Pekingese grooming: haircut options in a salon and at home

The well-known breed of decorative dogs, the Pekingese, is very reminiscent of a lion in miniature. The valuable dog was bred in Ancient China and was considered a privilege of the imperial family. Mere mortals were forbidden to have such a miracle.

Today the breed is widespread throughout the world. But caring for the Pekingese dog is not always easy, and the coat requires special attention. Long hair is not easy to keep in order, so the best solution is to get a haircut.

Why do you need to cut your Pekingese haircut?

The luxurious fluffy “coat” sets the Pekingese apart from other types of small breeds. The Pekingese dog's coat is long, hard, and combined with a soft undercoat, which saves the animal from the winter cold.

However, Pekingese fur requires regular care. The pet must be combed daily with a slicker brush and a comb with long teeth. Otherwise, the wool rolls into tangles, becomes tangled and loses its appearance. If the owner does not have time to care for the dog’s skin, a simple solution is possible - a haircut.

There are other compelling arguments in favor of grooming the Pekingese:

  • in thick fluffy “clothes” it is difficult for a Pekingese dog to endure the hot summer;
  • in damp rainy weather, a “beautiful outfit” quickly gets dirty;
  • during tick season, it is easier to pick up dangerous insects on long hair;
  • in an older dog, the quality of the coat deteriorates, so a haircut is necessary to maintain an attractive and neat appearance;
  • A trimmed pet is easier to care for.

Professional groomers do not recommend cutting Pekingese hair very short. Be sure to leave the fur at least 2 cm long.

It is important to know! Dogs participating in exhibitions do not have their fur shortened; for the Pekingese, an unusual “fur coat” is the calling card of the breed.

Poodle haircut: hairstyle options

Poodle haircuts are always a must. It is a matter of health, convenience and hygiene. The coat of this breed is very thick, long, more like a sheep's than a dog's. Moreover, the hairs between the toes or in the ears can grow to the same length as the hair on the rest of the body.

The coat does not fall off during shedding, but remains in the undercoat. Because of this, a large number of mats are formed. If your pet is not groomed, he will become very unkempt and may develop a skin infection.

Despite some inconveniences, poodle hair is an excellent material for creating works of hairdressing art. Groomers love this breed: the dog is easy to work with, it tolerates procedures calmly, and its coat allows you to create beautiful hairstyles.

Many people do not like the frilly appearance of the breed. In the past, poodles were used as hunting dogs, and their hairstyle had specific functions:

  • The short fur on the paws allowed them to swim quickly.
  • A thick covering on the chest protected the lungs from the cold.
  • Pompoms on the tail and paws protected the delicate skin from thorny plants.
  • Long bangs covered her eyes from the rain and branches.

a lion

Poodles with this hairstyle look luxurious. To give the appearance of a lion, you need to cut the back of the body short and trim the front a little. Hair is left on the paws and tail to create pompoms.

Some possible variations:

  • English lion: the limbs have short pants, and a belt of short-cropped wool 1 cm wide is created at the waist.
  • Scandinavian Lion: Suitable for animals with less than ideal proportions. The hair at the front is cut in a semicircle. A cap is created on the top of the head, and pompoms on the paws. If the procedure is performed successfully, you can hide some of the pet’s shortcomings.

Puppy or "Pappy"

Show dogs can wear this hairstyle for up to a year. The fur on the face is shaved short, and on the body it is only slightly shortened. The head is cut to give it the shape of a helmet.

"English" or "English saddle"

This hairstyle also makes the poodle look like a lion. The front cover is slightly equal, the length of the hair on the back half of the body should be no shorter than 2 cm. A large pom-pom is created on the tail, and two on the hind legs. The hair on the head is collected in a topknot.


Will look good on royal poodles. The body is divided into 4 segments and then processed with scissors. Feature: cut belt in the middle of the body or at the “waist”.

teddy bear

This is almost a copy of the puppy hairstyle, only without processing the paws. It makes the poodle look like a teddy bear.

