Staffordshire Bull Terrier: English and American

There are often some similarities in character and appearance among different dog breeds.

One such pair is pit bull terriers and Staffordshire terriers, which are often confused or believed to be the same breed.

The similarity between pit bulls and staff dogs is understandable - they were bred for the same purpose and from the same dogs, in particular the Staffordshire bull terrier.

So how are they different?

History of the breed

Some entries in the court books say that the ancestors of the English Staffordshire Terrier breed lived with the reigning persons several hundred years ago. They were used in ancient Rome to hunt bears, bulls and lions. The name “bull terrier” itself comes from the English bull, which means bull. The breed first appeared in the 16th century in England in the county of Staffordshire as a result of crossing Old English Mastiffs and Staffordshire Bulldogs. The result was very successful - strong, strong dogs with quick reactions.

Staffy dog

The English Duke Hamilton is recognized as the author of the breed. Initially, English Staffordshire Bull Terriers were used as fighting dogs. Since 1835, the English Staff Bull was finally established as a dog for rings; even later, when such competitions were cancelled, the animals began to be used for catching rats and small rodents. In 1936, the breed standard was finally determined. At the International Dog Show in 2006, the dog won the title of best pet. In professional circles they are called “staffies”, which is more consistent with the character of pets.

Important! Despite the kindness and calmness of the staff, it must be brought up with strictness in order to prevent manifestations of aggression towards other pets and people.

Other criteria

The table below shows a comparison of Pit Bull and Stafford also according to other criteria.

IndexStaffordshire TerrierPit bull terrier
Time and place of occurrence1936, USA1921, USA
FCI recognition1972Not recognized
CharacterMore flexibleMore aggressive
PurposeService (often used by law enforcement agencies to search for drugs and explosives)Show career, pet

Interesting Facts

American Hairless Terrier (English Hairless Toy)

Throughout its existence, the breed has collected a number of interesting facts:

  • the Staffordshire Bull Terrier has other alternative names: Staff Bull, Staffy, Staff Bull Terrier;
  • despite its original purpose, modern representatives of the breed have practically lost their hunting and guard instincts, so you should not choose such a dog to guard the territory;
  • for many decades, this breed has been the living mascot of the Prince of Wales's Staffordshire Regiment;
  • Staffies have a high pain threshold. This means that even if they receive serious, dangerous injuries, they will behave calmly. Therefore, the owner should carefully monitor this;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers do not tolerate too much frost or heat, so the breed is recommended strictly for home keeping.

English staff

Appearance: big in small

American cocker and English cocker spaniel: differences

Description of the Staffie breed:

  • the appearance creates a double impression: they are both large and graceful, elegant dogs;
  • males are distinguished by their larger size than females (up to 20 kg, compared to 15 kg), as well as highly developed muscles;
  • The height of the animal at the withers is on average about 40 cm;
  • the coat is hard, short, without undercoat;
  • ears stick out and droop slightly;
  • eyes are round, vary in color, depending on coat color;
  • the bite is correct;
  • the tail is small, tapered towards the end.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier competition winner

Coat and possible colors

The wool fits tightly to the skin and can serve as a kind of protection in battles. Coat colors that meet the standards:

  • amber;
  • ginger;
  • predominant light;
  • blue (gray);
  • black.

Important! A mixture of shades is possible, but there should be no more than two. For example, the presence of white spots against the general background will not be considered a defect. But other colors are a sign of disqualification.

Blue staff


Despite some similarities between the Staffordshire Terrier and the Pit Bull Terrier, there are differences in appearance and character.

By appearance

  • the head is large;
  • paws are short;
  • the back is domed.

The Amstaff is characterized by a deep and powerful chest. The paws fit tightly to the body, they are longer and more muscular. Pitas have a wide chest, but less developed. The muzzle muscles are not as clearly defined as in the first breed, and the cheekbones are less square, but they are larger in appearance.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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A Stafford's nose must be black (a Pit's nose must be brown). This is the only difference in color.

If we consider the physical capabilities of these breeds, then the pit bull is stronger.

The nature

Both the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Terrier are known as "brutal killers", with the former considered the most dangerous. Glory stems from their bloody battles in the past. But with proper upbringing, puppies grow up to be affectionate, loyal and playful.

Some personality differences:

  • the staff is more flexible and more willing to carry out commands and remembers them quickly;
  • The pit bull's level of aggressiveness is higher;
  • Amstaff is more diligent in training, as it always tries to please its owner.

But both breeds are not intended for guarding, rather for protection, they are companion dogs.


Since the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed has existed for several centuries and has been popular in different countries all this time, their national characteristics were reflected in the characteristics of this dog. These are, first of all, England, Ireland and the USA.

