What do reviews say about Bosch dog food? Detailed diet analysis

Bosch dog food review

Anyone who decides to feed their dog prepared food should first find out what classes of dog food there are and how they differ from each other. After this, you can choose a brand and begin to study it closely: look at the ingredients, read reviews, determine the pros and cons. This is exactly where the “Give Paw” website helps, and today we will tell you about Bosch dry food for dogs from the German company Bosch Tiernahrung.
Other useful information on the topic:

Composition of Bosch dog food

Bosch dog food belongs to the super premium class; combined with German production, this gives quite good quality. Let's look at the composition using the Junior Maxi option as an example. The first ingredient is 20% fresh poultry, but after cooking only 1/4 of it will remain. In other matters, then there is also “poultry meat” (it is not clear whether it is fresh or dehydrated), fresh meat meal, hydrolyzed meat, fish meal and powdered eggs - all these are sources of protein.

And although the percentages of the latter are not indicated, given their number and order in the composition, you can be sure that most of the 24% of protein indicated in the analysis is of animal origin (more useful than plant-based).

Rice, barley and corn are used as a source of carbohydrates. Fiber is provided by beet pulp. The supplements include many vitamins and minerals. It can be noted that the percentage of proteins is quite small, but this is for puppies of large breeds. The rest of the lineup, although not too abundant, is comparable to its class competitors.

Pros and cons of Bosch food

The advantages of this brand of food include:

  • real meat, not meat by-products;
  • have the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • widespread, available in most stores;
  • all ingredients are of high quality;
  • quite low price.

The disadvantages of Bosch food include:

  • the percentage of meat is slightly lower than that of many analogues;
  • in some versions, rice comes first, not meat.

How to feed your pet

If for some reason the owner decides to switch his pet to a new Bosch brand food, then he should listen to some rules:

  • Feed replacement is carried out gradually.
  • Everything starts small. On the first day, 1/7 of the new food is added to the usual food. Accordingly, this part of the old feed is removed and replaced.
  • On the second day, 2/7 are replaced.
  • And they do this gradually, over the course of a week. Until the food is completely replaced.
  • If your pet's ears are red and the dog actively and regularly scratches them, then the food is not suitable. We'll have to look for an alternative.
  • Your pet should always have access to drinking water.
  • Fodder is the main food. It should not be used as a reward during training.
  • Puppies from 2 to 3 months are fed 6 times a day. The required dosage is indicated on the food bag. It is important to note that there it is daily. The owner should divide the daily intake into 6 parts.
  • From 3 to 4 months, puppies eat 5 meals a day.
  • From 4 to 6 months, pets are fed 4 times a day.
  • From 6 to 9 months - 3 times a day.
  • From the age of 9 months, the pet is transferred to 2 meals a day.

Bosch dog food - reviews

Review of Bosch dog food , writes Lilya. Good day! We have a four-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog, a large dog. Even as a puppy, he was fed natural food, but at the age of one, for convenience, he was switched to dry food. I chose the Bosch brand for two reasons - I liked the composition and price, German production (I somehow trust German quality more). At first we bought Adult Maxi, but after castration the dog began to get better on it.

We switched to another option - Bosch Light, and the weight gradually returned to normal. In addition to the quality, I like the presence of different tastes; when the dog gets tired of it, you can always change it to another one. For three years of feeding this food, our dog has not had any health problems, which I think is a good reason to consider the food to be of high quality. In addition, the dog looks great in appearance, its coat is shiny and well-groomed. In general, I recommend the food!

Julia writes a review about Bosch dog food. Hi all! I've been feeding my White Swiss Shepherd Bosch food for almost two years now, I started when she was five months old. First of all, I really like the price-quality ratio, since many foods in a lower class cost the same (for example, Royal Canin and Pro Plan). Now I buy a 15-kg bag for 3,900 rubles, which lasts for almost a month. As for the composition, the big plus is that in the first place is poultry meat, and not “chicken” as in the same Pro Plan (offal is always hidden behind the general designation). I have not yet noticed any disadvantages in Bosch food; everything suits both me and the dog.

