Cat food ProTail: reviews and composition analysis

Feed ratings:

Feed price

Completeness of the composition

How much does the dog like it?

6 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class: Economy
Manufacturer: Russia
  • Dry dog ​​food ProTail 2.5 kg – about 215 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food ProTail 13 kg - about 1120 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food ProTail 20 kg - about 2300 rub.

ProTail for dogs

I advise you to avoid foods with unclear composition, such as Rogue, even to save money.
Such frugality can lead to very high costs for treating a dog. If it is not possible to feed with high-quality food, it is better to prepare natural food. No matter what it promises to produce, behind the unclear names of the ingredients there are low-quality components that will harm the dog’s health. Also, these foods contain mainly cereals, and eating plant proteins entails an oversaturation of the body with nitrogen, this leads to kidney disease in the animal; an excess of this substance in the blood harms almost all the internal organs and tissues of the dog. According to BJU, the food is also not balanced, it consists mainly of carbohydrates, and this is a high risk of obesity. Carbohydrates are digested very quickly and it turns out that the dog will be constantly hungry, but at the same time it gains excess weight, the owners of such dogs accuse them of being “gluttonous,” but in fact, as soon as the dog is switched to a better diet, problems with eating behavior disappear and the weight normalizes. This is not food, but sawdust. The composition was licked off from somewhere, the (service) dogs stopped working, the veterinarian was shocked by their appearance. How much money did they pay to get a government contract with you? They are forced to buy and prepare food for the dogs themselves. To everyone who loves their pets, do not buy this under any circumstances!

The food, although very cheap, is quite good. A pack of 13 kg, which costs about a thousand, is enough for more than a month. There is nothing supernatural in the composition, grains are mixed with meat by-products. The granules are small in size, suitable even for small breeds, but medium and large ones will be chewed like seeds. Externally, they are heart-shaped, hemispherical, and have a distinct smell, but it is not pungent. When you touch them, oil remains on your hands, which means they are soaked in fat. It contains a good vitamin and mineral complex; it makes no sense to give separate supplements. On the back of the pack it is indicated how much to sprinkle depending on the weight of the dog. The food, by the way, is universal, all breeds, so it suits everyone. Produced in Russia, in particular, and therefore has a low price. The dog eats it much better than Pedigree, so Rogue is also nutritious. The fur does not shed from the food, there are no allergies, he goes to the toilet as usual. In general, it is a budget-friendly and quite high-quality food that has high nutritional value and vitamins in its composition.

I have been feeding my dachshund this liquid food for about a year and a half, and I can’t say anything bad at all. The expense, of course, is considerable, because the food is packaged in small bags; such a large pack would be cheaper to buy. But, since the dog is small, it is only a one-time appointment. And in general, it’s convenient: I squeezed the food into a bowl and that’s it. Sometimes one is not enough, you have to add a second. On average, you need about 4-5 packages of food per day, which totals about 80 rubles, so it doesn’t hurt your wallet. The composition is good, at least worth the money. Meat is about 4%, the rest is by-products, plant components, water. In general, the composition of popular premium brands is not much better. There are also some vitamins and minerals, but it is better to buy special vitamins for your dog separately; she obviously will not get the daily requirement from such food. Externally, the pieces are somewhat reminiscent of Whiskas - the same cubes, only of different shapes, moist and soft. There is a smell, but it is quite natural and not at all sharp. But here’s exactly what I’m grateful for – there’s not much watery jelly in the composition, most of it is the pieces themselves. So they don’t sin with excessive savings; the spilled food doesn’t look like soup. The color of the pieces is natural, brown. The dachshund eats everything up to the licked bowl, so obviously she likes it. The intestines work normally after this food, unlike dry food, the stool is fine. There is no “hooking” on the ProTail; if necessary, the dog can eat any other food.


The list of components of cat food Rokhvost (PROkhvost) looks like this:

  • meat and meat components (pure meat - 4%, the rest - by-products): rabbit, turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, veal, quail, chicken;
  • fish and fish components (fish fillet - 4%, the rest - fish products): salmon, herring;
  • cereals;
  • animal and vegetable fats (Omega fatty acids);
  • yeast (source of B vitamins);
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • antioxidants E320 and E321;
  • soy protein and gelling agent;
  • vitamins of group B (B2, B3, B4, B5, B6), E, ​​A, D;
  • taurine;
  • mineral supplements (manganese, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium);
  • preservative (myco carb);
  • natural flavoring additives.

Manufacturer information

ProTail dog food is manufactured in Russia. The place of release is Tver. But the plant that produces this food belongs to the Danish concern Aller Petfood A/S. Distribution is handled by the company Welcome. This company also produces Probalance food. And if the latter is premium food. That ProKhvost is a representative of the niche of economical feed on the market. However, a well-known concern is developing the food, which means its quality should be high. After all, almost the flagships of the market participated in the development.

Regarding the preparation procedure, the manufacturer reports that it uses only selected grains. Regarding meat, the choice fell on poultry.

