Mixed husky and shepherd, pit bull, wolf, malamute, pug and others

The variety of dog breeds never ceases to amaze the human mind. Each of them, be it small breed mixed breed puppies or a mulatto dog, is sweet and beautiful in its own way. Moreover, all four-legged friends of man are loyal to their owner, regardless of size, eye color or ancestors. A particularly interesting topic in this case is the description of mixed-breed dogs, which are the result of inbreeding of several breeds.

These puppies are born when different breeds of dogs are deliberately crossed.

What it is?

Mixed breeds are puppies obtained from parents of different breeds. They appear for several reasons.

  • When the owner did not keep an eye on the dog, and an accidental mating occurred. Animals can take on the character and appearance of both parents. The result is unpredictable and such puppies are not worth paying money for, they are given “in good hands.”
  • The conscious work of breeders to cross different breeds of dogs in order to improve their appearance, working qualities, physical, mental and psychic capabilities. These puppies are called “designer breeds” and some of them cost a lot of money. The result of the work can be a puppy whose genotype consists of three, four or even five types of DNA from its purebred ancestors.

The process of mixing different species to obtain new qualities is called “interbreeding outbreeding” and dates back fourteen centuries. People have long deliberately bred dogs for hunting, protection, or just for fun. In the latter case, we have breeds of decorative dogs, the origin of which was worked on by our ancestors.

Mestizos should not be confused with mongrels. They are the children of titled parents, and the breed of one of their ancestors or both of them should be visible in their appearance.

If this does not happen, the puppies are called mongrels. Accidental hybrids have an appearance reminiscent of wild dogs: a strong body, strong muscular legs, a donut tail, erect ears.

Colors can be very different, taken from one of the parents or mixed. For example, a Pomsky may well look like a red fox-type Pomeranian, only the mask on its face will give away its husky ancestors. Achieving a rare color, breeders mixed Weimaraner and Labrador, resulting in a mixed breed with silver hair. Unusual mixed breeds are the Tolmatians, they are endowed with the beautiful spotted color of the Dalmatians, but have a small, slightly elongated body, similar to a dachshund. Horgis can be found with the coloring and mask of a husky and the long hair of a corgi.

Mestizos have many positive qualities. Mixing the blood leads to its renewal. In most cases, babies are born in good health. Hereditary diseases of purebred parents bypass them. And the psyche of such dogs is more stable. Most often, mestizos are smart and friendly, but there are exceptions.

Features of the appearance of representatives of the Boxer breed

The German Boxer is a medium-sized dog with a stocky build and almost square build. The bones are strong, the muscles are developed, prominent, but dry. Therefore, the dog looks lean and athletic. According to the standard, the average height of a German boxer is 60 cm for males and 55 cm for females. With this size, the dog weighs only 25-30 kg.

Characteristic appearance features:

  • muscular, harmoniously built body;
  • square head;
  • protruding lower jaw;
  • upturned nose;
  • small folds of skin on the cheeks, pronounced jowls;
  • smart, inquisitive look;
  • short hair.

The pictures show what a German boxer should look like:

Head of a German boxer

This is what a German boxer looks like

Dogs of the German Boxer breed


The head is proportional to the body and does not look too massive. The skull is moderately convex, may be angular, with a groove between the eyes. The occipital protuberance is poorly defined. The transition from forehead to nose is distinct. The muzzle is wide and voluminous. The bridge of the nose is straight, not curved upward, like in bulldogs. But the tip of the nose is slightly turned up. The lobe is wide, black.

The lower jaw is longer than the upper, slightly curved upward, and the chin is pronounced. The teeth are strong, large, and should not be visible from behind the lips. This breed is characterized by overeating. Lips are black. The upper one is fleshy and large. It covers the jaw, but does not hang low.

Eyes are medium size, dark. The look is friendly and attentive. The ears are small and triangular. Set high, hanging down and close to the cheekbones. If the ears are cropped, they are small, triangular, and erect.

