8 types of Yorkshire Terrier crosses with other dogs

Today, there is a fascination among some dog lovers with mixtures - attempts to cross different breeds and obtain so-called mestizos. Metis is the result of a combination of genetically dissimilar dogs - for example, a Yorkie and a Spitz, or a toy terrier, or a Chihuahua. On the Internet you can see many photos depicting mixed breeds from various combinations of purebred dogs - this practice is especially widespread in Western Europe and the USA.

The practice of crossing breeds is quite common in Europe and the USA.

Chihuahua mix (Chorki)

Chorkies are a mix of Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers. Their appearance is due to the widespread and high popularity of both breeds. They are small dogs with a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 4 kg and depends on the body weight of both parents. The color of Yorkshire terriers is genetically stable, but the Chihuahua genes are most often responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat, and it is impossible to predict what the puppy will be like.

As a rule, the coat of mixed breeds is golden or black, but dogs with fawn or black coats with white spots are also not uncommon. The length of the coat is also unknown in advance - a Chorkie may have a long coat and stubble on the face or medium-length hair, but most often in adult individuals the coat is long and straight. These dogs are characterized by high activity, friendliness, devotion to the owner and fearlessness.

They are smart, but very stubborn, which makes the training process very difficult. Therefore, raising and training a pet will require patience and perseverance. Among the breed's diseases are hypoglycemia and joint diseases, the average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

In the professional literature, these dogs are also called Yorkie - Chi, Chia - Yorkie, Yorkie - Huahua.

Mixed Spitz and Chihuahua

In 1998, the Pomchi was first registered in America - a cross between a Spitz and the Chihuahua dog, beloved by many women. The hybrid of a baby Chuni and a cheerful fluffy Spitz received the following features :

  • Tremendous devotion. As a rule, it applies to only one family member. The Pomchi is extremely distrustful of strangers, so it will be a good watchman. The mestizo does not like to play with children too much.
  • Touchiness and vulnerability.
  • Height can be inherited from both Chihuahuas and Spitz. On average, it ranges from 15 to 23 cm, and weighs from 2 to 4 kilograms. The dog has a dense, muscular body, short legs and an elongated muzzle.

The fur is double, so it looks like a fluffy Chihuahua . The dog also got dental problems from him, which the owners need to take care of.

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people.
If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do. This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both. Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

What are the similarities?

If the German Spitz is an officially recognized breed, then the situation with the Pomeranian is somewhat different. Many cynological federations still do not consider this dog as a separate breed, which is why it is one of the varieties of the German Spitz.

As a result, dogs have many common features, be it external characteristics or character.

This is not surprising if a German laid the foundation for the formation of the Pomeranian breed. In an attempt to start a smaller version of it, it happened to breeds that were noticeably smaller in size. This is why the external characteristics of animals coincide so much.

Spitz equally love various games and are gifted with unprecedented resourcefulness, which helps dogs not only solve various dog puzzles, but also skillfully influence their owner in order to get what they want. Still, Spitz are not harmless sheep and will happily take on new heights of the hierarchy.

Both dogs are cold and unapproachable towards strangers. They won’t show aggression, but they won’t happily wag their tail when they see a stranger.

They are much more interested in their household. Animals favor both adults and children. With the latter, you can not only join the game, but also have a little fun.


The result of crossing Yorkshire terriers and Maltese dogs became Morkies or, as they are also called, Yorkties - affectionate, friendly and devoted designer puppies, characterized by high endurance and stamina. These dogs have a long, straight and silky coat, similar in color and texture to that of a Yorkie. Disadvantages include a tendency to early tooth loss, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of your pet’s oral cavity, teaching them to hygiene procedures and brushing their teeth from a very early age.

Morkies are stubborn dogs and difficult to train. They are not suitable for people with a soft character - with such owners, Yorkies will feel like leaders of the “pack” and behave according to their status.

Chinese Crested Dog. KHS

There are two varieties: naked and puff.

KHS hairless puppy

Downy Puppy KHS

Adult naked CHS

Adult downy KHS

The dog is small, very active, loves long walks. Extremely elegant and graceful, very cheerful and distinguished by a strong attachment to its owner, it is wary of strangers. Visually resembles a miniature horse. Very interesting in appearance!

If you want to have an active and playful friend at home with a non-standard appearance, then KHS is definitely for you! You will undoubtedly attract the glances of passersby!

All that remains is to choose - naked or puffy. Here you already need to start from the nuances of care. If you have time to brush your dog and take it to the salon for a haircut every two months, then you can safely choose a puff. And if you plan to spend a minimal amount of time on grooming, combing only the mane and tail, then a hairless dog is ideal for you, as it does not require such careful daily care. But still, we must not forget to trim the nails, clean the ears and anal glands. A naked dog will need to be dressed much warmer, since it does not have hair on its body.

Personality : Lively, Playful, Alert, Soft, Contented, Affectionate


The Chorkie is a very smart, but extremely stubborn dog that is difficult to train, precisely because of its character.

More than anything else, the dog loves to play with people and other animals, but you shouldn’t flirt with it too much; you can get a good rebuff in the form of a bite from sharp teeth.

It is better not to let her near small children; she does not like having her ears or tail pulled, and, as mentioned above, she is capable of biting a child.

Naturally, this does not apply to all Chorkis; among them there are quite peaceful and extremely patient individuals.

Chorkies have absolutely no sense of fear, so when going for a walk with them it is better to hold them by the leash . Since it is possible that she will try to attack a pit bull passing by, or someone else larger.

It is better not to leave your pet alone for a long time, as they tolerate separation very poorly, become nervous and wild, and a long recovery will be required before the dog returns to normal.

In addition, the dog is considered to be very touchy; an attempt to shout at it for any offense may result in a refusal to communicate with the owner throughout the next day.