English variety

Staffordshire Terrier: characteristics of an American dog

The English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the founder of the breed and its classic representative, known and widespread throughout the world.


The Irish Staffordshire Terrier appeared a century later than its English counterpart. But the history and purpose of its breeding are almost identical. However, these dogs were not suitable for hunting bulls and even rats; they were too slow. Outwardly, they are shorter than the English, their average height is about 35 cm at the withers, and the weight of males is 12-17 kg, females 10-15 kg. The coat is short. Color options: white, fawn, brimstone, blue, red or any of these colors in combination with white. Unlike English Staffordshire Terriers, they need very early socialization as this breed is quite aggressive.


The American Staffie appeared at the same time as the Irish variety. Its difference from the English Staffordshire Terrier is obvious. The American is a true warrior who will rush at anyone in whom he sees a threat to his master. These are tall (up to 50 cm at the withers) dogs. Weight of males - up to 30 kg, females - up to 25 kg. Color options range from cream to black (white is disqualifying). There may also be two-color options: brindle, spotted, piebald.

Important! White spots on the coat of an American Staffie are possible only if their number does not exceed 20% of the total color.

American Staff Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Terriers

Staffordshire Terriers are a breed of dog bred by breeders in the 30s. XX century based on pit bull terriers.

Photo and description

Staffies are stocky, hardy, proportionally built and muscular dogs, in which even at a quick glance one can see impressive strength, combined with mobility and elegance.

To meet the breed standard, these dogs must have:

  • short back, with a slight slope from the withers to the croup, convex loin;
  • deep, medium-length head;
  • rounded muzzle with a pronounced under-eye area;
  • large nose with well-opened nostrils and a black lobe;
  • scissor bite;
  • ears set high and wide;
  • low and wide-set round eyes with dark irises;
  • well defined withers;
  • wide and deep chest;
  • low set, straight and short tail.

The coat of representatives of this breed can have different colors. Most often there are individuals with fur of black, black and white, blue, and brindle colors.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of these dogs include:

  • intelligence;
  • learning ability;
  • endurance;
  • fearlessness;
  • easy care;
  • lack of specific odor;
  • ability to get along with children.

The disadvantages of the breed are that its representatives:

  • stubborn;
  • strive for dominance;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • need socialization and education.


The disadvantage of Staffordshire terriers for many is their unsuitability for street and especially chain keeping.

Character traits

Staffordshire Terriers can be described as good-natured, sociable and inquisitive dogs, with a gentle and cheerful disposition. They are characterized by devotion to their owner and the need for his constant attention and care. These dogs cannot be ignored or kept alone - due to being in isolation, their character deteriorates, they become angry and unbalanced.

Representatives of this breed are not prone to displaying unreasonable aggression towards people; such behavior can only be the result of improper upbringing. Staffords' anger can only be directed at other dogs who, in their opinion, claim to be their leader.

Dog behavior

Despite their fighting past, modern Staffordshire Bull Terriers are kind and calm dogs. You should not expect sudden outbursts of aggression from them. Of course, everything depends on upbringing and training, as with any dog. Now this dog is called one of the most people-oriented among all breeds. The animal values ​​\u200b\u200bthe friendship with the owner and all family members. He is ready to accompany a person literally everywhere. Staff Bull Terriers are calm towards other animals, especially cats, but will not miss the opportunity to chase them around the yard. The same applies to having another pet in the apartment. If the cat has lived there since the staff first appeared, while still a puppy, they will become friends, otherwise they may share the territory. But all this without bloodshed.

Pit bull terriers

Pit bull terriers are a popular and well-known breed of dog, bred by English breeders to participate in dog fighting.

Photo and description

Pit bulls are medium-sized dogs. They have a strong, muscular body, and their overall figure looks athletic and fit. The appearance of representatives of this breed amazingly combines barely restrained strength, power and incredible grace, dexterity and mobility.

Pitbull has:

  • rectangular head of medium length;
  • wide and deep square muzzle;
  • scissor bite;
  • medium-sized eyes that may be almond-shaped, elliptical or round in shape;
  • small semi-drop ears;
  • powerful and strong back;
  • short, strong and slightly convex loin;
  • low set tail of medium length.

Pit bull terriers have a short, hard, close-fitting coat with no undercoat, which can be of almost any color except merle. The most popular colors are black and gray.


Albinism in representatives of this breed is considered an unacceptable disadvantage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking about the advantages of pit bulls, it should be noted that they:

  • do not require labor-intensive care;
  • smart;
  • trainable;
  • loyal;
  • hardy;
  • friendly;
  • get along with children;
  • sociable.

The disadvantages of representatives of this breed include:

  • the need for early socialization and proper education;
  • a tendency to lead both in the family and in contact with other animals, which provokes an aggressive attitude towards pit bulls towards the latter;
  • the inability to be alone and the need for constant contact with the owner.

