About dog show titles, ratings, show ranks and accepted abbreviations

The international classification of dog breeds is based on dividing animals based on their purpose. This division is very arbitrary. The same breed can, for example, be used as a guard or companion.

The FCI classification is considered the most authoritative. Most breeders focus on her. If a dog is recognized by the standards, then it is considered purebred and valuable. According to the data, all dogs are classified into one of 10 groups. Let's look at this type of classification in more detail.

I group FCI - Herding and cattle dogs

Group I. Herding and cattle dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 Shepherds. With working tests

*The full text of the standard can be found in the file below.

Group 1 Herding and cattle dogs (except Swiss cattle and herding dogs). Section 2 Herding dogs (except Swiss cattle dogs)

ORIGIN: Belgium.


ORIGIN: Italy.




PURPOSE: Shepherd dog and companion.


Group 1 Herding and cattle dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 Shepherds. No operational tests.

*The full text of the standard can be found in the file below.


Group 8 Dogs: Water Dogs

This group includes 8 breeds, formed by dense and curly fur, distinguished and used especially in coastal areas.

This group includes the following races:


Although the Poodle belongs to Group 9 (company and companion dogs) according to the FCI, the breed has physical properties that are ideal for water dogs .

The breed originated in the 15th century. Century and then it was bred exclusively for nobles and aristocrats.

Before the Renaissance, these animals were used to raise ducks and swans. This Breed is divided into four soups (Great Poodle, Miniature Poodle, Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle) measured by size.

They are very active, playful and cheerful dogs that are not easily distracted.

Reading Tips: The Tenacious Dog Breeds

FCI system:

In accordance with the decision of the FCI General Assembly in Jerusalem in 1987, the following division of registered dog breeds into groups was adopted, which came into force on January 1, 1990.

Group 1 - shepherd dogs (herding and cattle dogs, with the exception of Swiss herding dogs).

Group 2 - Molossians (Mastiffs), Swiss Cattle Dogs (Sennenhunds), Pinschers and Schnauzers - (guard, search, sports and service breeds).

Group 5 - Spitz-type dogs.

Group 6 - hounds and dogs working on a blood trail.

Group 7 - dogs doing a stance (gun dogs - pointers).

Group 8 - dogs that lift game, fetch it, and work on water (gun dogs - except for pointers).

Group 9 - indoor and decorative dogs (companion dogs).

Before this, the division of breeds was somewhat different; in total, four groups of breeds were distinguished.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continuation on liters

Classification of breeds according to the Kennel Club

The English Kennel Club or Kennel Club officially recognizes 7 breed groups. This division is also conditional.

Hounds and greyhounds, for example, belong to the same hunting group. In addition, there is a group of gun dogs, service dogs and decorative dogs.

Not all countries use this classification. But English breeders take into account the standards adopted by their club.

This is the largest canine organization in the country. She is engaged in the registration of purebred and pedigree dogs. Note that this is the oldest club in the world. It was founded back in 1873.

This organization is the organizer of the largest dog exhibition "Craft". The authority of the Kennel Club is recognized by almost all modern breeders.

Let us give a brief description of the 7 groups of breeds according to this classification:

  1. Hunting dogs. This includes both greyhounds and hounds. The Kennel Club believes that these species can be classified into one group based on performance characteristics.
  2. Arms. Dogs are also used in hunting, but they are more human-oriented. At the time of the shot, these rocks are nearby.
  3. Terriers. Designed for hunting burrowing animals. Almost all dogs in this group cope well with rodents. They will not tolerate rabbits or domestic rats in the neighborhood. These are small, hardy, sinewy and passionate animals.
  4. Custom dogs. This includes a wide variety of breeds. This is a bulldog, a poodle, a Dalmatian, and a sharpei. The main criterion for inclusion: the dog is in demand. Thus, the bulldog is included here due to the fact that it was once used for baiting animals, and Dalmatians were considered to accompany carriages.
  5. Service breeds. They are characterized by intelligence, intelligence, and high intelligence. Such dogs have excellent memory and master a lot of commands. They are used to serve, to help people. They work as guides, rescuers, and search engines.
  6. Indoor decorative. The group includes individuals that are not bred for any specific use. They play the role of pets. These are small, cute dogs that can easily fit even in a small apartment.
  7. Shepherds. This includes all breeds that are or have been used by villagers to help raise livestock. These animals helped herd the herds, drove them from place to place, and protected them from wild predators.

