Premium dog food - TOP 17 best food 2022

What is premium dog food

Did you know that premium food is made from natural ingredients, with high levels of animal protein from chicken, turkey, lamb and other species. The source of carbohydrates consists of wheat, rice, barley, oatmeal, etc.

The content of vitamins and minerals in premium food remains at a decent level, since manufacturers of this class use high-quality ingredients in the production of premium food and maintain the balance of elements necessary for the health of pets.

The main disadvantage in many premium foods is the lack of a specified percentage of ingredients, which in turn is important when choosing what to feed your pet when you plan to compete or attend animal shows in order to control the diet to maintain physical fitness.

Composition and features of the class

The first thing you need to understand is that there is no strict distribution of feed into classes. That’s why diets made from cheap ingredients are so often positioned as super-premium, and cheap diets outshine expensive advertised brands.

So just look at the composition.

It meets the following requirements:

  • dehydrated (dry, dried, dehydrated) poultry, fish, beef – 20-40%;
  • 2nd order by-products: trachea, lips, ears, udder, skin;
  • cereals: often wheat, corn, less often rice, and 90% of crackers contain more grain than meat;
  • vegetables - along with grains, form the basis of “premium” products; occasionally in this category there are grain-free diets based on vegetables;
  • supplements – vitamins and minerals;
  • digestibility is 75-80%, calorie content is 300-350 kcal per 100 g.

Vague wording is allowed in the composition: for example, the term “poultry meat” or “products of animal origin” without indicating which animals were slaughtered and which parts of the carcasses were included in production.

This presentation gives free rein to companies: they can add beaks, hooves, skins and other unappetizing products to the granules. Of course, these ingredients are not the best, but that is the nature of premium products. And to expect that dry meat at 300 rubles per kilogram will only contain fresh meat is stupid.

Another unpleasant feature of “premiums”: the inclusion of artificial additives – the notorious E-shek – is allowed. They are needed so that the granules can be stored for a long time. And “chemistry” is cheaper than natural preservatives. But in this category of drying there are no dyes or flavor enhancers.

Manufacturers produce specialized lines: for puppies, pregnant women, the elderly, allergy sufferers, small and medium-sized dogs, large breed dogs, etc. However, the division is more arbitrary: rarely does any premium truly take into account the individual needs of animals.

And yet premiums remain the most popular and affordable. On average, they cost 250-400 rubles per kilogram, are sold in every pet store and are suitable for most animals. If you have a limited budget, feel free to choose a brand of this class.

What is the difference between premium and other feeds?

The main difference between premium food and others depends on the percentage of protein with carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. More expensive foods use high-quality products in the preparation of food for dogs, respectively, in economy class foods they take by-products for protein and support most of the carbohydrate diet, which contributes to the pet’s weight gain without the necessary vitamin content. There are 4 types of feed:

  • holistic;
  • super-premium class;
  • premium class;
  • economy class.

The more selective you are in choosing the manufacturer of your pet’s main diet, the healthier your beloved dog will be.

Top 10. Grandorf Adult Large Breeds

Rating (2021): 4.42

108 taken into account: reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend

High-quality holistic treatment at an affordable price Compared to other holistic treatments, Grandorf is moderately priced. There are no complaints about the composition, the quality is excellent.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Belgium

  • Average price: 5740 rub.
  • Weight: 12 kg
  • Flavor: lamb
  • Class: holistic
  • Needs: sensitive digestion, hypoallergenic

Grandorf dry food is produced in Belgium. This is a complete holistic product, which contains only healthy brown rice from grain crops. The hypoallergenic diet is suitable for large dogs with sensitive digestion, a tendency to allergies and completely healthy animals. The composition is excellent, but due to its naturalness, many dogs refuse to eat at first. Therefore, it is better to introduce it gradually, mixing it with your pet’s favorite food. The diet does not cause digestive problems and has a good effect on the condition of the coat, eyes, and activity. It can be safely recommended as the basis of the diet. The price is rather high, but not much higher than food of a lower class and with a much worse composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • High protein content
  • Suitable for all large breeds
  • Does not cause allergies
  • Not all dogs like it

Types of Premium Dog Foods

Each dog breed has its own nutritional standards, and premium food manufacturers know this and divide their product line into different types:

  • from puppies to adults;
  • from small to large;
  • hypoallergenic and other varieties.

