Harness for husky: walking, sledding harness, how to choose

Huskies are large dog breeds that are highly active.

They move in jerks and often change routes.

Accessories are essential for strict control of an energetic dog.

Husky owners often have to choose between a collar and a harness.

Owners of Siberian dogs prefer the latter device due to its safety for the pet’s health.

Collars can damage a Husky's spine due to their irregular, jerking movements.

Step-by-step sewing instructions

If we consider the step-by-step instructions with the materials listed above on how to sew a thing, it looks like this:

  1. Measure the animal’s body and make a pattern for the dog’s overalls according to your own ideas;

  1. Sew the edges of the parts together, insert the elastic into the cuffs with a collar and sew in a zipper;
  1. Decorate the product with various accessories to suit your taste.

As for decoration, you can additionally make a hood. It is not necessary to sew it tightly; you can make it removable. To form a suit, you need to measure the circumference of the head and ears, make a pattern, insert an elastic band into the finished product and sew it to the finished garment. Additionally, you can make a pocket on the side. It is imperative to make a hole for the discharge and cut a hole for the tail, having previously measured the diameter of the corresponding compartment.

You might consider making a onesie with completely closed paws, or come up with detachable shoes with an elastic band, like children's mittens, with a snap or button.

The specifics of how a dog's outfit will be created completely depend on the gender of the dog.

This is why it is so important to choose the appropriate sewing instructions. The following scheme is suitable for both large four-legged friends and small Spitz or other species

The resulting clothing can be used as a regular raincoat. If you add a comfortable pad to it, your pet will feel comfortable wearing it in winter. All you need is:

  1. Take measurements, cut the material to start sewing;
  2. Sew the hood to the back of the throat, additionally inserting an elastic band;
  3. Place the visor so that it is later convenient for the dog, process it along the curved edge;
  4. Overlap the straight edge of the visor and sew the visor to the front of the hood;
  5. Sew up the belly with the side elements of the future product;
  6. Sew the cuff parts and pull the elastic bands over them.

Interestingly, for such a product you can combine several different materials with each other, creating a kind of sporty design. You can also add an inscription on the back, but only after all the work is done.

Additionally, you can decorate the created product with glow-in-the-dark elements. This will be very useful for owners during a night or evening walk. It is also possible to make a jumpsuit with detachable parts. Then it will look more like a suit with a jacket and pants. But in terms of ease of putting on and taking off, this product will be better.

Which is better: a harness or a collar?

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of collars and harnesses, the pet owner must take into account various additional factors:

  • To make the right choice, you need to understand a little about dog equipment and its purpose.
  • No matter how good the harness is, it will not be the best option for a St. Bernard. A good, strong collar will be more relevant here. In addition, for some breeds, such as dachshunds, experts do not recommend their use at all. And for miniature pets, for example, toy terriers, chihuahuas, a harness is the most successful option, as it puts pressure on the fragile cervical vertebrae and is an appropriate decoration for the dog. The same applies to representatives of breeds with short muzzles - pugs, French bulldogs, etc.
  • A dog living in an apartment has completely different needs than an animal performing guard duty on a chain.

Many veterinarians and dog handlers believe that the collar has a detrimental effect on the pet’s cervical vertebrae. As for the choice of a harness or collar for puppies, the opinions of experts are divided. Most still recommend refraining from wearing a harness until the bone corset is strengthened - up to 8-10 months. The larger the pet, the longer its skeleton grows and develops.

There is also no consensus on whether constant use of a harness is beneficial, since the animal develops a different center of gravity. So, you need to evaluate the pros and cons and make a choice in favor of your pet.

If you want to go for a ride: a husky sled

Harness running
Nowadays, dog riding is very popular. Moreover, this can be done not only in the north, but also in almost any region of the country. The high endurance of such dogs and their physical characteristics inspire confidence that sledding for Husky dogs is a pleasure. However, in order for a dog to become a sled dog, you need to wait until it is at least a year old and only then begin training. This process will require at least another four months. When a riding harness for a husky becomes commonplace, you can begin full-fledged races.

For your information! The owner is obliged to provide good nutrition, teach the pet to move in a harness and monitor its health. So greyhound racing, especially sports, is a troublesome and expensive business.

Thus, every owner of a Husky dog ​​should pay attention to raising the pet, choose the right walking equipment for it and, most importantly, love your dog.