Hygienic grooming

Implies two types of processing. The first is maintaining the current hairstyle and decent appearance of the dog.

The second type is tidying up a neglected animal. In this case, the entire coat is cut off. Often wounds and abrasions are found underneath, so the master must carry out all manipulations very carefully.

Is it possible to cut a poodle's hair yourself?

It is better to entrust a show dog to a specialist. Any mistake will not allow the pet to take part in the competition.

It is not recommended to cut your poodle's hair yourself. This haircut may turn out to be unsightly, since the poodle's coat is very specific and requires special training.

In addition, it is dangerous because haircuts are performed using a sharp instrument, which requires certain skills.

In our salon we currently give poodles a home-style haircut.

Haircut features

  • Your dog needs to be groomed at least twice a year.
  • Between main haircuts, the fur on the paws and face should be trimmed approximately every 3-4 weeks.
  • Complete processing of the cover of this breed takes approximately 3 hours.
  • Regular care is needed, otherwise the pet will quickly get a sloppy appearance.

the washing up

You can wash your dog once every 3-4 weeks. The procedure requires shampoo and conditioner. The latter must be washed off thoroughly. Human cosmetics can be used. Any shampoo for dry hair is suitable.

The poodle requires careful and regular grooming. But in return you will receive a luxurious dog that even passers-by will compliment. Poodles are very smart dogs and, believe me, they know how to thank you for care.

Where is it better to get a haircut - at home or in a salon?

If the problem - to cut it or not to cut it - has already been solved, then the next one arises - where is the best place to groom your pet? Some owners prefer to invite a professional dog groomer to their home rather than take their animal to a salon.

This is explained by the lower price when calling a specialist to your home or the lack of appropriate establishments near your place of residence.

Naturally, the decision on where and how to cut the pet’s hair remains with the owner. But there are some advantages of salon grooming:

  • availability of special equipment (table, lighting, all necessary tools);
  • compliance with hygiene standards when cutting;
  • in unfamiliar territory and in the absence of the owner, the behavior of the dog itself is more calm and balanced; At home, the animal can be restless and even aggressive;
  • the owner has free time: while the four-legged fashionista is getting a haircut, you can mind your own business.

Grooming is not a simple procedure. An owner with some courage and determination can take several lessons on grooming his pet from a specialist and then carry out a small hygiene procedure at home on his own.

However, before you cut your Pekingese's hair at home, it is recommended to have the first full haircut done at a grooming salon. The master will give the desired shape to the coat and give advice on care.

The cute dog will be given a suitable and unique haircut.

Stages of the procedure at home

First of all, you should choose a time when the dog is calm. It is better not to frighten the Pekingese with tools, relax, scratch, so that he perceives the haircut as affection. If the pet is in a playful mood, then it is recommended to postpone manipulations, there is a risk of injuring the dog.

Grooming a Pekingese consists of the following steps:

  1. Combing the fur along the entire length.
  2. When trimming the neck and body, it is better to use a clipper, this way you will be able to achieve an even result.
  3. Processing the ears and muzzle with small scissors.

As for the Pekingese's paws and tail, it is permissible not to cut them, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

What is beautiful for amateurs is not always suitable for exhibition.

Hygienic grooming, also carried out for show class dogs, consists of the following actions:

  • cutting hair in the groin and butt area;
  • equalizing the length of the “pants”;
  • trimming hair inside the ears and between the toes.

The procedure is completed by trimming the claws with a special nail clipper.

This is interesting: Rules for trimming a dog's nails at home

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Grooming a dog at home is permissible if you have the knowledge and the necessary materials. The first few times you should entrust the procedures to specialists.

Required Tools

It is important to maintain hygiene standards when preparing equipment.

