Small, white and fluffy. Overview of decorative dog breeds

Looking for the perfect white dog breed for your family? There are many different types of white puppies, and it can be difficult to know which breed is right for you. Choosing a breed is something that everyone should consider when choosing a puppy. Genetics play an important role, and in order for dogs to have a white, fluffy coat, they are professionally bred for certain traits.

It is not so easy to choose a puppy with a white coat. Color may be your must-have for your dog, but there are many different dog breeds, sizes, and coat types to consider before choosing a puppy.

We've tried to make the choice easier by presenting a comprehensive list of small breeds that will blend into the snow every winter. Let's take a look at each white dog breed below and what you can expect from them if you decide to get one of them.

West Highland White Terrier

A brave, inquisitive mini terrier with a decorative appearance up to 28 cm tall. Owners and breeders have shortened the long name and affectionately call their pupils Westies or Westies.

The breed was bred in the western rocky part of Scotland to hunt small game in the rocky gorges. The name translates as Western Highland White Terrier.

Initially, little hunters had a rich palette of colors. But at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, two breeders, Duke J. Campbell and Colonel Ed. Melcom, they began to select only white-haired puppies for breeding.

Westies are now popular apartment dogs. They are covered with hard, non-shedding hair. It is enough to comb and trim dead hair once every 1–2 months.

Active, gambling Westies “remember” their hunting past. On walks they like to dig trenches and chase cats. But at exhibitions they evaluate their exterior and behavior, but do not consider their working qualities.

Artesian-Norman Basset

Artesian-Norman Basset Hounds are a breed of hounds that have excellent sense of smell and are able to quickly track down an animal in any conditions. Dogs of this breed, having discovered an animal, methodically pursue it with their voices, while overcoming dense thickets, and having driven it in, they take it out of any narrow and deep hole. The Artesian-Norman Basset breed has proven itself in hunting not only hares and rabbits, but also larger animals - foxes and wild boars.



  1. The dog's body is powerful and harmoniously built; it is an elongated body with a strong, wide back, a slightly flattened lower back and a long oval chest. The height of an adult is approximately 36-37 cm, and the weight is no more than 15 kg. The breed is characterized by a long neck with a slight dewlap and short, strong, slightly curved legs.
  2. The dog's head looks massive in relation to the body due to the large convex skull. The muzzle features a slightly convex bridge of the nose and an upper lip that practically covers the jaw. Large oval-shaped eyes express a calm and affectionate look. This breed is distinguished by soft, long ears, narrow and tightly curled at the base and pointed at the tips.
  3. The dog's coat is short, bristly-like, close to the body and usually has a tricolor color: light brown, black, white.

Character and behavior

The Artesian-Normandy Basset has the character of a real hound, succumbing to the excitement of the hunt. He is capable of learning and can be a reliable human assistant in hunting any animal. However, he cannot be called an overly obedient dog.

On the hunt and at home, he can be stubborn and headstrong. The dog has a good disposition, she gets along well with people and is not prone to aggression.

Bichon Frize

French curly lapdog up to 29 cm at the withers. Snow-white elastic wool twists like a corkscrew in a spiral. In puppies up to one year old, cream markings sometimes appear; as they grow older, a pure white color develops.

The ancestors of all lapdogs were compact white-haired curly dogs that inhabited the Mediterranean islands and coasts. The sailors were the first to notice them. The nimble dogs were willingly taken on ships to catch mice. In European countries, they quickly became the favorites of artists, aristocrats, and circus performers.

Owners call Bichon Frize true companions. You can take these cheerful, sociable dogs with you everywhere. They quickly adapt to unusual surroundings and bark little. They become strongly attached to their family and behave reservedly with strangers and animals.


The oldest breed is distinguished by a strong physique and highly developed muscles. The slightly elongated body has a straight back, a small deep chest with a tucked belly. The wool has a short pile with a dense soft undercoat. The length of the fur is slightly longer on the dog's face and tail. The main color is white. Other colors are also available:

  • Ginger;
  • Red;
  • Sesame;
  • Black and tan.

German Spitz

The ancestors of the German Spitz are believed to have been the first domesticated dogs in Europe. They were larger and worked as universal assistants to farmers. Miniature subspecies were bred artificially in the 19th century by selecting the smallest puppies:

  • Small German or Kleinspitz - height at withers up to 30 cm.

  • Pomeranian or miniature spitz - height up to 24 cm.