Like all breeding species, Yorkies are susceptible to diseases of the breed. These include:

  1. Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels).
  2. Parter's disease. Characterized by aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. It only affects puppies between 5 and 10 months of age.
  3. Dysplasia (improper development) of the retina. In addition, Yorkies are susceptible to other retinal defects: degeneration and sudden detachment.
  4. Dislocation of the kneecap. It is a hereditary disease.
  5. Collapse (sharp narrowing) of the trachea. Contributes to difficulty breathing. May be caused by constant pressure from the collar.
  6. Protosystemic shunt. This is an incorrect connection of the vessels responsible for the normal functioning of the liver.

In addition to the listed diseases, Yorkies often have bloody diarrhea caused by damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa. Its reasons may be:

  • foreign objects swallowed by the dog;
  • poisoning from spoiled foods;
  • infectious process;
  • helminths;
  • abdominal diseases;
  • allergy.

If the owner notices bloody feces in a Yorkie, then it is necessary to respond to this symptom as quickly as possible, otherwise, as in the case of diarrhea, the consequences will be very serious. It indicates the presence of worms, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis in the body.

If a Yorkie pees frequently, this may be caused by age and behavioral characteristics, and in the case of males, by the desire to mark their territory. However, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor to rule out incontinence.

Why is the dog shaking? The Yorkshire Terrier, like other toy breeds, is very sensitive to temperature changes. If the owner notices that the pet is trembling, it needs to be dressed or brought into a warm room. Sometimes Yorkies shake from fear or stress. Medical causes include hypoglycemia, allergies and poisoning.

Your Yorkie's stomach is rumbling: what should I do? The best way out is to consult a doctor, because this may be a symptom of flatulence, poisoning, or serious gastrointestinal pathologies. In addition, it is associated with poor nutrition.

The change of teeth in puppies begins at 3 months and ends at 7. Often milk teeth have to be removed by a doctor because the molars cannot break through. This applies, first of all, to fangs. If the owner sees that the baby tooth will not be replaced by the molar, it should be removed immediately, otherwise the rest will grow crookedly.

How to choose a harness?

The main use of the harness is in the harness of sled dog breeds, which include the Siberian husky. It is designed to evenly distribute the load on the animal’s body and spine so that the work is not a burden. Various modifications of the harness are needed for different purposes. It is necessary to take into account the parameters needed to select this accessory:

  • the total length of the dog from head to tail;
  • volume of the animal's chest;
  • pet's neck circumference.

It is necessary to select ammunition depending on how much the animal weighs, so that it does not dangle and sits tightly on the body. They produce harnesses with adjustable lengths and loads. You can make it yourself using a special pattern and sewing technology.

Nowadays, dog handlers are increasingly using harnesses. To purchase it, the ideal option is to visit the store together to accurately select the product. Accessories are distinguished by their use.


These harnesses were invented in America by the Indians. Huskies feel quite comfortable in this equipment and do their job. Harnesses in the shape of the letter “X” are considered comfortable. They have two straps that go across the dog's chest and are attached at 4 points. The load lies along the body, does not compress the cervical vertebrae, and the limbs are completely free. Such accessories must be selected especially carefully. To check, just place your palm between the harness and the dog’s body. When riding, the product should not cause any discomfort or unpleasant sensations to the animal. The material is soft, waterproof, has a number of fasteners and is about 5 cm wide. The ideal option is nylon and tarpaulin.


The product is intended for attaching a leash and training a dog for physical activity or rehabilitation after an injury.

Such harnesses are made with removable elements, so the load is adjustable. They are more convenient for walking with the animal, as they change the direction of movement, which huskies are accustomed to and do not move jerkily, as when under load.

Walking harnesses have a bright color and are made using a different technology than riding harnesses.


This harness is a modification of the riding harness. It passes through the entire back of the animal, and the leash is attached to the croup. They are usually made to order and are intended for canicross training. It allows the dog to feel comfortable and protects against injury.


This type of harness is used for a dog to drag or roll a load that exceeds its weight. Can be used to give the animal correct posture, for exhibitions and strengthen muscles

It has a tailoring feature where the focus is on distributing the load on the chest and hind legs. The pulling rein is attached below the tail

All types of harnesses are used to make the dog feel comfortable and prevent injuries. The combination of materials and reinforcing elements helps the animal complete its task.