Review of Bosch dog food, writes Natalia. Good afternoon. I have been familiar with Bosch food for more than five years; I feed it to my cat. When the puppy appeared, the question of choosing food was not even raised, since there was a positive experience in deciding to take Bosch for puppies. Unfortunately, it did not fit - the stool became too liquid and the color changed to lighter.

I also didn’t like that it didn’t indicate what kind of poultry the meat and fishmeal were, because both poultry and fish can be different. I had to feed the baby a different brand, but the cat still eats Bosch and everything is fine. Apparently I fell for that “individual food intolerance” that is often mentioned on the Internet.

Feed range

The line of food from this brand is quite extensive and covers the various needs of pets.

The division between feeds is done primarily by age:

  • for babies up to one year;
  • for adult pets;
  • for older animals.

Each category is further divided by breed size. So for puppies the following options are presented:

  • “Puppy” is intended for babies from 1 to 4 months. Made from poultry meat. Powdered milk has been added to make the transition to dry food easier.
  • Mini Junior is designed for small breeds. The food is also based on poultry meat; the granules are adapted for decorative and small breeds.
  • "Junior Medium" for medium-sized puppies. In addition to the poultry version, it is also available in lamb flavor for children with gastrointestinal instability.
  • "Junior Maxi" is designed specifically for giant babies. The size of the granules has been increased, and mussel flour has been added for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system.

The cost of food for puppies and teenagers is 1,260 – 1,700 per package of 3 kg weights.

For pets over one year of age, Bosch also offers several diet options:

  • "Mini Adult" is offered to pets weighing up to 15 kg. Available in two flavors: lamb with rice (for dogs with unstable gastrointestinal tract);
  • poultry with millet (claimed as hypoallergenic).
  • "Bosch Adult" for medium-sized pets with a not very active lifestyle. 3 flavors offered:
      lamb with rice (for dogs with unstable gastrointestinal tract);
  • poultry with spelled (with a lot of protein);
  • salmon with potatoes (for pets with hair problems).
  • "Adult Maxi" is intended for large pets weighing more than 30 kg. Made from poultry meat and supplemented with vitamins for bone health.
  • “Adult Menue” for pets leading an urban lifestyle. It is based on a mixture of vegetable granules and poultry meat, and 12 herbs are added to increase the body's protective function.
  • “Bosch Sensitive” is made specifically for pets with frequent allergic reactions and unstable gastrointestinal tract function based on lamb meat and rice.
  • "Mini Light" is offered to small overweight pets. Made from poultry meat and has a reduced amount of fat.
  • “Special Light” has a reduced content of protein components and is designed to reduce the load on the animal’s liver and kidneys.
  • "Bosch Light" is offered to small pets who tend to be overweight or overweight. Made from poultry meat and has a reduced amount of fat.
  • "Bosch Reproduction" is designed specifically for dogs in a special situation: during pregnancy and feeding. The composition contains an increased amount of beneficial elements and fatty acids.
  • "Bosch Active" is offered to pets with increased activity. Made from poultry and reduced in fat.
  • Bosch Extra Active is suitable for working dogs. When actively playing sports, your pet needs the most nutritious diet possible. Contains poultry meat, Omega-3 component and antioxidants.
  • The price of food for adult pets is from 1,100 to 1,500 per 3 kg. “Sensitive” costs a little more than the others - from 1,690 to 2,000 for the same 3 kg.

    For elderly pets, the manufacturer has also developed several nutrition options:

    • "Mini Senior" is offered for small pets. This poultry-based food is designed with the aging body in mind.
    • “Bosch Senior” is also made with poultry for aging pets weighing more than 15 kg.

    Bosch food for older dogs will cost from 1,000 to 1,400 per 2.5 kg package.

    The assortment includes another line of environmentally friendly organic feeds under the general name “Bio” based on poultry:

    1. "Puppy"
    2. "Adult"
    3. "Senior".

    The cost of Bio line feed ranges from 2,200 to 2,800 per package of 3.75 kg.

