Hill's Science Plan dog food: reviews and composition analysis

Hill's premium food is a popular brand among dog owners. Animals happily eat dry and wet diets, and owners enjoy the variety of daily and medicinal lines.

Hill's is often preferred because of the big name and reputation of the company (Hill's Pet Nutrition). It has been on the zoological goods market since 1939 (in Russia - since 1995). The products are manufactured by the American company at its own factories in the USA, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. And it has representative offices in 86 countries. Diets are created and tested by over 200 veterinarians, technicians and nutritionists. But is Hill's really that good?

In the review: we will consider the types of daily and veterinary Hills lines, we will analyze in detail the composition of the feed, the pros and cons. At the end of the article you will find customer reviews, a list of analogues with prices and find out my opinion about these diets.

Science Plan Dog Food Review

Hill's Science Plan dry and wet food for dogs is produced in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands by Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc.. Official website - (for Russia), it contains such important information about food as compositions and norms feeding.
This food belongs to the premium class. In addition to dog food, Science Plan food for cats is also available. There are other lines of Hill's food - Prescription Diet (veterinary food), Ideal Balance.

Science Plan food composition

Let's look at the composition of Hill's Science Plan food using the example of the option “for adult dogs of small breeds, lamb with rice.”

Photo of the composition from the packaging.

The first four ingredients are corn, brown rice, milled rice, wheat, and further down barley and oats are sources of carbohydrates. Corn gluten meal and lamb meal are sources of protein. Protein hydrolyzate is a flavoring additive (natural).

Probably the main part of the protein in the food is of plant origin, since corn gluten comes before lamb flour in the composition.

In some other formulas, the meat ingredient comes first. However, due to the missing percentages of ingredients, it is also difficult to say how much animal protein is in the food and how much is plant protein.

Animal fat and vegetable oil are sources of fats and fatty acids. It is not specified what animal fat and what plant oils are used. Soybean flour is also rich in carbohydrates and protein.

Flax seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. The sources of the latter are dry tomato pomace, citrus pomace, and chopped spinach.

Dietary supplements say “with a natural antioxidant,” but what exactly this antioxidant is is not specified.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of Hill's Science Plan food include:

  • wide range, in addition to dry food there is canned food;
  • good vitamin and mineral supplement;
  • very common, sold in most pet stores.

Disadvantages can be considered:

  • corn, wheat, corn gluten are used (this is typical for premium class);
  • It is not clear how much animal protein is in the food and how much is plant protein (plant proteins are less digestible and have a lower amino acid composition).


I do not recommend feeding your dog Hills Science Plan.
The basis of the diet of predators is meat, not plant components. And the dry food is full of the latter, and also allergenic: wheat and corn. Even if the animal is in good health now, nutritional allergies may appear after 3-5 years, when toxins accumulate in the liver. And certainly such diets will provoke inflammation, obesity or diabetes in the future. Another thing is the Prescription Diet line. Diets in this series help stabilize the animal’s condition. Use them until the dog gets better. And then switch to higher quality brands: with a high proportion of meat, without wheat and corn.

Below is a list of foods similar in class, price and composition.

NameThe betterPrice per kg
Royal CaninVariety of everyday and veterinary species. There are diets for specific breeds. They also contain wheat and corn, but in smaller quantities. Everyday rations - 400-600 rubles, veterinary diets - 800-1,000 rubles.
Pro PlanHigher meat content, fewer components of plant origin, although wheat and corn are still used. Not a bad veterinary line. 450-550 rub.
EukanubaIt contains at least 25% meat and contains useful additives - fish oil, glucosamine, cartilage hydrolysate.600 rub.
BoschMeat content – ​​20-35%. Includes beneficial supplements: colostrum, mussel extract, herbal extracts, etc. No wheat. 500 rub.
Biomill SwissThere is no wheat or corn, the content of meat products is 20-25%.500 rub.
Pro BalanceBetter composition: includes more meat ingredients, no allergenic wheat and corn. It is produced in the Russian Federation, so there are no import surcharges, and the cost is cheaper than similar feeds. 200 rub.
FitminA variety of lines: from grain-free to those containing small quantities of wheat and corn. Each type contains a lot of meat components: 50-70%. 300-550 rub.