Making an accessory with your own hands

The cost of such accessories depends on their purpose and the material used. The most expensive of them is a cargo sled for huskies. The cheapest option would be a walking harness.

In order not to overpay, owners can make such an accessory themselves. To do this, you need instructions on sewing technology and a website where there is a special pattern for the product.

You can sew a harness with your own hands using the following step-by-step method:

  • Prepare a tool and durable material for the base and soft fabric to create the interior decoration of the product.
  • Buy carbines and rings.
  • Take measurements from the dog.

Next you need to choose the type of harness. For the first two types of products, one cutting pattern is used. The only thing that differs is the way the rein mounts are installed. The materials you can use are leather, denim, tarpaulin and other durable material.

The main work is as follows:

  1. After copying the drawing, you need to adjust it to the size of the dog and cut out the blanks.
  2. Having swept and tried on the product, it is adjusted and sewn on a machine.
  3. Then an auxiliary belt is sewn onto the harness, and loops are sewn along the edge of the braid.
  4. To ensure durability, they are stitched up to eight times.
  5. The stripes are additionally stitched in the center.
  6. Make loops from strong nylon thread for attaching a carabiner.
  7. Make a harness for walking, decorating it with beautiful decor.

The result is an inexpensive accessory that will fit your pet perfectly.

How to choose the right product

How to properly punish a dog for disobedience

A dog leash should be selected according to several different criteria.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size. Too tight a product can lead to the development of various diseases or deformities of the paws.

Too loose ammunition can cause the pet to break out.


The wrong size makes it difficult to fasten the harness, it begins to move, and the chest strap ends up too close to the armpit. This situation causes severe discomfort. Over time, the dog will constantly struggle and twist, and will develop an abnormal gait.

There is a direct correlation between leash tugging and back problems.

Before heading to a specialty store, you need to take your dog's measurements. Measurements should be taken in this order:

  1. Neck circumference. The measurement is taken in the area where the collar is usually worn.
  2. Chest circumference. This indicator is determined behind the elbows in front of the paws, a little further from the armpits. If the dog is small, you need to add one centimeter. It will be easier for your pet to wear such a harness.
  3. Back length. It is measured from the withers to the base of the tail.

An important indicator is weight. Some products are not designed for the heavy load that will be exerted by large individuals. It should be taken into account that after purchasing a leash for a puppy, you will have to buy a new product in the near future, since the pet grows very quickly.

Material selection

The next selection criterion is the type of material used in manufacturing. The most commonly used material is canvas fabric, which is cheap but wears out quickly. If the structure gets wet quickly, it takes a long time to dry.

Another common choice is natural or artificial leather. Such material wears out quickly in extreme situations, so it is used for making exhibition harnesses. It is also worth considering that puppies love to chew on such material.

Nylon or nylon is considered to be a universal material. Basic properties:

  • practically does not get wet;
  • the surface is easy to clean at any time;
  • nylon does not burst, does not become rough over time, and keeps its shape.
  • The resulting seams are strong and tear very rarely.

The only serious disadvantage of artificial materials is that artificial materials cause an allergic reaction. Such a reaction occurs extremely rarely.

The harness is ideal for active animals and sledding breeds

Types of fasteners and belts

Another selection criterion is the number of fasteners and straps. A small animal requires a product with only a few straps. The relatively small load that is placed on the harness determines the use of plastic fasteners. They are inexpensive and durable.

Problems may arise when the product has only a few fasteners and the dog is heavy. They can be pressed into the fur.

For large dogs, you need to purchase a product with metal fasteners. The number of belts is selected depending on the task at hand. For a regular walk, only 3 harnesses are enough; for a sled dog, an option with 5-8 elements is required. They must run along the entire length of the body and are attached to the edges with special carabiners.

The design of the harness depends on the purpose

As the number of rings increases, the leash will hold stronger. If the pet often rushes forward, has a playful disposition and a large mass, then an option with three or more rings will be required.

Important! It is not recommended to take options with a large number of fasteners. This is due to the fact that the dressing procedure can take a long time.

Equipment for a puppy

When buying equipment for puppies, you will have to abandon the harness, since it leads to incorrect positioning of the front paws. You should choose only a fabric or leather collar for a husky with a width of no more than 1.5-2 cm.

For your information! Dog handlers speak out against the use of a half-choke. Young huskies are extremely active and restless, showing interest in everything around them, including children. A sharp jerk from a puppy equipped with a strict noose leads to damage to the not yet fully formed bones and joints of the cervical spine.

