Kanikquantel Plus for cats: rules for ridding your pet of parasites

Parasites don't stand a chance

  • Fact 1:
    International name: fenbendazole, praziquantel
  • Fact 2:
    Acts against round and tape helminths that parasitize dogs and cats, incl. Tohosaga canis, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trihuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosis, etc.
  • Fact 3:
    Active ingredients: fenbendazole – 500 mg; praziquantel – 50 mg.
  • Fact 4:
    Available in gel and tablet form

Treatment and prevention of helminthic infestation is one of the most important aspects in caring for a pet. Even those animals that do not leave their homes are susceptible to infection with parasites, and if they do have to go outside, then they will move there, of course, not with their soft paws, but exclusively in the arms of their adored owners (owners, that’s why they are and created to provide comfort for the mustachioed and striped). However, even non-street cats can pick up “tenants”.

Worms are also dangerous because all family members can become infected with them from a pet. Even if you are not sure that the animal is a source of helminths, annual preventive antiparasitic treatment of the animal is mandatory. Well, if there is reliable information about the cat infection, then treatment should be immediate.

Characteristics of the drug Kanikquantel Plus for cats

Kanikquantel Plus was developed and manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Euracon Pharma GmbH from Germany. The manufacturer himself notes that thanks to the combined composition, the drug actively fights against most helminthiasis pathogens, while being safe for the health of the pets themselves.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine has a complex antiparasitic effect against helminths at all stages of their development. The active substances of the drug lead to paralysis and death of parasites. In addition, they contribute to the rapid elimination (removal) of dead helminths from the intestines.

The advantage of this drug is that Kanikquantel Plus is active against three types of helminths:

  • roundworms (nematodes);
  • tape (cestodes);
  • flat (trematodes).

These are the most common types of helminthic infestations in cats.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredients that have an anthelmintic effect in the drug are praziquantel and fenbendazole, which are low-toxic substances.

Kanikquantel Plus is available in two dosage forms:

  • Pills. Dosage of active ingredients: praziquatnel (50 mg);
  • fenbendazole (500 mg).

    Tablets are the most common form of release of the drug Kanikquantel Plus

  • Gel. Active ingredients (per 1 ml):
      praziquantel (10 mg);
  • fenbendazole (100 mg).

    The gel is more difficult to find in pharmacies, but it is easy to use

  • The tablets contain a number of excipients, such as:

    • sodium lauryl sulfate;
    • polyvidone;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • flavoring additives.

    Auxiliary components in the gel are:

    • liquid paraffin;
    • silicone gel;
    • aromatic additives.

    The packaging of the drug is equipped with stickers for deworming marks in the veterinary passport


    The main active ingredients are:

    • praziquantel (1 tablet – 50 mg, 1 gram of gel 60 mg);
    • fenbendazole (1 tablet – 500 mg, 1 gram of gel – 600 mg).

    Other excipients in the composition include:

    • sodium lauryl sulfate (10 mg.);
    • polyvidone (20 mg);
    • “meat” flavoring (12 mg.);
    • magnesium stearate (up to 0.6 g);
    • food coloring;
    • starch.

    Important! The peculiarity of Kanikvantel is that it is pleasant to the taste for dogs, since it contains a meat-flavored flavoring.

    Indications for use in cats

    In the treatment of helminth infections of unknown etiology, Kanikquantel Plus is the first-line drug. This is due to the fact that the medicine fights common types of helminths at any stage of their development (both larvae and adults). Kanikquantel Plus is used for the following diseases:

    • echinococcosis;
    • diphyllobothriasis;
    • taeniasis;
    • mesocestodia;
    • toxocariasis;
    • toxascariasis;
    • hookworm;
    • tricephalosis.

    The drug is also used for preventive purposes to avoid the above diseases. According to veterinary standards, cats must undergo deworming once a quarter.

    In fact, it is very convenient to use complex-action drugs for deworming. My cats walk outside, which means that the likelihood of a helminthic infestation is quite high for them. Moreover, even treatment for fleas (and fleas are one of the intermediate links of some worms) does not completely eliminate the blood-sucking ones, they simply do not live en masse on my pets. Therefore, deworming once every 3 months is a must for my animals. And if you give them a drug, then one that acts on several types of worms at once.

    When Kanikvantel is contraindicated

    The drug acts gently on the pet without causing harm. However, there are situations when anthelmintic should not be given to the pussy:

    • the animal is expecting offspring;
    • the kittens are less than 3 weeks old;
    • the cat is allergic to any of the components of the medicine;
    • Murka takes other medications as prescribed.

