Drontal for dogs - effective anti-worm tablets

Description of the drug
Release form and storage conditions:White oblong tablets with a separating score, packaged in blisters (Drontal Junior for puppies is available in the form of a suspension); The closed tablet should be used within 5 years from the date of manufacture, stored at a temperature of +5 to +25°C
Price:1 tablet – 70-80 rubles
Analogues:Dirofen, Biltricid, Kaniverm

About the manufacturer

Drontal is produced by the German concern Bayer. This is an international company engaged in the development and production of medicines for animals and humans. The Animal Health division is responsible for the veterinary industry, with branches in 100 countries. Medicines to combat parasites, as well as products for pets from Bayer, undergo all the necessary clinical studies, chemical formulas and methods of application are constantly being modernized.

Special instructions and preventive measures

To avoid a possible antagonistic effect, it is forbidden to give Drontal with other medications that contain piperazine.

Follow safety rules:

  • wear disposable gloves, wash your hands with soap after contact with anthelmintic;
  • If the drug gets on the mucous membrane, use a sufficient amount of water to wash it off.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of Drontal, inhalation and contact with skin should be avoided. If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor, taking the medicine packaging or instructions with you. It is prohibited to use empty tablet packaging in everyday life; it must be disposed of with waste.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The high effectiveness of the drug is due to the content of three active components:

  • febantel;
  • pyrantel;
  • Praziquantel

The first two substances complement each other and act on large helminths, as well as Giardia - protozoan microorganisms. Praziquantel is aimed at killing tapeworms. The auxiliary components are lactose, corn starch, and a natural meat-flavored additive.

Scope of application of Drontal

"Drontal" is used to treat the main ailments caused by parasites:

  • toxocariasis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • uncinarium;
  • dipylidia;
  • mesocestoidosis;
  • hookworm;
  • diphyllobothriasis;
  • Giardiasis.

The release of all versions of Drontal is controlled by (Germany). The first to be marketed were round, creamy white, uncoated tablets. They had a weak taste and aroma of meat, and were packaged in plastic blisters sealed with foil. At the veterinary pharmacy, pills can be purchased individually, based on the dog’s weight. Each tablet contains:

  • 15 mg praziquantel;
  • 14.9 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 75 mg febantel.

The dosage of Drontal directly depends on the size of the pet

Additional components include corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon, dyes and flavorings. The dosage of Drontal is calculated depending on the weight of the animal: a miniature dog weighing up to 3 kg is given 1 tablet, a large dog weighing 16-18 kg will need the entire standard of 6 tablets.

Release form

Drontal-plus is available only in tablet form. There are two versions of the drug:

  • for puppies and dogs of small and medium breeds (from 2 to 20 kg);
  • for medium and large breeds (from 20 kg and more).

Each tablet is contained in a sealed blister made of aluminum foil. The package contains stickers designed to be recorded in your pet’s passport - this allows you to remember the date of the animal’s scheduled deworming.

Until recently, Drontal was available in the form of a suspension for puppies. Today there is no such drug on the market.

To accurately calculate the dosage of tablets, you should consult your veterinarian.


Drontal for dogs is one of the best anthelmintics. It is relatively inexpensive, has a gentle effect and gets rid of most types of worms.

I prescribe it often. But buy the medicine only in veterinary clinics: even in large specialized stores you can come across counterfeits. The seller is not a doctor, and will not be able to distinguish the original drug from the fake one.

If you haven’t found the medicine or you don’t like it, you can replace it with Dirofen, Cestal or Dehinel. I like Kanikvantel better: it has a slightly different composition, but it also acts more gently.

If you are looking for cheap anthelmintic tablets with a similar effect, pay attention to Kaniverm. This is a Czech medicine. However, it is not supplied to all cities, and few veterinary clinics and pet stores purchase it.

Drontal is also suitable for puppies. But if you want a gentler remedy for a “child”, buy Procox or Prazicide.

Read more: Dog breeds for apartments

How the drug works

Drontal is a combination anthelmintic medicine. Pyrantel in combination with febantel enters the body of the parasite, disrupting the process of its muscle innervation and transport of substances, which leads to paralysis and subsequent death. Praziquantel works on a similar principle, but only affects tapeworms.

Drontal Plus is quickly absorbed in the dog's intestines and excreted from the body in the urine. The action of the product is low-toxic (hazard class 4 according to GOST).

Answers to frequently asked questions

After Drontal, the dog began to vomit and stool with mucus. Do I need to contact a veterinarian?

Diarrhea is a standard complication; it will go away on its own after 1-2 days. But mucus and other impurities indicate severe infestation. It is better to show the animal to a doctor.

They planned to worm the dog before mating, but the heat happened earlier than expected. Is it possible to give the drug immediately before mating?