A similar character trait was passed on to the Chorkie from the Chihuahua.

In general, the character of a mestizo is most suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot and play sports; small dogs will be happy to keep their owner company, not missing the opportunity to have plenty of frolic.

It should be noted that pets are difficult to retrain, so the rules of behavior in an apartment need to be explained to the dog from birth.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

You can buy a Pomchi puppy either in specialized nurseries or from private breeders.
The price for a dog is adequate to the prices for Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. High-breed dogs from show-class nurseries can cost up to 70-80 thousand rubles.

The price tag for dogs purchased as a pet, not for breeding, is much more modest: 30-35 thousand rubles.

Home-bred Pomchi, without belonging to any club, can be sold through various message boards (such as Avito, Yula), and cost from 5-7 thousand rubles.

An attractive price in these cases does not guarantee that the dog is a Pomchi. In addition, the health of uncontrolled mixed breeds, as a rule, leaves much to be desired.

We recommend reading: Price table for different breeds (and life expectancy)

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

Spitz-Yorkie mix

The mix of Spitz and Yorkshire Terrier became interesting. Representatives of both breeds are distinguished by their affectionate lively character, good nature and devotion. The mestizo also possesses all these qualities.

However, the process of breeding a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie should be given special attention. To avoid deviations in the appearance and health of the puppy, you need to choose purebred parents .

Outwardly, such a mestizo is a beautiful animal with soft long hair, which, with good care, can change color from golden to black. It is difficult to predict the size of a dog in advance: there are both large individuals and miniature ones. There have been situations when a puppy was twice the size of its parents.

Despite its miniature appearance and decorative appearance, this dog is a fearless defender . Even a formidable opponent, who is several times larger, will not frighten her: the enemy will be greeted by an angry bark and a threatening grin .

To develop the best qualities in a dog, it must be raised and trained from an early age .

Important! Sometimes mixed-breed puppies can show aggression, which is the result of crossing breeds. With skillful training, it can be smoothed out quite quickly, because both Yorkies and Spitz dogs are smart and amenable to training.

Why is this done?

Attempts at crossing are usually called designer breeding of dogs - with a competent approach and knowledge of the basic laws, you can get quite interesting results. The results of the mixture are not suitable for exhibitions, but they have a rather interesting exterior, which contains features of both varieties. In addition, the character of a mixed breed from a Yorkie and, for example, a toy terrier, also combines the characteristics of both parents.

It is important to follow one of two rules:

  • Crossing two purebred individuals;
  • A union of two identical design crosses.

Crossing of different breeds is done to develop new designer breeds. As mentioned above, the main goal of designer breeding is the exterior of the future dog - a Yorkie and a toy terrier or Spitz provide a very interesting amount of external data.

In addition, in some cases, in this way they try to obtain mixed breeds with hypoallergenic properties for people who love dogs, but are allergic to them.

Let's also not discount the desire of some breeders to be known as pioneers - if you manage to get a new unique species, you can become famous and earn a lot of money. Although many dog ​​breeders are quite skeptical about such an idea as crossing breeds.

Most dog breeders are quite skeptical about breed crossings.

Useful video

The video shows mixed breeds of 15 breeds, including the Yorkshire Terrier:

Due to the great popularity of Yorkshire terriers and the interest of dog breeders around the world in them, breeders and breeders are striving to develop other breeds that have similar external characteristics and character traits. This is the reason for the appearance of quite a large number of mestizos - dogs born as a result of crossing representatives of different breeds.

By the way, crossbreeds are also gaining popularity, and many dog ​​lovers prefer such pets rather than purebred representatives of any breed. Below we will look at the most common types of mixtures; you will see photos characteristic of each type.

Shih Tzu (Shorki)

The practice of mating Yorkshire terriers with Shih Tzus is also widespread, also aimed at producing designer puppies called Shorkies. These dogs are distinguished by their compact size, wide, pretty muzzle, body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu, and the color of a Yorkshire terrier. At the same time, some individuals may have spots of various shades on their fur.

Some sources note that Shorkie wool is hypoallergenic.

Description of the breed

A cross between a Chihuahua and an orange is a decorative breed of dog. Their purpose is to be companions for humans. Pomchi has earned the love of people not only for his compact size, although it is thanks to this that the pet can be kept in small city apartments.

In addition to size, the hybrid is characterized by:

  • devotion and affection to the owner;
  • love and respect for people;
  • these dogs are real guards and protectors;
  • pretty appearance;
  • Quite strong immunity.

Types of crossbreeds

There are the following varieties of dogs obtained from the combination of different species:

  • A mongrel is a product of natural selection that was created without human intervention. Such a dog usually does not resemble any purebred individual, but it is distinguished by enviable health and survival skills.
  • A mixed breed is a mixture of two purebred dogs or a purebred and a mongrel. Some puppies in the litter may have traits similar to their purebred parent.
  • The phenotype is the result of mating of purebred parents who do not have pedigrees. A problem may be the fact that one or both parents may be carriers of genetic diseases that are inherited.

The result of a cross between different breeds may not always be successful

  • A breeding individual is the product of crossing two purebred individuals with a pedigree. There may be puppies in the litter that do not meet the standard - according to the rules, they are subject to rejection.

Comparison of breeds by other criteria

Table of differences between a German Spitz and a Pomeranian on a five-point scale.

IndicatorsGerman SpitzPomeranian Spitz
Abundance of shedding54
Attachment to family, home54
Attitude towards strangers23
Attitude towards children and other animals54,5
Guard qualities42,5
Dog bodyguard42,5
Training issues44,5
PriceFrom 20 thousand rubles. up to 45 thousand rubles. From 15 thousand rubles. up to 120 thousand rubles.

