Dog food Happy Dog (Happy Dog) - reviews and description

The premium food category includes dog food Happy dog. The composition and reviews of veterinarians and ordinary dog ​​breeders only strengthen the high position of this food in general ratings. What else is the secret of Happy Dog's success? It's all about the manufacturer's attitude towards their product.

It is thought out from the packaging design to the smallest components of the composition. It is also captivating that production is carried out according to European standards, and the factories are located in Germany, which indicates constant quality control and compliance with numerous quality requirements. Let's try to figure out whether this diet is really so ideal.

Happy Dog Dog Food Options

Happy Dog dog food belongs to the premium class, food has been produced for more than 30 years, and includes several lines: for adult dogs and for puppies, for pets with sensitive digestion and a dietary menu. There are also options for pets with allergies and excess weight. But components such as medicinal herbs and phytocomponents are included in all compositions of the lines. Happy Dog food for dogs is sold in the form of dry croquettes of 1, 4, 12, 5 and 15 kg and wet canned food.

Official website –

The main components of nutrition are:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • natural by-products;
  • corn and rice;
  • potato;
  • poultry fat;
  • apples and beets;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • fatty acid.

It is important that the diet includes phytocomponents, minerals, vitamins, and seaweed. And there are no flavor enhancers, flavors or chemicals at all.

It is important that the manufacturer has made food with an average energy value, so it is designed for pets with normal activity. Although other manufacturers make high-protein diets, with a large amount of protein, designed for wild animals (like wolves). But this is not an entirely correct solution, which often leads to obesity and digestive disorders.

What is included in the prepared diet?

The composition of the food directly depends on who it is intended for. For example, food for older dogs contains more meat components, as protein helps them maintain proper muscle shape. In the first place, the composition may contain both meat and potatoes, cereals, basic vitamins and microelements. Therefore, you need to judge by the specific packaging, its description on the back side.

It is important to note that the meat at Happy Dog does not have quality guarantees. It is not specified what exactly is used in the production of feed. Therefore, the manufacturer retains the right to add skins, skins, bones and other meat processing products. So, according to American standards, meat is from 70% fillet and up to 30% offal. The same indicators are demonstrated by the European standards by which food is produced.

Next on the list of ingredients is corn or rice flour. It accounts for up to 15% of the weight of the pack. As auxiliary components you can find barley, natural salmon protein, flax seeds, dandelion, ginger, birch leaf, thyme, licorice root, apple pulp, chicken eggs and other ingredients of natural origin. All of the listed elements of the composition increase the nutrition rating to premium class.

Cons of Happy Dog diets

The food also has several disadvantages, for example:

  • lack of information about the amount of meat and vegetables;
  • availability of corn and other grains;
  • not too diverse composition in everyday diets;
  • high price compared to analogues.

Try to choose lines with a small amount of grain crops, especially for ornamental pets. Since indigestion, dermatitis, obesity and stomach upset may develop.

For allergies and sensitive digestion

A separate product is dry dietary food to combat food intolerance, allergies, skin ailments and excess weight. The main component of such food is considered to be ostrich meat, as well as gluten-free potatoes.

The food contains animal proteins: salmon, rabbit, and whole egg. If your dog has allergies, then he needs to buy Supreme Sensible Caribbean products. This is a hypoallergenic food with sea fish. The product does not burden the intestines, so it is suitable even for picky animals.

If your pet has low energy expenditure, the Sensible Toscana menu is suitable for him, with a low fat content and an appropriate amount of protein. The product is great for overweight dogs, as well as spayed and neutered dogs.

What diet should you buy for your pet?

Dog food for dogs Happy Dog is divided into several lines: for adult pets, for puppies and therapeutic food. At the same time, the manufacturer took into account the characteristics of the animal, size, needs and health status.