Small dog breeds need a balanced diet and eat approximately 4-5 times a day. For the total portion of food eaten, your dog should receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are sometimes lacking in standard products.

Owners of such breeds of dogs often feed what they themselves eat, without thinking about the fact that the pet can eat from a small piece, say chicken fillet, but will not enter the body in addition to high-quality protein per meal, and this can later lead to vitamin deficiency.

Undoubtedly, you can and even need to pamper your pet by feeding it what you eat; the main thing is to observe the measure of such snacks.

If we take larger breeds of dogs as an example, then a more balanced diet is needed, ideally if it is natural products with a rotation of premium food, in order to maintain the physical condition of your friend at the best level.

For dogs that have developed allergies to different types of foods, there are hypoallergenic and grain-free foods in order to maintain a balanced diet containing everything necessary for the growth and health of the body and not disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

Top 7. Primordial Grain Free

Rating (2021): 4.67

109 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Wildberries, IRecommend

The best composition Grain-free food is high in protein and has a good vitamin and mineral supplement. It contains only natural ingredients and will benefit healthy dogs and pets with allergies.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Italy

  • Average price: 7000 rub.
  • Weight: 12 kg
  • Flavor: Lamb and Tuna
  • Class: holistic
  • Needs: hypoallergenic

Expensive, but high-quality Italian holistic product, which has not yet been banned for import into Russia. A 12 kg package costs about 7,000 rubles, depending on the needs and weight of the dog, enough for about three weeks. The composition is very good, there is nothing superfluous in it - only meat, fish and healthy additives. The diet is grain-free, instead of rice and other grains, it uses potatoes, peas and beans as a source of fiber and carbohydrates. The composition is supplemented with plant components, a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. The food can be recommended for all large breeds of dogs as a permanent main diet. It doesn't smell much, but pets like it. Animals eat with pleasure and there are no health problems. So the only negative is the high price.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • Grain-free food
  • Does not cause allergies
  • Nice smell
  • High price

Top 21 best premium feeds

The market for dry and wet premium dog food offers a wide selection of manufacturers. Let's look at the most popular of them so that you can choose the necessary products for your pet and find out the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Savarra dry food is produced in the UK and is considered super-premium. Main manufacturing ingredients:

  • protein part: duck meat, salmon, eggs;
  • carbohydrates: white and brown rice, oats, barley, peas;
  • fats: turkey, flax seeds;
  • fiber: tomatoes, apples, carrots.

The main advantages of Savara premium food include a variety of protein derivatives from poultry and fish, maintaining a high level of vitamin and mineral supplements, and an inexpensive price among competitors.

The downside is that these products are not widely popular in pet stores.

1st Choice

Fest Choice - premium food from PLB International Inc., offers balanced nutrition based on the achievements of modern technologies.

Protein part: lamb, herring;

Carbohydrates: brown and broken rice, oatmeal, potatoes, barley;

Fats: vegetable oil and herring fat;

Fiber: dried beet pulp, dried tomato pulp, whole flaxseed;

Flavoring additives: chicken liver hydrolysate;

Dried seaweed is rich in iodine and other trace elements. Dried green tea extract, dried mint, dried parsley, ginger extract - these can primarily be considered spices.

Advantages of premium food 1st Choice, the main part of the protein is of animal origin, which means the pet will be full longer than from vegetable protein, the food is rich in vitamins and other useful substances, popular in many pet stores.

No shortcomings were found in this manufacturer; it is popular among many dog ​​owners.


Popular foods from Canada GO! have established themselves as a high-quality manufacturer of food for cats and dogs. Premium food contains only fresh meat ingredients grown on local Canadian agricultural farms with excellent ecology.

