Doberman or Rottweiler? Comparison and advice for those who are hesitant

When people plan to get a guard dog, their choice often stops at two breeds, which we will talk about today in this article. “Who is better: Rottweiler or Doberman?” - this question worries many owners, although it seems incorrect to us.

These are two service breeds, endowed with their own advantages and disadvantages, requiring mandatory training. The choice should be based on the owner’s capabilities and experience in raising such animals, their purpose, and the family’s living conditions. Both dogs have serious personalities, so we will present you with a small comparative review that may help you understand which dog is better for you.

Doberman or Rottweiler?

Let's start with the history of these breeds. The Dobermann used to be called the Thuringian Pinscher. In 1899, the breed received its current name in memory of its creator, Friedrich Louis Dobermann. To develop this breed, numerous crossings were carried out in Germany, most of the participants of which were not purebred animals. The result was a dog with a rather menacing appearance, often expressing aggression.

As for the second hero of our article, we can say with confidence that the Rottweiler is a representative of one of the most ancient dog breeds on the planet. A strong and large, infinitely brave dog, surrounded by numerous speculations and gossip, the origin of which remains a mystery to researchers today.

The breed was also bred in Germany, and received its name in honor of the city of Rottweil. There is a version that the coal-black Molossians, who later settled throughout Europe, became descendants of the Tibetan mastiff. Another version claims that the ancestors of the Rottweiler were local aboriginal dogs and Phoenician dogs.

At the time of the birth of the breed, two varieties of large black dogs lived in the vicinity of Rottweil. Some were more muscular and powerful, and they were trusted to transport heavy loads, but they were not suitable for shepherd service: they simply collapsed from fatigue during the movement of the herd.

The second species was noticeably smaller, more resilient and intelligent. These dogs were used to guard and drive livestock and protect the owner and the money he earned. The fact is that they were often started by German butchers, who put the proceeds in a wallet and hung it around the dog’s neck. Not a single thief dared to steal this capital.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed practically disappeared due to its uselessness: cattle began to be transported by rail. However, by the mid-twentieth century, she was revived in a new capacity - as a security guard and police assistant, and even later she began to be exhibited in fighting rings.

Down with stereotypes

In the past, dog fighting was a brutal, bloody spectacle used by dog ​​breeders for profit. Some dog breeds were specially bred and then trained to participate in battles. Each owner of the future participant tried to get from him fearlessness and readiness to engage in battle with any opponent, sometimes until his last breath.

Cruel fun has sunk into oblivion; now open dog fighting is officially prohibited. But the “fighting dog” stereotype remains. Many people still believe that such dog breeds are uncontrollable, aggressive and ready to attack at any moment.

However, their opinion is wrong. Yes, initially the task of fighting breeds was to persecute their own kind. But not people. After all, before the fight, each participant calmly stood near the gathered crowd and endured the inspection of the judges monitoring the fairness of the fight. Naturally, such a past has left its mark - many dogs are genetically predisposed to varying degrees to show aggression.

But with proper upbringing and training, dogs will not show the evil side of their character unnecessarily. If the dog does not listen to the owner, shows excessive aggression, and rushes at passers-by, it means that the owner did not raise him well. Or specially trained.

In general, modern “fighters” are the owners of good physical shape, strict and, in most cases, balanced character. Now they are used only to serve humans.

External features

To understand which breed is best for you - a Doberman or a Rottweiler, you need to take into account their external features and dimensions.

The Doberman is a large dog. Its height at the withers is from 68 to 72 cm (males) and from 63 to 68 cm (females). The animal is quite slender, with an athletic build. With such impressive growth, the male’s weight does not exceed 45 kilograms, and the female’s – 35. The Rottweiler and Doberman (you can see the photo in the article) are muscular and strong animals.

The Doberman has a pumped neck, wider at the base. The chest is wide and well developed. Strong paws are shaped a little like a cat's. Both the Doberman and the Rottweiler have short, shiny fur. A comparison of these breeds suggests that their colors are similar: black, brown (in Dobermans it is extremely rare to have blue) with red tan markings, which are located on the neck, paws, muzzle, and brow ridges.

Breed differences

The differences begin with appearance and end with the manifestation of character:

  • The Rottweiler has a compact, squat build and is more reserved and cautious. Even in critical situations, he does not rush instantly, but assesses the situation.
  • The Doberman is distinguished by grace and elegance, clearly showing friendliness and rash aggression when a threat arises.

What does a Rottweiler look like?

