Mating dogs: rules and features of mating pets

What is dog mating? Owners of elite varieties of dogs sooner or later come across the idea of ​​having offspring of their animals. However, from thought to action there is not one step - there is a whole abyss. The procedure for mating purebred pets has become much more complicated than its traditional version, no longer constituting an animal instinct, but an entire industry. In any case, the owners are interested, first of all, in organizing the correct mating procedure, so as not to harm the animal itself and its offspring.

It is worth knowing the basic rules of dog mating. Moreover, no one can better determine a dog’s ability to give birth than people who are directly involved in raising a dog on a daily basis. You can often come across the concept of mating (more professionally) - this is dog mating to produce offspring.

What is knitting?

Mating or mating is the process of mating a male and a female (male and female) for the purpose of fertilization and obtaining further offspring. If you plan to subsequently receive documents for purebred puppies, the owner must comply with several conditions.

And one of the main criteria is the frequency of mating. The Russian Canine Federation recommends bringing dogs together no more than once a year. As a last resort, pregnancy is allowed twice a year with the condition that subsequent bearing of offspring will not occur earlier than after 12 months.

Sweet couple

Are there rules for mating?

Mating pets is a responsible process for which you should prepare in advance, think through all the nuances and little things. The care of the owners will allow their four-legged friends to have a productive meeting, without problems, deviations, or excesses. The rules used when breeding dogs are quite simple:

  • Scrupulous selection of a partner is necessary, especially if the breed is quite rare or the female corresponds to show class. Owners must remember that only the boy’s high standards will ensure good offspring. If both representatives have any deviations from the norm, then they should not be identical. Before choosing, you can consult with local dog handlers, veterinarians and other breeders, but the final decision must be made independently. It’s also not worth focusing solely on diplomas, certificates and various awards, since recently a lot of scammers have appeared who have fake documents.
  • It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the girl 1-2 months before the heat, pass basic tests, and conduct a course of deworming. Owners of a bitch and a dog must conduct a bacteriological analysis for various anaerobic infections, and then provide each other with the results of the study. If any pathology is detected, there is still time to eliminate it.
  • Select and prepare a place for a future date, on which the effectiveness of the meeting often depends. As a rule, girls visit guys, since the latter in an unfamiliar environment may behave awkwardly and generally not show loving enthusiasm. It is better to conduct the first acquaintance on neutral territory, which will allow the animals to get to know each other faster, and then transfer them to the male. If the dogs are large, then it is better to allocate a fenced area near the house for the meeting, but the meeting of small dogs can be held indoors. All valuables should be removed from the room in advance, and the floor and sofa or chairs should be covered with unnecessary fabric or rags. Such simple manipulations will help protect property from damage during marriage games.

If two experienced animals meet, then they should be left alone during an intimate meeting, excluding any extraneous distracting sounds. It is recommended to supervise the first date, as inexperienced animals can scare each other away with their behavior.

Mating occurs according to certain rules that are unchanged regardless of age and breed. An intimate date includes several key steps:

  • An acquaintance that occurs immediately after the meeting of two partners and takes from several minutes to several hours. A young animal may be very nervous and not know which side is best to approach the girl, but usually after a few minutes contact is established anyway. Experienced gentlemen can be either persistent and a little rude, or very gentle individuals, gently licking the vulva, tail or ears of the female. For the first time, the bitch may get scared, press her tail, fall on her paws and even bite her partner. Experienced ladies accept the male's courtship, and then stand up, demonstrating their readiness.
  • The first sittings, during which the boy tries to find the best position, and the girl adapts to his actions. If the animals differ in size or unsuccessful cages continue for too long, then the owners are obliged to help their pets. To do this, you can carefully hold the female by the collar, lubricate the vulva with Vaseline, and place a pillow under the guy’s paws.
  • Bonding that occurs after the penis penetrates the vagina and lasts from 10 to 60 minutes. During this period, the penis increases significantly in size, and the vaginal sphincter contracts, which leads to a kind of “lock”. It is prohibited to separate animals or touch their genitals in any way during this period of time, as such actions will cause pain and physical damage. Owners are allowed to help the guy throw his paw over the girl so that their backs are facing each other.
  • The end of mating, during which the pets' genitals return to normal size and they can separate. During the first few hours, the bitch is not allowed to sit, which increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

The fact of pregnancy is confirmed by the cessation of discharge, which can occur immediately after fertilization or a few days later. An ultrasound examination is recommended 3-4 weeks after mating.

