How to choose the right Yorkie puppy: advice from breeders

The Yorkshire Terrier is rightfully considered an elite dog; the pet requires careful care and attention to detail. Yorkies attract people with their cheerful disposition, obstinate character, and miniature size. Girls like to carry a pet in a handbag as a beautiful attribute in the good sense of the word. Many people have difficulty choosing a Yorkshire Terrier, and this is not without reason. The procedure includes certain features that must be taken into account. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

If you decide to get a pet, buy a puppy only from reputable nurseries. Such establishments have been providing similar services for several years, so they have proven themselves well in the market. It doesn’t matter whether you live in Russia or abroad, carefully read reviews and listen to the advice of former clients.

Before purchasing, visit a canine exhibition, find information about the breed in printed publications, or learn the necessary information by talking directly with Yorkie owners.

Where is the best place to buy

It is recommended to purchase a dog from a breeder who has been professionally breeding representatives of this breed for many years. You can find one through the Internet or your local breed club. A serious nursery, as a rule, has its own website, where you can find out not only about the availability of available puppies, but also get acquainted with the health, character and maintenance of Yorkshire terriers. Here you can communicate directly with the breeder, as well as read reviews from the owners.

how to choose a Yorkie puppy

Why do you need Ingrus?

The site contains information about dogs from different countries. It will be of interest to both breeders and ordinary owners. The site is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. Here you can find out information about your own dog, plan mating with a specific manufacturer, and find out the breeder’s contacts. If you wish, you can get a link to the Chihuahua's pedigree and paste it into your blog or website.

All data is entered onto the site by professional breeders themselves. As soon as babies are born in the house, you can create their own pages in the Ingrus chihuahua pedigree database. This will significantly simplify the sales process, because you won’t need to have long conversations about ancestors, you can just send a link. And the buyers themselves will immediately understand how the baby will grow up. If a puppy is needed for exhibitions and breeding, then the owners on the site will be able to get acquainted with its relatives and understand whether it will suit them.

How to find out the size

To determine the size of a dog, you need to take 3 measurements using a soft measuring tape:

  1. Neck circumference: Measure the widest part of the neck.
  2. Back length: measured from withers to tail.
  3. Chest circumference: Measurement is taken just behind the Yorkie's front paws.

You can determine your Yorkie's clothing size using the following table:

Neck circumference, cmChest circumference, cmBack length, cm

Important! Even if you find out the size of the dog, you still shouldn’t refuse to try it on. It is best to take your Yorkie with you to the store. This way you can choose the most suitable clothes for him.

What explains the difference in price for puppies of the same age and breed?

Yorkshire Terriers, like other dogs, are classified into three groups, each of which has its own characteristics.

Table 1. Classification of dogs according to breed standards and application.

Show classA puppy from champion sires with ideal breed characteristics regarding:
  • size;
  • color;
  • physique;
  • psyche;
  • general health.
Participation in exhibitions, breeding, with the opportunity to sell offspring at the highest possible price.
Breed-classA dog from producers whose breed is confirmed by documents. The animal's parameters correspond to the standard, but are not as outstanding as those of the show class representatives. A prerequisite is the absence of disqualifying signs For participation in exhibitions (without prospects for high results), breeding work. These puppies are sold at an average price.
Pet classThese animals do not have exhibition or breeding prospects due to minor health problems or the presence of disqualifying characteristics (non-ideal body proportions, head shape, ear size and other anatomical defects, non-standard color).This is a pet dog that can be bought for little money. The absence of the need for a show career significantly reduces the cost of its maintenance, since there is no need to pay for participation in exhibitions. At the same time, from the point of view of an ordinary person, the dog is quite beautiful and has a set of breed characteristics. And yet such people are not allowed to do breeding work. “Defective” dogs are sold without documents.

Adult show class dog

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Unfortunately, it is difficult to call these adorable dogs healthy. Even a weak virus can easily undermine their immune system. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate dogs on time. Vaccination dates for them: at one and a half, two, two and a half months, at six months and at a year. Also, as a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend vaccinating dogs against rabies annually.

Your Yorkshire Terrier may get a stomach ache from improper feeding. Symptoms of gastric dysfunction in a dog: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, refusal to eat, severe thirst, weakness. If you notice any of the above in your pet, do not hesitate and take him to the hospital.

