Royal Canin dog food: reviews and composition overview

Today we will talk about Royal Canin pet food. There are different reviews about it from animal owners and large nurseries, but most of them are positive. Since no two animals are the same, it can be assumed that food should be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of each four-legged friend. However, there is one more significant detail here. The company's specialists have developed a whole line of Royal Canin brand products. Reviews from leading experts in the pet food industry say that this is a good option - to take a premium product for your pet at an affordable price.

Why Royal Canin?

Every owner wants their pet to be healthy. We all realize how important a role nutrition plays in the life of our four-legged friend. The development of the body, the formation of internal organs, appearance (fur, skin), as well as life expectancy, activity and learning ability will depend on how balanced it is. That is, nutrition plays an important role in every area of ​​life.

Why do owners today most often choose the Royal Canin brand? Reviews from owners say that it is very difficult to create a feeding system on your own that would ideally suit the needs of a four-legged pet. Whereas a time-tested corporation uses the knowledge of veterinarians and the latest advances in technology to ensure that each portion of food contains everything necessary for the health of the animal. It was the balance and nutritional value of the feed that played a decisive role. Today, the leader in the dry food market is Royal Canin. Reviews from veterinarians contribute to an even greater increase in its popularity.

Manufacturer information

Royal Canin began working on pet food in 1967 . Its founder, Jean Katari, created the first mixture. Today, 10 production facilities operate under this brand in different countries, and the products are very popular.

The manufacturer assures that one of the secrets is the production of the already ordered volume of feed; almost nothing is stored in warehouses, that is, the factories supply the freshest feed possible.

It is also stated that the products are taken only from suppliers proven over the years, and production technologies in Russia do not differ from French ones, which also guarantees the highest quality of the product. Careful analysis of the produced food and constant cooperation with the Research and Development Center help improve the recipes.

Main objectives of the company

This is a dynamically developing corporation, which today fulfills a number of new goals. This is the creation of new feeds with a more advanced composition. To achieve this, the company employs veterinarians, livestock specialists, and technologists, whose joint work produces tangible results. In addition, a project is already being implemented to produce a wide range of food for cats and dogs with subspecies based on the age, weight and health status of the animals. New, modern technologies are constantly being introduced into the research and production complex, which allow us to take production to a new level.

Detailed characteristics of Royal Canin food for castrated and sterilized cats and female cats

The Royal Canin premium food line has a wide range. Even for castrated and sterilized animals, several types of diets are produced. For example, there are separate dry food for cats and for cats. In practice, the main difference is the amount of certain minerals and calorie content. There is no fundamental difference between some foods, so this is a dubious advantage. In the natural environment, both cats and cats eat the same, and a slight change in the nutritional value of the diet will not lead to serious consequences in the long term.

In some cases, additional varieties of food are just a marketing ploy, in others they really differ greatly from standard recipes

The undeniable advantages include the presence of wet food in the line. Their combination with granules allows you to increase fluid intake and reduce trauma to the mucous membranes during digestion. This is well suited for animals with increased digestive sensitivity or inflammatory diseases of neighboring internal organs. Wet food is the most suitable option for pets who don't drink much. In most cases, urolithiasis develops due to insufficient fluid intake. Indirectly, I had a chance to verify this personally: my sister has 2 cats, one of which drinks less than 20–30 ml per day. Another drinks 2-3 times more. A cat that drinks less fluid is more likely to suffer from diseases of the urinary system, including urolithiasis. The second pet is in good health. After a visit to the clinic, the veterinarian advised us to switch the animals either to natural food or mainly to wet food. This helped reduce the frequency of exacerbations.

Spayed and neutered cats and female cats can be given some other Royal Canin foods that are not included in the main line; the manufacturer reports in the diet description whether the food contributes to the prevention of urolithiasis

Another successful solution is the presence in the line of food for sterilized and neutered animals that is fundamentally different in calorie content. For example, the energy value of the Indoor diet, which is intended for pets who spend time outdoors and is conditionally suitable for cats and cats after surgery, is 374 kcal. This is a relatively high figure. This calorie content is necessary for animals leading an active lifestyle. The food is also well suited for spayed and neutered pets with low body weight. The Royal Canin Neutered Young Female diet contains fewer calories: 361 kcal per 100 g. This is the optimal indicator for animals without any special problems with body weight. An average energy value will help you slightly adjust your figure and maintain your weight at the same level.

