Collars and drops Tick inspector: for dogs and cats

How do the drops work?

Inspector drops on the withers are not only for dogs; they are successfully used to eliminate cat fleas. Their use is justified in case of insect attacks:

  • fleas;
  • demodectic mites;
  • ear mites;
  • sarcoptic mites;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • lice eaters;
  • lice.


Inspector Total C for dogs and cats successfully fights many types of helminths.

The product owes a large number of positive reviews to its versatility. Experts recommend it when many external and internal parasites are detected.

Mechanism of action

  • LUFENURON (benzoylphenylurea group compound), an insecticide from the class of chitin synthesis inhibitors. This component has pronounced larvicidal properties and contact ovicidal activity, but has practically no effect on adult insects. The active substance is quickly absorbed in the stomach and slowly excreted. This ensures the maximum concentration of the drug for one month. Getting not only into the body of insects, but also into their eggs, lufenuron blocks the process of formation of chitin (the main component of insect cover). The death of larvae occurs as a result of disruption of the processes of cuticle formation
  • MOXYDECTIN (milbemycin group compound). This component is active against pathogens of arachnoenthomosis, larvae and adults of nematodes. The principle of action is based on stimulating the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid to increase the permeability of membranes for chlorine ions. This, in turn, reduces the activity of helminth nerve cells, which further leads to muscle innervation, then to paralysis, and then to the death of nematodes. Moxidectin is cleared from the body within 6 weeks.
  • PRAZIQUANTEL (a compound of the pyrazinisoquinoline group). This component complements the action of lufenuron, since its action is aimed at adult sexually mature ectoparasites and nematodes. The principle of action is based on inducing the breakdown of tegument and inhibition of fumarate reductase, persistent depolarization of helminth muscle cells. Disorders of energy metabolism in the nervous system lead to paralysis, and subsequently to the death of cestodes. This active substance is absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract 1-3 hours after taking the tablet. Then it is evenly distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal, binds to serum proteins (70-80%), is partially metabolized in the liver, and re-excreted into the intestine. Almost completely (up to 80%) is excreted from the animal’s body in urine within 2 days.

Composition of the drug

Drops Inspector
There are two active ingredients (components) in the drops: moxidectin and fipronil. These are low-toxic substances that do not harm animals.

Fipronil is a phenyl compound. It impairs the absorption of chlorine by organisms, damaging the nerve impulse transmission system, blocking the parasite's body systems. This condition quickly leads to death. Moxidectin affects the functioning of nerve cells. As a result, the activity of the insect's muscles is disrupted, paralysis and rapid death occur. The drops contain 2.5% moxidectin and 10% fipronil - this amount is sufficient to destroy a significant number of pests.

About properties

The drug Inspector for dogs is available in the form of drops. The liquid composition of Inspector Total has a slight alcoholic odor and does not form sediment. To facilitate the processing process, the medicine is placed in polymer pipettes.

Drops on the withers Inspector contain two insecticidal components:

  • Fipronil (10%) - a combination of phenyl prevents the body from absorbing chlorine, which results in blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to a blockade of the pest’s vital systems and its inevitable death.
  • Moxidectin (2.5%) is a milbemycin that affects the functioning of nerve receptors. This leads to disruption of muscle activity, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite.

A relatively safe product for dogs, it is deadly for arthropods. In addition, the action of the insecticidal composition does not cause irritation, and also does not affect the immune system and the fetus during the animal’s pregnancy.

Drops Inspector for fleas for dogs

A wide range of applications is another advantage of Inspector Total drops. The composition is effective against:

  • fleas, lice and lice;
  • sarcoptic, ear, ixodid and demodectic mites;
  • sexually mature intestinal nematodes and their larvae.

On a note!

Inspector Total C drops for dogs can also be used to combat helminths in cats.

The cost of one pipette with a drop of Inspector varies depending on the dose from 200 to 300 rubles.


Like most medications, it is permissible to use Inspector drops with certain reservations. So, contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • age up to 7 weeks;
  • illness or recovery period, time after whelping or taking medications with lactones;
  • intolerance to the drug.


For dogs prone to allergic reactions, drops should only be applied under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Contraindications and side effects

Inspector Total C is prohibited from being used:

  • kittens up to 7 weeks, with the exception of Inspector Mini: it is used from 3 weeks;
  • animals with hypersensitivity to fipronil and moxidectin;
  • on damaged or wet areas of the skin;
  • simultaneously with other antiparasitic drugs.

Pregnant and lactating bitches and decorative dogs weighing up to 1 kg are treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Negative effects are rare. However, allergic reactions in the form of skin redness and itching are possible. They go away spontaneously. But it is better to rinse the solution with water and zoo shampoo and give your pet an antihistamine.

