Perfect Fit dog food: reviews and composition analysis

Perfect Fit dry food belongs to the economy class of ready-made pet food, is more accessible to the general population, but has a number of serious disadvantages that negatively affect the health of pets.

In the review: I will talk about the composition, its pros and cons, give examples of reviews that are found on the Internet and give a conclusion.


  • Feed overview
  • Compound
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Reviews
  • Brief Conclusion

The manufacturer of industrial food for dogs and cats is the Mars company, which, in addition to Perfect Fit, produces such well-known brands of food as: Royal Canin, Whiskas, KiteKat, Chappi, Pedigree.

Ready-made food is produced simultaneously in Russia and Germany, and has absolutely the same composition, regardless of the country of manufacture.

The manufacturer promises on the official website that their food is carefully developed according to a special recipe by a whole staff of nutritionists and veterinary specialists.

Thanks to this fact, pets who consume balanced ready-made food from this brand remain active and full of vitality for a long time.

On the site you can also find information about the availability of various lines of food, its composition and recommendations from specialists.

About the manufacturer

The Perfect fit brand belongs to the large American conglomerate Mars Incorporated, along with the Kitekat, Royal Canin, and Pedigree brands. Until recently, only cat food from this manufacturer could be found on the shelves.

And so the company began developing food for dogs. Its products belong to the economy class. Buyers can purchase a diet without harmful additives, but at an affordable price. The products are manufactured in Russia and Germany.

The manufacturer offers 16 types of wet and dry food for cats and 4 types of diets for dogs. To develop several types of optimal diets, the company attracted specialists from the English research center for animal nutrition Waltham, also owned by Mars Incorporated.

The result of their work was the “5 components of health” nutrition concept, which is used in the development of all Perfect fit products.

Description and composition of food

The Perfect Fit product line uses only natural ingredients. At the moment the company offers only dry food. The basis of the diet is dry poultry protein (including chicken).

It is used as a source of glucosamine, which takes part in the metabolic process in bone and cartilage tissue. Rice, wheat, corn, and beet pulp (pulp) are added to the product as additional ingredients, which saturate the dog’s body with complex carbohydrates.

It also contains animal fat, dried whole egg, chicory extract and pea concentrate as a source of protein. All four types of feed are enriched with vitamins (A, E, D3, B1, B2, B6). Each diet also contains fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid.

Varieties of Perfect Fit food

All Perfect Fit products are represented by 8 types of food.

  • Junior - food for kittens and teenagers . Suitable for babies up to 6 months. They need a diet different from that consumed by adults. A growing body needs more minerals and vitamins. Perfect Fit food for kittens and adolescents contains vitamins C, E, as well as essential minerals. This food is produced in the form of small granules, so the animals’ gums and teeth develop better.
  • Active - for active pets . This food is suitable for very active adult cats. Such food helps the animal to always be in shape. To maintain the physical activity of cats, the food contains a lot of protein, vitamins A and B, and useful minerals.
  • Sensitive - dietary food . Well suited for animals that suffer from allergies or suffer from indigestion. The product is suitable for maintaining a diet. Contains only natural plant ingredients, no soy or wheat waste. It is very important to give this type of food to cats that suffer from liver and kidney diseases.
  • In-home - for adult domestic cats. This type of food is suitable for animals that are not active and never walk outside. To prevent your cat from becoming obese due to a sedentary lifestyle, she needs special nutrition. To maintain proper metabolism, this food contains biotin and omega acids. To prevent animal excrement in the cat potty from having an unpleasant odor, Perfect Fit I n-home contains extract of the evergreen Yucca. The food also contains a large amount of fiber, which helps remove pieces of hair from the body.
  • Sterile - for castrated and sterilized individuals . Sterilized animals also require special care. The composition includes useful substances that help normalize weight and balance metabolism.
  • Senior - nutrition for older cats . Suitable for animals over 8 years old. Older cats require special nutrition that does not contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for activity during adolescence. This food is rich in antioxidants for a beautiful shiny coat, taurine for healthy heart function and glucosamine for strong bones and normal joint function.
  • Hair&beauty - for the beauty of the fur of cats and cats . Designed for the care of long-haired cats. Perfect Fit H air&beauty products contain useful vitamins and minerals that give the coat a beautiful, healthy shine.
  • I n-form - to maintain normal weight . Used in feeding animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle and are prone to obesity. This can happen after suffering some kind of illness, as a result of which the metabolism is disrupted. The product contains L-carotene, which promotes the rapid breakdown of fats.

