foxhounds are large, beautiful dogs. But you can't keep them as a pet. This dog needs to be constantly dealt with, trained, and given heavy loads. Then he will become a devoted friend, a good hunter, a cheerful playful companion.

Appearance and training of Russian hounds

The Russian Piebald Hound is a very cute creature. This breed of dog has short hair, slightly more than 4 cm. The hair varies in length on different parts of the body. The height of the individual is above average; the Russian piebald hound cannot be classified as a large breed. The average height is 60 cm. The body is white with black or red spots. The dog is unpretentious. She needs to be bathed periodically and brushed only once a week.

It is easier to hunt with such a dog: it can turn hunting into an exciting activity. A trained hound follows the owner's command. After picking up the trail, the animal runs along it, leading the owner to the prey. At the same time, she actively barks, which indicates the correctness of the chosen direction.

Heredity plays an important role, but in order for a dog to help in hunting, its skills need to be developed. Training will help with this. If you want to turn her into a real hunter, take her out into the forest when she is 7 months old. The animal will gradually get used to the working atmosphere. First, you can teach him to hunt hares, then larger animals. Hounds have one drawback: when they take their prey by surprise, they can pounce on it without waiting for their owner. The dog must be weaned off such an instinct by being strict in its upbringing. It is important to feed your pet on time - it will have less desire to attack prey.

The Russian Piebald Hound gets along well with children. A distinctive feature of the breed is its calm character. The dog is not angry, not capricious. It is also worth noting that puppies are easy to train; they can be taught to follow commands.

The Russian hound can be kept in a private house or apartment. The most suitable habitat is a house with a small plot. Don’t forget that dogs love to run, so you need to go for a walk with them on time.

Remember: the animal does not tolerate being in an apartment for a long time. If you forget to walk your dog, it will get angry. Personal space is something every dog ​​needs.

Some breeds require intense exercise. When training, in some situations it is necessary to show persistence - without this, training is impossible. Be strict where necessary, then praise your pet.

A greyhound puppy will turn into a beautiful hound dog if raised correctly.

Features of care

Short hair is one of the advantages of the breed, as it does not require complex care. It will be enough for the owner to go over the fur coat 2-3 times a week with a hard rubber brush to remove fallen hairs. Bathing is done only as needed; if the dog is dirty, then simply wipe the coat with a damp cloth.

An important aspect is ear care. The hanging form causes a high risk of inflammatory processes - in a closed ear, when water gets in, a favorable warm and humid environment is formed for the development of microorganisms. The owner of a fox dog needs to inspect the pet’s ears after each walk for injuries and dirt and promptly remove all excess.

When it comes to food, representatives of the breed are usually unpretentious; they adapt well to both homemade food and commercial dry or wet diets. However, in both cases, the dog owner needs to pay special attention to the quality of the products. If this is a natural eating style, then the diet should include:

  • at least 50–60% fresh lean meat (beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
  • safe cereals (rice and buckwheat);
  • mild vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • unsweetened fruits.

It is better to choose purchased diets of the highest class - super-premium and holistic. For foxhounds, food designed for medium-sized dogs with a high level of activity is ideal (Grandorf Holistic Lamb&Rice Medium, Ownat Classic Energy, Pronature Holistic, etc.).

The Foxhound should be fed food for dogs with high activity, for example, Ownat Classic Energy

Your Deerhound's name

When choosing a name for your dog, remember that it should reflect the visible characteristics of your puppy . That is why it is recommended not to rush with a nickname, but to spend at least two weeks with the dog: I guarantee that during this time you will definitely choose an original and unique name for your pet.

For male Deerhounds, the best names are those that made the breed famous: Claude, Gray, Lord or Wulf. As for the bitches, here you can choose a suitable nickname between Maida, Jenny, Dora or Yaruna.

Maintenance and care

He needs a lot of space to live. Therefore, life in the city, life in an apartment does not suit him at all! The American Foxhound is a true hunter who does not want to live within four walls. Frequent walks are necessary if it is not possible to go hunting. It is better to keep the dog in an enclosure. This dog is unpretentious to living conditions, but it is still advisable to keep him in a house with a large area to provide him with comfort and space for outdoor games (do not forget that he is very energetic and loves to run, so he needs regular physical activity). American Foxhounds are extremely active.

Dog health

In general, the breed is considered healthy, but there are some diseases to which dogs are susceptible:

  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • ear diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • deviations in skeletal development (dysplasia, malocclusion).

To prevent these and other diseases, the animal should be regularly examined independently and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Like all purebred dogs, Foxhounds have their own breed-specific diseases.

In addition, it is necessary to vaccinate on time. The first vaccination is given to puppies at 2 months, then revaccination is carried out after 3-4 weeks. The next set of vaccinations is carried out after changing teeth at 6-7 months. A rabies vaccine is added every year. Then vaccinations are given annually.