If we talk about which leash is best for a husky, then you need to choose one with a length of 1.5-2 m along with a light carabiner.

How to choose the right harness for your dog

To choose a good quality harness, you need to focus on a material that will be comfortable for the dog, durable and easy to wash. Dog breeders recommend choosing a harness with not one, but two or three fasteners: they are usually stronger, wider, do not cause discomfort in the dog when putting it on and do not require “squeezing” the animals into them.

Check that all fasteners fit tightly to the straps and do not create inconvenience when putting on or wearing, and that the leather straps have the ability to adjust the size of the harness. These manufacturers have proven themselves well in the eyes of dog breeders:

  • Ruffwear;
  • Perfect Fit;
  • Niggeloh Follow;
  • Zero DC Short Harness;
  • Alpine Outfitters.

Features of the Husky breed

Before getting such a dog, you need to study all the information about the breed. Of course, it will be interesting to know that the variety was born as a result of crossing dogs that lived in the north and wolves. Hence the extraordinary mobility of the husky during walks. Their inexhaustible energy and sudden movements often cause certain difficulties for the owner when walking.

To control the animal you will need special equipment and, in particular, a high-quality harness.
Important! The size and type of this device depends on the external characteristics of the pet.

Types of harnesses

The modern market for accessories for dog breeders is very diverse and is represented by a large number of products of different types. They can be divided into groups according to size, type of materials used, and purpose. Some models are complemented by special pockets for cargo, fastening rings for harnesses or other elements that expand the functionality of the product. When you go to a pet supply store, you can find the following harnesses:

  • Walking. The fastening ring on them is fixed in the withers area. They are well suited for daily walks, which is especially convenient with small pets. Products of larger sizes are equipped with additional belts;
  • Towing. Their purpose is sports competitions. Such harnesses are worn on hyperactive dogs prone to non-stop forward movement. With their help, they train the chest muscles for German Shepherds and other breeds. They use the most durable belts;
  • With loads. If your dog requires increased physical activity, use weighted harnesses. Some models are complemented by weights sewn inside, others have pockets with metal bars with which the weight can be adjusted. Their use is advisable for strengthening muscle mass after fractures.

Progressive dog handlers never wear a harness for every walk and activity. The load should be uniform and appropriate. It is most convenient to train your pet at a very early age, at the same time as a collar, in which case you will need a miniature harness designed specifically for puppies. By putting it on your baby already at this stage, you can accustom him to the idea that a harness and other types of equipment are primarily associated with walks and having fun.

At what age is wearing a harness recommended?

You can accustom a puppy to a harness almost from the first day after weaning from its mother, that is, at about 8 weeks of age. Experienced dog handlers believe that when new owners bring a puppy home, they should give it two to three days. Having settled in a new place, the baby will willingly begin to study any subject that finds itself in its new territory.

The best alternative to a collar

Figurative addiction will take about 5 days:

  1. The dog owner places the harness on the floor and gives the puppy the opportunity to thoroughly examine it - smell it and test it.
  2. As soon as the puppy remembers the harness, which is still lying on the floor, he is given a treat.
  3. Periodically, the owner puts it on the pet for a few minutes. Any interaction between the dog and the harness is rewarded by giving out “sweets.”
  4. From this day on, the dog breeder makes sure that the pet goes outside only in a harness that is adjusted according to all the rules according to the instructions. The procedure of putting on and taking off is generously accompanied by praise and treats. To begin with, a walk comes down to walking around the house, that is, in a developed area.

It is better to spend this and all subsequent days in one of the public places where walking dogs is allowed. By focusing on games, the puppy will begin to perceive the harness as an object necessary for communication.

Important! If the training does not bring the expected results, the dog breeder repeats the entire course from the beginning. In most cases, the cause of failure is an uncomfortable or bad-smelling (from the puppy’s point of view) device.

Character and behavior

The Chukotka sled dog is a hardy, strong, patient and obedient dog, a bright representative of ancient primitive breeds. Combines many talents. It can be a sled dog, a hunting dog, a faithful companion and protector of the owner. The attitude towards strangers is friendly or passive-defensive. Chukotka sled dogs perform a good guard function; many are able to protect their owner from predators.

