A cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie: mixed breeds of a lapdog, Pekingese, toy terrier

Origin story

Historically, the mixed type of mating was used not only to produce new breeds, but also to improve their qualities.
In the past, much less attention was paid to blood purity, and stud books and pedigrees have only existed for a few centuries. There is nothing wrong with crosses, as the hybrid offspring may have advantages over the parent species.

It is unknown when the first Spitz crossed with the Yorkshire Terrier appeared. But the active sale of York Spitz dogs began in the last decade.

Dogs with a special appearance are popular and often have a high price.

What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;
  • Corgi Dalmatian.

The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like

However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigreed pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention


The appearance of dogs obtained as a result of crossing different breeds is not subject to standardization and is

random character. It is generally accepted that puppies inherit the most attractive parts of the exterior from their parents.

At the birth of hybrids, quite often not only parental traits appear, but also signs of distant ancestors: The growth of puppies as they grow older may differ. It is difficult to imagine in advance the dimensions and height at the withers of an adult mestizo.

Since Yorkies are produced by mating breeds of similar size, it can be assumed that the offspring will not exceed them.

The color and quality of the Yorkie's coat can be inherited from either parent, or a combination of both.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale does not recognize the Spitz-Yorkie cross as a separate breed; such dogs cannot participate in exhibitions or receive awards.

How to distinguish Spitz dogs from other breeds and mixed breeds

Sometimes, Spitz dogs can be easily confused with mixed breeds and representatives of other breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy an animal from a trusted place, where you can be sure that the puppy has been well fed and is healthy. In addition, Spitz dogs can be distinguished by external characteristics .

First of all, it's wool. Spitz have a double warm coat: one part is long straight hair, the second is a delicate soft undercoat consisting of short hairs. The coat should be combed regularly and washed when dirty.

Spitz dogs have neat ears that are set wide apart. The tail is above their back and curls into a ring. Growth varies depending on age and variety.

When buying a Spitz, you need to inquire about the availability of documents about the origin of the offspring . If the pedigree is zero, the dog may not be purebred. But this will not prevent the animal from being a faithful friend, and not all owners take animals to exhibitions.

Choosing a dog is not only pleasure, but also responsibility. First you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the animal requires a lot of attention. But this care will more than pay off with the love and devotion of the pet.


The Yorkshire Terrier and the Pomeranian Spitz are quite different in character and behavior. The Yorkie's temperament is characterized by strong will, stubbornness, and determination, while the Pomeranian is characterized by gentleness and good nature. Differences in the behavior of the parent breeds affect the character of Yorkies.

The greater the differences in temperament, the more likely it is that the puppies will develop a nervous and aggressive disposition. The behavior of an adult dog can largely be corrected by education and training. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to fix it.


The Hybrid Yorkie is used exclusively as a companion dog. If the crossing was successful, then the puppy will receive devotion, friendliness and affection for the owner from the parents.

Metis is well suited for a single person who has time to raise a pet, or for a family with growing children.

Crossing a Yorkshire Terrier with hunting instincts and a originally guard Spitz may result in some of these qualities being passed on to the offspring. However, you shouldn’t count on this - the characters of the breeds are too different.

Owner reviews

I understood that by buying a cute puppy that is not a pedigree, I could end up with an adult for some unknown reason. Unfortunately, this is what happened. But the children love the boy, and my wife and I dote on him. Despite his rather strange appearance, he is a very smart and loyal dog. He is not picky about food.

I saw a cute creature and could not remain indifferent. While growing up, he learns easily. Loves to play and frolic outside.

We are very lucky to have such a faithful friend. As he grew older, he began to look less like a Spitz and more like a Yorkie. Size like an average orange. The character is flexible.

When purchasing a mestizo, realize that no matter how charming he may be, he will have nothing to do with the standard. With all this, they may have various health problems that their parents may not even have. The appearance and character of such pets are unpredictable.



It is difficult to predict in advance how a Yorkie and Spitz mix will get along with other animals. Both parent breeds are loyal to living together with dogs and cats, so you can count on the Yorkie also not reacting negatively to their presence. The main condition will be early socialization and constant communication between animals.

A well-mannered adult Yorkie feels great in a family with children. If a puppy does not show aggression or distrust of people from childhood, most likely he will grow up good-natured and patient. However, it doesn’t hurt to tell children how to properly handle a dog so as not to injure or frighten it.

Family life

These hybrids get along well with other pets and love children very much. To avoid injury, do not leave your child and puppy alone.

They love to walk, so they are suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle, but they can also adapt to the habits of older people.

When arranging space in an apartment, do not give preference to passage areas or corridors, so as not to step on the dog. They prefer to coexist in the room directly with the owner, then they do not feel lonely.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a Yorkie puppy is difficult and simple at the same time. Since the result of a crossbreed is unpredictable,

The characteristics of a puppy's appearance make it difficult to understand what the dog will grow up to be in the future. The color and quality of the coat may change with age, as well as the face and body type.