The Kennel Club currently recognizes 222 breeds. This is an authoritative organization; its opinion is listened to at exhibitions. If your dog is one of the English Kennel Club's recognized breeds, you can consider it a valuable specimen.

Official website: https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/search/breeds-a-to-z/

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New RKF website

Dear friends, dear colleagues! Today we would like to present to you a prototype of the new RKF website.

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On April 11, 2022, Ekaterina Yurievna Shlychkova, President of the Cane Corso National Club, dog handler, RKF judge for exterior, passed away.

The World Tracking Championship will be held in the Czech Republic on April 10-14

From 10 to 14 April 2022 in the Czech Republic, in the vicinity of the town of Horni Briza, which is located next to the city of Pilsen, the 25th IGP-FH (tracking) World Championship will be held.

Address: Moscow, st. Gostinichnaya, 9, 5th floor Postal address: 127106, Moscow, PO Box 28, RKF recipient RKF office opening hours: Monday: from 9:30 to 18:00 Tuesday: from 9:30 to 18:00 Wednesday: from 9:30 to 18:00 Thursday: from 9:30 to 18:00 Friday: from 9:30 to 18:00 Reception of urgent documents: Monday: until 17:00 Tuesday: until 17:00 Wednesday: until 17:00 Thursday : until 17:00 Friday: until 17:00 Lunch: from 14:00 to 14:30


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Pinscher, Schnauzer, Molosser, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs

Representatives of pinschers and schnauzers are included in the classification, together with molossians, in the second group. However, in origin they are still close to Spitz dogs, and in working qualities - to herding shepherd dogs and cattle dogs. These dogs are distinguished by significant mobility, well-developed sensitivity, endurance and intelligence. At the beginning of the XX century. These breeds began to be widely used as service and sport breeds.

Molossians (Mastiffs, Mastiffs) are powerful, huge breeds of dogs, distinguished by their aggressiveness, fearlessness, combined with calmness and self-esteem. They have served man since ancient times. “Molossians” owe their name to the name of the Greek region of Molossia, where they began to be bred back in the 5th century. BC e. They were valued for their large size and aggressiveness, and were used as bodyguards, guard dogs and fighting dogs accompanying warriors on the battlefield.

The purpose of economic use of these dogs predetermined their type - powerful, hardy, aggressive, capable of resisting a predator in single combat.

The name of group 2 dog breeds in the classification indicates the name of the country where these breeds were bred and where they originated from, for example, the Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher, the Dutch Smoushond, the Black Russian Terrier, the English Bulldog and others.

Group 2 is divided into four sections in the FCI classification:


The American Staffordshire Terrier is not a new breed. And although this breed received American Kennel Club (AKC) registration and recognition in 1936, its history dates back to the 1800s as a result of crossing bulldogs of that time and game terriers.

Although the breed's early ancestors came from England, the development of the American Staffordshire Terrier is the history of a truly American breed. The first imported dogs contributed to some degree to the success of the farmers and settlers who developed America. They were used for a variety of work on farms, they hunted boars, bears, and also performed other work, guarded the house, or they were simply excellent companions. These dogs quickly earned a reputation as one of man's best friends. Many of the Amstaff's early ancestors were bred for the "sport" of dog fighting. After all, the extraordinary vitality of this breed is a direct result of breeding for successful dog fighting. Fighting is now prohibited and illegal. But unfortunately, it was fighting, and not work on the farm, that was originally the element of these dogs. Although the American Staffordshire's ancestors fought dogs, breeding since the 1930s has not been directed towards dog fighting. The American Staffordshire Terrier today is a companion and show dog, not a gladiator!

Section 1. Pinschers and Schnauzers

1.1. Pinscher

Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher

RN ICF - 64 Height at withers: 35-50 cm. Weight: 12-18 kg. Color: yellow tones, red, fawn black and brown, brindle; all colors with or without white spots. Homeland: Austria. This is a strong, unpretentious yard dog, an excellent watchman and exterminator of rats, friendly, and wary of strangers. Ready for defense, easy to train, agile.