The Chukotka sled dog is not popular among city residents. In terms of appearance and beauty, it is inferior to huskies or other huskies. In addition, this is an aboriginal dog, a pack dog, while huskies and huskies are individualists.

Chukchi sled dogs have a highly developed pack instinct. A strict hierarchy reigns in their “family” and only the sensitive leadership of the leader allows them to avoid minor brawls. This role can be performed by either a male or a female. Sled dogs are very kind and trusting. They sometimes bark at strangers, but more often they greet by wagging their tail and howling. Do not apply to dogs of the same owner. With sled dogs, the owner is the one who feeds. Therefore, animals are often rented out.

The leader for the team is chosen in early childhood. Puppies are placed in a basin on a skin, they get out, but are not held on the edge and fall down. The one who can hold on and walk along the edge becomes the leader. According to experts, such a dog will be able to lead a sled in any weather, at any time of day, on any terrain. Or they simply choose the strongest and, in the person’s opinion, the smartest. Leader training begins at six months of age and continues for 2 years. No “voice” or “give me your paw.” There are only four commands: “Forward!” (“Hike!”), “Stop!” (“Hoa!”), “Right!” (“Gee!”) and “Left!” ("Ha!"). The musher commands only the leader, this is enough for the entire team to obey.

Does your Yorkie avoid other dogs and doesn't want to go outside?

The problem is the socialization of the animal. In the process of raising a dog, it is necessary to provide it with frequent communication with other animals. If you keep your Yorkie isolated from the outside world from two to four months, then as an adult he will begin to avoid other dogs. The dog, accustomed to a warm and quiet home, simply does not understand that you forgot on the street, because everything he needs is left in the apartment, including food, toys, a tray and a sleeping place.

Even if the moment of natural socialization is missed, with the right approach, a Yorkie can be accustomed to the street, the company of other dogs and strangers.

Try to walk your Yorkie regularly, at least once a day, to avoid problems with socialization.

How to put on a harness correctly

When putting on a harness, you need to take into account the temperament and size of your pet. If the dog is fussy, active and categorically refuses to stand still, it needs to be secured by clasping the back of the pet with your legs.

Further, depending on the design of the harness:

  • Having spread the harness with the soft side inward, towards the pet’s body, stick the dog’s head into the closed part, i.e. the part that goes around the base of the dog's neck.
  • Carefully insert the dog's front paw into the circle formed by the second half of the harness and the connection between the two straps.
  • Align the connection of the belts in the middle and fasten the second belt at such a level that you can freely put your palm under the belts, but so that the harness does not dangle.

If the harness consists of two separately fastened belts, then the dressing process looks even simpler:

  1. Fasten the top strap around the base of the dog's neck, loosely so as not to compress the sternum and airways.
  2. Straighten the connecting belt in the middle of the chest (if the design is a cross, then position it so that the connection of the two belts falls in the middle of the chest).
  3. Fasten the second belt on the chest, under the dog's armpits, leaving a distance the size of a human palm.

In addition to fastening the fastening straps, the harness-vest also needs to be fastened with Velcro. This harness has a slightly different design:

  • First of all, you need to carefully insert the animal's front paws into the holes.
  • Extend the entire vest from the neck along the entire length of the vest.
  • First fasten the clasp located on the vest, and only then fasten the straps of the harness itself.

What to do if your dog categorically refuses to wear a harness

Most likely the dog is afraid of a new object. Take your time, let your pet get acquainted and sniff him. Rub the harness on the animal's fur and give it a sniff again. If your pet doesn't respond, give him a treat and praise him.

You can try putting a harness on the dog. If the dog is afraid to put its head through the strap, lure it with a treat in front of the ammunition ring; the dog will instinctively reach for food, sticking its head into the loop. After this, you can calmly fasten the harness on your chest, not forgetting to praise the dog and give him a treat.

It happens that a dog does not respond to a treat and, despite any actions, breaks out. In this case, you need to approach the dog from behind, sit down so that the animal’s body is between your legs, lightly squeeze and secure the pet so that it does not escape. Carefully insert your pet's head into the ring and fasten it under the paws on the chest. Be sure to praise the dog when the harness is already on.

How to train a dog to wear a harness

Accustoming your dog to new equipment will not be difficult - unlike a collar, a harness does not interfere with the dog’s movement. If a dog needs to be trained to a collar separately, then the only problem that may arise when training a dog to a harness is putting it on the pet.