    An overdose, even a significant one, of gel or pills is not dangerous to the life or health of your four-legged friend. But it happens that in the absence of obvious contraindications, a pet may have an ambiguous reaction to Kanikquantel.

    Side effects may appear as follows:

    • nausea, vomiting;
    • upset stomach, diarrhea;
    • weakness, lethargy.

    The condition is not critical and does not require any measures. But if the state of health worsens too much, then it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian.

    Dosage and instructions for use

    No prior preparation is required before taking the medicine. Questions regarding the use of Kanikquantel Plus arise when determining the required dosage. To do this, it is recommended to first consult with a veterinarian.

    If the cat owner decides to determine the dosage for his pet on his own, then, according to the instructions for use, it should be calculated based on the weight of the animal.


    Tablets are given in the ratio of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of cat weight.

    For example, an animal weighing 2.5 kg should receive ¼ tablet, and large cats (about 5 kg) are given half a tablet.

    The medicine should be taken once a day before meals (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach). The duration of the course is determined individually according to the nature of the disease and the pet’s health condition.

    The tablets can be given either in uncrushed form (at the root of the tongue) or by crushing them into powder. In this case, the medicine is added to the animal’s food. You can also make your own suspension. To do this, the crushed tablet is mixed with a small amount of water.

    You can give a tablet to a cat by placing it in the mouth on the root of the tongue.

    As a rule, animals take the drug well, this is due to the fact that it contains a flavor that is pleasant to the cat.

    Video: how to give a cat a pill


    Using Kanikquantel Plus in gel form is much more convenient than tablets. This is due to the fact that the drug in this dosage form is sold complete with a syringe that has special divisions indicating the weight of the animal.

    The dispenser syringe in Canikquantel Plus gel has convenient divisions indicating the pet’s body weight, and its tip is closed with a rubber cap

    According to the instructions for veterinary use, Kanikquantel Plus is given based on the ratio of 0.5 ml of gel per 1 kg of weight. Thus, if an animal weighs, for example, 2 kg, then it needs 1 ml of medicine. It is also given in the morning once a day.

    As for drug interactions, it is not recommended to use Kanikquantel Plus in combination with medications whose active ingredient is piperazine, since the latter reduces the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs.

    Pregnant, lactating and puppies

    It is important to remember that the deworming procedure is carried out:

    • mandatory before operations, as directed by a veterinarian;
    • 10 – 15 days before vaccinations;
    • 10 days before mating.

    As for puppies up to three weeks of age, bitches in the period of 2/3 pregnancy and lactating individuals, the drug is strictly contraindicated for them.

    Important! It is also extremely important to know that the drug is contraindicated in infected animals, malnourished animals and those suffering from poisoning.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The active components of the drug are substances with very low toxicity. However, the use of the drug in pregnant cats, as well as during lactation, is not recommended due to the lack of clinical trials regarding the possibility of its use in these cases. The drug is also contraindicated in kittens less than 3 weeks old.

    Side effects of the drug occur rarely and are expressed in allergic reactions in animals. As a rule, they go away on their own after completing the course of treatment.

    Adverse reactions

    The advantage of the drug is that it has a very low likelihood of adverse reactions. The instructions for using Kanikquantel state that even exceeding the dose does not threaten dogs with poisoning or a negative reaction to the drug. However, you should follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

    Cats are more susceptible to the medicine and may feel weak after treatment. Sometimes there are cases of vomiting and diarrhea. The same symptoms may occur if the animal is allergic to one of the components of the drug. However, dogs or cats will not require special treatment, as the symptoms disappear without medical attention.

    Kanikquantel can be given to pregnant dogs for anthelmintic treatment.

    Table: analogues of veterinary drugs

    Name of the drugActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsPrice
    AzinoxPraziquantelTreatment and prevention of cestodiasis
    • intolerance to the active substance;
    • less than 3 weeks old.
    Not observed80 rubles
    • praziquantel;
    • pyrantel embonate.
    Treatment of helminthiasis:
    • nematodes;
    • cestodiasis.
    • individual intolerance;
    • age younger than 3 weeks;
    • first 2 trimesters of pregnancy.
    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • increased salivation.
    300 rubles
    • praziquantel;
    • pyrantel pamoate;
    • Oxanthel pamoate.
    Treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodesAllergic reactions80 rubles (1 tablet)

    Photo gallery: drugs to replace Kanikquantel Plus

    Azinox is a universal remedy that will help you quickly get rid of helminths

    Trianthelm will help get rid of your pet from all types of roundworms and tapeworms, even from whipworms, which are very difficult to expel with other tablets. The drug Drontal rids your pet of both tapeworms and roundworms

    What worms does it help with?

