What dogs were bred to fight bulls?

How to choose a bull terrier puppy

When buying a puppy, it is better to contact specialized nurseries or trusted breeders. Bull Terrier puppies bought secondhand may not be purebred or have congenital diseases.

Along with your pet, you should be given documents with information about vaccinations done. It is better to buy a puppy at the age of two months. He must be mobile and well-fed.

The cost of a purebred dog in a specialized nursery varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles (2017). The same puppies can be purchased from a private breeder a little cheaper, their price starts from 8 thousand rubles. Prices for high-quality representatives of the breed can reach 50 thousand or more.

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Health and life expectancy

Representatives of the Bull Terrier breed are distinguished by good health and strong immunity. The health of dogs can deteriorate if they are not properly maintained and fed. In most cases, the disease is associated with poor heredity.

Acquired ailments include diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and a tendency to obesity. Many problems can be prevented by regularly vaccinating your animal.

The lifespan of a fighting pet directly depends on the quality of its nutrition, as well as compliance with the rules of care. The average bull terrier that does not take part in violent fighting will live from 11 to 14 years.

Character traits

Experienced dog breeders describe Bull Terriers as cheerful and loyal dogs, despite their negative reputation in society. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well, they are always happy to play with children of any age, and treat them very kindly and carefully. The character of a Bull Terrier can be described by the presence of the following qualities:

  • Endurance.
  • Bravery.
  • Determination.
  • Obedience.

The intelligence and intelligence of bull terriers can be the envy of many breeds. But they also have a significant amount of stubbornness, which can be eradicated with the help of proper education.

A dog of this breed is perfect as a best friend for active people. She will be happy to accompany you on your run. Such dogs need to devote a significant amount of time to physical activity and walks. This is how they spend energy, preventing it from transforming into aggression.


The Bull Terrier's diet may consist of special food or natural products. The animal only needs two meals a day; it is not allowed to feed the animal between these meals. If your pet eats natural foods, you should add a vitamin complex.

Half of the daily diet should consist of meat (cooked, raw). The second half is porridge, boiled or stewed vegetables and fresh fruits. Once every three days, the diet should include raw fish and eggs. You need to add vegetable oil (a tablespoon) to one of the daily servings. Regular consumption of fermented milk products is recommended.

The following foods are strictly prohibited:

  • Fried foods.
  • Smoked meats and sausages;
  • I'll bake it.
  • Sugar, spices.
  • Pickles and canned food.

If you adhere to a diet of dry food, choose only high-quality and proven brands.

Breed standard

  • In the modern concept, the Bull Terrier is a compact dog with strong, well-developed muscles. In this case, the dog must have an athletic body, its movements are flexible, it moves easily when running.
  • The size of representatives of this breed is not limited by the standard, the main thing is that the height and weight are harmonious and correspond to the gender of the animal. Males are slightly larger than females. An adult has a height at the withers of 53 to 56 centimeters. Their minimum weight is eighteen kilograms, and their maximum weight can reach thirty-six kilograms.
  • The appearance characteristics of these dogs are slightly different from other representatives of boules. They have a long head with an oval skull and a flat area between the ears, shaped like an egg. They are distinguished by powerful, strong jaws that have a bite similar to a scissor mechanism. Therefore, it is almost impossible to escape from the jaws of such a beast.
  • A unique feature of the Bull Terrier breed is the presence of narrow, slanting, deep-set, triangular-shaped eyes. They are located at a considerable distance from the nose. According to the breed standard, dogs' eyes should be a dark shade of brown. Animals with light eye color are not considered purebred and are disqualified from exhibitions.
  • The noses of bull terriers have expressive open nostrils, located on the muzzle in a downward direction.
  • The ears are positioned straight, vertical, and do not droop. They are planted quite close, have a triangular shape, and are small in size.
  • Representatives of this fighting breed have strong, muscular limbs of medium length. The front pair of paws is more developed; they are quite stable. The knees on the hind legs are flexible. The toes are compact and mobile.
  • The animal has a short and strong back.
  • Bull Terrier tails are not docked; they are set low, short and tapering to the tip.
  • The coat of dogs is hard, has little shine, and the hairs themselves are short and straight. During the cold season, the animal develops a soft undercoat.

  • There are two color options for the Bull Terrier. White color is classic for this breed, but color variations are also possible. Pigmentation on white fur is allowed. If the animal has a colored coat, the primary color should predominate.

Japanese Akita Inu

The Japanese Akita Inu belongs to the Spitz breed and is its largest representative. The ancestors of the Akita (Matagi Inu) have been known since the 8th century; the Akita Inu breed appeared in the 17th century. Initially, the dog was used as a fighting dog and for hunting. Over the years, the status of a hunting and fighting dog changed to an elite one, and then expanded and gained popularity among people both in Japan and in many countries around the world.

Distinctive features: aggressiveness towards strangers and other animals, vindictiveness. If rudeness is used in training, the dog withdraws into itself. To achieve mutual understanding, it is necessary to clearly build a line of behavior with the dog, balancing between affection and persistence.

