Pug mix - how to distinguish mestizos, with whom pugs are usually crossed

Activity in the house Parameters Characteristics country of origin Germany purpose of the breed decorative, companion height 18-24 cm weight 1.5-3.5 kg life expectancy 14-16 years aggressiveness not aggressive, friendly activity average intelligence standard training uncomplicated attitude to loneliness cannot tolerate the need for care average security qualities average

Pros of the breed

The Pomeranian Spitz is a popular dog, suitable for keeping in an apartment, for families with children. These pets have many advantages:


Despite their slightly doll-like cute appearance, these dogs are not for everyone. The disadvantages of the breed often include difficulties in maintaining and raising the Pomeranian. They also have other disadvantages:

An interesting video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of dogs of this breed:

History of the origin of the breed

The Pomeranian is the smallest Spitz. This breed has been known since ancient times. In Europe, back in the Stone Age, there lived turf dogs, similar to modern Spitz dogs. They were large, strong, unpretentious. In the Middle Ages, these dogs were used as mounts and guards. In the 18th century, one of the small Spitz dogs came to Great Britain to Queen Charlotte. She liked the dog and became popular among the nobility.

At first these dogs were larger, weighing about 9 kg. But dog breeders tried to breed dwarf representatives of the breed. In the 19th century, selection began, the smallest individuals were selected. They had a flattened muzzle and fluffy fur. Back then these dogs were called miniature Spitz dogs. At the end of the 19th century, the new breed was officially recognized. Since such dogs were first brought from the German province of Pomerania, they were called Pomeranian Spitz.

The fashion for such miniature dogs has spread throughout Europe. They were bred by noble ladies as indoor decorative pets. White Pomeranians, the larger representatives of the breed, were popular back then. At the beginning of the 20th century, Spitz came to the United States. Amateur clubs appeared, and a breed standard was adopted.

Due to World War II, the breed almost disappeared. Its revival began in the 90s of the 20th century. An updated standard was adopted, according to which the dog should weigh 2-3 kg, height 18-22 cm. Mini varieties are not recognized by the standard, since they cannot participate in breeding.

Appearance of Spitz dogs

Pomeranian Spitz belong to the breeds of the primitive type, part of the European Spitz section. According to standards, the height at the withers is equal to the body length and is 18-22 cm. Weight is up to 3.2 kg. Exhibition representatives of the breed weigh 2 kg. Mini Spitz have a weight of 1.5-2 kg and a height of up to 18 cm.


The head is medium in size, round, wedge-shaped. The forehead is rounded, the stop is clearly defined, the cheekbones are not visible. The muzzle is narrow and short. Scissor bite, cheekbones not prominent. The chin is slightly raised and the lips are pressed tightly together. The nose is small, upturned, black, but in red individuals it can be brown.

The eyes are round, small, and located close to each other. The eyelids are black, the look is cheerful, intelligent. The ears are triangular, pointed, small, set close and high.

Body type

The physique is muscular, dense, square in shape. But the dog carries himself with grace and grace. The neck is strong, slightly arched, covered with hair, which forms a luxurious collar. No suspension is formed. The chest is deep, the stomach is tucked. The back and croup are short. The tail is of medium length, set high. He bends into a ring and lies on his back.


The limbs are straight and parallel. The front ones are set wide apart and muscular. The hind legs are densely covered with hair. The paws are small, round, gathered into a ball. The pads are hard. The dog moves elastically, freely, springily.

The photo shows what a Pomeranian Spitz looks like according to the standard:

Appearance of a Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz - appearance

Coat and color

The coat is long, with a thick soft undercoat. On the legs, head, ears it is quite short and protruding. On the body it is straight, 5-6 cm long. On the neck and shoulders there is a thick collar resembling a mane. The hind legs have fluffy pants, the tail is well furred. Such a thick coat is only formed in adult Pomeranians by the age of 3 years.

The standard allows several colors. Often puppies born with the same coat color change it as adults. The final color is established after the guard hair grows.

Less common are cream, black and tan, and sable. The standard allows the presence of spots located symmetrically. For such dogs, the main color should be white. The pure black and brown Spitz looks like a bear cub. Blue, chocolate and tan, brindle colors are not recognized by the standard.

It has been noticed that the color of the orange's fur determines its quality. Cream-colored individuals have the fluffiest and softest fur. Red ones have less hair, while black ones have coarser hair.


There are several varieties of Pomeranian Spitz. The differences between them are little noticeable. The phenotype depends on heredity and may appear over a generation. It is finally formed after a year.

The differences between the different types are only in the shape of the muzzle. The rest of their breed characteristics are the same. There is also a mini variety, 16-18 cm tall, weight 1.5-2 kg.

Photos of different colors and types of representatives of the breed show the differences between them:

Fox Nose Pomeranian

Bear-type Pomeranian

Pomeranian doll type

Disqualifying faults

If Spitz dogs exhibit deviations from the standard, they are not allowed to breed and show. Some of them are noticeable only in adult dogs. There may be the following disadvantages:

Papillon haircut. Why, what and how?

Details September 30, 2014 Author: Olga Category: Papillons

The Papillon is an amazing breed. Smart and cheerful, playful and obedient, they seem to have absorbed all the best qualities to become a source of joy and love for their owners. And by no means a burden! Here is the coat of butterfly dogs, so light and beautiful, it is practically devoid of undercoat and caring for it is not at all a burden and will not take up much of your time. “A dog for lazy people” is what daddies are sometimes called.

Grooming the Papillon also serves the purpose of making the dog easier to care for, and is done primarily for hygienic reasons. A trimmed dog is easier to comb and wash, its fur is less matted and dirty, and the pet’s appearance becomes much better. However, no one will forbid you to show your imagination and come up with a new image for your pet. Moreover, most ideas can be implemented by the owner himself. Grooming a Papillon is much easier than a Spitz or Pekingese.

But remember, even the most experienced groomer will not be able to cut a dog beautifully with dull office scissors. And if you decide to do everything yourself, then do not forget to purchase hairdressing scissors, a nail clipper and a dog clipper (an amateur modification will be enough).

For hygiene purposes

A hygienic haircut for a Papillon includes: - Trimming the hair around the dog's anus and genitals - Shaping the paw pads - Trimming the nails

The hair around the anus is carefully trimmed with scissors. Then we cut a narrow strip with a machine (3-4 mm knife), in the direction from the tail down. Then put the dog on its hind legs and remove the hair on the tummy of the ward. For male dogs, be sure to trim the hairs on and around the prepuce.

The next stage is “manicure”! Papillons need to have their nails trimmed at least once every 2-3 weeks. To do this, buy a nail clipper that is convenient for you. Only the curved part of the claw must be removed. And don't forget about the fifth toes on the front paws. The claws on them often curl almost into a ring. If you accidentally cut off more than necessary and blood comes out of the claw, do not panic. Just soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the damaged area until the bleeding stops completely. Is the blood in no hurry to stop? – In this case, without delay, contact the nearest veterinary hospital.

It is most convenient to cut daddy's paws this way. First, we cut off all the loose hair in a circle. The paw stands on the table. Then we lift it and remove excess hair between the pads.

Finally, we give the paws a beautiful shape. To do this, run a comb against the growth of the fur from the base of the paw 7-10 cm upward, shake it slightly and remove everything that sticks out and spoils the overall impression with a vertical cut from top to bottom. Align the base of the foot in a circle again.

What if you just trim it?

Your daddy looks sloppy, the fur does not lie evenly even after combing, and at the same time, are you sure that the dog is healthy? – Grooming the Papillon will certainly help solve the problem. But you won’t be able to get by with cutting your butt, tummy and legs. Here, at a minimum, you need to design the bottom line, as well as beautifully trim the dog’s ears and chest.