Keep in mind that overdose may cause more serious side effects. In particular:

  • vomit;
  • hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • muscle tremor.

In case of overdose, be sure to wash off the solution with shampoo and contact a veterinarian. He will prescribe detoxification, antiallergic and symptomatic therapy.

Side effects

Drops Inspector
If the instructions for use of drops Inspector for dogs are followed exactly, the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal. If the dosage is exceeded, itching or redness of the skin may occur. These symptoms go away on their own.

Allergy sufferers may experience a reaction to the drug, although this happens in exceptional cases. If this happens, the drops must be washed off and the pet must be given an antihistamine.

Negative reviews


Unfortunately, this remedy is not suitable for our dog. Some time after use, the drug caused an allergy. The dog became restless and began to itch, redness appeared on the stomach and in the groin area.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

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We would love to hear feedback from veterinarians and customers about Inspector drops. When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.

Use for various diseases

Depending on the type of parasite, the technique or frequency of application may vary.

  • To treat ticks, lice, fleas and lice, Inspector must be applied once. As a preventive measure and maintenance in the summer, secondary use after 30-45 days is permissible. If infested with fleas, treatment is carried out once a season.
  • To get rid of ear mites, you should apply the product once. Before use, the dog's ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs, removing dirt, oil and mite feces. If the disease was detected in an advanced stage, after a month it is necessary to treat the ears again.
  • To destroy subcutaneous and scabies mites, the drug is applied twice, with a break of 30 days.


Only a doctor can increase the number of applications.

Analogues of the drug

You can replace Inspector Total C with the following analogues:

MedicineWhat is the differenceaverage price
Helmintal SThe action is similar to Inspector, but is not effective against ixodid ticks. The composition is different: instead of 10% fipronil, it contains 40 mg of praziquantel. 280 rub.
InsectalDoes not contain moxidectin and is therefore not suitable for deworming. But the composition, along with fipronil (10%), includes pyriproxyfen (2%): the synergy of these two substances provides better protection against all forms of ectoparasites. Prohibited for puppies under 3 months. 130 rub.
Rolf Club 3DIn addition to insecticides, it contains a repellent, so it helps not only against fleas, ticks and lice, but also against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and midges. Not effective against helminths. 280 rub.
FrontlineIt has many release forms. Spot-On and Combo help against ectoparasites, Tri-Act additionally repels blood-sucking insects, drugs from the NexgarD series are available in the form of chewable tablets, while NexgarD Spectra additionally works against helminths. 450-2,500 rub. depending on the release form and dosage.
StrongholdKills fleas, sarcoptic ticks, roundworms and heartworms. However, it does not affect demodectic and ixodid ticks. 500 rub. for one pipette.
AdvocateComplex action solution. Drops work against fleas, ticks (with the exception of demodectic ticks) and nematodes. 400 rub. for one pipette.

Application procedure

Inspector drops for dogs, instructions for which are included in the package, should be applied according to the recommendations of a specialist.

  • The drug is applied to dry, healthy skin. Most often it is dripped onto the withers, where the dog cannot lick the product. To ensure that the Inspector gets onto the skin without remaining on the fur, the hairs are pulled apart and the drops are applied directly to the skin.
  • To treat small breed dogs, just drop a drop in one place on the withers. For large dogs, the dose should be distributed over 4-5 points.

After treatment, you should not wash your pet for at least a week. If the animal lives in an apartment, it must be treated.

Applying flea drops

Positive reviews


We treated the cat with Inspector Total drops many times and was happy with the results, plus there were no problems with tolerance. Therefore, when a dog appeared in the house, the Inspector drops, tested many times, were also purchased for him. Our puppy is a dwarf German Spitz breed, which means the coat is very padded and thick. Therefore, when they poured the drops between the shoulder blades, they did not notice any trace or fat content at all. The puppy also seemed not to notice the manipulations performed on him. The drug was tolerated well, without any unpleasant complications. I scratch my dog ​​daily and haven't found any fleas or ticks.

The photo is a direct image to the review presented above in the review.


Excellent drops for fleas and ticks. My dog's breed is Chihuahua, weight 1.8 kg, these drops are exactly what suits her. Others tried it, she had toxic poisoning. The smell is minimal, the dog will not go, the quality is excellent. If you follow the instructions (and this means processing every 30 days), then there will be no fleas or ticks. We have been using these drops for 3 years now. In the summer we go to the countryside and into nature, it works perfectly, parasites have never been found on the dog’s skin.

Rules for working with the drug

Inspector drops for dogs, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette. But when working, you must follow safety rules with chemicals.