According to the international standard, these are 2 groups of the same breed. For both subspecies, a whole list of colors is accepted, including solid white and spotted.

German and Pomeranian Spitz are natural companions, sociable, attentive, understanding, and trainable. They just look fragile. For example, in 2015, an orange named Jiff from the USA was twice included in the Guinness Book of Records. The dog ran 10 m on its hind legs in 6.56 seconds, and covered 5 m on its front legs in 7.76 s. Moreover, he managed to break records for speed of movement on two legs on the first try.


A strong little terrier with an elongated body and short legs. Height at the withers is up to 31 cm. The founder of the breed was retired captain J. Edwards, owner of the Welsh estate Seeley Hem. He planned to breed a new type of white-haired terrier for hunting in burrows and protecting poultry from foxes.

The Sealyham Terrier's coat is tough, self-cleaning, and dirt and soil do not stick to it. The muzzle is decorated with a beard. The color is snow-white, less often with a pale lemon tint. Light brown and bluish spots are allowed on the head.

Sealyham Terriers are reliable, sociable, courageous companions. They do well in families with children and love movement. Among the shortcomings, the owners note in the character of their pupils a share of obstinacy and stubbornness.

Small and long-haired breeds

Do you want a small white puppy and don't mind long but shiny fur? Then the following five breeds are for you! Grooming requirements are the same as for large dogs with white coats. The following long-haired dogs make excellent family companions. Each breed has its own personality and training requirements, so let's dive in and look at each type of dog.

Havanese Bichon

Havaneses have long, silky white hair that can sometimes have a yellowish tint if not groomed frequently. This dog needs to be around people, so this breed is not suitable for you if you spend long periods of time away from home.

This breed is active and enjoys active training such as agility and flyball. Havaneses can also become restless if left alone for long periods of time. They get along great with children.


The Cavachon is a mixed breed dog that is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frize. These dogs can have an all-white coat, and their coat is longer than the average Bichon Frize.

These dogs are less energetic, making them a good choice if you have a small house, yard, or even an apartment. They are easy to train and prefer to be near their family all the time. They may also suffer from separation anxiety.

Maltese or Maltese

The Maltese is a toy breed with long, silky white hair. These dogs are sweet, smart and love attention. They prefer to be with their family all the time and may also suffer from separation anxiety. They love to bark, so teaching them when to bark will be of utmost importance. They may also try to destroy the house if left alone for a long time.

West Highland Terrier

The West Highland Terrier is a small, long-haired white dog that has been bred in recent years as a family companion. These dogs get along with everyone, including strangers and children. They are subject to frequent molting.

This breed also does very well at home with multiple dogs and prefers to live in a pack. This dog breed is extremely intelligent and highly trainable. This is a great breed for first-time dog owners. They do not need a firm hand and may become unobedient if trained too forcefully.

Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is an intelligent dog that originates from Tibet. These are companion dogs that protect their owners well. If you decide to have this breed with multiple pets, try to socialize him as a puppy.

Even with proper socialization, they will still be wary around strangers and other unknown animals. He is independent and training can be a challenge if you are getting a dog for the first time. Their long coat is stunning, but you need to groom it regularly.

We hope you are a little closer to determining which breed is perfect for your family! Don't forget to find the perfect name for your furbaby! One thing is for sure - you will need a hair removal roller.


Italian lapdog with snow-white flowing, airy coat. Initially, toy dogs were bred in Bologna. In the 16th century they came to France, where they became part of royal palace life.

In Russia, they learned about the breed in the 18th century. The French Ambassador gave the puppies to Catherine II, so they were called French lapdogs.

Bologneses are typical indoor dogs. They are calmer than other Bichons. They love human society and do not tolerate loneliness well. They try to please the owner, they learn early what is and is not possible. They get along well with children and the elderly.


An Italian miniature Spitz with a sharp, fox-like muzzle, which is why it received the name volpino - fox. Volpino was kept at the royal court, in rich houses and peasant farms. Noble people liked the dogs’ elegant appearance and cheerful, kind disposition. Farmers valued vigilance and devotion.

In the 1970s, for unknown reasons, the breed almost disappeared. Purebred Volpino remained only on Italian farms. When the herd began to be restored, all registered dogs turned out to be white. Now this color dominates; red is less common.

Volpino are unpretentious, do not suffer from genetic defects, and live a long time. But they remain a rare, expensive breed; they have been replaced by the super popular German Spitz.

