A collie puppy is a faithful assistant and friend. Subtleties of the breed's character

  • Dogs
Data from users of the site pets-mf.ru
Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)4
Height (cm)30

Some breeders believe that the Border Collie is the smartest dog. There are still discussions about this, but no one doubts that the representatives of the breed are the most obedient. Border Collies are not often seen on the streets, due to the fact that the dog is not recommended to be kept in an apartment. She needs a large enclosure and fresh air.

Key facts

People who want to get such a pet should consider that they:

  • because of their instincts they love to herd people and animals;
  • recognized as the smartest dogs as a result of a study by the British Institute;
  • quickly learn commands and are happy to learn new ones;
  • used as guides, companions, and involved in rescue and search operations;
  • get sick due to lack of activity and stiffness of movement;
  • friendly to other animals, if they do not strive to become leaders;
  • freedom-loving, not kept in an enclosure or on a chain;
  • They occupy leading positions in dog sports.

Top 5 most jealous dogs: breeds, character, features

Owner reviews

The Internet contains a lot of reviews from collie owners who give a complete description of the process of raising puppies. They share positive impressions and post a huge number of photos of puppies. Border collie puppies, long-haired or smooth-haired, delight with their cute appearance. Dogs of this breed are described as amazing, understanding - true friends. They are peaceful, affectionate, obedient. For many, they become a full member of the family.

As you can see, these pets are extremely popular due to their talents and friendliness.


The main characteristics are extremely positive, but there are several important advantages to pay attention to

  • Intelligence and training. Enough has been said about collie mental abilities. It follows from this that they are easy to train and quickly master commands.
  • Working abilities. You can use Border Collies not only as friends, but also as colleagues. This is true for service people. Another interesting fact is that you can take your dog with you hunting and fishing.
  • Possibility of home maintenance. There are breeds that cannot be kept at home. These often include huskies and shepherds. This impossibility is most likely due to the fact that not everyone can adjust the microclimate of the house to the atmosphere of the dog. There will be no problems with a collie! They were bred to help humans, and therefore get along well with people.
  • Suitable pet personality. Everyone wants just such a dog - cheerful, loving to run and play. With a border collie you can be like the movies, play fetch with the dog. Also, a trained pet is presented as an advantage over friends and acquaintances - they say, look how my Bobik can do it! He knows both “to me” and “to sit”!
  • The average size. To be honest, keeping a large dog in the house is an incredibly difficult task. And keeping a large dog in an apartment is simply unrealistic. It is extremely difficult to provide comfort and at the same time make sure that the pet does not destroy the entire home. It is recommended to keep small or medium-sized dogs in apartments. The Border Collie fits this criterion - the breed is classified as medium.

Border Collie Personality

Borders can run all day long and happily follow the owner’s commands. Good instincts and fearlessness make them vigilant watchmen. They can be trusted to guard the house, but this collie will not become an evil chain dog. Borders get along well with other pets, even cats or rodents. They become a leader for them, will shepherd and protect.

The character of the dog is friendly, affectionate, and very loyal. She loves to watch her owner and accompany him everywhere, as she is very inquisitive. But she will never impose herself, and is not prone to violent manifestations of emotions.

He treats all strangers with caution, but not aggressively. There is no cowardice, nervousness or anger in his character at all. She loves children, will be their devoted friend, vigilant guard and nanny. It will never offend even a small child, and will become a schoolchild’s companion and companion in any outdoor games.

Features of education

This dog learns quickly and easily. Likes to follow commands, but is able to act independently and make decisions. High intelligence allows her to manipulate her owner, so it is important to gain authority. If the puppy is not trained, his activity and mental abilities will make him uncontrollable. But even an adult dog can be taught rules of behavior. Only for this the patience and love of the owner are important.

Borders are easy to train, they enjoy training and follow commands with pleasure. They especially love to exercise and run. But if the pet gets bored, he will stop obeying. Therefore, the puppy needs to be interested, it is better to train it through play. During training, physical punishment or an aggressive tone should not be used. The dog understands words perfectly and requires a calm, friendly attitude.