Tools and tools you will need to perform the procedures yourself:

  • a machine or a set of scissors (with sharp and blunt tips);
  • comb (dogs have thick fur, so you should choose an item with sparse teeth);
  • a brush to pluck out fluff;
  • sprays and oils aimed at simplifying combing.

Professionals often use a larger package of tools, but this is due to the fact that they specialize in caring for different breeds of dogs.

Types of Pekingese haircuts

A true owner sees a personality in his pet. For others to notice this, the four-legged pet must be distinguished externally. A professional, timely haircut for your Pekingese will help make him look special, well-groomed and cute.

In the grooming industry, there are 3 main types of Pekingese haircuts:

  • hygienic;
  • standard;
  • model.

In any case, the dog's muzzle should remain uncut. The nose of an animal without hair overheats greatly in the heat, and the dog can get heatstroke.


This dog haircut helps maintain a neat appearance of the Pekingese. Hygienic grooming is carried out only with scissors.

The fur on the paws, elbows and belly is trimmed to a certain length so that it does not touch the ground.

In the area of ​​the butt and groin, the fur is cut a little shorter. Individual hairs are removed from the ears. The mane is cut so that the head is round in shape. The Pekingese remains completely fluffy.

The hygiene procedure necessarily includes cutting the hair between the fingers and trimming the claws with special scissors.

The purpose of a hygienic haircut is to make the dog’s life more comfortable and his care easier.


There are three standard types of grooming:

  1. The “puppy” model involves cutting hair up to 2 cm over the entire body. The paws are left fluffy, just trimmed. The tail may not be trimmed. The face is cut in a circle, leaving medium-length hair. This is how girls usually get their hair cut.
  2. A lion haircut turns a dog into a little lion cub with a luxurious mane. The main part of the body is cut short - up to 2 cm. Long hair is left on the head, making an even transition to the shoulders and neck. The fur on the paws is slightly shortened. The tail is cut completely, leaving a tassel at the end, like a natural predator. Too long hairs on the muzzle are trimmed. This look suits Pekingese boys.
  3. “Flare pants” is a haircut that resembles the first style, but is distinguished by a special curly shape of the legs. This option is used for doggies, and the “skirt” of female dogs is cut.

It is important to know! It is unacceptable to turn an exhibition specimen of a Pekingese into a “lion” or a “plush toy”, otherwise it will not pass the judge’s commission and will be disqualified. Show class dogs are given a hygienic haircut.


Model haircuts of various types are often complemented by coloring and hairstyles. They are performed by professional groomers. In model variations, everything depends on the preferences of the dog owner and the skill of the dog groomer.

Clippework is a haircut using a special clipper that allows you to carefully remove the hair all over the body, making it the same length. The model gives the pet a “plush” look.

Top-Knot is a model haircut option that leaves several long strands. Later, these strands are used to make pigtails and ponytails for the Pekingese girl. This hairstyle is suitable for those dogs whose owners like to decorate their pets with all kinds of elastic bands, bows, and hairpins.

Blanding is a multi-level haircut with smooth transitions from short to long hair. It is performed with thinning scissors and provides special care for the dog’s coat.

How much does grooming cost?

Grooming is not a dog's haircut, as some people believe, but a whole range of work, including shortening and thinning the coat, trimming nails, cleaning eyes and ears, as well as some other services.

Of course, any breeder is interested in how much it will cost him to groom a Pekingese. It all depends on what exactly the dog’s owner wants to get, as well as on the condition of the dog.

For example, for the haircut itself you will have to pay from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. For cleaning ears and eyes, trimming nails and other services included in the concept of grooming, you will have to pay another 500 to 1500 rubles.

Note! A lion haircut is more expensive than a cosmetic haircut.

How often is the procedure performed?

The frequency of going to a professional salon or performing a home procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the pet. Pekingese grooming is carried out as soon as the dog has acquired a new “fur coat”.

Representatives of the breed show patience and calmness during a session with a hairdresser. But this is only if the owner promptly began to accustom his pet to mandatory procedures.

