How to choose a beautiful and healthy toy terrier puppy

Author of the article: Dmitry Boyko | Updated: 08/24/2020

The choice of a dog should be taken extremely seriously: you are choosing not only a companion, but also a friend, a family member for whom you will be responsible. Before buying a pet, you must decide on the purpose of the purchase, the breed of the dog, and also learn how to choose the right puppy. In our article we will tell you how to choose a toy terrier puppy, who is better for you - a boy or a girl terrier, and what documents the seller must provide when purchasing.

What to pay attention to

Newborn Toy Terrier puppies are such a touching sight that you can lose your head and choose the first cub you come across. You can also book newborn puppies, but experienced breeders and good nurseries do not give them away before 2.5 months. However, there is no need to rush in this matter, since along with the dog you can also acquire associated health problems with the pet, a bad character, or a dirty animal.

Terriers are wonderful companions and friends; they will happily adapt to your choice of pastime and keep you company. To avoid disappointment, you should pay special attention to a number of aspects.


If you are choosing a Toy Terrier puppy for the purpose of further participation in various breed competitions and exhibitions, it is better to first become familiar with the breed standard. Absolutely everything must be taken into account here: from the smallest nuances in the animal’s appearance and its character to the pedigree of the puppy’s parents and their characteristics. If you choose a pet that will only please you, then you can limit yourself to a less detailed examination. First of all, the animal’s legs must be long enough, in no case short, and the back must be flat.

Similar article: Who is better and which one to choose: Chihuahua or Toy Terrier

The dog's color may contain small white spots, but a maximum of a few. The eyes may be slightly protruding, but not too prominent, and they should not look in different directions. The eyes, nose and ears should be clean, without tear or purulent discharge; the coat is shiny and well-groomed, there is a complete absence of bald spots and bare spots. You should also pay attention to the claws (neatly trimmed and even) and the area around the anus (without signs of inflammation or diarrhea).


Toy terriers are slightly distrustful, so the puppy may not immediately make contact. However, try extending your arms towards the puppies and choose the one who runs up to you. Most likely, the dog will grow up to be friendly and sociable. It is not recommended to purchase puppies that are kept in a cage. Such animals may have mental problems. In any case, the baby should not be aggressive and bite. A real Toy is a playful, active, sociable pet.


First of all, pay attention to the mother’s health and appearance, if possible. Genetically, a dog will inherit from its parents a tendency to certain diseases, especially mental ones. The conditions in which dogs are kept are also important. If the appearance of the animal satisfies you, inquire about the availability of the necessary age-related vaccinations and the animal’s diet. It is not recommended to change the menu and frequency of feeding suddenly to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Rash, dandruff, umbilical or inguinal hernias are indicators of certain health problems.

By the time of sale, the Toy must have all its milk teeth and a scissor bite characteristic of the breed.

Types, standards and varieties

When choosing a Russian Toy Terrier puppy, you first need to decide what type of dog you want. According to the modern breed standard, this is a small, fine-boned dog of a square format. The height of the toy at the withers is 20-28 cm, and the weight is no more than 3 kg.

Based on coat type, there are two types of Russian Toy Terriers:

  • long-haired:
  • smooth-haired.

Long-haired toy terriers have a body covered with straight or slightly wavy hair, and their ears are decorated with “fringe”. The short-haired representatives of the breed have short and shiny fur, lying close to the body.

According to the standard, the color of the Russian Toy Terrier is allowed:

  • black and tan;
  • brown and tan;
  • bluish-tan;
  • isabella and tan;
  • pale yellow;
  • all shades of red with or without black or brown tan.

Some breeders mislead buyers by adding the prefix “mini” to the name of the breed. In fact, Russian Toy Terriers that are smaller than the standard parameters are dwarfs. Such dogs are not allowed for exhibitions or breeding.

Experienced breeders categorically do not recommend breeding miniature representatives of Russian Toy Terriers. The thing is that the breed itself is quite small and requires increased attention from the owners during mating, pregnancy of the bitch and childbirth. And dogs that are smaller than the standard are fragile.

Conventionally, breeders divide adult Russian Toy Terriers into classes:

  • super-mini dogs, the size of which is significantly smaller than the standard;
  • mini-toys whose weight does not exceed 1.5 kg;
  • small dogs whose weight is no more than 1.6-2 kg;
  • standard has a weight of 2.1-2.5 kg;
  • large ones weighing no more than 3 kg.