For adult pets and puppies

For mature dogs, there are several options:

  • NaturCroq Active is a high-protein food for energetic dogs from one year of age. The main component is meat, fish and vegetables;
  • NaturCroq XXL is a daily diet for large breeds with kibble in different sizes. The diet is high in fiber, plant-based protein, and protein;
  • Supreme fit well edelt mini - food for small breeds from one year of age, the basis of the food is dietary meat, apples, fatty acids;
  • Supreme Fit Well Edalt Maxi is a diet for giant breeds up to seven years of age, containing a lot of seafood and fresh meat.

Happy Dog dog food for puppies includes two series: Pappy and Junior. There are options for decorative and medium breeds, for dogs with sensitive digestion. You can give croquettes from the second month of life, and even canned food is available to choose from. The main ingredients are poultry, seafood, beets, eggs, rice, minerals.

Dietary and therapeutic nutrition

Hypoallergenic nutrition is aimed at treating the following problems: obesity, allergies, indigestion, constipation, dermatitis, excess weight. The main options for therapeutic diets:

  • Supreme Sensibal Caribbean is a hypoallergenic diet based on fish, offal, and a balanced amount of protein;
  • Sensibal Toscana is a low-calorie diet for pets of all ages with reduced activity. Suitable food for obesity, aging, pregnant and sterilized pets.

The main components of Happy Dog dietary dog ​​food are: turkey, rabbit or chicken meat, seafood, vegetables, phytocomponents.

Flakes and wet food

An extensive and diverse group of products, including wet dog food and flake food, will fully satisfy the requirements of dog breeders for feeding dogs of different breeds and ages. It is believed that a pet’s diet must include meat, because its ancestors were exclusively predators. Therefore, animal owners are increasingly choosing canned meat made from high-quality raw materials and supplemented with essential microelements and vitamins.

Attention! Champion dogs are recommended to add beneficial substances to their food in the form of supplements. There are such “HappyDog” products: MultiVitaminMineral (with minerals and vitamins), PowerPlus (for strength training), HaarSpezial (for coat health), Artrofit (for large dogs to increase their activity).

For additional nutrition for your dog, you can purchase food in the form of flakes. The Interquell company offers easily digestible products so that the animal develops fully and receives all the valuable substances with food. After all, meat alone cannot fully supply your pet with easily digestible plant components with effective ballast ingredients.

The products are presented in the following range:

  1. “5-Korn-Flocken” is a 5-grain cereal with herbs and vegetable components, supplemented with vitamins. As veterinarians advise, for complete nutrition, they need to be mixed with meat.
  2. Light flakes. Also mixed with meat, suitable for pets with sensitive digestion. Made from corn and millet, their composition is enriched with plant components of vegetables and herbs.
  3. Canned meat pieces in minced meat. Products from horse meat, turkey, lamb, and veal are sold. They are included in the super premium class of food products for dogs of all ages and are made from high quality raw materials.
  4. Canned food for puppies and juniors is presented in two variations - delicious lamb and tender veal. The manufacturer also recommends feeding them to puppy dogs.
  5. Pieces of meat in “Culinary Journey” sauce. It offers a wide range of wet food based on the culinary traditions of different countries. Particularly interesting products are “Tuscany” with chicken Florentine and “New Zealand” with vegetables and lamb.
  6. The “Culinary Journey” line also sells pates for dogs. With their help, you can not only diversify your diet, but also feed your demanding pet. You can buy rabbit with vegetables (“Ireland”), Thai meat (“Legends of Asia”), African ostrich meat (“Africa”), veal Stroganoff (“Russian traditions”) and many others.
  7. Pure meat is added to canned food with by-products; by-products can be a single component in a jar of food - such food is also offered from Germany.

In order to produce wet food for pets, the company's specialists conducted numerous studies, developed a recipe and worked on its improvements. If you feed a dog with this food, it is guaranteed to develop in accordance with the norms and will delight its owners with longevity.

Remember to give your dog plenty of fresh water

Attention! produces special food that dogs need for various diseases. Thus, there is special food for pets with kidney disease, digestive problems, allergies, obesity and diabetes. This is what veterinarians advise dog owners to buy.

