Why do professionals recommend clicker training: the principle and disadvantages of the method. Types of clickers, price

The dog clicker is designed for comfortable training and allows you to achieve significant results in a short time. Modern training considers this method effective both for performing circus tricks and for learning basic commands. Clicker training involves the use of a conditioned reflex system. With the help of such a signal, you can teach the dog all the main commands and at the same time use games.

Clicker for fast dog training

When to use a dog clicker:

  • to improve animal behavior;
  • for preliminary preparation of a dog for competitions;
  • if it is necessary to train a dog to hunt, or to perform at an exhibition. This device is actively used for training service dogs;
  • Suitable for training puppies as well as older dogs. In a separate case, training is carried out based on individual parameters.

The use of conditioning is at the core of clicker training. The main thing is to strictly follow the entire plan: 1. Put food in front of the dog. The smell will cause salivation and a certain reflex; 2. Turn on the signal and place a bowl of food. But only before feeding; 3. Frequent repetition of the signal, even without food, will provoke a reflex in the dog. Using a click as a signal will provoke pleasant emotions and joyful anticipation in the dog.

Beginner trainers and dog owners can proceed gradually using the following method:

  • Introductory lesson . To conduct it, you need to find a quiet, calm place so that the dog hears only the clear sound of the clicker. You need to click and give the animal a treat. There should be as short a time as possible between the signal and the serving of the treat. The exercise can be carried out about 20 times, periodically allowing the animal to rest or play;
  • Continue training . Do the same as in the introductory lesson, only the food should be hidden either in a bag or in a cabinet. You need to call the animal closer to you, click and only then take out the treat. It is necessary to change the time and environment for classes more often. You can also do exercises at home and outside. In addition, take a break to play more often. The purpose of the exercise: to let the animal understand that after clicking he gets food. Sometimes it is necessary to set aside several weeks for this so that the dog gets used to the signal and the subsequent action;
  • End of exercise . When the animal understands the principle of the exercise, you can begin training and learn commands.

The success and result of the training will depend on the frequent execution of the exercise, as well as on the correctly calculated time interval. To speed up the process, you should not point the clicker directly at the animal, the main thing is that the sound is clear, without additional sounds.

How to make training as effective as possible

  • Classes should last no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Training of a new team should take place in a quiet, calm environment.
  • The dog must be relatively hungry and willing to work for food.
  • The tastier the treat, the more eagerly the pet will try to complete the task.
  • It is important for the owner to learn how to press the button in time. It's not as simple as it seems.
  • When working with very active animals, sometimes an assistant is needed to click instead of the owner.

A clicker makes it easier to teach complex tricks

Basic rules for training with a device

To properly train your dog, you need to know how to use a clicker correctly. There are some rules:

  • Do not start learning commands if the animal does not have a conditioned reflex. First you need to establish good contact with the animal, spend more time and use additional techniques to improve behavior;
  • Using a signal, you need to confirm the animal’s correct action; if the command is performed incorrectly, you need to say it out and not give the treat. This is necessary so that the animal does not develop incorrect reflexes;
  • Do not use a signal to attract attention. It is better not to use a clicker to play the game or just use the signal for the sake of it. It is recommended to show your dog the device only during training;
  • The dog itself must understand why it receives food. Good behavior will be reinforced with a click, and the animal will receive a treat. This is why a time frame is needed; long breaks in this practice are not advisable. It is better to achieve results and maintain them;
  • If you want results, you need to increase the number of workouts and increase the amount of food. Such encouragement will only improve results, and the animal will follow commands well;

If a dog shows results, it should be rewarded twice as much. Such actions should not be frequent, but for the animal this is an additional incentive. If an animal performs incorrect actions, you should not focus on this, it is better to use the signal several times additionally. But you should take a long pause between clicks.

Using the clicker training method is not designed for command. It reinforces a certain type of behavior and helps to form the correct behavior. Unlike conventional training, the use of clicks is gentler and does not suppress the animal’s natural behavior.

Once you have achieved results, using the clicker is no longer necessary. But it won’t hurt to conduct periodic training. If the result was good only within the house, you can train outside. Create different conditions for the dog and ensure that commands are followed, regardless of the situation.

The essence of the method

Positive reinforcement involves training an animal not by punishing incorrect behavior, but by approving correct behavior.

