Husky mix - 29 hybrids with other breeds, characteristics, photos

Charming polar huskies with blue eyes are a well-promoted canine product. Husky snow dogs are recognizable, popular and in demand: famous kennels earn extra money with shows, sled rides, photo sessions and sale of young.

Selection of the species continues to this day: livestock specialists are trying to create a more versatile working animal from wayward dogs. This article discusses the “canine mix”, a delicacy of “designer selection”, a hybrid of two popular breeds: husky and Labrador retriever .

Pros and cons of Labrador mixes

The Labrador Retriever is one of the kindest animals. Hybrids of this dog breed usually have a lot of additional positive qualities:

  • goodwill;
  • high intelligence;

  • good learning ability;
  • good health;
  • unpretentiousness in nutrition.

Cons: Unpredictability of exterior and character. When mating with rather aggressive and wayward breeds, the offspring may inherit far from the best qualities of the parents. However, they can still be adjusted through proper education and training.

Labrador and dachshund mix

The Dachshund and Labrador Retriever mix is ​​a very unusual combination. Externally, the dogs are similar to representatives of the second breed. From the first they inherit short legs and a slightly sly expression on their faces.

This is interesting. A mixture of a dachshund with any breed will have short legs - this is how a mutation manifests itself, stopping the growth of limb bones.

The dachshund mix is ​​active and playful. These dogs don't mind spending time with children, and many of them love to swim.

The Labrador dachshund is very creative. The pet will not let its owner get bored, surprising him with new tricks every day.

What traits did she take from the Malamute?

From the Malamute, the mestizos got large stature and a rather powerful physique. Strength, endurance and a more balanced temperament than that of the husky also came to them from the Malamutes.

In external features, the similarity of Alaskans with Malamutes can also be seen in a more massive skull and a relatively wide muzzle. Their ears are also set quite wide apart, almost like a Malamute.

Many Alaskans also inherit from them the expression of their eyes: unlike huskies, whose faces seem to have curiosity and playfulness imprinted on them, the look of most mestizos is calm and good-natured.

From the Malamute, the Alaskan can also inherit a dominant attitude towards other dogs, as well as intolerance towards small animals.

Labrador and Shepherd mixes

The Labrador and German Shepherd mix is ​​a very popular breed. These dogs grow quite large, have floppy ears and a medium-length coat. The most common color is black.

The character of a cross between a Labrador and a Shepherd is dominated by friendliness and loyalty. Animals respond well to training and quickly remember commands. They do not conflict with other pets and get along well with children.

For your information. If “Germanic” blood predominates in a mestizo, he will have to be brought up in strictness. Otherwise, the dog will try to take a leadership position.

The hybrid inherits the guard instinct from the German. He can be entrusted with the protection of property and territory.

Main breeds that visually resemble wolves

Besides wolf-dogs, there are some breeds that do not have wolf ancestors. However, the features of external similarity are obvious.

Alaskan Malamute

This is an aboriginal dog, whose homeland is indicated in the name. Used as a sled. Brief description of Malamute:

  • height – 58-64 cm;
  • weight – 34-39 kg;
  • thick dense fur of a characteristic “wolf” color;
  • a large head with triangle ears, a black nose and expressive eyes.

Important! It is impossible to keep such dogs in an apartment; they need free space and active long walks.

Siberian Husky

This is one of the oldest breeds, bred by the Chukchi as a sled dog and later improved by breeders. The most memorable feature in the description of huskies is their amazing blue eyes.

The breed was recognized in 1966 and is distinguished by its good nature, good health, and stubbornness. This is a born leader and must be kept behind a fence and under supervision, otherwise there is a high risk of escape.

A charming creature with blue eyes, Siberian Huskies, captivate at first sight

Wolfdog of Saarloos

This is a little-known animal in Russia, a direct descendant of the wolf and the German shepherd. It is similar to its predatory ancestor in its saber tail, elongated muzzle and characteristic color of coarse guard hair. Not the easiest pet to keep, so for a long time it was on the verge of extinction. However, in 1962 it received official recognition.