A challenge can arise with the strong herding instincts of these dogs. Already at the age of six months, they begin to graze everyone around, driving them into a heap, often grabbing their legs with their teeth. This desire must be stopped immediately. The peculiarity of upbringing is also that the border dog requires the firmness and authority of the owner. Only then will he not strive to dominate and will be obedient.


The first heat occurs when the dog is six months old. But at the same time, the period of puberty in females of the breed occurs when they reach approximately 2 years, at the same time it begins in males. The readiness for mating can be noticed by the playful attitude towards the opposite sex. Mating should be repeated after a couple of days. Pregnancy becomes noticeable at 5 weeks due to swollen mammary glands. It is important to follow a regime of long walks, but limit physical activity. The daily diet during pregnancy should be enriched with foods containing calcium, vitamins, and essential minerals. Collie puppies are born around the 66th day. 8-10 babies can be born at once. The birth usually occurs unassisted, but it is best to have a veterinarian monitor it.


It is important to ensure the safety of your home. Given the puppy's curiosity, possible dangers for him should be considered.

Dangerous objects that may attract the dog's attention should be removed. First of all, such dangers include electrical wires, which dogs love to chew, as well as sharp objects that are lost on the floor and can be accidentally swallowed by the puppy (pins, buttons).

You should remove plants that are poisonous to animals, household chemicals, plastic film, and foil, which the dog can pull out of the trash can if there are food particles left on them. Chocolate is toxic to dogs, so you should not leave it in the room where your dog can reach it.

If there are stairs in the house, then you should not allow the puppy to move along them. Such exercises negatively affect the formation of joints and the skeleton of a growing body.

It is important to prevent movement on slippery surfaces

Border collies are very excitable, their attention can be attracted by a sound from the street, a flying bird, after which the dog can jump and fall over the side of the balcony if access to the balcony is free and it is not glazed.

It is important to provide a safe space for your dog to rest. Buy a comfortable bed, bowls and accessories for walking and playing

Buy a comfortable bed, bowls and accessories for walking and playing

It is important to provide a safe space for your dog to rest. Buy a comfortable bed, bowls and accessories for walking and playing


Keeping such a pet is not a difficult task; the main thing is to remember that it needs to be given a lot of attention, given regular exercise, and long walks. Left alone or locked up for a long time, he may begin to behave restlessly, bark, howl. Representatives of the breed can be owned by owners of private houses or apartments, although many housewives are not entirely welcoming to the long-haired collie due to its luxurious, thick coat. But if the pet lives in the yard, then in winter he has nothing to fear if he has a warm house with a sunbed.

Representatives of the breed can be adopted by owners of private houses or apartments

Care and hygiene

When it comes to grooming, many people are put off by this breed. A dog, especially a collie puppy, requires careful care, as well as hygiene procedures. But with all this, care does not imply anything supernatural:

  1. Long hair is brushed every 2-3 months; during shedding, this should be done much more often.
  2. Water procedures are carried out at the same intervals or, if the dog has managed to get very dirty, unscheduled.
  3. Teeth should be constantly inspected to prevent the appearance of chips or stones; if they are present, you should seek the help of a veterinarian. Teeth brushing should be done about 2 times a week.
  4. Claws are shortened monthly.
  5. If the ears are overgrown, then the excess hair should be trimmed; in addition, it is important to clean them.

Long hair is brushed every 2-3 months


Your pet should have a routine, so he should be given food at one time.
Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) puppies 2-8 months old should eat small meals 4-5 times a day. A one and a half year old collie puppy is fed three times already, and an adult is fed the same way. Puppies eat dry food, canned food, and willingly eat cooked food. Portion size is determined by weight and height. The main thing is that the daily diet includes about half a kilogram of meat and the same amount of porridge cooked with vegetables. Certain types of foods are categorically harmful to collies:

  • raw fish;
  • peas;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • pearl barley porridge;
  • pork meat;
  • salo;
  • potato;
  • bones.

Puppies eat dry food, canned food, and willingly eat cooked food.
For food, boiled sea fish, beef, other cereals, vegetables, eggs, and dairy products are an excellent option.