The cost of a Russian Toy Terrier puppy is also affected by its belonging to a certain class:

  • Show class includes puppies that fully comply with the breed standard. Their babies grow up to be ideal Russian Toy Terriers, who are guaranteed prizes at exhibitions. As a rule, show-class puppies are born infrequently. Therefore, breeders are very reluctant to part with them. In most cases, show-class dogs remain in the kennel and become its face. A show-class Russian toy terrier puppy costs from 30,000 rubles;
  • The breeding class includes puppies that have show potential and in the future become breeding studs. Such puppies do not have obvious disqualifying deviations from the standard. The cost of such puppies starts from 25,000 rubles;
  • The pet class includes puppies that have disadvantages: a curled tail, white markings on the coat, drooping ears, etc. Such dogs are not allowed for exhibitions and breeding, but they make excellent pets. The cost of such puppies is lower than representatives of the show and breed class from 20,000 rubles.

If you don’t care whether your ward will be a champion at shows, then feel free to choose a pet-class puppy. The main thing is not to make a mistake in your choice; under the guise of Russian toy terrier pet puppies, simple mestizos are often sold.

Boy or girl

If in the future you want to start breeding puppies, then a female toy terrier is preferable for you. In addition, girls have a calmer, balanced character and are easier to educate. Bitches are more loyal, have better contact with children, and are easy to train. However, twice a year the dog goes into heat, which requires especially close attention and monitoring of the dog. But this is not a problem either. After the first birth, the dog can be sterilized.

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Toy terrier boys have their advantages. They have a more impressive appearance, are the best guards, they are more active and energetic, you can forget about problems with estrus and pregnancy, and mating is not at all necessary for them. However, their character is much more complex. They can conflict not only with other dogs, but also with family members, and show discontent and disobedience. With the advent of sexual maturity, they actively begin to mark territory and pay attention to the opposite sex. Also, uncastrated males have a specific smell. Males require more attention and care from the owner.

What should you protect your pet from?

Thin legs cause fractures if it jumps from a height. It is forbidden to place puppies on chairs and sofas. Lifting the puppy by its front paws or carrying it with compression in the abdominal area can cause injury.

Here is a list of strictly prohibited products:

  • any minced meat;
  • raw meat;
  • White bread;
  • pasta;
  • sausages;
  • legumes

New owners often ask: can a terrier have bones? Natural bones should not be given to any dog. “Delicacies” quickly become contaminated and become a source of infections. Particularly dangerous are fragile chicken bones, which easily injure the mouth and throat. If a dog swallows a chicken bone, it could cause a perforation in the intestine. Do not give terriers chicken, it is a strong allergen for them. Potatoes, milk and raw fish are also prohibited.

If you follow a proper diet and proper care, your pet will remain active for a long time and will delight you with its beautiful appearance.

Checking documents

Before you start checking the puppy's documents, it is important to familiarize yourself with the pedigrees and championship certificates of the parents. If you buy a Russian toy terrier, then the breeders will not be able to provide you with a pedigree; there simply isn’t one. However, you must be provided with a certificate with the emblem of the Russian Canine Federation, which will confirm the breed of the dog.

Even animals with any marriage must have documents. Be sure to read the litter registration certificate. The main documents may include an inspection certificate for the puppy and a veterinary passport, which indicates the vaccinations received and other medical procedures performed on the animal. It is mandatory to have a mark, which is recorded in the metric, entered into the pedigree and cannot be changed.

Hygiene procedures

Examine your eyes daily. If you notice any discharge, remove it with a cotton swab dipped in veterinary eye drops or tea.

If mucous discharge from the eyes is persistent, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.

Also check your ears daily. Earwax is carefully removed with a cotton swab.

It is important to monitor the process of changing teeth. Sometimes baby teeth may not fall out when permanent teeth grow. In such a situation, contact a veterinarian to remove old teeth.

To cleanse your teeth, let's chew biscuits.

Toys do not need a haircut, but owners of long-haired dogs that do not participate in exhibitions sometimes give their pets a haircut, leaving hair only on the ears and tail.

approximate cost

Toy terrier kennels are represented not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other large cities of Russia. Who to choose depends only on your preferences. Read customer reviews and information about the participation of nursery representatives in competitions and championships.

There’s one thing you definitely shouldn’t do – buy a dog at the poultry market. Naturally, the cost of a purebred terrier with all the necessary documents cannot be low. Depending on the gender (girls are more expensive), the price of a toy ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

Similar article: How to accustom a puppy and an adult toy terrier to a collar

Be healthy, baby!

If you have successfully decided on the class of the toy terrier you need, remember a few rules for choosing a healthy baby. It will be better if at the time of selection the puppy is already at least 2 months old - with age, toy terriers change quickly and greatly. The puppy may be quite well-fed - this is normal for his age; slimness and grace will come to him later. You need a curious, active baby with clear eyes and nose. The coat should be shiny, even, without bald spots, covering the body. Watch how the puppies play, how cheerful and affectionate they are. The puppy’s desire to hide, take cover, or freeze is an unfavorable sign. This may be caused by an infection, or by a psychological disorder in the dog. Find out from the breeder what vaccinations were given and when, what kind of diet the puppy had - after all, if you suddenly switch the dog to another food, it can cause an upset stomach. Try to adhere to the recommendations received from the breeder in keeping the puppy; do not hesitate to ask questions and seek advice after you have adopted the puppy. And then you have every chance to raise a healthy and happy toy terrier!

