Dog food wolfsblut (Wolf's blood): reviews and description

Wolfsblut dog food recently appeared in domestic stores, and without an advertising campaign. But now many pet owners choose it, because it is produced in Germany, and it itself consists of natural ingredients that wild wolves feed on in natural conditions. Therefore, the food does not cause allergies, dermatitis, or other digestive problems; this is also confirmed by reviews of veterinarians and ordinary people about Wolfsblut dog food.

Types of dog food from Wolfsblut

Wolf's Blood food for dogs belongs to the super premium line, there are a couple of options for holistic feeding and therapeutic diets. In production, the company uses only natural meat and vegetables; almost no grains are used, they are replaced with potatoes and carrots. Food is produced in the form of dry croquettes of 2, 7 and 15 kg and canned food of 395 g.

The food consists of a number of mandatory products, regardless of the line:

  • meat of several types from 50%;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • peas;
  • berries and fruits;
  • dried herbs;
  • probiotics;
  • yucca extract;
  • vitamins.

All Wolfsblatt dog food products are divided into several lines according to breed, animal size, health status and age. Therefore, there are separate series for puppies, adult and elderly dogs, for pregnant bitches, for small and large pets.

It is also important that the food does not use dyes or flavors, so it is hypoallergenic, zero-zeron, and high-protein.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Wolfsblut dog food:

  • most of the protein is of animal origin;
  • absence of wheat and corn grains, as well as gluten;
  • The feed contains berries, vegetables, fruits, herbs; there are no artificially synthesized aromatic and flavoring additives or preservatives.

The disadvantage of the product is that it is expensive and also not very widespread. The food may not be available in every store. But this drawback is not relevant for owners who order food for their pet via the Internet. Dry food can be purchased by leaving a request on the manufacturer’s website or purchased from official intermediaries supplying products to the Russian market.

What diet should you choose for your pet?

Wolfsblut dog food is divided into five main groups: for adult and aging pets, for puppies, and for large and small breeds. The series are developed differently, taking into account the weight and characteristics of the animal’s body.

For mature dogs

The series for mature dogs is called “Wolf’s Blood” and offers high-protein diets with a small amount of fiber and carbohydrates. Suitable food for dogs over one year of age, of different breeds, the main component of the diet is natural meat from 50%. There are seven diet options to choose from.

Additional nutritional ingredients:

  • potato;
  • vegetables;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • fruits;
  • flax-seed.

It is important that the line contains nettle, ginseng and hawthorn, which can cause digestive upset in some small breeds.

For large breeds

The line for large breeds is suitable for dogs weighing up to 90 kg, and those who are exposed to frequent physical activity. Therefore, the food contains a lot of protein, fiber, animal protein and chondroitin to strengthen ligaments. There are only two feeding options to choose from – “African Dog” and “Golden Field”. The main components are two types of meat, sweet potato, nettle, yucca extract, pumpkin, and other vegetables.

For small pets

The Wolfsblut line of dog food is balanced and very nutritious, as small pets grow faster and are more active. Therefore, croquettes contain more than 35% protein due to the presence of natural meat. This diet is suitable from six months of age.

For aging pets

The line for aging pets is suitable for small breeds from eight years of age and for large breeds from six years of age. More vitamins and mineral complexes have been added to dry food to strengthen bones and muscles, improve immunity, and avoid constipation and indigestion.

For puppies

You can switch to the line of food for puppies from the first or second month of life, immediately after feeding with mother’s milk. The food is rich in protein and animal fats, and contains many vitamins and minerals. The product includes three feeding options.

It will be interesting: Feed rating at the end of 2022.

Why Wolf's Blood food is better than others

The advantage of the product over other animal feeds lies in its components. The manufacturer takes into account that the dog is a carnivorous mammal and therefore needs proteins of animal origin (fish and other meat). The super premium product uses only raw meat, which ensures the preservation of amino acids.

All fats are also of animal origin (lamb, duck, fish). Carbohydrate elements contained in grains often provoke allergies. In view of this, the manufacturer included potatoes, rice, and sweet potatoes in the product.

Reviews of Wolfsblut dog food

Inna: Wolf's blood food is not very popular in Russia, since I have never seen it almost anywhere, we buy it online. We take a line for adult dogs with lamb, our Orpheus gobbles it up with great pleasure. The veterinarian notes that the pet is very healthy and active.

Sergey: Yes, the price of the food is quite high, but the quality is at the highest level. I no longer see companies that use nutrients in the form of main components. For our shepherd this is the best option. We are unlikely to change it, even if the price rises.