When putting it on for the first time, stock up on treats and patience. While threading the dog’s head or paw, talk calmly to your pet; when you complete the action and the pet has not shown aggression or fear, praise him and give him a treat. Then do the same manipulations with the second strap of the harness and also after successful fastening - praise and give a treat. An additional encouragement would be to go for a walk immediately after putting on the harness.

Never scold or yell at your pet when you put a harness on it. The dog should associate this process only with positive emotions.

Terms of use

To accustom a husky to a harness, it is worth remembering that getting used to it will take longer than to leashes with collars. About six months. You should not immediately start using the load at this time. The harness must strictly correspond to the current size of the dog - no “growth” or sagging.

It must be measured before purchasing or during sewing. The harness should not compress the dog's body in any way. If you have chosen a sled or cargo harness for your husky, you should not wear it during normal walks. It is possible that she will get used to regular walks in a harness and stop pulling when needed. Also, you should not leave your dog unattended in such accessories.

When sewing or choosing, you need to carefully examine the material of which the harness is made: it should be easy to clean and have water-repellent properties. It should also be smooth, durable and soft.

In order not to cause suffering to yourself and your pet, it is better to immediately choose an option that is easy to put on - with a couple of fasteners, preferably without the need to lift the paws.


A more comfortable accessory for the animal for daily walks. It consists of belts fastened together, worn not around the neck, but on the body of the pet. Less traumatic - when jerking or pulling on the leash, they do not cause pain and do not damage the muscles and spine.

Durable materials are used for manufacturing, which allows them to be used for breeds of any size, including those with a powerful jerk. They can have a decorative function. They are not used for training or behavior correction.

There are several types of special purpose harnesses:

  1. Hunting.
  2. For sledding.
  3. Equipped with weights for muscle training.
  4. For service dogs performing guide functions.
  5. Medical, used during the period of rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries.

Types of leashes for huskies

For clear control over the dog, dog handlers advise using the following leashes:

  • Walking manual, allowing the animal to move its head. Simplest.
  • Special. It helps the owner keep the pet in the desired position.

You need to know this when choosing a leash for your husky. Which of the two options is better depends on the size of the dog and its character.

But it is very important that the material is soft and very durable. It is important to choose a soft and durable material used in the manufacture of collars, especially if the harness is for a Malamute.

How to put on a harness and make a dog sled

Each sled dog must have its own individual harness, depending on the size and weight of the animal.

The algorithm for putting on a harness looks like this:

  1. To put the harness on your dog, you need to “straddle” it, holding the dog’s waist with your knees. This way, even a very temperamental dog will be under your control, and you will have your hands free to deal with the harness.
  2. With your left hand, take the harness by the crosshairs of the neck straps, and with your right hand, by the rope loop of the harness, to which the traction line carabiner will be attached.
  3. Determine the lower chest part of the harness, which should be located between the dog's front legs.
  4. Place the harness on the dog's head so that the chest strap is located between the dog's legs and the rope leash attached to the back straps is in the center of the back towards the dog's tail.
  5. Place your front paws through the harness and straighten the straps across your back and sides.
  6. After this, check again how the harness fits.

Depending on the size of the sled, the load and weather conditions, the team can have from 4 to 8 or 12 dogs. The dog's traction leash is attached to the central pull. The dogs are placed in pairs, at a distance of approximately 2 m from the next pair.

The length of the central pull and the entire team together with the sledges can be 15 meters if, for example, 10 dogs are harnessed to the team. The central pull is attached to the sled with a special carabiner.

Choosing a sleigh

Ready-made sleds are sold in stores. But you can make them yourself.

The components of the sled are:

  • Skids;
  • Legs connected to each other by crossbars;
  • Seat (flooring).

The sleigh reaches a width of 80 cm. Its length depends on the number of dogs in the sled. The runners are attached at an angle at a distance relative to each other from 55 to 75 cm.

This makes the sled very stable. To connect the parts of the sled together, crossbars are inserted into the runners. An arc is mounted in front.

Cords and thick threads are used to fasten the parts together. That's probably all, the sleigh is ready for travel.

Correct selection

To ensure that the harness does not harm your pet, it is necessary to choose it correctly. Major manufacturers of pet accessories have special tables that take into account dog sizes, weights and volumes. Some brands make adjustments based on breed.