When is it possible for the first time?

Purely theoretically, the first mating in dogs can be carried out during the female’s first heat. But experienced dog handlers do not recommend breeding dogs at such an early age, since their body is not sufficiently developed, which can cause difficulties with bearing offspring and the birth process itself.

A female dog's first heat can begin as early as 6 months; mating is best done no earlier than 15-18 months. If mating is carried out for the first time, it is recommended to mate the dog with an experienced male. In this case, owners are recommended to introduce the animals first, as this will help facilitate the mating process itself and subsequent pregnancy. The optimal period for mating is the ovulation period in the female, which occurs on the 10-15th day of estrus.

Is your dog pregnant?

In the first four weeks, it is almost impossible to determine whether a dog is pregnant. Sometimes a bitch changes her attitude towards food from the very first days - she drinks a lot, constantly asks for food, or, conversely, refuses food that she used to love. Often the bitch refuses cottage cheese. Only in the fifth week do most bitches’ mammary glands swell (stretch out and turn pink).

In the second half of pregnancy, in most cases, it is possible to determine whether there will be puppies - the belly of the whelping bitch becomes enlarged, it expands in the ribs.

Most often, an unconditional sign of pregnancy is mucous discharge coming from the loop.

No later than 7-14 days before the expected birth, you can notice the puppies moving - this is the second unconditional sign of pregnancy. The closer the birth, the more passive the movements.

Preparation for mating

If dogs are mated for the first time, the owner needs not only to understand what this process is and how it is carried out, but also to figure out how to prepare the animal for it. The first step is to choose a suitable partner for mating. Further preparation for mating requires compliance with the following conditions:

  • it is necessary to decide on what day the first mating of a male and female will take place;
  • draw up an agreement in which, in addition to the mandatory parameters, additional conditions are prescribed;
  • owners need to make sure their pets have no health problems.

Preparing for breeding dogs begins with a veterinary examination and identifying the health status of the pets. To make sure there are no serious diseases, you must undergo the following tests:

  • clinical blood test;
  • testing for hidden infections: herpes, streptococci, staphylococci.

After conducting a physiological examination, the doctor must issue a conclusion about the satisfactory state of health of the animal.

Visit to the veterinarian

After determining the exact mating date, the owner needs to carry out preventive preparation for the pet:

  • 30 days before mating, dogs must be treated against fleas, ticks and lice;
  • It is recommended to deworm animals within 25 days.

To determine the exact day of ovulation, it is necessary to determine at what level progesterone is in dogs. A similar analysis can be done in any veterinary laboratory. To increase the chance of successful mating, it is recommended to choose not the first day of egg release, but 2-5 days.

What to do in case of false pregnancy (pregnancy) in dogs?

It happens that a dog has a false pregnancy, in which the bitch remains empty. False pregnancy most often occurs due to incorrectly calculated mating dates. However, the bitch may experience some symptoms characteristic of pregnancy - swollen nipples, etc. Some dogs, shortly before the due date, carry toys, place them under themselves, taking the position of a nursing bitch, and make a nest for the babies, showing maternal instinct.

False pregnancy in dogs is one of the features of dog breeding; this condition is typical for all predators and is not a health problem. A frequent question: can false pregnancy manifest itself in a bitch that has not been bred, and the maternal instinct will kick in after the first breeding? The dog’s body, regardless of mating or fertilization, is prepared for possible pregnancy, whelping and lactation. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about the false pregnancy of all bitches (in an obvious or hidden form), and not just unmated ones.

By the way, often inexperienced dog breeders believe that after the birth of puppies, the bitch will not have false pregnancy in the future. Scientific facts prove the opposite. Moreover, it lasts as long as true pregnancy, that is, 63 days. And only then the hormones return to normal to begin a new cycle.