Sometimes, to remove the toxin, it is enough to rinse the animal’s stomach once. Also, a bone can easily get stuck in the thin esophagus of a decorative dog. It is extremely important to inspect any fish or meat product for bones before giving it to your dog.

Yorkie is a wonderful pet that will give joy to everyone who is imbued with tenderness and awe. He is very grateful for care and feeding, becomes very attached to his owners and needs their care.

In contrast to the standard

The most popular type of Yorkie is the baby face. This is a small dog with large round eyes and a short muzzle, and it certainly looks cute. Unfortunately, the appearance goes against the standard, and the dog has a number of problems related to breathing and vision. Too large eyes contribute to poor vision due to frequent conjunctivitis. Frequent diseases of the respiratory system due to the irregular anatomical structure of the skull - short and round, and the muzzle is narrow and small. Low set ears.

What makes up the price of a particular animal?

The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier, as well as other dogs, is influenced by factors such as:

  • characteristics of his parents: The more titles they have, the higher the price of the offspring.

    The higher the dog's characteristics, the more it is worth

    You can make sure that the baby’s ancestors had exceptional breed characteristics by looking at their documents. Moreover, this must be done when deciding on the purchase of a show and breeding class animal;

  • expert assessment of the puppy itself . This is due to the fact that the mating of champions can produce not only a future show ring star, but also a completely ordinary puppy. The reason is the tricks of genetics. In this case, the baby will not be a defective dog at all, but in order not to pay extra money for him, it is important to have objective information;
  • assessment of the litter as a whole. High-quality and homogeneous puppies are always more expensive;

    Newly born Yorkie puppies

  • gender of the pet. Female Yorkshire Terriers fetch higher prices than males. And not because of breed advantages, but because breeders see them as a promising source of income.

When can gender be determined accurately?

Dogs are born with genitals, but it is quite difficult to distinguish males from females. To avoid making a mistake, it is better to wait 2-3 weeks, when sexual characteristics become quite pronounced. In adolescence (from 6 months), the difference between females and males can be determined not only by the appearance of the genitals, but also by behavior.

The easiest way to determine the sex of a puppy is after it reaches one month of age.

How to enter your dog's data into the database?

Usually this procedure is performed by the breeder himself some time after the birth of the puppies. He himself enters all the data on the baby, including the correct name of his color, date of birth and the nursery in which he was born. But some breeders do not do this, for example, due to poor navigation on the Internet. In this case, entering the puppy into the Ingrus chihuahua pedigree database falls on the shoulders of its new owners.

First you need to register on the site by providing your email. Next, you need to select the “Add dog” sub-item in the menu. First you need to specify the parents. If they are already registered in the database, then the owner can simply select them. If the dog’s ancestors are not in the database, then you need to contact your breeder for information about them.

After the information about the parents is entered, you need to add a photo of the puppy. It will need to be changed as the baby grows, it is important that it is always up to date. After that, fill in the information about the breeder. If he is already registered on Ingrus, then he can be found by first and last name. If the breeder is not on the site, then you will have to add information about him yourself. After this, enter information about the puppy’s weight, color and coat length.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

So, how to buy a Yorkshire Terrier without making a mistake?

Choosing a puppy is a serious matter


Competent breeders offer animals for sale no earlier than 2-3 months after their birth. This is due to the fact that babies must go through the necessary period of breastfeeding, and at the time of transfer to the owner they could feed themselves. In addition, earlier weaning them from their mother has a negative impact on the health of the bitch. Those who dream of a dog for exhibitions are recommended to purchase a puppy six months old. By this time, conclusions can be drawn about the size and other characteristics of the dog.


At the time of transfer to the owner, the cubs must undergo the first vaccination, which means they are required to have a veterinary passport, properly executed, with the necessary records and seals.

Veterinary passport for dogs

Every pedigree dog must also have a puppy card. It contains information about the puppy's parents, gender and name. The results of the certification, which each dog undergoes in the club (kennel) 45 days after birth, are also entered there. The litter is assessed by a certified dog handler. He also documents the results, entering the characteristics of each puppy into his individual document. Among other things, the “puppy” contains information about branding.


It is performed in the form of a tattoo and must be on the body of the dog submitted for activation. The mark is made once and remains unchanged throughout life. Unscrupulous breeders may offer an unbranded dog, explaining that it was a pity to subject the baby to the procedure. In such cases, it is logical to suspect that the documents for the dog are fake and therefore have no legal force. The same thing applies if the brand is not readable. As for the tattoo procedure, it is performed with an anesthetic element, so the kids do not suffer.

