How to cut a Pekingese haircut: types of haircuts and how to carry out the procedure at home
Pekingese are among those dogs that need not only high-quality and balanced nutrition
Karelian Bear Dog - a brave hunter in a compact body
One of the most popular dogs in its homeland of Finland, the Karelian Bear Laika is used
South African Boerboel - a dog that can defeat a lion
The Boerboel is a large, strong dog with an athletic body covered with short hair. At dawn
Description and features of caring for the Kerry Blue Terrier
Pets of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed have abundant and curled hair. Colorfulness for these pets
Top 10 Small Pets for Your Child
Different people get pets for different reasons. For some, it is important that a pet
Behavior and diet of canaries photo
Canary bird - where it lives, what the female and male look like, types
Description of the bird Canaries are known for their variegated and bright colors in their plumage. Body length is
Nicknames for huskies - beautiful names with meaning from professionals.
Nicknames for huskies of boys and girls - beautiful names, meanings, tips
Laikas are energetic, brave and hardy dogs designed for hunting or pulling a sled.
Beagle or Corgi: description, care, feeding, training of a mixed breed
Beagle or Corgi: description, care, feeding, training of a mixed breed
Mestizos are crosses of different dog breeds. Currently, half-breeds are at the peak of popularity. They
Husky puppies
Do you want to learn how to clean your dog's ears quickly and effectively?
Experts strongly recommend that dog owners start caring for their pets' ears from an early age.
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Bobtail dog. Description, features, care and price of bobtail
The Bobtail is a large, hardy dog, in the past it was a herding dog, and today it is an excellent companion,
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