Feed range

It should be noted that ProTail dog food is not represented in the widest range. There is only one wet food available. It’s called “ProTail “With Beef in Sauce.” The package indicates that the percentage of beef in the product is at least 4%. You should not count on whole pieces of meat in the package - rather, they will be small pieces of minced minced meat. Produced:

  • In packs of 85g . The cost of such packaging: 14 rubles. (if you take it from the supplier) and 20-25 rubles in stores. The supplier only sells packages of 25 packs costing 388 rubles.
  • Cans of 415 g . The cost of such a jar is 50 rubles from the supplier and 70-90 rubles in stores.
  • Cans of 850 grams cost 125 rubles. They most often have promotions from the manufacturer, which reduces the price to 110 rubles.

Dry food is available in a wider range. The differences start with packaging. Dry ProTail is packaged in the following packages: 0.5, 2.5, 10, 13, 15 and 20 kg. The only differences are in the diet offered. You cannot find any special type of food in a specific pack size. The entire line is presented equally.

The flavor options are as follows:

  • Assorted meats.
  • With Chiken.
  • With beef.
  • Salmon with rice. This food is available only in the version “for dogs with sensitive digestion”. You can buy this taste for active dogs only in the line of elite food. The price will be appropriate.

By type of diet, food varies according to the level of activity of dogs:

  1. For active dogs . Available in all possible flavor variations, except salmon with rice. It has no special characteristics. The vitamin-mineral complex is most likely biased towards energy efficiency. The price for a bag weighing 2.5 kg is 210-240 rubles.
  2. For dogs with normal physical activity . The simplest food, which is made with a slightly different percentage of substances in the coating. And the actual size of the granules also affects the number of microelements and how they are absorbed by the body. Price for 2.5 kg – 210-240 rubles. There is no salmon and rice flavor option.
  3. For dogs living in urban environments . The last regular food is ProTail. Differs from others in the size of the granules. The “salmon with rice” option also doesn’t taste good. The price ranges from 210 to 240 rubles per 2.5 kg bag.
  4. For puppies and nursing bitches . This food has a much higher content of minerals and vitamins. The granules are extremely small, which is not surprising. Due to probiotics, the digestibility of the feed is increased, and the balance of substances is made the same as in ProBalance (feed from the premium line from the same manufacturer). Price 340-400 rub. for 2.5 kg.
  5. For dogs with sensitive digestion . This food stands out from the general line. Salmon meat is used as a meat product, and rice is used instead of the usual cereals (corn and millet). This food is more expensive: for 2.5 kg you will have to pay 340-360 rubles.

Please note that the indicated price varies slightly. In the example of 2.5 kg packages this is not so noticeable. But when it comes to 20kg bags, the difference is about 300-400 rubles. Foods for puppies and dogs with sensitive digestion cost a lot of money.

The diet for puppies and nursing dogs is very different from the rest . But a comparison of diets depending on the activity of dogs showed a very interesting fact: the composition of the feed is identical. Only the shape of the croquettes differs. However, no one provided documentary evidence of this fact. Therefore, there is an opinion that the composition of the Vitamin and Mineral Supplement (the ratio of elements in it) changes. However, the manufacturer did not make this information publicly available.

Price and where to buy

You can buy this food at the following prices:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Dry food Protail 0.35 kg - from 49 rubles;
  2. Dry food Rogue 1 kg - from 120 rubles;
  3. Dry food Protail 10 kg - from 1111 rubles;
  4. Spiders Protail 85 g - from 13.5 rubles;
  5. Canned food Rogue 415 g - from 52 rub.

Prices shown are current as of September 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost and comparison of prices in different pet stores, see the link above.

Advantages and disadvantages

Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of economy-class food is pointless. Obviously, there will be more shortcomings. After all, the savings lie in the quality of the raw materials. But it is possible to give an intermediate result based on the composition.


In fact, the food has 2 advantages. The first is obvious, the second is hidden from view.

  1. The obvious advantage is the price.
  2. But the hidden one just comes down to a large amount of carbohydrates. The food is well suited for a dog to gain weight, for example, before a show. The method is cheap and effective. And this is a great plus.


  • Little has been written about the composition.
  • The manufacturer provided a minimum of information on its website. Unfortunately, it is the composition, the lack of certain components and the lack of accurate information that look suspicious.
  • The composition is balanced specifically for domestic and inactive dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

ProKhvost food, like any other budget-class product, has its advantages and disadvantages. When deciding whether to buy this food for your pet or not, weigh the pros and cons.


The advantages of ProTail food are:

  • wide range of tastes;
  • low cost;
  • true information about the presence of preservatives and antioxidants in the feed.


The disadvantages of this food include:

  • lack of specificity when listing the ingredients included;
  • the presence of artificial antioxidants;
  • low prevalence (most often this type of food can be found in Fixprice).