First mating

In most cases, dogs do not require assistance during mating, as the process occurs naturally. However, when the female or male lacks such experience, certain difficulties may arise. To begin with, it is recommended to leave the dogs alone for 20-30 minutes so that they can get to know each other better. After this, the mating itself must occur. If any difficulties arise during this process, mating can be done “manually”, when the owners have full control of the procedure;

  • the owner needs to tie the bitch by the collar and place his knee under her belly, fixing her in the desired position;
  • after this, the “loop” is lubricated with Vaseline;
  • when the male begins to jump onto the bitch, he is directed in the right direction;
  • After ejaculation, the animals need to be helped to gently disengage. At first, it is not recommended to let the female lie down or make sudden movements.

How does mating
take place? Note! Regardless of the experience of the dogs, mating in any case should take place only in the territory of the dog.

Pregnancy regimen for dogs

In the first four weeks, no special regime is required for a pregnant bitch. Long walks, at least 2 hours a day, are required. You should include more meat products in your diet, especially raw meat, as well as cottage cheese, cheese, two raw yolks per week, raw vegetables and fruits. From the first days of pregnancy, it is worth giving calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate (1-2 tablets per day), as well as gephefitin - dry brewer's yeast containing vitamin B complex (1 tablet per day). Raw chicken necks and shredded chicken feet are excellent sources of mineral salts.

It is important not to overfeed the puppy - give less cereals and completely eliminate pasta.

Raw meat should make up one third of your dog's total diet. It is better not to give raw fish - you can give boiled fish twice a week. You should not significantly increase the calorie content in your daily diet. In the future, and as the puppies grow, it is necessary to increase the content of protein products. Calorie needs per kg of body weight during pregnancy do not increase very sharply - from 100 to 130 calories per day, as the mother loses weight as the babies grow.

From the second half of pregnancy, the bitch is fed three times a day, and from the 45th day - four. However, make sure that your dog does not become obese.

Broth should not be given during this period. The bitch's diet should include: buckwheat porridge with butter and milk, you can add a little sugar or honey, soaked Hercules. If the dog is reluctant to eat this food, you can crumble a little boiled meat or chicken into it (no more than 20 g).

It is believed that the substance contained in wild raspberry leaves has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy in dogs and childbirth. The leaves should be dried and added a little to the food daily.

Beginning in the last quarter of pregnancy, most dogs experience a decrease in physical activity.

Possible problems

Even if you know how to breed dogs for the first time, you cannot exclude the possibility of certain difficulties arising:

  • the bitch behaves aggressively - the owner himself needs to hold the animal in the desired position and, if necessary, put on a muzzle;
  • the male does not show the required reaction - the animal needs to poke its nose into the female’s rear;
  • the male does not try to jump on the bitch - the owner needs to help the pet by placing his front paws on the female’s back.

After successful mating, it is recommended to monitor the bitch until the end of her heat. This is due to the fact that she can contact another male again, which will cause mixed offspring.

Happy family

On a note! Dogs are mated exclusively to produce purebred puppies. It is absolutely not worthwhile to carry out mating “for health”, since it will not bring any benefit.

How to determine the first signs of readiness for mating?

For the first time, dogs must be mated under the supervision of their owners, since inexperienced dogs can accidentally harm each other. To obtain the maximum number of puppies, it is recommended to crossbreed during ovulation, which lasts from three to five days. This important time can be determined by the following signs:

  • The vulva noticeably increases in size, swells, and becomes soft.
  • The discharge takes on a characteristic yellow-pink hue. You can check this by using a clean cotton pad, which is passed over the vulva. It is advisable to do this immediately after sleep, since females carefully lick themselves while awake.
  • The behavior of the female changes, she tries to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • In company with male dogs, girls take a characteristic pose with their tail pulled to the side.
  • After running your hand along the back, especially the hindquarters, the bitch assumes a ready position and draws back her tail.

In order to carry out the first mating of dogs on time, the owner of the bitch must keep a special diary in which he records all the individual signs of ovulation. Thus, some individuals begin to eat significantly more, while others, on the contrary, consume less food, but are more active during games and walks. Such specific signs will allow you to determine the best time for intimate dates as accurately as possible in the future.

