What do we know about pitbull tattoo meaning on the body (50 photos and sketches)

The meaning of a pitbull tattoo is different for everyone, but in this article we will tell you about all the meanings of this tattoo. As for a breed such as a pit bull, they usually have average height, but a fairly strong physique, and have pronounced muscles. This breed of dog is adapted to challenges, hardy, and is the ideal guardian of your home. Here are the most characteristic traits for a pit bull:

  • power;
  • devotion;
  • courage;
  • force;
  • courage.

Pit bull tattoo: description of meaning

The nature of the pit bull can be interpreted in different ways. The first point of view indicates that the pit bull is a loyal and cheerful companion of a person, while the second reveals the animal to us as an angry and aggressive dog. And so, a tattoo with the image of a pit bull on a person’s body means that the owner of the latter has enormous physical strength. And the drawing is a kind of warning sign, because it reflects the physical power of this breed. In other words, she says that the owner of the tattoo is a “bad” guy and it is better not to cross his path. Very often, a pit bull tattoo symbolizes courage, loyalty, power and strength. Such a tattoo can also signify the owner’s affection and sympathy for his beloved pet.

Here, the dog owner’s imagination comes into play; it can be either an image of a dog in the form of an abstraction, or a portrait of a four-legged friend indicating his name. In most cases, only the dog's head is tattooed. In such a drawing, huge eyes, powerful wrinkles and cropped ears are clearly visible. This type of tattoo looks quite rough and strict. Often, pit bull tattoos find male owners. Usually, images with a pit bull are displayed on men’s backs and shoulders and leave an unforgettable impression, since the picture is depicted large, which evokes certain emotions.

Pitbull Syndicate

Hello my readers and subscribers. I’m sure many who read my blog have more than once seen posts that describe stickers on cars, their stories and purposes. Apparently referring to these posts, many people think that I am a guru of car stickers and know everything about them. Unfortunately, it is not.

Recently, a black and white sticker with a dog's face has become very popular. It can be seen more and more often on cars in city traffic, and accordingly, I began to receive questions about it, asking me to tell me what this new trend is and what meaning it carries. Did you ask? Receive...

Let me start with where the sticker with the face of a pit bull came from, and why it is called Pitbull Syndicate:

Pitbull Syndicate Ltd. is a now-defunct English company that developed racing video games between 1996 and 2005. In October 2005, the company was acquired by Midway Games Inc., and Pitbull Syndicate ceased to exist. But the memory of them still lives in car stickers and is gaining popularity.

For those who are interested in what games the company produced, here is a small list from the English-language Wikipedia:

  • Test Drive 4 (1997)
  • Blast Radius (1998)
  • Test Drive 5 (1998)
  • Test Drive Off-Road 2 (1998)
  • Big Air (1999)
  • Demolition Racer (1999)
  • Test Drive 6 (1999)
  • TD Overdrive: The Brotherhood of Speed ​​(2002)

Where did the fashion for car stickers with a pit bull come from? According to information found on the Internet, the fashion for stickers with a pit bull’s face was introduced by the CEO of Smotra.ru, Eric Davidich. According to several sources, it was on his car that a pit bull sticker (the Pitbull Syndicate logo) was first seen. If I understand correctly, these sources referred to his Mercedes-Benz G55 (W463):

Apparently, after giving their Gelik such war paint, the pit bull sticker became an unspoken symbol of the show, and now many cars in the party put similar stickers on their cars.

What does a pitbull sticker on a car mean? As for me, it doesn’t mean anything other than the company logo. This is about the same as sticking a McDonald's logo on a car and looking for hidden meaning in it. But on one of the sites I found this interesting interpretation of the meaning of this sticker:

Dogs of this breed clearly divide the world into “Good” and “Bad”. Aggression, power and toughness. Stubbornness and iron grip. It is believed that animals resemble their owners. Do these qualities apply to you?

History is silent about who gave her away...

What does football and fans have to do with it? There is an opinion that a pit bull car sticker is popular among far-right football fans. After spending a couple of hours on the Internet, on one of the forums I found some confirmation of this fact. In short, the essence of that discussion is this: among many fans there are ultra-rightists (skinheads). Skinheads originated in England in the late 60s of the 20th century (Pitbull Syndicate Ltd. is also from England). Among skinheads, clothing from the German brand Pit Bull is popular, which, as is clear from the brand name, has a pit bull dog as its logo. Putting everything together and we get a new emblem for far-right football fans

Bottom line: A car sticker with a pit bull is a new attribute of the Smotra.ru community, so it will look most relevant on the cars of its participants

That's all for today. If you have any questions, advice, or additions, comments are open the old fashioned way. Write, don't be shy.

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Pit bull tattoo meaning for men and women

Above we briefly described the meaning of a pit bull tattoo. Based on general interpretations of the drawing. However, the image has more precise, “narrow” explanations. Depending on several factors:

  • a man or woman wears a tattoo;
  • on what part of the body is it performed;
  • exactly how the dog is depicted.