Reviews of Happy Dog dog food

Polina: I really like Happy Dog, the dog eats with great appetite, despite the fact that we have been giving it to him for three years. We haven’t had any health problems yet, so we won’t change our diet. From time to time we buy other flavors so that we don’t get bored. The price is not the lowest, but the quality is high.

Artyom: So far we have only tried the line for Pappy puppies with chicken flavor. I especially like that the diet is divided by breed, so the energy value is different everywhere. Since our Chuck is not particularly active, we don’t want to treat obesity. We are planning to try canned food, although they say they should not be given for a long time.

Sasha: As for me, Happy Dog is one of the best premium foods, and the price is no more than its analogues. There are options for different animals, and there are no preservatives. Sometimes buying medicinal food, you can prevent most diseases. What more could you want from good nutrition?

It might be interesting: Rating of dog food.

Reviews from dog breeders and veterinarians about Happy Dog food

The best way to complete the description of Happy Dog dog food is to analyze reviews from owners and veterinarians.

On the forums you can find both positive and negative reviews from dog breeders. The most important advice when choosing food is to carefully study the composition. The fact is that economy-class food is based on most of the ingredients that are not very healthy and not so necessary. These are, for example, potatoes or cereals. Therefore, it is better to give preference to premium lines, the quality of which has been tested by many four-legged owners.

Veterinarians also recommend feeding their dogs only expensive “Happy Dog” food, because they really have all the necessary components for the pet’s health. But if any diseases appear, then it is better to buy dietary feed and supplements.

The manufacturing company promises the same quality of its products, regardless of price and type. But the choice is yours!

Feed range

The manufacturer of dry food Happy Dog uses an individual approach to animals of any age and with different health conditions. At the moment, the following types of food are in greatest demand:

  • Happy Dog Junior for puppies. Cost: 280 rub. (300 g), 460 rub. (1 kg), 1350 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: poultry, salmon protein, corn flour, whole and broken rice, potatoes;

  • Happy Dog Adult for adult animals. Cost: 300 rub. (300 g), 500 rub. (1 kg), 1400 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: rabbit meat, natural salmon protein, barley groats, oat flakes, potatoes;

  • Happy Dog Senior for senior dogs. Cost: 270 rub. (300 g), 480 rub. (1 kg), 1380 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: poultry meat, natural salmon protein, young lamb meat, egg white, corn grits, whole and broken rice;

  • Happy Dog Supreme for overweight dogs at risk of obesity . Cost: 310 rub. (300 g), 550 rub. (1 kg), 1450 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: prebiotics, poultry meat, natural salmon protein, vegetable fiber, young lamb meat, corn grits, egg powder, broken and whole rice;

  • Happy Dog for large dogs and for dogs with an active lifestyle. Cost: 300 rub. (300 g), 500 rub. (1 kg), 1400 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: young lamb meat, corn grits, crushed and whole rice, potatoes;

  • Happy Dog for small and decorative dogs. Cost: 350 rub. (300 g), 550 rub. (1 kg), 1450 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: poultry meat, natural salmon protein, animal and vegetable fat, broken rice, egg powder;

  • Happy Dog for animals prone to allergies. Cost: 400 rub. (300 g), 600 rub. (1 kg), 1500 rub. (4 kg).

Ingredients: poultry, vegetable fiber, young lamb, broken and whole rice, oatmeal.

The product does not contain GMOs, artificial colors or fragrances.

In case of individual intolerance to certain components, you should consult a veterinarian.