Tips and tricks

Experienced dog handlers advise adhering to the following recommendations on how to bring dogs together for the first time:

  • Before the procedure, the animals must be allowed to get to know each other, otherwise they may show aggression;
  • if the bitch was not mated, it is recommended to breed her only with an experienced male who has had experience of successful matings;
  • It is advisable that the bitch does not go to the toilet for the first time after fertilization;
  • After mating, the animals must be fed, as they will be tired.

It is possible to determine if a pet is pregnant no earlier than after 3-4 weeks. To do this, you can use special tests or do an ultrasound.

First meeting

During the first meeting, it is best for owners to observe their pets, as they may need help. A young dog sometimes needs help in repositioning and taking the correct position. Experienced males can also express themselves in different ways: some can be aggressive, others can be playful. Bitches, as a rule, behave calmly and accept the advances of the male. But with young girls you should be more vigilant. They may get scared or become aggressive. This can also be explained. Perhaps the mating date was incorrectly determined and the dog is not ready, or there are mental disorders.

What are the possible difficulties and complications and how to avoid them?

During mating, difficulties may arise, which are not difficult to overcome if you know what to do:

  • The partner does not show interest in his partner - you need to give him more time to get to know each other, take him out for a walk together, poke his nose into her crotch.
  • The male does not jump on the bitch - he must be placed so that the front limbs are on her back.
  • The female behaves aggressively and does not allow the male to approach - the owner should hold her himself. You may need to wear a muzzle. You can use a special mating machine. The machine fixes the dog in the desired position.
  • The dog is burnt out (tired and stopped mounting) - the dogs should be separated, allowed to rest and then a new attempt should be made.
  • The bitch tucks her rump and lowers herself to the floor - you need to put your hand under her belly or place your knee under it.

During mating, the dogs should not be allowed to attempt to disengage, and the bitch should not be allowed to lie down or sit down. This causes injury to the genitals. After mating, the female must be closely monitored until the end of the estrus period, since in case of contact with a street dog, mixed offspring may appear.

How to understand that fertilization has taken place?

The dog's mammary glands are swollen

Characteristic signs of pregnancy appear only 1–1.5 months after fertilization - the dog becomes less active and more affectionate, its belly becomes rounder, its nipples swell, and thick transparent discharge appears. You can understand that the mating of dogs was successful earlier, after a couple of weeks, by conducting a pregnancy test. It responds to an increase in the level of the hormone relaxin, which is produced by the placenta.

Using ultrasound, they not only confirm the presence of pregnancy, but also determine the number of fetuses and their viability. It is recommended to do it on days 25–28 after mating, and, if desired, from day 15. After a month, the veterinarian can detect amniotic sacs by palpation.

How does the mating of purebred dogs take place, is human participation necessary?

Fertilization is preceded by a preliminary stage - choosing a partner, negotiating conditions, and veterinary preparation. Before mating, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian to make sure that everything is in order with the pet’s health. 1.5 months before mating, the dog’s blood is taken for analysis, examined for the presence of infections, the fur is treated for parasites 1 month, and vaccinated against infectious diseases and given an antiparasitic drug 2-3 weeks later.

Usually nature itself tells pets what to do during mating, but often owners have to help them during the mating process. Human participation is required more often when large animals mate or there is a discrepancy in the structure of the bodies and genitals.

Preparing for mating (choosing a partner, location, conditions, etc.)

Finding the right partner is not an easy task. Animals must complement each other's strengths and compensate for each other's shortcomings. The owner should carefully study the breed standards and objectively evaluate his pet. Partners should not have the same defects.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the pedigree of the candidates, pay attention to ratings at exhibitions and the presence of titles, and behavior - too aggressive, disobedient individuals are not suitable for breeding. It is better if the bitch and the dog have different temperaments.

After choosing a partner, the dog owners negotiate the terms. The most common: payment to the owner of a male dog in an amount equal to the cost of one puppy or another by agreement, receiving alimony cub with the right of second choice.

Mating games take place on the territory of the male dog. The place for mating is selected depending on the size of the individuals - a room is suitable for small ones; for large ones, it is better to allocate a spacious fenced area on the street. To avoid injury, the floor should not be slippery.

Dating and courtship

The female is allowed into the mating area first, followed by the male a few minutes later. Usually the female reacts calmly to the appearance of her partner and accepts his advances without objection. Sometimes she begins to circle around the room or area, teasing the male.