The photo shows the features of the muzzle:

Muzzle of a German boxer

Boxer muzzle

Feature of the muzzle of a German boxer

Body type

The neck is powerful, muscular, and of medium length. From the occipital protuberance to the withers it forms a small arc. The physique is harmonious, the dog does not look too powerful or graceful. The withers are well defined, the back is straight and wide. The croup is rounded and sloping. The chest is wide, deep, reaching to the elbows. The stomach is tucked. The tail is set high, medium length, thin. Since 2002 it has not stopped.


The limbs are smooth and muscular. The front ones are placed parallel. The shoulders are long, the elbows are not tightly pressed to the chest. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones and are muscular. The thighs are long, the hocks are pronounced. The paws are round and compact. Movements are energetic and free.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of representatives of the Boxer breed:

Appearance of a German boxer

German boxers, appearance

Coat and colors of German boxers

The skin is dry, without wrinkles. Sometimes they form on the forehead when the dog is excited. The coat is smooth and shiny. The hair is short, close to the skin, and hard. The breed standard allows only two colors of boxers: red and brindle. The first variety can have any shades - from yellow to red-brown. Bright red color is preferred.

The brindle German boxer has black stripes on a red background. They are contrasting, clearly defined, located along the ribs. Dogs of any color are characterized by a black mask on the face. White spots are allowed on the chest, paws, muzzle, and belly. They should not occupy more than 30% of the body surface.

Pure white German Boxers are now rare. Although this was previously the main color of the breed, now it is not provided for by the standard. Dogs of any color other than red or brindle, or if there are many white spots on the coat, are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Photos of boxers of different colors:

Brindle German Boxer

Red German Boxer

German boxer red color

White German boxer, not included in the standard


It is impossible to predict the behavioral line of mestizos; they can take traits from both parents. But they have every chance to receive the best from their ancestors. If outbreeding is carried out by professional breeders, in addition to conformation, they will also be interested in working capabilities. For example, you want to see a dog in your apartment that is not too big, but has protective qualities; for this purpose, poodles are mixed with guard dog breeds. Most often the result is an intelligent, loyal, medium-sized dog. She will not bark at guests, but she will not let a stranger out of the house. There are exceptions to the rules when a huge, kind-hearted person grows up in a cramped apartment. He won't bark even if all the things are taken out of the house.

In most cases, half-breeds are quite adequate dogs, not aggressive and sociable . But some hybrids require special upbringing. For example, crossbreeds of small breeds can be too timid or, on the contrary, do not know fear and bully large dogs. And mixed breeds of large guard dogs are difficult to train; they should be raised from childhood.

Each hybrid exhibits its own qualities characteristic of both breeds, namely:

  • if you mix huskies and corgis , the dogs will be kind, intelligent, they follow the owner’s commands well;
  • bloodhounds (a cross between a bloodhound and a Moscow watchdog) are hardy, intelligent, endowed with a keen sense of smell, they can serve as service and guard dogs;
  • Pitskies (pitbull and huskies) are infinitely loyal to their owner and kind, but they inherited a headstrong disposition from the husky, which can only be corrected by good upbringing;
  • Tolmatians are good-natured and cheerful, but if Dalmatian genes take over, mestizos may not be very smart or stubborn.

All character flaws of a half-breed can be corrected by persistent and correct education. It is more difficult to do this if the dog was adopted as an adult by unknown owners.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

German boxer
Activityin the house3.1
on the street4.3
Dominationin family2
over dogs3
Defending your territoryfrom people2.5
from dogs3.3
Sociabilityin family4.9
with strangers3.6
with dogs3.5
Concentrationin family1.1
in front of strangers2
with dogs1.8
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers2
to the dogs2.4
to cats2.7
Family behaviorcalmness4
demand for affection4.4
excessive barking1.9
behavioral breakdowns2.2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.5
over 4 years old4.6
Institutional usewatchman4.2

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, Cane Corso, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, English Bulldog.