Protein part: duck, duck fillet, fish

Carbohydrates: potatoes, oatmeal, whole oats

Fats: coconut oil, flax seeds

Fiber: apples, quinoa, flax seeds

The advantages of this food are: a unique source of protein exclusively from duck meat, a wide range of products, including grain-free food.

The high price compared to other analogues is a disadvantage of the feed.


Domestic premium food Probalance, also available for cats and dogs, is quite popular in many pet stores.

Protein part: chicken, fish and egg powder

Carbohydrates: rice, barley, peas, oats

Fats: chicken fat, sunflower oil, fish oil

Fiber: beet pulp, flax seeds

Whole milk powder is the main advantage of this premium food; it serves as a source of protein, calcium and vitamins. The low price for the rich 30% animal protein is considered a serious advantage of the food.

Disadvantages: unnatural antioxidants, but they are approved in Russia and the EU, not sold in all stores.


Blitz dry dog ​​food can be considered both domestic and foreign, as it is produced by Provimi PetFood Rus in Russia, as well as at the Mister Pet plant in Italy.

Protein part: dehydrated chicken meat, hydrolyzed protein, chicken liver, eggs

Carbohydrates: whole rice, whole corn

Fats: chicken fat, fish oil

Fiber: dried beet pulp

Flavoring additives: chicken liver hydrolysate

Yucca extract reduces the odor of excrement.

The advantages of the food are the use of natural antioxidants when produced from rosemary extract, a high-quality varied source of protein, 27-35% depending on the product line, low price and popularity in pet stores.

No obvious deficiencies were identified in the food.

Royal Canin

The Royal Canin food line is produced in Poland and France by Mars. Dry and wet food that are most famous in the local market: Chappi, Pedigree.

Protein part: vegetable protein isolate, poultry protein

Carbohydrates: rice, wheat, cereal flour

Fats: soybean oil, fish oil, other animal fats

Fiber: psyllium seeds

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed animal proteins

The predominant part of vegetable protein in premium food is not put forward in a leading position in terms of the quality of ingredients, since animal protein is absorbed by dogs much better and gives more satiety. Having saved on meat products, the manufacturer offers a low price for a line of dry dog ​​food, but wet food with a better composition from other companies costs about the same. Royal Canin produces their product for dogs of many breeds and ages.


German premium dog food translated as “Wolf Blood” has established itself among analogues of foreign manufacturers, known for its German quality.

Protein part: fresh and dried horse meat, pea protein

Carbohydrates: sweet potatoes

Fats: horse meat fat, flax seeds

Fiber: pumpkin, parsnip

A rich source of antioxidants from fennel, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, black currants, they are most loved by pets who achieve athletic results. Low carbohydrate content allows you to maintain a healthy physical shape of the dog without burdening the digestion.

Elite food is quite expensive and difficult to find on store shelves, so the main market is the online store.


The Italian company Monge & CSpa, popular abroad, produces premium food for medium breed dogs.

Protein portion: dehydrated chicken, fresh chicken, corn and gluten meal, fish

Carbohydrates: rice, corn

Fats: chicken fat, fish oil

Fiber: dried beets

Flavorings: hydrolyzed animal protein

Food from Italy is rich in brewer's yeast - the main source of B-group vitamins and prebiotics. Glucosamine, methylsulfonylmethane and chondroitin sulfate are essential for healthy joints in dogs.

Despite the diverse source of proteins in premium food, most of it is of animal origin, more than 25%, natural preservatives and antioxidants are used, and is popular in pet stores. No direct deficiencies were identified.

Brit Care

Dry and wet Brit Care premium food is produced by VAFO PRAHA in the Czech Republic.

Protein part: lamb meal

Carbohydrates: rice

Fats: chicken fat, salmon fat

Fiber: dried apples

Flavorings: hydrolyzed animal protein

Glucosamine and chondroitin - these substances are beneficial for cartilage and joints, helping to prevent joint diseases, which large breed dogs often experience. Milk thistle has many medicinal properties for dogs. Rich in 42% protein from lamb, this food is popular among sporting dogs with well-developed muscles. The affordable price among analogues is also a significant plus.

