Description of Romanian Shepherds, their character and content

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is a large breed of dog that all people living in the Carpathian Mountains are proud of. This is an excellent guard, rescuer, watchman and shepherd, as well as a wonderful nanny for your children. The main thing is to raise your dog correctly, for which you will certainly be rewarded with loyalty and understanding.

This is a working dog breed that is most often found in the mountainous regions of Romania. They are accustomed to the harsh mountain climate and are trained from an early age to later become excellent shepherds, good herd herders and excellent guards.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that historically the dog is adapted to free country life, Picardy Shepherd Dogs easily adapt to urban living conditions if the owner organizes their active recreation and walks.
You should think about this before bringing a puppy into the house: the animal is very energetic, and if its needs for movement are not satisfied, then it is capable of damaging things and furniture. Adults behave more calmly and can peacefully wait for their owner for hours. But walks and physical activity are not the entire list of maintenance requirements: the dog needs psycho-emotional communication. Picardies also love to swim, run next to a person, play for a long time or perform tasks that are interesting to them, and this also needs to be taken into account. There are other important points when caring for an animal.

  • Daily brushing. Dog hair is prone to tangling and matting. During seasonal molting, the amount of hair loss increases moderately. There is no need to cut your pet's hair.
  • Your shepherd will need to have her nails trimmed regularly, especially if she doesn't move around enough to wear them down on her own.
  • The animal's ears are cleaned as needed. The eyes are wiped with special compounds to avoid inflammation caused by particles of dust, dirt or microbes.
  • You can brush your Picardy Shepherd's teeth and remove tartar on your own or by visiting your veterinarian's office. For use at home, there are special cleaning products on sale: sprays and pastes, for example, “Tropiclean” based on natural plants.

Shepherd dogs are bathed quite rarely, only if the coat is very dirty: approximately once every 3 months. Dry shampoo can be used more often. We must pay tribute to the breed: the dog’s fur does not emit a strong, peculiar odor, since the skin and hair shafts of the animal contain a minimal amount of natural fat.

Unfortunately, even the most spacious apartment cannot replace a dog’s place in the open air in an enclosure, which is better for both the shepherd and the owner

However, animals feel great in the city, provided that the owner constantly pays attention to them

Maintenance, care and nutrition

All four types of Belgian Shepherd have the same maintenance and care requirements.

  • They need freedom, constant movement and freedom. An ideal place to live would be a private house with a large, well-maintained enclosure. Representatives of the breed can live in an apartment, subject to long walks.
  • The dogs are walked three times a day for two hours. If three walks a day are not possible, they are reduced to two, but the time spent on the street is increased. It is unlikely that a working person can afford to walk a pet for such long periods of time.
  • In case of apartment living, it is advisable to purchase a home enclosure or box for your pet. It is necessary to accustom it to it from puppyhood, so that when leaving the apartment for a certain period of time, you can lock the dog in the box. Just don’t let the animal stay in it all the time. The Belgian Shepherd, having accumulated a huge amount of energy over the whole day, will unleash it on the owner as soon as he is outside the box.

Hardy dogs easily adapt to environmental conditions. They do not require any increased care. It is enough to comb a representative of the breed once a week and bathe it once every two to three months. Show and working dogs are washed before each event. During shedding, the frequency of brushing increases to three times a week.

Nutrition for adult dogs

The nutrition required by representatives of the breed is a separate issue. Many people believe that a dog should be fed natural food: porridge, meat, pasta and potatoes. This is not sarcasm, but a constant phenomenon that breeders of large breeds have to deal with. It's time to break down misconceptions about the “proper” nutrition of dogs, especially Belgian Shepherds.

There are two possible options for their diet: natural food and dry food. The list of allowed products looks like this:

Lean meat: turkey, beef, veal

Chicken is given very carefully, because it is a food allergen. Meat products are the main source of nutrition, their amount varies from 50% to 75% of the total diet

This volume also includes offal - liver, hearts, stomachs. Vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, make up 25% of the total menu. They are boiled, combined with meat or offal, cooled to room temperature and fed to the dog. Cereals are a source of fiber and carbohydrates. Their maximum volume recommended for Belgian Shepherds should not exceed 20% of the total amount of food. Acceptable cereals are rice and buckwheat; oatmeal, despite the opinion of its benefits, is harmful to representatives of the breed. Their intestines are irritated by the rough flakes. Cereals are given boiled, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil or mix with meat.

Puppies nutrition

Puppies are fed differently than adult dogs. Their diet necessarily contains milk until they are 3 months old; cottage cheese and kefir are regularly given to the younger dog generation up to one year of age. If adult Belgian Shepherds eat twice a day - morning and evening, then the feeding scheme for puppies is presented below:

  • From one to two months, babies are fed six times a day. The intervals between meals should not exceed three hours.
  • From two to three months, puppies receive food five times a day, every three and a half hours.
  • What to feed a Belgian Shepherd puppy at three months of age? Nutrition at 3 months does not change, only the number of feedings per day. The small representative of the breed is fed four times, this regime is established until the age of six months.
  • From six months to nine months, the pet is transferred to three feedings a day.
  • From nine months of age until death, the dog receives a bowl of food twice a day.
  • An exception is made for sick, weakened and pregnant representatives of the breed.

When choosing dry food, preference is given to super-premium and holistic food.

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd: description of the breed

If you like herding and cattle dogs, then this article will be of interest to you. After all, in it we will describe one large breed of dogs.

Its representatives are excellent watchmen, shepherds, security guards and rescuers. Now we will talk about the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd. It is very important to raise such a dog correctly.

Then you will receive understanding and loyalty as a reward.

Representatives of this breed are most often found in the mountainous regions of Romania. These dogs are accustomed to harsh climates. From early childhood they are trained to become good beaters and shepherds.

