Types of purulent discharge from the urethra in dogs

Discharge from the genital organs in male dogs can be found often; they come in different types and consistencies. Frequent licking of the weevil provokes the production of exudate. And if the dog feels bad and spends a lot of time licking, this may indicate a serious disorder of the reproductive system and the development of many diseases.

What danger do they pose?

Any discharge in a dog is an unpleasant occurrence. In some situations, they are quite natural, since they appear in animals at a certain period of their life cycle. They usually have a characteristic color and smell. In this case, they do not pose a threat and simply signal that, for example, the female is in heat and is ready to mate.

However, in most cases, discharge poses a clear danger, as it is a symptom of a developing disease. If pathology is present, they will have a sharp purulent odor, as well as an admixture of blood.

Purulent discharge is often a symptom of dangerous diseases such as venereal sarcoma, hematometra or pyometra (inflammation of the uterus). Moreover, in most cases, the animal requires qualified medical care and even surgical intervention. If treatment is not started, there is a high probability that your pet will die.

It is worth noting that sometimes juvenile vaginitis occurs, which is manifested by the appearance of purulent drops on the loop in dogs. It usually develops before the first heat. This condition does not require treatment as it goes away on its own. Typically, juvenile vaginitis disappears after the animal reaches puberty.


Each type of disease is characterized by specific symptoms.


Inflammation (inflammation) of the vagina is manifested by scanty whitish, watery or mucous discharge. In the early stages of the disease, the bitch hides the symptoms by licking. Inexperienced dog breeders mistake pathology for estrus. If excretion does not stop for a week, you need to consult a specialist, otherwise the inflammation will spread to the uterus or urinary canals.

Decreased blood clotting

If the coagulation mechanism is disrupted, a hematometra is formed. Blood accumulates in the uterus, which is released in clots or drops.


Inflammation of loss develops from vaginitis or is a consequence of hormonal imbalance during false pregnancy. The bitch feels fertilized and behaves like pregnant dogs, although conception has not occurred. Such anomalies are typical for those who were not fertilized during mating or nulliparous. During the period of false pregnancy, the female experiences psychoneurological discomfort and an increased need for attention from the owner.

There are acute and chronic forms. During the manifest process, discharge of any color and consistency is observed, with or without odor. Hyperthermia and anorexia occur. Without proper treatment, pyometra develops in dogs and the animal may die.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus does not threaten the life of the bitch. There may be no vaginal discharge, however, pregnancy does not occur.

With endometritis, the dog is depressed


This is the name for inflammation of the uterus, accompanied by the accumulation of a large volume of pus. The development of inflammation of loss is provoked by the hormone Progesterone, the level of which increases after the cessation of estrus. The disease mainly affects females who have reached 5 years of age and who have been given hormonal contraceptives. Young bitches suffering from false pregnancy are at risk for developing diseases of the reproductive organs.

If the bitch does not receive proper treatment, purulent inflammation spreads to neighboring tissues, inflammation of the peritoneum develops, ending in death.

When the form is open, a thick cloudy exudate is observed. The closed type of the disease is more dangerous, accompanied by intoxication, uterine rupture, and peritonitis. The pathology is characterized by thirst, hyperthermia, an increase in the size of the abdomen, and a depressed state.

Discharge from pyometra

Urogenital infections

Characterized by discharge of any color and consistency, as well as the appearance of pus or blood in the urine. It acquires an unpleasant odor.


The formation of neoplasms is accompanied by tissue destruction and the appearance of discharge from the vulva of various thicknesses and colors.

Among the additional signs, pay attention to the following:

  • Excessive attraction of males
  • Constant licking of the noose
  • Apathy, thirst, hyperthermia
  • Difficulty urinating or defecating

Why do they appear in males?

Normally, a healthy pet may have a small amount of yellowish lubricant. It usually forms around the preputial foramen. In this case, pathological discharge from the urethra in dogs can be different:

  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • urinary

Various types of discharge from the genital organs in male dogs can have a wide variety of causes. At the same time, the male becomes anxious, loses his appetite and decreases activity. The effectiveness of the dog’s treatment and its state of health directly depend on how correctly the veterinarian determines the root cause of the disease.

The most common reasons for the appearance of such discharge from the urethra include the following:

  • inflammatory processes (for example, preputial sac);
  • infectious, viral or bacterial disease;
  • problems with the bladder and prostate gland;
  • stones in the urethra;
  • tumor formations of benign and malignant nature;
  • injuries;
  • poor blood clotting (reduced platelet count);
  • infection of a pet with rat poison (extremely rare). But if infected, a dog can infect its owner and surrounding people.