The general principles for choosing a Yorkie puppy are as follows:

  • evaluate the puppy’s appearance for visible genetic abnormalities;
  • the puppy’s eyes should be clear and his gaze focused on objects;
  • The baby's belly is round and soft;
  • the coat is healthy and shiny;
  • ears are clean, with the same position;
  • active behavior, without cowardice or aggression.

Features of maintenance and care

You can keep a Yorkie even in a small apartment. It is enough to arrange a bed for the pet not far from the owner so that the dog does not feel lonely. It is impossible to keep mestizos on the street or in an enclosure, as they urgently feel the need for the presence of the owner.

These dogs do not need a long walk; they easily get used to relieving themselves on a hygienic diaper. The principles of grooming a Yorkie differ little from the requirements for caring for a Yorkshire terrier or Pomeranian.


The photo shows a typical Spitz-Yorkshire terrier mix.
Mixed breeds often get long, silky hair from the Yorkshire Terrier, while the Spitz gives it density and density, which makes grooming much more difficult. Yorkies need to be brushed from early childhood, as their hair growth rate is quite high.

The condition of the coat is adversely affected by dry air, lack of nutrients and exposure to sunlight.

It is advisable to comb your Yorkie every day using brushes with a massage effect. Thick fur is prone to matting and matting, so you need to constantly check the neck, armpits, and inner thighs.

Dogs need to constantly wash their eyes and check the condition of their ears and teeth. If the nails are growing rapidly and cannot be worn down on their own, they can be trimmed. The Yorkie's paws are washed after every walk, but the dog does not need to be bathed more than once a month.


A hybrid cross between a Yorkshire terrier and a Spitz, it is a low-active pet. Modest dimensions allow the dog to lose energy at home, and walking can be short. It is enough to take the dog outside 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes.

It doesn’t hurt to teach your Yorkie to relieve himself at home in a diaper, as this will save the animal from having to go outside in the rain and cold. The pet is always taken out on a leash, as a small dog can get lost or get hit by a car.


The diet of the Spitz-York mix meets the requirements of the parent breeds. A natural diet should be based on animal proteins with the addition of cereals, vegetables and a complex of vitamins. Dry food is selected taking into account the size and activity of the Yorkie. Inexperienced dog owners may want to consult a veterinarian.

Under no circumstances should your dog be given salty, sweet, smoked or spicy foods.


The Chihuahua's unique appearance—its small size and more proportionately large head—has made it popular around the world, but has also caused some health problems.

Breeding to determine the health of dogs often aimed to create individuals with even larger ears and shorter muzzles, which led to increased eye sensitivity, breathing problems and teething problems.

Other health problems arose as breeders tried to breed smaller and smaller dogs. Individuals weighing only 500 grams cannot protect themselves from infections or other diseases, while ordinary Chihuahuas are naturally resistant, as evidenced by the fact that they survived on the streets of Mexico.

The unnaturally small representatives of the breed often get sick and die prematurely. Even seemingly invisible viral diseases, manifested by diarrhea or vomiting, can endanger the life of such a dog.

Failure to comply with breeding rules and refusal to prevent diseases leads to the reproduction of the Chihuahua breed with hereditary diseases. These include congenital malocclusion, premature tooth loss, heart valve problems, hydrocephalus, or patellar luxation.

To reduce the risk of these diseases to a minimum level, a potential buyer of a dog of this breed should be interested in purchasing an individual only from a certified professional breeder. She will have all pedigree documents and all necessary vaccinations. It should be understood that the prices for purebred dogs, especially the Chihuahua breed, are high - serious breeding entails a lot of costs.

However, investing in a puppy from a good kennel is usually beneficial as it prevents possible subsequent treatment costs and, of course, suffering for the pet. This is also a guarantee of many years of joy from having such a cute pet in the family. A professional breeder with extensive experience is always ready to advise the owner.

Today you can buy short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. Long-haired Chihuahuas are twice as numerous as short-haired dogs, despite the fact that the latter is considered more resilient and robust.

Each specific breed of dog has its own characteristics that a breeder must be aware of before engaging in a breeding program. Chihuahuas are a very popular dog breed and therefore require a lot of care and knowledge.

One scientific article describes that some Chihuahua ancestors had deer-shaped heads, while others had apple-shaped skulls. Some breed enthusiasts have also hypothesized that the Chihuahua's "deer" head may be due to a cross between a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested dog. Modern breeders are focused on breeding apple-headed Chihuahuas, as this type is now being popularized and accepted by the American Kennel Club.

The Chihuahua breed, like other miniature dogs, tends to reach puberty earlier than larger breeds. Typically this is around 6 months of age. Like any other breed, female Chihuahuas should never be bred during their first two or three heats because their fertility is then not high enough for a successful pregnancy.

Male Chihuahuas should be used for breeding as soon as they are fully mature - usually at one or two years of age. It is worth waiting until the puppy is fully grown to assess whether it is a good specimen for breeding.

The average litter size of Chihuahua puppies is between 1 and 3 puppies. Rarely does a bitch of this breed give birth to more than 4 puppies.

To guess how many puppies a Chihuahua can produce, you need to understand that in dogs, litter size depends on many factors: the fertility and size of the female, the quality of the male's sperm, their diet, health, etc.