The negative side of selective selection has been a predisposition to certain genetic diseases. Collie puppies very often suffer from enteritis or distemper. Therefore, you should ensure that puppies avoid other animals until the main vaccination. Most often, collies are susceptible to diseases that affect the eyes. Here is a short list of diseases:

  1. Anomaly of the eye. Develops in the embryo, often only one eye is affected.
  2. Epilepsy. The disease is accompanied by convulsions. There is no treatment.
  3. Deafness. The congenital disease affects mainly marbled individuals.
  4. Pemphigus. The disease occurs more often in older individuals.
  5. Retinal atrophy. It is hereditary and sometimes leads to complete loss of vision.

Collie puppies often suffer from enteritis or distemper.

Choosing a puppy

A month and a half after birth, nurseries receive documents for puppies, from that moment they can be purchased. To buy a healthy dog, it is worth observing the behavior of the cubs. They are usually active and inquisitive; when they see a new person, they approach him and begin to sniff him.

Look at the cleanliness of the ears, nose and eyes, and the condition of the coat. Ask the breeder if it is possible to meet the puppy’s parents or at least see their photo. Make sure that the documents are in order and there is medical confirmation of your health status.

Intelligent and very active, Border Collies require a lot of attention. They require long daily walks, regular training and active play, but in return they become the ideal companion for any person who is willing to love them and spend time with them.

Test “Dog breed from photo”

Purchase and price

Those who want to own such a pet ask themselves the question: “How much does a puppy of this breed cost?” Many special kennels offer to buy a Scottish Shepherd puppy. Prices depend on the species, its pedigree, the availability of appropriate documentation, and the participation of parents in exhibitions. Border collie puppies or other species that are sold without a pedigree cost about 6,000 rubles. The price of a dog with appropriate documentation can vary from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles. A collie puppy, whose parents participated in exhibitions and were awarded, can be worth up to 120,000 rubles. (Information is current as of 2022).

Collie puppies are born around day 66


The standard assumes a fairly strict framework that determines productivity, body type, origin, as well as some other characteristics of the animal. The current standard for this type is considered:

The standard assumes a fairly strict framework that determines productivity, body type, origin

  1. Weight and height. The parameters depend on gender. The average height of males is 56-61 cm, with a weight of 20-30 kg, females are slightly lower - 51-56 cm, with a weight of 18-25 kg.
  2. Head. Narrow, elongated shape. Sharp, pointed changes are considered a defect. Not too thick, fully colored lips.
  3. Eyes. Color brown or blue. Almond shaped.
  4. Nose. Black color, small size.
  5. Teeth. Correct bite.
  6. Ears. Triangular in shape, semi-erect. Standing ones are considered a marriage.
  7. Body. Strong, well developed, level back, oval shaped chest, when standing, pronounced withers and scruff.
  8. Limbs. The muscles are dry, but developed. The joints and bones are strong.
  9. Tail. Almost straight, slightly curved tip.


Variations of acceptable color for this species are limited; the standard color is represented by only three options:

Variations of acceptable color for this species are limited

  1. Sable. A palette of color shades from light golden to red. Cream or light straw are considered defective.
  2. Tricolor color. Predominant black with additions of red and white. A hint of rust is considered a defect.
  3. Blue merle. Silver-blue color, there are smooth transitions from silver to black, the so-called marble shades. Shades of rust, slate, and the presence of large black spots are extremely undesirable.

The presence of white marks on the collar area, head, paws, and tip of the tail is required.


Scottish Shepherds are considered one of the smartest types of dogs. They are very sociable, energetic, quickly become attached to their owners, and are easy to train. These animals have a hard time with loneliness. They need long walks. Characteristic features are considered to be kindness and agreeableness, so it can easily be introduced into a family with small children. It should be taken into account: although representatives of this species are used for protection, it is better to choose them as companions or for their work purpose. These dogs also have very friendly relationships with other pets.


To understand the diversity of the breed, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with photos of collie puppies: border collie, long-haired, smooth-haired, mixed breed.

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