Daily feeding rate

For puppies weighing less than 10 kg, the food should first be divided into 4 portions. During each meal, you should give no more than 25 g. Gradually, as your pet gets older, the number of servings should be reduced, and the weight of each of them should be increased.

The transition to a new diet should be done every month. For puppies weighing more than 10 kg, the daily food intake is 155-200 g (depending on age).

The number of meals at one month of age should not exceed two times a day. When the puppy turns 4 months old, it needs to be increased to three times a day.

After the pet reaches six months of age, the number of meals should again be reduced to twice a day, but the portion should increase to 200 g.

Adult dogs weighing more than 10 kg need to be fed twice a day. Pets weighing 10 kg should be given 140 g of dry food. If the weight of a large breed dog exceeds 40 kg, then the portion is increased to 470 g.

Adult dogs weighing less than 10 kg should be given dry food twice a day. Serving size depends on weight and ranges from 25-135 g.

Product line

The product line for dogs includes four types of food. They can be divided into two groups depending on the age of the dogs:

Adult Series

Junior Series

The first category includes two types of food:

For adult dogs over 1 year of age and weighing less than 10 kg

For adult dogs over 1 year of age and weighing more than 10 kg

Products for small breed dogs use a special formula to support the health of the urinary system. The packages contain kibble in reduced sizes, which have been selected for miniature dogs.

Foods for large pets contain ingredients that help maintain joint mobility and muscle development. Both diets are enriched with vitamins, which will be an excellent source of energy for your pet throughout its life cycle. The “Junior” group includes two more types of food that are optimal for starting your pet’s life:

For puppies up to 1 year of age and weighing less than 10 kg

For puppies under 1 year of age and weighing more than 10 kg

For food in this category, experts have selected the correct ratio of phosphorus and calcium and the optimal level of protein content, which help the small organism grow and develop quickly. Also, some components in the product are similar to natural ones contained in mother’s milk, which will help when switching to artificial nutrition.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Use of natural ingredients.
  • Diets are developed taking into account the age and weight of pets.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Wide use. Available in almost every pet supply store.

Disadvantages of feed include the lack of instructions on the preservatives and antioxidants used, and the presence of by-products of unknown origin. Unfortunately, the manufacturer can currently only offer customers a narrow line of dry food for dogs. There are no wet food or canned food, but in the future this may change if the company expands its range.

Reviews from veterinarians

Yuri S.

I buy food for small breeds. An active pet receives exactly as much energy as it needs for a day. Pleased with the size of the granules, which were specially designed for small dogs. The kibble is even smaller than the ones found in puppy packs. As a professional veterinarian, I can recommend the use of food as a preventive nutrition from ICD. Unfortunately, the company is limited only to the production of dry food, although they produce canned food and wet food for cats.


Dry food is quite common and has both positive and negative reviews.

According to reviews from most amateur dog breeders, animals willingly consume ready-made treats without exhibiting any pathologies.

Veterinarian review

“As a practicing doctor, I believe that dogs should only be fed food of at least premium class. But there are life situations when there is no main food, and the animal needs to be fed.

Only in an emergency is justified the one-time use of such food with the obligatory free access of the animal to clean drinking water.

With constant feeding of this type of dog, pets are diagnosed with metabolic disorders and urolithiasis.”

Customer reviews on forums

Christina: “I understand perfectly well that the food contains only 20% meat, but my Yorkie eats it with pleasure. During the entire period of use, no complaints were identified, so we will continue to use it in the future.”

Mikhail: “I agree with veterinarians that you need to buy high-quality products for dogs, but there are a lot of ready-made expensive foods that are at the Perfect Fit level with a protein content of only 5%. My dog ​​happily eats small, convenient granules, is full of strength and energy, and happily greets me home from work every day, and I don’t have to cook food for him every day. I'm pleased."