Although Chihuahuas tolerate pregnancy and childbirth quite well, they may require obstetric care. Despite the fact that newborn puppies are very small, there are certain structural features of the female’s body. This is due to the tiny size of the dog's pelvis. Additionally, a Chihuahua's very small uterus may not dilate enough during labor, so an emergency caesarean section may be required.

It is important to agree in advance with the veterinarian about the possible operation. In most cases, especially with a small number of puppies expected at birth, a natural birth will occur without problems, but it is the breeder's job to prepare for unusual situations


The Yorkie and Spitz mix is ​​quite healthy. Biologists believe that hybrid crosses lead to stronger immunity and a reduced risk of genetic abnormalities. Yorkspitz is less susceptible to hereditary diseases.


Despite good health indicators, the Spitz-Yorkie mix can inherit pathologies from the parent breeds. There is some risk of the Yorkie having:

  • congenital dislocations of joints;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • eye diseases;
  • liver pathologies;
  • allergic dermatitis.


Mixed breeds, just like Yorkies and Spitz dogs, need timely and regular vaccinations. Vaccination preparations should protect your Yorkie from:

  • rabies;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus infection;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • coronavirus;
  • viral hepatitis.

The first vaccination is given to York Spitz puppies at the age of 8.5 weeks, 10 days after deworming. After 14 days, the dog is revaccinated with the same drug. A single rabies vaccine is given to an animal at 4.5 months, and a comprehensive vaccination is repeated at six months and a year. After this, prophylaxis for mixed-breed puppies is carried out annually according to the schedule established by the treating veterinarian.

Photo gallery

We tried to find out what this charming mixture of two breeds looks like. Since these are mixed breeds, they do not have strict standards, so some puppies may not be exactly like what you expected.


Dogs are very carefully selected for mating a Yorkshire Terrier with a Spitz. Representatives of both breeds should be in exceptional health, without any congenital pathologies. In addition, animals with defects in appearance or color are excluded from the list of possible partners.

The main criterion is the appearance of the animals, since a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie will receive partial characteristics of both breeds. However, it is impossible to guarantee the appearance of at least one specific sign in a York Spitz, because even in the same litter there can be puppies completely different from each other.

The successful result of crossing is influenced by compliance with the following requirements:

  • parents are purebred representatives of their breeds;
  • both dogs are mixed breeds of the same breeds with equal shares;
  • partners have access to mating.

Goals pursued for breeding mestizos

As you can see, breeding a mestizo is also a rather painstaking and difficult process. Here, by analogy with breeding a purebred dog, various methods of selecting parents are used, and different goals for crossing may also be pursued.

The most popular, one might say the main, but far from the main reason for breeding such a crossbreed or the appearance of a mestizo of a certain breed may be the appearance of the future dog.

It’s not for nothing that such techniques are called design techniques. The breeder identifies two breeds of outwardly attractive and popular dogs, the crossing of which will in the future produce an animal that has attractive features from both breeds at once.

Such dogs often have a bright personality and unique appearance . They are very loved by their owners, who, having essentially received a new crossed breed, are pioneers and can independently identify any interesting or remarkable features of such an animal.

Other purposes of breeding mestizos may be to pursue another goal; there are known cases of breeding guide dogs for poor drivers who also have problems with allergens.

How much do puppies cost?

The price of Yorkie puppies depends on their appearance and characteristics received from their parents.

A healthy baby can cost 5-7 thousand rubles. Since mixed breed is not a recognized breed and does not require a pedigree or documents, you can buy a puppy even cheaper.

Mixed breeds cannot be purchased from an official nursery or from a Yorkie or Spitz breeder; only amateurs breed Yorkies. But such puppies are easy to find on social networks and on private advertisement sites.

The cute Yorkie is not a separate breed, but attracts attention with its cute appearance and good health. Having absorbed the best qualities of the Pomeranian Spitz and Yorkshire Terrier, the little mixed breed will become a faithful companion for a person who is ready to devote time to education and training.

Buying a hybrid

Since the mestizos of these breeds are not designer breeds, you can buy them for a very nominal fee. This is due to the fact that the majority of breeders, despite the fact that both parents are purebreds, classify these hybrids as mongrels. At the same time, very often such puppies are quite charming and are in demand among those who want to buy a dog for their soul.

Yorkie-Spitz hybrid puppy

Naturally, when choosing a mestizo, it makes no sense to adhere to any breed standards. Most importantly, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the puppy should be active and cheerful, easy to make contact with;
  • inspect the eyes to make sure there is no oxide;
  • check the spout - it should be wet;
  • inspect the fur - there should be no dandruff;
  • check the limbs to avoid lameness of the animal.

Of course, you will not receive any documents about the pedigree, but be sure to get a veterinary book from the breeder with the vaccinations and further vaccination schedule. Find out exactly what the puppy was fed and stick to this diet for the first time. Change it gradually over two months to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Often such pets are given away for free, but if the baby turns out to be a very charming one, they may ask for a small amount for it. Prices are individual for each breeder, some may ask for 1,000 rubles, others - 5,000 rubles.

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