No deficiencies were identified.

Grand prix

Dry dog ​​food Grand Prix is ​​produced in Russia and Germany, classified as a premium class, although its composition is worthy of a super-premium class, and is also available for cats.

Protein part: chicken

Carbohydrates: rice

Fats: chicken fat, salmon oil, sunflower oil

Fiber: beet pulp, flaxseed, dried apples, dehydrated carrots

Flavoring additives: chicken liver hydrolysate

Brewer's yeast autolysate and chicory extract are sources of probiotics that are beneficial for digestion. Calendula extract contains lutein, which is beneficial for vision. The food does not include wheat or corn, which is an indicator of super-premium food; the low price is affordable for many dog ​​owners.

The main disadvantage: not sold in all pet stores.


Domestic food Bisco can be considered the leader of our brand, which is popular in Russia and the CIS countries. The quality of the selected ingredients remains at the average level of premium food.

Protein part: minced meat, bone meal

Carbohydrates: corn

Fats: animal fat, not specified

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed meat products

The low fiber and protein content of this premium food is positioned as a mid-level food of other premium class analogues, but remains an order of magnitude better than economical food. Its affordable price makes it a leader in many pet stores; its short shelf life is a serious approach by the company due to the lack of preservatives.

The disadvantages include less detailed information provided by the manufacturer about the ingredients in the production of dog food.


Dutch premium food from the Abba brand has many positive reviews from both veterinarians and dog owners, which push the product line to the leading lists. Thanks to innovative production technologies, the company provides more than 23% high-quality meat protein.

Protein part: lamb, fish meal

Carbohydrates: rice, corn, barley, peas

Fats: salmon oil

Fiber: beet pulp

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed meat products

On the local market, Abba dog food products are popular with many owners and therefore are in demand, but are not available in all pet stores.

Quite a high price for premium quality.


The Belgian line of dog food Grandorf is produced at the plant of United Petfood Producers NV

Protein part: rabbit meat, turkey meat

Carbohydrates: dried sweet potatoes, white and brown rice

Fats: turkey fat, flax seeds

Fiber: dried spinach and dried apple

Flavoring additives: carob flour

The food contains substances beneficial for joints - glucosamine and chondroitin, and is rich in a complex of vitamins and minerals. Natural antioxidants promote quality digestion.

Grain-free, high-quality carbohydrates, rice and potatoes, are recommended for all dog breeds, as they do not burden the gastrointestinal tract.


The Italian manufacturer Forza produces a wide range of premium dietary foods for dogs of different breeds and sizes.

Protein part: lamb meat, venison meat

Carbohydrates: corn, rice and potatoes

Fats: turkey fat, flax seeds

Fiber: beet pulp

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed meat products

The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates makes the food predominantly deli meat for your pet, enriched with vitamins and minerals. The composition includes a tocopherol-rich extract of natural origin and brewer's yeast. The use of corn in production does not put the food on the list of super-premium classes.

It is rare to see these products in store windows.


Purina is a well-known American brand of domestic consumer, which is distributed in many pet stores and veterinary clinics. The demand for the products is so great that the company has many factories in other countries. The company's main product is Proplana premium food for medium and large breeds.

Protein part: dry chicken protein, gluten protein

Carbohydrates: rice, corn, wheat.

Fats: animal and fish oil

Fiber: dried beet pulp

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed chicken liver

The main advantages include natural animal protein of more than 23% of the total composition, a good vitamin and mineral supplement, affordable price, a wide range of products, availability in almost all stores.

Disadvantages: Wheat and corn are not dietary foods.

Farmina N&D

Italian dog food Farmina N&D can be classified as a super-premium class in terms of ingredients, for adult dogs, medium and large breeds.

