Bravecto for dogs: review of the dangers of the tablet. The whole truth about the drug.

The drug Bravecto Spot On for dogs is a solution for external use with insecticidal and acaricidal action. Effective against ectoparasites such as fleas and ticks. The medicine also prevents the development of diseases caused by infected parasitic individuals.

A transparent solution is available in special applicators for spot application. Better known as Bravecto drops on the withers for dogs. Before using an ectoparasiticide for external use, it is recommended to study the instructions for use in detail.

Information about the composition and dosage types

1 ml of liquid ectoparasiticide contains 280 mg of fluralaner (the main active ingredient).

The manufacturer produces Bravecto Spot On drops against ticks in 5-fold dosages. Animals of different weight categories have their own dose unit. The contents of one tube cannot be divided into several doses and stored after opening.

Bravecto Spot It for dogs weighing over 2 kg is available in 0.4 ml applicators. The tube contains 112.5 mg of active ingredient. This dosage is sufficient for small animals weighing up to 4.5 kg. The drug can be used in dogs over 1.2 kg on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

For larger pets, the manufacturer produces fluralaner in 0.89 ml pipettes. The dosage of the drug is 250 mg. Designed for animals weighing more than 4.5 kg. The drug is effective for dogs in the weight category up to 10 kg.

The next dosage of the drug is 500 mg, produced in a volume of 1.79 ml. Suitable for medium-sized pets weighing more than 10 kg. Suitable for animals up to 20 kg.

Bravecto Spot It solution for dogs 1000 mg is intended for larger dogs that weigh from 21 to 40 kg. Each applicator with this dosage contains 3.57 ml of solution.

The maximum dose in which the ectoparasiticide is produced is 1400 mg (pipette contains 5 ml of solution). Suitable only for very large breeds. Used in individuals from 41 to 56 kg.

For heavier dogs, you will need to select several dosages of fluralaner per 1 kg. For example, an animal weighing 76 kg will need drugs marked on the packaging as 1400 and 500 mg (2 pipettes of 5 ml and 1.79 ml).


Bravecto is used to prevent and protect against flea infestations and insecticidal mite attacks. Despite the abundance of side effects, the manufacturer classifies the drug as low-hazard and effective: the medicine begins to act in the first 2 hours after administration, and within 12 hours all parasites on the animal’s body die.

Fleas and ticks don't just bother dogs by causing itching. They are carriers of many dangerous diseases. With the bite of an ectoparasite, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the pet's body. Some types of ticks are causative agents of piroplasmosis. The disease is considered seasonal, and its danger lies in the fact that it may not show noticeable signs for a long time. And not a single owner will connect the serious condition of the dog in the fall with a tick bite in the summer.

The disease can begin suddenly - with a sharp increase in temperature to 40-42 degrees. Pyroplasmas, penetrating into the pet’s blood, destroy red blood cells: they are the main transporters of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. Other characteristic signs of the disease:

  • severe vomiting - often with blood;
  • blood in the urine, changing its color to black;
  • weakness, lethargy, apathy.

Pyroplasmas affect the kidneys and liver. Without treatment, the animal may die.

Flea attacks are also not harmless. In animals with weakened immune systems, with advanced flea infestation, large loss of blood can lead to anemia (anemia). In addition, fleas are intermediate hosts of tapeworm, a cucumber tapeworm that parasitizes the intestines of animals. This tapeworm can reach a length of up to 50-70 cm, causing exhaustion and decreased immunity in dogs, especially puppies.

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Fleas often cause allergic reactions in animals - so-called flea dermatitis. Wounds on the skin when scratched provide access to the pet's body for many pathogenic organisms. Bravecto, like other insecticidal drugs, can be used to protect against ectoparasites.

pharmachologic effect

Bravecto solution is drops for dogs based on fluralaner, which is a potent ectoparasiticide. The active substance immobilizes parasitic organisms on the skin of an animal due to its paralyzing effect.

After application, fluralaner is rapidly absorbed into the epidermis and hair follicles, after which it penetrates into the capillaries and other tissues of the body.

The active component reaches its highest concentration in lipid cells, liver, muscles and kidneys.

The gradual elimination and long-term preservation of the drug in the plasma ensures pesticide activity against parasites for 12 weeks. The medication is removed from the body in unchanged form.

Composition and action

The active ingredient in Bravecto is fluralaner. It belongs to the isoxazoline group, as do many herbicides, pesticides and insectoacaricides. By binding to chloride channels in the cells of the nervous and muscle systems, fluralaner blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death of ectoparasites. The drug is toxic to animals and therefore requires extreme caution when used.