Photos of representatives of the Boxer breed show what they look like:

German boxer dog

Boxer breed

German boxer breed

Advantages and disadvantages

Metis are amazing animals, unlike purebred dogs, their exterior is always individual, and the nobility of their ancestors is discernible in each one. The advantages of these animals include the following:

  • good immunity, absence of hereditary diseases;
  • they do not have mental disorders;
  • Mestizos are most often friendly, flexible and sociable;
  • their maternal instinct is more developed than in some breeding breeds; they care for and feed their puppies responsibly;
  • hybrids do not require special care and nutrition;
  • adapt well to new conditions;
  • their cost (if they are not designer breeds) is low.

Mestizos also have disadvantages such as:

  • the result of mixing is always unpredictable, it is difficult to know in advance the size and temperament of the pet;
  • a mestizo who bears a strong resemblance to one of his parents may be passed off as a purebred puppy;
  • hybrids do not have a pedigree or documents;
  • they do not participate in exhibitions.


This cute cross between a corgi and a toy poodle is miniature in size, so it resembles a pocket dog breed. However, the porgy inherited its character from the poodle, so the breed is distinguished by its restraint and self-sufficiency, which allows them to feel great without an owner. If you get a porgy, you can safely leave him alone in the house without worrying that the pet will get very bored. Another advantage of porgies is that their fur hardly sheds and has no specific odor.


There are hundreds of dog breeds on the planet. If you mix them together, you get thousands of types of mestizos. But there are not so many designer hybrids. Breeders try to prevent accidental matings. A hybrid created by a professional carries the improved qualities of its parents, sometimes resulting in interesting and strange species. Let's look at the descriptions of the most popular mestizos.

  • Labradoodle. A cross between a Labrador and a poodle became the first hybrid, the so-called designer breed, which was bred in 1988 specifically to improve working qualities. The Australian Guide Dog Society received an order from a blind woman whose husband suffered from a wool allergy. We needed a guide with hypoallergenic properties. Poodles have this kind of coat; they began to be crossed with Labrador retrievers, dogs with excellent guide qualities.

The result was a loyal, friendly mixed breed with hypoallergenic fur, endowed with high intelligence.

  • German Shar Pei. Outwardly, he looks like a Shar Pei, only large and with the color of a German Shepherd. The elongated muzzle may have folds, and the ears are erect. He took the best from his parents - intelligence, devotion, love for his family. A pet may be overly independent and not too trusting of strangers.

  • Basset drink. This mixed breed is a descendant of the Shar Pei and the Basset Hound. This is a very cute little animal with folded skin like a Shar Pei, small ears and beautiful eyes. Pets with character, a little willful, independent and smart. They have a keen charm and are wary of strangers.

  • Pomsky . The union of a Pomeranian and a Husky is called a Pomsky. The dogs turn out to be cute, with rich fur and beautiful colors. They are small in size and good for keeping in an apartment, provided they have sufficient walking. This is a cheerful dog who loves children and active games. He is smart and completely non-aggressive.

Because of the ease with which Pomskies are trained, they are often used for film productions. The cost of such a dog may exceed the price of its purebred parents.

  • Horgi. A very pretty mestizo. His parents were dogs of the Husky and Corgi breeds. The dog has a small stature, a balanced physique, a beautiful coat color and a peculiar blue iris. A savvy, inquisitive dog, playful and friendly. If he has nothing to do, he can make tunnels and cause a commotion in the house.
  • Siberian Retriever. We are talking about a cross between a golden Labrador retriever (golden) and a Siberian husky. With an equal set of genes from both parents, the puppy has a double fur color - chocolate with the addition of white. If the genes are folded differently, the coat color repeats the color of one of the parents. Mestizos have sky blue eyes. Dogs are excellent swimmers and unsurpassed hunters. They are smart, restless, one might say, too energetic. They need long walks with physical activity.

  • Labski. The parents of this mestizo are also Labrador and Husky. The dog's appearance is very impressive, since the Siberian genes prevail in the exterior, it looks like a wolf. Without good upbringing from puppyhood, it will be difficult to cope with a dog; he is savvy and has his own mind, wayward, with the pretensions of a leader. From childhood he will have to explain who is boss in the house.