There are no restrictions on use during conception. But because An anthelmintic is prohibited in the first two thirds of pregnancy; it is better to give it at least 3 days before mating: during this time the active substances will have time to be eliminated from the body.

How quickly does Drontal Plus work?

The drug begins to be absorbed by the intestines in the first hours. The components act and remain in the body for up to 2 days.

They gave the dog a pill in the morning. When can you feed her?

There are no feeding restrictions. But it is better to give the medicine on an empty stomach, and offer the first portion of food after 30-40 minutes.

Indications for use

Drontal is recommended for routine and urgent treatment of dogs against helminth infection, regardless of its type. For prevention, the medicine should be given once every three months; deworming must be carried out before the next annual vaccinations and scheduled mating. The product is not addictive, so it can be used throughout the pet’s life.

The drug is also suitable for the treatment of diagnosed helminthiasis in dogs.

Even if you find dead or live worms in feces or vomit, you should consult a veterinarian before starting therapy.


Drontal for dogs is a very popular product among breeders due to a number of important advantages:

  • destroys most types of internal parasites, including nematodes, cestodes, tapeworms, roundworms, and lamblia;
  • universal – suitable for dogs of all breeds, including dwarf ones;
  • approved for use in puppies from two weeks of age;
  • has a minimum of contraindications and side effects, is as safe as possible;
  • the taste and smell of meat simplifies the administration process; you don’t have to dissolve the medicine in liquid, mix it with food or come up with other tricks to give the medicine to your dog;
  • German quality – product manufacturer – German (“Bayer”).

And most importantly, just one dose of Drontal protects your pet for three whole months, without requiring other medications.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the medicine is always indicated on the package. One tablet of regular Drontal is designed for 10 kg of animal weight, and Drontal-plus XL is 1 tablet per 35 kg. If you are the owner of a large dog, it is recommended to purchase large tablets.

It is advisable to carry out deworming quarterly - this allows you to reduce the risk of infection with worms to a minimum and maintain the quality of life of your pet.

The medicine is easy to give to the animal, it has a pleasant meat taste. The easiest way to give tablets is to mix them into your pet's food. The food should not be too hot; you can use porridge, dry food granules, or a wet pouch. If the dog refuses to take the medicine or spits it out, the tablets can be given forcibly. To do this, they need to open their mouths wide, put the pill on the very root of the tongue - this will lead to natural swallowing of the medicine. With this method, vomiting and coughing are rare.

Owner reviews

Angelina: “The drug used to be super, but now there are a lot of fakes. But even the original is no longer the same. A few years ago it was number 1, but now it has been replaced by better products: they work more softly and are cheaper.”

Anya: “I think it’s a good medicine. I gave it to my dogs for many years, never had any complications or problems. Even an allergic dog tolerates it well.”

Alinenok89: “I was looking for a “tasty” tablet for worms, because... my dog ​​is capricious. I found Drontal+, I liked the description, the assurance of easy feeding and cost-effectiveness: my dog ​​needed to be given a quarter of the capsule. But as soon as I approached the pet with this quarter, she began to run away and snap. I barely caught the beast and forcefully stuffed it with a pill. The medicine smells and tastes disgusting: it smells more like cat urine than meat. On the plus side: the animal easily tolerated the drug, there were no side effects.”

Contraindications and side effects

The product has a number of contraindications. Main restrictions for use:

  • age up to two weeks;
  • pregnancy and lactation of the bitch;
  • weight less than 2 kg;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • weakness, signs of disease.

Before using the medicine for the first time, you should consult a specialist. This will help avoid unpleasant complications.

Despite the safety of the medicine, side effects may occur - allergies due to individual intolerance, indigestion, redness of the skin, convulsions.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Table of contents

  • Release form, composition and active ingredients;
  • Advantages;
  • Indications for use;
  • Rules of use and dosage calculation;
  • Side effects and contraindications;
  • Alternative to the drug.

"Drontal" for dogs eliminates most types of helminths without putting the animal's health at risk and without causing side effects. Many breeders rightly consider it one of the best anthelmintic drugs and trust it unconditionally.


Preventative treatment is an important part of caring for your pet and maintaining its health. There are many deworming products available on the market. The most effective of them:






It is not recommended to select a medicine for your dog on your own. Before the first use, you should consult your veterinarian.

Drontal for cats and dogs

An anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drug for cats, containing two active components: praziquantel 20 mg and pyrantel embonate 230 mg, is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations caused by tapeworms and roundworms. Release form: white tablets, yellowish on the break. The therapeutic effect of both components of the drug Drontal enhance the effect of each other, leading to damage to the shell of the parasites and paralysis of the helminths. The drug is safe for cats; with a 5-fold overdose, no symptoms of poisoning are observed. Indication: Drontal is used for deworming cats, especially when there is a mixed helminthic infection - nematodes and tapeworms. Effective for ascariasis, taeniasis, lesions of mesocestoids, trichocephalates, hookworms, dipylidia, etc. Contraindications during pregnancy (first 2/3) Doses, regimen of use 1 tablet (per 4 kg of weight) once with a small amount of food. Can be given crushed. For prevention, the drug is prescribed every 3 months, deworming is required before vaccinations and mating. The drug does not need to be combined with laxatives.