Why else do you need a brand on a dog?

Parent information

Personal acquaintance with the child’s ancestors is not enough; you need to look at their documents. In order not to doubt the origin of the puppy, it is important to make sure that its mother and father are dogs of the same breed.

This will insure against the purchase of a half-breed. Of course, the presence of third-party genes does not mean at all that the dog is not suitable as a pet, but, firstly, its price will be different, and secondly, you don’t have to be afraid of surprises when putting the animal up for mating. A representative of an unspecified breed, but with “corrected” metrics, can produce offspring that resemble Bobik’s yard grandfather. And then troubles cannot be avoided.

Temperament, conformation and health

Finding yourself in the company of cute little ones, you shouldn’t give in to emotions. You should choose your puppy wisely and soberly, paying attention to:

  1. Baby's physique and activity . These indicators will say a lot about his temperament and health. A good and strong puppy should be robust, and not a dog with a loose constitution. When a dog is lethargic, sleepy and indifferent, this is not normal, unless he has eaten well the day before. The Yorkshire Terrier is a naturally cheerful creature, playful and active.
  2. Coat color. It represents a combination of black and gold colors.

    The coat should be black and gold

    There should be no spots, with the exception of a tuft of white hair on the chest. This is acceptable, but it goes away after the first molt. You shouldn’t trust sellers who try to “pick up” a puppy of a non-standard color, promising that when he grows up, he will become like everyone else. If the dog is silver-gray or another color outside the breed standard, he will not turn into steel gray. Only a black and gold pet will acquire the correct color by the age of one and a half years. When purchasing a puppy, you can get an idea of ​​what it will look like by looking at its parents.

  3. Wool quality . Ideally, it is flowing, clean and shiny. If there are curls, they will remain for life. Such a dog has a higher risk of developing mats if the owner does not care for it well. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the cover. When there are even small bald patches or areas of thinning hair on the body, this may indicate health problems. The same thing applies if the skin is flaky, covered with dandruff, and the hairs are dry.
  4. Paws. They should be even, while large limbs are a sign that the puppy will grow large.

    Pay attention to the paws

    When walking, movements are free and coordinated, and the contour of the upper body is even. When a puppy's back has a hump, so does an adult dog's back. Signs of lameness or stiffness indicate possible joint problems that will worsen with age.

  5. Nose. Its tip is a black lobe, cool and wet. If the puppy recently woke up, it may be warm. Breathing is even, without grunting, sniffling and discharge from the nostrils, forming a white coating around.
  6. Teeth. Healthy dog ​​gums are juicy pink, but pale ones can indicate anemia.

    Yorkie's teeth

    Each jaw contains six incisor teeth and a pair of fangs. The closed teeth of Yorkies resemble scissors, but the bite can also be pincer-like, which is also acceptable. Ideally, the outer part of the lower incisors, when closing, tightly touches the inner surface of the upper ones. A dog with underbite and overbite is subject to disqualification and is not allowed to breed.

  7. Head. It is worth paying attention to the fontanel. It is located in the parietal part and should be closed at 3 months. The fragile constitution of the dog in combination with a disproportionately large head resembling an apple, bulging eyes and an unovergrown fontanel are signs of dwarfism (dwarfism). In some cases, this may also indicate hydrocephalus, a condition that makes the animal unviable.
  8. Eyes. In dogs of this breed they are dark in color, with a damp sheen, and look straight.

    Yorkies have dark eyes

    Sticky “tears” can mean problems with the eyelids or diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Cloudy smudges are dangerous because they can be symptoms of serious infections. Yorkies have black pupils, and the iris does not have spots that would indicate illness or traumatic injury. The third eyelid is hidden, but if it is visible, it should not be massive, and also show signs of ill health.

  9. Ears. At the age of two months, Yorkies do not have them, but in an ideal dog they should not be too large and heavy.

    At the age of two months they are not worth it to Yorkies.

    The edge of the auricle is healthy, covered with hair, without crusts or areas of baldness. The outside of the ear canal is clean. If the baby shakes his head and often scratches his ears, it is possible that there is a mite or inflammation there.