Pit bulls are also stubborn and willful; not everyone can cope with their difficult character.


Pit bulls, despite the popular opinion about them, are distinguished by their friendly, affectionate and playful character. They are incredibly loyal to their owner and become his companions, companions and true friends.

Being strong and fearless, these dogs do not hesitate to defend their owner and his family if they are in danger.

Pit bull terriers are smart and their training is quite easy, since representatives of this breed memorize commands quickly. Problems can arise only because of their inherent stubbornness, willfulness and habit of making decisions on their own.

It is important that the owner indicates to the puppy as early as possible that he is not a leader, begins his socialization and training, and also shows patience, perseverance and strength of character.

How children are treated

The attitude of Staffordshire Bull Terriers towards children is a big plus for the representatives of the breed. They are always affectionate and tactful with kids. Moreover, they love absolutely all children, not only those who live in the house. Dogs love to play with children on the playground, they trust them very much, they love it when children caress them and scratch their tummy.

Important! In such communication, it is worth watching not for the dog, but rather for the child, who can hit the dog and hurt it. But even in this case, representatives of the Staffie breed will not return evil for evil.

Photo gallery

When getting a fighting dog, you need to understand the full degree of responsibility you are taking on. And it is imperative to raise such a pet from an early age.

Training and education

Dog training is mandatory, despite the fact that representatives of the breed are maximally adapted to life with humans, the genetic past can make itself felt. The owner should not do this on his own; it is better to contact a specialist who will conduct a general pit bull terrier training course. Simpler, less expensive training options are also possible. The difference between them is insignificant, but still noticeable. It is very important to demonstrate who is boss in the house and strengthen your authority. It won't always be easy, but it is necessary to achieve it.

Important! You cannot use violence and cruelty, but firmness and confidence should become a prerequisite in raising a Staff Bull.

Commands must be given in a clear voice; you cannot indulge your pet. At the same time, it is worth adding variety to the training program, since doggies get bored with monotonous activities quite quickly. It is better to train them on a special training ground.

Staff Bull Terrier training

Bull Terrier Jaws

A fighting dog living next to people in a multi-storey building often causes anxiety and a topic of debate - why is a bull terrier kept in an apartment dangerous? People unfamiliar with the dog are wary of the appearance of his head and rumors that an aggressive dog's jaws cannot be unlocked.

But dog lovers know that the internal structure of the mouth and the shape of the teeth in Bull Terrier dogs is not much different from similar parts of the body of other dogs. In addition, if you bring an open bottle of ammonia to the nose of a dog holding a stick in its mouth, the dog will immediately unclench its jaws.

Open jaws of a bull terrier

Bathing and brushing

Caring for short hair will not cause many problems for the owner of the Staffie. Bathing should be done about once a month. The animal should be washed with warm water using a special shampoo designed for short-haired animals. After this, you should not use a hairdryer, just blot the wet wool with a towel. In winter, it is enough to wash the dog once a season.

Important! For several hours after the bathing procedure, you should not take the dog out for a walk. The wool must be completely dry.

Scratching is periodic; there is no need to do it regularly. However, in spring and autumn, animals shed, then you will have to comb the fur a little more often. This should be done using a special silicone mitten or a soft brush. Do not damage the skin with a hard comb with too long teeth.

Eye and ear care

Eyes and ears also do not require special care. You should inspect your ears once a week and remove dirt using a cotton pad soaked in warm water or a special lotion. The eyes need to be cleaned with a cotton swab daily, just to remove the mucus that has accumulated in the corners.

Important! If any damage to the ears or eyes becomes noticeable, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Dangerous Features

The main dangerous feature when walking Bull Terrier dogs is their rather menacing appearance. A frightened person rushing about can provoke a dog to growl or bark, and if there is no strong owner accompanying and holding the dog nearby, then to an attack.

At the same time, cases have been recorded when bull terriers fell into the hands of owners with an unstable psyche, who provoked their pets to search for victims. On a free walk, a dog can chase a cat, and only a muzzle on the dog’s head in this case will help the purr. These same inadequate owners often become targets of attacks by their dogs, forcing the dogs to defend themselves from the pain caused by people.


Babies are fed 5-6 times a day, closer to 4 months they are accustomed to 4 meals a day, at the age of 6 months 3 times a day will be enough, and one-year-old dogs should already be adapted to two meals a day. You can use premium dry ready-made food or natural food. These two types of food cannot be mixed.

Natural nutrition should primarily consist of lean meat (beef, rabbit, poultry), cereals, vegetables, vitamins and minerals. It is better if a veterinarian is involved in drawing up a menu for each specific pet.

