Comparison of characteristics of the German Shepherd and Rottweiler

Often people who want to get a purebred dog pay attention to breeds that have pronounced qualities of a protector or guard. If a person wants to get an ideal bodyguard, he pays attention to two popular dog breeds - the Rottweiler or the German Shepherd. These are animals that are visible to everyone: they are shown in films and in various programs, they are used for work by police, military and rescue workers. When choosing a pet, the problem often arises with which purebred dog from the above to choose in order to get a brave protector and loyal friend for children and adults.

  • German Shepherd

  • Rottweiler

Of course, both breeds are different from each other, but they also have common positive qualities. These are dogs that stand out for their excellent working qualities; they choose one owner, whom they serve for the rest of their lives. Inexperienced dog owners should pay special attention to German Shepherds because they are more docile than Rottweilers.

Rottweiler and German Shepherd: comparison of breeds

Often people who want to get a purebred dog pay attention to breeds that have pronounced qualities of a protector or guard.
If a person wants to get an ideal bodyguard, he pays attention to two popular dog breeds - the Rottweiler or the German Shepherd. These are animals that are visible to everyone: they are shown in films and in various programs, they are used for work by police, military and rescue workers. When choosing a pet, the problem often arises with which purebred dog from the above to choose in order to get a brave protector and loyal friend for children and adults. Of course, both breeds are different from each other, but they also have common positive qualities. These are dogs that stand out for their excellent working qualities; they choose one owner, whom they serve for the rest of their lives. Inexperienced dog owners should pay special attention to German Shepherds because they are more docile than Rottweilers.

Down with stereotypes

In the past, dog fighting was a brutal, bloody spectacle used by breeders for profit. Some breeds were specially bred and then trained to participate in battles. Each owner of the future participant tried to get from him fearlessness and readiness to engage in battle with any opponent, sometimes until his last breath.

Cruel fun has sunk into oblivion; now open dog fighting is officially prohibited. But the “fighting dog” stereotype remains. Many people still believe that such dog breeds are uncontrollable, aggressive and ready to attack at any moment.

However, their opinion is wrong. Yes, initially the task of fighting breeds was to persecute their own kind. But not people. After all, before the fight, each participant calmly stood near the gathered crowd and endured the inspection of the judges monitoring the fairness of the fight. Naturally, such a past has left its mark - many dogs are genetically predisposed to varying degrees to show aggression.

But with proper upbringing and training, dogs will not show the evil side of their character unnecessarily. If the dog does not listen to the owner, shows excessive aggression, and rushes at passers-by, it means that the owner did not raise him well. Or specially trained.

In general, modern “fighters” are the owners of good physical shape, strict and, in most cases, balanced character. Now they are used only to serve humans.

Description of the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a large animal with standard dimensions:

The size of the female is slightly smaller than that of the male. The animal is distinguished by a proportional build; it has a medium-sized wedge-shaped head with an excellently developed facial part. The pet has triangular ears on its head, spaced as wide as possible, and dark almond-shaped eyes. The mouth has straight teeth, and the bite should only be correct.

The choice of animal is related to compliance with standards. According to them, the neck should be strong, the chest should be well developed and sunken. The back of the German Shepherd is flat, but there must be a breed feature in the form of a sloping sacrum. It is prohibited to dock a pet's straight, medium-sized tail.

Individuals with short and long hair and a number of colors are allowed for breeding, including:

The coat of a purebred German is thick and distinguished by the presence of a fluffy undercoat.


Now let's look at the appearance of these two breeds. First, let's look at the exterior of the German Shepherd:

  • The head is medium in size and wedge-shaped. The muzzle is elongated.
  • The ears are set parallel to each other. Shepherd dogs with drooping and broken ears do not meet the standard.
  • The eyes are usually brown or black and oval in shape.
  • 42 teeth, scissor bite.
  • The part where the back meets the pelvis has a slightly beveled shape.
  • The chest is medium in size, as is the neck.
  • Tail length is average. It is prohibited to cut it (cut it).
  • The limbs are powerful and muscular.
  • Dark colored nails.
  • The coat is thick and long, with undercoat. The color has black, red, beige and gray shades.
  • There are individuals with long hair.