French Bulldog

The standard allows only 3 types of color for French bulldogs: brindle, spotted, fawn. The pure white color of the coat does not contradict accepted standards. It is considered spotted because pigmentation remains on the skin, nose, rim around the eyes, and claws.

French Bulldogs are among the top ten popular pet dogs in the world. An easy-going, kind character, non-trivial appearance, easy care - all this attracts both experienced owners and beginners.

French bulldog puppy

The French do not like loneliness, but they find activities and entertainment. This funny promotional video stars a white French bulldog.

Coton de Tulear

Miniature Bichons are native to Madagascar. The first dogs were brought to Europe by tourists in the 1960s. Madagascar lap dogs were in great demand and were expensive. The sale of one puppy paid for the trip and vacation on the island.

The height of the Coton de Tulear is up to 28 cm. The pliable soft wool has a texture reminiscent of cotton. The color is exclusively white. Madagascar Bichons shed moderately. Moreover, the hair does not fall and fly around the house in clumps, but gets tangled in a thick fur coat. If the wool is not combed every day for 15–20 minutes, it becomes tangled.

The Madagascar Bichon quickly becomes part of the family and is considered an ideal companion. Easy to learn, remembers tricks. He loves to “perform” in front of the public in order to please his owner, for which he received the nickname “clown” in France.

American Eskimo dog

At the beginning of the 20th century, German Spitz dogs were brought to the United States. Because of the World War, mentioning anything German was discouraged. Therefore, the animals were renamed American Eskimo dogs. Now it is an independent breed, although it is close to the German Spitz.

American Eskimos come in three sizes. Initially, a standard type was developed up to 48 cm at the withers. Later, two more were added for apartment living: mini - up to 39 cm, toy - up to 30 cm. Two colors are recognized for them: white and with biscuit undertones.

Eskimo Spitz dogs were originally bred as companions and are suitable as a first dog for first-time owners. In the USA, circus performers love smart, artistic dogs. “Eskimos” study enthusiastically, are famous for their good memory, and remember commands and tricks on the spot.

Selection of small breeds by coat type: fluffy, long-haired, smooth-haired


The Beagle dog is one of the oldest and smallest hounds of hunting dogs with the instinct to follow a scent and dig holes. Since ancient times, both foot and horse hunters have hunted hares with beagles. The track record of these dogs includes hunting deer, wild boar and even jackals. Beagles also do an excellent job of delivering dead birds.

Appearance of the breed


  1. The Beagle's physique is strong, with well-developed bones and good muscles, and an elegant body of medium length. He has a wide chest and a slightly retracted belly. The height of a beagle ranges from 33 to 40 cm, and the average weight of an adult dog ranges from 8 to 13 kg. Dogs of this breed are characterized by: an elongated curved neck, muscular paws, a well-furred and high-set tail. The dog's skin is elastic and fits tightly to the body.
  2. The dog's head is massive and slightly elongated. The muzzle is distinguished by a wide black nose with large nostrils, drooping lips, large dark brown eyes and strong jaws. The long ears, rounded at the ends, fit closely to the cheeks.
  3. The Beagle's coat is thick, short and sharp to the touch with the breed's characteristic tri-color color - white with large brown and black spots.

Character and behavior

The main character traits of the Beagle are its cheerfulness, friendliness, activity and devotion to its owners. He is characterized by extraordinary intelligence, a lively mind, and the ability to quickly make decisions. This is an independent and confident dog with a balanced and active behavior.

She doesn't have fear. The Beagle has a loud, booming bark that attracts attention and drives away unexpected guests. The dog, possessing inexhaustible energy, can hunt and play tirelessly.

Lhasa apso

The oldest Tibetan breed, which originated from the guard dogs of Buddhist monasteries. In their homeland, the Lhasa apso was considered a living talisman of peace and prosperity, and it was forbidden to take it out of the country.

The average height of a Lhasa is 25 cm. The coat was formed in the harsh climatic conditions of Tibet with long, cold winters and short, hot summers. The body is completely hidden by dense, heavy, straight hair. The head is decorated with bangs, mustache, and beard. White-haired Lhasas are rare, although they are allowed by the standard.

Lhasa Apso with haircut.