    In addition to dry food, Bosch has developed semi-moist “Soft” food. They belong to a special advanced class Holistic+. They are designed for dogs prone to allergies, with unstable gastrointestinal tract function or with individual intolerance to certain foods. The following options are presented here:

    • "Junior" for pets up to one year old. Made with chicken and sweet potatoes.
    • “Mini” with roe deer meat and potatoes. Available for pets weighing up to 15 kg.
    • "Bosch Soft" is made for adult dogs. There are 2 flavors: duck with potatoes;
    • chicken with bananas.
  • "Maxi" with wild boar and sweet potatoes. Made for pets weighing more than 25 kg.
  • “Senior” with wild boar and potatoes.
  • The price of semi-moist feed is about 1,500 per 2.5 kg.

    The range of Bosch dog food is much larger than that of many other manufacturers. Here are separate diets for puppies, adolescents, adults, older dogs, as well as for bitches during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the food is divided according to the size of the pets and their activity. There are separate dietary lines for dogs with excess weight, gastrointestinal problems and allergic reactions. Bosch is one of the few manufacturers to have developed organic and semi-moist food.

    Conclusions about Bosch food

    On the one hand, reviews about Bosch dog food are mostly positive, on the other hand, they are not bad. And if you take into account the price, then the food of this brand is one of the best in terms of price/quality ratio, because it costs approximately the same as popular premium food, and its composition is definitely better than theirs. Of course, it is better to feed your dog holistically, but this is not always affordable. In this case, Bosch food will be a very good option.

    Bosch dog food price

    • Dry dog ​​food Bosch 1 kg - from 520 rubles;
    • Bosch dry food for dogs 3 kg - from 1200 rubles;
    • Dry dog ​​food Bosch 15.kg - from 4560 rub.

    Prices depend not only on the size of the package, but also on the option. Also, the price may differ significantly in different stores and vary depending on the dollar exchange rate (since the food is imported). The prices listed above are current as of fall 2016.

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    On the pages of our website you will find information about dog breeds, treatment for diseases, care recommendations, reviews of ready-made food and feedback on them, as well as much other equally useful and interesting things!

    Recommendations for feeding your pet

    It is advisable to use food designed specifically for small or large breeds, because they contain different useful components. The recipe for large dogs contains a large amount of calcium for the proper development of joints, bones and their strength.

    If your pet has problems with this brand, it is most likely due to the individual characteristics of the dog. The company is meticulous about quality control and selection of ingredients for the composition. According to reviews from experienced veterinarians, Bosch is well suited for large active animals.

    Video: Bosch dog food, its composition and reviews

    BOSCH for dogs

    is very proud of the fact that all the ingredients they use in their food are approved for human consumption. Today this is a new fashion, but not many have the corresponding certificates, Bosch has it, it’s called IFS - international food certificate. Another positive point is that the feed is still produced in Germany from classic ingredients, and is not transferred to countries with cheaper facilities and raw materials. I do not agree with the rest of the manufacturer’s statements - Bosch food, unfortunately, is far from an ideal diet. They contain few animal proteins and a lot of plant proteins, and besides, the manufacturer is disingenuous when they say that the product does not contain gluten, but does contain corn. In the broad sense of the word, gluten is any grain or vegetable protein. But the gluten content here is within normal limits, so consuming this food is dangerous only for animals with gluten intolerance (celiac disease). The Bosch Bio series contains even less animal proteins, the first places are occupied by cereals, and meat occupies only the third and fourth places, therefore, such a diet cannot be considered balanced for dogs.

    Healthy Ingredients

    Yeast (dehydrated, 0.1% mannan-oligosaccharides, 0.06% β-glucans) – Probably Saccharomyces yeast, a dried source of B vitamins and beneficial prebiotics. It’s good that the manufacturer partially indicates the percentage of beneficial components of this yeast. Beta-glucans strengthen the immune system, and mannan-oligosaccharides prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying in the intestines.

    Green-lipped mollusk extract (0.1%) is beneficial for the articular and ligamentous apparatus of large breed dogs. This is a source of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) - the building materials of cartilage tissue. However, chondroitin and glucosamine are usually used as substances that support joint health, which we did not find in the diet. Perhaps the manufacturer believes that only green-lipped mollusk extract in such a small quantity is sufficient.