A clicker is a device that makes a sound when you press a button. You can buy it at any pet store. It is inexpensive and extremely easy to use. But there is also a very cheap alternative to a clicker - a clicking pen.


The clicker emits a specific sound signal. With its help, the dog understands that it has performed the right action and will soon receive a reward. A click is not a reward, but a signal about it. Be sure to reward your pet: pet it or give it something tasty.

What is a dog clicker

The clicker itself is a small box with a metal insert inside. If you press this insert, the device makes a certain click. Many people believe that the mechanism contains ultrasound or infrared light, but this opinion is incorrect. A click is a click, which can have a beneficial effect on an animal’s behavior if trained correctly.

Advantages of the device:

  • Unique device sound. There are no analogues to this sound in nature, and an animal in another place will not be able to hear it. If you use words like “Yes” and “Great” during training, you can also use them in life, and the dog will perceive this as a positive signal;
  • The clicking sound of a special mechanism is always a constant sound. No other click, whistle or voice can reproduce the same sound, and even several times a minute. Such a sound is remembered very well by the animal and it will not be able to confuse them with other sounds;
  • Compact, lightweight device. There is no other similar device;
  • Various squeaky toys and whistles cannot replace this device;
  • Usually the clicker is made of high-strength plastic with a special bracelet that is convenient to attach to your hand;
  • Having a clicker does not mean the dog behaves perfectly at that moment.
  • The main thing is to use the device correctly and often;
  • A training device will only help if there is already contact between the owner and the dog. Only in this case will training be truly effective;

A dog clicker should not be used as a substitute for praise. Praising your dog is very important and should be done during training and games, even if the animal does not follow commands correctly. In this case, it is worth spending more time on exercises.

Basic Clicker Functions

The main function of the clicker is to encourage the animal to act correctly. The device can be used for training both large animals and small puppies. Dogs are prepared in a similar way for participation in circus acts, competitions, exhibitions, and also for hunting.

This method of raising animals is currently considered the most effective and safe, since the training process does not require the use of punishment, which can traumatize the dog’s psyche.

Tips for use, where to buy a clicker

A properly structured training system will have an effect and the animal will quickly learn commands.

  1. Training should be carried out at a time when the animal is hungry. If the animal is full, it may not want to follow commands for food. It is advisable to change the treat from time to time so that the dog does not get used to it and refuse;
  2. The duration of the exercises should be about 15 – 20 minutes. It is advisable to conduct at least 2-3 workouts per day;
  3. When using a clicker, you should only give food that the animal can eat immediately without choking. Various treats can be purchased at a pet store, and you can also use your favorite food (cheese, various vegetables). These should be small pieces that are easy for your dog to consume;
  4. You should only exercise with your dog in a good mood; the activity should be a joy for you and your pet. If you are in a good mood, the dog senses it and the desire to borrow is many times greater. If you feel anger or rage, it is better not to work with the animal that day, so as not to cause negative associations in the dog;
  5. If you have problems or there is no result from training for a long time, contact a dog breeder for help. This could be a trainer or handler who is well versed in the behavior of dogs of different breeds.

Additionally, you can consult with a veterinarian and trainer. Only this approach will be truly effective. You can buy a clicker at any pet store, after first making sure of the quality of the device. You can also check the sound quality at the time of purchase. If you don’t have a chance to buy in a store, you can order on the Internet, where you will get acquainted with the models.

Is it possible to make a clicker with your own hands?

You can make the device yourself at home. This doesn't require any special talent. You just need to find a small object that will produce a characteristic click.

For these purposes, you can use a baby food cap, a piezo lighter element, or a ballpoint pen with a button. However, if the product breaks, you will subsequently have to look for it with the same sound.

Proper use of a dog training device will help you achieve the desired result faster. A special mutual understanding will arise between the animal and the owner; the dog will independently guess what they want from it.

Conclusions about using a clicker

Using a clicker to train dogs is now a popular practice. This is a simple device with a unique sound that will help you quickly learn basic commands and improve the animal’s behavior without affecting the psyche and emotional state of the animal. Proper training will allow you to learn basic commands in a few days.

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What's good about a clicker?

Increases dog's confidence

Because this is a method of positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement, the dog will not be afraid to make a mistake. This gives the pet confidence in its actions.

Increases the dog's initiative

One of the advantages of this method is the development of creativity in animals. Knowing that in order to receive a reward you need to do something, the dog will be more willing to try to guess the owner’s wishes.