Northern Inuit

This is an artificially bred breed, a mixture of aboriginal breeds, including the Inuit Laika. In appearance it resembles a wolf, in character it is more like a wolfhound

This animal is not prone to caution; it is ready to challenge even an opponent that is superior in strength.

Important! The brutal wolf appearance of these dogs is surprisingly combined with the behavior of a true intellectual

Kunming wolf dog

Also called Kunming dog, literally translated - Kunming wolf. The homeland is China. Refers to factory breeds of mixed origin. In temperament and behavior they are more reminiscent of German shepherds than wolves. They are quite obedient and will not enter a room without obtaining permission from the owner. Often used as guards and watchdogs.

Italian lupo

This is the pride of Italy, a dog obtained by crossing a shepherd and a wolf. At home, the breeding of these animals is under strict government control. This is a large, but not fat dog with a massive build. Very strong, resilient and unpretentious.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

This is a descendant of a predatory animal and a German shepherd, in which a wild, menacing appearance is intertwined with the devotion and intelligence of a “German”. Unlike some other varieties, it does not differ in large size. Weight – about 25 kg.

At first glance, it is very difficult to distinguish this dog from a real wolf

Husky mix

This is a very unpredictable dog with a difficult temperament, since its ancestors - a stubborn husky and a predatory wolf - endowed the animal with difficult genetics. The pet is very distrustful, wary of strangers, but captivates its owners with stunning blue eyes.

Greenland dog

The oldest sled dog, a representative of the Spitz. It is distinguished by its bright, recognizable appearance and independence. They are capable of making decisions, but cannot unquestioningly obey the will of the owner.


This is a cross between a German Shepherd, a Malamute and a Husky. The fact that one of the ancestors of this artificially created breed is the Indian wolf is nothing more than a myth.

Charming wolf-like hybrid has nothing to do with the gray predator

Despite the absence of the blood of a wild ancestor, the utonagan acquired a characteristic appearance. At the same time, the animal’s character is positive; it is a very sociable and good-natured dog.

These are wolf dogs - amazing animals, each of which has a unique character, unusual appearance and its own manner of behavior. Keeping a semi-predator is not easy, so only experienced dog breeders choose wolf-dog pets.

Labrador and Shar Pei mix

The Labrador-Shar Pei mix is ​​extremely rare. It is slightly smaller in size than the first, but larger than the second. Dogs have skin folds on the head and front of the body.

Mestizos become very loyal. However, they need early socialization, otherwise they may become aggressive towards strangers and other four-legged animals.

For your information. Crossbreeds do not always have the protective qualities characteristic of Shar-Peis.

Interesting fact

The Akita breed was made famous throughout the world by a Japanese dog named Hachiko.

The Ina dog, which meets and sees off its owner every day on the way to work through a railway crossing, could not believe his death.

For nine years in a row, every day Hachiko ran to the train station, hoping to meet his faithful friend.

Hachiko translated into Russian means eight, since this was already the eighth pet. At the time his owner died of a heart attack, the dog was only 18 months old.

Numerous attempts by friends and acquaintances of the deceased professor to take Hachiko in were unsuccessful.

The dog persistently returned to the former owner's house and slept on the steps.

Hachiko became famous throughout the world in 1932 after the publication of the next issue of the largest Japanese newspaper with an article about a dog awaiting the return of its deceased owner 7 years after the tragic event.

Devotee Hachiko died of terminal cancer and heart filariasis. He was found on one of the Japanese streets near the station. After his death, an official day of mourning was declared in the country.

During Hachiko's lifetime, the local authorities erected a statue, which was later restored after the 2nd World War (it was used for military purposes).

Nowadays, the Hachiko monument is a symbol of love and fidelity. Millions of young men and women make appointments around him, for which it is not customary to be late.

A stuffed figure of Hachiko stands in a Japanese museum. The dog's remains are partially buried in a Tokyo cemetery.

Labrador and poodle mix

Labradoodle, or Australian Cobberdog, is the name given to a cross between a Labrador and a poodle. This is a new breed that is not yet recognized by international canine communities.

Mestizos are good-natured, sociable and intelligent, and are often used as guides and rescuers. Another advantage is hypoallergenic wool.