RN ICF - 186 Height at withers: 25-30 cm. Weight: 4-6 kg. Color: pure black with black undercoat. Homeland: Germany. A dog that adapts well to family members and strangers is a good companion and friend.


FCI RN - 143 Height at withers: males 68-72 cm, females 63-68 cm. Weight: males 40-45 kg, females 32-35 kg. Color: black and tan, brown and tan. Homeland: Germany (Apolade). An elegantly built dog, determined and temperamental, obedient, attentive, easy to train, constantly alert - in a “cocked” state, closely attached to only one owner. Has exceptional instincts.


PH FCI - 184 Height at withers: males and females 45-50 cm. Weight: 13-18 kg. Color: red and black and tan. Homeland: Germany. The elegance and at the same time strength of the dog determine the beauty and perfection of the exterior. Distinctive qualities are temperament, attentiveness, ability to learn, good health, good character, love of games, affection for the owner, requires consistent education.

miniature pinscher

FCI RN - 185 Height at withers: males and females 25-30 cm. Weight: 4-6 kg. Color: solid fawn, from red-brown to red-brown (these were previously called “deer pinschers”); two-color - black and tan, brown and tan. Homeland: Germany. A clean, compact dog, loves its family, playful, cheerful, gentle, always suspicious of strangers.

1.2. Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

RN FCI — 181 Height at withers: 70 cm. Color: black, pepper and salt. Homeland: Germany. A service dog, full of temperament, at the same time calm and prudent, undaunted, with a good character and a reliable instinct for protection, always ready for defense, inspiring respect.

Miniature Schnauzer

RN ICF - 183 Height at withers: 30-35 cm. Weight: 4.5-7 kg. Color: black, white, pepper and salt, black and silver. Homeland: Germany. The Miniature Schnauzer is completely fearless and self-confident, has a stormy temperament, is distrustful and unfriendly to strangers, and requires consistency in upbringing.

Miniature Schnauzer

FCI RN - 182 Height at withers: males and females 45-50 cm. Weight: 14-20 kg. Color: black, pepper and salt. Homeland: Germany (Württemberg). This dog is tireless and hardy, attentive, easy to train, brave, temperamental, good-natured, but at the right moment it can become distrustful, vigilant, ready to protect its owner.

1.3. Smoushond

Dutch Smoushond

RN ICF - 308 Height at withers: about 42 cm Weight: about 10 kg. Color: solid yellow, darker ears and muzzle allowed. Homeland: Netherlands. A playful, temperamental, but not excitable dog, resilient in long jumps, patient in games with children, vigilant, but not aggressive.

1.4. Black Terrier

Black Russian Terrier

RN FCI - 327 Height at the withers: males 66-72 cm, females 64-70 cm. Color: black or black with a little gray. Homeland: Russia (kennel “Red Star”). The dog is perfectly adapted to various climatic conditions, powerful, easily trained and diligent, has a strong character, quick reaction and intelligence, is always ready to defend, distrustful of strangers, and selflessly devoted to its owner.

Section 2. Molossians

2.1. Great Danes

Dogo Argentino

FCI RN - 292 Height at the withers: males 62-68 cm, females 60-65 cm. Color: pure white, dark spots on the head are acceptable; The pigmentation of the nose is only black. Homeland: Argentina. Dogo Argentino is loyal, good-natured; has strong nerves, self-confident and calm, needs affectionate, but persistent and consistent education; incorruptible, without fear and ready to sacrifice himself if the situation demands it.

Dogue de Bordeaux

FCI RN - 116 Height at withers: males 60-68 cm, females 58-66 cm. Weight: males - at least 55 kg, females - at least 45 kg. Color: red-brown with a brown or black mask. Homeland: France (Aquatania). The Dogue de Bordeaux is a very good dog for home and family. He is calm, balanced, very attached to his family, good-natured towards children, and friendly and open towards strangers. This is an excellent guard and protective dog, it does not attack without reason and perfectly recognizes serious danger.


PH FCI - 315 Height at the withers: males - at least 75 cm, females - at least 70 cm. Color: light yellow with a black muzzle and black tips of the coat; black with small white markings. Homeland: Denmark (Broholm-Fyk estate). The Broholmer is a calm and pleasant pet, a patient nanny for children. He is alert, but not aggressive, rather friendly.