But the first thing you will need to do is give your pet a bath, then blow dry it and comb it thoroughly. Before cutting, all tangles are also removed. Now you can clearly see where and what is not lying nicely on the dog and what needs to be removed.

We start with the same steps as in a hygienic haircut. When you're done with the bottom of the legs, tidy up the Papillon's pants. Remove everything that sticks out unsightly with vertical cuts and try to achieve them of the same length and shape. At the same time, we give the desired shape to the back of the thigh. We still hold the scissors vertically and cut from top to bottom.

Grooming a Papillon rarely affects the back and sides of the dog. But if you need to decorate them too, then avoid horizontal cuts, as well as do not grab a lot of wool at once. Imagine that you have to trim a cloud evenly. How will you do this? – Of course, very gradually! This is how the daddy is cut evenly over the entire body, removing literally a few millimeters of hair. Then comb, lightly shake the hair, evaluate the result and continue.

Using the same scheme, we give the pet’s “collar” a beautiful shape. And the bottom line is cut like this. First, clearly imagine what shape it should be and what will need to be removed. And then try to cut this shape, as if according to an invisible pattern.

And finally, the main decoration of the Papillon is the fringe on the ears. Here your task is not to make it perfectly smooth or give it some kind of shape, but to comb everything out properly and remove hairs that clearly stand out from the general mass. Those. "smooth" it a little. Plus, if the hair on one ear is much shorter than the other, achieve symmetry. And again the same principle. Most cuts are vertical or oblique.

Character of Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian is a devoted friend and brave protector. From his ancestors - German Spitz - he inherited courage, endurance, and energy. These dogs are curious, always on the move and exploring the world around them. They need the opportunity to run around and burn off energy, so walks should be active, with active games.

The Pomeranian becomes very attached to its owner and senses his mood. If they don't pay attention to him, he will be sad. The dog is ready to accompany the owner everywhere, support him in any games, amuse him and express his joy with a ringing bark. She can attract the owner's attention in different ways. This pet loves all family members, but becomes attached to only one, and is very sad in his absence.

Pomeranians are characterized by the following qualities:

The Pomeranian Spitz is wary of strangers. Although he does not show aggression, he does not allow himself to be touched. And if threatened, it can attack and bite. Gets along well with children and pets if he grew up with them. Due to the hunting instinct, it is undesirable to keep Pomeranians in the same house with birds and rodents

Education and training

Pomeranians are very intelligent for a toy breed. Their intelligence and intelligence were inherited from their ancestors who served man. And now these little dogs can work in the police or rescue service, guard the house or clear the area of ​​rats.

They are able to learn any commands and skills. But they are best at those that require a lot of movement. The commands “fetch” and “fetch” are especially easy to learn; they can learn agility, freestyle, and frisbee.

You need to start training your pet as early as possible. Spitz dogs strive for dominance and can be stubborn, so you need to immediately show your pet who’s boss. In the first six months of life, the dog must learn the rules of behavior in the house and on the street, understand the commands “no”, “come to me”, “place”, “sit”, “stand”, “near”, “fu”. It is important to teach your Pomeranian not to bark constantly, especially if he lives in an apartment building.

Education should be consistent, persistent, but gentle. Physical punishment should not be used; in response to such an attitude, he may become capricious and aggressive. It is better to interest the Pomeranian and reward him for correct behavior with affection or a treat.

spitz and pug

Author Darya Dystrofik asked a question in the Pets section

who is better to take? pug or spitz? and got the best answer

Answer from Polina[guru] Spitz) Any dog ​​can be weaned from barking for no reason. You just need time) But in my opinion, Spitz are quite active. . We have Spitz dogs living in our house, and when they go out into the street with them, just beware of passers-by) ) Like winded up toys)

Choosing a dog is a responsible and not always easy matter. And here the main thing is not to be captured by the momentary “I want!” or “Oh, how lovely! You need to buy one for yourself,” and calmly and thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your capabilities, and take into account the wishes of all family members.

  • Can you take responsibility for a living creature that only looks like a funny soft toy?
  • Do you have enough strength and opportunity to pay daily attention to your ward for 12-16 years? Feed, walk, comb, and, if necessary, drop everything and rush with him to the veterinarian.
  • Can you forgive him for ruined imported shoes or a puddle right on your bed?
  • Can you financially support a dog? Good nutrition, vaccinations, dog cosmetics, veterinarian and groomer services - all this costs money.

If difficulties do not frighten you or seem insignificant against the backdrop of the enormous love and devotion that you expect to receive in return, then it’s time to start choosing a suitable breed.

Conditions of detention

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a breed of a small dog is the conditions in which the pet will live. Namely, the size of the apartment (house), whether there is a suitable place for walking dogs near the house, how often you can walk it and, finally, how often you are at home.

As for living conditions, even the smallest apartment or room in a communal apartment will not be an obstacle to purchasing a miniature dog. In fact, all small breeds were bred for such conditions.

The next point is the pet’s toilet. If you do not plan to take your baby for walks every day, then immediately forget about buying miniature schnauzers and miniature pinschers. A litter tray would not be a very good idea for a pug or a Pekingese either. And in general, it is better for you to focus on breeds whose weight does not exceed 4-5 kg. For example, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Toy Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Papillon, Pomeranian or Griffon.

It should also be remembered that not all dogs tolerate long-term absence of the owner equally calmly. Therefore, for those who disappear all day at work, we can recommend purchasing a Papillon, Miniature Schnauzer or Shih Tzu. A pug, a Pekingese and a Chinese Crested will also be waiting for you quite calmly. But it’s better to abandon the idea of ​​getting a toy terrier or spitz right away. The fact is that representatives of these breeds often tend to express their longing for their owner by incessant barking, which your neighbors probably won’t like. Also, do not forget that a small puppy of any breed should not be left alone for more than 4-5 hours. This is due, first of all, to his feeding regime.

There are different owners

The biggest mistake that new owners usually make is choosing the breed of their future pet solely based on its appearance. Alas, no matter how adorable Pomeranian puppies are, not every owner is ready to withstand the daily emotional “conversations” of this cutie, as well as spend 4-5 hours every weekend bathing and combing him. Therefore, our main advice is to look not at appearance, but at the character and comfort of the breed and compare them with your habits and lifestyle.

Looking for a friend to “watch” TV shows together and take leisurely walks through the park in good weather? – Papillon, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Biewer Yorkie and Chihuahua are ideal for you. Do you want a dog that is cheerful, but fairly balanced? – Take a closer look at the Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Pug and Miniature Schnauzer.

Are you planning to take your baby with you everywhere? – look for your ideal friend among the smallest and most inquisitive Yorkies, Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas. The miniature schnauzer, griffon and Chinese crested dog will also be an excellent companion for the traveler.

Do you adore the violent manifestation of dog emotions, will you enjoy playing and walking with your dog? – Then you have no special restrictions in choosing a breed. Any dog ​​will be happy to have such an owner, especially emotional Spitz dogs, Yorkshire terriers, toy dogs and griffons. Well, we recommend that sports owners opt for a miniature pinscher or a miniature schnauzer. Although the Yorkshire Terrier will be happy to accompany you on your morning jog.

An important point will be your attitude towards wool in the house. And if your plans do not include daily cleaning of furniture and carpets, you should pay attention to such breeds as Yorkie, Miniature Schnauzer, Griffon, Toy Terrier (both smooth and longhaired) and Chinese Crested Hairless. And don’t let the short hair of pugs and miniature pinschers fool you. There are no less problems with her molting than with the thick coat of a Pekingese.

Dog for a family with children

Children and dogs almost always quickly find a common language and a lot of joint activities. But this does not mean that any breed will fit well into a family with children. If your goal is to buy a family dog, then I advise you to opt for a Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Chinese Crested or Pug. They are all friendly and playful and will get along well with everyone in the family.