Features of feeding dogs

Various studies are currently being conducted on the nutrition of pets, but so far there is no consensus on this. Still, there are some feeding rules:

  1. Nutrition should be moderate. You don’t need to rely solely on your pet’s appetite when setting food norms. Only with time will it become clear how much food the animal needs.
  2. It takes 20 minutes for your dog to become satiated. It is advisable to remove food 20 minutes after it has been placed. This approach will help accustom your pet to a schedule.
  3. You can feed 2 times a day. This is the norm for an adult pet. It is necessary to adhere to the temporary regime.
  4. Food should not be salted. All products contain salt, and this is enough for the dog.
  5. Requires a bowl stand. You should buy a special product or create it yourself. This will allow you to place the bowl at the desired level.
  6. The dog must have fresh water, which is especially important when consuming ready-made food.
  7. You should purchase products with a rich composition.
  8. Even if you skip a feeding, you do not need to give the animal a double portion.
  9. The dog should have a varied diet. But even if the animal eats certain foods, new foods still need to be introduced.
  10. There should be a period between walking and feeding. If you are planning a walk or physical activity, then food should be given to the animal no later than 2 hours before leaving.

The diet of an adult dog should include the following components:

  1. 30-50% - meat and offal.
  2. 25-35% - cereals.
  3. 20-30% - dairy products.
  4. 10-15% - vegetables.

It is advisable to give your dog meat and dairy products, and cereals and vegetables should play a secondary role. This provides normal nutrition for the development of the animal. Dairy products should not be combined with meat and vegetables. Meat should be given separately or with vegetables. You can include vegetable oil or chopped fresh herbs in your diet. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian who will determine what food is best for your dog.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Happy dog ​​- premium dog food from Germany;
  2. The composition of the feed is varied, there are many additives of plant origin;
  3. Unknown origin of animal proteins;
  4. High cost of dry product;
  5. A wide range, different series of products of which can be classified into different classes;
  6. The manufacturer offers, in addition to drying, canned food and treats.

Happy Dog can be recommended for feeding dogs, but you should choose based on the composition of a specific series from the line. It is worth understanding that such a product will not be cheap. Do you buy this brand of food for your dog? Share your opinion in the comments, please.

Quality philosophy

"Happy Dog" has its own criteria regarding quality.

  • The dry food is a product of a family business; its manufacturers protect their reputation and claim that the “Made in Germany” sign indicates the best quality.
  • The food contains only high-quality meat and offal, which will be excellent sources of protein for your dog.
  • Guarantee of excellent digestibility of animal feed.
  • The products contain no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or genetically modified raw materials.
  • Manufacturers are opposed to animal experiments.
  • This brand of food contains no soy or sugar.
  • Those who create food strive to make it not only healthy, but also varied.
  • The products contain high quality raw materials from local farmers.
  • The owners of the company guarantee the quality of food, explaining this by strict production control.

Caring for dogs is very important, so take care of how to properly trim nails, make a pattern for overalls, choose a toy, clipper, collar, furminator, and learn what trimming and grooming are.

Owner reviews

Yaroslav O. We have three dachshunds in our house, one is old. Our old lady already has a bunch of diseases, allergies to one thing or another. We were looking for food so that we could feed all three. Well, or fit into one line, so as not to look in different stores. I liked the Supreme series. We take different tastes, focusing on the reaction of our oldest “lady”. Digestion is in order, the coat is shiny, there are no allergies. It is important that dogs do not get fat, they are always active and well-fed.

Anna K. I have a Sheltie, and when it’s dried, her fur comes out and becomes dull. We tried many foods. Hills didn't suit us, I saw Happy dog ​​in the store. I took some dog food in small bags to try. I liked it with Happy's turkey. We also buy delicacies - chewy sausages with tripe and turkey.

Feed composition overview

Happy Dog dry dog ​​food contains the following components:

  1. Poultry, rabbit, young lamb (25%). For production, environmentally friendly products from farms are used;
  2. Rice and corn flour (14%). Both broken and whole rice are used;
  3. Natural salmon protein. Contains essential fatty amino acids;
  4. Dry yeast. Enrich food with vitamin D, help prevent rickets;
  5. Nettle, sage, coriander. Rich in vitamins, contain coarse plant fibers, improve digestion.
  6. Protein content 29%, fat 15%, crude fiber 3%.

Also, food is additionally enriched with hemoglobin, vitamins, and antioxidants. The composition includes calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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