I would get a dog, but I don’t feel like going for walks: TOP 10 dog breeds for the lazy

There are dogs that are playful and active, there are dogs that are active and require attention, and there are those that you don’t even notice until they want to eat.

Knowing the workload of modern people, we can assume that many would be happy to have a pet, but there is not enough time, and the dog needs to be looked after, fed, walked and put in order.

So, there are dog breeds that will suit even the laziest and busiest people. The main thing is to love your four-legged friend and provide him with at least minimal care.

French Bulldog

Charming pop-eyed dogs not only look very cute, but are perfect for keeping in a city apartment. Their compact size, docile nature and lack of need for active walks and training make them ideal animals for lazy owners. At the same time, French bulldogs have a playful and kind character; they easily get along with all family members, including children. The only thing is that representatives of this breed have a weak respiratory system, so they often wheeze and snore loudly, and during a walk they experience shortness of breath.

Primary requirements

When choosing a dog for lazy or busy owners, you need to consider:

  • character of the animal. Some lazy dogs can have an aggressive nature, so it is necessary to regularly monitor the situation and not give the pet slack. Otherwise, the owner loses authority in front of the dog;
  • animal temperament. Just like people, animals can have different temperaments. For lazy owners, it is recommended to give preference to melancholic dogs. Such pets are in a calm state most of the time;
  • pet size. Lazy dogs come in different sizes. The choice of pet depends on the size of the house or apartment. For small rooms, small breeds are selected that will not require much space;
  • wool length. People who do not want to devote a lot of time to animals need to choose pets with short hair;
  • gender of the animal. Female pets have a calmer character;
  • age of the animal. Puppies require more attention and are usually very playful, so preference should be given to adults.

Note! Many purebred dogs with a calm character cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness. In the absence of owners, the dog may get sick and refuse to eat.

When choosing a dog, you need to consider its character


Miniature lap dogs of this breed love to be the center of attention, they are cheerful and playful, and, despite their tiny size, they are very brave. Dogs of this breed are trainable, they have a stable psyche and a good disposition. Suitable for keeping even in small apartments, you can take them with you on vacation or on a picnic. Chihuahuas do not really like long walks; they can easily be trained to go to the toilet in a litter tray.

Saint Bernard

A breed of dog that has earned recognition among humanity for its skills in helping travelers in the cold. In the Alps, large and strong dogs still help to find lost travelers and tourists among the snow rubble. Large St. Bernards, real giants, with the same kind heart. These pets are gentle and friendly, despite their impressive size. A real family favorite. The downside of this breed is its excessive drooling, which not everyone will like. Saint Bernards are real sloths; a daily walk is enough for them as physical activity.

Japanese Chin

These toy-looking toy dogs were bred in Japan, and the name of the breed translates as “treasure, value.” Truly extraordinary dogs. They are very attached to their owner and have a balanced character. Manifestations of aggression or uncontrolled activity are practically alien to them. They love to run and jump, but will never bother their owners. Another plus in their favor is that chins are practically silent; they do not make barking, but rather sounds similar to singing. Because of this, they are often called "furry samurai."

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound breed is famous for its non-conflict and stupidity. Their short legs and large ears delight children. They love to communicate with other animals.

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Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative breed of small dogs originally from England. The charming Yorkshire dogs have a perky disposition, are intelligent and easy to train. They are often kept in small city apartments, because these miniature dogs do not need long walks and are easily accustomed to the house toilet. Due to the fact that they have no undercoat, they practically do not shed. But you will have to brush them at least once a day to prevent their long hair from getting tangled.


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This breed is believed to be descended from dogs such as the Bichon Frize, originally from Southern Italy. Lapdogs became popular among the royal courts and noble circles of Spain and other parts of Europe as early as the early 1800s. This is a small dog with no particular genetic health problems. The lapdog needs:

Space is minimal.

Well suited for keeping it in an apartment. This “toy” breed has a strong body and weighs 4-6 kg.