Brief description of the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd

This is a rare breed that has become widespread not only in Romania, but also in other countries. The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is considered to be one of the best herding dogs.

She does an excellent job of protecting the herd while it is grazing. This dog is not afraid of changes in the weather. Since she has a fearless, strong-willed character.

I would like to say right away that the dog is not suitable for living in an apartment.


The height of a representative of the breed at the withers is on average about 60 centimeters. The weight of an adult Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is about 35-70 kg (on average).

Such a dog has a swift, graceful, springy run. You can replace some wolf characteristics in this shepherd.

Moreover, they are noticeable in almost everything, from the muzzle to the coarse fur. The rather tough character of the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd also has some animal echoes.

In addition to fearlessness, such a dog has an impressive, intimidating size and a fairly loud voice.

History of the breed

The mountain ranges in Romania are the breeding grounds for this breed. Although this cannot be said with a 100% guarantee. One can only assume that the breed appeared by crossing Slavic and Turkish breeds.

In 1934, the very first Romanian Carpathian Shepherd was recognized by the National Institute of Animal Science. True, its standard was constantly changing. The final one was adopted in 2002.

Three years later he was recognized by the International Association of Cynologists.


These dogs are good guards. They don't trust strangers. New people are treated with suspicion. Thanks to the instant reaction, the dog can quickly attack a stranger. Despite this, they treat children well, even play with the child if they live with him. Such a dog urgently needs a leader whom he will listen to.

Nutrition of the breed

It is advisable to feed an adult dog once a day during the warm season. In winter, you should increase the number of servings to two. Representatives of the breed can eat the same food for a long time. This is because they are adapted to harsh living conditions.

For the same reason, they can go without food for a long time and still maintain their vital functions. Their body is designed in such a way that there is always a supply of energy. Despite the above, the diet should contain a large amount of meat (both boiled and raw).

You also need to give your dog buckwheat, rice and other cereal porridges.

When to start the learning process?

You can train a dog only if the owner is an authority for him. Therefore, it is very important to take a leadership position in your relationship with your dog.

Otherwise, the dog will ignore demands and commands. It is advisable to train your puppy from early childhood.

The dog owner must be prepared for the fact that such a dog may sooner or later begin to protect his pack (family) from ill-wishers to the last.

Puppy cost

How much does a representative of the breed cost? For one puppy you need to pay from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. The price depends on the pedigree, age of the animal and other factors.



The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is a breed of herding and guard dogs with universal working characteristics.

It is still used as a shepherd's assistant, helps herd sheep and protects the flock from predators, conscientiously guards household property and is a faithful family friend.


The Carpathian Shepherd Dog of Romania was bred by crossing aboriginal herding dogs that live only in a certain area of ​​the Carpathian-Danube region.

It is considered a close relative of the Romanian Mioritic and Bukovinian Shepherd Dogs. The breed is characterized by strong aggression towards wild predators, while the dog’s defensive abilities are well developed.

Interesting fact

The breed's characteristic feature is an incredibly deafening bark.

Distinctive features


The head is wolf-type with a powerful and wide skull. The forehead is slightly convex with a smooth transition line into the muzzle. The muzzle is in the shape of a blunt wedge.


The jaws are straight and powerful. The teeth are strong and large. Scissor bite.


The ears are compact in size, V-shaped, hanging type, located slightly above the eye line, well adjacent to the cheekbones.


The eyes are medium in size, slanted, set slightly obliquely and deeply. The color of the iris is dark brown.


The body is elongated, fully formed. The neck is moderately long, strong, and muscular. The back is level, distinctly strong, merging into a spacious, slightly sloping croup. The loin is athletic, medium width, strong. The chest is voluminous, of good depth, descending to the elbow joints. The ribs are moderately sprung, but not barrel-shaped.


Legs with distinctly strong and powerful bones, straight, parallel. The paws are not particularly large, oval, the front ones are noticeably larger than the hind ones. The fingers are arched, clenched into a tight ball with strong claws. The pads are elastic and hard.


The coat has a rough texture, straight, and thick. The undercoat is much softer and dense. The color is wolf, fawn-black of varying intensity. Sometimes there are white inclusions, but they are not dominant.

Interesting fact

The shepherd dog has a unique ability - it independently regulates the load. If necessary, she quickly becomes active, but during the rest of the period she appears phlegmatic.


The Carpathian Shepherd is a rather reserved and phlegmatic animal, but extremely brave and reliable with a strong and independent character.

The dog typically has a desire for leadership, determination, and decisiveness in action.

She is infinitely loyal to her owner and incredibly affectionate and friendly with her family, but the most important thing for her remains the owner.

He treats children wonderfully, tries to show care, patiently endures childish pranks, but will not participate in excessively noisy games.

Builds stable, friendly relationships with any other pets.

He is distrustful of strangers, but aggressiveness manifests itself only in those moments when there is a real danger to the owner and loved ones. If their life is threatened, the shepherd will immediately go on the offensive.

The breed has average learning abilities, which is explained by occasional laziness and stubbornness.

With persistent training and socialization, the pet becomes completely obedient and perfectly follows commands.

Interesting fact

There are many legends about the loyalty of the Carpathian Shepherd Dog. This dog will always and everywhere accompany its owner and his flock, protecting them until their last breath.

Types of Shepherd Dogs

Large dogs

American Tundra Shepherd

The breed is the result of an experiment by military forces. They tried to create a new versatile dog capable of multitasking. Tundra wolf genes were added to the blood of German shepherds. The result was an overly aggressive, uncontrollable dog. Outwardly it looks like a tall wolf. The project was closed. It is continued by enthusiasts. They managed to soften the character.

