Stronghold for dogs - action, effectiveness, instructions, reviews 

No pet is protected from parasites. To be able to cure your cat, you need to be able to recognize pathologies in the early stages. Stronghold is considered an effective drug against lice and fleas. Next we will tell you in detail how to use it. The drug fights ear mites and parasites and, of course, helps get rid of insects that have penetrated the skin, and also promotes recovery from dirofilariasis. Stronghold for cats is known for its ideal results. After use, you need to wait about an hour and a half, and the effect will be noticeable.

One of the most advantageous advantages is that the parasites will not be able to lay eggs and continue the life of similar pests.

For treating cats 2.6-7.5 kg

How to apply the drug instructions

Before purchasing the drug, you should consult your doctor, as only he will be able to prescribe the required form of the medication. On the box, manufacturers usually write the exact content of selamectin (the active ingredient) - 6 or 12%. If your pet weighs up to 2 kilograms, then you should purchase a stronghold with a purple cap. A tube with a blue cap is prescribed to cats weighing from 2.5 to 7.5 kilograms, since the concentration of the active substance is higher. If the pet’s weight exceeds 7.5 kg, then tubes should be combined.


  1. Wear rubber gloves, as droplets may be harmful to the skin of your hands.
  2. Remove the tube of stronghold from the packaging and unscrew the cap.
  3. Use the back of the cap to pierce the foil protective membrane.
  4. Spread the fur between the cat's shoulder blades; there should be no allergic reactions or open wounds on the skin. The medicine should be applied only in the area of ​​the withers, because in this place the cat will not be able to lick the fur. You need to scatter the drops at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.
  5. Massage the fur of the fluffy a little, in this case the product will be well distributed over the skin.
  6. After the procedure, throw the gloves in the trash along with the used tube.

Rules of application

  • on dry skin, affected areas exclusively in the interscapular area;
  • Often the drug is applied once and does not require repeated use;
  • before administering the medicine, the pipette must be removed from the blister and be in a vertical position;
  • then, once the cap is removed, you can proceed to insertion.

How to use stronghold video instruction


What is Stronghold for cats prescribed for?

  1. Entomosis is a familiar flea to all of us; it is a fairly common parasite. Lice can be seen with the naked eye; the pet constantly gnaws and itches.
  2. Dirofilariasis is a virus that can be transmitted by mosquitoes. After their bite, the cat develops larvae in the lungs. Signs of this disease include lack of sleep and weight loss.
  3. Otodectosis is a disease associated with tick bites; the insect sneaks into the eardrums and drinks blood. The course of this disease is characterized by high fever and discharge from the ear cavity.
  4. Sarcoptic mange is a mite that attacks the body from the inside. The symptoms are the same as with regular mites, the only difference is that the skin becomes dry.
  5. Hookworms are the most common worms.
  6. Toxocariasis, this disease is also associated with worms, but the situation is slightly worse than in the previous case. These worms affect not only the intestines, but also the liver.

In order to avoid such situations, it is recommended to regularly carry out prevention against parasites.

Application and mechanism of action

The active substance has a fairly wide spectrum of action, which allows it to be used against fleas, ticks, and helminths. It is used to treat diseases such as sarcoptic mange and otodectosis, and can also be used as a prophylactic substance.

Remember that only a veterinarian can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment; it is prohibited to treat it yourself.

Important! This substance does not affect ixodid ticks!

The active substance has a detrimental effect directly on parasites. When applied to the skin of the animal, the drug is quickly absorbed and begins its effect within a day. It does not pose a danger to the animal itself, as well as to people. But you should always follow the instructions for use and observe safety precautions.

The mechanism of action is as follows: the active substance penetrates the parasite’s body and instantly affects its nervous system. This leads to paralysis of the insect, and then its death occurs.

The drug has a prolonged effect. After it is applied to the skin, the activity of the substances remains for a month. This allows you to protect the animal during this period. The activity of the substances decreases gradually.

Dosage by pet's weight

Stronghold is available in different packages, respectively, and their dosage is different, since the drug is suitable not only for cats, but also for dogs. In other words, depending on the weight category, each pet has its own dosage. Each dose has its own color for the convenience of the owner:

  • from 2.5 15/20 mg, pink color;
  • from 7.5 45/50 mg, color blue;
  • from 8 or more combination of pipettes, has no color.

You should not rely on experience with other similar medications. Before applying the medicine, make sure your cat is of a certain weight category.

Dosage table


Of course, like all other drugs, Strongholde has contraindications that must be taken into account, otherwise the medicine will not be beneficial, but rather will harm your health.

Do not use in the following cases:

  • If the dog is very weakened;
  • If you have other infectious diseases;
  • Other diseases;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Puppies that are under 2 months of age;
  • Intolerance to components.

How should it be stored?

There are no instructions in the middle of the drug itself, so all important information can be found on the packaging. How to store this medicine:

  • storage in a dark, non-humid place;
  • without removing from the box;
  • a very important point is to store away from food;
  • temperature regime - from 3 to 30 degrees;
  • out of the reach of children.

Shelf life is about 3 years.


When is it prohibited to use?

It is strictly prohibited to use the following animals:

  • with allergies to similar drugs;
  • less than 2 months old;
  • who have just suffered from any illness;
  • in the process of recovery;
  • after bath procedures.

It is important to remember that dripping into the ear canals is prohibited; it must be administered by injection.