If one of the adult household members expressed a desire to buy a dog and he will become its main owner, then the choice of breed is made based on his personal qualities and preferences. However, it is important to remember that children will still interact with the animal and if they are very small (under 5 years old), then you should not purchase pets of mini and super-mini size, as well as Pekingese. The latter are not particularly fond of children.

A child can be a responsible and full-fledged owner of a small dog from about 12-14 years of age. You can buy him almost any breed, but we still do not recommend pets with very difficult coat care (Shih Tzu, Chinese Powder Puff), as well as wayward and proud Pekingese. Well, it’s better for a teenage boy to buy a larger pet, but not from a hunting breed.

Best friend for an older person

Who else but a devoted four-legged friend can fill the life of an elderly couple or a lonely pensioner with bright colors? Often it is dogs that prevent grandparents from registering themselves as old people ahead of time, forcing them to lead an active lifestyle and forget about many age-related diseases. But who are we usually used to seeing next to older people? – Well-fed and slightly clumsy Pekingese, pugs or just miniature mongrels. Well, these breeds, plus the Papillon and Chihuahua, are really optimal for people over 65. But we advise young retirees to pay attention to other dogs.

  • Yorkies and toy terriers are easy to care for, but loving and active. They will certainly make the owner move a little more. But the opportunity to stay at home with the dog in bad weather or during illness is an absolute plus for a lonely, elderly owner.
  • The Chinese Crested Hairless will delight the owner of any age with its lack of fur in the apartment, and will also charm with its sociability and playfulness. Well, regular walks with her will have a great effect on your health.
  • Griffon will charm you with its exoticism and absolute devotion. And the fact that the owner no longer goes to work and will constantly be with him will be appreciated by the griffin like no other. Add to this the small size, lack of shedding and very easy-to-care coat - we get an excellent dog option for an older person.
  • Shih Tzu is an ideal breed for any age. She will be equally happy to lie on the sofa with you, “talk,” offer you a barrel for a pleasant massage with a comb, and go for a walk. If, as you get older, it becomes difficult for you to care for her luxurious coat, no problem! Trimmed Shih Tzus look no less charming and beautiful.
  • The toy poodle is beautiful, elegant and often very popular with middle-aged and older ladies. In addition, representatives of this breed are unusually intelligent. And given the fact that older people are usually not inclined to go into the intricacies of training, poodles become just a godsend, because... They grasp everything simply on the fly. Another advantage is the absence of seasonal shedding and dog smell. However, its owner must have funds for regular haircuts for the pet and good cosmetics for dogs.

And I would also like to dwell on one delicate, but important point. If you decide to give a dog to your parents or grandparents, then be prepared for the fact that you may have to take care of it in old age. Also, people over 70 years old should not buy a small puppy. If you really want to, it’s better to take an adult dog. They are often given away for free due to relocation or other circumstances.

Small dogs are not for men?

Alas, people often think in stereotypes and follow public opinion. This is exactly what happened with small breed dogs, which are considered to be exclusively feminine and glamorous. But it doesn’t seem right for a real man to walk a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua. And they don’t look like dogs...

In fact, even the smallest toy terrier is a real dog. With a character and habits in no way inferior to those of a shepherd dog. And the courage and assertiveness of the Shih Tzu may be the envy of other fighting dogs. And fortunately, more and more representatives of the stronger sex understand this and get miniature pets. Moreover, a dog in a family almost always chooses a man as its owner. The exception is complete neglect of the pet by the man himself, cruel treatment of it.

And rest assured that any Pekingese or pug will always prefer a morning walk with the owner to a sweet sleep in the owner’s bed. And how obedient and devoted to their male owners are Yorkies and Toy Terriers! If you want to start training, then after just a couple of lessons you will be convinced that your Papillon or Chihuahua performs everything just as well as service dogs.

Maintenance and care

The Pomeranian Spitz is a fairly unpretentious pet that adapts to any living conditions. Thanks to its thick coat, it does not freeze in winter and easily tolerates summer heat. But due to the short muzzle, heat exchange in these dogs is poor. Therefore, you cannot keep them outside; the Pomeranian is an indoor pet. You can toilet train at home using a diaper. But you still need to take him outside to run for at least an hour a day.

Apart from grooming, other hygiene procedures are the same as for other dogs:


The thick, long coat of Pomeranians needs to be brushed well every few days. This will prevent the formation of tangles. To remove dead hairs, the comb movements should be directed against the hair.

You should not often bathe your Pomeranian. His skin is prone to dryness and allergies. It is recommended to completely wash it only if it is heavily soiled, or after shedding. Be sure to use a special shampoo and conditioner. After a walk, you can wash your paws and belly, and if necessary, wipe the fur with a damp towel.

Many owners give their pets haircuts. When the fur is short, it is easier to care for, and the fluffy bear turns into a fun plush toy. But experts do not recommend cutting these dogs short. Because of this, the structure of the coat may be disrupted, it begins to fall out, and the guard hair disappears.

It is better to entrust a dog that participates in exhibitions to a groomer. He will do the right haircut, trimming the ends, and remove hair from the ears, butt, and paws. It is recommended to bathe your pet before the exhibition.

The photo shows how oranges change after a haircut:

Pomeranian Spitz after haircut

Puppet type. Spitz after haircut

Pomeranian Spitz before and after haircut. Teddy Bear


Pomeranians are dogs that love to eat and are prone to gaining excess weight. Therefore, it is better to choose dry food intended for this breed. It contains all essential nutrients balanced. Super premium food for small breeds is also suitable. Do not exceed the dosage recommended on the packaging. Usually this is about 100 g at a time.

If you feed your Spitz natural food, you need to give him the following foods:

With this feeding, additional vitamin supplements must be given. Fatty meats, river fish, smoked meats, potatoes, legumes, onions, baked goods, and sweets are contraindicated. Pomeranians require 200-250 g of food per day, so this type of food is inexpensive.


If you feed your orange correctly and provide it with sufficient exercise, health problems will not arise. These dogs are long-lived, they can live 16-18 years. You only need to give an anthelmintic every 3 months, regularly treat against parasites in the warm season and do all the necessary vaccinations.

This is a strong, hardy and efficient dog. Sometimes the following health problems occur:

Bear type dogs have a fast metabolism. They get sick more often; if you feel unwell, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Mini varieties are not recommended for breeding. They are weak and painful.

How to buy a puppy

It is difficult to determine from Pomeranian puppies what they will be like when they grow up. Breed characteristics such as a fox or bear face or color appear only by 4 months. Although coat color may change after shedding, it is recommended to buy a puppy after 4 months.

To do this, you need to choose a good nursery or a responsible breeder. Due to the popularity of the mini varieties, these dogs are sometimes bred without paying attention to health and compliance with the standard.

A purebred Pomeranian cannot be cheap. In Moscow, the price of a puppy starts from 30 thousand rubles. If a Pomeranian is offered inexpensively, you need to be wary: either he is undocumented or has developmental defects. Without a pedigree, such a dog can be bought for 15-30 thousand. You just need to study the reputation of the breeder and the living conditions of the animals.

When choosing a pet, it is recommended to watch the babies, pick them up and examine them. A healthy puppy should have:

The photographs show what Spitz puppies should look like:

Pomeranian puppy

Pomeranian puppies

Another interesting video will help you form a final impression about these dogs:

The Pomeranian is an amazing dog with an unusual appearance and luxurious coat. But this pet is not suitable for everyone. It is not advisable to get one for those who do not have time to walk the dog, play with it, or pay attention to it. But this cheerful, cute dog is able to brighten up loneliness and keep a child or an elderly person company. He will become a devoted friend and vigilant protector.


Papillon girl or boy | DecorDog

The Papillon is one of the varieties of the decorative Papillon breed. A distinctive feature of the species is its erect ears. The translation of the name from French means “butterfly”. This name was given to the breed because of its ears, decorated with long hair and their appearance reminiscent of the wings of some exotic butterfly.