As for the Rottweiler, it has the following appearance:

  • The head is large, the cranial bones are massive, the muzzle is shorter than that of a shepherd dog.
  • The frontal bone and nose are parallel to each other.
  • The cheeks can sometimes be sagging and wrinkled.
  • The nose is large and black.
  • The eyes are also oval in shape and dark in color.
  • The ears are hanging, in the form of a triangle.
  • 42 teeth, scissor bite.
  • The chest is extensive.
  • The withers are well defined, the neck is massive.
  • The limbs are powerful and muscular.
  • The tail is shorter than that of a shepherd.
  • The coat is very short, glossy and even.
  • The color is almost charcoal, with slight transitions to a red color.

As you can see, both pets have a beautiful appearance and a noble appearance.

Description of the Rottweiler

The description of Rottweilers makes it clear that this is a large domestic animal. The dimensions of the animal practically do not depend on its gender: height is 60-70 centimeters, weight does not exceed 50-55 kilograms.

Physically, the dog is well developed, he has a medium-sized head with a wide skull, and the forehead and nose are located on parallel lines. It is allowed to have drooping jowls, only an oval and black nose, and hanging triangular ears. Since the late 90s, an individual whose tail is docked will not be allowed to participate in international competitions - it must be straight and of medium size.

Rottweilers have smooth and short hair that shines and shimmers in the sun. According to international standards, only black color with bright red tan markings is allowed.

Comparison of breeds

Representatives of both breeds are very different in character and behavior. The Shepherd is smart, quick-witted, and capable of learning. Her brain needs to be constantly trained because, unlike Rottweilers, she will forget learned commands without regular training. This is a calm, balanced animal with excellent mental health. The German loves to play outdoor games, is active on walks, loves to exercise, is great with kids and can become a nanny for them. The pet is characterized by its dependence on people, becomes strongly attached to one owner, and constantly requires attention from him.

Rottweilers have a significantly different character from shepherds; they love to be leaders, are stubborn, and easily become aggressive without the slightest reason. The dog has a lightning-fast reaction and a strong grip, so it can immediately attack a stranger if he gets into a protected area. They are a highly intelligent animal that is difficult to raise due to their independence and natural pride. The pet wants to dominate everything, so it pretends to be sick so as not to carry out some commands. If a Rottweiler can be tamed, it will turn into everyone’s favorite and will protect its owner.

To understand who is stronger, a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd, you need to compare both breeds. The Rottweil dog is larger, more powerful in build, and its grip is much stronger than that of shepherd dogs.

What are the similarities between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd?

Representatives of both breeds are extremely loyal, they love kids, and can get along with their brothers and other pets. These animals are complex in nature and require regular training under the supervision of a specialist. Dogs must be trained in OKD and ZKS courses. The undoubted similarities between the breeds include the fact that they:

A cross between representatives of both breeds (Malchover) is a trainable, obedient dog with excellent health. Experts say that mestizos are hard-working, versatile animals that received the best qualities from shepherd dogs and Rottweilers.

Breed differences

In order to understand who is better, a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd, you need to understand their differences. The Shepherd is much easier to train than the Rottweiler, but can quickly forget skills if they are not regularly repeated. This animal is highly intelligent, but there are problems with training due to excessive independence.

In case of danger, the Rottweiler easily becomes aggressive and angry, but with proper training it is suitable as a personal bodyguard. The dog is distinguished by a wider and stronger grip of the jaws, since it is a Molosser.

The German Shepherd differs from the Rottweiler in that it:

All these qualities allow the German Shepherd to be used in operational search work or while patrolling the street during mass celebrations. This is an excellent guard dog, which, not only in films, can become a devoted companion to police officers.

Rottweilers are much more impulsive than shepherds, they are less obedient and not as flexible in behavior. Due to its character traits, this animal should only be adopted by people who already have a service dog. Unlike the German, the dog needs serious physical activity, active walks, and professional training, otherwise he begins to misbehave and damage furniture.