    Kanikquantel is a powerful tool in the fight against adult helminths and their eggs. It is used to treat helminthic infestations, as well as for prevention purposes.

    It has shown high effectiveness in the fight against nematodes, trematodes and cestodes, roundworms, tapeworms and intestinal worms, roundworms, whipworms, echinococci, sheep brainworm, tapeworms, and uncinaria. Accordingly, the drug is able to have a preventive and therapeutic effect against:

    • nematode;
    • cestodosis;
    • toxoscariasis;
    • echinococcosis;
    • hookworm;
    • diflariasis;
    • mixed helminthiasis.

    This veterinary drug is produced by the German company Maramed Pharma. Available in the form of tablets and gel (paste).

    Advantages of the drug

    Antihelminthic gel and tablets "Kaniquantel Plus" have a number of advantages over other similar products:

    • The drug can be used for cats and dogs. Whereas most medications are targeted at either cats or dogs;
    • The tablets have the taste and smell of meat, the gel - fish. Consequently, the drug can be mixed with food, deceiving the pet for the benefit;
    • One tablet of “Kaniquantel” is enough even for a heavyweight cat, while many similar drugs have to be given to a tailed friend in larger quantities (2-3 pieces each);
    • The shelf life of Kanikquantel Plus is several times longer than that of other drugs;
    • “Kaniquantel” is a drug that rarely causes adverse reactions in cats, which makes it stand out among anthelmintic substances, after which pets experience lack of appetite, lethargy, and stomach upsets.

    Release form

    Manufacturers offer Kanikquantel in the form of tablets and gel. Separately for large breeds of dogs you can purchase Kanikquantel plus XL.


    Quantiquantel plus tablets are white, have a flat round shape and weigh 0.6 g. There are two dividing grooves in the middle, making it easier to divide the medicine into 4 equal parts.

    To improve the ingestion of the drug, a food additive is added to it that imitates the taste of meat.

    Gel for small breed dogs

    Kanikquantel plus gel is placed in a plastic syringe with an adjustable dispenser. The medicine can be administered directly into the animal's mouth or mixed with a small amount of food.

    How does Kanikvantel work?

    It has a detrimental effect on helminths of any stage, from larval forms to adults. Not dangerous for the fluffy one. After administration, the drug quickly dissolves in the intestines, is absorbed into the blood, spreading throughout the body and suppressing the development of not only nematodes, but also other species found in the body.

    Praziquantel affects worms by changing their carbohydrate metabolism, which leads to disruption of the nervous system and muscle paralysis. Fenbenzadol disrupts energy metabolism, which contributes to complete paralysis of the worm. All together this causes the rapid death of the parasite.

    Dead nematodes are excreted from the body through feces in a dilapidated form.

    It can also be used for prophylactic purposes. If the pet does not have helminthiasis, then it will not have any effect on the body, and after two days it will be completely eliminated through the urinary system.

    Taeniidae parasite

    How dangerous are worms?

    Worms in dogs in the course of their life, localized in various organs and systems, violate the integrity of tissues, reduce immunity, provoke the development of allergies, and contribute to the exacerbation of chronic infections and diseases.

    Helminths disrupt digestive processes, adversely affect the functioning of the peripheral, nervous, and immune systems, and contribute to the development of severe intoxication. Dangerous endoparasites feed on blood, lymph, and elements of the cellular structures of internal organs.

    Types of parasitic worms that cause helminthiasis in dogs

    Severe helminthic infestation can cause intestinal blockage, which will inevitably lead to the death of the pet. Worms pose a particular danger to small puppies with a fragile immune system, weakened, exhausted, and elderly animals.

    Reviews from owners and veterinarians

    There are a lot of positive reviews about this drug on the Internet. Veterinarians approve of it and recommend it for regular use.

    Experts also recommend Kanikquantel, since the product has a wide range of effects and has virtually no side effects. All adverse reactions are temporary and do not pose a threat to the life and health of animals.

    Owners also highly praise the drug for its effectiveness, reliability, quality and reasonable cost.

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