Instructions for use of Drontal for deworming cats

(organization-/Bayer HealthCare AG, Germany)


1. Drontal is an anthelmintic drug containing pyrantel embonate (230 mg per tablet) and praziquantel (20 mg per tablet) as active ingredients, as well as auxiliary components (corn starch, polyvidone, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol).

2. Drontal in appearance is a white tablet weighing 350 mg with a dividing groove in the center.

3. Drontal is produced packaged in 10 tablets in aluminum foil blisters, packed in 2 blisters in cardboard boxes.

The blister is labeled in Russian with the name of the drug, the name and content of the active ingredients, the manufacturer's trademark, the batch number, the date of manufacture and the expiration date; box - indicating the manufacturer, its address and trademark, the name and purpose of the drug, the name and content of active ingredients, date of manufacture, batch number, expiration date, storage conditions, the inscription “For animals” and provide instructions for use.

Store Drontal in its original packaging, with precautions (list B), separately from food and feed at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Drontal should not be used after the expiration date.


4. Drontal has a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action on all phases of development of round and tapeworms, including Toxocara cati (mystax), Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Ancylostoma braziliense, Uncinaria stenocephala, Echinococcus multilocularis, Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Mesocestoides spp. parasitic in cats.

The mechanism of action of praziquantel, which is part of Drontal, is the depolarization of neuromuscular ganglion blockers, disruption of glucose transport and microtubular function in cestodes, which leads to disruption of muscle innervation, paralysis and death of the parasite. Praziquantel is rapidly absorbed in the intestine and distributed in internal organs and tissues; excreted from the body in urine mainly in metabolized form.

Pyrantel embonate has a pronounced nematocidal effect, causing an increase in the permeability of cell membranes, irreversible paralysis and muscle contracture in nematodes, which leads to the death of the parasite and promotes its elimination from the gastrointestinal tract. Pyrantel embonate is partially absorbed in the intestine, quickly metabolized and excreted from the body mainly in feces.

5. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Drontal is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76); in recommended doses it does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effects. Well tolerated by cats of different breeds and ages.


6. Drontal is prescribed to cats for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for nematodes (toxocariasis, hookworm) and cestodiasis (tenidosis, dipylidia, echinococcosis) at a dose of 1 tablet per 4 kg of animal weight (5 mg of praziquantel and 57.5 mg of pyrantel embonate per 1 kg of weight animal).

Deworming of cats using Drontal is carried out starting from 3 weeks of age.

7. The drug is given to animals individually once, in the morning feeding with a small amount of food (in a piece of sausage, meat, with minced meat).

If the animal refuses to feed with the drug, as well as kittens, Drontal is forcibly administered to the root of the tongue or in the form of an aqueous suspension using a syringe and catheter.

A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming are not required.

8. For therapeutic purposes, animals are dewormed according to indications, for preventive purposes - quarterly at the above dose.

9. As a rule, there are no side effects or complications when using Drontal in accordance with these instructions. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the active components of the drug, increased salivation, diarrhea or vomiting may occur; these symptoms are short-lived, disappear spontaneously and do not require the use of medications.

10. Drontal should not be used in kittens under 3 weeks of age.


11. When working with the drug, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicinal products for animals.

12. Drontal should be stored out of the reach of children and animals.

The instructions were developed (Germany) jointly with Bayer JSC (Moscow).

Organization-; KVP Pharma and Veterinary product GmbH, Projensdorfer str. 324, D-24106 Kiel.

Recommended for registration in the Russian Federation by the Federal State Institution "VGNKI". Registration number - PVI-2-5.0/00547.

Drontal Plus for dogs and puppies is an anthelmintic that is used for the prevention and treatment of cestodias and nematodes against round and tapeworms at all stages of parasite development.

The product contains:

pyrantel embonate, praziquantel febantel The action of the drug damages the muscle tissue and membranes of the parasite, leading to its paralysis and death. For warm-blooded animals, such as dogs, Drontal Plus is low-toxic.

Instructions for drontal plus for dogs: dosage, price As for the dosage, it must be calculated depending on the weight of the animal.