During walking, the dog is prohibited from walking in front of the owner, and the manifestation of self-will is monitored. This kind of crossbreed is not for beginners.

  • Utonagan or Northern Inuit. Different breeds took part in the creation of this hybrid: German Shepherd, Malamute, Husky and others. The hybrid looks like a white wolf. He is handsome, hardy, very strong, and has Siberian health. Hereditary diseases have not been identified at all; he can live more than fifteen years.

  • Shepski. This is a Shepherd and Husky mix. Metis has good protective qualities, but does not know a sense of proportion. If it feels the slightest threat, it may attack. Shepski should not be left alone with children or guests. They are housed in enclosures; even cold winters will be comfortable for them. But dogs need a daily walk.

Mixed breeds are best kept by dog ​​handlers or experienced dog breeders.

  • Haskimo. The parents of the mixed breed were an Eskimo Spitz and a Husky. The Huskimo has a gentle, good-natured disposition, but the dog is overly curious and prone to mischief, to extinguish his energy, he needs daily walks of many hours.

How to buy a German Boxer puppy

It is best to buy a puppy from a good nursery. Although its cost is higher than when buying it secondhand. But you can avoid the fact that the dog will be a mixed breed or have hereditary diseases. The price of a thoroughbred boxer in Moscow is 15-30 thousand rubles. Puppies with good pedigree from champion parents will cost 40-60 thousand rubles. If a breeder offers a dog for less than 10 thousand rubles, it either does not have a pedigree or is sick. It is recommended to buy an animal with vaccinations; it must have a veterinary passport.

When choosing a puppy, you need to not only study the documents and conditions of detention. It is important to carefully examine the baby himself. Puppies for sale at the age of 2-3 months. By this time, they already show breed characteristics: strong build, square muzzle, undershot, large paws. The color is red or brindle, the coat is shiny, without bald spots. The puppy must be active, not cowardly or aggressive. A healthy baby is curious, playful, and easy to communicate with.

The photo shows what the puppies should look like:

Look at some more interesting photos and pictures from the Internet that complement the description of these dogs:

Interesting videos will help you decide whether to get a Boxer:

Video: Boxer all about the breed. Interesting Facts

Video: Boxer - All about the dog breed

Video: The dog of the intelligentsia is a boxer

German boxers are dogs that only look menacing in appearance. In fact, they are affectionate and loyal, cheerful and good-natured. They need constant attention, get very bored in the absence of their owner and cannot tolerate a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended for families with children and active young people to have one. If this dog is properly raised and loved, it will become a devoted friend, a brave protector and a cheerful companion.


Metis have different purposes. Decorative species live in apartment conditions, but many dogs are created for living in enclosures. They have guard, fighting or detective qualities. By creating hybrids, breeders achieve endurance and good adaptation of animals to the external climatic environment. Domestic dogs need walks in the fresh air, they should be played with, and exercised.

For lazy owners, there are types of small mestizos that do not need daily walking; they use a cat litter box or an absorbent diaper for the toilet.

Hybrids do not need to create special conditions of detention. They need their own corner with warm bedding and no drafts, clean bowls for food and water, and special toys designed for dogs. If the mestizo has long hair, it should be combed. Dogs need to be bathed when dirty. After walking outside, you need to check your pet for ticks, examine the eyes and ears in order to promptly rule out inflammation and suppuration. Dogs should have their teeth brushed periodically . If, while walking, your pet’s claws do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed periodically.

As for health, mestizos rarely complain about it, since they have an enviable immunity and do without hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that the dog does not need hygienic care. Vaccinations and preventive examinations by a veterinarian are required for all dogs. Infectious diseases can be contracted through close contact with a sick animal, even if you have strong immunity.

With proper care, hybrids almost do not suffer from allergies and live longer than purebred dogs.


Mestizos are not picky about food, they do not need special food, but homemade dishes with excess fat and spices will not bring any benefit. Chicken bones can hurt any dog's mouth. It is better for them to cook porridge with the addition of vegetables, meat and fish products. When creating a diet for your pet, you should take into account its age and weight, as well as physical activity. For active healthy growth of a puppy, its diet should consist of 30–40 percent protein, the presence of carbohydrates will provide energy.