  10. The abdomen is not swollen, the skin on it is without spots or rashes. A bulge around the navel or groin area indicates a hernia that will require surgery to correct.
  11. External genitalia . It is important to examine the bitch's loop for inflammation. It is identified by sticky hairs. A Yorkie boy should also be fine with this if the end of the prepuce is clean. The testes are lowered, although in small individuals this happens with a delay. In the case of absolute undescendence of the testicles into the body of the scrotum, they speak of cryptorchidism. It can be one- or two-sided, but in any case it is a disqualifying sign.

Small or grown up

Breeders and sellers of Yorkshire terriers offer both babies (1.5 - 2 months) and older dogs. As a rule, most people prefer to take a small puppy into their home, however, the cubs of this breed have their own characteristics.

A baby Yorkie can be compared to a small child who has just mastered the technique of walking. This creature constantly demands attention, its energy seems limitless, and its behavior is uncontrollable. Raising a puppy cannot be left to chance. He can bite, bark constantly, and chew things. In addition, the baby needs four meals a day, which means he needs to be walked quite often.

However, there are also benefits associated with keeping your pet young. The kids are unusually cute and charming, easy to train and get used to their owners. By paying due attention to raising a dog, you can get an obedient, devoted pet that brings joy and positive emotions.

For those who are not sure that they can withstand all the troubles associated with early age, the best choice would be a 6-7 month old Yorkie. During this period, you can already see the character and temperament of the dog, evaluate its final size and color. In addition, by this time the bite has been completely formed and teeth have changed. As a rule, the puppy already knows some commands and is accustomed to the litter box and walks.

Advice. It happens that adult Yorkies are also sold. In this case, it is important to find out the reason for the sale. This may be due to both the birth of a child, a change in living conditions, and the unfavorable nature of the pet.

What is the character of Eric?

Yorkshire Terriers are active and energetic dogs; boys are especially inquisitive and restless. Attachment to the owner comes very quickly, pets get used to it, accept the person who is most important to them and remain faithful and infinitely devoted to him for the rest of their lives. They are wary of strangers, but after some time they adapt. They get along with children and are friends with other animals. A distinctive feature of the Yorkie's character is rapid excitability and long calmness. The dog's temperament is close to choleric, it can be timid and aggressive. I don't tolerate loneliness well. Needs careful education and training. She is easy to learn because she is highly intelligent, quick-witted and curious.

Are there Mini Yorkies?

Little York

No, there is no such division within the breed. This should be kept in mind by those who purchase older dogs with parameters that are not adequate for their age. In order to sell the dog, “breeders” begin to convince that it is a mini version of the Yorkshire terrier. In fact, dogs that are too small grow out of weak or the smallest puppies in the litter. Inconsistency of height and weight with breed standards makes it impossible to participate in exhibitions, and will also become an obstacle to using the dog in breeding work.

Who are Yorkshire Terriers suitable for and how to determine the character of the future pet

Dogs of this breed are more suitable for families with children, as Yorkies are active, playful and love attention.

Character Test

If you want to buy such a pet, but there are concerns about its hyperactivity, you can choose a baby with a calmer character:

You can determine this when meeting the breeder and the future pet:

  • pet the dog, pick it up, and then place it next to it. Gradually moving away from the animal, observe its reaction;
  • if he trotts along happily behind you, he is an active, balanced dog, but only on the condition that, out of an excess of feelings, he does not attack and bite your legs.

    Make sure your puppy doesn't start behaving aggressively.

    Such behavior indicates aggressive tendencies that may not go away with age;

  • if he walks slowly, he may be shy and unsure, but if he runs away with his tail between his legs, he will most likely grow up to be a coward.

You can do it differently: put the baby down, move a couple of steps away from him, squat down and lightly clap your hands. An aggressive guy will try to bite, and a calm guy will run up and start sniffing his hands. The shy one will be interested, but will not come close, and the coward will remain in place or run away.

Yorkie puppies

There is another test: you need to carefully turn the dog on its back and look at the reaction. hold it in this position for up to half a minute:

  • an aggressive puppy will perceive this as violence, begin to bite and try to escape;
  • the calm one will begin to resist, but realizing that this is a safe game, he will lie down and wait to see what happens next;
  • the shy one will submit immediately and will not kick;
  • the little coward will shrink into a ball.

An aggressive dog is not very suitable as a friend, especially when there are children in the family. He is unlikely to become tame, and may show temper every time he tries to be picked up. Such a toddler is usually impatient and difficult to control - he is used to quickly getting his way, so he will often bark and bite.