The concept of "mestizo"

In any breeding, the main type of crossing is purebred. The addition of other blood is permissible only in rare cases. But sometimes there is a need to get a dog that combines the characteristics of two breeds.

The breed was named Malkhover

The most striking examples:

  • The Caucasian Shepherd was crossed with the Saint Bernard. As a result, we managed to get a Moscow guard dog that had the appearance of a St. Bernard and the character of a Caucasian Shepherd.
  • The mixed breed of Alabai and Rottweiler was distinguished by a strong physique, powerful muscles and thick hair. These dogs were perfect for home guarding.
  • The Pitweiler is a mix of Pitbull and Rottweiler. Such pets are distinguished by fearlessness, endurance, and energy. The hybrid requires seriousness from the owner, since without constant training he goes crazy.
  • Sometimes you can find a cross between a mongrel and a Rottweiler. This combination is unpredictable. Such a dog can be unbalanced and aggressive.

Crossbreeding is very risky, as you can never be sure what qualities will be passed on to the litter. Hybrids may be healthier. Some small breeds have many problems due to close relationships.

Interesting! Infusion of other blood can correct the defects. However, such work should be done by experienced breeders.

Whom to choose

By comparing both breeds, it is not possible to accurately understand which one is better. When choosing a pet, you need to pay attention to the fact that much depends on the temperament characteristics of not only the dog, but also its owner. Active people can be offered a German Shepherd as they are constantly on the move. An impulsive and energetic animal should be directed into a peaceful direction, as it may become disobedient. A calm, balanced homebody may take notice of a stable Rottweiler. The Rottweiler is a calm animal; it does not like to rush. If such a dog lives in a family, you need to establish clear rules for him, otherwise he will stop obeying.

Before you get yourself a puppy of one of the breeds, you need to consider whether the owner can train and raise it, because they can become dangerous to other people. Rottweilers are problematic, and shepherd dogs are more flexible in behavior, but we must not forget about safe behavior with them. The Rottweiler is suitable for security work, and shepherd dogs turn into dogs ideal for border service, work in the armed forces and the police.

You can understand who to choose, a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd, based on the personal qualities, character traits, and behavior of a particular pet. You should not purchase a purebred animal thoughtlessly - you need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of each breed before the dog gets into the family.


Training allows testable combat

To consolidate various service qualities for working dogs, special test fights were invented. Also, combat tests allow you to find out which of the participants put up for battle is stronger, more savvy, more agile, and braver. During a fight, you can notice the advantages and disadvantages of a dog, which you may not know about in everyday life.

Test fights are events supervised by experienced keyologists, but in no case are officially prohibited bloody dog ​​fights.

For each test fight there are strict sporting rules, violation of which leads to fines or disqualification of participants. Those who violate Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals) can expect fines, compulsory or correctional labor, or restriction of freedom for up to one year, or arrest for up to six months.

Which dog is better to bring into a private home - breeds and their characteristics

We analyzed the characteristics of different dog breeds that are suitable for keeping in private homes. In our material you will find a selection of the best breeds and their brief descriptions. We hope this will help you understand which breed is best for you and make your choice.

Depending on the function that the owners assign to their pet, dog breeds can be divided into several types.

Important: when deciding which dog is best to bring into a private home, have a clear idea of ​​what you expect from your future pet.

What are the similarities and differences between the East European and German Shepherd?

If you want to get a dog and the choice of breed is focused on shepherds, then you should know the difference between the German shepherd and the Eastern European and the similarities. Then you can easily understand who will suit the future owner. These two species have a number of unique distinctive features, knowledge of which will help you decide.

Origin of rocks

The German Shepherd (HO) was bred at the end of the 19th century. from herding dogs in the lands of Scandinavia. In a short time she gained fame in Europe.

In Germany, the breeding of such a dog has acquired a national scale. Selection was necessary to obtain ideal herding qualities and facilitate contact with people and other animals.

When the number of pastures decreased, they were involved in the security forces.

The East European Shepherd (VEO) appeared thanks to the breeding work of the USSR at the beginning of the 20th century.