Important! To date, there is no sufficient data on the effect of the drug on the animal body: the drug was studied over a short period of time, so it is impossible to talk about its safety. In Europe, Bravecto was banned for a long time: sad statistics give such figures - more than 5,000 cases of severe consequences after taking the drug, about 300 of which were fatal.

The medicine works simply: its active components accumulate in the tissues of the skin, and when a parasitic insect bites, it enters the body. Due to the high concentration of toxic substances, the effectiveness of the drug is up to 3 months.

The danger of Bravecto is that it is easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract of animals, penetrates the blood plasma and concentrates in the liver, muscle tissue, and urinary organs. Considering the negative effect that the medicine can have on the pet’s kidneys and liver, it should absolutely not be used for self-medication.

Indications and contraindications

Bravecto Spot On drops for dogs are prescribed for the following purposes:

  • Destruction of already parasitic ticks.
  • Fighting fleas.
  • Allergic reactions caused by fleas.
  • Reducing the risk of piroplasmosis in dogs caused by the bite of an infected tick.
  • Treatment of otodectosis, better known as ear scabies.

Bravecto solution is indicated for use throughout the entire season of tick activity for preventive purposes.

Bravecto Spot He drops for dogs, the instructions do not recommend use by animals weighing less than 1200 g and puppies under 2 months of age.

About the manufacturer

Bravecto was developed by employees of the international corporation Intervet GesmbH, which produces veterinary drugs and vaccines. The company originated in 1949 in the Netherlands. During its existence, it opened representative offices in 50 countries. Since 2009, it became part of the oldest pharmaceutical company Merck, and in 2011 changed its name to MSD Animal Health.

Bravecto tablets have been produced since 2014 at Intervet GesmbH in Vienna. In 2015 they appeared in Russia. The drug is distributed by Intervet LLC in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. In 2022, a solution for applying Bravecto Spot On to the withers was approved in Russia; it is produced in the USA.

Importance of using an ectoparasiticide

Ectoparasites living on dogs are capable of transmitting pathogens of infectious diseases to the animal. For example, fleas often provoke allergic dermatitis, anemia and helminthic infestation in animals. And the bite of an infected tick is dangerous for the development of diseases:

  • babesiosis (pyroplasmosis);
  • ehrlichiosis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • anaplasmosis

Babesiosis is an infectious disease that leads to the rupture of red blood cells. In severe cases of the disease, the dog develops anemia and malfunction of internal organs. The condition is fatal.

Ehrlichiosis provokes the development of anemia, loss of appetite, depressed state of the animal and internal bleeding.

Lyme disease leads to damage to the nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Anaplasmosis is dangerous due to atony of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

In what cases can a veterinarian prescribe the drug?

Definitely, with the arrival of the warm season (from spring to autumn), unpleasant external parasites awaken, which can bother not only the pet, but also its owner. Insects cause dangerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans. In some cases, external preparations do not help get rid of even 50% of pests.

The veterinarian prescribes the drug as a strong medicine against fleas and ticks, as well as diseases caused by hotel species: aphanipterosis, acarosis, allergic dermatitis. Treatment is carried out either once for one-time protection (about 12 weeks), or prophylactically for a whole year.

How to use correctly

The instructions for use recommend opening the applicator with Bravecto drops for dogs immediately before use.

The tube is held at the base with the tip up. The cap is turned in any direction one full turn (not completely removed).

During manipulation, a click should occur, which is a signal that the pipette is opened and the drug is ready for use.

When using Bravecto in liquid form, the animal's back should be parallel to the floor. The tip of the applicator is placed in the area between the pet's shoulder blades, after spreading the fur.

For small breeds and puppies, Bravecto drops are applied in one place. With a large dosage for large breeds, the contents of the pipette are distributed pointwise over the entire ridge - from the shoulder blades to the croup (base of the tail).

Applying a large amount of solution in one place will lead to the drug running off the animal’s skin and reducing the effectiveness of the drug as a whole.

The dosage for puppies is similar to that used in adult dogs and is determined based on the body weight of the animal over 8 weeks of age. The same rule of application applies to pregnant and lactating bitches.

Do not allow your pet to come into contact with those areas of the body where the drops were applied until the skin is completely dry.

After the procedure, the animal is not bathed for 3 days and is not allowed to come into contact with bodies of water.

The next treatment against ticks with Bravecto drops for dogs is carried out strictly after 12 weeks.

Truth and fiction about Bravecto, is it worth buying?

Bravecto is used to protect dogs from fleas, ixodid ticks, subcutaneous mites (demodex), scabies mites (sarcoptic mange) and ear mites (otodectosis).