Anatolian Shepherd (Karabash, Kangal)

The first representatives of the breed appeared 6 thousand years ago. Back then they were valued for their guard qualities. Mesopotamia is considered to be its homeland. Height and weight are large, the coat is thick, sandy color. The ears are located on the sides of the skull and hang down. On the face there is a characteristic mask inherited from mastiffs.

Atlas Shepherd (Aidi)

Dog from Morocco. Cattle breeding, guard breed of high stature. Its low weight (30 kg) makes it an active, independent dog. It is important for him to be needed by a person, while his independent character complicates upbringing due to his aboriginality.

Afghan Shepherd (Sage Koche)

It is called the "dog of the nomads." The height is high, reaching 80 cm at the withers. She quickly catches up and quickly attacks. The character is quarrelsome and complex. Small pets are mistaken for prey, so they need to be walked with caution, socialized early, and accustomed to the city. Requires great physical activity and a strong character of the owner.

Alentego Shepherd Dog (Rafeiro do Alentejo)

Rafeiro is originally from Portugal. The dog is distinguished by its large size, wide bones, and powerful muscles. He is trusted with large territories, farms, and country houses. He is friends with children and other pets. Treats guests and strangers unfavorably. First, it notifies of danger with a sonorous bass, and then quickly attacks.

Basque Shepherd

A Spanish dog whose purpose is to save livestock from attack, to herd and corral, and to obey humans. The coat of wool is hard and dense. The body is lean and muscular. This allows you to travel long distances without problems and experience different conditions. Loves owners and their children. Afraid of the arrival of strangers.

Belarusian Shepherd

The breed is not recognized internationally. The result of crossing an East European, German Shepherd with a Laika. They are more resistant to cold, hardy, and obedient. The color is exclusively black. The disadvantage is considered to be high height, reaching 90 cm at the withers.

Bergamasco Shepherd

It looks like a brush, because... her fur curls into dreadlocks. This allows you to create a protective frame from bad weather, getting wet, and getting dirty. The selection was carried out in the province of Bergamo, where indigenous shaggy dogs began to be used as shepherds. Personality: friendly, kind, open. The sizes are large, so it is better to keep them in suburban conditions.

Bulgarian Shepherd (Karakachan dog)

Known since the Middle Ages. Shows aggressive behavior, attacks first, and is considered the best guard of the territory's borders. Outwardly similar to a large spaniel with a complex character.


In terms of color, the dog is similar to a Doberman. Its massive body, strong limbs, and dense coat make it a universal working breed. He is not afraid of stress, studies commands with pleasure, and participates in a person’s life. Suitable for active, sporty owners who will appreciate the physical qualities. Matures late, behaves like a puppy.

Bukovinian Shepherd Dog (Romanian)

A guard dog whose weight reaches 80 kg. The appearance is menacing, the size is huge, the torso is powerful - something that scares you away at first glance. For his own people, this is a faithful dog, distinguished by obedience and attentiveness. It attacks strangers and pets without delay, holding them with its paws, body and grip.


One of 14 breeds from France. Known since the early Middle Ages. A herding dog covered with shaggy, long hair that protects from the elements. The growth is high, the mass is large. It has a playful disposition, which is why it is used in all types of dog sports. Ideal for training and performances.

East European Shepherd

A tall dog bred in the USSR through selective selection of the best representatives of German shepherds. Larger in height and weight, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Suitable for raising at home, gets along well with children and other pets.


A tall, handsome dog with thick black fur with long center hairs. Refers to Belgian dogs. Calm disposition, person-dependent character, very active. Adequate physical activity is required to maintain fitness. The shape of the skull is similar to that of a collie. Gets along well with other pets, listens, and behaves appropriately.

Greek Shepherd

The ancestors were brought from Turkey. Tall height, average weight, about 80 kg. It resembles the Alabai in its fearlessness, complex character, and ability to behave aggressively towards others. It can live in open areas without fear of temperature changes or temporary hardships.

Egyptian Shepherd (Armant)

The history of the breed begins with military events in Egypt associated with Napoleon. In those days, local residents crossed mongrel dogs with “Frenchies”. The result was a mestizo who was entrusted with the protection of livestock and homes. Wool requires daily care.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The progenitor of the breed is considered to be the Tibetan mastiff. From him he got a large bone structure, rich wool with a double undercoat, and a deep bark. The appearance is formidable and impressive. Security instincts are especially developed. They are distinguished by fearlessness and moderate aggression towards strangers.

Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd Puli)

A large dog that looks like a huge brush. The wool shell resists frost, rain or heat. Appearance helps to blend in with the herd of sheep, which allows you to lead the cattle. Characterized by adolescent behavior due to late maturation.

Crash Shepherd

The Slovenian dog is free of genetic defects and therefore has excellent health. The thick coat allows you to feel comfortable in different conditions. Initially she served as a devoted shepherd in the highlands. A balanced large dog for protecting and helping people.

Mallorcan Shepherd

The dog was bred in the Balearic Islands to help shepherds. The livestock has almost been destroyed and is considered rare for European countries. There are two varieties: short-haired and long-haired. The torso is “loaded”, which makes her physically resilient. We need a strong-willed owner who can cope with activity.


Belongs to the group of “Belgian dogs”, which are considered the best shepherds, watchmen and security guards. Unlike females, males are square in size with a height of up to 66 cm. The neck is powerful without sagging, the limbs are muscular, and the general appearance is toned. There is a dark mask on the muzzle and erect ears. The back is straight, without bends.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

Aboriginal dog, known since the 1st century. AD The ancestor is a Tibetan wolfhound, who gave him thick fur and protective qualities. Does not recognize the owner as a person, considers him to be his brother. When parenting, you may encounter stubbornness and perseverance. The "Italian" must be socialized early into strictness for excellent obedience.