Akita is overly independent, but very devoted to its owner. This breed was glorified by a famous dog named Hachiko, who for nine years after the death of his owner came to the train to meet him after work.

The height of males reaches 64-70 centimeters, females - 55-64 centimeters. Dogs weigh 35-40 kilograms.

English Mastiff

The origin of the breed goes back to the ancient states: Egypt and Babylon, Assyria and Persia. This large, ferocious dog with a fearsome appearance was used:

  • when hunting for baiting wild animals (lions, bears, tigers);
  • on the fields of war as a living weapon;
  • in gladiator battles to deal with gladiators.

Over the years, mastiffs have evolved, the emotional mood of the dogs and their gene pool have changed. Thanks to breeders, mastiffs today are pets, good guards and watchmen, with patience and courage, loyalty and intelligence. The Mastiff clearly knows the territory and is always in control of the situation, even when sleeping.

The future behavior of a mastiff depends on its socialization. If a dog is raised as a family friend, then love and kindness will be the main values ​​of the animal.

Mastiff males are about 80 centimeters tall, females are about 70 centimeters tall. The dogs weigh 80-86 kilograms; individuals weighing 100 kilograms or more have been recorded. The heaviest mastiff weighed 148 kg, for this record he was awarded an entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)

The ancestors of the Dogue de Bordeaux had a ferocious temperament and a terrifying appearance; they participated in gladiatorial battles, as well as on the fields of military battles.

Having gone through rounds of selection, the modern Dogue de Bordeaux, although it has retained the external features of severity, its character has become calm and phlegmatic.

Great Danes are intelligent and very devoted to their family. When apart, they miss their owner a lot. Training animals requires knowledge of the characteristics of the breed.

The height of males is 68 centimeters, weight - 90 kilograms; height for females - 66 centimeters, weight - up to 90 kilograms. The parameters of males and females of Dogues de Bordeaux differ slightly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed


Among the advantages that the Bull Terrier breed has, experienced owners note the absolute absence of aggression towards humans; they are able to show their love in every possible way. They are quite brave, cheerful, and have a high level of intelligence. Dogs do not cause difficulties in caring for, because they are very clean.


The disadvantages of these dogs are considered to be a tendency to dominant behavior and hunting small animals. A short coat cannot always protect an animal from exposure to cold and sunlight. It is not advisable for this breed to live in a cold, damp climate. And also, you should not leave white dogs under the sun for a long time, they can get burned.

Where is the danger hiding?

Owners of a dog of this breed should not forget about the purpose for which bull terriers were bred - they are fighters at the genetic level. Only with poor upbringing does a dog become uncontrollable when it feels threatened by other animals. During walks, a fighting dog can easily get into a fight with another dog.

Experts do not recommend keeping a bull terrier in the same house with other animals. After all, his fighter instincts may suddenly awaken, but they usually get along well with cats. Your pet should feel your love, but don’t let him forget that you are the main one in the house. Representatives of fighting breeds must be brought up in strictness from childhood. This is the only way to control a dog.

When playing with a bull terrier, it is prohibited to take away his toy, lay claim to his things, or tease adult dogs in other ways. They are possessive and can react unexpectedly.


To ensure that an adult dog does not pose any threat to the owner and others, he needs proper training and education from childhood. The owner must adhere to certain rules in relation to the pet. To any manifestation of aggression from a puppy, you must immediately show your dissatisfaction.

Under no circumstances should you indulge his whims; always be firm and consistent in your decisions. During training, reward your puppy with treats for following commands. But don't scold him if the command was not executed.

Don't force your puppy to exercise when he's tired. In order for the dog to be safe for society, the owner must have calmness, perseverance and balance.

American Pit Bull Terrier - known to everyone as the pit bull fighting dog

Outwardly, the American Pit Bull Terrier looks like a real fighter: it is a strong dog with well-developed muscles, a wide chest, a large rough muzzle, a large neck and powerful jaws. The dog's height can vary from 40 to 60 cm, and its weight is about 30 kg. Pit bull terriers have a hard and short coat, and leg bones are as strong as their jaws.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is better known in the world of fighting dogs as Pitbull (photo by This Year's Love).

Due to its dark fighting past, the breed was for a long time taboo in many European countries. Today these dogs are very popular in Russia and the USA, and with proper upbringing, the breed of fighting dogs can have a completely peaceful and adequate character.

Basics of care

Bull Terriers do not need a lot of space, so they are suitable for keeping in a small apartment. These dogs need to walk outside a lot and play active games. Provide your puppy with a private sleeping area from which he can explore the room. To avoid allergies, buy your dog a bed only made from natural material.

The owner will not need much knowledge about the care and maintenance of a representative of this breed. The Bull Terrier's coat does not require trimming.

It is enough to bathe him up to four times throughout the year; dirt from the wool is removed with damp cloth wipes.

The pet requires brushing with a rubber brush once every seven days. This removes excess hair and massages the skin. It is necessary to regularly care for the ears and mucous membranes of the eyes; they are wiped with a cotton pad. Once a month, the claws are trimmed a few millimeters using special scissors.

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