Walking is a low need.

The dog is playful, but not very active; long walks are required only from time to time.

Training is a low need.

This dog is smart and trainable, it may not interact well with strangers, however, it gets along easily with children and other animals.

Care is an average need.

This is a long-haired breed with white "curls". It is easy to comb, sheds little and is considered hypoallergenic.

English bulldog

The closest relatives of French bulldogs are similar to them, but at the same time they are different. They have a more “severe” appearance, and their character is not as easy as that of the “French”. But they are very attached and devoted to their owner. English bulldogs will not jump on you to prove their love, and in general they cannot be called active. Slow, short walks a couple of times a day are enough for them. And they will never run away from their owner. And although their size is larger than that of French bulldogs, these dogs are quite suitable for small apartments, because most of the time they lie down in secluded places.

Shar Pei

Very little is known about the origins of these dogs. Presumably, they appeared during the Han Dynasty. It was only in the 19th century that they attracted the attention of European travelers and were taken to the Old World. And the breed was registered only in the middle of the twentieth century.

The character of Shar Peis is calm and independent. They are loyal to their owner, but are wary of strangers. Grooming for these dogs is minimal. They need to be washed once a month, and their nails trimmed and ears cleaned weekly. Shar Peis adapt well to their owner's daily routine. They happily walk around the park and are content with short walks.


Cheerful Pekingese are equally happy both at home next to their owner and on a walk. Affectionate, friendly and cheerful dogs do not require active walks or physical activity. Pekingese are not at all cowardly and it is even recommended to train them so that excessive manifestations of aggression develop into protective instincts. At the same time, they always treat the owners and “members of the article” in a friendly manner. Well, don’t forget about grooming!

To whom?

Any dog ​​is a responsibility, therefore, if you have no desire to take care of an animal, care for it and spend your time on it, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​purchasing one. But even if a person is ready to give the dog his love and attention, problems may arise with walks:

  • for busy people . Many people have such a work schedule that you can’t take your dog for a walk. But the desire for love does not go away, and after a tiring day at the office, you really need to be greeted by a pair of touching eyes!
  • for inactive ones . We are all different, for some it is not difficult to go for a run in the morning, but for others it is already an unbearable physical activity. If sports are not one of your interests, walking your dog may be too tiring;
  • for the elderly . Getting a dog for a pensioner is a great idea; with such a companion it will not be boring. Dogs lift your spirits and leave no time for sad thoughts. But running a race, for example, with a dachshund, will be difficult for an elderly person. But your health won’t allow you to go for a walk every day;
  • for a child . “I’ll go for walks myself” is the most common promise a parent hears from their child. But even if this promise is not forgotten in a week, it is difficult to let the child go for a walk with the animal, especially in the evening. In addition, illnesses, problems at school, the desire to hang out with friends will not go away - as a result, walking the dog may fall entirely on the parents;
  • for lazy owners .
    Yes, yes, this reason is also quite valid for getting a dog breed that does not need walking. Believe me, there are also homebodies among dogs who will gladly share a cozy sofa with you and will not find anything pleasant in a daily walk. For example, the Neapolitan Mastiff will happily snuggle up on the bed with you to watch a TV show (and drool all over it - a common problem with this breed), while French and English bulldogs also spend most of their lives snoring (which makes them prone to obesity).

By the way, some nursing homes hold meetings with volunteer dogs. Doctors note that motor activity improves in stroke patients

Chow chow

A great option for lazy owners, because these exotic dogs are also lazy. They love to lie around and doze on soft bedding. Many people say that Chow Chows are like cats in this regard - they only need a couple of hours of activity a day and 15-20 minute walks, and the rest of the time they doze and rest. Chow-chows are dogs with a difficult character, they are smart, stubborn and serious, but if you find the key to them, they will respond with affection and gratitude.

Medium breeds

These are not such small dogs anymore. They weigh from 15 to 30 kg.