We can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Papillon (Continental Toy Spaniel) for hours. But today we’ll talk about which Papillon puppy to take into your home: a male or a female. Each gender has both positive and negative qualities that allow you to decide how to choose a small Papillon.

Pros of Papillon boys

  • Boys do not experience heat, childbirth, or false pregnancies;
  • Cables do not require binding. They can live their whole lives without this process;
  • The cost of males is significantly lower.

Now the cons

  • Papillon males constantly mark in the apartment, and it is almost impossible to wean them off. The reason for this is that a large apartment is his territory, and it is customary for dogs to mark it;
  • Papillon boys are very sensitive to the smell of a bitch in heat. This is an instinct, and on a street walk, if you smell this smell, your dog will simply run towards it. It is clear that in this case he will not listen to your orders;
  • Males in most cases have a negative attitude towards children. For them, they are simply the owner’s property, which must be protected and that’s all;
  • You need to walk with them more time, since his “duty” is to mark each column.

Pros of Papillon girls

  • Papillon girls are distinguished by greater obedience and affection for the owner;
  • There are no marks around the apartment, the girls simply don’t need them;
  • Excellent nannies and friends for your children;
  • Walking with bitches is faster. This is very convenient if you are short of time. The Papillon bitch does her business a couple of times, and that’s it, she can go home.

Now about the cons

  • Once every six months, bitches of this breed come into heat, and then they need a male. And at this time the dog becomes disobedient and nervous;
  • A bitch must bear and give birth to puppies at least once in her life. Otherwise, her health will deteriorate;
  • If there was no mating during estrus, then she often experiences a false pregnancy. It's okay if it goes away on its own. Otherwise, sometimes you have to resort to the help of a veterinarian;
  • The cost of females is significantly higher than that of males. Especially if the dog belongs to the elite and is expected to produce puppies. And puppies mean profit. Such Papillon girls cost at least 25-30 thousand rubles. Whereas the cost of a male dog with the same pedigree rarely exceeds the same amount.

Now, taking into account all the above facts, choosing a Papillon puppy will be easier.

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History of the breed

These small dogs have been living next to humans for more than 3,000 years. The first images and mentions of them in history date back to the 6th century BC. e. - at that time they were getting divorced in China and living in the palaces of the nobility. The Chinese saw hieroglyphs in the folds on the foreheads of these dogs, considering this an imperial sign. Therefore, they often lived better than ordinary people: they had their own rooms and servants. Ancient pictures show that they were carried on stretchers to prevent overwork.

In China, these dogs were described as square, low, with a short muzzle, they were short-haired, unlike the long-haired ancestors of the Pekingese. Pugs were highly valued and expensive. They appeared in Europe in the 16th century and rich people also began to keep them. Many pictures of noble ladies holding such a pet on their laps have survived to this day. It was believed that they loved pug dogs because of their wrinkled face, which made them look like monkeys.

Gradually the breed spread to Europe. Pugs were first bred in Holland, then they were brought to Great Britain, France and other countries. But in the 18th century they became no longer so popular; they were started by merchants, merchants and even ordinary people. Therefore, pugs were in danger of degeneration. When, in the second half of the 19th century, Queen Victoria wanted to have this cute pet, she could not find a purebred puppy, so these dogs were again imported from China.

They began to be bred in Great Britain, and by the end of the 19th century the first mops club appeared. At the same time, a breed standard was created. Unlike Chinese dogs, European dogs have become short-legged, powerful, with a short nose, and larger in size.

These dogs came to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th century. But because of the revolution and two wars, no one dealt with them. Only in the 80s of the 20th century were the first pugs from the GDR brought to Moscow. After this, their breeding began. Over the past few years, the pug has been one of the most popular decorative breeds all over the world.

You can watch the video in more detail about the pug breed:

I choose a dog. Recommend: pug or spitz? / Questions

Pug: Looks like a distinctly square, stocky dog. It concentrates the proportionality of shapes, compact format and highly developed muscles. Character: Charming, noble, intelligent. Temperament Cheerful, balanced, lively and cheerful. Head The head is large, massive, round, but not “apple-shaped”, without clearly defined skull bones. The muzzle is short, blunt, square, not snub-nosed. Wrinkles are large and deep. The eyes are dark in color, very large, round, with a soft questioning expression, very shiny, and when excited, full of fire. Ears: Thin, small, soft, like black velvet. There are two types: “rose” and “button” - preference is given to the latter. Mouth A hearty snack. The incisors of the wide lower jaw are always in a straight line. A distorted mouth, protruding tongue, and visible teeth are extremely undesirable. Neck: Slightly arched, crest-like, strong, thick, of sufficient length to carry the head proudly. Forelegs: Legs are very strong, straight, of moderate length, mutually parallel, well set under the gobika. Body: Short and powerful, wide in the chest, with well-defined ribs. The topline is straight. Hindquarters: Legs are strong, straight, mutually parallel and solid, of moderate length with well-defined angles. The paws are not as long as those of a hare, and not as round as those of a copy. Toes well separated, claws black. The tail is curled as tightly as possible. Double curl is preferable. Movement When viewed, the forelegs rise and fall, being strictly under the shoulder. The paws are directed straight, turning neither in nor out. When viewed from behind, the picture is similar. The forelimbs move with a good strong swing, the hind limbs with a strong push. The gait is characterized by light rolling movements /Mops Poll/. The coat is thin, short, soft and shiny. Not long, not hard and not fluffy. Color Beige / fawn /, silver / Silver fawn /, apricot / apricot /, black / black /. With any color there should be a clear contrast between the base color and the mask. The markings are clearly defined: mask, ears, moles on the cheeks, "diamond" on the forehead, "strap" on the back and claws. Size Ideal weight 6.5-8.5 kg. Defects Any deviations from the above points shall be regarded as defects and the seriousness with which they shall be taken into account shall be in strict accordance with the degree of deviation. Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

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Pug! Pug is much better! I can prove this by giving pros and cons. The pug breed originated in ancient China. There, individuals of this breed were deified, considering them dogs that brought happiness and joy. It appeared in Europe in the 1800s, in Russia since the 1970s. Greater demand and popularity in Russia began in the 1990s. A dog is not cheap. White pug puppies from 8,000 to 20,000, black pug puppies from 5,000 to 14,000. (it is better to buy puppies). Black Pugs are more aggressive and disobedient. White pugs do not pose any aggression or threat. The pug eats everything. Do not spoil him with sweets, otherwise an allergy may appear. Dry food may cause excessive gas emission. And all the time. The most normal food for pugs is the heads of broiler chickens (give 3-6 heads), the necks of broiler chickens (5-8 pieces), chicken legs (1-3 pieces). Pugs are very difficult to train, sometimes impossible. At first, he will pester all living creatures and bark at any noise. Then you need to give him a kick (but don’t hit him too hard, otherwise it will be bad), and say the command “ugh!” " or "You can't! ". The concept of an owner comes to a pug with experience. As for the “grunting” - it’s absolutely true. Although the pug is short-haired, it has a kind of “undercoat” that helps it not freeze at temperatures not lower than -15. But it’s better to buy or make original clothes for the winter. The Spitz does not have such an undercoat, although the hair is long. It is better to buy pugs in clubs. It will cost more, but it's worth it. If you buy some kind of crossbreed, then such a dog will not bring you any happiness. Well, that's it. I can’t say much about Spitz dogs; I’ve never dealt with this breed. And I will not. Their barking is not like a dog's, most likely some kind of squeaking. They shed often. They cannot clean the genital tract on their own (unlike pugs) - you will have to go to the veterinarian every few months. Spitz love only their owner, and not all individuals. Pugs love everyone. Original Spitz dogs are very expensive, from 15,000 to 50,000, crossbreeds are cheaper (but do you need them?) Now I’ve said it all. Now everything depends on you.