This dog is very harmoniously built: strength and power are concentrated in powerful short legs, a wide head gives the animal either aggressiveness or cheerfulness - it depends on the situation. The dog's body is massive, its wide muzzle is distinguished by a large jaw. The chest is well developed. It descends to the beginning of the elbow joints.

Compact paws have a rounded shape. The coat, like that of the Doberman, is shiny, short and smooth. The main color is black with red markings. The standard height of a male is 69 cm, and females are slightly lower - 58 cm. The weight of an adult animal usually does not exceed 60 kg. In recent years (especially in poultry markets), a mixed breed of Rottweiler and Doberman has become increasingly common. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase animals of these breeds from specialized nurseries. Although mestizos can also be excellent companions and guards, an exhibition career is not available to them.

Who is stronger?

The Rottweiler is heavier, has a strong death grip, and during fights shows incredible aggression. This is one of the most popular fighting dog breeds.

The Doberman is more dexterous, fast, agile, but has a choleric temperament. With certain training it can compete with a Rottweiler.

Comparison of the Doberman Pinscher with other dogs:

  • German Shepherd. Both breeds are physically strong, serve for protection, and are ready to fight to the last. The German Shepherd is the leader in terms of aggressiveness and ability to defend territory. However, they are inferior in dexterity and mental acuity.
  • The boxer is definitely stronger. Aggressive and strong-willed dog.
  • The Giant Schnauzer does not tolerate competition. Shows excessive aggression when attacking. Thanks to its high speed and agility, the Giant Schnauzer can easily become a leader.


If you are deciding whether a Doberman or a Rottweiler is more suitable for you, you need to know about some of the character traits of these animals. Based on the type of nervous system, the Doberman is considered a pronounced choleric: a dog that is stubborn and difficult to train. But this opinion is held only by those people who are new to this breed. In reality, the Doberman is a vigilant protector and guardian, as well as an excellent companion that adapts well to the family.

The Doberman is able to very subtly sense the mood of the owner. He becomes a devoted friend, but only for a kind and intelligent owner. Communication with other pets, if there are any in your home, is not easy. Dobermans are dogs with a sensitive nervous system, especially when the situation changes dramatically. Therefore, if you have an aggressive cat or dog that can provoke a showdown, then most likely a quarrel cannot be avoided.

Provided that the pets living in the house are adequate, Dobermans become their protectors and even accomplices: for example, they can distract the owner when the cat steals various treats from the table.

Comparison in relation to children and pets

The Rottweiler has an ambiguous attitude towards children.

There are positive aspects, but signs of aggression often appear.

The Rottweiler is clumsy and has a large body weight ; the dog can accidentally hit or drop a child, which is why the breed is unpopular in families with small children .

The Doberman has a positive attitude towards children and gets along well with them, getting along with both young children and older ones.

What's good about a Rottweiler?

This is a dog with a very high intelligence and at the same time very cunning - this should not be underestimated. If you notice that your beloved dog has stopped following your command and at the same time looks at you with clear, honest and uncomprehending eyes, rest assured that he is simply deceiving you.

The Rottweiler is not just a reliable guard - it is a full-fledged member of the family who equally loves its owners and their children, although it unquestioningly obeys only one person. In the family he behaves surprisingly affectionately, like a cat, however, if there are very young children, problems may arise. A Rottweiler will never, under any circumstances, offend the owner’s child, even if it causes significant inconvenience. But due to its large dimensions and body weight, the dog can hit a small child, who will fall and get hurt.

Training allows testable combat

To consolidate various service qualities for working dogs, special test fights were invented. Also, combat tests allow you to find out which of the participants put up for battle is stronger, more savvy, more agile, and braver. During a fight, you can notice many advantages and disadvantages of a dog, which you may not know about in everyday life.

Test fights are events supervised by experienced keyologists, but in no case are officially prohibited bloody dog ​​fights.

For each test fight there are strict sporting rules, violation of which leads to fines or disqualification of participants. Those who violate Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals) can expect fines, compulsory or correctional labor, or restriction of freedom for up to one year, or arrest for up to six months.

Care and feeding

Both breeds are smooth-haired, so caring for them is easy. These dogs shed lightly, but once every two weeks they should be brushed with a special brush, unless, of course, you are eager to clean up hair all over the house.

The owner must decide whether to use ready-made food or natural food; their choice is often influenced by the recommendations of the breeder from whom the animal is purchased. Experts believe that natural nutrition can significantly extend the life of pets. Ready-made feeds also have an advantage - they contain all the vitamins that are necessary for the development of the animal.

Which breed is best suited for indoors and outdoors?