Spitz dogs vary greatly in cost. On the one hand, this is due to the low fertility of the breeds, on the other, Pomeranians from the very beginning positioned themselves as an ornamental breed, so it is not surprising that its price is obviously higher than the cost of its relatives.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Mixing Chihuahuas with other breeds leads to interesting results.

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed chihuahua and spitz

Among the characteristic features of pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

Some puppies bred between Chihuahuas and Yorkies are born hairless.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

  1. Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders.
  2. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear. IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua

The character of a pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

Toy terrier mixed breeds are born fit and have thin legs.

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

A dog can show cowardice and aggressiveness, as well as courage and good nature.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

Toy - terrier

Perhaps the most controversial mixes of Yorkshire terriers are the result of crossbreeding with toy terriers. By nature, these are active and independent dogs. The appearance of mestizos can be attractive or not. One can only judge with certainty the size of such dogs: Torques do not grow large, since their parents are representatives of small breeds of dogs.

As a rule, Torks have medium-length fur and not very thin paws, so they are liked by people who do not want to care for the long coat of Yorkshire terriers and who do not like Toys for their thin and slightly crooked limbs.

Purchasing a German Spitz puppy

The nuances of purchasing a high-quality Pomeranian Spitz or about puppies “for yourself” or why purebred puppies are so expensive.

At the beginning of 2012, at one Spitz forum, a discussion took place on the topic “About puppies “FOR YOURSELF” or why purebred puppies are so expensive,” in which both breeders and buyers took part.

It turned out that some buyers are sincerely perplexed about the prices for purebred puppies, as well as why Spitz puppies are more expensive than puppies of other breeds, and why breeders do not breed simple, cheap puppies to meet the needs of the population. At the same time, it turned out that Spitz breeders massively suffer from idiosyncrasy towards such issues and are no longer able to carry out explanatory work with the needy population on price formation policies, because “I don’t have the strength to explain anymore...”

It is characteristic that on the eve of the opening of the above topic on the same breed forum, the topic “I’ll buy a Spitz” was closed. The topic was closed because... The moderators' nerves could not stand it.

It’s not possible, you know, to calmly respond to regularly sent texts like “I’ll buy a dwarf Pomeranian cream or white color of show quality for no more than 10-15 thousand rubles” (the price of such a puppy is at least 10 times more expensive).

At the same time, during the discussion of the topic of prices, a sensible proposal was made: to provide explanatory information on the websites of nurseries/breeders.

We decided to insert a summary of the discussion on our website. In the quintessence of discussion from the forum offered below, approximately half of the general text has been shortened: flooding and trolling, private squabbles between forum participants and unrelated examples have been removed, verbose arguments have been shortened, typos, spelling and punctuation errors have been corrected (not all). Inserts with humor are left to make the text look more lively. In addition, it was decided to write this preface, the initial purpose of which was to compile something like a dictionary of terms to understand some of the professional nuances of the discussion. True, the result was a lot of text, which again was caused by the complexity of the topic being covered.

So, Spitz breeding terms and pricing features.

1) What are German Spitz and Pomeranian and a little about the history of the breed.

There are quite a few varieties of Spitz. The most famous are the Euraser, Wolfspitz, German Spitz, Japanese, Italian and Finnish Spitz.

Here we will only talk about the breed called German Spitz. This is what this breed is called in Russia, as well as in European countries. In America, Canada, Thailand and some other countries, the same breed is called POMERANIAN, i.e. POMERANIAN.

Dogs called Pomeranians are very different in origin, character, appearance, and also in health from the typical (classical) German Spitz. However, both of them are representatives of the same breed.

Spitz is one of the most ancient dog breeds. The Spitz group of dogs even belongs to primitive breeds (primitive not in the sense of abilities, but in the sense of ancient origin).

At the same time, classic German Spitz have been known as a breed for at least several centuries, and Pomeranian-type Spitz have existed for mere trifles - no more than a few decades, which is why the type of representatives of Pomeranians and their crosses with classic Spitz is still extremely diverse. This is such an amazing breed!

2) Sizes of German Spitz: small, dwarf and medium In size, German Spitz (hereinafter simply Spitz) come in four varieties; in Russia they have the following names:

Dwarf or Miniature or Miniature Spitz or Pomeranian (18-22cm) Small Spitz (23-28cm) Medium Spitz (28-35cm) Large Spitz (above 35cm)

In Russia there are only Spitz of the first three groups: dwarf, small, medium. There are very few medium-sized Spitz dogs. They are mainly obtained from mating small Spitz dogs with each other, i.e. in fact, they are overgrown small Spitz dogs and for this reason alone such dogs are usually inexpensive. If a nursery specifically breeds medium-sized Spitz dogs (there are only one or two such nurseries throughout the country), then it must be taken into account that a medium-sized bitch gives birth easily and on average 6-7 puppies, while dwarf girls give birth to 1-3 puppy and birth often occurs through cesarean section. Caesarean section, being an operation, is expensive, and also reduces the further fertility of the bitch, and not all puppies survive after Caesarean. All this significantly increases their cost.

The bulk of German Spitz in Russia are small and dwarf (miniature). In Russia, matings between borderline growth varieties are allowed (i.e. small + dwarf and medium + small). As a result of this, most pairs of sires are selected according to the principle of “large bitch + smaller male”, because The purpose of such matings is to produce more puppies of smaller size. As a result, both dwarfs and small, and sometimes even medium-sized Spitz dogs can be born in the same litter, and this is absolutely normal. It is also normal that prices for similar litter-mate puppies of different sizes can vary greatly. And this despite the fact that the size of a Spitz grown from a puppy can only be guaranteed after 8 months of age.