Protein portion: fresh wild boar meat, dehydrated wild boar meat, dehydrated whole eggs

Carbohydrates: peas

Fats: chicken fat

Fiber: dehydrated pumpkin, pea fiber, carrots, dried alfalfa, dried apples

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed meat products

Inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannooligosaccharides are useful for digestion. Spinach powder, plantain, blackcurrant powder, dehydrated sweet orange, blueberry powder, turmeric root - these ingredients contain various beneficial substances (fiber, vitamins, antioxidants). Lutein is good for vision. The high quality of protein pushes these products to a high level; only natural antioxidants are used.

No deficiencies identified


Russian Karmy is by no means the most popular brand among other premium foods, but it is worthy of attention, since the composition of the products can also be classified as super-premium. The company also produces food for cats.

Protein part: dehydrated turkey meat

Carbohydrates: brown and white rice

Fats: salmon oil

Fiber: dried apples

Flavorings: turkey liver

It is rare to find the presence of seaweed in feed, which contributes to the enrichment of magnesium, phosphorus and other vitamins and minerals. The advantages include a high protein content of 31%, natural preservatives, a mixture of tocopherols, and low cost.

You rarely find Karmy food in local stores.


Canadian Acana food for dogs, produced in the factories of Champion Petfoods. Popular for its range of products for cats and dogs.

Protein part: fresh chicken, chicken and turkey meal, chicken liver, heart and kidneys, fresh eggs, turkey liver, fish.

Carbohydrates: red lentils, green peas

Fats: chicken fat

Fiber: pumpkin, cabbage, spinach, carrots, apples, pears

Flavorings: chicken liver

The rich variety of meat products that are added in the production of premium food will please even the most picky pet, since manufacturers have focused on natural animal protein. Thanks to this, the products are minimally added with vitamins and minerals of non-natural origin, because Acana premium feeds have enough of their own micro and macroelements.

One of the main disadvantages is the high price.


Food from the Czech Republic is often chosen by pet owners, as it is affordable for many family budgets. On store shelves you can find dry and wet products from the company for cats and dogs.

Protein part: chicken, chicken meal

Carbohydrates: corn and potatoes

Fats: chicken and salmon fat

Fiber: dried apples

Flavorings: chicken liver, herbal mixture

Inexpensive price for high-quality premium food is considered the main advantage of Profine.

No deficiencies were identified.


German premium food Belcando is popular among large breeds of elite dogs.

Protein part: fresh poultry meat, dried poultry protein, fish meal

Carbohydrates: corn, potatoes

Fats: fish and poultry oil, vegetable oil

Fiber: dried beet pulp

Flavoring additives: hydrolyzed poultry liver

Adding vegetable oil is not considered the best product for enriching a dog’s body with fatty acids. Adding dried herbs to premium food: nettle leaves, chamomile, caraway, mistletoe, etc. promote metabolism. A good combination of fish and poultry ingredients is a good plus of the product.

No direct deficiencies were identified.


Premium food from Germany Bosch is considered a segment of healthy nutrition for your dog.

Protein part: lamb meat and flour

Carbohydrates: rice, potatoes

Fats: animal and fish oil, flax seeds

Fiber: beet pulp

Flavorings: Hydrolyzed Protein

The composition of the ingredients is perfectly selected in the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates to saturate the pet with the necessary calories and vitamins for bone growth and adding shine to the coat. Many premium foods from the Bosch line contain corn, which is known to cause digestion difficulties.

Top 4. Monge Dog Maxi

Rating (2021): 4.82

151 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Wildberries

Optimal price-quality ratio At an affordable price, the food contains a lot of animal protein and contains useful additives. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is one of the best options.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Italy

  • Average price: 4100 rub.
  • Weight: 12 kg
  • Flavor: chicken
  • Class: super premium
  • Needs: sensitive digestion, overweight

Monge was banned, but a few months later it was lifted and there are currently supplies to Russia. The food is produced in Italy and belongs to the super-premium class. In terms of price-quality ratio, it’s a good option if you can’t buy expensive holistic products on a regular basis. It contains enough proteins and vegetable fats. It is slightly spoiled by the content of corn, but it is still better than wheat, and it is not in first place. The food is suitable for very large breeds weighing up to 80 kg. It can be given to animals with problematic digestion, weak joints, and excess weight. A balanced vitamin and mineral supplement has a good effect on the health and appearance of dogs. This is one of the most successful options among inexpensive feeds, which can be recommended as the basis of the diet. According to users, dogs eat it willingly.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good value for money
  • Sufficient animal protein content
  • For very large breeds up to 80 kg
  • Balanced vitamin and mineral supplement
  • Contains corn

Basic principles of feeding

By following the basic rules for feeding your pet, you will eliminate the possibility of your friend getting sick.