As you can see, the reasons for this situation can be quite serious. That is why, if your dog is dripping blood from the urethra or has other discharge, a visit to the veterinarian should be made as soon as possible.

Possible diseases in dogs

Diseases of the genital area in male dogs are not uncommon, although it cannot be said that this is a common problem for an owner to contact a veterinarian.

There is another factor in this - the owner’s lack of information about the seriousness of the pathology in the male genital area. Much less attention is paid to this part of the body than, for example, to hygienic brushing of a dog’s teeth. However, various diseases of the reproductive system negatively affect the general condition of the pet.

Among the common diseases diagnosed in male dogs in the genital area are balanoposthitis, epididymitis orchiepididymitis and prostatitis.


An inflammatory process localized in the initial stages in the area of ​​​​the delicate skin of the glans penis and the prepuce covering the foreskin. The main factor provoking the development of balanoposthitis in males is an imbalance of microflora in the genital area. Normally, a specific secretion (smegma) contains keratinized scales of the epidermis and opportunistic microflora. In the absence of proper hygiene or a sharp decrease in immunity, the microflora is activated, and increased growth and development are noted. All this leads to inflammation, which covers the skin of the genital organ itself and the preputial sac. In the absence of timely treatment, balanoposthitis often leads to complications such as urethritis.

The main symptoms of the development of balanoposthitis in a male are:

  • constant licking of the genitals;
  • the hairs present at the edges of the prepuce stick together due to purulent secretion;
  • formation of wounds on the skin of the penis;
  • swelling of the genital organ.

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination and other diagnostic methods. Antiseptic solutions of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide are prescribed as therapy. After treatment, special ointments with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects are applied.


A pathological process that develops in male dogs in the area of ​​the testicles and appendages. Inflammation can occur as a result of traumatic mechanical impacts, as well as in the presence of pathogenic bacterial microflora. Orchiepididymitis in male dogs is most often provoked by rickettsiosis, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

The main signs of the development of orchiepididymitis in a pet are:

  • pain in the testicles and changes in their size;
  • increased local temperature and hyperemia of the skin in the scrotum area;
  • discharge of mucopurulent exudate from the urethral canal.

Treatment depends on the factors that provoked the development of the inflammatory process in the genital appendages. Painkillers for severe pain, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents may be prescribed. The veterinarian determines the course of treatment individually for each patient.

Causes of occurrence in females

Pus and other discharge may also leak from bitches. Such discharge from the loop in a dog may appear for the following reasons:

  • natural. There are situations when pus occurs during estrus or childbirth, and also when a girl is just entering puberty. Often it appears at the end or at the very beginning of a particular physiological state. After whelping, it is normal to experience a slight brown discharge. They can drip for 2–3 weeks. During estrus, a blood clot may appear. It indicates the female's readiness to mate. Also, spotting indicates that ovulation is approaching;
  • pathological. In this case, the cause may be inflammatory processes, oncology, diseases of a wide variety of etiologies. Most often in bitches this symptom manifests itself with vaginitis, pyometra, and endometritis. Poor blood clotting can also lead to blood clots.

Whatever discharge of various kinds from the genital organs in females, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Only he will be able to tell whether this is normal or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Puppy has green discharge

If a dog with green discharge is under one year old, we are most likely dealing with prepubertal vaginitis. It usually occurs in female dogs between 8 weeks and 12 months , and usually causes no more symptoms than this discharge, although we may see licking and irritation of the vulva. Usually does not require any treatment, except in more serious cases. If necessary, in the veterinarian's opinion, it will consist of antibiotics. A culture can be done to determine the most suitable one. You should know that vaginitis will attract some males and this may make us think that the bitch is in heat.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) can also appear in adulthood and does not always have to be associated with infection. It can be primary, such as caused by the herpes virus (viral vaginitis), or secondary to conditions such as tumors (especially in female dogs around 10 years of age), urinary tract infections (as we have seen), or congenital malformations. We will see that the dog often licks its vulva and causes discomfort. Treated with antibiotics, for infection, with baths according to a veterinary prescription.


Diagnosis and treatment

To make sure that the dog is healthy, if even the slightest discharge appears, you should seek help from a veterinarian. He will examine the animal to identify other pathological phenomena or symptoms.

In order to accurately determine the cause, the doctor will necessarily take the animal’s purulent discharge and blood for analysis and send it for laboratory tests. In addition, a urine test is required.

Thus, it is possible to detect not only the presence of infections and parasites, but also to determine abnormalities in the blood system (for example, a reduced platelet count). For an accurate analysis, swabs are taken from the dog's genitals.