There are several varieties of cobberdogs:

  • standard – height up to 65 cm, weight up to 42 kg;
  • average – height 45-55 cm, weight 25-35 kg;
  • mini – height about 35 cm, weight up to 15 kg.

This dog is an excellent partner for sports and a good nanny for children.

Labrador and Husky mix

The cross between a Labrador and a Husky became known as a Labsky. These are dogs with a rather difficult character. They are prone to dominance, and with a lack of upbringing they can demonstrate aggression towards people.

But in good hands, the husky hybrid shows the best qualities: playfulness, friendliness, high intelligence. Animals quickly find a common language with children and enjoy spending time with them.

This is interesting. Labski has a very good instinct. The Husky mix is ​​used to search for drugs and explosives.

In body type, coat type and color, hybrids are more reminiscent of retrievers. However, the colors can be not only monochromatic, but also spotted.

A mixed breed of Husky and Labrador is often born with sky blue eyes, which gives the look a special expressiveness. There are frequent cases of heterochromia, when the iris of the left and right eyes are colored different colors.

How to distinguish a purebred husky puppy from a mixed breed?

Up to three months it is difficult to distinguish a purebred puppy from a husky cross. Before buying, you need to look at the entire litter and choose the most active one, who strives for freedom and shows interest in the environment. It is necessary to pay attention to the external signs of purebred:

  • the ears are dense, erect, with sharp tips;
  • the tail does not rise above the back;
  • the skeleton is strong, does not look too light, nor rough and massive;
  • scissor bite.

A purebred puppy is purchased from a specialized nursery, where they will provide metrics, pedigree and a brand. If you have any doubts about your choice, you should seek help from experienced dog handlers.

Labrador and mongrel mix

This is a completely unpredictable hybrid. A dog can have both a lot of advantages and a lot of disadvantages.

When mating two purebred animals, you can predict what kind of character the offspring will have. In the case of a mongrel, this cannot be done because it has an unknown set of genes.

For your information. Still, many such mestizos resemble Labradors in behavior - they are friendly and active.

The appearance of crossbreeds depends on the parents - the puppies mix the characteristics of both mother and father.

Labrador and Corgi mix

Corgi and Labrador crossbreeds are squat, elongated dogs with short legs and a dense body. The appearance contains features of both breeds, but the signs of the first are more pronounced.

The Corgi mix was loved for its character. She is active, playful, sociable and loyal. These dogs are full of optimism and always enjoy life. They are smart and love children. In rare cases, they bully their relatives, but they treat pets very well.

Mixed Labrador and Doberman

Such hybrids make excellent guards. But if the Doberman genes become dominant, the dog can become quite aggressive.

Crossbreeds grow large. They usually look like Doberman Pinschers, but their faces are more reminiscent of Labradors.

For your information. A black Labrador mix will look more impressive - its color is not so strikingly different from a Doberman.

What is the breed standard

A dog breed standard, including a Labrador, is a set of characteristics and physical attitudes for an animal that must be preserved for the purity of the breed and the health of the breed.

The standard was approved in 1987 for two varieties of breeds - American and English Labrador. The standard includes not only the exterior, but also the characteristics of the dog’s temperament.

In dog breeding, it is customary to focus on the English standard of the Labrador breed, because it was adopted somewhat earlier than the American one.

The American breed standard is not much different from the English one, this mainly concerns the temperament of the dogs - the “Americans” are more active than the “English”.

Labrador and Dalmatian mix

Such crosses inherit positive qualities from each breed in the form of friendliness and developed intelligence. They are reasonable, balanced, charming and charismatic.

The dog will be an excellent companion, suitable for families with children. The dog will be able to protect the owner from danger, but will only bite in an emergency.

Externally, mestizos are similar to spotted Labradors, but have a lighter build and long legs.

Attitude to training

German Shepherd and Husky are breeds that are highly trainable. But you need to start from childhood.

Husky puppies are very stubborn, and the first stages of training are best spent simply walking with your pet. If the puppy resists and does not want to perform the action, you should force it to do it in any way. This way he will understand that he will still have to work and next time he will be less stubborn.