Table: Royal Canin food range for spayed and neutered animals

Type of feedViewDistinctive features
Royal Canin Aging Sterilized 12+DryContains less phosphorus, which helps prevent the development of kidney diseases. The complex of antioxidants reduces the chance of cancer pathologies. The food is suitable for cats over 12 years old.
Royal Canin Sterilized and Royal Canin Sterilized 37Dry and wetThere are several varieties of wet food: pate, kibbles with sauce, jelly, etc. This can be a tangible advantage for owners of picky cats. Royal Canin Sterilized 37 is a standard dry food for spayed and neutered animals without special needs. It contains L-carnitine, which facilitates fat burning and is also low in calories. The food contains relatively little starch, which can increase appetite. The product maintains an optimal (6–6.5) level of urine acidity, preventing the formation of stones. The food is suitable for animals from 1 to 7 years old.
Royal Canin Sterilized 7+DryThe diet contains relatively little phosphorus, but its proportion is still higher than in the case of Royal Canin Ageing Sterilized 12+. The manufacturer gradually reduces the proportions of minerals, which helps to avoid the development of pathologies. Additionally, the composition includes chondroprotectors that prevent age-related destruction of joints.
Royal Canin Urinary CareDry and wetRoyal Canin Urinary Care food can no longer be classified as preventive, but veterinary, although it is not a full-fledged therapeutic product. It prevents the formation of stones by reducing the proportion of minerals and saturation of urine. Additionally, the acidity level of urine is normalized. Wet food also increases urine volume, which further reduces satiety. Transfer to this diet should be carried out after consulting a veterinarian if there is a suspicion of the initial stage of urolithiasis or if there is an increased risk of developing pathology.
Royal Canin Light Weight Care and Royal Canin Ultra Light SpidersDry and wetWeight Care and Ultra Light feeds help correct the condition of overweight or obese animals. The dry diet contains only 353 kcal per 100 g, which promotes weight loss while maintaining the recommended daily portion size. This food is suitable for castrated and sterilized pets, as it supports the health of the urinary system by reducing the proportion of minerals in the composition. The manufacturer uses special fiber, which increases in volume when it enters the stomach, to adjust the pet’s appetite.
Royal Canin Kitten SterilizedDryFood is given to small kittens after rehabilitation up to 1 year. It contains relatively few calories and minerals, but more than other diet varieties. This is due to the fact that kittens require more fats and nutrients for active growth. Additionally, the corporation produces special food for kittens, which is given to babies before castration or sterilization. This helps to smoothly prepare the animal’s body for a change in diet.
Neutered food seriesDry and wetRelatively new food. The manufacturer assures that the diets help control weight and appetite, maintain a normal level of urine acidity, and also prevent the development of diabetes. There are doubts about the latter, since the disease appears mainly due to an excess of cereals containing fast carbohydrates, and the food contains a lot of corn, wheat and rice. In general, this is a solid average, which helps prevent the main problems of castrated animals - KSD and obesity. It can be called a slightly improved version of Royal Canin Sterilized.
Skin Young food series and Skin & Coat Formula spidersDry and wetThe food contains unsaturated fatty acids, inositol, choline, niacin, pantothenic acid and histidine. These substances help create a protective film on the skin and prevent fluid loss. This makes the covers more elastic and flexible. The food, like all representatives of the line, is suitable for castrated and sterilized animals, as it helps to correct the acidity level of urine.

Cost and Availability

The average cost of 1 kg of dry food is 600 rubles. The price of spiders (85 or 100 g) is 60–70 rubles. The cost may vary slightly up or down depending on the type of food. You can purchase Royal Canin products at any pet store. Sometimes these diets are sold in large hypermarkets.