Dogs often like to eat when they are already full and can overeat their daily caloric intake per meal, so it is important to maintain the standard daily portion at different times of the year. We will find out the standard weight norm for your dog breed, how many calories are needed per day and put it on a diet.

Dogs do not smell food well, focusing primarily on smell, so an important criterion when choosing premium food is aromatic additives, for example, natural chicken liver in many products, which is indispensable for your pet to eat the day’s food with appetite.

The digestion of food in dogs is much faster than in humans, and therefore, in order to keep your pet full and healthy, it is better to feed it in small portions 3-4 times a day.

Dogs' stomachs are not able to fully digest some foods in order to obtain the necessary benefits of vitamins, and therefore manufacturers often include a complex of minerals for joint health, coat preservation, etc.

#6 – Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Small & Miniature Lamb with Rice

Price: 840 rubles

Hill's dog food is designed for mini breeds. The natural components included in its composition ensure proper digestion, oral health and clean skin of the pet, and antioxidants increase the dog’s immunity and life expectancy. To care for the oral cavity, manufacturers have developed special crunchy granules that pets simply adore. Lamb meat occupies 11% of the composition, the same share belongs to brown and white rice. It contains a lot of cereals, flaxseeds, vegetables and fruits. The food can be used for dogs aged from one to six years.

The advantage of the product is its effectiveness, the presence of fiber, easy digestibility, a lot of proteins and a pleasant taste. Negative aspects include high cost and limited application.

Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Small Miniature Lamb with Rice


Why did my dog ​​lose his appetite?

This may be due to an excess of calories during the day, a violation of the diet; if symptoms appear for more than a day, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

The dog just ate, but remained hungry?

Most likely, your pet is constantly lacking calories during the day, and because of this, he asks for supplements. Reconsider the choice of food; it may be low in carbohydrates, which is still an important component of the dog’s energy needs.

No. 4 – Bosch Sensitive Lamb & Rice

Price: 1500 rubles

Dry hypoallergenic food from the German company Bosch. This brand produces super premium food of high quality. The ingredients included in the composition are completely natural, so they can be used even by humans. The food does not contain chemicals, artificial colors, flavors and GMOs. The main component is fresh lamb meat, the share of which is 20%. 37% comes from the source of carbohydrates – rice. The composition contains a small amount of potatoes, vegetables, flaxseed, animal and fish oil.

Consumption of food reduces itching, inflammation, redness of the skin, stops shedding, and gives the coat shine and thickness. Prebiotics ensure normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The disadvantages include the cost of the product. Bosch Sensitive can be given to adult dogs of any breed.

Bosch Sensitive Lamb Rice

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Premium food is highly rated in terms of manufacturing quality and is affordable for many budgets.
  2. For each breed of dog there is an individual food that contains certain proportions for a healthy diet.
  3. Many foods contain a wide variety of products that are used in the production of food, to reliably find out whether this premium food is suitable for your pet, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  4. To switch your friend to a portioned diet, it takes time to change taste preferences and organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, gradually start adding the premium food you have chosen to your usual diet and watch your pet’s reaction. If it is digested well and your dog’s mood is cheerful and cheerful, then you can fully feed it with dry or wet premium food.