Bulldog (English Bulldog)

FCI RN - 149 Height at withers: about 40 cm. Weight: males - 25 kg, females - 22.7 kg. Color: any except gray, black and black and tan. Homeland: Great Britain. A joyful and friendly dog ​​for home and family, charming even in its adorable stubbornness.


FCI RN - 157 Height at withers: males 63.5-68.5 cm, females 61-65 cm. Weight: males 50-59 kg, females 41-50 kg. Color: brindle, red and light brown, dark mask. Homeland: Great Britain. Strong, energetic with a powerful physique. He has a balanced disposition, without displaying aggressiveness. She may be indifferent to strangers or even friendly, but she is always ready to defend herself.

Dogo Canario (Perro de Presa Canario)

FCI RN - 346 Height at withers: males 60-65 cm, females 56-61 cm. Weight: males 45-57 kg, females 40-50 kg. Colour: Lion-yellow or black, solid or brindle, with or without white markings. Homeland: Spain (Canary Islands). The Dogo Canario is an impressive, strong dog, with a pronounced instinct for protection and protection, a balanced disposition and a deep voice. He is very loyal and friendly towards his owners, and sociable with strangers. When its owners are threatened, it attacks with lightning speed.

Cane Corso

FCI RN - 343 Height at withers: males 62-68 cm, females 58-64 cm. Weight: males 42-50 kg, females 38-45 kg. Color: black, grey, red, chestnut, fawn, blue, solid or brindle. Homeland: Italy (southern regions). The Cane Corso is very wary of strangers, a reliable watchman and protector, affectionate with its owners, especially kind and patient with children, and is also an active, dexterous, athletic dog.


RN ICF - 264 Height at withers: about 75 cm. Weight: 75 kg. Color: apricot, silver-fawn, dark brindle on a fawn background, black mask. Homeland: Great Britain. The Mastiff is friendly, good-natured, and sincere. This is a calm, intelligent dog, not very active. It has a natural instinct of protection and is never aggressive without a reason.

Mastino napoletano

FCI RN - 197 Height at withers: males 65-75 cm, females 60-68 cm. Weight: males 60-70 kg, females 50-60 kg. Color: gray, lead-gray, black, brown, fawn; the same colors with brindle. Homeland: Italy. Powerful, confident dog, very friendly to children. The need to protect is innate in the Mastino; it needs to be restrained rather than developed. With proper upbringing, he becomes perfectly obedient. Reliable defender.

Perro dogo Mallorquin (Ca de Bou)

FCI RN - 249 Height at withers: males 55-58 cm, females 52-55 cm. Weight: males 35-38 kg, females 30-34 kg. Color: black, yellow, red, brindle with white (up to 30%), black mask allowed. Homeland: Spain (Balearic Islands). This is a muscular and agile dog, strong and hardy, insensitive to weather changes, intelligent and understanding, not always obedient. Distrustful of strangers and devoted to her master, an incorruptible watchman and protector.

German boxer

PH FCI - 144 Height at withers: males 57-63 cm, females 53-59 cm. Weight: about 30 kg. Color: red and brindle-red, with or without white markings. Homeland: Germany (Munich). The German boxer is a good-natured and charming friend; at the right moment he can become an excellent defender. Reliable in communicating with children, always ready to play and not touchy, easy to learn. Has a temperamental character.

German dog

FCI RN - 235 Height at the withers: males - at least 80 cm, females - at least 72 cm. Color: black, blue, fawn, brindle, harlequin, with fawn and brindle colors a black mask is required. Homeland: Germany. The Great Dane is proud, powerful, noble. He has a temperamental character and requires persistent and consistent training. A good guard.


FCI RN - 147 Height at withers: males 62-68 cm (ideally 65-66 cm), females 56-63 cm (ideally 60-61 cm). Weight: males - about 50 kg, females - about 42 kg. Color: black and tan. Homeland: Germany (Swabian region of Rottweil). Versatile service dog. Temperamental and attentive, very brave and undaunted, with a strong character, with innate protective behavior, embodying strength in every way and at the same time with strong nerves, distrustful of strangers, attached to his own and very hardworking, requires serious education.


FCI RN - 260 Height at the withers: males - at least 60 cm, females - at least 55 cm. Color: red, fawn, black, brindle. Homeland: Japan. A large and confident dog. He has a patient, calm and courageous character. She is active, strong and healthy. The instinct of protection and protection is highly developed. Her irritation threshold is quite high with an active lightning-fast response.