Since there are many varieties of food in the line, we will look at the composition of standard diets for sterilized animals: Royal Canin Sterilized 37 and Royal Canin Sterilized. To provide an unbiased assessment, we selected one dry and one wet product. Let's start with the last one.

The list of ingredients for Royal Canin Sterilized contains the following items:

  • meat and meat by-products;
  • vegetable by-products;
  • cereals;
  • plant protein extracts;
  • minerals;
  • sources of carbohydrates.

Since meat and meat by-products come first, many will decide at first glance at the composition that this is a good food. In reality, the proportion of pure muscle tissue is minimal. If the manufacturer used meat or whole carcasses without internal organs, he would separate them into separate items. In this case, the corporation is trying to disguise dubious components under attractive names. It should be taken into account that the first position can also conditionally include water, of which there is a lot in the pate. Also, the manufacturer does not indicate the specific type of meat and type of offal.

Chopped pieces in wet food do not resemble meat in texture or color, which raises doubts about the quality

The food contains several plant ingredients: plant by-products, protein extracts and grains. The type of carbohydrate sources is not specified, but most likely they are grain derivatives. This is unacceptable for cat diets, since predators do not digest plant ingredients well. Cereals contain practically no useful substances. It would be better if the manufacturer replaced them with legumes, vegetables and fruits. In this case, the grains are used as a cheap filler. Individual extracts rather than whole ingredients help create an attractive balance of protein and carbohydrates. They put less strain on the gastrointestinal tract, but long-term consumption of these diets may result in a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Difficulties may arise when switching to other feeds in the future.

The list of ingredients of Royal Canin Sterilized 37 includes the following items:

  • dehydrated proteins of animal origin (poultry);
  • vegetable protein isolate;
  • wheat;
  • cereal flour;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • animal fats;
  • hydrolyzed animal proteins (flavoring additives);
  • rice;
  • minerals;
  • fish fat;
  • yeast and fermentation by-products;
  • soybean oil;
  • fructooligosaccharides;
  • ammonium chloride.

It is commendable that the ingredient of animal origin is in first place, but in total there are still more plant components. These include vegetable fiber, flour, wheat, protein isolate, rice, etc. In addition, dehydrated amino acids are not the highest quality ingredient. Whole meat is preferred because it is more natural for cats and provides additional vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer does not indicate the specific type of meat, so owners of allergic pets should be careful. It is possible that the composition of the animal mixture changes after each batch.

Ideally, dry food should resemble the natural diet of an animal in composition, i.e. contain a lot of meat, a certain amount of offal and some herbal supplements

Cats don't need that much grain. Wheat often causes allergies in animals. Grains increase the load on the pancreas. This must be taken into account when switching to Royal Canin food, especially if the pet was previously fed higher quality diets. My neighbor's kitten ate Grandorf before being sterilized. After neutering, the vet recommended switching to Royal Canin. As a result, six months later the pet was diagnosed with pancreatitis. Already at this age, the animal is forced to go on a diet, which in the future can lead to the development of other diseases.

The light color of the granules indirectly indicates an excess of cereals in the composition

Royal Canin food contains potentially hazardous substances. The corporation does not specify the type of yeast. Surely the company uses baking ingredients that can cause digestive upsets. Ammonium chloride is a food additive E510 that is a flavor enhancer. There is no convincing evidence that the component is harmful, but it is prohibited from being added to human products in a number of countries. There are no such restrictions in Russia. Cats do not need flavor enhancers, so this is a potentially dangerous extra ingredient that does not provide any benefit. The manufacturer might not include it in the composition.

Royal Canin dog food: reviews

There are many different points of view regarding the correctness of switching your pet to dry food, but we will try to tell you the opinion of independent experts. Since this is an affordable premium food (and super-premium food is considered the highest quality and most expensive), then, accordingly, it is considered an acceptable option for mixed breeds and dogs of unpretentious breeds.

If your pet has serious gastrointestinal diseases or is prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to switch to natural food. Despite this, Royal Canin dog food gets quite good reviews. Most representatives of the canine world tolerate it very well, that is, the food can be used throughout the pet’s life.