Small Spitz (German)

I like pugs better, they are funny, but Spitz seem to me somehow childish.

Spitz are cuter)) ) such poufs with paws)) ) and pugs are slobbery, I don’t like them, or bulldogs, or Shar-Peis ((((

Description of the breed

The Pug dog is an ideal companion and one of the few breeds that are suitable for keeping in an apartment. They are owned by older people, families with children, because such pets have a calm, balanced character. They live well next to both children and old people, and get along with other pets. Their cheerful, playful nature and funny face attract many. But representatives of the pug breed are quite lazy, so they are more suitable for inactive owners.

Pugs have a very recognizable appearance. This is a squat dog with an almost square body and a flattened muzzle with an abundance of folds. She has wide-set, round, intelligent eyes and a distinctive gait. Despite the apparent clumsiness of the dog, it is springy and elegant. When moving, the back of the body rolls and the forelimbs push off.

Before you decide to get a pug dog, you should study its characteristics and know its advantages and disadvantages.

Activityin the house
AggressivenessNot aggressive at all, calm
FriendlinessVery friendly, sociable, gets along with everyone
Attitude towards the childLoves children, plays with them, treats them with care
IntelligenceSmart, inquisitive, quick-witted, with a good memory
TrainingCan easily understand simple commands, but can be stubborn
Attitude towards lonelinessCannot stand it, becomes very attached to the owner, follows him everywhere
Security qualitiesShort, friendly to strangers
SheddingFrequent, causes allergic reactions
HealthProne to obesity, eye diseases, breathing problems
CareEasy to use, suitable for beginners
How long should you walk?Less than an hour a day
Conditions of detentionAny, adapts to life even in a small apartment
Lifespan10-15 years


Many people find the appearance of pugs repulsive due to their flattened muzzle and abundance of folds. But in reality they are very cute, which can be seen even in the photo. In addition, they have many advantages:


But still, the pug is not an ideal breed; it has disadvantages:

To decide whether to get a pug dog, you can watch the video:

Comparison of dog breeds - Papillon

This service is a comparison of dog breeds according to such characteristics and parameters as: activity, sociability, dominance, aggressiveness and others. If you are wondering which breed is better to choose for your family, a service dog or a companion dog. It is possible to compare two breeds from the same group with similar characteristics. For example, which dog is better for a family with children? For example, let’s compare the Affen Pinscher and Bichon Frize breeds and look at the tolerance for children column, which shows that tolerance for children under 4 years of age is 3.5 in both breeds , and for children over 4 years old the Bichon Frize is higher than the Affen Pinscher, so we see that the Bichon Frize is more preferable for a family. It is also worth considering that the higher the number in the characteristic, the stronger the specified property.

To compare breeds, select the breeds you need from the drop-down lists.

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Select breedAustralian ShepherdAustralian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler)Australian TerrierAkita InuAlaskan MalamuteAmerican Eskimo DogAmerican Cocker SpanielAmerican Staffordshire TerrierAmerican FoxhoundAnatolian Karabash (Anatolian Cattle Dog)English BulldogEnglish Cocker SpanielEnglish Ma StiffEnglish PointerEnglish SetterEnglish Springer SpanielEnglish Toy TerrierDogue Argentino Bouvier des Ardenne (Bouvier des Flanders)Afghan (Afghan) Greyhound)Affen PinscherBasenjiBasset HoundBedlington TerrierBelgian Shepherd GroenendaelBelgian Shepherd LaekenoisBelgian Shepherd MalinoisBelgian Shepherd TervurenBernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Mountain Shepherd Dog)BeagleBichon FrizeBloodhoundBobtail (Old English Cattle Dog) Charka)Boykin SpanielBolognese (Bolognese Bichon)Great Pyrenees (Pyrenees Mountain Dog)Great Swiss Mountain Shepherd dogBorder CollieBorder TerrierDogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)Bearded CollieBoston TerrierBreton EpagnoleBriardBrussels GriffonBull MastiffBull TerrierWeimaranerWelsh Corgi CardiganWelsh Corgi PembrokeWelsh Springer SpanielHungarian KuvaszWest Highland White -Terrier Vizsla Hungarian Shorthair Havanese Bichon (Havanese) Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever) Greyhound (English Greyhound) Dalmatian Dandie Dinmont Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Deerhound (Scottish Deerhound) Doberman (Doberman Pinscher) Wirehaired Griffon Pointer (Griffon Cortals) Ibizan Hound Irish Water Spaniel Irish Wolfhound Irish Red and Piebald Setter Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Withan Terrier)Irish TerrierYorkshire TerrierCavalier King Charles SpanielCaucasian Shepherd DogCanne Corso (Corsican Dog)Keeshond (Dutch Wolf Spitz)Cairn TerrierKerry Blue TerrierKing Charles SpanielChinese Crested DogChinese Shar-PeiClumber SpanielCollie LonghairComondorLabrador Retri Italian Greyhound (Italian Greyhound) Levchen (Lion Dog) Lakeland -TerrierLeonbergerLhasa ApsoSmall Vendeen Basset GriffonMaltese (Maltese Bichon)Manchester TerrierMastino NapolitanoMittelschnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)PugGerman ShepherdGerman BoxerGreat DaneGerman Drahthaar (German Wirehaired Pointer)German Shorthaired Pointer (German Shorthaired Pointer) short-haired pointer)Norwegian ElkhoundNorwich TerrierNewfoundlandPapillonPekingesePomeranian (Pomeranian Spitz)Portuguese Water DogStraight-haired RetrieverLarge PoodleMiniature PoodlePuliRisenschnauzer ( Giant Schnauzer Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Russian Greyhound Russian Black Terrier Saluki (Persian Greyhound) Samoyed (Samoyed Husky) St. Bernard Setter Gordon (Scottish Setter) Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) Siberian Husky Sealyham Terrier Silky Terrier (Australian Silky Terrier) )Skye TerrierScottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier )Staffordshire Bull TerrierSussex Spaniel Dachshund Standard Smooth-hairedTibetan SpanielTibetan TerrierToy PoodleTosa Inu (Japanese Fighting Dog)WhippetPharaoh HoundField SpanielFinnish SpitzFox Terrier SmoothFox Terrier WirehairFrench BulldogCanaan DogHovawartZwergpinscher (Miniature Pinscher) Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer) Chow Chow Black and Tan Coonhound (American Coonhound) Chesapeake Bay- RetrieverChihuahua ShorthairSheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)Shih TzuSchipperkeAiredale TerrierJapanese ChinSelect breedAustralian ShepherdAustralian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler)Australian TerrierAkita InuAlaskan MalamuteAmerican Eskimo DogAmerican Cocker SpanielAmerican Staffordshire TerrierAmerican FoxhoundAnatolian Karabash (Anatolian Cattle Dog)English BulldogEnglish Cocker SpanielEnglish Ma StiffEnglish PointerEnglish SetterEnglish Springer SpanielEnglish Toy TerrierDogue Argentino Bouvier des Ardenne (Bouvier des Flanders)Afghan (Afghan) Greyhound)Affen PinscherBasenjiBasset HoundBedlington TerrierBelgian Shepherd GroenendaelBelgian Shepherd LaekenoisBelgian Shepherd MalinoisBelgian Shepherd TervurenBernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Mountain Shepherd Dog)BeagleBichon FrizeBloodhoundBobtail (Old English Cattle Dog) Charka)Boykin SpanielBolognese (Bolognese Bichon)Great Pyrenees (Pyrenees Mountain Dog)Great Swiss Mountain Shepherd dogBorder CollieBorder TerrierDogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)Bearded CollieBoston TerrierBreton EpagnoleBriardBrussels GriffonBull MastiffBull TerrierWeimaranerWelsh Corgi CardiganWelsh Corgi PembrokeWelsh Springer SpanielHungarian KuvaszWest Highland White -Terrier Vizsla Hungarian Shorthair Havanese Bichon (Havanese) Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever) Greyhound (English Greyhound) Dalmatian Dandie Dinmont Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Deerhound (Scottish Deerhound) Doberman (Doberman Pinscher) Wirehaired Griffon Pointer (Griffon Cortals) Ibizan Hound Irish Water Spaniel Irish Wolfhound Irish Red and Piebald Setter Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Withan Terrier)Irish TerrierYorkshire TerrierCavalier King Charles SpanielCaucasian Shepherd DogCanne Corso (Corsican Dog)Keeshond (Dutch Wolf Spitz)Cairn TerrierKerry Blue TerrierKing Charles SpanielChinese Crested DogChinese Shar-PeiClumber SpanielCollie LonghairComondorLabrador Retri Italian Greyhound (Italian Greyhound) Levchen (Lion Dog) Lakeland -TerrierLeonbergerLhasa ApsoSmall Vendeen Basset GriffonMaltese (Maltese Bichon)Manchester TerrierMastino NapolitanoMittelschnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)PugGerman ShepherdGerman BoxerGreat DaneGerman Drahthaar (German Wirehaired Pointer)German Shorthaired Pointer (German Shorthaired Pointer) short-haired pointer)Norwegian ElkhoundNorwich TerrierNewfoundlandPapillonPekingesePomeranian (Pomeranian Spitz)Portuguese Water DogStraight-haired RetrieverLarge PoodleMiniature PoodlePuliRisenschnauzer ( Giant Schnauzer Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Russian Greyhound Russian Black Terrier Saluki (Persian Greyhound) Samoyed (Samoyed Husky) St. Bernard Setter Gordon (Scottish Setter) Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) Siberian Husky Sealyham Terrier Silky Terrier (Australian Silky Terrier) )Skye TerrierScottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier )Staffordshire Bull TerrierSussex Spaniel Dachshund Standard Smooth-hairedTibetan SpanielTibetan TerrierToy PoodleTosa Inu (Japanese Fighting Dog)WhippetPharaoh HoundField SpanielFinnish SpitzFox Terrier SmoothFox Terrier WirehairFrench BulldogCanaan DogHovawartZwergpinscher (Miniature Pinscher) Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer) Chow Chow Black and Tan Coonhound (American Coonhound) Chesapeake Bay- RetrieverChihuahua ShorthairSheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)Shih TzuSchipperkeAiredale TerrierJapanese Chin
Activityin the house1.8
on the street2.7
Dominancein family1.5
over dogs1
Defending your territoryfrom people1
from dogs1
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers3
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers3
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family2.5
to strangers3.8
to the dogs3
to cats2
Family behaviorsoothability4.8
demand for affection5
excessive barking2
behavioral breakdowns1.8
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.7
over 4 years old4.8
Office usewatchman1.2