In many other countries there are restrictions on breeding between height varieties. But because a dwarf bitch can physically give birth to only very few puppies (on average 2 live puppies in one litter) and some of these puppies still grow into small ones, then the validity of this ban is very questionable and actually leads to a decrease in the number of dwarf-sized Spitz dogs born. In Russia, it is believed that it is problematic to breed dwarf bitches, because they are not only infertile, but also simply have a very difficult time giving birth. At the same time, if a breeding bitch is allowed to give birth six times in her life, then for dwarf orange girls sometimes physiological infertility occurs after 3-4 births.

From the above, it is obvious that OTHER CONDITIONS being equal, the smaller the Spitz, the more expensive it should be. And not only because dwarfs are in great demand, but also because a dwarf has a higher cost, because and the parents are more expensive, and the birth is more difficult, and the survival rate of the puppies is much lower.

3) Pomeranian and classic type

German Spitz dogs are divided into classic and Pomeranian types. The classic type is the “chanterelle” type, i.e. narrow muzzle, large pointed ears, dry paws, abundant flowing hair with a predominance of guard hairs. This is exactly what all Spitz dogs used to look like “classically”. Currently, there are few purely classical Spitz dogs left in Russia, because Almost all of our Spitz now carry Pomeranian blood to one degree or another. Therefore, it would be better to call the modern classical type “new classical”. Most new classic Spitz dogs have fluffier fur, a long but no longer narrow muzzle, not so thin paws, and shorter and thicker ears. A distinctive feature of all the classics is excellent health, as well as a sharp mind, inherited from their ancient ancestors.

The Pomeranian type is the “bear cub” type, i.e. a rounded head, as short as possible and always a “full” muzzle with thick cheeks, thick paws, “sticking up” fur with rich undercoat, a high-set tail, and generally more rounded body shapes. Initially, this type appeared in the USA, where other breeds (most likely Pekingese and Chow Chow) were mixed with Spitz to improve its presentation. In pursuit of this artificial type for the breed, Pomeranians lost such a valuable quality of the Spitz as excellent health (about the nuances of health - separately). Until recently, Pomeranians looked very busy and even loose. As puppies, such dogs simply look like adorable fur toys, but by the age of three, busy dogs begin to develop health problems, primarily from the heart, bone and dental systems, as well as problems with their coat. Currently, in the fight for health, the drier and stronger type of oranges is given priority; this type can be called “New Pomeranian”.

It must be admitted that before our eyes, in fact, a merging of the New Classical and New Pomeranian types is taking place; basically, these dogs now differ at exhibitions only in size.

The largest number of high-quality oranges are available in the USA, Thailand and... now in Russia.

All other things being equal (for example, origin, age, gender, size), the Pomeranian type is valued and costs much more than the classic one.

4) Characters of Spitz dogs.

Surprisingly, the type of dog often determines not only its health, but also its character traits.

Pomeranians, especially dwarf ones, along with their toy appearance, also acquire some toy-like character traits. They seem to know in advance what people expect from them and try to meet their expectations with their behavior. For the most part, Pomeranians are very cheerful, affectionate (sometimes even too much), absolutely positive-minded, and trusting of all people without exception.

The disadvantages of Pomeranians are a continuation of their advantages, namely, they are not at all adapted to existence without a person, they can easily be stolen, because they are trusting and affectionate towards everyone, in someone else's house they instantly adapt to the new owner and continue to love everyone around them, not at all yearning for the past days. Pomeranians themselves can easily get lost, because... They are very addicted, they can run far from their owner, forgetting about him and do not sense danger at all.

Classics, especially small ones, are cheerful, playful, even a little hooligan dogs, very energetic, with a sharp mind, surprisingly resourceful, and, unlike Pomeranians, distrustful of strangers, very devoted to their family, sometimes look cowardly due to special caution in behavior. They are also much more adapted to existence in nature and sometimes it seems that they need a person more as a friend and partner, and not as a breadwinner and protector.

It is interesting that both of them normally (that is, except for some exceptions) completely lack the hunting instinct. They don’t even notice cats on the street, although they may run after a cat, but not because they want to catch it, but because it’s interesting to see where this cat is running. Also, both of them completely lack aggression towards humans, so even in a critical situation for themselves or in a state of fear, the Spitz will not bite not only the owner, but even a stranger.

5) Compliance with the breed standard for type and size.

In the same litter, Spitz dogs can produce dwarfs (K) and small ones (M), new classics (N) and poms (P). Accordingly, there are four combinations between type and size: KN, MN, KP, MP. How does this compare to the breed standard?

A breed standard (BS) is an official document that describes the characteristics that correspond to a breed. For Spitz there are American and European SPs; in general, these SPs are the same. What is important is that neither describes the difference between the Pomeranian and the classic type, perhaps because the standard is outdated.

Moreover, the same standard is used for Wolfspitz (since this is also a German Spitz breed).

Meanwhile, at dog shows, judges mainly give preference to the classic (now new classic) type in small (MN) and the orange type in dwarf (KP).

It is these and only these orange-type dwarfs that are called Pomeranets in Russia.

A Spitz with a combination of KN and MP is not culled, but loses at shows to Spitzes with the correct combination of type and size.

Dwarf Pomeranians should cost significantly more than dwarf new classics and small overgrown Pomeranians (except for certain cases related to the gender of the puppy - more on that separately).

6) Pricing features related to colors

Dwarf-sized Spitz dogs of the same age group are all exhibited in one ring, regardless of color.

Small and medium-sized Spitz dogs are exhibited in different rings according to their colors. There are separate rings for white Spitz, separately for black and brown, and separately for all other colors (cream, orange, red, sable, gray, black and tan and party color, i.e. white with spots).

In small Spitz, some colors are RECOMMENDED to be mated only with each other (for example, black and brown), while other colors are ALLOWED to be mated only strictly with each other (for example, white with white, gray with gray).