Note! It is believed that a tattoo can influence a person’s fate. In the case of pit bull tattoos, the opposite is true. To apply it to your body, you need to match its character!

Pit bull tattoo for men

First of all, a pit bull tattoo will symbolize a person’s great physical strength. Although many people, seeing such a tattoo, will associate it, first of all, with aggression and cruelty. A person who chooses such an image as a decoration for his body will always be treated too warily.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The average lifespan of black pit bulls is 12-15 years.

These dogs are in good health, but may be susceptible to some diseases.:

  • Allergy.
  • Von Willebrand's disease.
  • Dysplasia.
  • Bloating or volvulus of the stomach and intestines.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Cutaneous hemangioma or histocytoma.
  • Aortic stenosis.

Pit bull tattoo sketch: 8 most popular designs

Breed Features

The main feature of this breed is that it does not have clear standards.

If you look at photos of pit bulls, you will notice that individuals can have different body weights, different head shapes, a wide variety of colors, heights and other parameters.

Despite this, the APBT is always a strong and athletic dog, with a wide chest, a narrow pelvis relative to it, powerful jaws and a square head.

The weight of an adult can range from 15 to 30 kg. Pit bull puppies gain most of their weight between the ages of 5 and 10 months. By the age of one year, the dog acquires a fully formed appearance.

Pitbull tattoo photo: aggression and danger

This image has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the drawing is easy to hide from prying eyes;
  • This part of the leg is not so sensitive, and therefore applying the image will not bring very severe suffering.

A pit bull tattoo applied to the calf has the following meaning:

  • strength and power;
  • victory in any situation;
  • desire to achieve a goal;
  • desire for dominance.

And what is most important is that the dog acquires a certain volume on the calf. Muscle relief will highlight all the dog’s features.

On the hand

We recommend looking at a pitbull tattoo photo - among the many options, the image on the arm is quite common. For example, on the shoulder or biceps. Muscle relief will give the dog a special character! Now let’s take a closer look at what exact meaning is hidden in this image:

  • on the shoulder - indicates courage, the incredible strength of its owner (not only physical, but also spiritual);
  • on the elbow - indicates the person’s originality, the desire to stand out, because getting tattoos on this part of the body is quite painful. In addition, such a location may indicate a person’s insecurity.
  • on the biceps - indicates the special morals of the owner of the design.

Note! There is an increased requirement for tattoos on the biceps. It is recommended to fill them only if the body is quite beautiful and the muscles are pumped up.

But on the wrists or hands of a pit bull, representatives of the weaker half of humanity are tattooed. For men, a tattoo on this part of the arm will look awkward and even funny.

On the chest

In order for a pit bull tattoo to look good on the chest, it needs to be filled only if the body is sufficiently pumped up. It is worth remembering that this area is somewhat painful. But on the other hand, if you look at a pitbull tattoo sketch of the images applied to the chest, you can see how much imagination is manifested here, both of the owner of the design and the master who worked on it. This application option is only suitable for men. We hope we don't need to say why. The meaning of the tattoo is as follows:

  • power;
  • courage;
  • perseverance.

Note! Since ancient times, it has been customary that a tattoo applied to the chest is a kind of talisman that protects against adversity and difficulties. If we talk about the drawing of a pit bull, this indicates aggression and assertiveness of its owner.

Although in some cases the dog is stuffed on the chest by real... dog lovers. Thus, they show how dear their pet is to them.

On the wrist

This part of the arm is the ideal place for a female pit bull tattoo. On this part of the body, the image will always attract the attention of people around you. But the wrist is chosen not only to stand out. The pit bull tattoo on this part of the body has its own special meaning:

  • caution in your actions and in relation to others;
  • fragility;
  • if the dog is drawn in a cartoon style, it indicates the girl’s optimism and cheerfulness;
  • indicates love for animals.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Dogs capable of fighting on equal terms with other animals, such as bears or lions, were highly valued even in ancient times . In particular, baiting dogs took part in fights with large predators in the arenas of ancient Roman amphitheaters.

It was these strong, hardy, persistent and brave dogs that became one of the ancestors of bulldogs, which in turn became the ancestors of bull and terriers. And from the latter all modern pit bulls originated.

Black color, like white , was very common in ancient times, therefore, already among the first pickling dogs there were many animals with jet-black hair .

It is not surprising that Molossians passed this coat color on to bulldogs, and they, in turn, passed on to bull and terriers, which became the ancestors of pit bulls.

Bear and bull baiting survived the Roman Empire and became a very popular pastime in Europe, including Britain. This continued until 1835, when a law was passed in England prohibiting such spectacles.

After this, Bull and Terriers began to be used as fighting dogs, pitting them against other dogs . Such fights were also very popular because they did not even require a special arena.

Subsequently, at the end of the 19th century, bull and terriers were brought to America, where, as a result of breeding work, pit bulls were bred, inheriting the best qualities of their ancestors.

