What are the features of the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier: character description and reviews from owners

When the decision to get a Jack Russell Terrier has already been made, future owners must decide which dog with what kind of coat is best for them to buy.

Really, which one should you choose?

Fox terriers, for example, come in smooth and wire-haired varieties.

But Jack Russells also have an intermediate type of coat.

What is this - a Jack Russell Brocken?

How is it different from the smooth and wire-haired varieties?

Let's find out in this article.

Origin story

Jack Russell Terriers were bred in England in the second half of the 19th century..

The first breeder of dogs of this breed, the village priest John Russell, was interested in hunting and kept a pack of wire-haired dogs similar to fox terriers.

By infusing the blood of various breeds of terriers, he tried to improve the working qualities of the dogs and make them more suitable for burrow hunting.

Since it was not customary to wash dogs after a hunt, Mr. Russell made a lot of efforts to ensure that the representatives of the breed, later named after him, could have self-cleaning wool.

Apparently, the first brockens appeared already then: after all, among hunters, the working qualities of dogs were primarily valued, and not their exterior.

Only later, both the wire-haired variety of Jack Russell and Broken began to be exhibited at exhibitions and received titles along with smooth-haired representatives of the breed.

Currently, the intermediate type of coat is very popular, since the brocken does not shed and always looks elegant..

By height

Initially, the dog was intended for hunting in holes, so its compact dimensions were an indispensable condition. The animal had to freely slip into narrow underground passages and get out safely. According to established standards, the main parameters of a dog are: height 25–30 cm, weight 5–6 kg.

The small size of the Jack Russell made it easy to transport. In the old days, hunters carried their four-legged companion in a special bag and let him out when the need for his help arose. Nowadays, the advantages of the dog's compact shape are appreciated by residents of large cities. It is easier to keep a small dog in an apartment and, if necessary, take it with you on a trip.

In the wake of the general popularity of miniature breeds, some breeders began to breed smaller-sized Jacks. Buyers are offered miniature puppies weighing up to 3 kg, which are described as a new variety of the breed. In reality, there are no mini or micro Jack Russells.

The tiny dimensions of individual specimens are due to either hereditary pathology or prematurity of the litter. Individuals with pronounced dwarfism are easily injured, susceptible to various infections, and often have hidden defects in their body structure. They are difficult to socialize and train, and do not have the right to participate in exhibitions. The life expectancy of miniature Jack Russell terriers is much shorter than that of ordinary individuals.

When choosing a puppy, you should not chase fashion. It is more practical and safer to buy an animal that meets the standard. In this case, the owner will be able to avoid many problems and spend more than one year with his friendly four-legged companion.

Description of the breed

The very name of this type of wool means “broken” in English.

And, indeed, the coat of these dogs has kinks, but does not bristle like that of wire-haired dogs, but adheres to the animal’s body.

Brockens have virtually no beard or bushy eyebrows..

True, dogs that are closer to the wire-haired Jack Russell may have a slightly pronounced mustache and goatee.

The height of the Brocken is the same as that of other Jack Russells: for short-legged dogs it is 25-30 cm, and for long-legged dogs (Parson Russell Terriers) it is 34-38 cm for males and 31-35 cm for females.

The body format of high-legged dogs is rectangular, while that of short-legged dogs is elongated.:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, with a fairly wide forehead and a well-defined, but not sharp stop. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull and narrower.
  • The cheekbones are pronounced, but not too prominent. The lips fit quite tightly, their edging is black in all color variants.
  • The teeth are strong, a scissor bite is acceptable only.
  • The nose is small and black.
  • The eyes are brown, not protruding and not very large, slightly elongated. The edging of the eyelids should only be black and uninterrupted.
  • Ears raised at the base or drooping.
  • The withers are moderately expressed, the back is level, the croup is sloping or slightly raised.
  • The chest is deep enough: it should reach the elbows or fall below. The stomach is moderately tucked, not saggy.
  • The limbs are muscular, strong and strong with a fairly wide set of paws and straight, not twisted or collapsed joints. Paws collected in a ball.
  • The tail is slightly lowered at rest, but when excited it is held vertically and can be of natural length or docked.
  • The coat is not too long, quite hard, but at the same time adjacent to the dog’s body. Each hair has one or more kinks.

The most preferred color is spotted, white-black or white-red; it can also be tricolor: white-black-red. White color is also allowed if the dog has a black nose, eyelid rims and lips.