Olya: We have so far tried the series for puppies, but we are quite satisfied. We thought that after mother’s milk it would be difficult to eat dry food and that we might not like it. But everything happened the other way around, the puppy became more cheerful, smarter, has a gorgeous coat, and is developing quickly, as the veterinarian says.


Healthfood24's head office is located in Leipzig, Germany. The company is headed by Felix Becker. He personally selects the raw materials used to create products. The formulas are developed by the company’s in-house nutritionists.

Previously, food for animals was made in a plant located in the USA. Production was then moved to the Golden Acres facility in northwestern England.

It is equipped with modern technology that provides gentle heat treatment when baking dog food granules. The manufacturer claims that this allows you to preserve the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the body.

Wet types of products are produced in a German plant located in the northern part of the country. The same hygiene and safety standards are observed there as when preparing food for people.

“Wolf’s Blood” is packaged in metallized packages (400, 2000, 7500, 15000 g). The approximate size of the granules is 5-15 mm.


  • 400 g – from 300 rub.;
  • 2000 g – from 900 rubles;
  • 7500 g – from 2900 rub.;
  • 15000 g – from 4200 rub.

The cost of Wolfsblut in pet stores depends on the specific region of the Russian Federation.

Comprehensive care and fertilization

Raspberries have a shallow root system. It quickly absorbs useful microelements from the top layer of soil. Once it is depleted, plants begin to experience a lack of nutrients.

When replenishing their reserves, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Alternate fertilizing with organic matter and mineral-based preparations. This will increase the yield.
  2. Regular irrigation speeds up the process of fertilizer absorption. Moistened soil adheres more closely to the roots. Therefore, beneficial substances are absorbed more actively.
  3. Foliar feeding is carried out in the evening, in clear and dry weather. Plants should not be sprayed during the day. This may cause burns.

During the period of flowering and ovary formation, complex formulations are not used. Ripening berries should not absorb chemical compounds.

Is it possible to apply fresh manure?

They fertilize plants in spring and autumn. The first feeding is carried out with the appearance of young leaves. And the second - in September or October.

The benefits of fresh manure for raspberries are as follows:

  1. Its decomposition occurs gradually - over 3-4 years. Nutrients are dosed into the soil.
  2. Organic matter contains the main nutritional components for bush growth. It contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.
  3. Manure improves soil structure. The soil becomes loose, and this allows the earth to breathe.
  4. It prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Important! During work, it is recommended to use rubber gloves and a respirator. After completing the process, you need to wash your hands with soap

Manure can be poured into trenches or at the bottom of the hole (when planting new bushes). Next, it is mixed with soil. This prevents burns to the root system.

Does ash contribute to a good harvest?

The ashes of burnt trees or shrubs retain the entire range of useful substances present in them. Therefore, the remains of a fire are often used as feeding. Thanks to this method of nutrition, the taste of the berries improves and the yield increases. At the same time, the raspberry plant also gets rid of pests and weeds.

But not all ash is beneficial to plants. When using it, you need to consider the following features:

  1. Ash from coal contains almost no minerals. Therefore, there is no point in using it as fertilizer.
  2. Painted boards and other household waste are not suitable for this purpose. They contain harmful chemicals.
  3. Burnt sunflower stems contain maximum amounts of calcium and potassium.
  4. To saturate the earth with phosphorus, it is necessary to burn rye straw.
  5. Of the tree species, willow and birch are considered the most useful. Deciduous firewood is always more nutritious than coniferous firewood.
  6. The ash of young trees contains more microelements compared to old ones.

Burnt tops from potatoes, carrots or beets are also used as top dressing. It is not advisable to fertilize raspberries with burnt peat. There is a lot of lime in it. This is harmful for acidic or slightly acidic soil.

Mineral products - urea

It is used at the rate of 15 g per square meter of planting. It is not advisable to exceed the recommended dose.

Fertilizing is carried out in the following order:

  1. The soil is thoroughly moistened. The roots should not come into direct contact with dry preparations. This may injure them.
  2. The damp soil is sprinkled with urea granules. And when using powdered fertilizer, it is first dissolved in water. After this, the bushes are watered again with plain water.
  3. The soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. As a result, the fertilizer is mixed with the soil and dissolves better.

Interesting! The optimal time to apply fertilizer is after rain. Then the plants get the maximum benefit from the urea.

Should I sprinkle it under a bush?