When the need arose in the state for obedient dogs that could easily be trained, preference was given to the German Shepherd, which became the basis for a new species.

Selection work began to breed more powerful and hardy shepherd dogs, capable of withstanding the climatic conditions of a large country. This breed was not recognized until 2002, considering it a subspecies of the German one.

Difference between Shepherds

Selection and places of residence led to the formation of a number of characteristics of each breed.

Differences in dogs are expressed both in character and in appearance.

By appearance

By temperament

German Shepherds are energetic, sociable, drawn to people, express emotions clearly, and are easily excited. Enjoying physical activity, they cope with sports training brilliantly.

Eastern Europeans are serious, have a calm disposition and self-control. They can be incredibly stubborn. They are smart and easy to train.

According to characteristics and standards

Each officially registered breed has compliance standards. Parameters may vary depending on the country of breeding.

Height at withers/cm55-6562-76
Weight, kg22-4030-60
FunctionsWatchman, shepherd, bloodhound, participation in competitionsGuard, companion, guide
Color Black, zoned, blackColor Black, zoned, black

How are dogs similar?

The German Shepherd was the basis for the emergence of both breeds, so the behavioral differences between the Eastern European and the German individual are relative.

Types of colors

The following colors are found in both breeds:

Interesting Facts

Germans are rightfully considered the No. 1 breed in the world. The following interesting facts are associated with these brave animals:

  1. Working German Shepherds have saved many people. In doing so, they often sacrifice their lives.
  2. Representatives of the breed reach maximum speed almost instantly. They do not lose their balance during sharp turns and never stumble.
  3. During the war, dogs worked as sappers, orderlies, messengers, and carried cartridges.
  4. The clamping force of the jaws during a bite exceeds 100 kg/cm².
  5. A powerful animal with a muscular body and dry bones is capable of speeds of up to 50 km/h.
  6. Several monuments have been erected to the Germans. One of them is located in Tolyatti - here a dog waited for its owners on the side of the road for 7 years.

Weight and height standards

The size of the German Shepherd allows it to be classified as a large breed. This category includes animals whose weight exceeds 25 kg and height reaches 60 cm.

The breed standard establishes the following physical parameters:

  • height at withers for boys 60–65 cm, for girls 55–60 cm;
  • average weight 30–40 kg and 22–32 kg, respectively.

The breed has pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males differ not only in weight and height at the withers, but also in physique - they are stronger and more massive than females. The difference is easy to see if you put a girl and a boy next to each other.

German Shepherds grow until they are 11–12 months old. But formation is completed only by 1.5–2 years.

The weight of an adult German Shepherd should not exceed the permissible limits. Excess pounds impair work performance and provoke the development of many diseases. Any deviation that affects performance characteristics is considered a serious defect.

Color and varieties

German Shepherds come in three colors - black and yellow, gray, black. However, within each suit there are many subtypes. According to the standard, none of the colors has advantages over the other. There is only one requirement – ​​good pigmentation.

The most common is black and yellow. These are the dogs that appear in films and commercials. The back of the animal is covered with a V-shaped black mantle, covering the sides and top of the tail. The underparts are light - most often fawn, but can be brown or gray. There is always a black mask on the face.

Other colors of the German breed:

  • plain black is one of the rarest colors. The shade of the coat is deep and rich. Particles of a different color are not acceptable;
  • zonal gray - with a gray color there are dark spots on the back and a black mask on the face;
  • zone-red - a red dog, like the zone-gray, has darkening on the back and a black mask on the face.

The White German Shepherd is outside the breed. She is characterized by an unstable character, timidity and timidity, and therefore is not suitable for performing official duties.

Depending on the structure of the coat, dogs are divided into two types:

  • long-haired – the guard hairs are quite soft. Feathers form on the ears and limbs, and pants appear on the hips. The tail is bushy with a characteristic dewlap on the lower part;
  • smooth-haired - thick, dense fur, with good undercoat. Slightly longer on neck, hips and tail. The hair does not puff up, but fits tightly to the body.

In Germany, only short-haired dogs are allowed to participate in exhibitions.