Mongolian Shepherd (Bankhar)

The exterior is similar to a bear due to its square size and black and tan fur. The indigenous breed has not been subjected to selection; it has been known since the campaigns of Genghis Khan. She accompanied people on military campaigns, helped guard the territory, and transport heavy loads. The character is seasoned, suitable as a companion dog for the family. Works flawlessly.

German Shepherd

The dog is characterized as universal, suitable for guarding, protection, searching, escorting, and rehabilitation. A popular working breed of zonal, black or black and tan color with different masks on the face. Typical qualities: squat pelvis, characteristic running, fast lunges. Despite his intelligence, his character is complex. Chooses “favorites” in the family.

Picardy Shepherd

The energetic dog is on the verge of extinction, although it has been known since ancient times. Height is about 65 cm, color is fawn or brindle. The fur is hard and sticks out in different directions, which makes the dog look funny. Serves as protection for livestock, houses, and territories. Tolerates loads, loves activities. Suitable for a city apartment or house.

Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog

A huge dog of impressive size. The wool is white, decorated with large curls. The body is elongated, the paws are large and powerful. Calm, easygoing disposition. During the period of growing up, they are distinguished by independence and a tendency to run away. An experienced dog handler is required who is able to cope with the native breed.

Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog

In her homeland she is affectionately called “lamb”. Serves as a guard for livestock, as a protector from attacks on flocks of sheep by wild animals. The dense undercoat helps to cope with the tasks of grazing and driving livestock in bad weather. Natural obedience makes the dog a faithful assistant to the farmer.

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd

It is particularly aggressive. His impressive size, large torso, and strong paws make him a fearless “fighter.” Does not accept strangers on its territory. Loves to overcome obstacles, is difficult to educate and socialize.

Central Asian Shepherd – Alabai

Massive bones, strong body, dense coat with undercoat make the dog a formidable representative of guard breeds. The torso is slightly stretched, pulled towards the stomach. The general appearance gives a life-threatening impression. A serious dog with a difficult character. Considered a wolfhound.

Old English Sheepdog – Bobtail

In the century before last, a tail length tax was introduced in Great Britain. Therefore, long ponytails were always docked. This is where the name of the breed comes from. Considered a cross with Briard. It looks like a huge shaggy toy. With age, he becomes a melancholic, family-loving dog.


The Belgian dog, unlike its relatives, has an unbalanced, capricious character. Fluffy fur, an elongated nose and high erect ears make it look like a fox. She is distrustful of strangers, can bark for no reason, but at the same time she listens well and is well brought up.

Black Romanian Shepherd

The breed is not recognized by the International Canine Association. The main difference is the long coat of black shades. The character is freedom-loving, independent, vengeful. The height is tall, the limbs are strong, the appearance is typical for the group. Excessive curiosity makes the dog inattentive.

Sharplaninsky Shepherd Dog (Illyrian or Yugoslavian)

A measured, phlegmatic dog of enormous appearance. It is enhanced by the thick saddle-colored coat. The genetics of the Tibetan mastiff can be traced in the general appearance. Aggression manifests itself in exceptional cases of real danger. The sedate dog is suitable for various purposes.

Shilon Shepherd Dog

It is considered an “author’s” breed originally from the USA. It is a cross between a “German” and a “Scottish”. It is distinguished by obedience, intelligence, and pronounced protective characteristics. Tall stature and stateliness make him an ideal dog for canine exhibitions. Not yet widespread.

Estrela Shepherd Dog (Portuguese Mountain Dog)

The ancestors of the breed are Asian Mastiffs and Italian Molossians. Hence the calm, balanced disposition, the typical black mask on the muzzle. Excellent with children, the dog is trusted as guardian. In Portugal, it is considered a sled dog, a herding dog that can cope with various tasks.

South Russian Shepherd

It is distinguished by thick snow-white wool, which cannot be categorically trimmed. Brought from Tavria for grazing fine-wool sheep. The appearance made it possible to organically merge with the flock. He is naturally aggressive and is inclined to attack.

Medium-sized breeds

English Shepherd

One of the varieties of collie for working with livestock as a shepherd. Launched in the USA. It is considered a universal guard dog with an easy-going character, medium size, and thick tri-colored coat. Gets along with children and pets. Requires a large number of loads of various types.

Aussie (Australian Shepherd)

An artificially bred breed in which the blood of the Pyrenean dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Collie, and Sheltie is mixed. The nose is elongated, the ears are slightly drooping. Marble coat color. The eyes are bright blue. Has an obedient disposition.

White Swiss Shepherd (American-Canadian White Shepherd)

Externally, it resembles a German shepherd dog except for the coat. It is absolutely snow-white. The exterior is organically developed, the psyche is calm. Lunges only in cases of real danger.

Bohemian Shepherd or Gypsy Shepherd (Hodsky Dog)

A vanishing breed of guards who were valued by experts for their ability to always be nearby. After the world wars in Europe, the population declined sharply. The sizes are average. The weight is light, which makes it possible to run fast and jump high.

Border Collie

A medium sized dog with white and black or merle coloration. There are individuals with short or long hair. A typical herding breed that originated on the border between England and Scotland. Physical endurance, agility, and agility allow one to overcome long distances.

Dutch Shepherd (Herder)

A breed intended for livestock work and home guarding. The coat is completely black, the ears are erect, the muzzle is typical of a shepherd dog. An active dog with Malinois in its blood is characterized by excitement and optimism.

Icelandic Sheepdog

The breed has been known since the 9th century. Since ancient times, it has been used for pasture and searching for cattle that have strayed from the herd. The exterior is similar to Laika-shaped dogs. A hardy, physically active dog that has not undergone selection changes.

Catalan Shepherd

An indigenous breed of dog that has survived to this day without the efforts of breeders. A rare representative for Russia. The coat is long and thick. Forms a beard on the chin. The brow ridges are decorated with axial hair. The color is ashen, closer to a gray shade with highlights.