The Doberman's character is difficult and unyielding; this breed requires regular obedience lessons . The house sees its territory, so it treats strangers with suspicion and even slight aggression.

Often there is a pogrom. He shows a special love for door handles, furniture upholstery and other things.

It is recommended to keep it in a private house or apartment . 24-hour cage keeping is contraindicated; it has a bad effect on the dog’s mental state.

Compared to a Doberman, training a Rottweiler is not particularly difficult. The breed is also prone to pranks, but is not inferior in terms of protective qualities.

Recommended for keeping in a private house, apartment or enclosure.

The Rottweiler is prone to obedience, so it will be easier to raise him into an adequate dog, not without regular training; of course, the dog must know who is boss. You will have to work hard with a Doberman, since the dog is not a compliant dog and has a low threshold of excitability. Both are picky when it comes to feeding, but unlike the Rottweiler, it is difficult to overfeed the Doberman. Both breeds are playful and energetic, so get ready to run around outside and learn to distribute the load evenly; dogs need relaxation, but not too much. A bored dog is a disaster in the home, especially when you are not there.

Even the gentle Doberman breed reacts violently to various sources of noise and does not tolerate the explosion of firecrackers and those in tune with them.

Therefore, in open areas, a muzzle and a leash are mandatory.

Let's sum it up

We don’t know if, after reading our article, you managed to decide for yourself whether a Doberman or a Rottweiler is more suitable for you. We would like to add to all of the above that these are unique, intelligent and very beautiful dogs. They can be friendly and helpful to people with disabilities.

In extreme cases, these animals become merciless. In inexperienced and inept hands, without proper training, they can become living and very dangerous weapons. When properly raised from an early age, these beautiful and powerful animals become loyal and reliable protectors. Before you get one of these dogs, think carefully about whether you can cope with their fervor and whether you can become an unquestioned authority for your pet.

Is it possible to buy a friend with money?

Any happy owner of a four-legged dog will answer this question in the affirmative. Let's remember the cartoon about Carlson from our childhood, where the little hero dreamed of getting a dog for his birthday. What goes around comes around

Raising a dog requires a lot of effort. The dog gets used to the owner, for her he is the king and god. When you take a puppy into your home, start training it from the very first day. The process is not easy, but in return you will receive a devoted comrade and a reliable defender. From his ancestors, wolves, the dog borrowed loyalty. The domestication of dogs by humans, as scientists suggest, took place several thousand years ago. Initially, these four-legged animals were used purely for hunting.

It is generally accepted that certain characteristics are inherent in a particular breed. However, without training from the first days of life, you will not get a well-trained dog. If raised incorrectly, this animal, like a person, can grow into an aggressive, disobedient individual. It is impossible to retrain an adult dog, so it is recommended to take a puppy, and for official purposes, purchase a well-trained, trained individual. A strong and intelligent dog in the future will become not just a member of the family, but also a support. In the company of a Rottweiler friend, it’s not scary to go at dusk for milk through dark alleys.

There is also a “fashion” for dog breeds. If we turn our attention to twenty years ago, we remember that then on the streets one could often meet collies (especially after the release of the famous film), boxers, dachshunds, spaniels, Pekingese, and chow-chows. Spotted Dalmatians, like those from a cartoon, were popular. When purchasing an animal, be clearly guided by the goal: who do you need? Friend, protector, or maybe decoration? Among glamorous ladies, so-called decorative breeds like Chihuahuas or Yorkies are in demand. You can often see owners with “elite” huskies and alabai dogs.

Who got the victory?

Who is stronger? It is quite predictable that the pit bull wins today’s fight. This dog is famous for its aggressiveness and death grip. In the States, for example, bull terriers and pit bulls are generally prohibited from being kept in homes, and in many countries their walking is allowed only with muzzles only in the evening. Breed characteristics:

  • strong grip;
  • constant readiness for protection;
  • ability to adapt;
  • aggressiveness towards enemies, combined with immense devotion to the owners.


Remember that fighting breed dogs require dedication and careful training, as well as proper, sometimes expensive, care. Perhaps, to raise such a puppy, you will need the help of a specialist - a dog handler. The most comfortable environment for keeping is a private house with its own yard. However, an apartment is also suitable for small breeds.

It is undesirable for a family with small children to have a fighter: in addition to the still present danger of an aggressive attack, there is also a simple lack of time - raising two is still more difficult. I would like to believe that you were able to draw a conclusion for yourself which of the dogs is better and answered the question of who is stronger, a pit bull or a Rottweiler, if you are faced with the difficult task of choosing.

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