Composition of dog food

The first ingredient in the composition is brewer's rice grains. It is essentially grain waste from rice milling that has some nutritional value. Further, the composition includes brown rice - it is a complex carbohydrate that is easily digested due to special processing. It is a source of energy and calories. The third product is chicken by-product flour. A source of protein and all necessary amino acids, but despite this, it is a cheap ingredient of low quality. Flour is made from slaughterhouse waste. These are internal organs, feathers and paws, beaks, undeveloped eggs, that is, everything except meat. However, this flour is a concentrate; it contains 300% more protein than fresh chicken. Additionally, the composition contains chicken fat, a source of Omega-6, wheat and corn gluten and nutritional supplements.

Analysis of the composition

The main ingredients in Royal Canin cat food are plant protein isolate and dehydrated animal protein, which are sources of protein. Animal protein hydrosolate is used as a flavoring additive.

Royal Canin also contains:

  • rice;
  • wheat;
  • cereal flour;
  • soybean oil;
  • fish and animal fats.

The source of B vitamins in these industrial products is yeast. The food is also enriched with minerals. There are no artificial additives, flavors or taste enhancers in the products.

Age-specific dog foods

You can start feeding with ready-made balanced food from the first month of life. Royal Canin food is quite suitable for this. Reviews from veterinarians suggest that instead of independently selecting a diet for your pet, it is better to turn to the experience of professionals. The company has recently even produced a milk replacer for puppies from birth to weaning. The main group of products in this series is intended for puppies from 2 months to a year. At this time, the puppy is growing most intensively, which means that it is most important to organize optimal feeding. All vitamins and minerals have already been added to the ready-made balanced mixtures, which means your pet will grow up cheerful and healthy. The cost of a package (10 kg) is on average 3,000 rubles (for example, Royal Canin Giant Puppy Active, 15 kg).

Has your pet grown up? It's time to switch to food for adult animals. This line of products provides your pet with energy every day. In addition, the food prevents various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This group presents different Royal Canin dog foods. Reviews from owners say that when choosing, you need to focus on the size and breed, level of activity and characteristics of keeping (indoor or outdoor, summer or winter). For example, Royal Canin Medium Adult (15 kg) is intended for medium breed dogs up to 7 years old; this package costs 3,500 rubles.

Dosage per day

A dog owner who prefers commercially produced food should carefully study the procedure and feeding standards. The serving size is calculated based on the height, weight, and physical activity of the animal. The features of its content are taken into account. For example, during the cold season, a lot of calories are spent on heating the body, so food should be nutritious and the portions should be larger.

The dosages and daily consumption rates are prescribed on the packages; the owner just needs to pay attention to the details.

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose; overfeeding leads to obesity and serious health problems for your pet;
  • premium or holistic food is more economical than usual, since these categories have a more nutritious composition;
  • If the dog is hungry and does not eat enough, it means there is not enough protein in the food. It is worth adding an additional complex of vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Puppies eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. At the age of 4 to 6 months, they are fed a little less often, gradually reducing the number of meals to two times. The nutrition of sick animals is adjusted by the treating veterinarian, and pregnant and lactating females need to increase the portions.

Daily value for an adult dog:

Weight, kgAmount of food in grams according to the dog’s activity
up to 450-6030-40
19-29up to 300180-200

For puppies of small breeds, the recommended daily dose of dry food is 180-450 g. Medium-sized babies will need 400-600 g, and large animals from 600 g to 1 kg.

Other dog food lines

So that you can choose the most optimal nutrition for your pet, there are other Royal Canin dog foods. Reviews from leading kennel clubs indicate that choosing the most suitable one is now very simple. Each type is intended for a specific breed and is differentiated by age. In addition, there are foods for problem dogs. This includes older animals, sterilized females and males, dogs with excess weight and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive reviews from veterinarians highlight the advantages of Royal Canin food:

  1. A special line contains a special composition suitable for dogs with digestive problems, pregnant and lactating females.
  2. Availability. You can buy dry or canned French food at an affordable price in any pet store.
  3. An assortment that includes the ability to choose food for breed, size, and age.
  4. Contents of vitamin and mineral supplements.