Brazilian Fila

FCI RN - 225 Height at withers: males 65-75 cm, females 60-70 cm. Weight: males 60-70 kg, females - at least 50 kg. Color: Any solid or brindle except pure white, mouse grey, merle or spotted (more than a quarter white). Homeland: Brazil. This is a strong and extremely active dog, very temperamental at a young age. He has a natural distrust of strangers and a desire for protection, a constant readiness to repel an attack, and these qualities are innate.

Shar pei

RN ICF - 309 Height at withers: 40-51 cm. Weight: 29 kg. Color: solid black, fawn, cream. Homeland: China. The Shar Pei is an original, temperamental, cheerful, affectionate, calm, domestic dog, exceptionally clean. She treats strangers with restraint, is always on the alert and ready to protect the owner.

2.2. Mountain dogs

Aidi - Atlas Shepherd

RN ICF - 247 Height at withers: 52-62 cm. Weight: 25-35 kg. Color: any, but white is preferred. Homeland: Morocco (Atlas Mountains). A strong, muscular, intelligent and attentive dog. Aidi reliably protects the house and yard from thieves, and herds of livestock from predators. An exceptional working dog, extremely brave and ferocious.

Anatolian karabash

FCI RN - 331 Height at withers: males 74-81 cm, females 71-79 cm. Weight: males 50-65 kg, females 40-55 kg. Color: any, preferably plain (from cream to red) with a black mask and ears. Homeland: Türkiye (Anatolian Highlands). Karabash is distrustful of strangers, very vigilant, and has a pronounced protective instinct. This dog is characterized by the typical undisturbed behavior of a protective guard herding dog. A pronounced instinct for protecting territory, independence in actions and a tendency to dominate.

Spanish Mastiff

FCI RN - 91 Height at withers: males - at least 77 cm (preferably 80 cm), females - at least 72 cm (preferably 75 cm). Color: gray, yellow, black, red, brindle with white markings. Homeland: Spain. This is a herding dog of Spanish sheep farmers. Has a protective, protective instinct. They are strong, well-built, unpretentious and capable of repelling any animal. He is affectionate in the family, but still he is a one-owner dog. A characteristic feature of this breed is the double dewlap on the throat.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

FCI RN – 382 Height at the withers: males - at least 65 cm, females - at least 62 cm. Color: gray or red of various shades, white, brindle, spotted. Wool: thick, easy to care for. Homeland: Russia (Caucasus mountains, steppe of the Ciscaucasia and Astrakhan region). The Caucasian Shepherd is hardy, unpretentious, and prefers to be in the fresh air. Calm and unobtrusive around their family, they do not tolerate strangers on their territory. Outside of it, they feel insecure. They have a strong guard instinct, a dependent character, and independence. This is a one owner only dog.

Can di Castro Laboreiro

FCI RN - 170 Height at withers: males 55-60 cm, females 52-57 cm. Weight: about 23-34 kg. Color: dark, gray, grayish-black. Homeland: Portugal Castro Laboreiro is considered a difficult dog. He is calm and imperturbable, strongly built, unpredictable in the manifestation of his innate malice, but not towards members of his family, to whom he is loyally loyal. A reliable, always attentive protector, conditionally suitable for the role of a domestic dog.

Estrela Shepherd

FCI RN - 173 Height at withers: males 65-72 cm, females 62-68 cm. Weight: males 40-50 kg, females 30-40 kg. Color: yellow, brown, wolf grey; solid or with white markings. Homeland: Portugal. This is a real protective guard dog. Like a typical herding dog, the Estrela is not affectionate, has an independent character, is distrustful and even aggressive towards everything unfamiliar. Particularly alert and active at night. She can be a good-natured and patient protector of children, ready to defend herself at any moment.

Crash Shepherd

FCI PH - 278 Height at the withers: males - no less than 62 cm, females - no less than 58 cm. Weight: males - no less than 45 kg, females - no less than 35 kg. Color: steel with a sandy tint (zonal), as well as gray. Dogs with this color may have the typical stripes on their paws. Homeland: Slovenia (Kraš Mountains and along the Pivka River). This is a reliable and fearless dog with an independent disposition and, as a rule, acts cautiously. Has an innate instinct for protection; strong, weather-resistant and insensitive to pain. An excellent guard dog.