Laboratory tests allow you to accurately determine the diagnosis and assess what stage of development the disease is currently at. Thanks to this, the veterinarian can create a more precise course of treatment that will be optimal in a particular case.

Simultaneously with laboratory tests, a specialist may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures (for example, X-ray or ultrasound of an organ or vaginoscopy).

Based on all the results of the tests and external examination of the pet, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. It directly depends on the reason that caused the discharge. Some ailments can be treated with medication at home, while others require chemotherapy (for example, oncology) or even surgery.

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In addition to developing a treatment regimen, after eliminating the root cause, the specialist prescribes a special regimen for the animal that will allow the dog to quickly return to its normal lifestyle.

Treatment of pathological discharge

In order to effectively eliminate pathological discharge from an animal’s vagina, you need to find out what caused it. This will require an experienced specialist. Since incorrect self-diagnosis of a canine disease can be costly, sometimes even the life of the pet.

  • To recognize pyometra, the veterinarian does a general clinical examination, ultrasound diagnostics, and sometimes he has to take the animal’s blood for analysis. The treatment of the disease in question is always comprehensive. Antibiotics, hormones, surgical and therapeutic interventions, and IVs will help save the dog if they are used in a timely manner. Sterilizing your four-legged friend will be an excellent prevention of pyometra.
  • Vaginitis, although it does not particularly bother the dog, is unsafe in that it entails the development of other, more complex diseases. The infection spreads and causes endometritis, cystitis or pyometra. In addition, the dog may permanently lose the ability to become pregnant. If the disease is detected in the early stages, it will be enough to rinse the vagina with special disinfectants. In more complex cases, not only this procedure is performed, but also a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
  • Endometritis is treated comprehensively with medications and surgery. Although even modern medicine cannot guarantee a complete cure for a pet, the consequences of this disease can last a lifetime.

Vaginal discharge in a pet should not always cause concern and anxiety in the owner. If there are no other symptoms or a pronounced unpleasant odor, then most likely the bitch is in normal heat. Also safe, clear discharge during labor or the postpartum period. In other cases, you need to promptly contact a veterinary clinic and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Saving a dog from some diseases is only possible with timely and professional treatment.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of purulent and any other types of discharge from the urethra, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • timely sterilization;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • periodic visits to the veterinarian;
  • cleanliness in the house or dog kennel;
  • completion of all vaccinations that the animal must have;
  • dog activity. You need to spend a lot of time outdoors with your pet;
  • maintaining pet hygiene: bathing, combing, trimming claws, etc.

If you follow all the preventive measures listed above, the risk of such a pathology will be reduced to zero.

Many diseases of the genital organs in any type of dog always begin with purulent discharge. Therefore, if even minor smears are detected, you must take your pet to a veterinarian for examination. Often this is a clear symptom of the onset of an illness, treatment of which should be started as soon as possible.

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The dog got green discharge

In this case, we are talking about a dog when it has not been sterilized, so it still has a uterus and ovaries, which are responsible for its reproductive cycle. If she has not had surgery and her discharge is green, we should immediately contact a veterinarian if the following symptoms also appear:

  1. Apathy, we will see our dog less active than usual;
  2. Loss of appetite;
  3. Vomit;
  4. Diarrhea;
  5. Polydipsia and polyuria (increased water consumption and urination).

We say you need to see your veterinarian immediately because these symptoms may correspond to pyometra, an infection of the uterus that has the following symptoms:

  1. Open : We are concerned if our dog has mucopurulent discharge. This means that the cervix is ​​open, allowing infectious secretions to escape.
  2. Closed : This is the most dangerous form because without emptying the uterus, it can rupture. Additionally, because the flow is not clearly observable, it may be more difficult to detect. The lower abdomen is usually inflamed and painful.

It is more common in females over six years of age. Pimetra is a very serious pathology that can be fatal. It is usually treated with surgery, ovariohysterectomy (sterilization), and antibiotics. The clinical picture determines the diagnosis, and ultrasound or radiography can confirm it.

What need to do?

If you notice discharge from the penis, the first thing you need to do is examine it. To do this correctly, you need to put the dog on its side (it’s good if someone helps you), raise the upper hind leg, fix the penis behind the thickening (bulbs) with one hand, and carefully push back the skin (prepuce) with the other. Carefully examine the penis itself (you should be alerted by redness, soreness, the presence of bubbles (follicles) in the area of ​​the base of the penis, the presence of any formations on it). Inspect the opening of the urethra to make sure there is no discharge from it.

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