The skull is flat, small in shape, proportional to the body, and the ears are triangle-shaped and stand up. The coat is glossy, straight, thick, not fluffy, shiny. On the head and muzzle - long, golden brown brighter on the sides of the head, on the tips of the ears and in the longest places on the muzzle. The fur is slightly darker at the very tip of the tail.

An interesting fact is that the Yorkie hardly sheds due to the lack of undercoat, and its hair is very similar to human hair; it falls out due to mechanical factors or disease.

Straight, developed limbs and hind legs create an angle. The animal is active, with round beady eyes.

Active, cheerful dog, without aggression. Recently, babies' tails have been docked, but over time this fades into the background and is not necessary.

An important point for males is the descending testicles into the scrotum; if a male with age remains without the main male indicator, then this is a defect of the breed - cryptorchid.

Breed standard

The Yorkshire Terrier dog is a miniature dog. The standard weight of an adult male is 3 kg, and an adult female is 2.5 kg. Error – 100-200 grams. The height at the withers of the first is up to 24 cm, and the second is up to 21 cm. The dog’s physique is proportional. He has a rectangular body, a well-defined lower back, and a flat belly without sagging.

The limbs are small. At the tips of the legs there are black and very soft pads. The claws are sharp and dark. Like all terriers, Yorkies are nimble and fast. They are able to run more than 5 km without getting tired at all. Their tail is set high. It is very thin and stays straight.

Shouldn't be wrapped in a ring! Usually, in the first week of birth, a representative of the breed has his tail docked in half. However, individuals who do not have a pedigree, that is, who will not participate in dog competitions, do not need to undergo such an operation.

The animal has a small head, flattened at the tip. The transition from forehead to mouth is well defined. The skull is rounded. The eyes are large, with a black, less often brown, iris. Eyelashes are very short. The nose is large and dark. The nostrils are wide. The ears are triangular, medium in length. They are in a standing position. A drooping or bent ear is considered a defect.

The main feature of the dog is its hypoallergenic coat. It does not have an unpleasant odor and is easy to clean and comb. The structure of the Yorkie's fur is soft and smooth. Interestingly, puppies are born with curly fur.

They somewhat resemble little sheep. After the first haircut, their coat straightens and then grows evenly. The most popular dog color is golden-silver or red-blue. It is important that the animal's fur shines in the sun.

Communication and interaction with the breeder

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the breeder. Ideally, he should give the impression of a person who knows everything about his dogs, treats them with love and is interested in placing the puppy only in responsible hands.

The right breeder does not avoid long conversations with a potential buyer

This breeder:

  • will definitely invite you to the nursery so that the potential buyer can assess the condition of the dogs and the conditions of their keeping;
  • will answer questions and will not impose on puppies using unworthy techniques;
  • will provide documents of the pet and its parents for review, and introduce them to at least one of them;
  • will not sell a puppy under two months and will provide detailed instructions on the features of feeding, keeping and caring for the dog;
  • will certainly inquire about the living conditions of the future owner, and will also clarify how capable he is of providing the dog with proper care in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the breed;

In rare cases, a breeder can dissuade you from buying a pet if he sees that the person cannot cope with its upbringing and maintenance, and also believes that the potential owner gives the impression of an irresponsible, frivolous and mentally unstable person

  • will not sell a puppy for a hat of crackers, since he spent a certain amount of money on maintaining the pregnant bitch and the born litter, and is also confident in the quality of the puppies being sold;
  • will certainly leave a telephone number where the owner can get advice if necessary;
  • will inform that he will not abandon his pupil to the mercy of fate if, due to circumstances, the owner can no longer support him. A responsible breeder will take the dog and find new homes for it.


Yorkie lovers can rejoice, because today there are kennels where these dogs are bred in almost every post-Soviet capital, including Moscow. When going to the kennel for such a dog, be sure to take into account all future expenses, especially food and vaccinations.

The price of a Yorkshire terrier with a pedigree is from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. You can safely take such a pet to competitions and exhibitions. But be sure to study his veterinary passport before purchasing.

Yorkies are one of the smallest breeds, perfect for living in an apartment.

A more budget-friendly option for purchasing is from your own hands. A representative of the breed in question can be purchased cheaper, for 10-15 thousand rubles, from a private breeder. But by cooperating with him, you are unlikely to get a high-breed terrier.

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