Lendzir (European continental type)

FCI RN - 226 Height at the withers: males 72-80 cm, females 67-73 cm. Color: white with a black head and large black spots on the body. Homeland: Germany (named after the artist Edwin Lendzier). Lendzir is a large, lively and joyful dog. He is exceptionally friendly to people, loves children, is sociable, loyal, playful, very capable of learning, loves to move, an excellent swimmer, sometimes stubborn, devoted to his family and ready to protect them if necessary.


FCI PH - 145 Height at withers: males 72-80 cm (preferably 76 cm), females 65-72 cm (preferably 70 cm). Color: lion, from golden to red-brown, sand; A dark mask is desirable. Homeland: Germany (Leonberg). The Leonberger is a calm, self-controlled dog, loves children, is calm, self-confident, has a pronounced instinct for protecting the territory, is intolerant of strangers, and reliably protects the owner and his property.


PH ICF - 50 Height at withers: 75 cm. Weight: 72 kg. Color: black, brown, black and white. Homeland: Canada (St. Johns Island, near Newfoundland). A calm, easy-going large dog, quite unpretentious, very fond of children. Known primarily as water rescuers. At the same time, this is a persistent, hardy dog; cold-blooded and self-confident, not suitable for security service.

Pyrenean mountain dog

FCI RN - 137 Height at withers: males 70-80 cm, females 65-72 cm. Weight: males - about 60 kg, females - about 45 kg. Color: white. Homeland: France (mountainous regions of the Pyrenees). A strong, powerful, impressive herding dog, guarding the herd from predators and thieves. Particularly active at night, guards the herd from a convenient place for viewing and attacks the enemy with lightning speed, wary and even malicious towards strangers. In her family she is friendly and affectionate, patient with children.

Pyrenean Mastiff

FCI RN - 92 Height at the withers: males - at least 77 cm (preferably 81 cm), females - at least 72 cm (preferably 75 cm). Color: white with spots. Homeland: Spain (Pyrenees). This is a purely working dog, an excellent shepherd and guard, wary of strangers, and in any situation retains the habits and qualities of a protective and guard herding dog.

Portuguese Watch - Rafeiro do Alentejo

FCI RN - 96 Height at withers: males 66-74 cm, females 64-70 cm. Weight: males 40-50 kg, females 35-45 kg. Color: wolf gray or yellow. Homeland: Portugal. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is an independent dog that requires firm, consistent training, but will never be completely submissive. She treats members of the owner's family quite good-naturedly.

Saint Bernard

FCI RN - 61 Height at the withers: males 70-90 cm, females 65-80 cm. Color: white with red-brown spots or a cape. Coat type: long-haired or short-haired. Homeland: Switzerland (Swiss Alps, St. Bernard Monastery). A powerful, harmoniously built dog, large, tall, strong and muscular in appearance, with a massive head and an intelligent expression in the eyes. The dog needs to move regularly. Saint Bernard has a protective instinct and is by no means too good-natured as rumor has made him out to be.

Central asian shepherd dog

PH FCI - 335 Height at withers: males - not less than 65 cm, females - not less than 60 cm. Weight: more than 45 kg. Color: any except blue and brown in any combinations. Coat: short and long. Homeland: Russia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as the Urals and Siberia). He has a calm, balanced disposition. This is a very independent, dominant dog with a clearly expressed sense of subordination and territorial instinct, it is cold-blooded, never barks for no reason, but if necessary, it grabs at lightning speed without warning. A lighter type lives in the steppe regions, while the dogs of the Pamir region are larger and more massive. They are perfectly adapted to the heat, cold and dryness of Central Asia. An excellent herding dog with an innate protective instinct. A good watchman. They are used as herding dogs, guard dogs and as hunting dogs.

Tibetan mastiff

PH ICF - 230 Height at withers: 61-71 cm. Weight: 64-78 kg. Color: deep black, black with bright tan, golden brown or gray with or without tan. Homeland: Tibet. A muscular, heavy dog ​​with huge bones. Large head and wide muzzle. It is a typical mountain shepherd, perfectly adapted to the harsh climate and terrain, as well as to the livestock it protects, and to the livestock's enemies, large felines and bears. They are brave, resilient, have a strong instinct for protection, are distrustful and very aggressive towards strangers.