Lhasa Apsos are lively, friendly, brave, and alert companions. They have retained guard skills, do not trust strangers, and love to bark to announce the arrival of guests. Lhasa Apso is included in the list of long-living dogs that live 15 - 20 years.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers come from Germany. Height at the withers is 30 – 35 cm. The coat is wiry and hard. The head is decorated with bushy eyebrows, and a beard grows on the muzzle. Miniature Schnauzers were originally exclusively black. Currently 4 colors are accepted, including solid white.

Miniature Schnauzers' appearance is deceiving. They have inherited the characteristic features of large schnauzers: vigilance, endurance, courage, determination, instant reaction. They have retained their watchful, protective habits. In fact, these are big serious dogs in a small body.

In terms of intelligence, miniature schnauzers have surpassed their larger relatives, but they unquestioningly obey only those who are considered stronger and smarter. In S. Koren’s ranking, dwarf schnauzers occupy 12th place, while middle schnauzers are 18th, and giant schnauzers are 28th.


The Drever, a breed of dog similar to the dachshund, was bred specifically for hunting roe deer, wild boar, foxes and hares by crossing the dachshund with a Swedish hunting dog. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by an excellent sense of the animal, endurance and tenacity in its pursuit and the ability to hold prey in place until the hunter shoots. They successfully hunt both alone and in a pack of dogs.

Although drevers do not run as fast as other hounds, this disadvantage is compensated by their determination, hard work and sonorous voice.



  1. The Drever is a dog endowed with a long, strong, muscular body on short legs. The distinctive properties of the physique also include a flat back and a protruding, elongated chest. The drever has a tucked belly and a long, saber-like tail. The height of the dog at the withers reaches 38 cm.
  2. The head of the drever is large and long with a weakly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The breed is characterized by medium-sized ears, set high and falling to the sides.
  3. The coat is uneven in length in different parts of the body. On the neck, back and buttocks the hair is hard and long, on the inside of the tail it is fluffy. There are representatives of the breed with different coat colors, but always with white symmetrical spots.

Character and temperament

Drevers are endowed with many qualities necessary for a hunter - attentiveness, restraint, insight, self-confidence, courage and energy. They are not characterized by aggressiveness and unpredictability.

The breed is distinguished by high mental abilities, so it lends itself well to training and education. The character of the Drever is dominated by amiability, goodwill and an affectionate attitude towards household members.


Italian decorative bichons, which first appeared more than 2 thousand years ago, are also called Maltese dogs.

Maltese never had to struggle to survive, do work or get food, they were valued and pampered even in harsh times. Glamorous dogs were given to royalty and diplomats, and brought back to their families from military campaigns. They inspired great poets, philosophers, and artists.

The height of the Maltese is 20 – 25 cm, body weight up to 4 kg. The smooth, straight coat flows to the floor, emphasizing the contours of the body. The classic color is uniform white. Shades of ivory and pale orange are allowed. Non-show Maltese dogs get haircuts.

Shorthaired Maltese.

Maltese dogs have been bred “for the hobby” for centuries. They delight with their external beauty, subtly sense the emotional state of the owner, and as home psychotherapists help to cope with blues and depression.


Belongs to the Bichon species. It is impossible to say with certainty that the birthplace of the lapdog is Malta; mentions of them were found in the ancient chronicles of China and the Philippines. Representatives of the breed were adored by rulers and high society. By the end of the 19th century, people were almost faced with the disappearance of the Maltese lapdog, but through the efforts of breeders they were preserved.

The main feature of the Maltese is its long, silky coat; it must be snow-white and never mat. Has a very fluffy high tail. They are susceptible to tooth loss and breathing and skin problems, and do not tolerate heat and dampness well. Therefore, they require constant dental care and regular, careful combing of the coat. They love to be the center of attention.

Shih Tzu

The ancient Asian breed originated in Tibet but developed in China. At that time, only members of the imperial family were allowed to keep Shih Tzus. They were banned outside the royal palace.

Maximum height 27 cm. Long satiny coat falls to the ground, the undercoat is weak. On the bridge of the nose the hair grows upward, for which the Shih Tzu has been called chrysanthemum dogs. All colors are allowed by the standard. Homogeneous white is rare; more often it is combined with colored inclusions.

Shih Tzus evenly distribute their love and affection among all households, without singling out anyone. They easily make contact with strangers, which is why they make poor watchdogs. They are moderately mobile and can sit on their hands for a long time. In good weather they will happily go for a walk, but in cold and slush they prefer to stay at home.

Shih Tzus are difficult to train. They do not like to study or do not consider it necessary, although they can remember basic commands.