Four beauty secrets for your Jack

To ensure that your dog always has a well-groomed appearance, make a rule for yourself - after each “general” wash, perform simple cosmetic and hairdressing procedures:

  1. Carefully trim the fur in the inguinal folds and around the genitals with scissors (it is better if they have rounded, safe tips).
  2. Cut off the tuft at the end of the tail, even if you really like it: a Russell is not a lion!
  3. If the tail itself is a little overgrown with frays, trim them too.
  4. Fur periodically grows sloppily on the underside of the neck. Don't skimp and buy thinning scissors at a hairdressing store: with their help you can easily remove unnecessary hair.

Remember, a sign of a healthy dog ​​of any type is a well-developed undercoat.

And may your well-groomed pet be healthy and delight the world around him with his cheerful mood!


Pet Personality

Jack Russell Brokens are active and lively dogs who love active games . They are loyal to their owners and friendly if they have been raised and trained correctly.

These dogs make wonderful companions for children who are ready to play with them for hours and run with them.

Considering that the Brocken is an intelligent and quick-witted dog and that it is easy to train, the training of this dog can be entrusted to a child who has reached at least ten years of age.


But it should be taken into account that these dogs have a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why the Brocken can rush to chase another dog, cat, or even a person.

This is why it is not recommended to let Jack Russells off leash in unfenced areas.

Brockens should not be allowed to do whatever they want: these dogs very quickly understand that the owner can be manipulated and then there will be no end to their tricks and pretense..

Read more about the character of Jack Russells here.


Males and females are bred after a year. Before breeding a male dog, he must be taught the basic “rules of behavior”: the animal must obey the owner well and obey him unquestioningly. Otherwise, in the future the dog will “break loose” when he senses a female who is in heat. When a male dog is bred for the first time, the owner must help the animal into the correct position.

Bitches before estrus have very heavy bleeding, therefore, in order to avoid infectious diseases, the animal must wear special underpants, reminiscent of children's disposable diapers. They are purchased at veterinary pharmacies, and the size is selected depending on the height and weight of the bitch.

You can knit annually, on the second or third day of estrus. It is better to introduce the animals first to make sure that they do not show aggression towards each other. You can choose a pair from an advertisement in the newspaper or in a kennel club. It is desirable that the bitch and the dog have approximately the same appearance, age, and pedigree. Mating should take place in the dog's territory.

How to identify a Russell Brocken?

The Brocken's coat is shorter and tighter than that of the Wire-haired Jack Russell, with each hair having a single break, which is why this type of breed got its name.

And brockens differ from the smooth-haired variety in that their coat even visually looks stiffer, although not much longer .

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Brocken Jack Russell is a great option for someone who would like to avoid shedding problems but prefers a sleek dog. After all, after trimming, the Brocken looks almost like a smooth-haired representative of this breed, but at the same time it does not shed and does not leave hair on furniture and carpets. A properly trimmed brocken looks very elegant, so it is not surprising that this particular variety has become so popular. Thanks to the variety of types, you can choose either a shorter-haired Brocken or one that looks more like a wire-haired dog.”

Separation by coat color

The Jack Russell Terrier breed does not boast a variety of coat colors. There are two types of colors of this dog:

  • white and tan;
  • white with black.

The basis of a dog's coat color is white, which may have black and/or red markings. With the black color everything is clear, but the red color has different color intensities: from light to chestnut.

Main varieties

There are three main types of brockens:

  • Light . This dog has a slight crease in the coat, so that visually it looks almost smooth, except that some of the guard hairs may bristle. Broken Lights usually have no beard or eyebrows.
  • Brocken . It looks almost like the wire-haired variety, but its coat is shorter and there is one crease on each hair. The coat does not bristle, but does not lie too tightly to the body.
  • Raf . These dogs have not one, but many creases on their rather coarse and hard coat, and the length of the hair itself is much longer, which is why the dog looks disheveled and shaggy (shown in the photo).

After proper trimming, all these dogs become visually similar to smooth-haired Jack Russells.

What to do if she sheds a lot?

Shedding is a natural process, but if it is too heavy, you should take your dog to the vet - in some cases, increased hair loss may indicate health problems.

If the examination reveals any disease in the pet, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment; if the Jack Russell is healthy, the problem is due to improper care.

It is necessary to review the dog’s diet, change shampoo and conditioner, comb and bathe the pet more often.