If you are thinking about replacing Hills, choose Eukanuba or Bosch: their composition is similar, but the latter two foods have a higher meat content. And if you want to exclude wheat and corn from your pet’s diet, take Pro Balance, Biomill Swiss or grain-free Fitmin varieties: their quality is an order of magnitude higher than that of Hill’s.

Science Plan dog food - reviews

Hill's Science Plan dry dog ​​food has been sold in Russia for a very long time, and is actively advertised. Therefore, there are hundreds of reviews about this food on the Internet. We have shared some of them below.

Customer Reviews

Julia writes:

For my dog, I selected Hill's Science Plan Adult Small & Miniature dry food for animals with sensitive skin. The weight of the package I purchased is 1.5 kg. There are packages of 300 g and 6 kg. 1.5 kg seems to me the most convenient in terms of volume and price.

On the back there is a description of Hill's Science Plan Adult Small & Miniature food and its composition. The composition of corn and oats is a little confusing; allergies to them are very common. So be careful. In addition to meat and grains, the food contains various vitamins and minerals that provide the pet with everything it needs.

The packaging has a very convenient clasp. This is not a standard zip fastener, which quickly becomes clogged with food and stops working. This wide Velcro-like fastener does not become clogged with food and functions until the end of the food in the package.

The food granules are very small, the size can be seen in the photo. A very good size for miniature breeds. The food smells quite pleasant, somewhat reminiscent of dried meat. At the very beginning, the dog ate this food very actively, but after about 2 weeks it began to lose interest in it. He eats his daily allowance, but doesn’t ask for it yet. I had to buy food from the same line, but with a different taste - lamb. The dog liked this food much more, for the sake of it she is even ready to follow commands.

In general, Hill's Science Plan Adult Small & Miniature food with chicken is not bad, but the dog eats it without enthusiasm, and the corn and oats in the composition are also confusing. I am planning to switch my dog ​​to Hill's Science Plan Adult with lamb.

Marina writes:

I buy Science Plan Advanced Fitness Adult 1-6. Overall the food is good. My allergic dog eats all the time - there are no complaints, everything is fine with his health. But the composition contains a small percentage of meat, the dog does not eat enough, he constantly walks around hungry on the street, always trying to eat something.

Svetlana writes:

I liked the food for: good composition, zip packaging - easy to store (no need for an airtight container), small fraction of the food. My baby didn’t attack it, but he eats better than Royal Canin dry food)) Let’s see how it goes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The diet is structured so that the body with a damaged digestive tract absorbs it almost completely. Hill's dry food contains a low percentage of fat and is used for dogs receiving correction of disorders.


  1. Minimizes the risk of relapse.
  2. Nutrients restore peristalsis, digestion and other functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Contains prebiotics - fibers work for the growth of beneficial microflora.
  4. It is a source of special fiber that nourishes the cells of the digestive tract.
  5. Contains ginger (calming effect on the intestines).

Peculiarity! Has antioxidant properties. Nutrition removes free radicals, accelerating the recovery process.

The food is delicious. The only drawback is the high price.

Price and where to buy

Hill's Science Plan dry and wet food can be purchased at many stores, such as:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Packaging 0.3 kg - from 199 rubles;
  2. Packaging 1.5 kg - from 731 rubles;
  3. Packaging 2.5 kg - from 1190 rubles;
  4. Packaging 6 kg - from 2499 rubles;
  5. Packaging 12 kg - from 3750 rub.

The above prices are indicative, relevant in mid-September 2022, may differ depending on the option and change significantly over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Diet selection

Consider your nutritional needs. Adjust feeding if your pet has weight problems.

Norms for introducing a new diet

DayDry food
First second25%
Third fourth50%
Fifth, sixth75%

Choosing food depending on health status:

  • ID - during the recovery period after gastrointestinal disorders, to maintain health at the peak of the disease;
  • ID Low Fat - if the dog has disorders that can be corrected with a low-fat diet;
  • ID Stress Mini - for small breeds with stress-related disorders.

For small dogs and puppies

Choose Hills ID Stress mini food. It is intended for puppies, small breeds whose weight does not exceed 12 kg (Chihuahua, small Spitz, Yorkshire terrier).

Daily norm (divided into 3–6 feedings):

  • 5 kg - 55–75 g;
  • 5 kg - 95–130 g;
  • 10 kg – 160–220 g.