Selections of breeds by color: miniature black, chocolate and brown, black and white dogs, red and white

Choosing a puppy

There are many types of curly-haired dog breeds, so before buying a puppy you should decide for what purpose it will be purchased:

  1. The role of family friend is well performed by small breeds that love children.
  2. For protection, it is still better to take large curly dogs.

It is also advisable to pay attention to the behavior of puppies; healthy dogs should be active and playful.

An important role when choosing a pet is played by the place of purchase, as well as the conditions of its stay. In a regular animal market, you can buy a pet for pennies, but there is a chance that you will not get a purebred baby.

Puppies purchased from a shelter are usually raised in good conditions by experienced dog breeders, so these four-legged dogs will be easier to own in the future. In addition, such dogs must have a passport and pedigree.

Japanese Spitz

Compact, snow-white dogs bred in the 1920s and 1930s. Japanese dog handlers are silent about which breeds were involved in the selection. The first results of breeding work were shown at an exhibition in Tokyo in 1921. The “Japanese” came to Russia with the troupe of circus trainer N. Pavlenko.

The height of Japanese Spitz is 30 – 36 cm. The coat is thick and lush, with water-repellent properties. The only color is snow white, no halftones are allowed. Contrasting with the main color are dark rimmed eyes, a black nose, claws and paw pads.

Japanese Spitz puppies from Maho Mirai kennel.

The Japanese Spitz is a sociable, but intelligent, non-intrusive companion. He will happily support the offer to play, but will step aside if the owner is busy. The “Japanese” barks a little, gets along easily with pets, and is patient with children. He treats strangers with distrust, but does not show open hostility.

Features of white coat care

White coats are the most difficult to care for . Snow-white pets are always more prone to dermatitis and allergic reactions, and are also sensitive to the composition of their diet. In addition, even minor dirt is immediately noticeable on their fur.

Nuances of care:

  • All contamination must be removed quickly and in a timely manner. Sometimes you can simply brush your pet with a damp brush to remove dust. In more serious cases, the dog is subjected to water procedures. It should be bathed using special cosmetic detergents (shampoos and conditioners) intended for white dogs and cats (ISB Traditional Line Cristal Clean, Bio-Groom Super White Shampoo, 1 All Systems Lightening Shampoo, etc.).

    White dogs need to be washed with special shampoos.

  • Regularly (at least once a week) comb your pet, do not forget about trimming (plucking) and haircut.
  • Choose the right diet. Violation of the acid balance directly affects the color of the coat; it acquires various ugly shades (pink, creamy, etc.). It is not recommended to give beets and foods containing dyes to animals. It is better to use special dry food (Acana PACIFICA DOG, Royal canin hypoallergenic dr 21, etc.).
  • Monitor the health and well-being of the dog. Internal diseases, as well as parasites (ticks, fleas, worms, etc.) can have a negative impact on the shade of the coat.
  • Give your dog only filtered or bottled water. High iron content not only contributes to the formation of kidney stones, but also turns the coat brownish.

A close friend of mine had a white dog. It is extremely difficult to maintain pure white fur of an animal. Yellow spots constantly appear near the eyes, on the face and on the paws. It is much more difficult to care for such an animal, since it gets dirty faster and takes on a dirty and unkempt appearance.

Mini bull terrier

The Minibull looks like a smaller standard English Bull Terrier. He has the same sloping egg-shaped head, small triangular eyes, only his height is no more than 35.5 cm and weight up to 15 kg.

Initially all bull terriers were white; colored and spotted colors were recognized later. According to the ICF classification, mini and standard dogs belong to the same breed, they have a common standard.

Miniature Bull Terriers are typical apartment dogs. They do not tolerate cold well and shed moderately. Grooming for the smooth short coat is minimal. However, small bull terriers should not be treated as decorative dogs; they need early socialization and consistent training.


The cockapoo is a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. It was bred by American breeders to get rid of skin problems found in cocker spaniels. Purpose – companion dog, belongs to decorative dogs. The Cockapoo is a gentle and loyal friend who loves spending time with his family. He is easy to train and very smart. If raised properly, he will be friendly to children and other pets.

The cockapoo's coat is short and wavy. She is brushed as needed and visits the groomer once a year. You need to keep a close eye on your ears, which are prone to infections.