Itchy cat

Security measures

Despite the fact that the substance is not dangerous for people and pets, some safety precautions must be observed:

  • After use, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  • When the medicine is applied to the body, do not let your pets lick or scratch themselves for an hour.
  • Also, do not let animals play with children for an hour.

If the substance was used to treat furniture or other things, it must be completely dry. Make sure that the stronghold does not get into the oral cavity.

It is advisable to purchase the medicine immediately before use, since storage conditions are very important. It should not be stored in the light, and in order to be exposed to sunlight, the temperature should not be higher than +3°. Avoid contact with food and animal feed.

What can be replaced? Stronghold analogs

If you have difficulties purchasing Stronghold, you can always replace it with analogues and not worry about the health of your sick cat. Such medications are Bars Spot or In-Up. In-Up is a transparent substance that is applied externally to dry skin and helps remove fleas and ticks. Leopard Spot has the ability to eliminate parasites from the inside. Also analogues are: Dironet, Frontline Spot-on, Inspector Total, Advantage.

Table comparing the cost of Stronghold with analogues

NameTypeManufacturerPackingMode of applicationPrice
StrongholdDropsUSA0.75 mlApply to the withers342 rub.
Dironet Spot-OnDropsRussia3 pcs 1 mlApply to the withers283 rub.
In-Up complexDropsRussia1 mlApply to the withers193 rub.
Frontline Spot-OnDropsFrance0.5 mlApply to the withers425 rub.
Inspector totalDropsGermany0.4 mlApply to the withers280 rub.
AdvantageDropsGermany0.4 mlApply to the withers200 rub.
Bars (AVZ)DropsRussia3pcs 1 mlApply to the withers178 rub.

Reviews from breeders

Very effective, helps the first time. We got rid of fleas, and he came to the rescue with a problem with worms, I recommend him to everyone.

About 3 months ago we noticed a cat on the street who began to often walk near the supermarket. My family and I talked and decided that we would still take him home. He was wearing a collar, so it became clear that some heartless people had thrown him into the street. During all this time, the cat (we named him Vasya) managed to pick up many parasites. Therefore, it was decided to treat Vasya without delay. The pharmacy recommended the drug Stronghold. Although the product is expensive, we bought it for 430 rubles, but the fluffy had to be treated. A month later, the fur was completely restored, and our mustache began to gain weight. The fleas noticeably died out already on the 10th day after using the product, and Vasya stopped scratching his ear. I can recommend the medicine because we used it and no side effects were found.

Our cat Jim was prescribed Stronghold drops at the veterinary clinic because he was diagnosed with ear mites. The tube has a cap that closes tightly, so the product can be used repeatedly. The pet's face was badly damaged by ear mites, and even the hair in the eye area came off. We used the drug for 3 weeks, and were still able to cure Jim. The cat's salivation increased slightly for the first 3-4 days, but the doctor said that this was normal. I bought Stronghold drops for 290 rubles.

Our cat Michael has not had fleas or other parasites for a whole year, although all this was possible, because he often walks outside with us. And 3 months ago he finally caught fleas from Vasya (our neighbors’ cat). After 3 days, I finally decided to go to the clinic, since it was clear that the fleas would not escape anywhere on their own. The specialist prescribed Stronghold 6% drops for Michael, and that same day in the evening I decided to instill them. If you use this product, be sure to wash and dry your cat. In this case, the product will be much more effective. To my great surprise, after applying the product, Michael did not even lick himself. The design of the tube is well thought out, since not a single extra drop leaked out. The cat should not be washed for 2-3 days, as you will wash off the medicine and not get the result.

Application of the product

The drug is accompanied by instructions for use, which provide complete information regarding the disease and use.

The medicine allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of:

  • Ear scabies. One application is enough to get rid of pathogens.
  • Sarcoptic mange. This disease is caused by ticks; in its treatment, the medicine is used 2 times. Already after the first application, positive results are noticeable; reapply a month later.
  • Dirofilariasis. The carrier of this infection is mosquitoes, which through their bite infect the animal with heartworm nematodes. The medicine kills not only adults, but also gets rid of larvae and eggs.

The medicine has also proven its effectiveness in the treatment of toxocariasis, a disease that is also dangerous for humans, hookworm infection, and entomosis.

The medicine does not contain essential oils, which in this case is an advantage. Because it allows it to be absorbed into the skin much faster, which means it begins to act faster.

Proper Use

The procedure for using the medicine, namely its application to the skin, is a rather important step. The first thing to remember is that you should not let the animal lick the drug. Second, it is applied only to those areas of the skin that the dog cannot reach with his tongue.

So, this is done as follows. To avoid any difficulties during the procedure, it is advisable to carry it out with someone, especially if the dog is very mobile. One simply controls her movements, preventing her from running and spinning. With the second, with one hand, in the area of ​​the withers and further along the ridge, unrolls the fur and with the other hand applies drops directly to the skin. It is applied from the head down the ridge to a place that the dog cannot reach.

If the drug is used as a treatment for a disease, it is used according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, once or twice with an interval of at least 1 month. Application as a prophylactic agent is carried out every month.

When using the drug, the weight of the dog must be taken into account. If you use a medicine of the wrong concentration, for example, less than required, then the desired effect will not be achieved. If, on the contrary, you use a higher concentration than required, you can harm the animal itself.

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