But consumers highlight many disadvantages of Royal Canin:

  • there is no percentage ratio of the components of the composition;
  • the packaging does not contain information about the quality and origin of raw materials;
  • it is not indicated what preservatives and other additives are used;
  • Russian-made food is inferior to its foreign counterpart, according to dog breeders;
  • Some lines contain the harmful antioxidant E-310.

Questionable ingredients - gluten, gluten, powdered cellulose, feed yeast, vegetable oil.

Vitamin-mineral complex contains:

  • iron, zinc, biotin, taurine, calcium;
  • tocopherol acetate, manganese, copper, L-carnitine, sodium, magnesium.

What should a cat owner choose?

If reviews of dog food of this brand are not always clear (some consider it very good, others consider it harmful), there is much more trust in cat products. However, everyone wants their pet's everyday product to be free of chemicals. That's why owners tell each other about Royal Canin cat food. Reviews from veterinarians confirm that these products are quite good. This has already been tested on thousands of animals and is also confirmed by research.

Most sick cats that have gastrointestinal problems quickly get into shape after switching them to a balanced diet. Therefore, if your veterinarian has prescribed you a diet that includes switching to this brand of food, feel free to agree. Tests taken after some time will confirm the positive dynamics.

Composition of cat food

This is the first thing the owner will pay attention to when choosing Royal Canin cat food. Reviews from veterinarians come to our aid, saying that during research no artificial colors or flavors were found in the food. The manufacturer took care to completely exclude them from the product composition. All ingredients correspond to those stated on the package. These include rice and corn, corn gluten, animal fats and dried poultry. At the same time, the product line is so wide that it will be easy for you to choose the ideal option for your pet.

Food for kittens

If you take home a furry lump, the first thing you need to do is optimize its diet. Therefore, the best assistant for you will be Royal Canin for kittens. Reviews from experts in the field of felinology indicate that it is the food of this brand that ensures the harmonious growth and development of your pet. For babies from birth there is Royal Canin Babycat Milk milk replacer. This is complete nutrition for kittens from birth to 2 months. This breast milk substitute provides support for a growing body with a unique combination of nutrients. For babies from 4 months, there are wet and dry food, from which you can choose the one that suits your kitten.

Food for adult animals

This is the widest category of feed. Everyday products are extremely important to keep your pet looking beautiful and healthy. Royal Canin cat food is an excellent choice. Reviews from many owners reliably indicate that this is exactly what every purr needs for a long and happy life. After all, each food is a balanced complex, which is quite difficult to prepare every day from natural products, because it requires a certain time.

A cat is a carnivore that cannot be kept on cereals, a vegetarian diet or boiled fish, as many do. Milk is also not the healthiest food for an adult cat. It is very convenient that each breed has its own adapted Royal Canin cat food. Feedback from owners says that this greatly simplifies the choice and optimizes the food to suit the animal’s needs. Moreover, if your pet is a mixed breed, then it is also easy for her to choose her own diet. If she is short-haired, then for example British Shorthair Adult, intended for cats of the British breed, is suitable. Conversely, if your beauty has long hair, then Persian adult, designed for Persian cats, will be a good choice.

Food for sterilized animals

This is the most problematic category, since this procedure greatly changes the metabolism, which affects the health of your pet. An excellent choice would be Royal Canin for neutered cats. Reviews from veterinarians and owners of sterilized animals indicate that it is precisely these specialized foods that help ensure normal well-being and high activity after surgery. Despite the abundance of different foods on the market today, there are undeniable leaders who are trusted. This food reduces the risk of obesity and prevents diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, it contains a large amount of healthy protein. This is Neutered Young Male from the Royal Canin series for neutered cats. Feedback from owners suggests that even the most pampered animals eat it with pleasure.