The breed was formed in Cuba, the second name is Havanese Bichon. The ancestors were European lapdogs, which were brought to the island by the first settlers. In the 1950s, the Havanese almost disappeared if Cuban emigrants had not timely taken 11 purebred “Havanese” to the USA, where the rebirth of the breed began.

Height at the withers is 21 - 29 cm. The outer coat grows to 13 - 18 cm. There is almost no undercoat. Havaneses shed lightly, but their coat needs to be brushed daily. White color is included in the list of standard ones, but is not common.

In their homeland, Havanese are jokingly called “Velcro”. They cannot stand loneliness and are happy surrounded by a large friendly family. They train well, do not bark for no reason, and are able to read emotions and empathize.


Mexican extremely small dogs are among the top 5 popular breeds on the planet. They regularly appear in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tiniest dogs.

The growth of a Chihuahua is not regulated by the standard, but its body weight is strictly limited. Animals lighter than 1 kg and heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified. Micro Chihuahuas weighing 500–1000 grams are in demand among owners who do not plan to take their pupils to exhibitions.

Long-haired Chihuahua.

The Chihuahua's coat is short or semi-long with decorative hair on the ears, tail, and limbs. Colors are varied, including solid white. Marble is prohibited.

According to reviews from breeders, long-haired Chihuahuas are reserved and peaceful, while short-haired ones are more active, cocky and obstinate. But every rule has exceptions.


  • Height: from 56 to 61 cm
  • Weight: from 16 to 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 13 years

Dalmatians are one of the most popular spotted dog breeds and the only breed with this unique pattern. These energetic dogs are not only famous for starring in one of Disney's most entertaining animated films, but also for being the unofficial mascot of the fire department .

Fun fact: Originally from Croatia, Dalmatians were originally bred as hunting dogs. However, soon, due to their attractive appearance and proud posture, Dalmatians changed their role, becoming prestigious carriage dogs, intended to accompany elite carriages and protect them during the absence of their owners. Later they turned into loyal and affectionate companion dogs.

When it comes to spotted breeds, no dog can compete with the Dalmatian. This dog is one of a kind with perfectly spaced spots all over its body. And while Dalmatians are primarily famous for their black and white coats, many also have brown spots.


French decorative dogs. In the past they were very popular in aristocratic circles. Louis XVI officially declared them a court breed, for which they received the name royal.

Miniature Poodle.

In the FCI, poodles were divided into 4 groups based on size. Two of them are miniature:

  • dwarf – up to 35 cm at the withers;
  • that - up to 28 cm.

They have two types of fur. Curly curls into elastic, elastic curls. The corded one is woven into thin cords at least 20 cm long. White is one of 6 classic colors. Haircuts have been developed for show poodles.

Poodles have a reputation for being kind, considerate, and sensitive dogs regardless of size. They love to please their owner and are easy to train. In terms of obedience and intelligence, they are second only to the Border Collie.

Interesting: Rating of smart small dogs according to S. Koren.

Chinese Crested

Small graceful dogs up to 33 cm tall with two types of coat:

  • Hairless with toes, a tuft and a train on the tail.
  • Powder puff (translated as powder puff) are covered with airy, veil-like wool.

Corydalis have many colors and patterns, solid white is one of the most common in the breed. Hairless dogs are much more expensive in nurseries than down dogs.

Chinese crested cats idolize their owner and constantly strive for close contact, sometimes to the point of obsession. They sincerely suffer from inattention and indifference. They do not tolerate loneliness well, violently expressing emotions by barking and howling.

Corydalis often have problems with the toilet. They cannot or do not want to endure for a long time even with 3 walks a day. Some owners teach their pets to use the litter box from puppyhood.


French dog up to 32 cm tall, other names are Lyon Bichon, Little Lion Dog, Lowchen. The coat is naturally long, silky, without undercoat. For an exhibition Lövchen, a “Lion” haircut is required.

The hair is shaved or cut short on the back of the body, partly on the limbs and tail. The remaining areas are left in their natural state. Any colors are allowed, but solid white and black are more valued.

Levchen is a receptive, obedient companion. Strive to understand what the owner expects from him. Able to restrain emotions on command. The breed is included in the list of the most expensive. Almost never found in Russia.

Small white dogs look beautiful, but if not properly cared for, they quickly lose their attractiveness. In addition to washing and combing the fur, pets need to remove tear tracks under the eyes, remove leftover food and moisture around the mouth, and wipe the hair under the tail and paws after going outside.

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