  • You cannot handle your dog in the kitchen;
  • After work, you should wash your hands well with soap;
  • while using the Inspector, you must not eat or drink;
  • Do not allow children to pet the dog for 4 days so that they do not touch the drug;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

Duration of protection and speed of impact

The duration of the protective antiparasitic effect of the drug (with a single use) is up to 5 weeks.

The effect of the drug is manifested:

— INSECTICIDAL after 24 hours, reaching the maximum level after 48 hours;

— ACARICIDAL after 24 hours, taking this into account, treatments should be carried out no later than 24 hours before the animal is supposed to walk in places where ticks may live (parks, squares, forests).

Storage method

Drops should be stored in dark places out of reach of children. The medicinal properties of the Inspector last up to three years. Inspector drops are a low-toxic product of a new generation. The mixture of safety and effectiveness makes it so popular among owners of dogs and other animals.

The following drops have shown good results in the fight against fleas in pets:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Celandine;
  • Leopard.

Instructions for use

An antiparasitic insecticidal and acaricidal veterinary drug is used by drip (Spot-on). The product is applied only to dry, intact epidermis in places inaccessible to licking (in the area of ​​the nape, between the shoulder blades, along the spine, behind the ears). For representatives of large breeds of dogs, pipettes of various dosages are used. Apply the drug in several places.

Before use, break off the top of the pipette tip. Having secured the dog well, spreading the fur, apply the veterinary medication. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age and body weight of the dog. For pets weighing from 4 to 10 kg, the dose of the drug is 0.8 ml. If the dog's body weight exceeds 35-40 kg, the dosage is calculated as follows: 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight.

Treatment of dogs for ectoparasites

For the treatment of entomosis, for the purpose of prevention, Inspector is used once, adhering to the indicated dosage. It is best to use throughout the period of activity of blood-sucking insects (from early spring to late autumn) every four to seven weeks. If necessary, in case of severe entomosis, the Inspector is reused after a month.

If you notice a tick attached to your dog’s body, apply one or two drops of Inspector to the parasite. After 15-20 minutes, the bloodsucker should fall off spontaneously. If this does not happen, carefully remove the tick with tweezers and burn it.

For otodectosis, the veterinary drug is used once. Before dropping the product into your dog's ears, clean the ear canal of dirt, crusts, scabs, and exudate. In severe cases, if ear scabies is complicated by otitis, additionally the animals are prescribed symptomatic medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For sarcoptic mange, the inspector applies drops twice with an interval of 28-32 days. For helminthic infestations - once a month. For preventive purposes - every three to four months.

Security measures

“Inspector” is only as safe as can be said about a product containing insecticides. Agronomists know that when treating plants with mixtures designed to destroy garden pests, it is extremely important to prevent contact with pesticides.

The second point concerns the use of expired medications. It is unacceptable. The room in which the treatment is carried out must be well ventilated. It is better if it is forced ventilation. The use of medical disposable gloves is mandatory, because they protect the skin from contact with the drug. To avoid poisoning, you must use a respirator. Eating and smoking while treating a cat with flea medication are prohibited.

At the end of the procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soapy water. The treated animal must not be washed, wet, ironed, or touched with fur. This restriction applies for a period of up to 5-7 days. Any contact with the cat at this time is prohibited (applies to children and other animals).

When processing, drops should not get on the mucous membranes or skin of the person performing the procedure. If this happens, immediately rinse the contact area with clean water. It is not recommended to treat fleas more often than once a month. Store “Inspector” in a dark and cool place where there is no food, protected from children and pets.

Drops "Inspector": reviews

The drug has many positive reviews and recommendations. Most dog breeders who have used the product note its effectiveness and reliability - “Inspector” protects the dog, as indicated in the instructions, for a whole month. Although there are indications that the remedy did not help some animals. However, there are significantly fewer of them.

In addition, among the advantages of Inspector, dog breeders note ease of use, availability in veterinary pharmacies, reasonable cost and wide spectrum of action. The main disadvantages of the drug are the untidy smell, inconvenient packaging, and the validity period is only one month.

Toxicity of the drug

The dog inspector is practically harmless to warm-blooded inhabitants, but deadly to arthropods.

The drug Inspector does not harm dogs, but effectively destroys arthropods.

Recent laboratory tests have confirmed that the drug, used according to all rules, is safe for the animal being treated. It does not affect the immune system and does not cause pathological disorders in the embryo. When used correctly, there is no irritation to the dog’s skin, so we can say that this product cannot harm the pet.

Important. The drug is dangerous for fish, bees and rabbits.