There are several ways to fertilize plants. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Root feeding. Designed for absorption of nutrients by raspberry roots. The granules can be poured directly under the bush or deepened into the soil - into the root zone. In the second case, beneficial microelements become more accessible to the roots.
  2. Foliar feeding. Involves the absorption of nutrients through the surface of the leaves. It is considered the most economical method.
  3. Mixed method - fertilizing raspberries simultaneously with irrigation. Promotes the absorption of nutrients through roots and leaves.

The effectiveness of fertilizing increases if it is used in liquid form. This makes it easier for plants to absorb nutrients.

5/5 (1 vote)

general characteristics

The line of dry natural dog food “Wolf's Blood” has 25 types. The food is made from environmentally friendly ingredients, so this high quality “dog food” does not cause allergies.

The innovative approach is that components found in the wild were used in the development of the food. This idea was prompted by the fact that dogs, like wolves, are predators.

In the process of eating, the dog’s body is enriched with easily digestible protein contained in the meat and fish components of the food. Manufacturers used venison, horse meat, kangaroo, lamb, rabbit, pheasant, duck, trout, and salmon.

All ingredients of the food are easily digested and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. By consuming Wolfsblut food, pets receive a balanced diet, remain active and feel great.

Daily norm

The manufacturer made sure that customers knew how much food to give their pet. After reviewing the daily norms given below, you can understand how much food is needed for large breed puppies, and how much for small animals.

Correspondence of daily norm to weight:

  • 1-5 kg ​​– 30-100 g;
  • 5-10 kg – 100-170 g;
  • 10-15 kg – 170-230 g;
  • 15-20 kg – 230-285 g;
  • 20-30 kg – 285-390 g;
  • over 30 kg – more than 390 g.

List of ingredients

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is that it is not the duck that opens the list, but the potato. This root vegetable is primarily a supplier of starch and carbohydrates. Yes, they do not contain gluten, but it is strange to see it in a dog’s diet with gastrointestinal nuances. (Remember also Wolfsblut's original marketing message: to incorporate the diet of wolves into its recipe.) What do potatoes do? Convenient, cheap filler and high fiber content (of which I would like more here).
  2. In second place is duck meat. As we know, fresh meat consists of approximately 80-85% liquid and fat, so after cooking it will remain several times less than the indicated 22.5% in the final product. Let's say 9%?
  3. The highest quality ingredient in Wolfsblut Wild Duck food is dehydrated duck meat. More than 22% is a very good figure, and if you add it to the previous line, you get an impressive 30%. Despite the fact that duck is quite fatty, and its fibers are not easy to digest and are not completely digested, it is an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins A, E, E, and especially group B. It also contains Omega-3.
  4. The origin of duck fat, which came in fourth place, is most likely associated with the preparation of raw meat from item 2. Despite the unappetizing name, this is also a very high-quality position. This type of fat is rich in linoleic acid (omega-6), which is necessary for the good functioning of cellular metabolic processes.
  5. Peas contain up to 25% proteins, as well as a lot of carbohydrates. As an additive to the recipe (not at the top of the list) it is quite acceptable.
  6. Pea protein is obtained by chemically purifying the original product from starch. It contains more than 80% protein, which is much less valuable for a dog’s digestion than animal protein.
  7. Chicken liver is an offal that negates all the advantages of Wolfsblut dry food. The fact is that chicken is perhaps the most common cause of allergies and food intolerances (read more about this here). And this composition claims to be hypoallergenic and is intended for pets with digestive problems. Accordingly, the presence of chicken liver in the recipe immediately makes switching to it pointless when eliminating allergens. Plus, modern industrial chicken farming has become, in fact, a chemical process, using hormones and a huge amount of antibiotics, which accumulate in the liver of the bird. Therefore, given the high cost and stated almost veterinary nature of these granules, the presence of even a small portion of chicken is a huge minus.

Feeding remontant raspberries in summer

The need for large amounts of mineral fertilizers is due to the fact that remontant raspberries have large berries. Only strong and healthy bushes can produce berries of this size. Nitrogen fertilizers can help raspberries, which are recommended to be applied immediately after the first leaves appear.

Any mineral fertilizing is applied before loosening the soil. Manufacturers of mineral fertilizers have made the work of gardeners easier. In specialized stores you can purchase ready-made mineral complexes, for example, Kemira and Ecofosk. These substances must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water. Watering with a similar solution is done in hot weather.

But not all minerals are used in the form of solutions. Ammonium sulfate is applied to the soil in dry form. Fertilizer is simply sprinkled on the soil under the bush. For one raspberry seedling you will need about 15 grams of ammonium sulfate.

Advice! Excessive use of minerals can increase soil acidity. To neutralize this process, you can sprinkle the soil with the most common ash.