    This food also contains a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements, which are necessary partly due to the lack of minerals and vitamins in the raw materials, partly due to the peculiarities of the technological process for the production of dry food (this is the industry norm, and therefore is not a direct indicator of high or low quality of diet).

    Bosch Dog Food Review

    Bosch dry dog ​​food is produced in Germany by Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG. The official website is https://www.bosch-tiernahrung.de/ (in German and English), there is complete information about the compositions and recommended feeding rates. Bosch is usually classified as a super premium class, although many products from the line fall short of it.

    Composition of Bosch feed

    Let's look at the composition of Bosch food using the example of the Sensitive with Lamb & Rice option (for adult dogs with sensitive digestion, with lamb and rice). Click on the image to enlarge it for easier reading:

    On the left is a photo of the composition from the food packaging. On the right is data from the manufacturer’s official website.

    The first ingredient, rice (37.5%), is a source of carbohydrates, as are potatoes in third place. In second place is “lamb meal (20%)” (that’s how lamb meal is translated, not “lamb meal”), which is a source of protein. Further in the composition there is also rice protein and protein from potato tubers - sources of vegetable protein.

    Hydrogenated protein is a natural flavoring additive that also serves as a source of protein. Animal fat and fish oil are sources of fatty acids, but it is not specified which animals and fish they were obtained from. Beet pulp (without sugar) is a typical source of fiber for most feeds.

    Flaxseed is a source of unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. Peas are a source of carbohydrates. Yeast (dried) is rich in mannan oligosaccharides (a prebiotic beneficial for digestion) and B vitamins. “Fiber” is cellulose, in the English description “celulose fibre”, that is, “cellulose fiber”.

    Table salt is a flavoring additive. Potassium chloride is a potassium salt. Green sponge mollusk extract is good for joints. Chicory is a source of the prebiotic inulin.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of this food include:

    • the main source of protein is meat ingredients (although vegetable protein is also used);
    • good vitamin and mineral supplement;
    • wide range, there is food for small, medium, large breeds, etc.;
    • Widely distributed and sold in many pet stores.

    Disadvantages of Bosch food:

    • many formulas contain corn;
    • the preservative used is not specified (it is simply written “antioxidant”);
    • relatively high price (comparable to the price of many analogues in composition).

    Plant based protein sources

    The Bosch Adult Lamb & Rice diet contains as many as 5 different grains: rice (16%), barley, millet, corn and yellow millet. All of them, except yellow millet, are listed in the top five ingredients and in total, presumably, occupy a larger percentage of the feed volume than the animal source of protein (No. 1).

    In addition, we found legumes in the composition, namely peas - another source of vegetable protein. The content of the latter in the analyzed product is generally very high.

    Let us note that grains and their derivatives are not included in the natural diet of dogs and in large quantities, and even more so, as the basis of finished food, are far from welcome.

    Bosch dog food - reviews

    Bosch dry food has been sold on the shelves of Russian pet stores for many years, during which time many dog ​​owners have managed to feed it to their pets. Below we have collected some new reviews from those who shared their feeding results.

    Reviews from veterinarians

    Customer Reviews

    Our neutered toy terrier began to gain weight after castration on the usual Bosch Mini Adult food, so we had to switch to the lightweight Mini Light (it has less fat - 7% versus 14%, a little less protein).

    The Mini Light granules are also small, less than a centimeter in diameter, and the dog chews them without difficulty. The smell of the food is normal, apparently he likes the taste and eats it with pleasure. A package weighing 2.5 kg lasts more than 2 months.

    In general, we are satisfied with the food. If you have a small neutered dog, we recommend trying Bosch Mini Light food (if not neutered, try the regular Mini Adult).

    We have two small Chihuahuas, one white and the other fawn. After many meals, the white dog had dark circles under her eyes, as if from crying. After Bosch there is no such thing, everything is clean.

    Dogs have been eating it for more than two years, during which time the manufacturer managed to change the packaging design, but this did not affect the quality of the food. Even the vaunted Canadian Acana had smudges under the eyes, so we consider the German Bosch to be of very high quality.

    We accidentally saw this food in the store and since then it has become our favorite and only one! Wonderful high quality food. How did we determine this? By composition and by how our dog and cat grow and develop! I recommend it to everyone!

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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