Rules for wearing and storage

The collar is opened immediately before use and removed from the packaging. It needs to be unfolded and put on the animal’s neck, choosing the length so that 1-1.5 cm remains until the full circumference of the pet’s neck. Then it must be secured with a special clamp, and the excess must be cut off.

The Inspector collar is effective on all insects for 4 months, on ticks – 3 months, on worms – 2 months. It should be put on the animal 2-3 days before a trip to the forest or other contact with “bloodsuckers” is expected.

If the animal is severely infested, it should be pre-washed with insecticidal shampoo and then treated with drops or spray. The litter should also be disinfected.

The Anti-Tick Inspector Collar is available for sale in 3 sizes and is packaged in sealed foil bags:

  • 75 cm – for large dogs;
  • 65 cm – for medium ones;
  • 40 cm – for puppies, kittens and mini breeds.

Collar storage conditions: 3 years at a temperature of 0+30°C in a dark place, sold without a prescription. Estimated price – within 330-450 rubles.

On a note!

Its use is not recommended in lactating and pregnant females, kittens and puppies less than 2 months old.

Possible negative reactions due to individual intolerance:

  • skin irritation;
  • increased lacrimation and salivation (salivation).

Anti-tick collar for cats

Indications for use

Moxidectin and Fipronil, which are part of the drug, are effective in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • entomosis;
  • ear mites or scabies (otodectosis);
  • subcutaneous mite (sarcoptosis);
  • demodicosis;
  • intestinal helminths, including toxascariasis and toxocariasis, hookworm and uncinariasis;
  • damage by ixodid ticks;
  • prevention of dirofilariasis.

The drug can be used in both therapeutic and preventive measures. The exact dosage for preventive treatment should be checked with your veterinarian.

How to use

Inspector Total is easy to use, it is applied in the same way as any other preparations of this type, but it is worth remembering some features:

  • The liquid should get on the skin, not on the fur . Therefore, part the fur with your hand and press the tip of the dropper onto the horse's coat.
  • The dose is calculated depending on the kg of the animal’s weight.
  • If the dog is small, then one place is enough for full treatment. For large animals, the product should be applied in 3-4 places along the back.
  • The liquid should be dripped onto the withers or part of the back where the dog cannot reach, so that there is no danger of licking and subsequent poisoning.
  • Skin should be dry and healthy.
  • Do not bathe your dog for a week after applying Inspector , and try to avoid exposure to rain or other wet conditions. This will wash away the virgin substance from the skin and reduce the level of protection.
  • Do not use several types of antiparasitic agents at the same time , this will lead to too high a concentration of toxic substances and poisoning.

Active Ingredients

Inspector Total C is used for cats and dogs and helps destroy external and internal parasites, including lice and fleas, ixodid, ear and sarcoptic mites, worms and intestinal nematodes, and is also used to treat otodectosis, canine sarcoptic mange and demodicosis .

The main components of this tick repellent belong to the low-toxic class and do not harm the health of pets:

  • Moxidectin (2.5%) is a toxic semi-synthetic substance that acts on the nervous system of insects and arachnids, causing muscle paralysis and subsequent death;
  • Fipronil (10%) is a widespread acaricidal agent, a phenyl compound that acts on insect receptors and blocks the transmission of impulses, causing severe disruptions in the nervous system of parasites;
  • excipients (monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, etc.).

The active components of the drug accumulate in the upper layer of the skin, after which they begin to act, being absorbed into the blood vessels. Moxidectin, after effectively affecting blood-feeding parasites, is excreted through the intestines from the animal’s body.

On a note!

A flea and tick inspector for cats is also available; its composition and action are similar. According to researchers, the drug does not cause allergies or irritation, does not affect embryos, i.e. is harmless to pets.

Treatment of skin diseases with drops

Anti-tick drops for dogs Inspector are also used to treat diseases caused by various types of parasites:

  1. Demodicosis – is caused when a pet’s immunity is impaired by demodexes, which have the form of microscopic mites. The disease manifests itself as peeling skin and hair loss. For treatment, the drug Inspector must be applied to the cleaned damaged areas, then make sure that the animal does not lick them off (it is better to wear a muzzle or a protective helmet). Veterinarians advise treatment every 7-10 days, the duration depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. Otodectosis is an infection of a pet with ear parasites. Before starting treatment, both ear canals must be cleaned. Then drop 3-5 drops of the drug into each ear (the dose depends on the weight of the animal), then massage for several minutes. The remaining drops in the pipette are applied to the withers. Repeated treatment – ​​after 7-10 days.
  3. To destroy scabies and subcutaneous types of parasites, drops are applied 2 times at monthly intervals.
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