How to choose an Alabai puppy: pros and cons of the breed, instructions for the buyer, what to look for when buying

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or as it is also called - Alabai, is a beautiful and courageous animal. For many centuries, this dog has helped shepherds protect herds of large and small livestock in difficult conditions of the sandy desert and steppes. This magnificent dog cannot be confused with any other breed. A strong, well-built dog immediately captivates with its nobility of movements, confidence and calmness.

However, anyone who has seen an Alabai in a fight with a predator will immediately understand that a dog can give all its gentle qualities of character only to someone it loves and respects very much, and for others it is a deadly aggressive threat. In this article we will tell you a little more about this unique breed, as well as how to choose the right Central Asian Shepherd puppy, because it is no secret that organizing this process at the very beginning will allow you to avoid many disappointments in your subsequent life with a dog.


So, how to choose an Alabai puppy? Let us note that, regardless of age, all babies are cute. Who is better to choose - a bitch or a dog? Let's look at the features of each:

  1. Males are larger in size and tend to dominate. They are independent and usually don’t mind fighting for dominance in the pack. They need careful training.
  2. Bitches are smaller in size than males. They are calmer and more pliable.

When choosing a dog, you should evaluate your capabilities adequately. If you take a dog into a home with a child, then it is better to pay attention to the bitch. Typically, girls rarely have conflicts with children.

When thinking about how to choose an Alabai puppy for protection, pay attention to the males. They look more serious than females. But when raising an Alabai boy, you need to be very strict in order to gain authority.

Boy or girl: who is better?

An equally important step when purchasing an Alabai puppy is to decide on the gender of the future pet.

Girls of this breed have a calm and balanced disposition; they are easier to train, obedient and flexible. They are patient and affectionate towards children and are perfect as a pet for a family with a small child. But it should be borne in mind that during estrus or in the first two months after the birth of babies, females cannot fully perform the duties of a guard. In addition, during the period of feeding puppies, the behavior of the bitch can become unpredictable, and, protecting her offspring, the new mother is hostile towards other animals and even people she knows.

Alabai girls are more obedient and gentle

Males behave more aggressively and warlike than females; they are formidable and reliable defenders, ready to guard the peace of the owners and the possessions under their control around the clock. Therefore, if a dog is purchased to guard the territory, it is better to opt for a boy. But male dogs have an independent and willful character, and the owner will have to devote a lot of time to training and raising the puppy in order to become a leader and authority in the eyes of the pet.


How to choose the right Alabai puppy? It is advisable to look at several litters (three or four) before making the final choice.

Let's look at the features of the correct "exterior" of a puppy:

  • soft short wool;
  • widely spaced front paws;
  • "plushness";
  • teardrop-shaped head;
  • dark nose;
  • flat forehead;
  • heavy lower jaw;
  • raised ponytail;
  • fleshy lips;
  • massive croup and chest.

Typically, a puppy takes on its physical characteristics from its father, and its character from its mother. It is advisable to look at the parents.

Appearance of Alabai

General impression

Luxurious fur, impressive size, kind character and devotion make the Alabai an indispensable assistant and favorite pet. In the photo, the alabai looks large, but not dangerous and very smart.


The size is proportional to the body, does not stand out, has a straight shape, and a fairly strong structure. The skull itself is flat, elongated, connected to the occipital lobe.


Charcoal eyelids. The eyes are elongated in shape, have a small cut, and are located far from each other on the head. Eye color is often a light or dark chocolate shade.


The triangular ears of the Alabai are dropped down and, due to their drooping shape, are cropped in some countries where this action is not prohibited by law.


This breed has a powerful neck with well-developed muscles. Not long, has a distinctive feature - a noticeable dewlap.


The chest is voluminous, descends to the bend of the limbs, connects to the back, expanding from the chest to the spine. The body of a Central Asian is massive, but not overweight, with noticeable muscles.


The strong, wide tail tapers towards the end. Slightly curved shape, straightens after shortening. Depending on the mood, it can straighten or curl into a snail.


They are distinguished by a special shape of bones, flexibility of the elbow, and an underdeveloped jumping apparatus. The ends of the paws are round, with strong claws and protective pads on the back.

Hind limbs

Strong bones, evenly positioned in relation to each other. Well developed. Located at a greater distance than the front part of the limb.