One Bravecto ® tablet protects your dog against fleas and ticks for 12 weeks (85 days). Link to instructions

The active substance fluralaner blocks the nerve endings of fleas and ticks, leading to their paralysis and death.

Bravecto® is used for puppies from 8 weeks of age, all breeds and weighing from 2 kg.

You can touch and pet your dog immediately after giving Bravecto®. Children or other animals can have contact with the dog without restrictions.

You can go for a walk immediately after you have given the tablet to your dog.

You can bathe your dog, including with shampoo, and in ponds, regardless of the period of administration of Bravecto®, without restrictions and additional treatments.


1. How does Bravecto work?

After you give your dog Bravecto®, the active substance is absorbed and distributed throughout the dog’s body, protecting the animal’s entire body, including the most vulnerable places (the inner surface of the ears, armpits, between the paw pads, abdomen, groin area). In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Bravecto is classified as a low-hazard substance and in recommended doses does not have a negative effect on the dog’s body. Bravecto ® is used for puppies from 8 weeks of age, all breeds and weighing from 2 kg.

Can be used by pregnant and lactating dogs under the supervision of a veterinarian. Bravecto ® acts after a flea or tick bite occurs. Your dog will be free of fleas within 8 hours and ticks within 12 hours. Research shows that Bravecto® helps prevent possible infection of dogs with babesiosis (pyroplasmosis), one of the dangerous diseases caused by ixodid ticks.

2. Tips for use

How to use?

Bravecto® can be used shortly before, during or after feeding. For dogs of all breeds weighing at least 2 kg, including puppies from 8 weeks of age. Make sure your dog actually swallows the entire tablet without spitting it out. Bravecto ® has a pleasant aroma and taste, so your pet can easily like it.

When can you go for a walk?

You can go for a walk immediately after you have given your dog the Bravecto® tablet. Including in the rain and snow.

3. FAQ

1.How to take Bravecto® tablet or its combinations correctly?

1. At the time of purchase of Bravecto ®, you must know the exact weight of your dog and, according to the instructions, select the appropriate tablet or combination of tablets at a dosage of 25-56 mg/kg.

2. You can give your dog a tablet shortly before, during or immediately after feeding.

3. After 12 weeks, repeat taking the drug.

If you are the owner of a puppy whose body weight increases more than stated on the package within 12 weeks of taking Bravecto ® , you can take another Bravecto ® tablet after 8 weeks.

2. What should I do if my dog ​​refuses to eat Bravecto®?

According to a study, 92% of dogs voluntarily eat Bravecto. If your dog refuses to eat the tablet for any reason, give Bravecto with a small amount of food at the next feeding.

3. Can a dog have contact with children or other dogs immediately after taking Bravecto®?

Yes, the active substance (fluralaner) is absorbed and systemically distributed throughout the dog’s body, leaving no substances on the skin and fur, interaction with which could be dangerous for children or other animals.

4. Is this not dangerous for my dog?

Bravecto ® in terms of the degree of impact on the body is classified as a “low-hazard” substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76); in recommended doses it does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic, or mutagenic effects when used in accordance with the instructions.

7. How long does Bravecto® last?

The drug works against fleas and ticks for a 12-week period. The effect on fleas that have bitten a dog occurs within 8 hours (from the moment of the bite), on ticks - within 12 hours (also from the moment of the bite).

8. Can I give Bravecto® if a tick is found on my dog?

Yes, you can. Bravecto® is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of tick and flea infestations. But we also recommend that you consult a veterinarian to rule out infections.

9. I calculated the dosage incorrectly, what should I do?

In case of incorrect dose selection or difficulties in calculating the drug, you should consult a veterinarian and read the instructions for use of Bravecto®.

10. In what cases should Bravecto® not be taken?

It is not recommended to use Bravecto ® in puppies under 8 weeks of age and/or dogs weighing less than 2 kg. For dogs with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

11. How long does it take for ticks that bite a dog to die?

Bravecto ® has an effect on ticks within 12 hours (from the moment of the bite), blocking the transmission of nerve impulses and causing paralysis of the parasite.

12. What features does Bravecto® have?

Bravecto® is distributed throughout the body and provides the same effect on ectoparasites on any part of the body. If the tick tries to attach itself to the most vulnerable places on the dog’s body: the inner surface of the ears, armpits, abdomen, groin, eyelids, anus, prepuce, sometimes the mucous membranes of the mouth, then Bravecto® will have the necessary effect here too. Bravecto® protects for 12 weeks and reduces the risk of missing your next monthly treatment. You can touch and pet your dog immediately after giving Bravecto®. Children or other animals can have contact with the dog without restrictions. You can go for a walk immediately after you have given the tablet to your dog. You can bathe your dog, including with shampoo, and in ponds, regardless of the period of administration of Bravecto®, without restrictions and additional treatments. Bravecto® can be used to treat flea dermatitis in dogs, as well as to treat demodicosis (caused by subcutaneous mites), sarcoptic mange (caused by scabies mites) and otodectosis (caused by ear mites).