FCI RN - 190 Height at withers: males 63-73 cm, females 58-65 cm. Color: black and tan, black, pale fawn. Homeland: Germany (Harz and Odenwald regions). Dogs with a strong tendency to guard and protect, large, beautiful, require a lot of exercise, suitable for police service as rescuers and avalanche searchers. One owner dog, excellent yard watchman.

Sharplaninac - Sharplanin Shepherd Dog

FCI RN - 41 Height at withers: males 71-86 cm, females - at least 63 cm. Weight: males 35-45 kg, females 30-40 kg. Color: plain - from white to black, preferably steel or dark gray. Homeland: Macedonia (Yugoslavia). A large, strong, determined herding dog that protects the herd from predators, and in the village - property, as well as women and children. He has an excellent memory, never forgetting his enemies. The dog is patient with members of the owner's family, but is faithful and obedient only to him.


Jack Russell Terriers were bred to hunt in holes. The dog's dimensions should have allowed it to climb even into the deepest hole and pull the animal out after the fight. Of course, the little hunter also needed physical strength, courage and very powerful jaws to withstand cornered prey armed with claws and sharp teeth.

Work on breeding representatives of this breed began in the 18th century. It was at that time that the popularity of burrow hunting, for example fox hunting, reached its peak. The animal was pursued by a pack of fast foxhounds, and if the fox climbed into its hole, then the swift and brave terriers got down to business. By the way, burrowing dogs also needed athleticism - especially the starting spurt and endurance. The color of terriers was most often white, so as not to confuse the dog with a fox from a distance.

The English priest John “Jack” Russell, responsible for the formation of the breed, was born in 1795 in the county of Devon and lived a long life - as much as 87 years. He was an excellent horseman, a thrill-seeker and one of the best hunters in his hometown of Dartmouth. In 1873, he founded the legendary Kennel Club and actively participated in the development of the Fox Terrier standard. Despite this, the priest devoted almost all his free time to breeding the breed of wire-haired terriers. Jack's dogs' only specialty was hunting. The breeder did not show his pets at exhibitions, because at that time smooth-haired terriers were very popular. If you look at it, the ancestors of modern Jack Russell Terriers were classic fox terriers of the old type.

While studying at Oxford, the young pastor accidentally acquired one of his key pets - a white wire-haired female terrier with brown spots on her head. The animal was not similar to the short-legged Scottish terriers common at that time - the pet was the size of a small fox and was very slender, muscular and harmoniously built. Russell, wanting to improve the hunting qualities of the unusual breed, arranged a number of experimental crosses - as a rule, with terriers of a variety of breeds of motley and monochrome colors.

The young breed naturally received its name in honor of its creator. For many years, Jack Russells, which do not yet have a standard, were crossed with many other breeds. But the resulting offspring did not closely match the original type, so breeders and breeders wisely abandoned this idea. At first, Jack Russell Terrier dogs were required to have a minimum of abilities - the animals had to be obedient, brave and have a height acceptable for burrow hunting. The most attentive breeders tried to pay attention to the appearance of their pets - for example, erect ears were considered a breed defect.

The last variety of terrier that took part in the formation of the modern Jack Russell gene pool is the Lakeland Terrier. Breeders used these dogs to create a more balanced character for the breed, as well as to make the appearance of Jack Russells a little more prettier. The fact is that many British intellectual hunters have developed a whole culture of chasing foxes. This concerned clothing, ceremonial music on the eve of the hunt and, of course, the harmonious appearance of their beloved dogs. Today, the Jack Russell Terrier in the photo delights with its flexible body and noble color with a predominance of white. Modern representatives of this breed are wonderful pets that have not lost their hunting skills.

Section 3. Swiss Cattle Dogs

Annenzeller Mountain Dog

FCI RN - 46 Height at withers: males 50-58 cm, females 48-56 cm. Color: black, tobacco brown with symmetrical rusty brown or white markings. Birthplace: Switzerland (canton of Appenzell). An outstanding cattle driver, he bites unruly cows on the hindquarters and instantly dodges their hooves; accurately distinguishes between livestock “friends” and “strangers”. Temperamental dog. She is vigilant and distrustful of strangers, has an innate watchdog quality, and can be used for other official purposes.