These recommendations and prohibitions are due to the preservation of color quality, which is quite logical. But as a result of this ban, small white Spitz, for example, for many years (at least 100 years) remain in the old classic type. But if such a ban had not existed, the classic type of white Spitz would have long ago been corrected by Pomeranians of other colors (provided that a loss in color quality is more easily eliminated than a loss in type). Currently, imported white Pomeranians are already appearing in the country, but the number of such dogs is still small, and their quality is not high and it is not yet possible to expect that soon it will be possible to freely buy a high-quality white Pomeranian, therefore such puppies must be expensive or very expensive.

In the breed standard (SP) there are no descriptions of brindle, harlequin, speckled colors, so obtaining a Spitz of this color is a defect. In addition, the SP specifies any color that has white markings (usually white spots on the chest and tips of the paws) as disqualifying. Meanwhile, a color with markings is usually obtained by mating a white or party color to any color. In miniature, such matings are allowed and even necessary, because These are rare colors that need improvement of the Pomeranian type through mating with colored ones.

An outdated standard hinders the development of rare colors, reduces prices for colors with markings, but because of this it indirectly increases prices for littermates without marks (for example, if half of the puppies are with markings and the other half are party colors).

In general, color does not greatly affect the price of a puppy, but Pomeranian puppies of rare colors (for example, white, cream, chocolate, paticolor), all other things being equal, are more expensive. Because The type, not the color, is more important in the price of a puppy; there are large discrepancies in prices. For example, old-classic small and medium-sized white Spitz dogs (dogs of pure Russian breeding) cost approximately 5-10 times less than white ones, but of the Pomeranian type (which so far are all either imported or from imported parents).

7) Pricing features related to the gender of the puppy.

In small breeds of dogs, there is no predominant demand for any one gender. It is more convenient to keep girls if the owners cannot afford regular walking, because... they do not mark on vertical surfaces (sofas, armchairs) and are usually more careful on the tray in general. Males are on average larger, fluffier, more beautiful and more serious than girls. Both have their fans; some people keep only girls throughout their lives, others only boys.

Requests from breeders exert greater pressure on pricing. There is a constant demand among breeders for certain categories of puppies for sale, primarily for stud bitches (good blood, but not too dwarf) and breeding dogs (very high-quality dwarf Pomeranian type) males. Since there is a constant demand, it is clear that such dogs are expensive, so the average buyer should not be surprised at some distortions in the prices of littermates. For example, of two sisters of the same type - dwarf and small, the dwarf may turn out to be cheaper. Moreover, of the two brothers, the more luxurious Pomeranian in appearance may turn out to be cheaper if he has a disqualifying defect (for example, cryptorchidism or white markings).

8) Peculiarities of pricing related to exhibition characteristics.

Purebred animals are usually classified into certain classes: PET, BRID or SHOW.

The show class includes puppies of high breed, beautiful, without disqualifying defects, with a minimum of flaws (you must understand that there are no ideal dogs without flaws), worthy of an exhibition career. The word "breeding" means breeding, so the breed class refers to dogs that are good enough to be suitable for breeding. Usually these are females that are capable of breeding (i.e. not very small in size) and capable of receiving at least some kind of breeding grade (no less than “very good”). The pet class includes puppies that have nothing to do at the exhibition. Perhaps, despite good parentage, they were not very successful, or have disqualifying defects (for example, cryptorchidism, curled tail, lameness, malocclusion), or have a serious defect (for example, a large fontanel, incorrect color, poor coat), or have several small flaws at once (for example, both a short neck and a low-set tail, or at the same time a small fontanel and a missing tooth).

In fact, the concept of “pet” is even broader. For example, 90-95 percent of all male dogs can be classified as the pet class, even if they have no flaws, but also do not have any outstanding advantages that allow them to be promising for breeding use.

All males used for breeding should preferably be show-class males, which is confirmed not just by the rating (no less than “excellent”), but also by their titles. If the male dog from whom you are buying a puppy does not have a title, but only has a divorce appraisal, most likely he has serious deficiencies that he can pass on to his offspring.

A show class bitch is rarely a good performer. As they say, those who are destined to win should not give birth much, and there is no time for a breeding bitch to run around at shows, because childbirth in dogs, like in humans, interferes with a serious career. If you still buy a puppy from a show bitch, do not be surprised that such puppies are incredibly expensive - all in accordance with the investment costs and the small number of puppies from show bitches.

Speaking of exhibitions. Exhibitions are not the cheapest pleasure and not every exhibition is possible to win even with a super dog. On average, in order for an unconditionally high-quality dog ​​to become the Junior Champion of Russia (JCR), you need to spend at least 10 thousand rubles, and the title of Junior Champion of the Breed Club (JCH NKP) costs one and a half times more. A standard set of titles: YuChR, CR, CHNPK, Grand Champion of Russia costs at least 50 thousand rubles (in 2013).

If you want to buy a quality dog, take these costs into account and understand that quality cannot be cheap.

In terms of price, naturally, the pet class is the cheapest. The most expensive dogs are show-class Pomeranian males. This is natural, because these are the males that are used for breeding and produce the largest number of offspring in the breed.

The next most expensive are breeding and show class females. Moreover, in many cases, a breed-class bitch can cost more than a show-class bitch, if this show-class bitch is so small that it is of little use for breeding.

9) Features of pricing related to health.

No matter how beautiful and purebred a dog is, everything loses its meaning if it regularly has health problems and gradually turns into a disabled person. Still, good health is the main characteristic that should interest the buyer. Unfortunately, in life everything is different.