The glassy structure of the coat allows dogs to maintain a clean, shiny appearance for a long time. The thick undercoat does not require complex care. Doesn't curl. In spring, a period of heavy molting begins.


Alabai colors can be completely different: from brick to ivory or deep black. More often there are dogs with a light shade of fur.


The weight of alabai is rather large, especially in adult individuals. Males can weigh more than 52 kg, and females - at least 41. The height of Alabai at the withers of a female is from 64 cm and more, of a male - more than 72 cm.

Of course, the size of the alabai suggests that it will be kept in a country house or in a very spacious apartment.


So how to choose an Alabai puppy? There are criteria by which it is very easy to determine which baby to take. Let's look at them:

  1. Long wool. This means that this is not a purebred Alabai, but a mixture with a Caucasian Shepherd.
  2. Hanging lips, a very large number of folds. Such a dog will most likely have problems with joints and skin in the future. There is a chance that it will grow loose.
  3. Obvious health problems. Cloudy eyes, a rash on the body, redness, an unpleasant odor - these are signs that such a puppy is not suitable for you. Perhaps he was not looked after enough or kept incorrectly.
  4. Excess weight. A puppy with such a problem is already at risk. If he has weight loss at this age, then problems with bones and joints are possible in the future.

Of course, it is better to buy a dog from trusted breeders or good kennels. For a baby with a pedigree you will need to pay about a thousand dollars. You can find a puppy without documents for two hundred dollars.

Where and how to buy

If you have seriously decided to buy a large breed dog and already know how to distinguish a purebred dog from a purebred one, then you also need to know where Central Asian shepherd dogs are sold. Today it won’t be difficult to buy a four-legged friend. For example, you can view advertisements for the sale of Central Asian Shepherds on the Internet. However, keep in mind the fact that a “blind” transaction is fraught with many surprises.

Similar article: Best nicknames for Alabai boys and girls

Firstly, when purchasing a pet based on a photo, you will not be able to predict in advance what kind of character the puppy will have. Secondly, sales through online advertisements are often carried out by fraudulent breeders who pass off defective dogs as purebreds.

The second place where you can choose a dog is the so-called “bird” market. As in the previous option, when buying a pet at the "bird" market, you should not count on the dog being purebred. If you are lucky and find a good breeder, you will become the owner of a dog with excellent service and security qualities. However, the market often sells mixed breeds or animals with defects, which will become noticeable as the four-legged animal grows up.

If you are interested in a purebred dog with a good pedigree, go to the kennel. Please note that a purebred Alabai must have documents, in particular the puppy's birth certificate, a certificate of origin or pedigree, as well as a veterinary passport.

Features of behavior

When figuring out how to choose an Alabai puppy, also pay attention to its behavior. You can choose a dog with a healthy psyche using the following test. You need to throw the keys towards the puppies. Those who run up to the object will not be afraid and have leadership inclinations. This means he can become a good guard. An active and restless puppy may have learning problems in the future.

Raising puppies

In order for the Central Asian Shepherd Alabai to grow up docile and manageable, you need to take a small puppy for training. The owner should spend a decent amount of time playing with the pet, because this way he not only has fun, but also learns the main lesson in life: who plays what roles, who dominates and who submits.

Like all small children, puppies are not very obedient and will refuse to do anything they don't want to do. The goal of a person is to stimulate learning through arousing interest.

Right actions should be rewarded. For this purpose, some kind of treat is suitable, which is not part of the daily diet. But it’s also a good idea to educate with treats, so you can actively use affection, for example, stroking the scruff of the neck. Kind words should a priori be familiar to the tailed one.

Contrary to popular belief, physical punishment can make a puppy angry. Perhaps at first the hidden anger will not appear, but one day there is a risk of becoming a victim of the dog’s aggression for past “merits”.

Required documents

When thinking about how to choose an Alabai puppy, do not forget about the documents. Only their presence can be a reliable confirmation of the breed. The following documents are required for the dog:

  1. Pedigree. This document confirms the breed. It contains the necessary information about the ancestors.
  2. Veterinary passport. It contains notes about the vaccines given.

You should not take risks buying alabai without documents. So, as a result, a cute puppy may turn into a completely different dog than you expected. In addition, he may have some hereditary diseases.