Allows you to achieve results most quickly

Clicker Bridging Stimulus Efficacy Research. have shown that clicker training produces results faster than other methods. Scientists conducted an experiment in which two groups of dogs were taught commands using different methods. Clicker-trained dogs learned new behaviors 20 minutes faster than those trained only with words. To achieve the result using the clicker method, 38 fewer primary reinforcers were needed.

Generates in the dog a desire to obey

Since the owner does not resort to violence in training, but uses positive reinforcement, the dog trusts him. Training is associated with positive emotions, not fear.

What is his secret?

The clicker is simple, like everything ingenious. It does not emit ultrasonic waves and infrared radiation, and even more so it does not cause pain to the animal. So how does it work and what is its secret?

The secret of the clicker lies in the clicks it makes. These clicks are practically inaudible to humans, but dogs have remarkable hearing. A similar sound does not exist in nature; pets quickly get used to it and associate clicks with praise and pleasure.

The technique of training animals using sound signals has long been perfected on dolphins. Special sounds help animals understand the owner’s requirements faster than human speech and gestures.

Myths and legends of the “magic box”

The popularity of the method is growing, which means that new myths about clicker training are appearing.

Here are the most common:

  • Myth one : clicker training is universal. Any dog ​​can easily learn whatever his heart desires! In reality : only a properly built relationship between dog and owner is universal. Only then will training be effective.
  • Myth two (directly opposite): clicker training does not allow you to get trouble-free work from your dog, because the only action available is encouragement. House tricks are the limit of what a dog will learn. In reality : clicker training is not just a reward! It provides for punishment: ignoring. There are facts in favor of clicker training: in many countries, assistance dogs, sports dogs whose training included clicker training, work with enthusiasm and tirelessly!
  • Myth three : a clicker is a “talisman” for life. Without this device, the dog will not work! In fact : just the opposite! The training stage is when a clicker is needed. He is needed only as a translator and interpreter for the dog. When the required skill has been mastered and the stage of explanation has been completed, there is no need for a clicker.
  • Myth four : Will my praise for my beloved dog be replaced by some kind of mechanical box without a soul? Never! In reality : a clicker is not a substitute for praise, but an addition. When you praise your dog, this is the highest value for him, you are telling him that you love him. A click during clicker training is a sign that the dog is doing everything correctly and will be rewarded for it. If there is no reward, the value of the clicker drops. Every click needs encouragement. Whether it is food or play depends on what interests the dog more.

What can you do with it?

Using the clicker is very simple; even a child can cope with this task. You can start training your four-legged friend with its help at puppyhood.

When the pet has fulfilled the command, request or instruction of the owner, or is simply behaving approximately, just press the button and the dog will hear the coveted click, after which he must be given a treat.

Gradually, the dog, at the subconscious level, begins to associate the sound of the clicker with the execution of the command and understands that tasty reward will follow. Thus, a conditioned reflex is formed in the animal and the “click - executed command” pair works 99% effectively.

A clicker is a very useful thing. It is easy to use and affordable. It can be used to train any breed of dog. It will be one hundred percent useful for beginners and professionals.

Helpful information

  1. If the dog does not perceive sounds due to deafness, then a clicker, of course, is not needed. An analogue of sound can be a light signal (flashlight or laser).
  2. There are dogs that are overly sensitive to loud noises and the clicking sound of a clicker can frighten them. In such a situation, the device can be wrapped in thick fabric, which will muffle the sound it makes, and the dog will be more comfortable. You can also use the clicker while holding your hand in your pocket.
  3. Once the dog has completely mastered the necessary commands and there are no further plans for further training, you don’t have to carry the clicker with you.
  4. Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question: is it possible to replace the clicker click with any other sound? Yes, you can find analogues for the clicker (an automatic pen or lighter will do). The main condition is that this sound is familiar to the dog, and it reacts to it accordingly. In this case, it is better not to use analogues elsewhere, for their intended purpose, so as not to mislead the dog.
  5. The gentle impact of clicks, similar to those produced by the animal training device, even had an effect on people. For gamers, the clicker game “Mining Dog” was created - this is a flash game in which actions are performed by clicking the mouse buttons. This is an activity that helps you relax and simply enjoy the gameplay to the soothing sound of clicks.

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