Olga: “I met Perfect Fit by chance, when our favorite food ran out. The packaging I bought at the supermarket did not cause me any concern; I only didn’t like the pungent smell of the granules, but the dog ate the treat with pleasure. After several months of feeding, the animal began to urinate painfully, and one day she passed herself in our living room. The doctor diagnosed urolithiasis. Now I have to undergo long-term treatment and a lifelong diet. Miser pays twice".

Owner reviews

Alla D.

I decided to buy a bag of this food by pure chance. I went into the store and just saw a new brand on the dog food counter. I decided to try it because I liked the composition and the price. For the first time in 9 years, my dog, who was accustomed to premium food, ate every last crumb and even asked for more. My pet always had a poor appetite and was not particularly interested in food. I can already give it a solid four out of five, but I want to check whether there will be any side effects or allergic reactions. The dog “sits” on this brand of food for only a week.

Snezhana M.

The food is quite suitable for its price category. Ordered delivery from a local store after reading reviews from other customers. There are no special complaints. I didn't really like the composition. There are a lot of useful substances and vitamins, which are already on everyone’s lips. The inscription “including chicken” implies the presence of offal of a different origin. It is not entirely clear what kind of meat the food is made from. The recommended portions are not suitable for a medium-sized dog weighing more than 10 kg, whose activity is usually off the charts. We had to increase them, so it’s probably better to select the daily allowance individually for each pet.

Perfect Fit dog food - reviews

Although Perfect Fit dry food for dogs has been sold in pet stores for many years, it has not gained much popularity. Therefore, reviews on the Internet are not so common; below we have collected a few of the ones we found.

Reviews from veterinarians

It was not possible to find direct reviews from veterinarians about Perfect Fit food. If there are any such ones in the future, we will supplement our review with them.

Customer Reviews

Vera writes:

Today I will leave a review about Perfect Fit All Around Protection A Healthy Life dog food. The one I came across was made in Germany and packaged in Russia. At the time of purchase, I did not yet know that this was an economy class food, but Pyaterochka had a good discount on it. I’ll say right away that I feed my dog ​​dry food only when I don’t have time to cook.

On the back of the food package there is a sign with dosage depending on the dog's weight. Based on this sign, an 800 g package is enough for my dog ​​for 3 days. Also on the back of the package there are many promises from the manufacturer, they say there will be healthy skin and coat, healthy teeth, good digestion, etc. All this is painted in large letters and different colors.

The composition is written in a smaller font so that it does not stand out. And this is understandable - chicken flour includes it is not known what, corn, wheat (undesirable components, cause allergies). And most likely this is not the worst thing in the composition, because after the first feeding my dog ​​did not sleep all night, had problems with digestion, and probably heartburn.

As a result, I fed the food to the cat with robots. Therefore, I do not recommend buying this food for your dogs.

Rita writes:

Hi all. We buy this food because it is very normal compared to other inexpensive foods. The dog has been eating it for a couple of months now, nothing bad has happened. He eats with pleasure, the fur remains the same, and so does the stool.

Of course, Perfect Fit does not have a very rich composition; expensive foods have much better ingredients. But buying dog food is more expensive than buying meat at the market... It’s better to feed it meat then.

Lisa writes:

Our cat has been eating Perfect Fit food for a long time, he tried the whole line and liked everything. When the dog got eaten, we decided not to split hairs and take food of the same brand. But the food was not suitable for the dog at all; immediately on the second day, problems with stool began. I had to give up and buy another food.


As a replacement, you can purchase food from Pedigree, Darling or Chappi. These brands have a serious advantage over Perfect fit products - a wide range of products for dogs, and, accordingly, the ability to choose the optimal food for a particular pet, taking into account its individual preferences and characteristics.

Manufacturer and official website

By clicking on the link you are taken to the official website of the manufacturer.

Mars Petcare is known all over the world. The headquarters is located in Brussels (Belgium). It has been operating in the CIS countries since 1991. In Russia, feed factories are located in Luzhniki, Stupinsky district.

The company may be known to consumers for its branded foods Whiskas, KiteKat, Chappi and other products.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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