Video “All about the Alabai breed”

From this video you will learn details about the popular Alabai dog breed.

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How to choose an Alabai puppy? What should you pay attention to?

First, ask the breeder how many puppies are in the litter. The best option is six. If there are more of them, then we cannot exclude the risk that some baby was underfed. Such puppies are prone to various diseases in the future.

It is best to buy a puppy at the age of three months and not earlier than two. During this period, the dog adapts best to new living conditions.

When choosing a puppy, remember that females are more active, calm, but not so self-confident. Great for families with children. Males tend to be larger and more aggressive. They are best suited for protection, but are less attached to the house and owners.

In a healthy puppy:

  • shiny wool;
  • wet nose;
  • a good appetite;
  • clean ears, skin and eyes;
  • there is no hernia.

At two to three months, puppies should already have cropped ears and tails.

Is it possible to pick up a puppy at 45 days?

If the puppy is a large breed, then they will be activated only at 45 days, otherwise he will be left without documents (well, if everything is done according to the rules), and accordingly, pick up at the earliest at 45 days.

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Many people are interested in learning how to choose a good Alabai puppy. Remember that despite the breed, each dog has its own character. Now we will look at the main temperaments of Alabai puppies:

  1. Choleric. Active, energetic. He is interested in everything and needs constant games and attention. When choosing a pet with this temperament, expect things to be scattered and slippers to be chewed off.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Such a puppy sleeps and eats, and there is laziness in behavior. Usually good-natured. A puppy or dog with such a temperament will never offend a child; he will tolerate all his pranks. During the training process you need to work hard. Such a dog learns quite slowly (due to its laziness).
  3. Sanguine. It is an ideal family companion. He is cheerful, kind, smart and brave. It is easier to train him, since the reaction of inhibition and excitability is at the same level.

Diseases of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

  • Height – from 65 cm.
  • Weight – from 40 kg.
  • Without class - about 10 - 15 thousand rubles.
  • PET class – 20 – 25 thousand rubles.
  • BRID class – 25 – 35 thousand rubles.
  • SHOW class – up to 45 thousand rubles.

Life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years.

Who is the breed suitable for? Who won't suit it?
  • Sedentary person.
  • Weak people.
  • Women.
  • Children.
  • Amateur in dog breeding.
How do you treat other pets and dogs while walking?
Due to the fact that for several thousand years the Alabai has defended its territory from wolves, it is extremely hostile to dogs. During a walk, a Central Asian Shepherd can easily tear apart a dog walking nearby. He has few equals in battle, so you should take the dog’s upbringing very seriously and teach him unquestioning obedience from a very young age.
On the other hand, the breed is quite loyal to puppies and pets (even cats). Moreover, the Alabai will protect pets on its territory.
How often and for how long should you walk?
It is necessary to walk away from people and animals. The duration of walking per day is at least 2 – 3 hours. Preferably in an area where the dog can run freely without a leash. Lack of walking leads to obesity, arthrosis and arthritis.
Is it possible to keep it on a chain in the yard?
A proud dog with an independent disposition will not tolerate such humiliating content. On a chain, the shepherd will be in a constant state of stress, tension and at the same time boredom. At the same time, such content has the most negative effect on the dog’s health: the muscles weaken, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.
The best option would be a spacious enclosure for your pet. In any case, the Alabai needs walking and constant communication with the owner.
Who is stronger - the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd?
The characteristics of the Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd breeds are very similar, so even an experienced dog handler will not give a definite answer to this question. The breeds differ in temperament: the Alabai is more flexible, the Caucasian Shepherd has an explosive character; For a Caucasian, all strangers are enemies; for an Alabai, only those who pose a real threat. But physiologically the breeds are extremely similar, which is why the outcome of the proposed fight cannot be predicted.
How to care for wool? Does it shed a lot?
The Central Asian Shepherd sheds heavily once a year - in the spring. This is another reason why the dog should not be kept in an apartment. During the rest of the year, the coat sheds moderately. For grooming, it is enough to comb your pet about 1 – 2 times a week.


Remember that when choosing, you should pay attention to appearance. In this case, the animal must have clean eyes and ears, as mentioned above. The teeth should be straight and the gums should be pink. The wool is no longer than eight centimeters. Otherwise, it is not a purebred Alabai, but a mixture of Caucasian Shepherd and SAO.

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