Animal health

Over the past few years, a number of Staffies have been diagnosed with metabolic imbalance (clinical name L-2-HGA). The result of this disease is behavioral changes, such as causeless anxiety, even epileptic seizures, atexia (“shaky” gait), and “stiffness” of the muscles.

These behavioral changes usually result from any physical or mental stress on the animal. Usually the disease manifests itself between the ages of 6 months and a year, but in a number of cases it occurs later.

It was discovered that dogs of completely different bloodlines suffered from this disease equally, and gradually scientists came to the conclusion that the cause of the metabolic imbalance was one of the recessive genes, which was identified after several years of research into the problem at the Animal Health Trust Center (AHT). in Newmarket, England.

Similar research has been carried out on a disease called Hereditary Cataract (HC), which was first identified in the UK in 1976. Hereditary cataracts do not appear immediately after birth, because puppies are born with healthy eyes, but already during the first few months of life, cataracts begin to appear, and, actively progressing, are fully developed by 2-3 years. This disease is always bilateral, symmetrical, i.e. manifests itself in both eyes, and progresses until complete blindness occurs.


The Staffordshire Terrier needs good but moderate exercise. Puppies under one year old should not get tired after a walk or training area. In cold or hot weather, you should walk your animals for no more than 15 minutes twice a day. Adult dogs, especially males, need to be walked much longer than females.

Important! According to the law, dogs of this breed require a mandatory muzzle. Therefore, it is worth accustoming the animal to this subject. Sometimes you should let your pet run freely on a training ground or on a walk in the forest.

Stafford muzzled


The nature of the Staffordshire Terrier is leadership. Training is necessary so that the dog understands that you are still the leader. This needs to be taught from puppyhood. The dog will refuse to be subordinate to you unless you assert your authority before it.

You will have to often remind yourself of authority and keep the situation under complete control. Then the staff will listen to you and follow your commands.

When teaching your dog commands, do not use a commanding tone or harshness. Try to praise more, you can give toys as encouragement. The American Staffordshire Terrier has a special love for rubber toys that chew “deliciously.”

It is you who will have to show the dog the difference between behavior at home and on the street. To avoid marks in the house while the dog is still a puppy, take him out for walks often.

How to choose and buy a Staffbull puppy

A healthy Staffy puppy should be playful, perky, curious and active. He must make contact well. If the Stafascist Bull Terrier is unfriendly and phlegmatic, most likely he has some problems. The breeder must answer any questions and provide all necessary documents. If you have problems with this, it is better to look for another kennel, since Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not the cheapest dogs.

Boy or girl

Visually, the male is superior to the female. He is larger, his muscles are more developed. But bitches are calmer, easier to train, less willful and more firmly attached to their owner.

Puppy cost

Puppies with all documents from champion parents will cost around 50-70 thousand rubles. Representatives of the litter, whose parents were not so famous, cost from 30 thousand rubles. Older, difficult-to-train dogs cost about 10 thousand rubles*

Pros and cons of the breed

Among the advantages of the breed it should be noted:

  • high intellectual abilities;
  • unpretentiousness and high immunity;
  • love for children;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • good search characteristics;
  • quiet behavior, dogs make virtually no noise.

Main disadvantages:

  • strong, self-confident character;
  • exaggerated sense of self-esteem.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed is ideal for people with a strong character who want to acquire a reliable companion and devoted friend. These animals are wonderful companions for those who are willing to spend time training and taming these self-confident cuties, as well as being friends with their Staff Bull.

*Prices are current as of December 2022.


First of all, a dog's temperament is influenced by breed specialization.
Pitbulls and Staffords, created for battles, are distinguished by intelligence, endurance, fortitude, and devotion to the owner. The combat orientation of these breeds has developed in their representatives a lightning-fast reaction and increased perseverance. Most dog handlers assure that if the Staffordshire and Pit Bull Terrier are properly raised, these dogs can become reliable companions and true friends.

On the left is a Stafford, on the right is a pit bull

Possessing incredible strength, endurance, and keen senses, pit bulls and Staffords serve in the police, take part in rescue operations, and search for drugs/explosives.

There are obvious differences between the pit bull and the stafford:

  • Staffords have a more flexible disposition, are more willing to follow commands, and remember them faster;
  • Pitas are much more aggressive than Staffords, especially towards other representatives of dog breeds;
  • Amstaffs show greater diligence in training, trying to please their owners.

When purchasing a dog with a fighting genetic code, it is necessary to build a relationship with it extremely responsibly: such breeds are intended for experienced dog breeders.

Pitbulls and Staffords are not allowed:

  • use for protective and guard purposes;
  • train people to detain;
  • train as bodyguards.

When aggression is artificially awakened, the dog's dormant instincts may awaken: as a result, both the pit bull and the Staffordshire terrier will become completely uncontrollable.

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