Top 3. Blitz Adult All Breeds Sensitive Turkey & Barley

Rating (2021): 4.85

20 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon

Best price The most inexpensive food in the rating can be called one of the best in the budget price segment. It is superior in quality to many more expensive foods.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 3680 rub.
  • Weight: 15 kg
  • Flavor: pork, turkey
  • Class: super premium
  • Needs: sensitive digestion

Inexpensive super-premium food, which will be the best replacement for Royal Canin and other advertised foods. It costs much less, but is better in composition. There is enough protein; rice and corn are used as a source of carbohydrates. The pork and turkey based diet is designed for all breeds. Medium-sized granules are well suited for large dogs; small breeds will have difficulty chewing them. According to reviews from animal owners, the smell of the food is pleasant, meaty, and not too strong. The granules are moderately fatty, not too dry. There are no undesirable reactions in the form of allergies, digestive disorders, or deterioration of the coat. On the contrary, dogs become more active and look healthy. A small minus is that due to the weak smell, some pets refuse food at first.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Not a bad composition
  • Nice smell
  • Optimal granule size
  • Not all dogs like it

See also:

  • 10 best analogues of Royal Canin food

Which brand of puppy food is best to choose?

Companies from Europe and America received the greatest trust from customers and the most positive reviews. Chinese and domestic brands of puppy food sometimes neglect standards and it happens that there are batches of low-quality products on the market.

Here are the TOP 7 puppy food manufacturers:

  • Perfect Fit is a trademark owned by Mars Corporation and produces pet food at factories in Russia and Germany. The company offers economy and premium food with a rich composition for pets. The company's mixtures support normal immunity, improve digestion, the condition of the skin and coat, and restore the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Acana is a Canadian company that produces dry food for dogs and cats. The company was founded in 1990 and since then has been valued for the consistently high quality of its products and balanced composition. The company's products belong to the super premium class. The brand’s food is also popular in the world due to the use of first-class ingredients; all components of the composition are grown naturally on organic farms.
  • Royal Canin is a company from France, which is now owned by the Mars corporation and has held a leading position in the market of healthy food for pets for 50 years. The range includes food for adult dogs and puppies. All formulations are inexpensive and include a high percentage of proteins.
  • Brit Care is a Czech manufacturer of good premium food for puppies and kittens. Confirmation of the high quality of products is compliance with ISO standards. The compositions do not contain GMO ingredients, soy and other low-quality components.
  • Purina is an Italian company whose history goes back almost 120 years. The brand is owned by Nestle, and the coordination headquarters is located in the USA. The manufacturer's compositions are in high demand due to their affordable cost.
  • Dog Chow is an American brand owned by Purina. The company's food is made taking into account the age characteristics of dogs. The company's assortment includes formulations for the entire life period of pets, which support normal digestion and improve the appearance of the animal.
  • Bosch Tiernahrung is a German company producing super premium food with over 35 years of experience. The production has a fresh meat processing plant certified according to the international IFS class. All components of the formulations are environmentally friendly, and the raw materials are obtained from the meat of animals raised without the use of harmful additives.

Best Wet Dog Foods

1 Orijen Adult Dog Original

Canadian manufacturer Champion Petfoods, owner of the Orijen brand, assures that dogs, as carnivores, vitally need food high in animal proteins. 80% of its food consists of fresh meat from free-range animals and birds. And the amount of carbohydrate ingredients, on the contrary, should be minimal, so you won’t find any rice, much less wheat or corn, in the composition. Another principle by which the company creates food for purebred dogs of various ages is a variety of plant components. Thanks to them, the dog’s diet contains the nutrients he needs.

In addition to meat, the list of ingredients includes whole sea fish (fresh and dehydrated), all kinds of beans, vegetables, berries and even herbs. Additionally, the food is enriched with calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The food is far from new, so buyers had time to test it and form their own, unbiased opinion: it is perfect for dogs and can rightfully be called biologically compatible. True, veterinarians still urge you to feed your pet a little at first in order to notice a possible reaction in time. And one more point: since the protein content in the composition is quite high (38%), you need to ensure that the dog is sufficiently active.

Nutritional features of medium breed dogs

Despite their size, medium-sized breeds are not recommended to be given large amounts of food - they rarely have digestive problems. For such pets, a standard food intake is sufficient. An adult dog should eat once or twice a day. The diet must be balanced and provide the body with energy and nutrients.