If the bushes are many years old, then the following mixture will help them restore their strength:

  • 2 kg of manure;
  • 2 teaspoons of potassium salt;
  • 2 teaspoons nitrogen;
  • 2 teaspoons phosphorus.

Pricing policy and where to buy

Wolfsblut wolf food for dogs is indeed not very common in the post-Soviet space.

Made in the UK using German technology and German quality standards, the food is not easy to find in our homeland.
  • Veterinary medicine. What is it and why is it relevant now?
  • Akita Inu. Features of the breed.

  • Diet of a pregnant dog: what and how to feed a pregnant dog correctly

Those who truly love and pamper their pets can be advised to contact specialized online pet stores.

Well, residents of large cities are luckier; Wolfsblut is within walking distance. By the way, the presented food appeared in St. Petersburg in 2010.

As for the price, in 2022 it ranged from 100 rubles per 150 grams of dry food.

Divide nutrition into subgroups

Yes, the entire Wolfsblut line is conditionally divided into 3 subgroups:
Dogs - allergy sufferers. Wide Plain - horse meat with sweet potatoes, Range Lamb - lamb meat accompanied by wild rice, Alaska Salmon - a duo of salmon and potatoes, Wild Pacific - 6 types of fish are presented here.

For dogs that require a low-calorie diet with a reduced percentage of fat and protein. This subgroup is designed for animals suffering from chronic diseases, those who are overweight, or those who move too little. Wild Duck - duck meat, Cold River - potatoes and trout, Dark Forest - venison.

For dogs leading an active lifestyle. The line is distinguished by an increased percentage of fats, which are so necessary for young and strong pets. Blue Mountain - rabbit and venison, Green Valley - lamb and fresh salmon, Gray Peak - Boer goat meat and sweet potato.

Feed composition overview

One of the foods for adult dogs is Blue Mountain with the addition of wild berries. Let's consider its composition.

The composition clearly shows that the basis of the feed (58%) is meat from wild animals, namely:

  • Venison 26%;
  • Dried rabbit meat 20%;
  • Rabbit meat 5%;
  • Lamb fat 5%;
  • Lamb fat 2%.

The freedom of movement and varied diet of wild animals make their meat very valuable. Venison is rich in B vitamins, the minerals zinc, iron, selenium, has a low fat content, and the protein is in an easily digestible form.

  • Potatoes (24%) are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

The combination of wild berries and herbs provides pets with essential vitamins.

Blue Mountain food contains additional natural substances:

  • Probiotic MOS – improves digestion and strengthens the immune system;
  • Probiotic FOS – maintains the natural balance of intestinal flora;
  • Yucca Shidigira - a medicinal plant of the asparagus family, reduces flatulence;
  • Taurine – improves metabolism and heart function, has a beneficial effect on the eyes.

Thus, the food does not contain grains, has a balanced composition, and is perfect for daily use without causing allergies.

Feed range

Wolfsblut translates from German as “Wolf Blood”. The same unusual and memorable names of food of this brand:

  • "Blue Mountain"
  • "Wild duck",
  • "African dog"
  • "Alaskan salmon" etc.

The range of meat is very diverse: duck, horse meat, venison, kangaroo, pheasant, salmon, buffalo, etc. Moreover, the food is classified according to the age and size of the dogs.

  • Food for adult dogs contains meat at least 50%, with the amount of protein 21-26%, fat 9-15%, fiber up to 4% .
  • Food for large dogs contains substances to strengthen joints. Its composition is enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins B6 and B12, and contains a lot of zinc, magnesium, potassium and iron.
  • Food for small breeds has been developed taking into account the characteristics of these dogs. Small animals are more active and need more energy. It has increased protein content to 34% and fat to 14%.
  • Food for senior dogs is designed for animals over 8 years of age. It contains 22% protein, up to 12% fat, as well as all the vitamins necessary for an aging body.
  • Puppies need more energy to play and grow, so puppy food has been developed with a high content of protein (34%), fat (16%) and microelements for normal development.

The price of food depends on the weight of the package:

  • 2 kg – 1,690 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 4,290 rub.
  • 15 kg – 6,790 rub.


Noting the benefits of this food, comparing reviews of Wolfsblut dog food and the well-being of our little brothers themselves, we can highlight the following factors:

  • high percentage of meat content;
  • a varied and rich structure that includes everything you need;
  • synthetic additives that enhance taste and aroma cannot be found here;
  • there are no grains that are not beneficial for dogs;
  • feed is not only dry, but also wet.

But, in fairness, it should be noted that all this food is not so cheap. Yes, the product is indeed of high quality, but not every animal lover can afford it.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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