The main calls from buyers: “we want a little one” or “we want a teddy bear.” In a good way, in response it would be worth asking: “And if a small, small teddy bear later has problems associated with its orangeness, will this not scare you?” However, not a single breeder will ask that, because the breeder’s job is not to philosophize, but his job is to get more and more beautiful puppies in order to sell them at a higher price. And all breeders of dwarf Spitz will continue to breed dogs to enhance the Pomeranian type, combining different producers, because... Everyone hopes to get a super dog: a dwarf Pomeranian type and without flaws. The task is not easy, because... It is when a puppy combines small size and Pomeranian type that health-related deficiencies appear.

The main problems that every Pomeranian breeder is afraid of are: cryptorchidism (the absence of one or two testicles), large fontanel (a soft depression on the crown of the head), dental problems (bad bite, incomplete teeth, unevenly growing teeth), patella (genetically caused, increasing with age). lameness), BSD (baldness or black skin disease) and there are a bunch of other minor problems that I don’t even want to mention. Experienced breeders know that it is almost impossible to get a Pomeranian without any flaws. In breeding, everyone tries to follow the path of compromise: today we improve this (for example, wool), in the next generation we will improve this (for example, the dental system). Therefore, the work of breeders is essentially endless, while we improve one thing, we lose quality in another. It is also necessary to take into account the youth of the Pomeranian Spitz breed itself (it is several decades old), which is why the type of representatives of the breed is very diverse.

Even if it is possible to obtain a sire close in type to the ideal (the names of such sires are known in Spitz breeding, for example, Bon-Bon, Parker, Colt, etc.), it turns out that they pass on their qualities to their descendants rather poorly (this is called “low prepotency” ), and when inbreeding on these producers (inbreeding), suddenly not advantages, but serious disadvantages begin to emerge en masse. If puppies of the same litter were born: dwarf orange, classic dwarf and small (no matter what type), then the dwarf orange will have the greatest number of defects, and the small one will have the least. That is, nature seems to take revenge on man for his attempts to change the appearance of a natural being. The same shortcomings in a small one will be compensated and unnoticeable, in a classic dwarf they will be partially compensated and hardly noticeable, in a Pomeranian dwarf everything that is possible will come out and bloom in full bloom.

Hence the price difference. A puppy can be unusually beautiful, but have health defects, which means it costs less than a simpler type, but without defects.

10) The nuances of purchasing a quality Pomeranian Spitz. All of the listed subtleties should not interest the average buyer. Just when looking for a cool Pomeranian, you need to take into account that you can buy an absolutely beautiful puppy, but with flaws. Moreover, some of the shortcomings can be identified at the time of purchase (the same fontanel or missing teeth), and some will be revealed later (patella, cryptorchidism, BSD). Those shortcomings that are immediately visible should reduce the price of the puppy, but if you saw them when purchasing and agreed with them, then you no longer have the right to make any claims to the breeder for these shortcomings. If you claim that you didn’t see it because you didn’t know what you should have looked at, they will tell you that you should have prepared in advance to buy a puppy, read the information on the Internet, fortunately now everything is available. And this is fair, because buying a puppy is a responsible matter; you are actually buying yourself a new family member for the next 12-15 years.

It is more difficult with those defects that are identified later, for example, patella can appear from 4 months to 2 years, cryptorchidism from 5 to 10 months, BSD from one year to three years.

Let's say you think you deserve a cool Pomeranian without any flaws. How to protect yourself from buying a defective puppy? Firstly, you can buy an adult, over three years old. True, there may be problems in blending in the characters and the price will not be small, but you deserve a cool Pomeranian without flaws!

The second option is to buy a puppy with the conclusion of an agreement in which all possible shortcomings will be spelled out. Let’s say you stipulate in the contract that if cryptorchidism or patella is detected, you must be refunded 50% of the cost of the puppy. Fair? Yes! Just don’t consider the breeder to be God and a clinical idiot at the same time. The breeder can only guess, but cannot be sure what will happen to the puppy in 2 years and, if he is not an idiot, then he will not sell the puppy FOR THE SAME MONEY without an agreement and with an onerous agreement.

Those. either the contract will be such that it does not stipulate any responsibility for the breeder, or the contract will completely suit the buyer, but the price of the puppy being sold will increase by one and a half to two times. Isn't that fair? After all, you want to be insured, and insurance should also cost money.

What is the way out? The first thing is to carefully study the information, study everything you can about the breed, communicate with breeders, and choose the most reliable breeder. Second, try to look for a grown-up puppy. There is no need to insist that it is the baby that you need because you want to “babysit”. Decide whether you want to “babysit” or you want a cool Pomeranian with no flaws. Pick one thing. And you shouldn’t be afraid of adolescence at all, because... With each passing month of life, the breeder will see more and more clearly what the puppy is worth, which means that with each passing month, the price of the puppy will increasingly correspond to its true quality.

In addition, such points must be taken into account. People often dream of raising a dog equal in devotion to the famous hero of the film “Hachiko”; everyone likes to think that a devoted dog will grieve for its deceased owner until the end of its days, until it finally dies at his grave. We will not say that such stories do not happen; rather, they happen extremely rarely. And it is absolutely certain that there is no relationship between the strength of a dog’s devotion and the age of the puppy you take home. Some citizens are ready to buy a literally blind puppy and feed it with their own hands in the hope of future dividends in the form of super devotion. We assure you, this is completely pointless, as any breeder will tell you, because... dogs of our own breeding, some of which were hand-fed, regularly remain in kennels and in some way are super-loyal and do not differ from others bought as bred dogs.

Konrad Lorenz, a famous specialist in ethology (the science of animal behavior), wrote in his book on dog behavior that the best age for a puppy to get used to its owner is from 5 to 6 months, it is at this age that the devotion reflex is formed. At the same time, any experienced breeder will say that the best age to buy a puppy is 7-8 months, because at this age the change of teeth has already completely passed, the dog has already gained its full height, is approaching the end of adolescence and it becomes clear what kind of puppy it is. it will turn out to be a dog. And, at the same time, a dog under the age of 10-12 months is considered a puppy, which can easily be raised “to suit you.”