Already at 6 months, the baby’s fur is quite long and requires the intervention of a groomer. At first, your puppy may be afraid of strange-sounding or unfamiliar objects.

The Pekingese develops the habit of cutting his hair gradually. He needs to be treated affectionately, kindly, without raising his voice, and with treats. Over time, the animal will understand how to behave correctly, and the procedure will become commonplace.

Cut it yourself or leave it to a professional

Modern poodle haircut: how to cut it at home

Grooming a Pekingese has its own characteristics that must be taken into account during the haircut. On the one hand, grooming is hard and not easy work, especially if the owner wants the pet to have complex haircuts. On the other hand, after several lessons you can practice the skills yourself on your pets.

At home, owners often give Pekingese dogs hygienic haircuts. With it, the animal looks more well-groomed and, most importantly, will not “die” from the heat in the summer months.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

In order to trim the Pekingese yourself, choose the right time when the pet is calm. You should not frighten your dog with tools. It is advisable to stroke it so that the animal relaxes and accepts the procedure as caress.

When the shaggy prankster is in a playful, high spirits, it is better to postpone the haircut for a while so as not to injure the pet.

Preparing the site and tools

Choose a comfortable, well-lit, elevated place, such as a table. It is recommended to cover the surface with a mat - regular or rubber - so that the dog's paws do not slip. This will make both the animal and the hairdresser more comfortable.

All tools for cutting a Pekingese should be at hand:

  • animal clipper (silent, not very vibrating, high quality);
  • a set of scissors (large, small, curved, thinning);
  • several types of combs (soft brush, slicker brush, comb with sparse long teeth);
  • nail clipper for nail care.

After each use, instruments are thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected.

Grooming an animal at home includes the following steps, compliance with which will facilitate the grooming procedure and help achieve the desired result:

  1. Comb the animal and remove any matted fur.
  2. Bathe with shampoo, being careful not to get water into your eyes and ears.
  3. Wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  4. Brush the fur with a soft brush and treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. It is recommended to trim your Pekingese using the area trimming method.

Haircut by region

Begin the procedure with the paws, cutting off the hair between the pads with curved scissors or a machine. Everything must be done slowly, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. Next, the claws are shortened with a special nail clipper.

The groin and tummy are shaved next, leaving at least 1.5 cm of hair. When starting on the body, start from the base of the tail and work against the fur along the back. Next they cut the sides. To do this, use a 22 mm nozzle.

The paws, neck, and chest are processed using curved scissors, removing all long hair sticking out to the sides. If the owner does not like the excessive fluffiness, it can be removed by thinning.

Fine hairs on the ears are removed. Interfering hairs on the head are lightly trimmed. A uniform smooth transition is made from head to neck.

The hair under the tail is cut off, leaving about 1 cm in length. The tail itself, at the owner’s request, can be left fluffy or shaved with the exception of the tassel at the end.

After cutting, it is advisable to rinse the Pekingese in the shower to remove the small hairs that have been clipped. You can wipe your pet with a soft towel soaked in herbal infusion. This will soothe the skin and have a bactericidal effect.

It is important to know! When using the clipper for the first time, let your pet get used to the unusual buzzing sound. It is recommended to turn on the tool away from the animal, gradually approaching the four-legged impatiens.

Washing and combing

The short-haired Pekingese also needs regular bathing and brushing. It is enough to wash the animal once a month, using a special shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel to absorb moisture from the fur.

Then be sure to dry it with warm air from a hairdryer, without bringing it too close, so as not to burn your pet. At the end of the procedure, you should comb the dog.

If the dog's hair is long rather than short, it should be combed while the hair is still damp. In this case, a special spray is used to facilitate the procedure.

After spraying the fur with the product, they begin to comb the belly, back, sides, and paws. The tail is combed from base to tip.