Video “How to prepare for the arrival of a toy terrier”

From this video you will learn about all the nuances of keeping a toy terrier.

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How to choose a mini toy terrier

The division of the Toy Terrier breed into mini and maxi is conditional. Therefore, we will also conditionally divide the toys into weight categories:

  • large toy terrier. An adult dog weighs from two and a half to three kilograms.
  • a standard one weighs from two to two and a half kilograms.
  • a decorative standard dog weighing from one and a half to two kilograms is considered small.
  • Toy terriers' mini weight fluctuates around one and a half kilograms.
  • Super-mini Toy Terrier dogs are animals whose weight is lower than the minimum standard. Exceptional miniatureness “gives” the dog a whole bunch of shortcomings and vices. Even if you are lucky and you choose a healthy super mini toy for yourself, then take responsibility for the baby’s health.

In order not to later look for the seller who sold you this “hamster”, use common sense. From a two- to three-month-old puppy, it is impossible to determine 100% what it will be like when it grows up.

Understanding how difficult it is to choose a mini toy terrier, focus on the puppy’s weight. An ordinary toy weighs about a kilogram at the age of two and a half months, and one and a half kilograms at three to four months. A mini toy two to three months old, even theoretically, cannot weigh more than 700-800 grams.

Where can I buy?

You should not consider the market as a place to purchase a purebred animal. Here you can expect a mixture of unknown breeds and a bunch of concomitant diseases. Especially the last point will require additional financial investments. If you are buying a puppy, you may encounter the fact that the small toy terrier will have a weakened immune system.

You should choose breeders who have a good reputation. To do this, it is recommended to attend dog shows and meet useful people. It is customary to collect information about what specialized nurseries and clubs there are in the locality.

If the breeder has good reviews, then he will definitely take care of completing the necessary package of documents. The seller, as a rule, must tell the buyer what conditions are necessary for keeping a toy terrier and what features this breed has.

To form an idea of ​​what kind of dog will be an adult, it is often suggested to look at its parents.


A puppy is trained only through play. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice at him, get annoyed or punish him. The dog will completely stop obeying.

Try to clearly explain what you want. Praise for every success. For correct execution of the command, reward with affection and treats.

Toy is a smart dog. If he doesn't listen, it's because he wants to play and not learn. It will be a terrible punishment if you temporarily stop paying attention to it. Soon he will come running himself and will be more obedient.


The Toy Terrier is a mini dog breed that is one of the most popular in the world. These decorative dogs are great for keeping in small apartments and are easy to train. The fur of these miniature dogs is not an allergen for humans.

Before purchasing a Toy Terrier puppy, you need to learn about the intricacies of caring for, maintaining, raising and feeding a pet of this breed. It is not recommended to keep an animal in a house where children under 6 years of age live. Children can accidentally damage the fragile body of miniature dogs.

What should you protect your pet from?

Thin legs cause fractures if it jumps from a height. It is forbidden to place puppies on chairs and sofas. Lifting the puppy by its front paws or carrying it with compression in the abdominal area can cause injury.

Here is a list of strictly prohibited products:

  • any minced meat;
  • raw meat;
  • White bread;
  • pasta;
  • sausages;
  • legumes

New owners often ask: can a terrier have bones? Natural bones should not be given to any dog. “Delicacies” quickly become contaminated and become a source of infections. Particularly dangerous are fragile chicken bones, which easily injure the mouth and throat. If a dog swallows a chicken bone, it could cause a perforation in the intestine. Do not give terriers chicken, it is a strong allergen for them. Potatoes, milk and raw fish are also prohibited.

If you follow a proper diet and proper care, your pet will remain active for a long time and will delight you with its beautiful appearance.

General rules for selection

Externally, the baby should resemble a fawn. The pet has medium-sized breasts and long legs. The dog has a pronounced transition from the chest to the stomach. There are other distinctive features.

  • If you look at the puppy from the side, you will visually get a square. There must be a white spot on the chest and paws.
  • When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the testes.
  • The Toy Terrier has protruding, rather than protruding, eyes.
  • The puppy should have a scissor bite.
  • The pet always keeps its back straight.

And also when choosing a toy terrier, you need to pay attention to its age. Usually they buy a small dog that is more than 10 weeks old. The baby must be vaccinated twice and undergo a quarantine period. If the puppy is healthy, there will be no discharge from his eyes. A puppy's activity and playfulness indicate a healthy body.

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