Third, if health and ease of maintenance are still more important to you than prestige and exclusivity, it makes sense not to settle for the search for a KP (dwarf orange), but to consider the possibility of purchasing other varieties of Spitz: KN, MN, MP. Then everything will become easier and cheaper.

Here, in general, are all the nuances that a buyer looking for a Spitz should know and take into account.

Prices are deliberately not specified here; they may be different in different nurseries. But believe me, a Pomeranian cannot be very cheap. In terms of the cost of maintenance, the price of a puppy of any small breed today starts somewhere from 15-20 thousand rubles, anything cheaper is most likely an outbred or sick animal. If you are looking for not just a dog, but a Spitz, you need to include the parents in the cost and price. Sire parents brought from abroad or obtained from the same imported dogs cannot be cheap. Hence the expensive prices for puppies (somewhere from 30 thousand). If we are talking about quality (for example, about a show dog) or about a set of some special characteristics (for example, you want to buy a breeding female of a rare color), then the stakes increase sharply and then we can no longer talk about dozens, but about hundreds thousand rubles. Moreover, it is important not only that you are willing to pay that kind of money, but also that a dog that meets your requirements exists in the wild and would be willing to sell it.

Source: https://m-pom.ru/

Feeding your pet

It is not recommended to feed mixed breeds only dry food .

This will cause their tooth enamel to wear away quickly and can also cause kidney problems.

But if owners have no other option, you can soak the dry granules before serving or periodically give the dog wet food.

You can feed the mestizo with natural food. In this case, it is worth excluding harmful and allergenic foods and making sure that the menu is balanced.

What to feed your pomchi?

The basis of feeding decorative dogs is a complete, balanced menu.
Clean water must be freely available. Dry food or natural food is the owner’s choice. Each type of food has its advantages. One thing is clear - if it is dry food, then it must be super-premium, if it is natural, then only high-quality and fresh products.

Considering the miniature size of the dog, pomchi's food will not put a price on the owner's pocket. You should clearly determine the dog's needs and not overfeed - poms are prone to obesity, especially sterilized ones.

You need to feed an adult pomchi 2 times a day, however, given the increased metabolism of a small animal, it is worth giving your baby a snack during the day.

Give him an apple, a carrot, some kind of treat - industrial or homemade. It’s good for the teeth to chew on cartilage, a large piece of beef, which, moreover, will occupy the dog’s attention for a long time.

In general, the Pomchi's diet is identical to that of the Chihuahua and Pomeranian.

For a more detailed study of the issue of Pomchi nutrition, read our article: How to properly feed a Pomeranian: important rules and prohibitions.

Jack - Russell

A cross between Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells, these are small dogs growing to a maximum of 30 cm at the withers, with a long and soft coat of black-brown or white-black-brown color. Yorkie Russells have a friendly and fearless personality and get along easily with other animals and people. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention from their owners, the lack of which is reported by loud howling and destructive behavior.

These dogs cannot tolerate cold and are not suitable for outdoor living. These are exclusively domestic pets, which, however, require regular walks and exercise. The coat requires careful care, as it tends to get tangled and very dirty after walks. In addition to possible genetic pathologies, Yorkie Russells are prone to dental diseases, which means it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet’s oral cavity and brush its teeth 2-3 times a week.

Life expectancy is on average 12 - 16 years, subject to proper care and comfortable living conditions.

German Spitz


It is not for nothing that the German Spitz was classified as a companion dog; at one time the dog served man faithfully, which is why it was in demand among ordinary people for a long time as a watchman. This was even before aristocrats became interested in the breed.

The breed was valued for its loyalty and courage - the dog, despite its small size, bravely rushed to confront offenders and steadfastly endured long expeditions, following its owner.

In general, the German Spitz can boast of a rich history. This is an ancient dog, whose ancestors include many other different breeds.

Photos of dogs

The German Spitz represents a whole group of dogs, which includes large, medium and small Spitz.

However, differences in size do not prevent dogs from having a similar appearance, character and origin. Spitz dogs have the same compact build, thick hair, erect ears, elegant collar, pants and bushy tail.


The German is famous for his balanced character. Long service and rich heritage tell. This is a loyal dog that is highly trainable.

Also, a dog can show itself well in the role of a watchman and notify its owners about strangers by barking. Spitz barks loudly and piercingly, but with proper upbringing, the pet will only give voice on command .

In general, this is an active and lively breed that will never refuse to play. But it will not impose itself if the owner is completely immersed in his own affairs.

Animals know when to stop and make concessions in many ways. Except for those cases when a stranger is walking around the house. Spitz dogs do not favor strangers. On the one hand, this gives dogs an advantage in their career as a guard, on the other hand, it gives them the stigma of being an unenviable neighbor or lodger.

Features of maintenance and care

The Yorkie mix does not come in large sizes and feels comfortable in small city apartments. To prevent the dog from feeling loneliness, the bed should be within walking distance of the owner. Dogs are not kept in the yard - they require communication, and they are not adapted to living in unfavorable conditions.

Dogs do not need long walks; they can be taught to visit the cat litter box from early childhood. If desired, walking takes place for half an hour, twice a day. The dog is led on a leash so that it does not get lost or fall under the wheels of a car.

A combination of characteristics of the coat can cause problems with its care. The coat grows quickly, young animals need to be combed daily. To prevent tangles, brushes with a massage effect are used.

The condition of the hair depends on:

  • from air humidity;
  • diet - if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, it will become faded, sparse, like in old photographs;
  • influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Dogs have their ears and teeth cleaned and their eyes wiped regularly. You can wash your dog no more than once a month.

Popular nicknames for girls and boys

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Do you believe it? Then choose your nickname very, very carefully!