Pros and cons of dogs


  • Convenient small size.
  • Cheerful and cheerful: they willingly and play a lot with their owners.
  • Loyal and loving.
  • They are smart, quick-witted and well trained.
  • They make wonderful companions for children.
  • They don't shed.
  • Their fur itself cleans itself of dirt and dust.
  • They are easy to care for.
  • Brocken may well accompany its owner on a trip.


  • Hyperactive.
  • Without proper upbringing, he can start gnawing on everything and peeling off the wallpaper in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time walking, training and playing with your pet.
  • The hunting instinct is highly developed.
  • Has a tendency to dig.
  • Cunning and quite mischievous.
  • Need regular trimming.

The main positive quality of the Brocken is that this dog is able to save its owner from any blues and boredom and that they make excellent companions.

Australian Terrier

Compact dog, height 25.5 cm, no more. Build common among short terriers: somewhat elongated body, short legs. The coat is straight, the outer coat is hard, about 6 cm, the undercoat is moderately thick and short. Various colors: gray, blue, sand, red. He has a surprisingly smart, meaningful look.

The breed is the result of artificial selection. It is assumed that the breed is a hybrid of animals that arrived with English settlers. The date of birth of the breed is attributed to the 19th century. Initially she hunted rodents, drove rabbits and gophers out of their holes. Later she showed herself in the security and watchdog field.

Life expectancy and health

Under good maintenance conditions, the Brocken will delight its owners for 13-16 years of its life, while remaining an active and healthy dog ​​until old age..

Read about how to extend the life of your pet here.

The most common diseases among Brokens are eye diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, although, in general, they are a surprisingly healthy breed and they rarely get sick.

Fox terrier

Two versions of fox terriers are regulated. Species names: smooth-haired and wire-haired terrier. The International Cynology Union FCI classifies dogs as large and medium terriers. The ideal weight is 8.2 kg.

The dogs are well built. The head is elongated, with rectangular contours. The long neck holds the head in a proud, defiant position. The body is rectangular, the length of the body is 2.5 times the height. The limbs are high, the front ones stand straight, the hind limbs are slightly laid back, emphasizing the readiness to move.

Cocky fox terriers are quite common. Their current main occupation is keeping people company. The main requirements that dogs make of their owners are maximum movement and attentive care. Wire-haired dogs require hand plucking, which is done twice a year.

Features of maintenance and care

Brockens need to have their ears and eyes cleaned from time to time, and if their nails are not worn down, they need to be trimmed or filed.

There is no need to bathe these dogs often, and it is better not to wash them at all unless necessary..

After returning home, just wipe your paws and all dirty areas with a damp towel.

Broken Jack Russells need trimming, and dogs of the light variety can be trimmed by the owners themselves. But it is better to entrust the groomer to tidy up the brocken or rough.

Trimming should not be replaced with a clipper or scissors: this will irrevocably damage the structure of the coat..

Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Feeding the Brokens

Experts advise feeding Jack Russells with commercial food of premium class and higher, intended for active dogs.


If your pet eats natural food, then you need to make sure that he gets enough protein foods, such as meat, fish, and dairy products.

During the period of growth, pregnancy, feeding offspring, as well as in old age, vitamin and mineral supplements should be added to the Brocken’s food.

The Jack Russell should also eat fresh or boiled vegetables and finely chopped greens, seasoned with vegetable oil..

Raising a puppy: where to start

First of all, the puppy is taught a name so that the pet responds to its nickname. Then he will master all the other commands. During play and training, you need to use dog toys: balls, sticks, rings, etc.

Important! It is necessary to treat the dog immediately for a correctly executed command, so that it understands that this is a reward for work. Don't let your puppy suddenly grab the treat.

How to get used to a diaper

A small puppy is accustomed to a diaper. Very often, puppies relieve themselves on carpets and soft surfaces, so it is advisable to remove these objects. Then you need to choose a place for the tray and lay the diaper there. Diapers for dogs are disposable and reusable. The latter must be washed by hand with soap after each use.

When the puppy remembers this place and goes there, after a while you can put a tray there and lay a diaper in it. The owner must take the dog to the litter box immediately after it wakes up or eats. After the pet has gone to the toilet in the right place, the owner must praise him and treat him with a treat.

If the puppy relieves itself in the wrong place, then the puddle needs to be blotted with a diaper and the floor washed with a special agent that neutralizes the odor. Under no circumstances should a dog be hit or poke its nose into a puddle. It is necessary to clean up after the puppy immediately so that the tray always remains clean. But you shouldn’t wash it with strong detergents, otherwise the smell will disappear. Simply rinse the tray with water.