Kelpie (Australian Shepherd)

The size of the dog is average, they do not grow higher than 51 cm. The coat color is brown with tan, the undercoat is moderate. A distinctive feature is a wide viewing angle. This allows you to control moving objects. It is believed that he has hypnosis and can “bewitch with his gaze.”

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Rich, beautiful long hair, a developed chest, a beautiful tail - this is what characterizes the exterior of this dog. The nose is elongated, which makes her sensitive. The eye orbits are located on the sides, expanding the viewing angle. A medium-sized, stately dog ​​that is easy to train and easily tolerates bad weather conditions.


Belgian dog is medium size. It is a hard-haired breed that can withstand any weather conditions. Limbs are strong and muscular. Body without sagging, lean. The color is closer to a red shade with darkening. An excellent shepherd, capable of herding livestock and protecting it.

Miniature American Shepherd

The breed was developed based on the "Australians". Differs in smaller size. At the withers it grows to only 41 cm in males. Released in the 70s. last century, still does not have global recognition. A companion dog for active pastime. Does not recognize strangers, is wary of extraneous sounds.

Mudi (Hungarian Cattle Dog)

A medieval breed capable of both guarding and chasing, attacking animals. The eyes are blue, the coat is spotted, the ears are erect. It is distinguished by its cover, which is unusual for shepherd dogs. Curls of axial hair help protect the body from cooling and have water-repellent properties.

Norwegian Shepherd (Norwegian Buhund)

The ancestor was in the service of the ancient Vikings. The dog served as a driver, porter, search engine, and guard. They vaguely resemble a large Spitz-shaped dog, distinguished by its ringing bark and restless character. Powerful bones, lean muscular body, thin limbs allow you to endure physical activity without problems.

Pyrenean Shepherd

An ancient aboriginal dog with thick coat of white, black or brown. He is only 47 cm tall. This appearance allows him to merge with a flock of sheep and control its movement from the inside. Valued by breed lovers for its watchdog qualities. Does not tolerate loneliness or boredom. Suitable for those who will understand her “weirdness”.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

A shaggy dog, which is distinguished by thick hair, undercoat, black and white with spots. Known since the 13th century as a shepherd, helper. The character is calm and obedient. He is friendly with other pets and does not show excessive aggressiveness.

Welsh Sheepdog

It is distinguished by its ability to evade attacks from predators due to its slippery fur of medium size and height. The nose is slightly elongated. The sense of smell helps to track prey or find something lost. Gets along well with others and is suitable for apartment living.

Croatian Shepherd

An exceptional dog that unquestioningly follows commands, which is known only in its homeland. Height is about 0.5 m at the withers. A light, jumping, perky breed for helping herd livestock and protect the territory. She will not attack first, but will signal danger.


Looks like a big lap dog. The coat is long and curly. Because of this, the appearance seems untidy and unattractive. A playful dog is not capable of inflicting wounds or attacking first. Valued for friendliness, cheerful disposition, calmness.

Small dogs

Scottish Sheepdog (Sheltie)

A smaller copy of the collie breed. An easy, nimble, slightly cowardly worker. Enjoys spending time with children and is suitable for cynological performances. The beautiful frame of the wool makes it a true beauty. The look is lively, the character is mobile, peaceful. He will be happy to look after those around him and give a signal of danger.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Known as a herding dog since the beginning of the 10th century. The breed became widespread at the end of the century before last. It is distinguished by a low landing and small height (up to 32 cm). An adult dog weighs about 15 kg. The body is elongated, the neck is short, the tail is saber-shaped and raised high. The dog moved from the category of “working” to a decorative companion due to its cheerful disposition and natural modesty.

Corgi Pembroke

Favorite breed of the English Queen. Due to the specific color of its eyes and mouth, it is called the “smiling dog.” It seems that the dog is always laughing, reacts emotionally to his surroundings, and makes people laugh. The physique is strong, well-built. The height is small. This is a cheerful fellow who runs around with pleasure, tries to catch up, and participates in games. An ideal dog for children and the elderly.


A small Spitz-shaped dog, only 35 cm tall. The absolutely black color of its thick coat makes it noticeable in the snow. The name of the breed translates as “shepherd”, which corresponds to the working characteristics. Capable of attacking and biting without command. He chooses one master, whom he obeys unquestioningly.

Pros and cons of the breed

The German Shepherd is a good choice, but due to its activity, it is not suitable for everyone.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • learning ability and intelligence;
  • intelligence;
  • easy care;
  • good security qualities;
  • endurance;
  • courage;
  • lack of anger and aggression.

The breed also has its disadvantages:

  • excessive mobility;
  • need for physical and mental stress;
  • professional training;
  • It is preferable to keep them in houses rather than apartments.

When choosing a puppy, you should take into account both the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, so that in the future you do not experience problems with raising and maintaining a dog.

Authors of the articles: Belanta Clinic team

General information

Scientists believe that shepherd dogs first appeared in Asia, among nomadic tribes. There they performed particularly dangerous work: protecting livestock from bears and predatory cats. Together with the Roman conquerors, these brave dogs walked along the Eurasian continent and ended up in Europe.

Here, farmers decided that size is not the most important thing for a shepherd: the dog should stand out among predators with its bright color. Selection began: combining local breeds with imported Asian giants. Now the FCI has registered more than 20 breeds of shepherd dogs with different origins. They vary in size, color, and type of cover.

In different countries, shepherd dogs were created and raised differently, but the quality criteria remained the same:

  • Endurance, efficiency, ability to serve around the clock without sleep or rest;
  • Thick two-layer wool that protects from cold, heat, moisture and snow;
  • Minimally developed hunting instinct so that the dog is not distracted during service;
  • Developed protective reflexes, territorial instinct;
  • Fearlessness, strength (to defeat the enemy);
  • High intelligence for remembering commands, raising a herd.