For medium breeds

The group of medium breeds includes dogs whose weight is 12–25 kg. These are beagles, cocker spaniels, poodles, and hunting dogs. The daily norm is 265–365 g.

For large breeds

In large breeds, body weight exceeds 25 kg. Classic representatives include the Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Black Russian Terrier, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, and St. Bernard.

Daily norm:

  • 30 kg - 360–495 g;
  • 40 kg - 445–615 g;
  • 50 kg - 530–730 g;
  • 60+ - 11 g per kg of weight.

Hill's food range

Hill's range of pet foods is impressive, designed to meet the needs of most pet owners. Dog food is available in several lines:

  • According to the age.
  • To size.
  • According to individual needs - preventive and therapeutic feeds.

Note! Almost all food is produced in the form of granules and canned food. Dry food packaging varies from 1.5 to 12 kg.

HILL'S PRESCRIPTION DIET for dogs with special needs

HILL'S PRESCRIPTION DIET for dogs with special needs is a series of medicinal or veterinary foods that are used as part of therapy. In rare cases, if the disease is severe, chronic, feeding with medicinal products is prescribed for life. Veterinary feeds are divided according to their intended purpose.

For weight loss and obesity prevention:

  • Metabolic Canine.
  • Canine r/d.
  • Canine w/d “Chicken”.

For dogs with a sensitive digestive system – Canine d/d “Salmon and Rice” and “Duck and Rice” - suitable for allergy sufferers, the optimal choice for active dogs, supports the health of the coat and gastrointestinal tract.

For dogs with diabetes:

  • Canine i/d.
  • Canine r/d.
  • Canine w/d “Chicken”.

For dogs suffering from genitourinary problems:

  • Canine c/d – food is intended to alleviate the clinical picture of struvite-type urolithiasis. The product is intended to prevent the formation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate uroliths.
  • Canine w/d “Chicken”.

For dogs suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies:

  • Canine d/d “Duck and Rice” and “Salmon and Rice” - suitable for allergy sufferers.
  • Canine i/d is a preventative food that helps quickly restore intestinal microflora. Low Fat is a dietary food with a reduced fat content that allows you to effectively and without harm to your dog’s weight.
  • Canine r/d.
  • Canine w/d "Chicken".

The Prescription Diet series includes food for dogs with special needs:

  • Canine d/d “Salmon and Rice” – allergies, problem skin.
  • Canine k/d – pathologies of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
  • Canine i/d – for malnourished dogs with dysbiosis and other problems with food absorption.
  • Canine j/d – chronic and acute joint diseases.
  • Canine l/d – liver pathologies.

What do veterinarians say about this food?

Many veterinarians give a positive assessment of Hill's dog food. They recommend a product for pets whose bodies tolerate corn and wheat well. Doctors note the natural composition of the product and the content of poultry and fish flour.

Veterinarians pay special attention to the therapeutic line of diet. Professionals say that the food corresponds to the descriptions stated by the manufacturer. Doctors recommend Hills nutrition not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of pathologies that have been diagnosed in the animal.

However, there are also negative opinions regarding Hill's dog food. Veterinarians say that the composition of the diet is questionable. The manufacturer notes “chicken flour” on the packaging. Experts point out that this is flour, not meat, that is, the food can only contain ground bones and skin. Veterinarians also question the hypoallergenic properties of the product. It contains corn and wheat, which themselves can provoke an atypical reaction in the animal’s body.

Users often have a question - Royal Canin or Hills for dogs - which is better? Veterinarians do not give an exact answer to this. Experts say that it all depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Video: Hills dog food, its composition and reviews

Manufacturer and official website

The history of the company dates back to 1939. At that time, therapeutic diets had not yet been developed, but animal owners needed them.

Veterinarian Mark Morris (USA), saving a guide dog, created a diet that extended the years of its life. Not stopping there, the doctor began to develop new diets and this grew into the creation of a company.

At the moment, Hill's is the largest company with its own:

  • scientific and technical center;
  • laboratory;
  • hospital for clinical research;
  • production facilities.

Products are manufactured in more than 50 items and sold in almost 100 countries around the world.

Each country has its own representative office and official website. For the Russian Federation this is www.hillspet.ru.

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