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Pugs, according to the standard, belong to the decorative and companion breeds. They are classified as small molossoids; among small dogs they are closest to mastiffs. The fact that they have a powerful physique can be seen from any photograph.

Pugs sizes

From the photo of the pug you can tell that this is a small dog. The female’s height is 25-30 cm, weight – up to 8 kg. Males are 30-35 cm tall and can weigh from 6 to 10 kg.

Color options

The most common colors of pugs are beige, apricot, and platinum. The first pugs in Europe were exactly like this. And until the end of the 19th century, other colors were not recognized, and the black color was considered a defect and such puppies were destroyed. Nowadays the black pug is becoming more and more popular.

Light colored dogs should have different patterns and markings. Most often this is a black mask on the face and ears, but there may be dots on the forehead or cheeks, a stripe along the back, and darker claws. Pure white color is a breed defect.


Pugs have short, shiny and smooth fur. It may be a little shorter on the muzzle. The coat is not hard, but not fluffy, and lies tightly to the skin. They shed twice a year, which is why many people experience allergies.


Pug dogs have a large, round head. In front it is covered with folds, which are a characteristic feature of this breed and form a special symmetrical pattern. But they are located mainly on the forehead, and do not hang down on the sides of the muzzle.

Pug ears are small and triangular. Previously, they were docked, but since the end of the 19th century this has been abandoned. Therefore, the ears can either hang down, covering the auricle, or open it a little.


A characteristic feature of pug dogs is their short, slightly flattened muzzle, similar to a bulldog. But they only have a small undershot; their teeth and tongue are not visible. The lower jaw is wide and straight.

The nose is not turned up, the nostrils are large. The bridge of the nose is short, straight, covered with a fold, and the nose is always black. The nasal passages are not crooked, so breathing problems are less common than in bulldogs.

When looking at the dog from the front, the muzzle should be flat and wide. It should not be upturned or down. Hanging folds and protruding lower jaw are unacceptable.

The pug's eyes are round, large, widely spaced, and located in line with the nose. They should not be light or too convex. They are characterized by a meaningful expression that changes depending on the situation. Looking at the photo, you can always understand what mood the dog is in. They can be sad, cheerful, mischievous or wise.


The Pug is a small but balanced dog. The body is muscular, stocky, compact. It should not be too thin or, on the contrary, thick. The dog's height should be approximately equal to its length. The skin is elastic and gathers into small folds.

The neck is thick, powerful, slightly curved with a pronounced scruff. The chest is quite wide. The back is straight and muscular.

Pugs have a short tail, curved into a ring. He is set high, so he almost lies on his back. According to the standard, a double curl of the tail is desirable.


Limbs are straight and strong. They are parallel, located directly under the body. The feet are small and the toes are well separated. The gait is confident and springy. Joints with clearly defined angles.


When breeding pug dogs, they try to preserve the breed characteristics. But now there are three varieties:


Some puppies are born with defects that do not meet the standard. Such dogs are not allowed for breeding and are considered a waste. Some of the defects do not affect the behavior and health of the dog. Therefore, she can still become a good friend to a person who does not care about documents. What deficiencies will not give you a pedigree:

I choose a dog. Recommend: pug or spitz? / Questions

Pug: Looks like a distinctly square, stocky dog. It concentrates the proportionality of shapes, compact format and highly developed muscles. Character: Charming, noble, intelligent. Temperament Cheerful, balanced, lively and cheerful. Head The head is large, massive, round, but not “apple-shaped”, without clearly defined skull bones. The muzzle is short, blunt, square, not snub-nosed. Wrinkles are large and deep. The eyes are dark in color, very large, round, with a soft questioning expression, very shiny, and when excited, full of fire. Ears: Thin, small, soft, like black velvet. There are two types: “rose” and “button” - preference is given to the latter. Mouth A hearty snack. The incisors of the wide lower jaw are always in a straight line. A distorted mouth, protruding tongue, and visible teeth are extremely undesirable. Neck: Slightly arched, crest-like, strong, thick, of sufficient length to carry the head proudly. Forelegs: Legs are very strong, straight, of moderate length, mutually parallel, well set under the gobika. Body: Short and powerful, wide in the chest, with well-defined ribs. The topline is straight. Hindquarters: Legs are strong, straight, mutually parallel and solid, of moderate length with well-defined angles. The paws are not as long as those of a hare, and not as round as those of a copy. Toes well separated, claws black. The tail is curled as tightly as possible. Double curl is preferable. Movement When viewed, the forelegs rise and fall, being strictly under the shoulder. The paws are directed straight, turning neither in nor out. When viewed from behind, the picture is similar. The forelimbs move with a good strong swing, the hind limbs with a strong push. The gait is characterized by light rolling movements /Mops Poll/. The coat is thin, short, soft and shiny. Not long, not hard and not fluffy. Color Beige / fawn /, silver / Silver fawn /, apricot / apricot /, black / black /. With any color there should be a clear contrast between the base color and the mask. The markings are clearly defined: mask, ears, moles on the cheeks, "diamond" on the forehead, "strap" on the back and claws. Size Ideal weight 6.5-8.5 kg. Defects Any deviations from the above points shall be regarded as defects and the seriousness with which they shall be taken into account shall be in strict accordance with the degree of deviation. Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.


