Date of the Eurasia 2022 dog show and how to buy a ticket

Every year, dog handlers around the world look forward to the opening of the Eurasia Dog Show in Moscow, one of the largest events in this area. Both already recognized champions, representatives of breeds rare for Russia, and young debutants are allowed to participate in it. In 2022, despite the pandemic, 12,000 purebred dogs took part. This event has been held annually for 30 years. You can not only admire the appearance of the four-legged animals, but also take part in master classes conducted by trainers.

Dog show date

In 2022, “Eurasia” took place over 2 days - May 1 and 2, at the Crocus exhibition complex. The date for 2022 is still unknown, but the organizers are also planning it in May.

To participate, you must register in advance. To do this, just open the page of the official website in Moscow on the Internet. Indicate the breed, class of the pet, and the initials of the owner. After registration you need to wait for confirmation.


A dog's class is a category assigned by breeders. There are 3 of them in total - show, breed, pet. The first category is for participation in exhibitions. Breeding is the best option for further breeding. Representatives of the pet class are cheaper - they are not suitable for demonstration performances and breed support.

Before the exhibition itself, you need to get acquainted with the catalog - it contains information about all participants. If you can’t find your pet there, you need to contact the organizers, again through the website. Perhaps the animal did not pass the selection criteria.

The guide for beginners provides clarification that only a purebred pet will not allow you to attend the event. You must have passports with you, indicating vaccinations, several copies of the pedigree, and for puppies, additionally, metrics.

Re-registration takes place directly at the exhibition pavilion. At this time, the owners receive a number under which they walk around the ring. A short catalog has been prepared for each class, where you can get to know the “rivals” in advance.


If you change your pet or class at the last minute, you will not be able to register again. All changes must be notified to the organizers no later than 2-2.5 months in advance.

DOG-PROFI Academy at ParkZoo 2021

DOG-PROFI Academy at ParkZoo 2021

Venue: conference room “Blue”, located to the right of the entrance to hall 11 (3rd floor)

On September 23, 2022, CrocusExpo will host a Conference for dog and cat breeders, within which the following will take place:

— training events for breeders with the participation of the best speakers

— interactive program for participants

Every year, the DOG-PROFI Project gathers the maximum number of breeders at its events.

DOG-PROFI conferences are the only events in Russia for dog and cat breeders of this scale: annually they gather up to 2000 people. The event brings together the best representatives of veterinary medicine, behavior correction specialists, handlers, groomers, experts in the field of cynology and felinology, and representatives of pet industry companies. The purpose of the events is to help breeders expand their business capabilities and take their business to the next level.

Our events are unique in that guests can gain new knowledge from authoritative experts absolutely free of charge, communicate with colleagues in an informal setting, and exchange information necessary for the competent development and promotion of business. As organizers, we set ourselves the task of not only providing a rich program, but also making the event unforgettable and bright!

Organizers: scientific and educational project DOG-PROFI, ARTIS Expo LLC

Pre-registration is now open.

10:00 “Pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, leading to anomalies in the development and vital functions of newborn puppies and kittens”
Anna Makarova - veterinarian, specialist in reproduction and visual diagnostics, chief physician of the Vetcity clinic

Sponsor: Farmina Pet Foods

13:00 «How to recognize pain in dogs and cats? How can improper rearing of young animals affect the development of chronic pain syndromes? »

Anastasia Chernyavskaya - veterinarian, rehabilitologist, CCRT (certified canine rehabilitation specialist, USA), head of the physical rehabilitation department of the Skolkovo Vet Veterinary Hospital, head of the Skolkovo Vet educational center

Sponsor: Elanco

15:30 «How to increase the value of a puppy/kitten in the eyes of the buyer»

Dmitry Ashchepkov is one of the leading sales experts in Russia, a speaker at the Synergy and Like business , a speaker at the federal program of the Ministry of Economic Development “ My Business, an expert in the field of creating negotiation systems and concluding large contracts

Sponsor: DOG-PROFI


Please note that to attend events within the framework of “ParkZoo 2021” you must register for the exhibition


Dog Show Eurasia 2022: schedule

Events are held simultaneously at several venues. Traditionally, the exhibition begins with a dance competition. This is one of the most difficult types of cynological sports. Man and dog must move in unison. During the performance, they demonstrate the pet's skills, its abilities, interaction with the handler, obedience and ability to perform tricks. Then the semi-finals of the young handlers competition take place, and only then, in the afternoon, the main ring opens.

Exhibition location

Crocus Expo is one of the most convenient spaces for holding large exhibitions. The complex is located at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Volokolamsk Highway. There are surface and underground parking lots, so it is convenient to get here by car. You just need to take into account traffic jams, which always happen in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Nearby there is the Myakinino metro station, from which you can walk to the exhibition halls in about ten minutes. And the Volokolamskaya railway station is relatively close, so you can get here by train. Crocus Expo is formally located in the Moscow region, but geographically it is separated from Moscow by the Moscow Ring Road. Perhaps this is the main and certainly the largest exhibition complex in the Moscow region.

Organizing Eurasia was not easy. Last year, public events were cancelled. Then, by the end of the year, it was allowed to hold canine training events with strict mask requirements. And also by the number of participants, by the distance between people.