The menu may include special food for dogs, they are completely balanced. But if the dog eats natural food, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals.


Most mestizos respond well to training; some difficulties may arise with hybrids in which huskies participated in the creation. They often exhibit independence and willfulness and should be taught from an early age. Half-breeds are more intelligent than their purebred parents. If you start training a puppy from three months old, you can achieve amazing results. Knowing the parents of the mestizo, dog handlers focus on their behavioral traits, forming obedience, good nature, sociability and other necessary qualities in the pet.

The mixing of breeds causes significant changes in the character of the mestizo. A cross between a good-natured Labrador and guard or fighting dogs, the temperament changes to aggressive. In such cases, good education is essential.

Mixed breeds are pets with an original appearance, good health and improved qualities of their parents. They are unpretentious in maintenance, loyal and, with proper upbringing, will become ideal pets.

About hybrids of dogs of different breeds, see the following video.

A special category of pets is a mestizo - a dog obtained as a result of mixing two breeds. This pet has a bright, unusual appearance, although sometimes it looks very funny. There are several options for crossbreeds.

Where to buy a puppy

Before purchasing a mixed-breed puppy, you should decide on the set of qualities, character traits or appearance that you would like to obtain. When purchasing secondhand, it is difficult to predict what the funny little thing will grow into. Formulas developed for purebred puppies do not work with hybrids.

In order to choose the right mixed-breed puppy, there are many tests with which a specialist animal psychologist can determine the inclinations, character, and natural talents. The result will tell you whether the dog can get along with its future owners.

To avoid getting a “bear instead of a hamster,” you should contact nurseries that professionally breed mixed breeds. If a puppy is purchased from private breeders, then they must provide all the information about the parents, which hybrid line the puppy came from and possible character traits.

Mixed-breed puppies are much cheaper than purebred ones, and you can often adopt them for free. But this does not apply to designer and original breeds, the popularity of which is rapidly growing, which is also reflected in the price. In our country, there are not many nurseries engaged in the professional breeding of ornamental mestizos, but they do exist.

Despite the fact that half-breeds are not recognized by international associations, they are gaining more and more fans. Movie stars, pop stars, politicians, socialites are not shy about having cute, obedient, unusual, and sometimes simply shocking, mestizos.

A special category of pets is a mestizo - a dog obtained as a result of mixing two breeds. This pet has a bright, unusual appearance, although sometimes it looks very funny. There are several options for crossbreeds.

Mixed dog: who is it?

Metis is a breed of dog, or rather, a special variety obtained by mixing the characteristics of two different breeds. There are two possible reasons for the appearance of these hybrids:

  • Accidental mating with a representative of a different breed.
  • Purposeful crossbreeding by breeders in an attempt to produce a new breed. Sometimes the experiments are successful, but often the result is an animal with poor health and obvious abnormalities.

The husky mix inherited striking blue eyes from the Siberian

Many mixed-breed puppies look very funny and cute.

How much does a crossbreed cost?

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

Prices for husky mixes can vary greatly, depending on what breed they were crossed with:

  • a purebred husky with a pedigree in kennels with a good reputation costs up to 60 thousand rubles;
  • a mixture of Husky and Pomeranian Spitz is a designer breed, and therefore very expensive, its cost can exceed the cost of a purebred animal;
  • A husky mixed with a malamute costs significantly less than the original - up to 5 thousand rubles.

Mixed breeds of many breeds are given for a symbolic price or absolutely free.

Metis and mongrel: main differences

A mixed-breed dog is the result of crossing two purebred animals, both of its parents can be clearly named, for example, a zolaxa is a descendant of a dachshund and a golden retriever. While a mongrel is a dog whose both ancestors may be outbred or the result of complex crossing of a large number of breeds.

Interbreed outbreeding is the process of obtaining a new breed as a result of crossing. The resulting offspring clearly show signs of one of the parents or both. In this way, mestizos also differ from mongrels, whose distinctive features are wild color, strong build, protruding ears, and a tail curved in a ring.

