How to choose a puppy - tips, recommendations, and also a small test

When all the doubts about whether to have a four-legged friend or not are left behind, the only question arises - how to choose a puppy?

This is a difficult task, but if you approach it responsibly and adhere to certain rules, then soon a new family member will appear in your home - everyone’s favorite and faithful companion - a little puppy. The process of choosing a puppy can be divided into four stages.

At what age to get a puppy

The ideal age for a baby to be picked up from a breeder is 8-10 weeks. During this period, the breeder works with the litter, provides socialization and basic training, toilet training, provides the necessary vaccinations and completes paperwork.

Future owners who have already had experience in keeping dogs and want to monitor the growth and development of the baby often purchase puppies at the age of 6 weeks. But until 6 weeks of age, a responsible breeder will not give the animal away, especially to those who are adopting a dog for the first time and do not have a complete understanding of the proper upbringing and maintenance of a dog.

Some breeds of dogs, usually large ones, develop slowly, so they can be purchased at 3 months of age. Large breeds have their own characteristics of care and maintenance, for example, it is important to feed them correctly, with a certain set of foods, in order to avoid sudden growth spurts, which can lead to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, there is no need to rush to pick up your pet as early as possible.

When buying a puppy for a show career or breeding work, you can pick it up even later, because it is important that the baby meets the breed standard, and you can evaluate the quality of the dog and assume that in the future it will be a champion only at the age of 6-9 months, or even later .


The choice of puppy by gender is based on personal preferences and the purpose of purchase. It is worth noting that males are more independent and self-sufficient, prone to dominance, and require a firmer attitude in education. However, in certain breeds such qualities are observed in females, for example the Pomeranian, while males are calmer. Therefore, you need to decide what gender of dog to choose yourself, based on the experience of previous dog ownership, the purpose of the purchase, taking into account who the pet is being taken for, for example, for children and the elderly, it is not recommended to purchase males of medium and large breeds.

How to choose a healthy puppy

One of the main criteria for choosing a puppy, after purebred, is its health. Moreover, it is important to pay attention not only to appearance, but also to behavior and temperament.


A healthy puppy has shiny and clear eyes. There should be no purulent discharge, tear tracks, clouding of the lens of the eye, inversion or eversion of the eyelids.

Clean ears should show no signs of disease, such as discharge or unpleasant odor. If your baby shakes his head, he may have problems with his ears. It is important to test your hearing by allowing your baby to play, interact with his brothers and sisters, clap his hands or drop a bunch of keys on the floor and observe the reaction. A dog with normal hearing will be slightly frightened, look around, then relax and continue playing.

Having opened the baby's mouth, you need to evaluate the gums, which should have a healthy pink color. Pale gums can signal anemia and the presence of worms. The teeth must be clean, without crookedness, the bite must be correct (according to the standard). If the standard states that the bite is ideally scissor-shaped, then in the case of an overshot or underbite, the bite will no longer change with age.

Feel the soft spot on the head - the fontanelle, which usually closes immediately after childbirth. If the fontanel is palpable, it means it is open, and this is a pathology and the baby may have hydrocephalus. The pathology is more common in dwarf breeds.

Healthy puppies, even breeds that look fit and thin as adults, for example, greyhounds, are moderately well-fed and dense. The ribs should not be visible and there should be no excess weight. Body proportions should be normal for a particular age.

There should be no bulge in the navel or groin area that could indicate a hernia. There should be no bloating.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the coat, which should be clean, shiny, and without bald spots. Be sure to evaluate the condition of the skin; hairless breeds and dogs covered with hair have healthy skin, without signs of peeling, scratching, redness, or irritation.

By placing your hand on your chest you can determine your heart rate. If the heartbeat is rapid, then there may be heart disease.

The baby should breathe normally without effort, wheezing or coughing. Breathing problems are more common in brachycephalic breeds, such as pugs, Boston terriers, and Pekingese.

It would be a good idea to look at the anus, around which there should be no excrement stuck. By the way, it is better to wait until the baby goes to the toilet and evaluate his stool. In male dogs, be sure to check for the presence of two testes, which at an older age should be completely descended into the scrotum.


Choosing the right puppy is impossible without assessing its temperament and behavior. Usually, most babies, with the exception of some breeds, show curiosity and interest in visiting strangers. The baby must be willing to follow the person.

You should stick to the golden mean, giving preference to moderately active, balanced puppies. It is better not to acquire children who are too timid, cowardly or, conversely, aggressive and display dominance. The character of children will not change with age; when buying, for example, a cowardly German shepherd, one should not hope that in the future it will be a good watchman, and dogs with obvious leader qualities are more difficult to train.

When choosing a puppy, you can pick it up, but it should not squeal, struggle, or bite. The baby should normally perceive touches on the paws, ears, and face.