For the most loved ones

Sometimes we ourselves contribute to the fact that furry beauties begin to eat poorly and beg for the most delicious pieces. After all, it is we who give them not always healthy treats, which gradually leads to a perversion of taste. The company comes to our rescue and offers a line of Royal Canin cat food. Reviews from the owners say that they become a real salvation, since otherwise it is impossible to feed their pet with anything. This is Savor sensation, which is liked by the most demanding animals. At the same time, the special recipe has a moderate calorie content, which allows you to solve the problem of excess weight. The complex of active nutrients included in the food, including biotin and borage oil, contributes to the beauty of the animal’s coat.

The second product in this series is Protein Preference, another popular Royal Canin cat food. Reviews recommend trying it if your pet has a poor appetite and a thin physique. A specially selected ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates allows the fluffy beauty to quickly get in shape. This is a highly nutritious diet specifically for picky cats.

Features of the composition of wet food

It is recommended to supplement the dry diet with canned food. The manufacturer does not reveal its secrets; wet food packages contain very scant information about the composition of the product.

  • Meat, vegetable by-products;
  • cereals;
  • minerals;
  • fats;
  • sources of carbohydrates.

There are no exact values, the percentage of content is not indicated. The amount of vitamins and minerals is prescribed per 1 kg of product, 85 g per pack.

The omega-6 fatty acid included in the feed performs an important function in the synthesis of vitamin D and affects the production of retinol in the animal’s liver. The lack of these substances negatively affects the appearance of the dog's coat and leads to skin diseases.

Prevention of the genitourinary system

In the first five years of life, this disease usually does not bother your pet. But as the cat gets older, the risk increases greatly. To avoid long and complex treatment, use Royal Canin for cats. Reviews say that after 10 days of such a diet, tests return to normal, which means the risk of developing urolithiasis becomes several times lower.

The carefully balanced formula helps maintain your pet's health. At the same time, do not forget to supply fresh water. Only with sufficient fluid intake does the concentration of urine decrease, which means the risk of crystal formation. Thus, Urinary Care is a urinary tract health formula for the adult cat. This is especially important for cats, since the structure of their reproductive system is conducive to the development of cystitis and inflammatory processes.

Royal Canin food: reviews from veterinarians

Veterinarians have mixed feelings about dry food. Some consider them the best alternative to natural food, since such nutrition is more balanced. Others are categorically against the use of dry food on an ongoing basis and allow its use only as a treat. But they all agree that if you choose dry food, then only high-quality food that will not harm your pet’s health. That's exactly what Royal Canin is. It is very popular with us due to its availability, unlike many super-premium foods.

But at its average cost, it consists of high-quality ingredients and meets all the needs of the four-legged friend’s body. Using such feeds, you save time and effort. In addition, you don’t have to worry that your furry pet is not eating enough varied and nutritious food. Leading veterinarians say that properly selected food is the best prevention of many diseases, as well as the key to a long and happy life.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

Dog owners and veterinarians often share their opinions about the pet foods they use.

Owner reviews:

  • Alexander, dachshund owner:

“My dog ​​has been eating this food for several years. Sometimes I change it to Pro Plan. He eats both with pleasure; I have no complaints about both foods and no reason to complain. It is clear that the composition of Royal Canin is not the ultimate dream, but I am satisfied with its price, appearance and condition of the baby’s body. The dog looks healthy, active, and not overweight.”

  • Tatyana, pug owner:

“I have a sad experience feeding my pug Royal Canin. We started giving it on the doctor's advice. And within a week a terrible reaction appeared - acne and itching on the face, ears and stomach. Veterinarians claimed that the reason was not the food, since it was proven and good. After reading the forums, I was horrified. The more I studied the composition, the more I realized that I was allergic to the food. I replaced it, and the acne went away immediately. I talked to the owners of other pugs, many faced the same situation.”

Reviews from veterinarians:

  • Pavel Viktorovich, veterinarian:

“Royal Canin food is interesting from the point of view of the large number of options and the presence of a veterinary line. The manufacturer offers unique diets adapted for different breeds and diseases of animals. I recommend medicinal foods for various stages of obesity, heart and kidney problems.

The composition of the feed is quite poor, although it is considered balanced. When feeding these foods, I always recommend adding vitamin complexes and supplements.”

Owner reviews from forums:

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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