Dog food Trapeza: reviews, analysis of composition, disadvantages

Trapeza dog food began to be produced back in 1998. The manufacturer uses domestic raw materials for production. He carefully monitors the quality of the diet and adheres to strict standards. The product recipe was developed by Russian and Danish veterinarians. Initially, this food was for nurseries, but later it became freely available in stores. “Trapeza” is considered a natural, adapted food for Russian dogs.

Briefly about the manufacturer

This is an economy class food produced in the Tver region. The production is Russian-Danish. The ingredients of the food depend on the type of diet. As a rule, the diet contains vitamins B and C. It contains meat, cereal components, bran and protein of plant origin. In Russia, feed undergoes mandatory certification and product quality testing at all stages of production. This diet contains no flavor enhancers, GMOs, preservatives or other harmful additives.

When choosing food, the owner should not select special food. The food contains all the necessary components for a dog’s life and growth. The product contains all the necessary nutrients, the pet’s diet will be balanced. The dog will stay at the same weight and will not gain extra pounds. Therefore, the owner should not worry that the animal will begin to gain weight when switching to the chosen diet. Another advantage of the product is the high content of vitamins in the feed. This helps stimulate your pet's immunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of dog food

Veterinarians and dog owners note that there are many varieties of food available. It is easy to choose based on the characteristics of the animal: age, size, etc. Dogs eat food well. In stores you can find diets suitable for small and large breeds, adults and puppies. Some types of dry food are used for regular feeding of pets with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract.

It is available in stores and Pet Products departments. If for some reason you cannot purchase it there, you can place an order in the online store. Regular consumption of food improves immunity and the dog gets sick less often. At the same time, the cost per pack of the product is much lower than that of foreign analogues. But this manufacturer values ​​​​its business reputation and makes high-quality products, observing the necessary GOST standards.

Despite all the positive qualities of Trapeza food, it also has a number of disadvantages. Consumers say that some ingredients on the label are not very transparent. They believe that the composition of the diet is quite poor, even taking into account the fact that this is economy-class food. The manufacturer does not prescribe the ratio of components. The diets of this company contain a lot of grains, which often provoke allergic reactions. However, it contains little natural meat. It is also not written what meat and bone meal is made from.

This manufacturer does not have a special line of food for animals with various diseases. This is inconvenient if the animal has serious illnesses, because the owner has to switch the dog to a different diet. This menu contains practically no extracts of beneficial plants, vegetables and fruits. The dog receives all the beneficial substances from meat and cereals.

Price and where to buy

You can buy food for dogs in many supermarkets and pet stores, including through online ordering.

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Dry food, packaging 0.4 kg - from 77 rubles;
  2. Dry food, packaging 2.5 kg - from 250 rubles;
  3. Dry food, packaging 10 kg - from 875 rubles;
  4. Canned food, can 750 g - from 98 rub.

Prices shown are current as of early October 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Composition of dry food Meal

If we consider the composition based on the “Meal Junior” diet, we can understand that most of it contains beef, but the manufacturer is not prohibited from including the heart and muscles of the esophagus, fat, blood vessels, and tendons in the product. Poultry meat is written in second place on the label. However, it is not stated exactly what kind of poultry was used in production. Many dogs are allergic to chicken meat.

The manufacturer does not write whether fresh or dehydrated meat was used. The next item is by-products. Their origin and relationship are also unknown. The food contains grains, but the company does not specify how much grain the product contains or what types of crops are used. Next come vegetable and animal fats, vitamins and mineral supplements, the content of which is much lower than meat and grains.

In other diets, cereals are also the main ingredients. Mainly it is wheat. Therefore, some believe that “Meal” is not comfort food for a predator. The food contains meat and meat and bone meal composition, which is prescribed on the website. The company often does not disclose on the label exactly what type of meat was used. This makes it difficult for owners of dogs with allergies to choose.

The owner simply cannot understand what to feed the pet. The main source of fat is corn oil. The diets are enriched with vitamins and microelements. Veterinarians consider this composition to be poor and incomplete for regular animal nutrition. It is low in fiber. Its content is only 5% by weight of the product. But at the same time, the food is natural and does not contain harmful additives.

In wet food, the main component is meat. Slightly less by-products in the feed. To thicken the food, a gelling additive is used. It also contains grains, water and salt. The composition of liquid food is poor, but it does not contain harmful substances or genetically modified products. This means that the manufacturer is not deceiving the consumer and all the ingredients are truly natural.

Dog food line

The company produces dry and liquid food. Dog owners can easily choose the diet they like for any pet. Initially, all food can be divided into food for puppies and adult dogs.


For ages older than a month, “Meal Junior” is suitable. It is recommended to be used until the age of 12 months. The manufacturer claims that this brand can also be used to feed pregnant and lactating dogs. Main food component: beef, chicken. “Junior” contains more microelements and fatty acids. It provides more nutrients for puppies. You can purchase the brand at a price of 220 to 250 rubles per package weighing 2.5 kilograms.

Line for adult dogs

In stores you can find more diets for adult animals.

Dry food

The Bio brand is suitable for any breed. It is easily digestible. This diet contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible. Thanks to its balanced composition, the food has a positive effect on the condition of the dog’s teeth and bone structures.

For service dogs that need to exercise a lot, nutrition is necessary for increased energy expenditure. This food will be the “Pro” diet, which contains a lot of fat and high calorie content. Its main ingredient: pork.

For adult dogs of small breeds, “Mini” is recommended. It can be used for animals weighing up to 15 kilograms. Main ingredients: chicken. It is produced in the form of small granules. They are easy for small dogs to chew on.