Breed standard

In breeding the German Shepherd breed, the standards developed by Emil von Stephanitz apply. To briefly describe the “Germans”, they are strong dogs of medium height with a powerful and well-developed muscular corset.

The weight of an adult male varies from 35 to 40 kilograms, height (at the withers) - 60-66 centimeters. Bitches are smaller: weight - 25-32 kg, rarely reaching 60 cm at the withers.

Description of the standard:

  1. The head is wedge-shaped, convex forehead without grooves. Lips are dark, dry, tight-fitting. The bridge of the nose is straight.
  2. The jaws are well developed, powerful, with a scissor bite.
  3. The ears are of medium size, straight, erect, with sharp tips, the distance between them is average. Black lobes.
  4. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, and small. The iris is dark.
  5. The sternum is pronounced, long, moderately wide. A special requirement for the hips: they should not be thick or barrel-shaped.
  6. The neck is strong, strong, muscular, without a layer of skin and fat.
  7. Back: Well developed, strong croup, different in length, smoothly blending into the base of the tail.
  8. The forelimbs are straight, parallel to each other.
  9. The paws are tightly packed, round in shape, with hard pads and dark claws.
  10. The tail is long, ending at the level of the hocks, the lower part is covered with hair. When moving, the tail rises slightly, in a calm position it hangs gently and is slightly curved.

The skin fits tightly to the body and does not form folds. Wool has an undercoat and comes in three types:

  • long, soft;
  • long hard;
  • short hard.

The color can vary from pure black to a weakened and darkened zonular.

Reasons for disqualification are deformation of the ears and tail, white coat color, light eyes, broken or drooping ears, excessive nervousness, manifestations of cowardice or aggression.

Coat type and color

According to its structure, hair is hard and coarse throughout the body. Skin with uniform pigmentation, moderately thick, elastic.

Guest type hair, rough and hard to the touch, only straight. A good undercoat that can protect the animal in different climatic conditions. Adult dogs, which are fully formed and are over 1.5-2 years old, have a peculiarity - the hind legs, neck and tail of the dog form a kind of feathering.

Standard coat colors include:

  • Fawn with gray, which is recognized as the main one;
  • Darker fur at the ends of the hair;
  • There may be small inclusions of white color, like spots, mainly on the body, head, a little on the neck, tail and tips of the paws, like socks.

All other colors - reddish, dark brown6, light cream and beige, brindle, tricolor (brindle color), are considered a deviation from the standard.


The Mioritic Shepherd Dog is practically unknown in Russia. You should buy a pet from specialized nurseries or from breeders with a good reputation.

The ideal age for a puppy to be weaned from its mother is 2 months. It is better to choose a playful, active and not shy cub that does not have any health problems. Pedigree, age-related vaccinations and veterinary passport are required.

The average price of a Romanian Mioritic Shepherd puppy is 30-50 thousand rubles


The female's first estrus occurs at 8-14 months, lasting 21-28 days. The optimal age for a pet for the first mating is after reaching the age of two. Successful days for mating are considered to be 11-15 days from the date of emptying.

On the day of mating, the dogs are given a good walk, but not fed. It is advisable to introduce the couple on a neutral location. The mating process itself is carried out strictly on the boy’s territory. Control mating is carried out after 24-48 hours.

Pregnancy lasts 58-72 days, there are 3-5 puppies in the litter.


  1. Color does not match, coat is long or too short;
  2. Curls, waves;
  3. Short loin, long shoulder;
  4. Misalignment of the jaw, incomplete set of teeth;
  5. Long loin;
  6. Narrow hip;
  7. Insufficient weight, light body;
  8. The chest is of irregular shape - elongated, low pubescent ribs;
  9. Crooked paws, turned inward or vice versa;
  10. Incomplete pigmentation of eyelids, lips, nose;
  11. Damp eyelids;
  12. Presence of jowls;
  13. Weak shoulder, drooping scapular line;
  14. Neck too long or short;
  15. Ears are irregularly shaped;
  16. Lack of uniform eye color;
  17. Violation of normal bite;
  18. Mental abnormalities: increased aggression, timidity, fear;
  19. Overweight, underweight.

Character and training

The amazing Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is a wayward and free animal that does not like to be limited in its freedom. Character – domineering, dominant type.

They are extremely loyal to their owner, but it takes time and patience to train him. They choose as owners people who are strong in character and equally powerful, capable of suppressing and surpassing the dog.

They are wary of strangers, but without showing aggression, they are always ready to enter a fight, they do not recognize the enemy as a special threat, they are practically fearless and a little desperate.

They behave independently, are able to make their own decisions, independently, but they need a person. The owner is loved and respected, they try to please.

They are emotionally quite restrained, not subject to shocks, hardy, love to work, and adore activity in any form. They must definitely develop their working qualities and a certain amount of physical activity.

At an early age they can cause mischief, damage property, gnaw and bury; if not stopped in time, they will cause a lot of trouble.

During the period of growth and formation, it is important to accustom the puppy to loud sounds, a collar and leash, to go out into crowded places and communicate with other dogs; the faster the puppy socializes, the easier its further education will be. They get along well with other animals, treat children well, and allow a lot - without aggression.

Sometimes they can show character and try to dominate them

They get along well with other animals, treat children well, and allow a lot - without aggression. Sometimes they can show character and try to dominate them.

Having a keen protective instinct, it is not recommended to allow strangers into the territory uncontrollably, otherwise the pet will show rigidity and aggression. If you are hosting guests, introduce your dog to the Druze yourself, showing that you have a positive attitude towards them.