One tablet of Drontal Plus is designed for 10 kg of adult dog weight. If the dog weighs more, then several tablets will be needed, but for a small dog the tablet must be divided into the necessary parts. So dogs and puppies weighing up to two kilograms are given a quarter of the tablet. For dogs and puppies from two to five kilograms - half a tablet. One tablet is needed for an animal weighing from five to 10 kg, two tablets - from 10 to 20 kg, three tablets - from 20 to 30 kg, and so on. The convenience of using this medicine lies in the fact that it tastes like meat and therefore does not need to be disguised in food or put in the mouth, risking your fingers. It is best to give the drug in the morning feeding of the dog along with food. When using this medication, prior use of laxatives and a fasting diet is not required.

For preventive purposes, your dog should be given Drontal Plus four times a year. Deworming is also required before mating, vaccination and 10 days before the birth of puppies. For medicinal purposes, Drontal Plus is given immediately after diagnosis. This drug has no contraindications.

It can be given to old and weakened animals, as well as lactating bitches. It is better to give the drug to pregnant dogs only in the last stages of pregnancy, starting from the seventh week. The price of one Drontal plus tablet is 40-80 rubles. Although the drug can be bought in a package of six tablets.

Reviews on drontal plus



Briefly about the main thing

  1. Drontal plus is an anthelmintic drug with combined action. It is active against roundworms, tapeworms and Giardia.
  2. The main components of the composition: febantel, pyrantel, praziquantel. They complement each other and expand the range of action of the product.
  3. The medicine is available in the form of tablets for puppies and small breeds, the XL version for dogs from 20 kg.
  4. The drug is indicated for the treatment of helminthiasis and prevention of infection. Recommended frequency of use is once a quarter.

Do you give your dog an anthelmintic drug for prevention? Share in the comments how you carry out the procedure and what product you choose.

Suspension for puppies

Puppies and small toy dogs often react negatively to deworming. Many types of active substances are contraindicated for them, others can provoke negative effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, loss of appetite.

The effects of tablets are not designed for the puppy’s fragile body

In addition, it can be difficult to give the tablet to a puppy even in crushed form. There is a high risk that an inexperienced dog will simply spit out the particles. An alternative solution is the Drontal Junior suspension.

Instructions for use

A suspension is ground solid particles in a liquid. It is packaged in 50 ml soft plastic bottles, packed in cardboard boxes and supplied with instructions. Before use, shake the contents vigorously so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. The dosage is calculated individually using the measuring syringe included in the kit.

The main difference between the Drontal suspension and tablets is the absence of praziquantel in the composition. The remaining active substances are contained in a reduced volume. 14.4 mg of pyrantel embonate and 15 mg of febantel are dissolved in 1 ml of medicinal syrup.

Suspension "Drontal Junior"

The medicine acts more gently than classic tablets; it is quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls without irritating them. The drug has a pale pink color and a pleasant sweetish taste. After administration, the residues are eliminated naturally without affecting the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

A suspension that is perfect for puppies up to six months old will be of little use to them as they grow up.

The suspension protects the animal’s body well from nematodes, their eggs and larvae. The optimal time for use is from 2 weeks to six months. Older puppies need comprehensive protection against other types of parasites, so the drug will have to be changed. You should not give the suspension to adult dogs; it will not have the desired effect. If your dog reacts negatively to praziquantel, you can choose a drug with another active substance of a similar effect.

Features of taking the suspension

The suspension must be used exactly according to the scheme - 1 ml per 1 kg of puppy weight. There is no need to prepare the body; it is better to give the drug in the morning, before the first feeding or together with it. Before use, shake the bottle well, then take the required dose with a syringe, checking the measuring scale. The liquid is added to the food and mixed.

When using a syringe, be careful - it is very easy to injure a puppy's mouth.

If the puppy does not eat his portion, you can inject the suspension directly into the mouth by inserting the tip of the syringe into the side of the mouth, between the chewing teeth. Next, the puppy’s head is raised and held until the dog swallows.

By the way! After the suspension is drunk, it is a good idea to reward the puppy with a piece of cheese or other treat.

It is enough for a puppy to drink the suspension once a month to be protected from parasites

The first time the medicine is given to two-week-old puppies. For prevention, the baby is given a suspension once a month, during which time the growing organism will be reliably protected from nematodes. Against this background, the puppy receives vaccinations required by age. After six months, the dog is switched to other drugs (for example, Drontal or Drontal Plus), giving them every 3 months.

Composition, packaging, operating principle

The composition of the drugs Drontal and Drontal plus is not the same. The table shows a brief description of anthelmintics:

A drugPurposeContent in one tablet, mg
Drontal plusdogs14450150

Drontal is intended for cats. It contains pyrantel, which acts in the intestines and destroys nematodes. Praziquantel causes paralysis and death of flatworms. Tablets for dogs are available in two versions. The ratio of active components is the same, only the tablet size differs. Giardia, a single-celled parasite that is equally dangerous to dogs and humans, is sensitive to febantel. A correction additive is added to the pills, which gives the drug the taste of meat. Drontal is produced in blisters of 2; 6; 8 tablets.

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