Beagle character

If you live in a small apartment and are away from work all day, then this dog is definitely not for you! Being alone, a dog is capable of destroying everything around, trying to occupy itself with at least something. Loneliness is very difficult to bear. He is characterized by large companies, both human and canine, where he easily joins the team and becomes the soul of the company, trying in every possible way to show himself and attract attention. Children are simply delighted with the activity of these animals, and their mischief and playfulness simply captivate at first sight. A beagle will never show his grin to a child and will not get angry at his playful poking. The Beagle is an animal for which city walks in the yard with a collar are not enough; it needs space and freedom. However, during such walks, he needs an eye and an eye. Having smelled a new scent or seen a bird, a beagle can follow the trail and eventually get lost.

Breed standard

The English Foxhound, with all its variety of subtypes, has the following general standards:

  • elongated muzzle with a wide and rounded skull;
  • a regular scissor bite with a full set of incisors and strong jaws;
  • brown or hazel color of expressive eyes;
  • drooping long ears with rounded ends;
  • smooth, long neck without folds or wrinkles;
  • wide and developed lower back;
  • the chest is not muscularly massive, but it is quite deep;
  • the tail is raised and slightly curved;
  • the paws are well developed, they are strong, straight and strong;
  • the shoulders are powerful, but not bulky;
  • different colors, with spots, the color of which is often black;
  • The coat is short but dense.

The description of the breed and numerous photographs demonstrate the strong and harmonious build of the English Foxhound with smooth, free and fast movements. Characteristics of the breed suggest the height of females from 58 cm, males - from 62 cm with a weight that rarely reaches 30 kg.

Beagle characteristics

The Beagle's charm knows no bounds. His cheerful and mischievous character, combined with an intelligent and penetrating gaze, will not leave any dog ​​lover indifferent. It will also make excellent company for your child when walking in the park with a small ball or Frisbee. The Beagle hunting dog breed is a hound dog full of energy, assertive with a stubborn, independent outlook on the world. These dogs consider themselves equal members of the family and will demand to be treated as such. A dog that does not participate in a happy family life will not be happy. Beagles, like many dog ​​breeds, need regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. You need to walk him on a leash, because when he smells it, it will, of course, be very difficult to stop him.

Second section: hound dogs following the blood trail

An alternative name for this section is folding. These animals follow the scent of blood and follow it, accompanying their actions with a loud bark. They have the most acute sense of smell and are able to smell a shot animal by the blood that has long been absorbed into the ground.

Alpine dachshund

Externally, this dog is very similar to a dachshund. The main difference is the straight placement of the limbs, as well as larger dimensions.

The Alpine dachshund was bred in Austria to chase medium-sized game (foxes and hares) back in the 19th century, but its popularity abroad is not high. The majority of nurseries are located in the homeland of the four-legged animal, which affects its cost and small number.

Bavarian mountain

The hound breed from Germany, like the Alpine dachshund, is not widespread abroad. Its breeding is strictly controlled by local breeders.

The Bavarian Mountain Dog has a long body shape and short, shiny coat of red or brindle color. Despite its courage and energy, this dog is very careful. During the wild boar's rut, she tries to remain as vigilant as possible, preventing the animal from approaching from behind to attack.


Due to the ban on hunting, the Hanoverian hounds also turned out to be unclaimed, but their keen sense of smell could be adapted for another task - searching for wounded people. Hanoverian dogs do not tolerate loneliness and an inactive lifestyle, so they can and should be involved in work and communication with other animals.

Third section – related breeds

There are only two related breeds of hounds, the origin of which has not been accurately established. But according to external data, character, activity, as well as the ability to track prey, they were classified as hunting dogs.


Unusual dogs are white with many black spots.
There are many references in history to such four-legged pets, but it was not possible to trace their relationship. Judging by the description, the ancestor of the Dalmatian is the Bengal Pointer, but since the latter became extinct, it is impossible to clarify this assumption. Dalmatians are good hunters and guards, kind and devoted friends to humans, and also affectionate companions for children. All these qualities have made the breed a frequent guest in modern families with an active lifestyle.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The uniqueness of this breed lies in the fact that it is the only dog ​​from southern Africa officially recognized by the FCI and included in the register with a detailed description of the standard.
Another feature of the Rhodesian Ridgeback is the stripe of hair on the back that grows in the opposite direction. From this stripe you can learn a lot about the dog's pedigree and the purity of its blood. Hound dogs are four-legged pets that have natural grace, an “athletic” physique and a special appearance. These qualities attract many breeders, but we must not forget that such breeds require training and constant physical activity. It is worth getting a hound only if you can provide it with proper care and standard of living.

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