The main character traits of pugs are friendliness and calmness. These cute dogs are unobtrusive and balanced. Most of the time they just sleep. They love to do this next to their owner on the couch.

But only adult dogs are lazy, and even then, they are always ready to play. Pug puppies are energetic and playful. They are cheerful, active, chasing leaves or snowflakes. Up to 2-3 years old, pugs love to frolic. But gradually they become more calm and restrained.

They are affectionate and loyal, they get very bored without their owner, so it is not advisable to leave one pet for a long time. These dogs are friendly with all family members. Warm feelings are shown by caressing and wagging the tail, even towards guests and strangers. This can lead to problems, so you immediately need to teach the dog not to obey strangers and not to take food from their hands.

The pug is a good companion for people of any age. He is able to amuse with his mischievous antics and funny facial expressions, and brighten up the loneliness of an elderly person. They are bad guards, but still the pet will always warn the owner about the arrival of a guest with his barking. And if someone threatens family members, he will bravely rush to defense.

One of the characteristics of the breed is that these dogs love children. The pug will become a devoted friend and nanny for the child, accompany him everywhere and tolerate his pranks. But it is worth keeping an eye on their play so that the baby does not injure the pet.

Another characteristic of the Pug breed is its stubbornness and perseverance. They are smart and quick-witted, so they easily show their owner what they want. For this same reason, they can be difficult to train, especially as adults. This dog may refuse to follow a command if it is offended, tired or believes that it does not need it.

Who is this survey for:

Which dwarf dog do you like, a pug or a mini spitz? Toy dogs, or dwarf dogs, are small dogs, about the size of an average cat, maybe a little larger or a little smaller. But a dog still remains a dog, despite its size, such a dog is still wary of strangers, barks, plays, and guards to the best of its ability. In general, dogs of dwarf breeds behave quite like dogs. Among the dwarf dog breeds, there are also those that were bred for hunting, such as dachshunds, but in general, the first association with the phrase “dwarf dogs” is a small dog that lives with people, which is often carried with them in their arms. By the way, cats will not sit on your hands for a long time. To date, a considerable number of different breeds of indoor decorative dogs have been bred; dwarf dog breeds, although they can make some people smile, are no longer a novelty. This survey is dedicated to two breeds: the pug and the mini spitz.

The Pug is a breed of dwarf dog. The breed was bred a long time ago in China. Pugs came to Europe around the middle of the 16th century, and were immediately loved by noble people, including royal families (in China, pugs were also popular mainly among the nobility). Externally, a pug can be described as follows - short smooth hair, cheerful disposition, short muzzle with wrinkles, similar to the muzzle of a bulldog, only much smaller, jaw like a bulldog with a bite, short neck, weight about 7 kilograms. Pug dogs have a perky, cheerful disposition; when properly raised, they almost never act out, but at the same time remain playful. Pugs have a number of diseases that are unique to this breed, so it is strongly recommended to visit a veterinarian and a specialist in this breed on time. Information can also be obtained on specialized websites, for example Hidogs.ru.

Mini Spitz

Another name for the breed is Pomeranian Spitz, German Spitz, Dwarf Spitz (sometimes these breeds are separated, as there are significant differences).
This is a decorative dwarf dog breed, bred in Germany in the province of Pomerania, hence the name of the breed. Like most representatives of small dog breeds, mini Spitz dogs were loved by noble people, for example, Queen Victoria of England had a favorite dog of this breed. Externally, Spitz dogs are characterized by several characteristics: small size, soft fur, elongated muzzle, and can be of a fox or bear type (depending on the type of breed). The Spitz has a lively character. This is a nimble dog, playful and not at all angry. Of course, she will bark at strangers (this is a dog, after all). Like most dogs, Spitz dogs require proper upbringing and training, otherwise they will be disobedient and maybe even harmful. We must also mention that all varieties of this breed love to play. Choosing a dog is a responsible and not always easy matter. And here the main thing is not to be captured by the momentary “I want!” or “Oh, how lovely! You need to buy one for yourself,” and calmly and thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your capabilities, and take into account the wishes of all family members.

  • Can you take responsibility for a living creature that only looks like a funny soft toy?
  • Do you have enough strength and opportunity to pay daily attention to your ward for 12-16 years? Feed, walk, comb, and, if necessary, drop everything and rush with him to the veterinarian.
  • Can you forgive him for ruined imported shoes or a puddle right on your bed?
  • Can you financially support a dog? Good nutrition, vaccinations, dog cosmetics, veterinarian and groomer services - all this costs money.

If difficulties do not frighten you or seem insignificant against the backdrop of the enormous love and devotion that you expect to receive in return, then it’s time to start choosing a suitable breed.

Conditions of detention

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a breed of a small dog is the conditions in which the pet will live. Namely, the size of the apartment (house), whether there is a suitable place for walking dogs near the house, how often you can walk it and, finally, how often you are at home.

As for living conditions, even the smallest apartment or room in a communal apartment will not be an obstacle to purchasing a miniature dog. In fact, all small breeds were bred for such conditions.

The next point is the pet’s toilet. If you do not plan to take your baby for walks every day, then immediately forget about buying miniature schnauzers and miniature pinschers. A litter tray would not be a very good idea for a pug or a Pekingese either. And in general, it is better for you to focus on breeds whose weight does not exceed 4-5 kg. For example, Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Toy Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Papillon, Pomeranian or Griffon.

It should also be remembered that not all dogs tolerate long-term absence of the owner equally calmly. Therefore, for those who disappear all day at work, we can recommend purchasing a Papillon, Miniature Schnauzer or Shih Tzu. A pug, a Pekingese and a Chinese Crested will also be waiting for you quite calmly. But it’s better to abandon the idea of ​​getting a toy terrier or spitz right away. The fact is that representatives of these breeds often tend to express their longing for their owner by incessant barking, which your neighbors probably won’t like. Also, do not forget that a small puppy of any breed should not be left alone for more than 4-5 hours. This is due, first of all, to his feeding regime.

There are different owners

The biggest mistake that new owners usually make is choosing the breed of their future pet solely based on its appearance. Alas, no matter how adorable Pomeranian puppies are, not every owner is ready to withstand the daily emotional “conversations” of this cutie, as well as spend 4-5 hours every weekend bathing and combing him. Therefore, our main advice is to look not at appearance, but at the character and comfort of the breed and compare them with your habits and lifestyle.

Looking for a friend to “watch” TV shows together and take leisurely walks through the park in good weather? – Papillon, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Biewer Yorkie and Chihuahua are ideal for you. Do you want a dog that is cheerful, but fairly balanced? – Take a closer look at the Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Pug and Miniature Schnauzer.

Are you planning to take your baby with you everywhere? – look for your ideal friend among the smallest and most inquisitive Yorkies, Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas. The miniature schnauzer, griffon and Chinese crested dog will also be an excellent companion for the traveler.

Do you adore the violent manifestation of dog emotions, will you enjoy playing and walking with your dog? – Then you have no special restrictions in choosing a breed. Any dog ​​will be happy to have such an owner, especially emotional Spitz dogs, Yorkshire terriers, toy dogs and griffons. Well, we recommend that sports owners opt for a miniature pinscher or a miniature schnauzer. Although the Yorkshire Terrier will be happy to accompany you on your morning jog.