In 2010, German Longhairs were recognized as a separate breed. Previously, such animals were considered defective. Experts note that fluffy German Shepherds are overly excitable and nervous. Therefore, they are less often used as service dogs.

There are dwarf German shepherds. This is an unrecognized variety that resulted from a genetic glitch. The animals are not allowed to be bred, but some people keep them as pets.

Weight and dimensions

Here are comparative data on the body proportions of a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd:

CharacteristicRottweilerGerman Shepherd
Heightminimum – 60 centimeters, maximum – 70 centimetersminimum – 55 centimeters, maximum – 65 centimeters
Weightminimum – 50 kilograms, maximum – 60 kilogramsminimum – 30 kilograms, maximum – 40 kilograms

As you can see, the German Shepherd is inferior in size and build to the Rottweiler, but only slightly.

Character and behavior

In their character and behavior, animals differ significantly from each other. For example, the German Shepherd is famous for its intelligence and intelligence. She learns commands very quickly, but is not able to store them in memory unless she is regularly trained. After all, a dog’s brain constantly requires training.

In addition, the German Shepherd is calm and balanced and has good mental health. She loves physical activity, outdoor games and training. From the first days of life, such a pet becomes attached to one person in the family and always remains faithful to him. This pet is very dependent on people and constantly requires attention. In addition, the shepherd is a very friendly animal that is good with children and can become a nanny for them. As for the Rottweiler, its character is a little different. This dog loves to be a leader in everything, is very stubborn, and can sometimes show aggression for no reason. Her reaction is very fast, her grip is strong. Therefore, when strangers appear on its territory, the Rottweiler may attack people. His intelligence is also high, but such an animal can be trained reluctantly and with difficulty. The pet is independent and proud. He takes a dominant position in teaching and may pretend to be sick just to avoid learning commands.

Basic moments

  • Rottweilers reach full physical and psychological maturity by two years.
  • They require long walks combined with active games and physical activity.
  • They need a serious and strong mentor. They will create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners who do not have the skills to work with service dogs.
  • Rottweilers do not tolerate high temperatures well, but they feel quite comfortable in the cold, thanks to their dense undercoat.
  • They recognize the dominant role of the owner, but absolutely do not accept violence against themselves.
  • They are smart, capable of making decisions with lightning speed if there is a threat to human life and health.
  • They have a good appetite, thanks to which they are able to quickly “eat up” extra pounds and lose shape.
  • They get along well with the pets they grew up with.
  • Small dogs and puppies are treated with indifference and contempt. They sense rivals in large individuals, often provoking them into a fight.
  • Animals that have not completed the mandatory training course are usually uncontrollable and pose a danger not only to others, but also to their own owner.

Rottweilers are serious and energetic brutal dogs, whose main purpose is to serve people. Rottweilers make the best rescuers and guides, ready at any moment to risk their own lives in the name of saving people. On the street, these muscular beauties are the epitome of menace and alertness. They are energetic, observant and always in control of the situation. However, as soon as the dog returns home, the affectionate sloth awakens inside him, occupying the soft sofa and ready to devour kilograms of treats.

Doberman or Rottweiler: who is stronger, who to choose, comparison

If the question is who to choose - a Doberman or a Rottweiler , it means that the person interested is choosing a serious dog with the function of a watchman and protector. When making a decision, psychologists advise studying all the facts, analyzing them and making a choice with your heart. Below you will find information for reflection and making the right decision.

Welsh Corgi dog breed: description, character, photo

Comparison of breeds

Taste is a subjective and personal matter, and therefore it is impossible to say who is better - a Doberman or a Rottweiler . The choice depends on several factors:

Both breeds are quite large. They are united by their color - black (Dobermans have brown) with red tan in certain places. When choosing guard dogs, many often hesitate: who to choose - Doberman or Rottweiler . Sometimes a German Shepherd is added to this list. Dogs that are similar in appearance and functionality still have differences.