To choose the right harness, you will need the following measurements:

  • The dog's height is measured in a standing position from the withers to the floor.
  • The length of the back is equal to the distance from the tail to the base of the neck.
  • The chest is measured along the front surface from the right front paw to the left. The centimeter should not be too tight so that the harness does not restrict freedom of movement.
  • The size of the neck is measured at the base, it is in this area that the top strap of the harness is located.
  • The length from chest to withers is measured for sled dogs.
  • Therapeutic harness is made individually, taking measurements and leaving 2 cm for freedom of fit. For small dogs, the allowance is smaller.

The accessory is also used for cats; the method of habituation for them is similar to that described above using the example of dogs.

Photo gallery

In order not to harm the animal, you need to know what kind of sled, harness and clothing should be for a husky. Perhaps the photos that we have selected will help you make the right choice.

How to choose a harness for a dog?

Corgis have a tendency to be very active and will sometimes slip out of their collar. Either way, a harness is a good choice because it will help with your training and improve your walking experience. Your dog won't be able to pull you in different directions like he would with a collar.

Corgis need a lot of mental and physical exercise due to their history as a herding breed, so this is important to consider when purchasing a harness for your dog.

What should the harness be like?

If the harness does not have these options, then it is very unsafe for the dog. Corgis are very intelligent, so corgi harnesses need to be strong and secure. If the harness is worn correctly, it can make walking your Corgi much more enjoyable.

What should you consider when buying a harness?

Harnesses are generally good for dogs because they don't pull on the throat like a traditional leash and collar combination. Corgis, or any long-haired breed, especially benefit from walking with a harness, which is more comfortable to wear than a collar.

Due to the Corgi's short legs, the harness must be well adjustable and fit snugly to prevent the dog from slipping out of it.

Why use harnesses?

Corgis have a different body shape than most other dogs.

This means that the harness must be chosen with care

There are several types of harnesses available on the market, so it is important to choose the one that is suitable for your specific dog.

How to measure a dog for a harness?

  • First we measure the back. We start from the withers and end at the base of the tail;
  • Then we measure the chest. We set the dimensions of the zone behind the front paws at the widest point and add 0.5 cm to the resulting value.
  • Neck circumference. We measure at the bottom of the neck. We place the first point on the keel, and the back point on the edge of the shoulder blades closer to the head;

Best Corgi Harnesses: Review

"Gooby Escape Proof" - easy landing on the dog

The harness materials and memory foam padding mean your dog can walk around in comfort. It is also easily adjustable.


  • Lightweight, durable design
  • Tight fit

Colorful Idog Harness

Essentially, this harness is an adjustable, breathable nylon vest with a nice design. A great option for those owners who love creative accessories. Such a harness will be very easily visible in the snow, in the forest, in the field and in any weather conditions. Just like in the previous options, you can fully adjust the harness to fit your Corgi.


  • Breathable texture
  • Bright design (pink/orange colors available)
  • Lined with reflectors
  • Lasting
  • Soft to the touch
  • Adjustable lumbar
  • Suitable for daily training


Difficulty adjusting in the neck area

Price: 267 rubles

Where to buy: Aliexpress

Harness for Corgi – Puppia Ritefit

This soft mesh harness is fully adjustable at the chest and neck. This is ideal if you want to make sure that the Puppia harness fits your dog. This is one of the best harnesses for Corgi because you can make sure that it fits your dog as it has an adjustable neck option.


  • Fully adjustable
  • Soft to make your dog feel comfortable
  • Wraps around the body so there's no need to pull it over your dog's face and ears

LED harness with USB charging

This harness is a nylon chest strap equipped with LEDs that can be charged using a USB cable. The harness itself has a bright color and therefore will be noticeable both during the day and at night. This will allow you to always keep your Corgi within sight and will keep your dog safe in the evening and at night.


  • Fully adjustable (The harness fits over the body, allowing it to be adjusted to fit almost any corgi size)
  • Suitable for any season
  • LED lights
  • Charging via USB
  • Wide choice of colors
  • Moderate cost


Choose your size carefully

Price: 341 rub.

Where to buy: Aliexpress

Harness for Corgi – “Pet Safe Easy Walk Harness”

This harness is completely customizable. You must measure your dog before ordering a harness. Easy Walk Harness also offers customer service if you need help sizing your dog.


  • Fully adjustable
  • Custom size
  • A specialized customer service center that will replace the harness for a nominal fee
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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