It is not recommended to leave it unattended for a long time and send it to free range, without control. It will respond well to increased physical activity, play in open areas, and will be an excellent companion on a long journey: hunting, fishing.

Due to its large size and unique character, keeping it in a city apartment is impossible. A country house or rural area suits them well. Regular walking with a long load is required, free running will also not be superfluous (without a leash).

Exceptional security capabilities make it necessary to limit the territorial location and exclude the possibility of open doors to the yard.

For combing wool, a medium brush with natural fibers or a medium-length wooden brush is suitable. It is necessary to comb the wool 1-2 times a week, and during the molting period - daily, but using a harder brush - a slicker brush.

Teeth, eyes: you can brush your teeth yourself using a special brush, or regularly give special bones - treats that remove plaque and are good for digestion. If you have bad breath, this indicates poor dental health and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Wipe the eyes with a cotton swab soaked in a chamomile solution, a special eye product available in veterinary stores. Check your mucous membranes regularly and monitor the nature of discharge from your eyes.

  • Ears: clean with veterinary lotion, removing wax plugs with a cotton swab, check for the presence of odor, the nature of the discharge. Mites can hide in the ears, both in the ear canal itself and on the outer shell.
  • Nails: an important component of care is regular cutting. The pet must be accustomed to this procedure from a very early age. Remove nails with a nail clipper 1-2 times a month. With good physical activity, the nails usually grind down on their own, but if this does not happen, then they need to be cut as early as possible, otherwise the dog may be damaged by breaking a nail.

Dog nicknames and price

For male Romanian Shepherds, suitable names are Azart, Aldan, Baron, Berkut, Varyag, Vityaz, Joker, Ogonyok, Typhoon, Champion. A “girl” can be called a squirrel, Astra, Bagheera, Bomb, Groz, Fun or Milady.

As for the cost, it ranges from 15 to 30 thousand rubles .

This dog is harmonious, beautiful, strong and loyal. Its contents will bring a lot of pleasure to both adults and small family members. And in order for the content to be easy and enjoyable, you need to follow safety precautions.

Breed dossier

Country of origin: Romania


Group 1. Herding and cattle dogs, except Swiss cattle dogs

Section 1. Shepherd dogs


In addition to fun games, these “teddy” babies need early training and a firm hand. From a very young age, puppies must understand “who’s boss” and learn to obey commands without question.

Mioritic Shepherd Dogs are naturally disciplined and calm, easy to train, so with proper early education there are no problems with communication. 

In order for a person to be able to control this large and self-confident dog, he must clearly dominate, the shepherd must clearly understand that the owner is the undisputed leader, and his commands must be obeyed unquestioningly. Otherwise, the desire for leadership will make coexistence of this large and strong dog with a person problematic.

Color: white, yellow, light gray, white with gray spots.

Dimensions: Height: 65-85 cm. Weight: 50-65 kg.

General impression: Romanian Mioritic Shepherds look like big teddy bears.

Use: Excellent hunters. Reliable watchmen and security guards.

Physical exercise:

In the Carpathian mountains, shepherd dogs are accustomed to constant movement and large spaces, so they need active training and long daily runs.

Since dogs are susceptible to hip dysplasia, keep your puppy's exercise to a minimum, especially between 6 and 12 months of age.

Personality: Balanced and friendly.

Grooming: Grooming is not difficult. Until the age of two, you should brush your dog for 5-10 minutes daily. Starting from the age of two, it is enough to brush the dog once every few days, depending on the individual characteristics of the dog’s coat.

Accommodation: These dogs are very attached to their owner and family, love children and get along well with them, but are always wary of strangers. These shepherds perceive people as members of their pack.

Diseases: Like other giant breeds, mioritics are susceptible to diseases such as hip dysplasia.

Diet: dry food, cereals, meat, fish.

Life expectancy: 12-14 years.


Representatives of the breed are strong and strong. Their muzzle is large and their head is broad-browed. Dogs have triangular ears that hang down. Large muscles are noticeable on the body. Representatives of the breed have short fur. Their legs are muscular, but slender. Despite such rough body parameters, dogs have a very graceful gait. The color is slightly reminiscent of a wolf, there are black and gray shades.

Character and temperament

Genetically, Podgalyan Shepherd Dogs have developed independence and responsibility. They are characterized by a strong nervous system, they do not show excessive anxiety, they are fearless and selfless. The need to protect, protect, preserve is inherent in them by nature.

Tatra Shepherd Dogs are energetic, mobile, and patient. The temperament is sanguine, the character is persistent and calm. Dogs are sensitive to the approval of the shepherd, that is, the owner

Attention, love and friendship of a person are the best motivator for them

Podgalyanki are social and do not experience hostility towards pets of other species. Get along well with other dogs and cats. They are gentle and tolerant in their relationships with children, they love to play with children. The positive influence of four-legged giants on special children has been noticed.

Polish Shepherds do not tolerate the familiarity of strangers. They treat strangers with caution. If they feel threatened, they attack without warning.

Willfulness and stubbornness are difficult traits in their character.

Security qualities

The Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog is an intelligent, quick-witted animal, accustomed to independence and independence. It triggers the ability to respond quickly and freely in decision-making, which has been built up by many generations.

They never let down their guard under any circumstances. Maintaining the appearance of indifference and calm, dogs are always on guard and always keep the situation under control. They have the ability to perform detective and rescue services; used as couriers and help the police. But their main function remains watchdog. The actions of the Polish Shepherd are intuitively aimed at protection - these qualities do not need to be taught to it.


The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd, like many representatives of this group, is an ancient breed. However, her exact age cannot be established today. The ancestors of these dogs come from the Carpathian-Danube region.