Height: 70 cm (males), 65 cm (females)65 cm (males), 60 cm (females)
Weight: 46 kg (males), 36 kg (females)58 kg (males), 52 kg (females)
Large, slender, athletic, with a long muzzleMassive and squat, with a wide muzzle and large jaw
Smooth coat without undercoat (keep outside impossible)Smooth coat with undercoat (can live in an aviary)
Color black or brown with tanColor black and tan
Choleric (temperamental, easily excited)Phlegmatic (slow, serious, reserved)
Mobile nervous systemCalm and cool
Doesn't get along easily with other animalsGets along well with other animals
DominantAssertive, fearless
Good learning abilityEasy to train
Regular training requiredEducation from an early age

Who is stronger?

To answer the question of who is stronger - a Doberman or a Rottweiler , you need to take into account physical characteristics and temperament:

With these characteristics, both dogs have the same chances. This can be seen from the photo of the Doberman and Rottweiler . Both look intimidating, each in their own way.

Description of Doberman

A relatively young breed that appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century.

Tax collector and policeman Friedrich Louis Dobermann from Thuringia decided to breed a guard dog with a formidable appearance for work needs.

At first the breed was called the Thuringian Pinscher, after the death of the founder it was renamed the Doberman Pinscher. Later, the prefix “pinscher” was removed, and the dogs began to bear the sonorous name of their “parent”.

The basis of the breed was the Old German Pinschers. Dog handlers have identified several more progenitors, including black and tan butcher dogs. The latter also appear in the pedigree of Rottweilers. As a result of selection, a dog was obtained with the following characteristics:

Modern Dobermans are somewhat different from their ancestors. Dobermann's successor, Otto Geller, worked on the dog's friendliness. Thanks to this, it has become popular not only as a police dog, but also as a family pet and companion.

The descendants of the Thuringian Pinscher have an aristocratic appearance, proud posture and graceful gait. The photo of a Doberman and a Rottweiler shows that the second does not have such an intelligent appearance, but compensates for this with other qualities.

Description of the Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the oldest breeds, descended from Molossian herding dogs. They entered German territory together with Roman legionnaires in 74 AD. e. In the Middle Ages it was used to protect livestock and property, and transport heavy loads. They became popular as “butcher dogs.” Rottweilers were valued for their qualities:

Peasants were more interested in working ability than exterior beauty. All that was required from the dog’s appearance was a ferocious look. Therefore, the first representatives of the breed were overweight and awkward in appearance. To popularize Rottweilers, breeders worked on the dog's temperament and appearance. Modern descendant of Molossian dogs:

Who is stronger, Rottweiler or German Shepherd?

To draw a conclusion about who is stronger, a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd, it is necessary to compare these two breeds, which was done above. As can be seen from these comparisons, the Rottweiler has a larger build. His grip is stronger than that of a German Shepherd. And by its nature it is a more aggressive animal. We can say that the Rottweiler is stronger than the German Shepherd. However, it is too early to draw conclusions. After all, you can give a definite answer only by comparing specific pets.

Moreover, each breed has its own characteristics and each specific dog too. You need to choose which animal to get based on the qualities of a particular pet, based on your needs. The main thing is not to commit rash actions and weigh all the pros and cons before your pet gets into the family.

How to raise a guard dog

If you decide to get a dog instead of an alarm system, you must learn how to raise it correctly. Without proper upbringing and training, a puppy will not turn out to be a reliable guard at home.

Parenting Tips:

  1. Watchmen are trained from a very early age. First of all, the dog is taught respect for each member of the family. She must learn to distinguish her own from strangers.
  2. Secondly, they teach the puppy to take food only from the owner’s hands. One person must feed! If you strictly adhere to this rule, no one else will be able to feed the watchman.
  3. Guests of the house are prohibited from petting the dog and attempts to give treats are stopped. Thus, her social circle is strictly limited. The watchman must understand that his main task is to protect his people and home.
  4. A mandatory requirement is early socialization. To do this, it is imperative to walk the animal outside the yard.
  5. There is no need to try to dominate your pets 100%. A watchdog must learn to quickly react to unusual and dangerous situations without a command.

Which guard dog to choose to guard a private home, choosing from these or other breeds, you decide for yourself. Next, let's talk about which dogs best serve as a personal bodyguard.

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