Male Chihuahuas are often called:

  • names of heroes of Greek mythology: Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, etc.;

  • classic American names: Richie, Simon, Lennard, Hank, Harold, Mickey;
  • sometimes the choice falls on royal names: Louis, Bonaparte, Louis, Caesar;
  • by character trait: Shustrik, Zubastic, Helper, Funtik, Killer, etc.

Sometimes they choose really funny names! But this is not for everybody.

They strive to come up with gentle and very beautiful nicknames for Chihuahua girls. For example, their names are:

  • in tune with flowers: Rose (or Rosie), Daisy (chamomile), Flora, Lily, Iris (Iris), Jasmine;
  • foreign names, often French: Nicole, Natalie, Amelie, Jacqueline, Chantal;
  • affectionate names of treats: Bun, Bun, Cherry, Toffee, Jelly (jelly);
  • The names of movie heroines are in demand: Leia, Sarah, Ariel, Mulan, Elsa, Cinderella, etc.

Often you have to start from the nickname that the puppies were given upon registration. Then you can make an anagram from an existing name or shorten it.


A cross between a dachshund and a Yorkshire terrier (dorki) is the result of research carried out presumably at the end of the 20th century. breeding work in the USA. The choice fell on these dogs, since both of them belong to decorative and hunting breeds and are suitable for each other in size. Dorks are small rectangular dogs, weighing about 4 kg and reaching a height of more than 30 cm at the withers. They are similar in appearance to dachshunds, but have a wider muzzle and small, semi-erect, triangular-shaped ears.

Today, there are 2 varieties of these mestizos, differing from each other in coat. The first type has long, soft and slightly wavy hair, which is easy to comb and does not tend to bristle in different directions, making the dog look neat. The coat of the second variety is shorter and very hard; caring for it requires regular brushing only with metal brushes and haircuts at least twice a year.

Almost any coat color is allowed, but the most common is black and tan with a little gray.

The hunting blood of Dorks is the cause of some problems in their character:

  • stubbornness and willfulness;
  • jealousy of other pets;
  • the need to dig holes;
  • constant barking;
  • hunting instinct aimed at small animals.

Any character flaws can be corrected with proper upbringing, socialization and training. In addition, Dorks need regular active walks and games, which help get rid of accumulated energy and extinguish the hunting instinct. Basic care for these pets consists of feeding them a high-calorie diet appropriate for their activity, daily cleaning of the ears and eyes, and trimming their nails as they grow back.

Photo and video review

Here you can see photos and videos from the life of the owners with their furry four-legged friends, the Spitz. You can also visually study the differences between the subspecies of this breed and make a choice.

Here you can see photos and videos from the life of the owners with their furry four-legged friends, the Spitz. You can also visually study the differences between the subspecies of this breed and make a choice.

How to choose a puppy?

  • Look at the puppy's parents, so you can determine the possible development of the dog;
  • You should not take lethargic and motionless puppies, most likely they are unhealthy;
  • Observe the Chorkie during the game - how he communicates with his brothers, you will also see defects in the joints, if any;
  • Play with the puppy yourself; if he is too excited and aggressive, it is better to choose another one;
  • The wool should be clean, without tangles;
  • Inspect your dog for ticks and fleas;
  • Watch him eat;
  • Check your eyes, mouth, and ears for any discharge.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Do not try to choose a puppy of a rare color or extremely small. The best choice would be a healthy, medium-sized baby.

It is better to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, whose owner monitors its reputation. Study several nurseries, talk to breeders, look at the breeding fund.

You should not buy a puppy without documents, flattered by the low price. The documents must be RKF or, in extreme cases, SKOR. If you are offered to pay extra for a pedigree, then it is guaranteed to be fake! A purebred puppy automatically receives a puppy card, which is exchanged for a pedigree within six months. The cost of such a dog does not change regardless of whether you draw up documents for it or not.

You should not pick up a puppy before two, or better yet, three months, especially without documents. Due to the popularity of the breed, unscrupulous breeders can pass off any mestizos and mongrels as Chihuahuas. Be sure to weigh your puppy: a three-month-old kitten weighs about half its future adult weight.

The Chihuahua puppies themselves should be vigorous, cheerful and moderately well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes and ears. The choice of gender is yours, but girls are more cunning and pretentious, and boys are more cocky.

How to distinguish Spitz dogs from other breeds and mixed breeds

Sometimes, Spitz dogs can be easily confused with mixed breeds and representatives of other breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy an animal from a trusted place, where you can be sure that the puppy has been well fed and is healthy. In addition, Spitz dogs can be distinguished by external characteristics .

First of all, it's wool. Spitz have a double warm coat: one part is long straight hair, the second is a delicate soft undercoat consisting of short hairs. The coat should be combed regularly and washed when dirty.

Spitz dogs have neat ears that are set wide apart. The tail is above their back and curls into a ring. Growth varies depending on age and variety.

When buying a Spitz, you need to inquire about the availability of documents about the origin of the offspring . If the pedigree is zero, the dog may not be purebred. But this will not prevent the animal from being a faithful friend, and not all owners take animals to exhibitions.

Choosing a dog is not only pleasure, but also responsibility. First you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the animal requires a lot of attention. But this care will more than pay off with the love and devotion of the pet.

Questions and answers

Personality of the Pomchi breed
This is an incredibly energetic domestic dog. She is smart and savvy, quickly learning new things. He becomes strongly attached to people, constantly showing affection and playfulness.

What does Pomchi look like?

The appearance of a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian combines the characteristics of both dogs. They have long hair, a refined face, a round apple-shaped head (like sneezes), and large pointed ears located on the top of the head. The body is stocky, the chest is wide, the neck is strong. Pronounced muscularity and strong limbs. The tail is not wrapped in a ring, but lies on the back.

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