To choose the right puppy, it is important to observe the babies from the litter, how they eat, interact with each other, and react to strangers. Of course, it is difficult to say with certainty how a pet will grow up, but by observing it, one can guess what its behavior will be like in older age. Appearance and behavior must correspond to the characteristics of the breed.


The choice of puppy by gender is based on personal preferences and the purpose of purchase. It is worth noting that males are more independent and self-sufficient, prone to dominance, and require a firmer attitude in education. However, in certain breeds such qualities are observed in females, for example the Pomeranian, while males are calmer. Therefore, you need to decide what gender of dog to choose yourself, based on the experience of previous dog ownership, the purpose of the purchase, taking into account who the pet is being taken for, for example, for children and the elderly, it is not recommended to purchase males of medium and large breeds.

Boy or girl

After choosing a dog breed, future owners think about what gender of puppy is best to get. In this matter, we recommend focusing on personal sympathies, however, males and females have differences in appearance and behavior that are worth keeping in mind.

Pros and cons of male dogs:

  • males are more suitable for participation in sports competitions;
  • more powerful and larger than females;
  • lazier in matters of training;
  • Males have a stronger sex drive. His needs will have to be compensated with long-term physical activity;
  • During a walk, the male is active and strives for his fellow tribesmen. If there is a bitch in heat nearby, you will have to hold him tightly on a leash.

Pros and cons of females:

  • more domestic and affectionate, more attached to the owner;
  • less aggressive and pugnacious;
  • sleeker and smaller in size;
  • more obedient and easier to train;
  • Bitches come into heat 2 times a year. They become nervous, disobedient, and the risk of infections increases. During these periods, the dog needs to be protected from male dogs and monitored especially carefully, because it may try to escape.

In general, it can be noted that the distinguishing feature of males is independence, and that of females is tractability. But a lot depends on the temperament of a particular dog.

How to choose a breeding and show class puppy

For an exhibition career and breeding, it is important to select puppies in accordance with the standard, paying attention to all the characteristics of the breed, including the color of the nose, coat color, bite, number of teeth, etc. Having assessed healthy, already grown-up puppies, you need to visually select those that fit the floor. Usually, animals are chosen for a show career or breeding after changing their teeth.

No breeder can say with 100% certainty how successful an animal will be. The breeder can only make his own guess and say that this dog has the potential to receive high marks. After all, simply buying a purebred puppy, even if it meets the standard, is half the success; the owner of the animal himself must make a lot of effort, ensuring proper maintenance and care, training and preparing for exhibitions.

If a breeder assures that at the age of up to 6 months a puppy can become a champion in the future, then you should not believe him, because at this age it is impossible to determine the quality of a dog, which changes dramatically by the age of one year.

Therefore, if you have no experience in keeping, but are planning to participate in exhibitions or breed, you should be responsible when choosing a puppy. It is better to invite an experienced dog breeder who specializes in the selected breed.


So, let’s summarize how to choose the right puppy:

  1. Breed selection. There are more than 400 dog breeds and their number is constantly growing. Each differs in appearance, character, and conditions of detention.
  2. Reading about your chosen breed. Once you have decided on the breed, read all possible literature to learn as much as possible, and also talk to the owners of dogs of this breed.
  3. Choosing a puppy for the family. In this case, you need to choose from breeds that are friendly to children. These include, for example, Labrador puppies, Cocker Spaniel, Jack Russell Terrier, French Bulldog, Jagdterrier and others.
  4. Choosing a puppy for protection. You have to choose from breeds that are devoted to their owner and react with caution to strangers. These are mainly large and medium-sized breeds, for example, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman and others puppies.

  5. Choosing a puppy for hunting. If you are hunting, you should choose a puppy from breeds such as Drahthaar, Beagle Harrier and others. Many people choose a husky puppy from a litter for hunting.
  6. Choosing a puppy for shows and competitions. The main thing in this case is to choose a puppy with all the necessary documents and a good pedigree. Currently popular puppies are Yorkshire Terrier, Chow Chow, Pekingese, Pomeranian, and Chihuahua.
  7. Choosing a puppy without a breed. If you have no desire to purchase a puppy of a certain breed, it is better to take a dog without a breed. Mutts make the best friends if they are raised well.

Puppy's parents

Having assessed the appearance and behavior of children, one should not neglect the opportunity to evaluate their parents. Usually you can only look at the bitch, and the dog has to be assessed only from a photograph, since he may live in another place. By the way, not every breeder will agree to show a bitch, because after giving birth she is not in the best shape, and scammers may even show another dog.

You should not pay special attention to the titles and awards of parents, which are not indicators of the child’s abilities and temperament and do not guarantee the transfer of all the best qualities to the offspring. Even with excellent parents, not all puppies are born perfect. The main thing is to have a good bitch, who, despite her sagging belly after giving birth, must meet the standard.

You can get an idea of ​​how your pet will grow up by looking at photographs of its grandparents.