If the dog is frightened, has its tail between its legs, does not allow the groom to approach it and behaves aggressively, perhaps the day for mating was chosen incorrectly or it has an unbalanced nervous system. This also happens with young, inexperienced “brides”. Males can behave differently - some growl and bite, showing their dominance, others are more courteous - flirting, courting, licking ears and loops.

The mating process, features of mating dogs of small and large breeds

After the bitch takes a characteristic pose, the loop is smeared with Vaseline. It is more convenient to breed small dogs on a table covered with a rubber mat. Owners of dogs, especially those with a massive build, often have to intervene. One sits in front of the female, holding her by the collar, the other, holding her stomach, directs the loop towards the penis (see photo). If necessary, owners need to help their dogs find a comfortable position by holding their pets; sometimes a stand may be needed.

The male jumps on the bitch, clasps it with his forelimbs and begins to push. Gradually they become more frequent. To prevent the act from being interrupted earlier than necessary, the genitals of dogs are glued together: for small dogs for 10–20 minutes, for large dogs for 15–60. Ejaculation is indicated by the male's freezing; during it, he does not stand firmly on his paws; he may need the support of his owner. After a few minutes, the mated dogs are helped to change their position - they are placed tail to tail, not allowing them to run away.

Terms and agreements

In order to avoid various disagreements and claims, before mating, a special agreement should be drawn up - RFK, the form of which is taken from the kennel club. It contains information such as:

  • The method of payment to the owner of a male dog is cash immediately after confirmation of pregnancy or after the birth of offspring, the issuance of child support for one or two puppies.
  • Who has the right to be the first to select the puppies?
  • Actions in case of unsuccessful sexual intercourse.

If the owners are not members of any kennel club, then a written agreement should be drawn up, in which all the important nuances of the transaction should be noted, and then certified by a notary. The document will protect against fraud and illegal manipulation.

You can read a huge amount of information about how dogs should ideally be mated, but in practice something will always go wrong. Therefore, owners always need to be ready to intervene in the process to help their four-legged friends successfully complete sexual intercourse.

At what age can a male and female be mated to produce offspring?

Dogs reach sexual maturity at 6–8 months, but this does not mean that they are ready to mate. Early mating adversely affects animals of both sexes. After the onset of the first heat, the bitch continues to develop the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, and establish hormonal balance.

In the event of pregnancy, the female’s body directs all resources to bearing offspring, and her own development is inhibited. She is not yet able to withstand the enormous stress associated with pregnancy, childbirth and feeding puppies. This is fraught with miscarriages, complicated childbirth, and the birth of unhealthy offspring.

The Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) gives the following recommendations: females of large breeds can participate in breeding upon reaching 1.5 years, small and medium breeds - from 15 months. The most favorable period for the first mating is the third heat.

Early mating for a male is not as dangerous as for a female, however, with the onset of puberty, the physiological development of the male is also not yet complete. There are few sperm in the semen, their activity is below normal, and mating may be ineffective. Many diseases manifest themselves in adulthood, so the risk of transmitting hidden diseases to offspring increases. RKF recommends breeding males of large breeds when they reach 18 months, medium breeds - 15 months, small breeds - 1 year.

When breeding dogs during heat: what day is suitable for mating

On average, females are mated on the 11th, 12th or 13th day of their period, but for some it can be a longer period - from 10 to 15 days. It is difficult to say which day is ideal for fertilization. Some owners trust their experience and intuition, while others trust specialists.

The concept and timing of ovulation

The ovulation period lasts about 5 days, starting around the 13th day after the start of bleeding. But all the dates are conditional: each four-legged lady has her own cycle, so it’s worth taking her for mating on the 2-3 day of ovulation - it’s more reliable.

Calculation of the best day based on external signs

You don't have to rely 100% on these signs, but they can be used as an auxiliary method. So, if a bitch is ready to meet a dog, she will be restless and disobedient. Madame may also freeze and move her tail to the side when you stroke her back.

Calculation using modern tools

Not everyone, even the most experienced breeders, can accurately determine on what day it is better to breed a dog. The best option is to contact a veterinarian who will do a progesterone test. Based on its results, the specialist will tell you on what day the dog is ready for mating.

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