An important point will be your attitude towards wool in the house. And if your plans do not include daily cleaning of furniture and carpets, you should pay attention to such breeds as Yorkie, Miniature Schnauzer, Griffon, Toy Terrier (both smooth and longhaired) and Chinese Crested Hairless. And don’t let the short hair of pugs and miniature pinschers fool you. There are no less problems with her molting than with the thick coat of a Pekingese.

Dog for a family with children

Children and dogs almost always quickly find a common language and a lot of joint activities. But this does not mean that any breed will fit well into a family with children. If your goal is to buy a family dog, then I advise you to opt for a Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Chinese Crested or Pug. They are all friendly and playful and will get along well with everyone in the family.

If one of the adult household members expressed a desire to buy a dog and he will become its main owner, then the choice of breed is made based on his personal qualities and preferences. However, it is important to remember that children will still interact with the animal and if they are very small (under 5 years old), then you should not purchase pets of mini and super-mini size, as well as Pekingese. The latter are not particularly fond of children.

A child can be a responsible and full-fledged owner of a small dog from about 12-14 years of age. You can buy him almost any breed, but we still do not recommend pets with very difficult coat care (Shih Tzu, Chinese Powder Puff), as well as wayward and proud Pekingese. Well, it’s better for a teenage boy to buy a larger pet, but not from a hunting breed.

Best friend for an older person

Who else but a devoted four-legged friend can fill the life of an elderly couple or a lonely pensioner with bright colors? Often it is dogs that prevent grandparents from registering themselves as old people ahead of time, forcing them to lead an active lifestyle and forget about many age-related diseases. But who are we usually used to seeing next to older people? – Well-fed and slightly clumsy Pekingese, pugs or just miniature mongrels. Well, these breeds, plus the Papillon and Chihuahua, are really optimal for people over 65. But we advise young retirees to pay attention to other dogs.

  • Yorkies and toy terriers are easy to care for, but loving and active. They will certainly make the owner move a little more. But the opportunity to stay at home with the dog in bad weather or during illness is an absolute plus for a lonely, elderly owner.
  • The Chinese Crested Hairless will delight the owner of any age with its lack of fur in the apartment, and will also charm with its sociability and playfulness. Well, regular walks with her will have a great effect on your health.
  • Griffon will charm you with its exoticism and absolute devotion. And the fact that the owner no longer goes to work and will constantly be with him will be appreciated by the griffin like no other. Add to this the small size, lack of shedding and very easy-to-care coat - we get an excellent dog option for an older person.
  • Shih Tzu is an ideal breed for any age. She will be equally happy to lie on the sofa with you, “talk,” offer you a barrel for a pleasant massage with a comb, and go for a walk. If, as you get older, it becomes difficult for you to care for her luxurious coat, no problem! Trimmed Shih Tzus look no less charming and beautiful.
  • The toy poodle is beautiful, elegant and often very popular with middle-aged and older ladies. In addition, representatives of this breed are unusually intelligent. And given the fact that older people are usually not inclined to go into the intricacies of training, poodles become just a godsend, because... They grasp everything simply on the fly. Another advantage is the absence of seasonal shedding and dog smell. However, its owner must have funds for regular haircuts for the pet and good cosmetics for dogs.

And I would also like to dwell on one delicate, but important point. If you decide to give a dog to your parents or grandparents, then be prepared for the fact that you may have to take care of it in old age. Also, people over 70 years old should not buy a small puppy. If you really want to, it’s better to take an adult dog. They are often given away for free due to relocation or other circumstances.

Small dogs are not for men?

Alas, people often think in stereotypes and follow public opinion. This is exactly what happened with small breed dogs, which are considered to be exclusively feminine and glamorous. But it doesn’t seem right for a real man to walk a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua. And they don’t look like dogs...

In fact, even the smallest toy terrier is a real dog. With a character and habits in no way inferior to those of a shepherd dog. And the courage and assertiveness of the Shih Tzu may be the envy of other fighting dogs. And fortunately, more and more representatives of the stronger sex understand this and get miniature pets. Moreover, a dog in a family almost always chooses a man as its owner. The exception is complete neglect of the pet by the man himself, cruel treatment of it.

And rest assured that any Pekingese or pug will always prefer a morning walk with the owner to a sweet sleep in the owner’s bed. And how obedient and devoted to their male owners are Yorkies and Toy Terriers! If you want to start training, then after just a couple of lessons you will be convinced that your Papillon or Chihuahua performs everything just as well as service dogs.

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Education and training

Raising a pug should be done from the first days of its appearance in the house. These dogs are easy to teach to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a special litter box. They quickly understand simple commands. Proper upbringing in the first 6 months will make life much easier for the owners later. After all, a pet that is not raised properly will become stubborn and uncontrollable.

But more advanced pug training can be challenging. These dogs are stubborn, smart, and have a developed sense of self-esteem, so it is not permissible to raise your voice or even hit your pet. When training, only encouragement works. The pug quickly understands that a treat awaits him for correctly executed commands. It’s just not recommended to give them often, so as not to require treatment for obesity, it’s better to praise and caress.

Caring for Pugs

For a dog to live longer than 10 years, it needs to be well cared for. This is easy even for inexperienced dog owners. You need to regularly trim your nails, clean your ears and teeth.

Skin folds require special care. Once a week they need to be cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a special lotion. You need to bathe your pet once every 2-3 months. After each walk, wipe or wash the paws, as well as the fur if the dog was without clothes.

The eyes of these dogs are susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, you need to protect them from dust and not allow your pet to run through tall grass. Often, owners have to treat conjunctivitis in their pet with special drops.

Grooming is easy. Only during shedding does it need to be brushed daily to speed it up. The rest of the time, brushing once a week is enough. If the hair falls out, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to find out how long you will have to walk him. It is recommended to take a small pet out 4-5 times a day; an adult animal is taken out 2 times. Try not to walk for a long time in the heat, and in winter, dress your pet in clothes.

Feeding pugs

The owner needs to strictly monitor the diet of these dogs, as they have a good appetite. If you feed pugs incorrectly, they will develop obesity. It is especially important not to give treats and pieces from your table too often. The pug is suitable for both natural food and dry food. The main thing is to determine how many times a day to feed him and in what volume.

A pet is fed 4 times from 3 to 7 months, then up to a year - 3 times, an adult dog eats twice a day. If she is breastfed, the diet should include meat, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. But it is difficult to create a balanced diet from such food, so these dogs are often switched to dry food. It's easier, especially since there are feeding tips on the packaging.

It is recommended to choose super-premium or holistic food for pugs. They contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.


These dogs have several specific diseases. To get rid of some of them, no special treatment is required, only more careful care and proper nutrition.

For more information about keeping pugs and how to care for them, watch the video:

Who is better to choose: Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Papillon or Yorkie???

Since such a question was raised... It’s too early for you to have a dog! When a person wants a comrade, he chooses with his heart. And he’s not asking for advice from the internet.

the first and third ones are easier to care for and less expensive to maintain appearance. look in your wallet.

No one, since the question arose. The breed should be like a shot in the heart - I saw it, fell and died - THIS IS IT, MINE!!!

Not a Chihuahua that's for sure. They are small and nasty. For the same reason, there is no York. The Pomeranian needs grooming and barks too much. That leaves the Papillon. I would turn him on. They are beautiful.


How to buy a puppy

If you decide to purchase a pug puppy, you need to contact a kennel. The cost of a dog there will be higher than from the hands, but there is a guarantee that the pet will be purebred. The price of a pug can be from 15 to 45 thousand rubles. It depends on the color, the pedigree of the parents, and the fame of the nursery.

Before choosing, it is recommended to study photos and reviews of breeders. When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the puppy. He should be healthy, cheerful, active.

The owners of these amazingly charming and playful animals describe them only in positive terms. This pet will become a devoted friend and a constant source of positivity. With proper care and feeding, he will delight all family members for a long time with his positive character and friendliness.


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