Does your bitch lick her private area all the time? If so, you can find out if it's normal
According to psychological surveys, almost 50% of parents have at least once looked for a job for their child,
History of the Molosser Molosser is rightfully considered one of the oldest dogs on the planet. Long before
When running, dogs are capable of reaching a speed of no more than 15 km/h on average. But representatives
French Frontline antiparasitic products are considered one of the best. They are often prescribed by veterinarians and
The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the most ancient breeds. The ancestor of this breed is considered to be the Tibetan
Itching in a dog is an unpleasant phenomenon, accompanied by severe scratching. It is not an independent disease,
The Turkmen Alabay is one of the varieties of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, the history of which goes back several thousand years and
Dogs, throughout their entire history of existence, have been considered excellent guards, good defenders, and simply loyal.
When a cute and funny husky puppy appears in the house, the last thing its owners think about is