Bernese Mountain Dog

FCI RN - 45 Height at withers: males 64-70 cm (preferably 66-68 cm), females 58-65 cm (preferably 60-63 cm). Color: black with reddish tan and white markings on the head, chest and paws. Homeland: Switzerland (Canton of Bern). An impressive, strikingly colored, strong dog. Popular breed. It has characteristic features: lack of importunity and tendency to wander. The desire to work and make independent decisions, if necessary, vigilance and caution, but not aggressiveness. Obedient, harmoniously and proportionally built. Used as a trail dog, sled dog and companion dog.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

FCI RN - 58 Height at withers: males 65-72 cm, females 60-68 cm. Color: black with bright red tan and white markings. Homeland: Switzerland The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is a tightly built, strong, calm, balanced dog, without excessive aggression, but is ready to stand up for itself at any time. Weather resistant, undemanding and easy to care for. Has excellent instincts. They can not only be home companions, but also work as rescuers in areas of disasters or avalanches.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

FCI RN - 47 Height at withers: males 44-50 cm, females 42-48 cm (tolerance ± 2 cm). Color: main color - black with yellow (to rusty brown) tan and white spots. Coat: short and harsh. Homeland: Switzerland (Emmenthal and Entlebuch from the canton of Lucerne). The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is an ancient herding dog. Strong, intelligent, easy to care for, always on the alert, understanding in training, willingly learns everything, fearless, a good watchman and protector, willingly barks. There are individuals with a short tail from birth.


The Yorkshire Terrier's homeland is considered to be the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the north of England. Many researchers are confident that the closest ancestors of Yorkies are Waterside Terriers. This breed was popular in England in the 18th – 19th centuries. They were kept by humble peasants, as they were forbidden to have large dogs in order to eliminate possible poaching on the lands of the nobility. Small pets protected the houses and farms of farmers from rodents.

Also, specialized experts believe that the ancestors of Yorkies are also Maltese dogs. There are opinions that Yorkshire terriers were crossed with Maltese dogs to improve the quality and structure of the coat, making it silky.

Over time, many peasants began to move to cities as part of the period of industrialization in the 18th century. Scottish farmers took dogs with them - small "Scottish" terriers, as they were called at that time. After some time, paisley terriers, skye terriers and others were bred on the basis of this breed. Most likely, these animals also participated in the work on Yorkies - this is indicated by a number of signs. There are dark spots in the history of this dog, so today hardly anyone can tell absolutely everything about the Yorkshire Terrier breed regarding its origin.

Basically, the breeding of the new breed was carried out by weavers - employees of local factories. The breeders managed to breed a dog with long, soft fur of incredible beauty. The color was steel-colored with a blue tint and the famous golden-brown tan markings. At first, the Yorkie dog was slightly longer than our contemporaries. In addition, it was much larger - its weight was about 6-7 kilograms. Thanks to their spectacular appearance and wonderful character, Yorkies quickly gained popularity in Britain.

In 1886, the breed was recognized by the legendary Kennel Club and included in the stud book. Two years later, the first specialized club in history for lovers and owners of Yorkshire terriers was organized.

For the first time, Yorkshire terriers began to participate in exhibitions at the end of the first half of the twentieth century. The Second World War had a devastating impact on the development of the breed, but enthusiasm and heroism allowed breeders to gradually restore the Yorkie gene pool. In 1947, the first specialized post-war exhibition took place, in which more than a hundred miniature dogs took part.

At the moment, Yorkies are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, competing with Labradors in the first places of official rankings. Today's Yorkshire Terrier in the photo, or when we see it in real life, walking in the park with its owner, captivates with its beady black eyes and original color.

Section 4. Other breeds

Large Japanese dog (American Akita)

FCI PH - 344 Height at withers: males 65-70 cm, females 60-65 cm. Color: any with white, brindle or motley. Homeland: Japan (USA). This is a powerful, independent and self-confident dog, whose upbringing will require a lot of patience, consistency and good knowledge of the behavior of dogs from the owner. Properly raised dogs become loyal and devoted friends, are usually patient with children, and are very reserved and suspicious with strangers. Aggressive towards other dogs.


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