It is important for German Shepherd puppies to learn commands from childhood, starting with the simplest ones. For example, “sit”, “give me a paw” and others

It is better to start professional training with a general training course.

And in order for the puppy to learn the “place” command, it is necessary to determine for him a place where he will always rest. If it doesn’t lie where you want it, you will have to move it and at the same time repeat “place, place...”.

Before purchasing any puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons and analyze whether you can pay enough attention to it for normal development. A dog is an excellent pet for active people, it disciplines and can be an excellent helper.

The main thing to remember is that a dog is a big responsibility, and not just a friend and protector.

It is difficult to talk about which dog breed is better and which is worse. They are all good in their own way, it all depends on the lifestyle and preferences of the future pet owner. Siberian Husky dogs are excellent companions and working and sled dogs. They are able to travel long distances without getting tired and carrying loads. German Shepherds are excellent guards, watchdogs, have shown themselves to be excellent operational workers, and are also wonderful companions.

Labrador/Cane Corso mix

This is a large and strong dog with a pronounced guard instinct. Animals are distinguished by endless devotion and developed intelligence. However, the crossbreed may be prone to dominance - at the slightest concession, she will try to take a leading position in the family.

Properly socialized dogs are friendly with other animals and love children. But playing together must be done under the supervision of adults.

Mestizos will not tolerate too intrusive attention and rude treatment.

Labrador and shorthaired pointer mix

The shorthaired pointer, or German shorthaired pointer, is a hunting breed characterized by very high activity. It is these qualities that are manifested in mestizos.

You will have to walk and play with such a dog a lot so that it doesn’t get bored. The best place to keep it will be a spacious country house.

If the owner can provide the pet with regular intellectual and physical exercise, he will make an excellent companion. These dogs are friendly, balanced and loyal.

In order for a mixed breed to treat other animals well, it must be socialized from early childhood. A strong and strong-willed person must be involved in raising a pet, otherwise the dog may get out of control.

The crossbreed grows quite large - about 60 cm at the withers. Its build resembles that of a shorthaired pointer, its head shape and coat type resemble that of a retriever.


Husky puppies and adults need to eat properly. Only if this rule is observed can we talk about the health and longevity of the pet.

Initially, you need to choose food for your dog - dry or wet. Many owners choose dry food because they do not need to be prepared in advance - just pour the food into a bowl and that’s it. However, both granulated and wet food (pates, pieces in gravy) must be of high quality classes.

If you don’t want to give your pet ready-made food, you can feed your dog natural products instead. You should consider what representatives of this breed can eat:

  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • offal;
  • cartilage;
  • beef meat;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat fresh kefir;
  • egg yolks;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin.

Huskies should not be fed the following foods:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • smoked meats;
  • salo;
  • any pickles and marinades;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy dishes;
  • milk;
  • chicken protein;
  • bones;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • grapes and raisins.

You should always remember that a husky spends an incredible amount of energy during the day. For this reason, dogs of this breed always need to replenish it by consuming sufficient amounts of protein-rich food.

It is very important to give your pet an exclusively balanced diet. It should contain vitamins A, E, C, D, B, K and many others

In addition, the food should contain the following elements:

  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium.

Labrador and Staff mix

The Labrador and Staffordshire Terrier mix is ​​a short, stocky dog. Its coat is of medium length, its muzzle is elongated, like a Labrador, and the size and location of its eyes are identical to the Staff.

These hybrids are not recommended for families with small children, as they can exhibit fighting qualities. But in most cases, these are peace-loving and affectionate animals that love games and walking.

Such a different bull terrier

Most people call all dogs with the characteristic pig-like muzzle Bull Terriers. Meanwhile, dog handlers usually use the term pit bull. This name covers dogs with similar physical characteristics and includes the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Italian Cane Corso, or any mixture of these.

However, not only ordinary people who have little understanding of cynology, but also lawyers in many countries do not bother with such nuances and equate any dog ​​with bull terriers if one of its parents belonged to the above-mentioned breeds. The fact is that the genetic similarity of these dogs visually makes it difficult to determine “who is who.” In other words, not only here, but also in other countries, dogs with a square head and a powerful body are called bull terriers.

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