So, for your purchase to bring you pleasure in all its forms:

  • Make sure your home is suitable for each breed of dog . If the dog is large, there should be plenty of room for it to move. If the house is small or you live in an apartment, then the barking of a big dog will drive not only you, but also your neighbors crazy. Having a backyard will create a place for your dog to play actively. After all, they love fresh air and games so much.
  • Make sure you have enough money . This is not about money to buy a puppy. You must have money for food, visits to the veterinarian, and a hairdresser (if it is a long-haired dog). Also an important condition is the availability of free time. You need to not only walk with the dog, but also play. If you don’t devote time to her, she will get bored, and may even begin to damage furniture and things.
  • Find a friend for your puppy . If you work a lot and spend little time at home, be sure to find a dog sitter. She will feed her, play with her and take her outside on demand. This way your dog will be happy and his character will be flexible.
  • The dog can be naughty. In puppyhood, they all seem obedient and flexible. But some individuals can literally turn your house upside down. Be sure to think about what you can do with your dog at home to redirect his attention - buy special toys .
  • If you already have other pets, think about how introductions will take place and whether your pet will accept the new family member . This should be done very carefully so as not to traumatize the animals’ psyche. Give them the opportunity to sniff each other and get used to it.
  • Prepare your home for the arrival of the puppy and create a comfortable environment . Buy a small house or bed for your puppy. While on it, he will be able to relax and feel safe.

What questions to ask a breeder when choosing a puppy

Ask for a document (certificate) confirming that the puppy’s mother was vaccinated and tested for infectious diseases before breeding. You should find out whether your ancestors had congenital diseases, whether there are hereditary diseases in the line, including mental ones.

Ask to see where the dogs are kept. Assess the living conditions, the cleanliness of the sleeping place and bowls, and the play area.

When choosing a puppy, you need to ask the breeder how many litters the bitch has had in the past and whether the current litter is planned. If the litter is unplanned, then the breeder may not have registered it, which means he does not have a Metric, the babies do not have a brand, and without this you cannot get a pedigree. Do not hesitate to ask questions regarding further nutrition (what to feed at first and how to switch to a new food, how many times to feed, amount of food, what additional supplements and vitamins to give), care and maintenance (how to wash, how many times to clean ears and eyes, what to do if diarrhea starts, what toys to give, how to walk), education, training, vaccinations (when to give the next vaccinations, give anthelmintic drugs, what products to use against fleas and ticks). It wouldn’t hurt to find out what the kids are accustomed to and what commands they know. It is imperative to find out whether it is possible to return the puppy in the event of unforeseen circumstances, for example, if a congenital disease is discovered or a situation arises in which further keeping the pet will be impossible. Having chosen a puppy and intending to buy it, you need to ask whether it is possible to maintain contact with the breeder and seek advice if difficulties arise with the care and maintenance of the pet. Is there a veterinary passport, which should contain notes about vaccinations and deworming performed? Ask for a puppy card and check the brand code on the document with the code on the animal’s body. They must match. What will the breeder advise if no further mating is planned? Is it possible to spay or neuter a dog? If you plan to obtain a pedigree, then you need to ask about the sequence of actions, find out the coordinates of the club and clarify what questions can be addressed there.

How does a breeder behave?

A conscientious breeder is interested in the fate of his puppies. He will first think about whether the buyer is worthy of a dog, find out the purpose of the purchase, about the experience of keeping it, talk about the breed, about the further maintenance of the chosen puppy, advise the baby that is most suitable for specific purposes, and give his contact numbers. Choosing a puppy from a litter is a responsible matter, so there is no need to blindly trust the words of a breeder who is trying to sell the animal as quickly as possible and cannot provide the required documents or clearly explain the reason for their absence. You should not believe the expression “elite puppy”, because adult dogs that have passed a point assessment as show, breeding, or working animals are considered elite. If a breeder talks about dogs, calling them elite, most likely he just wants to increase the price or is simply illiterate in his field.

What documents does the breeder provide?

The breeder, along with the puppy, must provide a puppy card, as well as a veterinary passport, which contains notes on the vaccinations given (at least one vaccination).
However, it should be remembered that the breeder does not always provide a veterinary passport; in some cases, you have to prepare it yourself. There is no need to neglect the purchase and sale agreement, which must be concluded when purchasing a puppy. The contract guarantees that the pet can be returned if it turns out to be unpedigreed or sick. In addition, the contract serves as additional insurance against fraudsters; the price will be clearly stated in the text, which the breeder will no longer be able to change. Similar articles:

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Where to get a dog

Before you figure out how to choose the right puppy, think about where exactly to get him. Here you will have to start from the strength of the desire to acquire a purebred representative and, of course, the wallet of the future dog breeder.

At the nursery or at the breeder's

At the shelter

The disadvantage of such establishments is the lack of documents. You cannot participate in breeding or exhibitions with a purebred pet. If you take an animal as a home and not for a career, this will not be a hindrance.

From a private person

At the poultry market

From the street

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