For animals that live in the city, you should buy Optimal. Its basis is pork flour. Pets that move a lot and experience prolonged stress need to choose Prima food. This product is high in fat and fiber. By eating it, the dog quickly replenishes the required amount of fat and fiber.

Meal food for large dogs

For large breeds, Maxi food is recommended. It is made in the form of large granules. Medium-sized pets are given the “Active” diet. It contains liver, apple extract and rosemary. The food contains many useful microelements that will quickly compensate for their deficiency after training. One of the new products is “Trio”. It combines three types of meat (turkey, rabbit, beef). This food regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves immune defense.

For large dogs with allergies, “Lamb with Rice” food has been developed. This product is suitable for animals allergic to chicken. A universal food option, sold in large packages (18 kilograms each) and suitable for animals of any breed - “Breed”. The price of all rations is from 170 to 270 rubles per package weighing 2.5 kilograms.

In stores you can find many diets for adult dogs, but for puppies there is only one type of food. But at the same time, the owner will be able to choose food according to different activity levels and the size of the animal. At the same time, wet canned food does not take into account any characteristics of pets and is considered universal.

Wet canned food

In addition to dry granulated food, you can find canned food from. They are packaged in 750 and 970 grams. The main ingredients are three types of meat (chicken, lamb, veal); beef in sauce; mutton; poultry, etc. The price for one jar is from 70 to 95 rubles.

Manufacturer and official website

Trapeza food is produced in Russia. In addition to Trapeza, the manufacturer and official website ( sells Oscar cat and dog food and MonAmi cat food. LLC R-Trade entered the market of prepared animal feed more than 20 years ago.

Let's look at how the manufacturer characterizes its products. The information on the site is quite vague, a lot of “water”, few facts. The manufacturer claims that all food is made from meat products, fresh and of high quality. In addition, the production technology was developed on the recommendations of foreign technologists. Unfortunately, it is not specified which countries and methods are being discussed.

“Trapeza” is dog food produced in the form of granules and canned food. The products are designed to meet the needs of dogs of different ages and sizes, and do not contain dyes or other synthetic additives. In addition, the composition of the food is natural, which eliminates allergic reactions.

The quality of feed from R-Trade LLC is controlled by standard standards. The manufacturer claims that products are checked at every stage of production.

Reviews from specialists and dog owners

Many dog ​​owners say that this food can be purchased at a low price. Dogs do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and stool. People say that Trapeza is much cheaper than its imported counterparts. Animals eat food well and rarely refuse it. Many dog ​​owners are even embarrassed by such a low price. Even after switching from natural food to this food, problems with stool and digestion disappear. The animal practically does not get sick and eats the offered diet well.

Veterinarians believe that feeding economy products is worse than premium brands. They say that the composition of such food is rather meager and poor. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This food is suitable for dogs of any breed. Many brands are universal.

Most owners do not agree with the arguments of experts and claim that the product, although cheap, is of high quality. It contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins necessary for the life and development of a dog. But at the same time, it contains a lot of grains, which often provoke allergic reactions. For this reason, they may not be suitable for every pet. But cases of allergies are not too common.

Animal owners have more questions about the composition of the food, because it contains by-products, meat-and-bone meal and grains. At the same time, the product contains little fiber, vegetables, and fruits. It contains few plant extracts. Since there is little meat in the food, some owners prefer to add a little fresh meat to the diet. You need to add vitamins to your dog's diet. Dog owners and veterinarians like the product's lack of harmful additives and dyes.

At the same time, “Meal” can be fed to puppies from the age of one month to one year. A big disadvantage is the inability to choose food for animals suffering from chronic diseases, such as kidney failure. Conveniently, puppy food can be given to pregnant and lactating bitches.

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Dog food Trapeza - reviews

Since Trapeza food is quite common and very cheap, many dog ​​owners bought it for their pets. Below we have collected some reviews from those who shared their feeding results.

Reviews from veterinarians

It was not possible to find direct reviews from veterinarians. But it is unlikely that a good veterinarian will recommend food with such a low-quality composition.

Customer Reviews

Veronica writes:

I buy it for homeless dogs. The croquettes look like stale bread, because they contain grains and bran in the first place. But I think street dogs are happy with this kind of food. It’s convenient that the food is a large package and not expensive.

Alun writes: ()

My dog ​​eats dry food very rarely, usually in the hot season at the dacha. I prepare her own meat-cereal-vegetable dishes, but there is always a bowl of dried goods and cookies, plus I always buy her some kind of dry food to crunch according to her mood. I recently bought Trapeza Bio dry dog ​​food.

When purchasing, I didn’t really look at the information that was on all sides on the cute packaging. In the first place are cereals, they will go like “crunchies”, in extreme cases I will take them for the village dogs - they eat everything with a bang.

You can only open the package by cutting it with scissors, the smell comes out unappetizing, for me it’s generally kind of musty, which doesn’t disappear quickly, in a bowl, of course, it goes away after a long time. In the future, I have to fold the edge of the package and use a clothespin to prevent dust from getting in there, because this package will have to be stored for a long time, this crispy product does not “go away” very quickly, even very slowly.

Often the dog even starts playing with it - throwing one thing at a time from the bowl and looking at me, and then starts throwing it up - playing with his ball one by one. I cannot recommend this product as a complete food for a domestic dog, but only for entertainment, and if sometimes the dog likes to “crunch” something.

Less picky dogs (living on the street in rural conditions) can buy this food, they will eat it - just give it, that’s why I rate it a three, but I don’t recommend it.

Marina writes:

I bought it for my parents’ dog during their trip to the sea, the dog ate it with pleasure, and the cats also ate it up))

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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