Preparing the site and tools

Spitz cut like a bear cub: how to cut it at home

If the pet owner has decided to cut his hair at home, you need to purchase a minimum set of tools:

  • A special machine designed for grooming dogs. Devices from Andis or Moser are very popular. The kit should include a set of attachments, including knives with a width of 10, 15 and 22 mm.
  • A rubber mat on which the dog will be comfortable to stand throughout the entire procedure.
  • Scissors with rounded ends, designed for trimming paws and face. As an analogue, you can buy thinning scissors, but provided that you have experience using them.
  • Three types of combs: an iron comb with sparse long teeth, a slicker brush and a soft brush.

Note ! A nail clipper must be purchased if the pet is indoors and does not go outside.

Hair care tips

Being the owner of a fluffy funny dog ​​with expressive, curious eyes is not difficult. But the owner requires some knowledge and effort to regularly care for the pet’s unusual fur.

Recommendations for Pekingese lovers:

  1. Comb the coat daily with a special comb. This must be done carefully and gently so as not to scratch the dog’s skin with the teeth of the comb.
  2. Bathe your Pekingese using a product designed for long-haired dogs. Do not skimp on your pet’s health; purchase products in specialized stores.
  3. Grooming your dog short is strictly prohibited. The animal may suffer heatstroke.
  4. After walking, check your dog for ticks. If your four-legged fidget has become lethargic or has lost its appetite, it is worth visiting a veterinarian.

By listening to the advice of professional groomers, regularly caring for your shaggy pet and visiting the hairdresser on time, you can proudly show off your Pekingese to your friends and acquaintances. Undoubtedly, everyone will want to stroke his delicate, beautiful fur and play with the funny “lion cub.”

Today anyone can become the owner of such a dog. To do this, you don’t have to be of blue blood, as in Ancient China. You need to have a kind, loving heart. Then the little fluffy cute creature will reciprocate the person’s feelings and become a devoted, true friend.

Photo and video review

To get acquainted with the models and haircut options, you should look at the photo and video review. It is better to entrust the first few manipulations of your pet to a professional, then try your hand.

It is necessary to accustom your dog to hygiene procedures from puppyhood. The more the kitten is caressed, the calmer it will accept manipulations with its fur. There are many options for caring for the Pekingese's hair, but what haircut the pet will wear is up to the owner to decide.

Is it necessary to get a haircut for the summer?

Among all the decorative dog breeds, it is the Pekingese that has the thickest coat, consisting of long guard hairs and dense undercoat..

Such coat requires careful care and not all Pekingese owners are willing to spend a lot of time on this.

In addition, the thick and dense coat, combined with the brachycephalic structure of the skull, causes poor heat tolerance in representatives of this breed.

Among the main disadvantages of haircuts are::

  • loss of the breed’s characteristic appearance;
  • suspension of the insertion career until the coat has completely grown back.

However, this procedure has many more advantages.:

  • After a haircut, a dog can tolerate the heat more easily;
  • daily pet care is greatly simplified;
  • the likelihood of tangles forming decreases;
  • Fleas and other parasites, including ticks, are easier to spot on short hair.

In addition, with age, the color and structure of the coat of the Pekingese changes, and it loses its natural shine. Therefore, with the help of a haircut, you can give your dog a neater and more youthful appearance.

Exhibition animals cannot be cut; only light trimming of the coat and hygienic trimming are permissible..

When deciding to trim your Pekingese, it is important to remember that if the coat is too short in extreme heat, the dog’s risk of sunburn or heatstroke increases.

Therefore, you should carefully choose the type of haircut and listen to the advice of a professional groomer, who can tell you what length of hair will be optimal.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

In general, grooming Pekingese is not a mandatory procedure; many breeders are generally confident that it only harms representatives of this breed. The fact is that with regular short clipper haircuts, there is a risk that the coat will be damaged and will not be able to recover, and many do not believe in the statement that a haircut helps to better withstand the heat and believe that this, on the contrary, violates the natural air exchange. At the same time, if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, and the issue of grooming is approached responsibly, this procedure will not only significantly facilitate the care of the pet’s coat, but will also help give it a more aesthetic appearance.