For your information! If the puppy begins to whine and fuss, then you need to take him to the litter box.

The dog should have his own toys

Tray training

Some owners strive to train their Jack Russell Terrier to use a litter tray or toilet. It is advisable to line the tray with a diaper, but many dog ​​breeders use cat litter. An annoying embarrassment can happen anywhere, especially if the puppy has not yet reached the age of 12 months. It is advisable not to change the location for the tray.

A small puppy may pee with joy when its owner returns home. Meetings should be less emotional. When entering an apartment, do not immediately pet the dog

On the contrary, you can turn your back to her, take off your outer clothing, wash your hands, and then turn your attention to the puppy

First, you can train your pet to wear a diaper.

Getting used to walking

The Jack Russell Terrier needs walks, so diaper or litter box training is a temporary measure. When the pet learns to beg, it needs to be taken outside. You will need 6–8 short walks. The puppy is taken outside to the toilet for 5-10 minutes. The baby is taken out into the yard in the morning after waking up, and also after each feeding. As the pet grows, the number of walks is reduced to 2-3, and their duration is increased to 1 hour.

If an adult dog, accustomed to walking, begins to relieve itself at home, this indicates a possible illness. You cannot scold or punish your pet for this. It is necessary to visit a veterinarian.

Important! You can walk your puppy only after deworming and vaccination.

Leash and collar training

To walk your dog outside, you need to accustom it to a collar and leash as early as possible. They accustom themselves to a collar in several stages:

Sit next to the puppy and show him the collar so that he understands that this item is not dangerous. After the baby sniffs the collar and takes a closer look at it, you need to treat your pet with a treat. Then calmly put the collar on the puppy and immediately give the treat again. If the pet is afraid, he is again shown the ammunition so that he loses interest in it and begins to treat it more calmly. You can pet him with your hand and hold the collar in the other. The collar is easily removed. The puppy is treated again. Gradually, the puppy should remain in the collar for as long as possible

When he stops paying attention to the equipment and forgets that he is wearing anything, you can take your pet for a walk. During a walk, the owner will have to hold the puppy by the collar. To prevent the dog from getting scared, you need to touch the equipment you are wearing every time and immediately give the dog a treat.

It is advisable to walk your Jack Russell Terrier on a long tape measure. She will not interfere with his running and will not hurt the owner’s hands.

Note! A small puppy should not be let off the leash while walking. This can only be done after he learns the “come to me” command.

But it is best not to let even an adult dog off the leash.

Jack Russell Terrier needs long walks

How to choose?

It is recommended to buy a future pet from a nursery or from a breeder; naturally, the puppies should already have birth certificates and veterinary passports.

When choosing a Jack Russell puppy, you need to pay attention to how he behaves with his littermates and mother, as well as how sociable he is .

A healthy puppy is active and playful, with clear and clean eyes, ears and nose.

There should be no traces of rash or inflammation on the skin. The baby's movements should be well balanced and light.


Please note that one litter may contain puppies with different coat types.

Boston Terrier

A hybrid of two English breeds, bulldog and terrier. Selection work took place in the United States in the city of Boston, approximately 150 years ago. The dog is not large, weighing no more than 11-12 kg. Bulldog features can be discerned in appearance. The appearance is diversified by large ears and a somewhat sad (due to heavy eyelids) look.

There is only one utilitarian purpose - a companion dog. Residents of Massachusetts liked this half-terrier, half-bulldog so much that they made him the symbol of their state. Breeders appreciated the popularity of the dog and developed three varieties:

  • minimum (up to 7 kg);
  • medium (up to 9 kg);
  • normal, standard size (up to 11.4 kg).

Baclofen Statistics

  • taking one tablet – 50 mg, leads to a mild high with the onset of calm;
  • a dose of 80 ml – a state similar to that obtained after drinking alcohol, obtaining euphoria;
  • increase to 100-150 mg – cartoons, the appearance of highly expressed sociability. The brain “burns” with a bright flame in which pictures flash.

Three to four days of taking it (100-125 mg each) is enough for a terrible state with severe depression to set in after stopping.

Baclofen affects different people differently. This is affected by physical and mental state. It is very difficult to choose a safe dose on your own. Hence the frequent overdoses that result in disability and death.

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