Basset Hound

The sad eyes of these dogs seem to reflect their reluctance to be active and train for a long time. They are talented hounds, very social and easy to talk to. They are also very independent and not very trainable. Although food is the strongest motivation for them.

Chow chow

The majestic Chow is very noble. He is a real security guard and watchman who bravely protects his home and family members. He's also handsome, stocky, and a bit like a bear cub. Especially when he snorts peacefully near the front door, ready to wake up at any moment and bark at the slightest sign of danger.


It's not just tiny dogs that are suitable for inactive owners. The impressive size of mastiffs is also suitable for keeping in apartments and small houses. They are also called “gentle giants” because mastiffs love to curl up on the couch. These are calm, friendly dogs with a balanced character. They do not need active games or walks; large amounts of physical activity are contraindicated for them. A couple of walks a day for 20-25 minutes will be enough for them.


Greyhound dog in the list of ten best dogs for lazy owners?! Yeah, live and learn. Yes, greyhounds are very fast over short distances, but their energy does not last long. In fact, for their unusual combination of high speed and love of lounging on their pillows, they were even nicknamed “high-speed lazy people” or “sofa potatoes.” Greyhounds have been living and hunting with humans for a very long time; mentions of them are found even among the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. What do greyhounds need for a happy life?

The space requirement is small. Yes, this is a really large breed (height is approximately 70 cm and weight is 26-40 kg), but these dogs also feel comfortable in small spaces. Generally, Greyhounds are quiet, gentle animals and are more suitable as an apartment dog than smaller, more active breeds.

The need for training is rather small. Greyhounds are quite obedient and get along well with strangers, school-age children, and other dogs. You may have to train them to behave well around small children and small animals.

The need for physical activity is low to moderate. Yes, Greyhounds are excellent sprinters and enjoy running, but they don't need regular exercise. Walking 20-30 minutes every day will help older dogs stay healthy.

The need for grooming is small. Greyhounds have short, soft fur and no undercoat. These dogs are suitable for people with allergies.

Disadvantages: Increased skin sensitivity and sensitivity to extreme temperatures.

More information about greyhounds:


Pugs look funny and delight owners not only with their original appearance, but also with their cheerful character. They are very kind and sociable creatures, they love to have fun and play with their owners, but will not bother them. Most of the time they sleep or lie quietly in their place, but sometimes, more often when they are young, they have bursts of activity. After running and frolicking, pugs calm down and behave sedately again.

Boston Terrier

These dogs are often called "American gentlemen": firstly, because of their black and white coloring, similar to a tuxedo, and secondly, because of their politeness. Your neighbors won't even know that you have a dog - these terriers are so quiet. They are truly well mannered, low maintenance and easy to train. But don’t offend your dog just like that. If you yell at a Boston Terrier for no reason, a very eloquent expression of resentment appears on its face.

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The Puggle is considered a young mixed breed. She was obtained by crossing a pug and a beagle. The Puggle may be born from direct breeding or in the second or third generation. They do not require much grooming and can make excellent pets. What do puggles need?

Space requirements are low. Puggles are quite small (height 30-35 cm and weight 10-12 kg), and they are quite comfortable in houses and apartments.

The need for training is low. Puggles are very balanced and cheerful. On the one hand, they are strong and playful animals, and on the other hand, they are loyal and tactile. They get along well with everyone, including other pets and children. Puggles love to please their owners.

The need for physical activity is rather low. These dogs also have energy for training - their relationship with beagles makes itself felt, so periodic walks on the street or games in the yard are most suitable for them. On the other hand, due to the shortened nasal cavity inherited from Pugs, prolonged and vigorous exercise is prohibited because it can lead to problems with breathing and body temperature control.

Grooming requirements are low to moderate. Puggles do not require extensive grooming, but they do shed quite a lot, especially in the spring. They may also need periodic cleaning of wrinkles depending on how much they inherited from the Pug.

Disadvantages: Due to their shortened nasal cavity, puggles are slightly more prone than usual to heat stroke.

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