13. Can I take the pills if my dog ​​is pregnant?

If necessary, the drug may be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a veterinarian.

14. Are there any side effects after using Bravecto®?

Side effects and complications when using the drug in accordance with the instructions, as a rule, are not observed. In rare cases, loss of appetite, salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. EMA, Rosselkhoznadzor, instructions for use of Bravecto ®.

15. Is Bravecto® tablet compatible with other medications?

With the simultaneous use of Bravecto ® with anthelmintic drugs, insectoacaricidal collars, glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, no adverse reactions or decrease in the effectiveness of the drug were detected. EMA, Rosselkhoznadzor, instructions for use of Bravecto ®.

16. Is it true that Bravecto® causes serious health problems, including organ failure?

Current research data and analysis of side effects do not show a cause-and-effect relationship between the use of Bravecto ® and the occurrence of liver and kidney diseases

17. Does Bravecto contain wheat and gluten?

Bravecto does not contain gluten.

18. Is Bravecto safe for dogs with the ABCB1 gene mutation (MDR1) in collies and related breeds?

Bravecto is well tolerated by dogs with the MDR1 gene.

4. About the safety of Bravecto

More than 60 million doses of Bravecto have been administered to dogs in 72 countries. In the case of Bravecto, the rate of reported side effects was low. The European Medicines Agency defines a low rate of side effects as being between one in 10,000 (0.01%) and one in 1,000 (0.1%). Even before the first regulatory approval of the drug, the safety of Bravecto was confirmed through a comprehensive clinical research program. MSD Animal Health has carefully reviewed Bravecto data from more than 55 controlled clinical studies worldwide

5. About the company

For over 100 years, MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) has been one of the leading international healthcare companies. MSD is a trademark of Merck & Co., Inc., headquartered in Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA. Currently, Merck Animal Health (MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada) has representative offices in more than 50 countries, and its products are in demand in more than 140 countries. MSD Animal Health's mission is to protect and improve the health and welfare of animals. MSD Animal Health offers the highest quality products and veterinary services. This is achieved by having a strong scientific base and a powerful research and development department. The Russian division of the company is called Intervet LLC and is part of MSD Animal Health. Merck Animal Health, known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada, is the international veterinary division of Merck.

You can buy Bravecto in our store at competitive prices.

Recommendations for use

Dogs with individual intolerance to fluralaner should not take the drug.

It is recommended to strictly observe a 12-week interval between uses to avoid drug overdose.

Do not apply drops to areas of the skin where there are scratches, abrasions, scrapes or other types of damage to the entire skin. Avoid contact of the drug with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

After treating your pet, wash your hands with soap. It is advisable not to pet the animal during the day.

Contraindications and side effects

An insufficiently studied drug should be given to dogs with caution. Reviews from pet owners and veterinarians are contradictory. The manufacturer sets only a few restrictions:

  • puppies up to 2 months old;
  • pet weight – less than 2 kg;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

However, during examinations, high concentrations of fluralaner are found in the liver, kidneys, and muscle fibers of animals, which indicates a negative effect of the drug on these organs.

Taking Bravecto can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • hair loss;
  • depression, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • polydipsia (excessive thirst);
  • scabs and ulcers on the skin.

However, such manifestations are individual and are observed only in 5% of cases of drug use. It is important to follow the dosage and consult a veterinarian before using the medicine.

Price and analogues

An oily liquid for external use is expensive - from 1100 to 1500 rubles for 1 pipette. Therefore, tablets are most often used, the price of which varies depending on the dosage:

  • for dogs weighing 2-4.5 kg 1000-1400 rub. for 1 tablet;
  • 4.5-10 kg – 1150-1450 rubles;
  • 10-20 kg – 1200-1500 rubles;
  • 20-40 kg – from 1350 to 1650 rubles;
  • with maximum concentration - from 1450 to 1800 rubles.

The big advantage of the drug is its prolonged action. But the market for antiparasitic drugs is wide. In addition to Bravecto tablets, other insecticides are actively used:

  1. Frontline Nexgard – retains the healing and protective effect for up to 30 days;
  2. Simparica – effective for 1 month, approved for puppies and miniature dogs weighing from 1.3 kg;
  3. Nexgard Spectra - in addition to fleas and ticks, is active against intestinal parasites.
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