Moreover, they were used not only for dog fighting, but also as hunting dogs, as well as guards and companions..

Pitbull tattoo: depending on the features of the sketch

Now let's talk about the meaning of a pit bull tattoo depending on the features of the sketch. After all, additional elements represent special features and characteristics.

With demonic features

Often, men who are strong, strong, and self-confident prefer to apply this design on their bodies. It may also indicate certain characteristics of its owner’s employment or hobbies. For example, it could be:

  • boxer;
  • fighter;
  • or a simple person who likes martial arts.

Such a tattoo is a warning to others. She seems to be saying that it’s better not to joke with a man! He can fight back at any moment, stand up for himself, his family, friends, and will not forgive anyone for their offense.

By the way! But it also indicates that the owner of the tattoo is vindictive. He will remember the insult until he takes revenge.

Although it is generally accepted that the demonic pit bull is also a talisman that protects against dark forces.

With a rail in your teeth

A little strange sketch for those who are just learning the art of tattooing. But in fact, this type of pattern is relatively common. It hides a deep hidden meaning. The tattoo is great for inking on the shoulders or chest. It is chosen by strong men involved in martial arts. The image says that a person can be cruel, but he values ​​justice. He has a strong spirit, he endures hardships and difficulties. And also - he will fight his enemies, resist them until his last breath.

Pit bull's grin

Another common pit bull tattoo is a dog with its teeth bared. Perhaps the most aggressive version of the pattern. People who choose such drawings do not hide their character and are ready to declare it at any moment. In addition, they are especially wary of others, there is cruelty in their character, but, above all, of their enemies. But you shouldn’t treat a grinning tattoo as a negative symbol. It may also have positive features:

  • leadership of its owner;
  • power;
  • high position, status in society.

That is, by choosing a grinning pit bull to decorate the body, a person simply emphasizes his importance. But at the same time, he is ready at any moment to express his own point of view, defend it, and be on guard of his principles and beliefs. Protect family, loved ones and friends. And most importantly, a pit bull tattoo depicting a dog baring its teeth indicates that a person is steadfast in relation to his principles and beliefs. He is not influenced, but may also not recognize established, generally accepted laws. He is also extremely vindictive and ready to punish his enemies for the slightest offense. Even if they did not apply it, but it seemed to the person that they were ready to do so.

Pit bull grooming and hygiene

Pit bulls are considered unpretentious dogs that do not require complex care. The main thing is to monitor the condition of your ears: they should always be clean and dry. The ears must be treated once a week, and the pet must also be combed.

There is no clear regimen for bathing a pit bull: washing occurs as needed. If your dog does not wear his nails down on the asphalt naturally, they need to be trimmed.

A pit bull requires increased activity, so you need to walk it at least twice a day. This breed of dog is focused on active games and frequent training.

Useful tips from experts on caring for a representative of the pit bull breed:

  1. Combing. Since the pit bull has short hair, it does not require special attention: you just need to comb it once a week. When your pit bull is actively shedding, you should use a furminator designed for short-haired individuals.
  2. Trimming claws. Representatives of the pit bull breed should trim their nails as they grow back. If your pit bull's claws wear down on the asphalt, trimming is not necessary.
  3. Caring for teeth (gums). A pit bull needs to check its mouth daily to monitor for odor, inflammation, and food debris. From puppyhood, a pit bull should be taught to brush its teeth and gums with a special soft brush.
  4. Facial hygiene. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your pet's eyes daily, removing discharge with a damp swab. Pitbull ears need special care: they need to be checked for the presence of wax deposits and inflammation.
  5. Checking the anal area. The pit bull requires regular monitoring of the area under the tail for dirt and redness: representatives of this breed may have inflamed anal glands. Excess fur in this area must be trimmed.

Pitbull tattoo: so different, but only for determined people

A pit bull tattoo applied to a person’s body can evoke completely different emotions. Applying it to the body is a rather bold decision. After all, such an image carries not only positive, but also a certain negative. Because she can in no way be considered sweet, kind, pleasant. It is for this reason that pit bull tattoos are chosen by guys and men. Brave, confident, decisive.

Pit bull color genetics: many nuances

The American Pit Bull Terrier has short hair with a hard, elastic, close-fitting outer layer of hair. There is no hair in the pit bull's belly area.

The muzzle, paws and ears are covered with “velor” fur, shorter than the guard hair. The pigmentation of a pit bull’s nose, lips, and irises varies, as does the color palette of the coat.

The dog's coat can be anything: the breed even allows random inclusions of white and colored spots.

Attention! People who want to buy an unusual-looking pit bull are not fully aware of the problems they may face in the future. There are colors (for example, merle) that are artificial for pit bulls and lead to congenital diseases and serious mental disorders.

Before purchasing a cute pit bull puppy, you should learn not only the history of the origin of the breed, its biometric characteristics, but also understand why, for example, buying a luxurious Albanian pit bull or a blue-eyed albino will entail many problems and difficulties.

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