Who is participating in the exhibition

The last time you could admire representatives of 240 breeds. Both domestic breeders and dog owners, as well as those coming from other countries, are allowed to participate. How they can get to such a grand event is indicated on the same website where registration takes place. In 2022, the highest competition is expected among Sibs, Labrador Retrievers, Welsh Corgis, and Staffordshire Terriers.


The owners of fighting breeds in Russia have not been very happy in recent years - dogs from the USA are confidently taking the first places.

But perhaps interest in purely “Russian” breeds will outweigh this. These include the hunting spaniel, steppe greyhound, black terrier, and Yakut husky.

Big event

The exhibition took place in two halls. In one of them the rings were broken. The other contained the main ring, as well as sponsor stands. If ten years ago the pet business was very modestly represented at exhibitions of this scale, now it is clear how entrepreneurs feel about Eurasia, the RKF and dog breeders. Many stands are very richly equipped. There are not only feed manufacturers here, but also developers of veterinary drugs, equipment, and publishers of specialized media. All those whose activities are directly related to the pet business. One could also meet people who left their mark on Russian cynology.

While the fight for titles was going on in the breed rings, the main ring was not empty. On May 1, the Russian Dog Dancing Championship was held here. Unfortunately, athletes choose copyrighted music for their performances. And it’s simply impossible to put such recordings in a video either on YouTube or on other platforms. Algorithms will instantly recognize the author’s content, even in poor quality with muted sound, and will block the audio track or the entire news story. Therefore, dancing with dogs is a sport that, with rare exceptions, can only be truly enjoyed by personally watching the athletes perform.

On the second day, demonstration performances in rally offense, trebball, and frisbee took place here.

How the exhibition is held

At the first stage, all dogs are examined, their appearance is described and a score is awarded. Excellent is a red ribbon (but there is also good - green, very good - blue). Only the leaders are left in the ring, distributing titles:

  • Class Winner, PC - class winner;
  • CAC is a candidate for national champions.


If both titles are assigned to one dog, and this happens quite often, then the second one receives a title with the letter R, that is, a reserve candidate.

Only champions from each class - from intermediate to working - are invited to the second stage - placement. Other titles are already awarded here - best male and female (BOS and BOS). The main title is “CACIB”, which stands for Candidate International Champion. At the third stage, there is no longer any difference by gender - the champion representatives are compared.

Coronavirus restrictions

Let us remind you that despite the development of our own vaccines against coronavirus, the pandemic is in full swing. In Russia, just over twelve million people have received the vaccine. Considering the population, this is eight and a half percent. It was too early to lift restrictions, so it was not clear whether a large dog show would be allowed at all. And if allowed, then when and where.

The issue of holding the main exhibitions of the year in St. Petersburg was considered. However, the Russian Canine Federation conducted a survey, receiving more than 1000 letters as feedback. 70% of respondents expressed their readiness to extend the wait for our common big holiday for an even longer period. And wait until the situation around COVID-19 completely stabilizes. And attending public events of many thousands will not be associated with a high risk of infection. And such a balanced approach, of course, cannot but rejoice,” said the organization’s official statement.”


During the forced restrictions, we all missed personal communication with clients, their questions, the noise and energy of the hall and wagging dog tails. And we perceive with great joy the possibility of public events, especially exhibitions of the “Eurasia” level. We believe that most of the goals that we set this time were achieved: we presented new products, very necessary and important for dog owners - canned food, treats, told new breeders about our affiliate program, listened to the wishes of our regular customers and were able to dispel their worries. Our food continues to be produced and delivered to the warehouse in the required quantity, within the usual time frame - this applies to both the products that we produce in Russia and our Italian Blitz Holistic line.

We hope to continue face-to-face meetings, we are always waiting for you at our stand. Follow our news on social networks!

Preliminary schedules of specialty shows for 2022

Dear heads of canine organizations!

The preliminary published below were formed on the basis of applications received by the RKF before April 1, 2022 in strict accordance with the Regulations on certificate exhibitions of the RKF.

Exhibitions declared in accordance with the Regulations, but not included in the preliminary schedules, are suspended for one of several reasons:

– an incomplete package of documents was submitted; – the stated dates of the exhibitions coincide with the dates of the exhibitions “Eurasia”, “RKF Cup”, “RKF President’s Cup”, “Russia”, “Memorial A.P. Mazower", "Moscow Cup"; – the declared exhibition dates coincide with the dates of CACIB rank exhibitions in the same city; – there is no written consent of the club conducting CACIB; – as of the date of formation of the preliminary schedule, 4 breeding reviews have not been held; – as of the date of formation of the preliminary schedule, the 1st exhibition approved for 2022 has not been held; – for clubs that submitted applications after the deadline, there are no requests from federations to the Exhibition Commission to accept applications for consideration; – the club that entered the exhibition was sanctioned by the RKF Exhibition Commission; – the club’s activities were terminated by decision of the Ministry of Justice.

We remind you that in accordance with the decision of the RKF Exhibition Commission dated October 23, 2019, the application for 2022 and subsequent years must indicate the exact date of the zootechnical event. If the exhibition is held on one day, you indicate that specific day, not both weekends. Both weekends are indicated if the exhibition is held over two days.

To adjust dates, we also recommend checking the CACIB exhibition calendar for 2022, published on the FCI website .

To find out why the exhibition you have announced is not in the preliminary schedule, please email: [email protected]

You can find out why the “Rank” column for your exhibit shows “Refusal at the request of the National Communist Party”, you can directly contact the National Communist Party.

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