The first breed standard was developed in the 1930s at the Zootechnical National Institute of Romania. The International Canine Federation recognized it relatively recently - in 2015.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is a working breed. And her character is appropriate. This is a one owner dog. The pet is so devoted to the “leader” that in moments of danger it is capable of sacrificing itself for him. He treats the rest of the family with respect and love. Although these feelings cannot compare with the adoration of the owner.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog does not tolerate strangers and treats them quite aggressively, which makes it an excellent watchdog. If you are planning to get a guard dog, take a closer look at this breed. But, of course, like all representatives of the service group, she needs training.

It is unlikely that an amateur will be able to raise such a pet on his own; a professional approach is required. With a shepherd, it is recommended to take not just a general training course, but also a protective guard service course.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is a calm and balanced breed. In order for her representative to truly be such, it is necessary to socialize the puppy in time.

The Shepherd is loyal to children, but the child must know the rules of behavior with pets. It is not advisable to leave children alone with large dogs; games should be supervised by adults.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd is indifferent to its relatives and other animals in the house. How a dog will react to its “neighbors” largely depends on their upbringing.

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd: description of the breed, character, photo

For security:
For children:
Difficulty in care:

Romanian Carpathian Shepherds are strong, large guard dogs. Its main “weapon” is its color, which allows the dog to get lost in a flock of sheep and become inconspicuous to predators (bears or wolves) that may lie in wait for its “wards”.

and care

Keeping a Romanian Shepherd is easier than it seems at first glance. You should not bathe your dog too often: living in nature, he cleanses himself naturally.

But the coat, especially of representatives of the Mioritic variety, should be combed from time to time. Dogs of both varieties of the Carpathian Shepherd breed are very trainable.

Therefore, all dogs are taught to follow commands when they are still puppies.

It's no secret that a dog must be obedient to its owner, because the independent decisions that a dog makes are not always adequate and correct. To avoid troubles in the process of training a Carpathian Shepherd, you need to train the dog strictly and purposefully - then the animal will understand that the owner is dominant and will always dominate.

How to care?

Despite the fact that dogs of these breeds have naturally good health and excellent immunity, they require regular care and a certain regimen.

  • Hygiene. Dogs with such hair should be combed several times a week with a hard comb; during shedding, this should be done every day. Frequent bathing is not recommended, but it is a necessary procedure after shedding. It is necessary to teach the puppy to brush his teeth with special toothpastes, since these dogs, even at a young age, quickly form tartar. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the ears and clean them with antibacterial solutions. Eyes can be wiped with chamomile decoction or a special solution.
  • Conditions of detention. It is strictly not recommended to keep these dogs in a city apartment. The best option is a house outside the city or in the village. Romanian Shepherds need daily, long-term exercise. Carpathian Shepherd Dogs are very formidable watchdogs with a loud voice. Mioritic dogs have a more peaceful disposition and can get along with other dogs in the same yard.
  • Feeding. The main product in the diet of these dogs should be meat and cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. They can be fed dry balanced food for dogs of large breeds with high physical activity. An adult animal is fed 2 times a day, puppies - 4-5 times. It is strictly forbidden to give dogs tubular bones, fatty meat, salty, spicy, fried and sweet foods.
  • Prevention of diseases. You should regularly give your dog age-appropriate vaccinations and visit a veterinarian in a timely manner. Don't forget to treat your animal for ticks and fleas. Maintain hygiene and proper feeding regimen.

They are hardy, naturally have good health and are able to be a devoted friend to their owner for many years.

To learn about the characteristics of shepherd dogs, see the following video.

A little history

Manuscripts from 1359 describe the death of a dog named Molda, who died defending his master, the Moldavian prince Bogdan I, from an angry bull. According to the description, this dog was similar to today's Mioritic Shepherd. There was no further mention of this breed anywhere. Only in 1934-1935 the shepherd was found again and found its way into society. The first standards for the Mioritic Shepherd Dog were adopted by the Romanian Cynological Association in 1981. In the first half of the 80s of the 20th century, about 240 dogs of this breed were registered in Romania.

The first official presentation of the Romanian Mioritic Shepherd took place in Belgium in 1995 at a dog show. Its standards were subsequently changed in 2002. Today, being the owner of a dog of this breed in Romania is considered prestigious.

The appearance of these dogs dates back to 1978, when they began to appear outside the Carpathians. Why exactly this year is considered decisive is still unknown. This breed is described in different ways in the literature, which means that Mioritic Shepherd Dogs have not been fully introduced to the general public. Definitely, this is an Asian type of dog, and accordingly, breeds such as the Komondor, Polish or South Russian Shepherd are considered its distant or close relatives.

In fact, they are more of a herding dog breed. It would not be entirely correct to consider this dog a purebred shepherd. The job of the miorite is to herd the herd to pasture and at the same time protect it from attack by predators. This breed was and is widespread around the borders of Moldova. Shepherds never took much care of the shepherds' coat, so they sheared them every autumn along with the sheep. Even today, in harsh mountain conditions, natural selection is still relevant. As a rule, only the strongest survive. It is also worth noting that today Romania is home to 5,000 bears, 2,500 wolves and 1,500 lynxes, so the need for fearless, strong and healthy dogs capable of fighting these predators is growing every day.

This breed can be found under different names: Romanian Shepherd Dog, Romanian Miorite Shepherd Dog or simply Miorite. Its official name is Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic, which means “lamb” in Romanian. Sometimes you can come across the name Romanian shepherd dog.


With proper feeding, exercise and regular care, life expectancy is from 12 to 16 years. The shepherd dogs themselves are considered healthy without any particular predisposition to serious diseases. In addition, they have decent immunity and tolerate different weather conditions well.

Regularity of vaccination and treatment against parasites comes first

It is important not to miss vaccinations and do them on time. Conduct deworming once every half a year

Due to the abundance of hard hair, ticks often hide in them, provided that the pet is not treated with special means, they are carriers of serious diseases that can be fatal.

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