Author: Vera Budnikova especially for the Pekingese Portal

The beauty of the Pekingese lies in their luxurious coat. And many owners can only imagine their pet being shorn in a nightmare. But sometimes this may be necessary. So to cut or not to cut? Heated debates on this topic have been going on for a long time and constantly. Each of the opponents gives their own arguments for and against.


  • The coat is the main advantage of the breed. Without its flowing coat,

With a gorgeous mane, luxurious tail and long pants, the Pekingese loses all its charm and exotic appearance.

  • A short-haired Pekingese looks ugly, the dog is embarrassed by its appearance

and looks unhappy.

  • They cut their hair because they don’t want to care for the Pekingese’s coat (and they recommend

getting a pug is kind of like a Pekingese, but “naked”).


  • The dog suffers greatly due to the heat and feels much better after the haircut.
  • When walking, the wool gets very dirty.
  • It is not possible to fully care for the coat (the owner’s illness,

pregnancy, dog illness, etc.).

  • The dog is not showing or is simply old.
  • Bad coat and the dog looks better trimmed.
  • In summer it is easier to ensure that ticks do not cling.

And again, each point has its own pros and cons, and the debate can be continued ad infinitum. For me personally, not only the coat is important, but first of all the character of the Pekingese. His independence, intelligence, some arrogance of the Imperial Dog. Like the character of my first Pekingese, which was a truly Imperial dog.

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So, you have finally decided to cut your pet’s hair. How to cut a Pekingese haircut so as not to harm the dog and preserve its charm and unique appearance? Sometimes it is enough to simply shorten the hair on the skirt and pants. The fur on the body remains intact. If the hair on the ears is very long, the dog steps on it, then it also shortens. The hair on the elbows is trimmed. As a result, the Pekingese remains a Pekingese, but well-groomed and does not sweep the street with its fur.

There is no special, standard Pekingese haircut. Everyone cuts their hair based on their aesthetic preferences and skills. One thing can be said for sure: it is undesirable to cut your Pekingese very short, completely bald, because... ugly and harmful. The most common haircut is “puppy style”. It is not very short, the hair remains about 2 cm long.

Photo of Genevieve from Nadin

There are many options for this haircut: the ears can be trimmed or not, the feathers on the paws can be left or trimmed, etc. Look how beautifully cut the dogs of our forum members are! Would you say that they look unhappy and are ashamed of their appearance? I think the arrogance on their faces only became greater!

Photo by Butch from butch

Hobbit photo

When I saw the photo of Galzi, at the first moment I decided that this was a photo of my old girl, whom I had to cut her hair in the heat. So, all the neighbors in the dacha came running to look at her, everyone was delighted and advised everyone else to cut their hair. And my Fox walked around proud and happy. She clearly felt good.

Photo and dog Galzi

And how great Sima’s Khan looks!

Khan Sims

White Pekingese Miracle of the World doesn't look unhappy either

You can cut it the way Missy did it: cut the hair only on the body, legs and panties. Under the gorgeous mane and tail, you won’t immediately notice that the Pekingese is shorn. But the Pekingese may well be a glamorous dog! Look at this gorgeous beauty! This is charm itself! And the dog is proud of his appearance. Owner of Pallas Athena and author of the photo Constant. So there are many options and the main thing is that the dog is well-groomed. Let her be better cut than with long hair and tangles.

What to cut with? It is best, if you have the opportunity to buy it, to buy it with a DOG CLIMBER. Humans do not always take Pekingese wool that is quite hard. I have been using Oster machines for many years. They have never let me down. Removable knives and attachments allow

leave the fur of any length and cut off any tangles. PHOTO

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But if you have the skill, you can simply cut with scissors. Even if you cut your Pekingese's hair 1-2 times a year, buy good hairdressing scissors. Then getting a haircut won’t be a pain for you, and you won’t have calluses on your fingers.