Note! In the scientific literature on cynology, yard dogs are called accidental hybrids.

Origin story

Interbreed outbreeding is the mating of dogs of different breeds in order to obtain new qualities, both working and exterior. The history of mestizos goes back more than 14 centuries. As soon as man began to breed purebred dogs with certain qualities, then half-breeds appeared.

They arose when breeders needed to “inject” fresh blood, achieve the appearance of certain character traits, appearance, and get rid of breed diseases. Among the most unusual mestizos are:

  • Pomsky – Pomeranian Spitz + Husky;
  • pitski – pitbull + husky;
  • Golden Siberian Rehasky – golden retriever + husky;

  • porgies – toy poodle + corgi;

  • chow-chow – chow-chow + German shepherd;
  • schnoodle – schnauzer + poodle;

  • buldarka – English bulldog + German shepherd;

  • Biglyarka – Beagle + German Shepherd.

The list of famous mestizos could go on for a long time. Along with mestizos bred by man, there are half-breeds created by nature itself. With random crossing, it is impossible to predetermine the result of mating.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Mixed dog breeds are sometimes so unusual that they become more popular than their titled purebred ancestors.

This dog is very similar to a shepherd, but the eyes give away the husky ancestor

Baby chow chow and husky - affectionate pet bear

The mestizo inherited many features of its appearance from the chow-chow: a fluffy fur coat and an incredible resemblance to a bear. From the husky he received amazing blue eyes, height and location of spots. This is a very kind animal, but needs serious training.

Golden retriever and dachshund

This is the owner of silk wool of the original color. From a dachshund he inherited short legs and an elongated body. Also called zolax.

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

At first glance, it seems that this is a miniature copy of a husky, black and white coloring and blue eyes complete the similarity. But the pet has an elongated body and short legs, like a corgi.

Chow Chow and Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu traits are dominant in this cross, but the curvaceous swing of the Chow Chow is also present.

German Chow Chow or Chow Dog

The charming red pet with a mask on its muzzle, characteristic of shepherd dogs, combines the best characteristics of both parents in its exterior.

Golden Husky

The descendants of Siberian Huskies and Golden Retrievers are called Rehaskies. They adopted their good-natured character, ability to obey, and soft, golden-colored fur from retrievers.

Note! This mestizo does not require long walks.

Golden Husky looks very beautiful

Golden fur and sky blue eyes will make this dog the most beautiful on the dog playground.

Bernese Mountain Dog and Labrador

A well-known mixed breed of this variety is the dog Ricci, who became famous as a guide dog.

Akita Inu and German

A charming pet with lush fur, whose character combines independence and wonderful hunting qualities.

German and Shar Pei

Crossbreeds of dogs of different breeds often differ in their original appearance. The German Shar-Pei has short hair and a crescent tail, more closely resembling a Shar-Pei than a Shepherd.

English bulldog and shar pei

This dog seems to have collected folds from both parents, which is why it looks touching.

American Cocker Spaniel and Shar Pei

A small pet with a characteristic color for spaniels with Shar-Pei folds.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Dalmatian

The appearance of this little dog resembles a classic Welshman; he inherited a unique spotted color from a Dalmatian.


This is a large mixed breed dog, the ancestor of three breeds: malamute, German shepherd and husky. In appearance it resembles a wolf.

The charming utonagan has every chance of becoming a separate breed


This is the result of crossing an Australian Cattle Dog with a Pomeranian. It has lush fur.

Labsky (labrador and husky)

This beautiful half-breed dog resembles a gray wolf, a predatory forest inhabitant. Peculiarities:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Needs a strict and experienced owner.
  • Long active walks are required.

Blue eyes.


This is a funny mixed-breed dog whose parents were a Shar Pei and a Basset Hound. From the latter he inherited long ears and a phlegmatic character.


A cute dog with a muzzle decorated with folds and round, erect ears is distinguished by good nature and devotion. This is a cross between a Pug and a French Bulldog.