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

  • Review of food Rogue for dogs from Polina:

“So, the food for one feeding - me and the dog liked it. There is no pungent odor characteristic of economy class. The color and look are nice. There is not too much jelly, the optimal amount, as for me. The pieces are squares, but that's not that important. Looks natural."

  • Review of ProTail food for dogs, from Alexander:

“The dog eats, it seems like nothing, but in general it’s very bad food and the composition is not suitable for constant feeding. Because it consists of cereals, like the entire economy class. And grains are evil.”

  • Review of ProTail food, from veterinarian Svetlana:

“I’ll be honest, I haven’t tried it personally. I don’t like the composition - it’s too meager. I definitely won’t feed my dog ​​this way. True, if life forces you, then you can take it for a test. But not for constant feeding, but for a month, no more.”

  • Review of ProTail food, written by veterinarian Oleg with 5 years of experience:

“Not very well is putting it mildly. There is simply no benefit from such food. Paper with dyes. If we take it, it’s something premium. Yes, it’s more expensive, but it’s absorbed better and gradually the portion can be reduced, which will result in savings.”

Cat food Rogue - reviews

Despite the fact that Protail food has been on the pet market for a long time, only a few people bought it for their pets. Or it’s simply that most of those who bought it did not write anywhere about the results of feeding, since there are quite a few reviews about this food.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

Hi all! My cat's name is Marsik, he is now three months old. Recently in Auchan I bought him PROTAIL dry food for kittens. A small 350 g package costs only 40 rubles. The smell of the food is normal, like other cat foods.

The cat ate this food very appetizingly, until I took the photo he almost bit off his hand along with the food croquettes)) I used to take Whiskas for him, he ate poorly and constantly left it in the bowl. This food seems to taste better, I can recommend it for your cats too!

Our code is normal, mongrel, neutered. Lives in an apartment, never goes outside. Mostly he eats home-cooked food, but we regularly buy Sheba canned food and sometimes Kitekat. Last time, instead of them, I took a couple of Rogue bags, with images of a cute red cat. The price for 1 bag is about 15 rubles, even cheaper than the same Kitekat which costs 18 rubles for 85 g.

Manufacturer LLC Aller-Petfood, production is located in the Leningrad region. The composition is beautifully described: minced chicken, chicken by-products at least 4% (including turkey, meat, meat by-products, fish, fish by-products, plant components, minerals, vitamins, taurine). I examined it already at home, I didn’t think that it would be different from the others.

In the bag there are gray-brown pieces in jelly, they look so-so, they smell like fish and soy. But the cat liked them, ate them and licked them. And after two hours the problems started, the cat was vomiting this food every 10-15 minutes for an hour! I already wanted to take him to the vet, this has never happened to him! Fortunately, he fell asleep and woke up normal, everything worked out.

I assume that the Rogue wet food is stuffed with various waste, and this is the result. I don’t recommend going with this brand; it’s better to buy Sheba canned goods, they are absolutely normal.

My cat is over ten years old and has been eating natural food all his life, including fish, liver and various meat by-products. He eats ready-made food only when I don’t have time to cook or I go somewhere and leave it with my brother. I take the most inexpensive food, and I also came across the Scoundrel.

Of course, its composition is not very good, only products of unknown origin. But it’s not possible to buy expensive food, and for emergencies this one is also suitable. Moreover, the cat eats it well, does not remain hungry, and has no negative consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before introducing this or that food on an ongoing basis, it is worth studying its positive and negative aspects in advance. And don’t buy a big pack right away: your pet may simply not like it, and you’ll be throwing money away.

  • Low cost. Rogue food (PROkhvost) is cheaper than many similar foods, and even people with more than modest incomes can buy them.
  • The range includes both dry and wet options.
  • The feed contains fillet meat.
  • Myco carb preservative is safe for cats. It prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, and prevents toxins from accumulating in feed raw materials.
  • The food contains vitamins and minerals.
  • Rogue food (PROkhvost) is sold in pet stores, supermarkets, and small shops. The company even enters into contracts with cat nurseries and supplies its products there with good discounts.

Antioxidants - E 320 and 321 - are synthetic and unsafe. E320 - butylated hydroxyanisole, despite its use in the food industry, has neither nutritional value nor natural analogues. It is a carcinogen in its pure form (proven by international studies), capable of causing genetic mutations

E321 is a synthetic analogue of vital vitamin E, a phenolic antioxidant, which, despite being approved for use, can be harmful. Moreover, it is animals that cause problems in the reproductive system and provoke the formation of malignant tumors. The formulation of the ingredients is general, which is absolutely unclear: how much of what is added to the pack

The percentage of meat components is vague, there is too little pure meat for proper nutrition, how many by-products are added and which ones is unknown. The same applies to grains, fats, and everything else. And under vague formulations waste from meat production is often hidden. In second place in the list of ingredients are cereals. Which ones are again not specified. Wheat, corn, and soy are contraindicated for cats. They cause allergies, diabetes, obesity, and gastrointestinal problems.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Foreign White, Cohona, Bengal.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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