Shar Pei mixed breed - with a shepherd, mongrel, Labrador or Staffordshire terrier

Using photographs of two arbitrary animals and a graphic editor, you can create any mestizo. Pandas are popular now - there is probably no breed of dog that would not be worthy of being repainted as a black and white bear: Shar Pei, bulldogs, labradors, even dachshunds - everyone has been in the skin of the cute bamboo fat man. You can attach horns to a horse and a peacock tail to a cat. It seems that if you cross different animals (or different breeds), you will get a cross that has the most striking features of each parent.

In reality, everything is somewhat more complicated. By breeding a female with big ears and a male with a long tail, most likely you will not get long-tailed, eared puppies, but something in between - depending on the initial data and your luck. Recessive genes, which appear in the phenotype only when present in the DNA of both parents, may also be responsible for striking traits. For example, the gene for curly hair in cats and rex rabbits is different for each curly breed. All of them are recessive (suppressed), so not only will the offspring of even the first generation have normal hair if one of the parents is straight-haired, but kittens from two curly-haired cats of different breeds will not be able to boast of curls.

Who are mestizos

Mixed breeds are dogs that were born from two different breeds.

The word itself suggests that this is a mixed breed.

Most often this term is applied to such dogs, since it is impossible to find out their pedigree and gene affiliation.

Often the parents of such dogs are purebred representatives of their breed.

They can even be champions and winners of world exhibitions.

It is believed that a mestizo is an improved version of a particular breed, since the baby takes only positive aspects from its parents.

Due to this or that breed, negative qualities in the breed can be compensated.

It all depends on which breeds are crossed with each other. This is usually done between large dogs. For example, Labradors, shepherds, huskies, etc.

When this happens, the owner can be sure that he will receive a dog with long strong legs, straight ears, and a long, slightly curled tail.

It’s better to know everything about the dog in advance if you decide to bring it into your home..

Her not very good qualities may appear not in the genetic field, but in the events that she experienced. She may have been under a lot of stress before.

Metis differ from other dogs in that they are very smart and friendly, and have a stable psyche.

By purchasing a small puppy who has not yet been exposed to harsh reality, you have a chance to raise a reliable and loyal friend for yourself.

By surrounding him with care, love, affection and training, you can make him a true companion.

If this happens, and you have adopted an adult dog, then you should also surround it with attention, warmth and love.

Then she will reward you with communication, wonderful behavior and intelligence.

Similar dog breeds

If the Shar Pei is not suitable for you for any reason, then there are dogs that are similar in appearance:

  • Pug - it differs only in its small size and flattened muzzle, but otherwise it has the same funny folds on the body and a curved tail;
  • The English Mastiff is much larger than the Shar Pei, but is very similar to it, including eyebrows hanging over the eyes;
  • The English Bulldog is not so graceful, but is distinguished by folds throughout the body, especially for puppies;
  • The Bloodhound is almost the same as the Shar Pei, only with floppy ears and a straight tail.

Pros and cons of mestizos

This breed has a huge number of both positive and negative aspects. Let's look at these sides.


This is a mixed breed, which means it can be purchased for a small fee or even free. This means you will save a significant amount of money.

Mestizos adapt very quickly to the new environment. They do not need a huge amount of time to get used to certain living conditions.

Such dogs will quickly and easily learn all your commands..

They have high immunity to various diseases. The owners of such dogs spend less on expensive medications, and their pets live longer.

If one of the breeds that was crossed had a tendency to certain ailments, then the mestizo will not have this.

As for nutrition, they do not have to buy expensive food. They can easily tolerate natural food.


  • have no pedigree or documents;
  • have shortcomings in external data;
  • cannot participate in various international dog shows.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what Shar-Pei mixed-breed puppies look like:


Shar Pei is one of the most popular breeds of large dogs. There are a rich number of varieties from Chinese to Minipei.

And if for some reason you can’t get a purebred dog, then you can always get a mixed breed. There is also plenty to choose from, and mestizos are not inferior to purebreds in many respects.

Labrador and poodle mix

At the moment, the most popular breed remains the Labrador, but not everyone can afford to buy a real, purebred Labrador.

Therefore, they are trying to find mestizos that resemble this breed.

Very often similar dog breeds are mixed together.

This is how they try to remove the shortcomings in one of the breeds and emphasize the advantages.

The most common is a cross between a Labrador and a poodle. They got the name Labradoodle.

Not so long ago, this breed was specially bred . And she began to be called the Australian Labradoodle or Cobberdog.

This dog is a guide dog. This mix works great even with the most complex cases of disability.

The dog will be an excellent companion for people with disabilities, as well as for those who are allergic to animal fur, as they are hypoallergenic.

A breed like the Cobberdog will be better than any nanny, so large families simply need this dog.

Unfortunately, these dogs cannot be definitively considered mestizos, since they were specially bred.

But there are a huge number of dogs that were born thanks to the crossing of a Labrador and a poodle, without any selective intent.