In the first year, pets should choose food that can protect the gastrointestinal tract from infections. It should support the body's defenses and promote the development of the central nervous system. An average-sized puppy eats 4-6 times a day. At the age of six months, you need to switch to eating 3 times a day.

Medium-sized dogs are quite active, so the number of calories in the menu should be high. The weight of animals prone to obesity should be closely monitored. Your pet's menu should include proteins, amino acids, fats and vitamins. It is important to select foods that will prevent dental and gum disease. It is important for pit bulls and English bulldogs not to gain weight.

The owner should take care of the pet's health. He is recommended to buy quality products to slow down the aging process and support the functioning of the central nervous system.

The purebred dog has good genetics, rarely gets sick, and remains energetic and active for a long time. To prevent him from getting sick, it is necessary to feed him correctly and provide adequate care.

Natural nutrition

Medium breed dogs include Aussie, bulldog, basset, etc. They are used as companions, hunting and herding dogs, and bred as decorative pets. For breeds where puppies grow quickly, for example, basset dogs, food is chosen especially carefully.

Owners planning to feed their pet natural food should consider a number of rules:

  1. In lactating and pregnant bitches and animals during mating, the amount of energy expenditure increases by one and a half times. Protein consumption increases from 20 to 70%. They need 2 times more vitamins than in the normal state.
  2. Pets with increased activity and physical activity also need additional nutrients, because... they need more energy. The number of calories in the diet is calculated based on the individual properties and constitution of the dog.
  3. Performing simple functions of service dogs increases energy expenditure by 30%. Hard work increases your calorie needs by up to 3 times. Their menu should contain 30% more protein; the dog can get it from meat and offal. The carbohydrate content of food is important. If there are few of them, the pet will begin to lose weight.

Natural feeding takes place in two stages. Half of the meat products do not undergo heat treatment, the other half is given to the pet in soup or mixed with bread or biscuits.

Meat can be replaced with offal - heart, kidneys, liver. Their content in the menu should be 2 times larger. With a natural diet, they are replaced with low-fat varieties of fish.

Main products:

  • offal;
  • meat;
  • bread;
  • millet;
  • oat groats;
  • vitamins;
  • vegetables (potatoes, beets, cabbage);
  • animal fat (in winter).

In spring and summer, the menu is enriched with fresh herbs: nettles, lettuce, and sorrel. If the puppy is fed monotonously, the digestibility of the food deteriorates. Varieties of meat products, cereals, and vegetables alternate. New foods are introduced gradually, mixed into the main diet as complementary foods.

Dry and wet food

What food is best for medium breed dogs? Most dry and wet diets are made from the same ingredients using similar technology. Their main difference is their moisture content.

Moisture is not evaporated from wet rations and the finished product is additionally seasoned with jelly and sauce. Any of the varieties can provide your pet with the necessary amount of calories and nutrients.

Dry food for medium breed dogs can sit in a bowl for a long time, even if the animal has not finished it. It overeats less, and it is more convenient for the owner to dose his food intake. Its main advantage is the duration of storage and use.

A bag of food can be easily packed into a bag or backpack and you can be sure that it will not leak. Its consumption is more economical. However, your pet may become constipated when switching from wet food and natural food to dry pads. Wet dog food is produced in the form of meat pads, pates, and rolls. The diet contains plenty of water and no preservatives or artificial flavors.

This product is easy to chew and is packaged in portioned packages. It will prevent urolithiasis. It is consumed faster than dry food, but its price is much higher.

Veterinarians recommend using only one type of diet so that the animal’s body does not constantly adapt. Otherwise, allergic reactions and diseases may occur. Its brand should also not be changed frequently.

Options for dogs of different ages and sizes

Dog food manufacturers offer items for small, medium and large breeds. There are also products for puppies, adults and senior dogs.

And this is not just a marketing ploy: at each stage of life, a dog needs different amounts of nutrients, micro- and macroelements.

The same is true for size: Large dogs are more likely to have joint problems, so they need an emphasis on protein. Small breeds have a faster metabolism, so the product should be as nutritious as possible.

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