Husky and pitbull

In appearance and “rat” muzzle it resembles a fighting ancestor, but the sky-colored eyes reveal the husky ancestor in the dog.

Corgi and Sheltie

An intelligent and quick-witted dog, Toby is a bright representative of this variety.

Pomsky baby

This breed variety has gained wide popularity due to its cuteness and good nature. Stunning appearance - a lush fur coat and piercing eyes - is the reason for the high cost of a mixed-breed dog.

Pomsky is a very popular mixed breed, puppies are so in demand that they are booked

Poodle and schnauzer

This mulatto dog is more reminiscent of a plush toy than a living dog.


This is a hybrid of two breeds - Labrador and Afghan. It is distinguished not only by its interesting appearance, but also by its excellent watchdog qualities.


This is the ancestor of two purebred parents - a husky and a German shepherd. She has excellent protective qualities, but has no sense of moderation and is very stubborn.

Note! The breed is strictly not recommended for beginners.


It is the result of a mixture of a pug and a small Chihuahua. Distinguished by its energy and miniature size

Other Chihuahua mixes

There are several more dogs descended from the baby chi:

  • With a continental spaniel: the result is a long-haired hybrid with elongated ears and sad eyes.
  • With a dachshund: the mixed breed has short legs and a long body.
  • With a beagle: a funny and dynamic baby with a tiny face.

Pug mixes

There are several such unique “mixtures”:

  • Miguel (second parent - beagle).
  • With Petit Brabançon.
  • Bullpug (with bulldog).

A cross between a pug and a beagle – pure charm

Alaskan Malamute and Husky

This is not only a beautiful animal with lush fur, but also a very hardy pet that is not afraid of any cold weather. He loves his owner very much and becomes his faithful friend.


The German Shepherd and Chow Chow mix takes the best from its parents. This dog is an excellent guard for both a country house and a city apartment. From the Chow Chow the breed inherited the ability to be an excellent protector, and from the Shepherd Dog it is especially attentive and suspicious of strangers. A bonus is the dog’s unusual appearance, which combines the elegance of a German and the coziness of a chow-chow.

Other hybrid varieties

There are several more mestizos, photographs of which convince of their uniqueness:

  • The descendant of a pit bull and a Labrador looks very interesting, but in the bad hands of a frivolous owner it can become uncontrollable.
  • Wier is a fairly rare dog - the result of crossing a German and a long-haired collie.
  • Yorkshire strudel - a descendant of the York terrier and poodle - is a very dynamic creature, ready to become a true friend to a resident of the Moscow region or any other.
  • Yorkie and Shih Tzu are an attractive, cute little one.
  • Bullmatian is the name of the ancestor of the Dalmatian and the bulldog, a formidable dog on the outside, but a very good-natured dog on the inside.
  • The Weimerman is a cross between a Doberman and a Weimaraner.
  • The muzzle and ears of a whippet, the physique of a pit bull, the paws of a boxer - this is a description of an amazing hybrid.
  • Bernudel. It can be obtained by mixing the breed characteristics of a poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • A snow-white giant with a brave heart - a cross between a Malamute and a Pyrenean mountain dog. It is not afraid of frost, although it does not have particularly lush fur.

A mixed breed of Yorkie and Shih Tzu will become a real favorite for the whole family.

Undeniable advantages

The main advantages of Matiz dogs (as mestizos are sometimes jokingly called) include their amazing appearance - no one else on the dog playground will definitely have such a pet. Often one animal combines the best qualities of both parents. Some representatives of mestizos have good health, immunity, and ease of care.

Note! The opposite situation also happens: some mestizos inherit genetic diseases from both parents and are very weak.

These are unusual dogs, with a bright appearance, a specific character, ready to become true friends for many years. Funny crossbred dogs are a great option for those who want to become the owner of an original pet.


Externally, the bullpug is very similar to both of its ancestors, although this breed is slightly larger in size than both the bulldog and the pug. The main advantage of a bullpug is its character, since dogs of this breed are excellent companions. The pet is always ready to accompany the owner and participate in all his affairs. Children also love Bullpug dogs, as they can always have fun with this dog.

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