Similar breeds

There are several dog breeds that look very similar to the Shar Pei.

  • Pug. These dogs have the same folds and curved tail. They differ only in their flattened muzzle and small size, which is only thirty centimeters. Color black, silver or apricot with a black mask. They are also smart and good companions.
  • Bloodhound. This breed is very similar to the Shar Pei. Distinctive features are hanging ears and a straight tail. The coat color is black with yellow-brown spots, red-brown or solid bright red. The coat is hard and short. The character is good-natured and kind without aggression.
  • English Mastiff. The drooping eyebrows on the eyes and everything else resembles a Shar Pei. But mastiffs are much larger. The height at the withers reaches seventy centimeters. The coat is thick and short, and can be brindle, silver, fawn, or apricot. Mastiffs are majestic, friendly and tolerant.
  • English bulldog. This breed is not so graceful, but when you see the folds on the body of bulldogs, you immediately remember Shar-Peis. These dogs have short hair. Its color can be white, red, piebald. Bulldogs are lazy, do not tolerate loneliness well, are good friends, and smart.

In the photo there is a pug:

In the photo Bloodhound:

In the photo there is an English Mastiff:

In the photo there is an English bulldog:

Color and size of Labradoodles

Now you can hear such a phrase as a design idea.

This means that all puppies will be born completely different.

That is, some of the puppies will take a lot from a Labrador, and some from a poodle. And no one knows what the puppy will be like when it grows up.

Labradoodles can not only have different coat types, but they can also be completely different colors.:

  • gold;
  • apricot;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • black;
  • silver;
  • creamy.

And this is not the whole list. Many breeders of this breed want it to be officially recognized.

Some of them continue to cross two different breeds, while others prefer to cross purebred Labradoodles with each other.

They can also vary in size:

  • miniature;
  • standard;

Who else do they cross with?

In addition to such a breed as the Labradoodle, there are several more where a Labrador is crossed with a dog of another breed.

With a shepherd

No less popular is the Labronemese. This is a cross between a Labrador and a German Shepherd. Everyone knows that German Shepherds are the most loyal animals, they perfectly protect their owner, and are also easy to train.

Therefore, many people are looking for such a mixed breed, because it contains the best qualities from both the Labrador and the German.

With husky

A cross between a Labrador and a Husky looks very beautiful and gentle. This breed has short hair of any color and blue eyes, like a husky. Some people simply adore this mix of animals and purchase them with pleasure

With Shar Pei

The mixed breed of Labrador and Shar Pei also looks funny. It looks very funny, as if the Labrador has a huge number of folds. The dog looks very unusual, but they can be seen very rarely.

With large breeds

Large breed dogs are often crossed with each other. Since it is believed that they are more friendly and adapted to living in a family with small children.

If you combine dogs of small breeds with each other, you are likely to get a real little nightmare.

Small breed dogs are already wary of small children, because they are not yet fully aware of how to behave with a dog and can harm it. In turn, the dogs begin to snap and sometimes even bite.


According to some opinions, mestizos take the best qualities from each of the parent breeds. However, not everyone agrees with this. However, there are positives.

One of them is price. It is no secret that it is significantly lower for mestizos than for purebred representatives of the breeds. These dogs are also distinguished by their good health. Inheritance of genetic diseases is rare. And, finally, the unusual and unique appearance of mestizos is a real find for connoisseurs of the bright and unique.

Whom to choose

But is it really necessary to know the breed of your dog if these devoted eyes are looking at you?

The dog is ready to follow all your orders. It doesn't matter what color or size it is.

After all, the main thing is that she be your true friend. No one knows whether such mixtures of breeds will ever be recognized.

Now there are more and more organizations that create special clubs. They help owners properly raise their mestizo, as well as train him.

For a long time now, people abroad have treated mestizos as equals . They don't consider anyone better or worse.

Europeans began to approach this issue from a pragmatic side. Each purebred dog has its own shortcomings, and the mixed breed takes the best for itself.


Each animal must be provided with suitable living conditions. This significantly affects the life expectancy and health of the pet. It is also necessary to take into account factors such as nutrition, regular walks, and visits to the veterinarian. Owners describe Shar Pei mixes as dogs that do not require special care.

  • It is enough to wash your pet once every 2 months using a special shampoo.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to trim nails, clean ears and wipe eyes.
  • The diet of dogs deserves special attention. They can often suffer from allergies and obesity. Experts recommend using dry food, which contains all the necessary substances for the full development and functioning of the body. The frequency depends on the age of the animals, for puppies this is 3-6 times a day, for adults 2 times is enough. Feeding soups is not allowed, as they have a bad effect on the stomach of mestizos.
  • The immunity of mestizos is quite strong. However, this does not protect against some diseases.

The main condition is timely contacting a veterinarian if even minor symptoms appear. The animal also needs to have routine vaccinations.

Watch all about the Shar Pei dog breed in the following video.

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