It is better to have scissors of medium length and small (for cutting pads). To avoid “ladders”, you can buy thinning scissors to straighten the edges of the wool. But with a certain skill you can do without them. How to choose scissors? Be sure to ask for a few pieces and “click” them. Don't take ones that are tight or feel like the blades are jagged. It's good to try the scissors on a piece of wool. Use scissors ONLY FOR CUT, do not cut paper or anything else with them. And most importantly, DON’T DROP! Scissors that fall on the floor will no longer cut well. To make your fingers less tired and cut more convenient, hold the scissors as shown in the photo. Try it and you will feel the difference!

After cutting, clean the scissors from hair and lubricate them a little with machine oil. And put them away until the next haircut.

Haircut technique. First of all, you must decide which haircut option you will go for. Before grooming, it is advisable to comb, wash and dry the dog. If combing is impossible, then at least wash it. I tried not to cut dirty dogs. (Unless there were any special circumstances). You need to trim it on the table, placing a piece of oilcloth or a rubber mat under the dog so that your Pekingese does not slip and stands firmly on its feet. It is not at all forbidden if he lies down. It is useless to lay rags, because... they slide around unless tied to the table. I started cutting from the tail to the head (away from the teeth), against the grain. Although sometimes it is possible by wool growth. If you are cutting your hair with a clipper for the first time and your Pekingese does not yet know the noise of the clipper, then it is better to turn it on further away from him, see the reaction and gradually bring the clipper closer. In general, Pekingese have a fairly stable psyche, so they tolerate the noise of the clipper and the haircut itself calmly. Next, you cut off everything you think is necessary. The most important thing: NEVER cut your hair very short in intimate places (butthole, anus, scrotum)!

In general, a very short haircut often causes skin irritation. The dog behaves restlessly, spins, scratches, fidgets on the floor, whines. This can continue for 2-3 days. If you have made a similar mistake, you must begin treatment immediately. The skin in areas of irritation can be lubricated with Fenistil-gel, aftershave cream with vit. F., Lido-Med spray (Bio-groom), bathe in a decoction of chamomile + strings. Give 5-6 drops inside. fenistil (drops!, not gel!!!). Since after a haircut there are a lot of small hairs left on the dog, after the haircut the dog needs to be rinsed out of the shower or with a decoction of herbs. Well, at least wipe with a damp cloth.

People often ask: 1. How quickly does a Pekingese's coat grow back after a haircut? It is very individual and does not depend at all on the amount of vitamins. Some grow quickly, others slowly. Hair grows fastest on the body, slowest on the ears. Pants - depending on who you are. Before giving birth, I cut the hair on my pants. So, after 3 months, one girl’s hair is almost the same length as before giving birth, while another only after six months. 2. Does the color and structure of the Pekingese's coat change? With regular haircuts, 99.9% yes. The wool becomes softer, the color changes. More often it becomes lighter, duller. A gray-fawn dog can become light gray, a dark red dog can become light red. 1-2 haircuts usually do not change the coat much. I once had to cut my old Peking haircut. Six months later, she was exactly the same as before the haircut (color and texture).

So you've cut your Pekingese's hair. With a beautiful, correct haircut, no one will remain indifferent to your dog’s new look! Everyone will want to stroke his velvet fur! Everyone who has groomed their Pekingese notes that the dogs have become more active, cheerful, and playful. So should I cut my hair or not? Everyone decides this only for themselves. If you are happy to take excellent care of your Pekingese's coat, he looks great and does not suffer from an abundance of hair, then let him be like this:

Well, if for some reason you have to cut it, let it be cut. In any case, let your Pekingese be LOVED! After all, any Pekingese is good, even a shorn one!

Video of clipped Pekingese:

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